• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,477 Views, 125 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

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Chapter 6: The Ticket Master

Fire Sword put on his new Sheriff Uniform and began walking out to begin his day of rounds. As he did so however, a male pegasus in a mail delivery uniform of his own came in with...

“Letter to Prince… or Sheriff Fire!” the Pegasus said slightly out of breath as he handed the mail to the alicorn.

“Thank you,” Fire said. “You look like you flew a long distance.”

“All the way from Canterlot,” the mail pony said.

Fire reached into his pocket. “Hmm, I appreciate it. Here.”

He handed a few bits to the Pegasus as a tip.

“Thank you,” the stallion said with a bow.

“Go and get some rest before you return to Canterlot,” Fire suggested.

The Pegasus nodded and Fire continued on. He opened the letter with his magic and found it was from his mother. He began reading aloud.

Dear Fire, my beloved son who warms my heart.

Fire chuckled at that.

I have almost finished with having the armor made for your new personal guard. I expect they will be there soon and your home will be finished as well. Also, I plan on sending Twilight Sparkle a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala.

He frowned. “Eh, the Grand Galloping Gala.”

It was the biggest party in Canterlot, yet it was always awful and dreadfully dull. How did they get such good ratings? He was probably going to pass this year. All he’d ever done was stand by his mother’s side and greet the ponies coming in. Though he might feel differently if there was a mare for him to dance with. His mind immediately wandered to Rarity, but he quickly pushed it out as he knew she was already infatuated with Blueblood.

He read ahead.

Please don’t mention anything about how it usually is to her or her friends for fear that she may not attend! I’m hoping that having her and one of her friends come might liven things up.

“Hmm, I suppose that could work,” Fire said. “Might make things interesting.”

I also hope that you might consider coming yourself. Perhaps you can find a lucky mare to bring as a date (wink).

Your Mother Princess Celestia.

Inside were a pair of golden tickets. Fire sighed.

“Well, if that’s what my mom wants,” he said.

He thought about who he might be able to bring besides Rarity. Maybe one of his other friends from Ponyville, or Canterlot. Well, he’d just have to decide, there was still quite a bit of time till the gala. He headed out on his rounds to patrol.

On Sweet Apple Acres, two ponies worked with baskets full of apples on their backs. Though in the case of a certain lavender unicorn, she also had to deal with the addition of a certain baby dragon as well. Spike inspected the apples in the baskets on Twilight’s back hungrily. He looked through the apples, inspecting them and throwing them away thoughtlessly when they didn’t meet his standards.

“Nope, nope,” he said to each one.

“Thank you kindly, Twilight for helping me out,” Applejack said. “I bet Big Mcintosh I could get all these Golden Delicous in the barn by lunch time.”

She then smirked. “If I win, he’s gonna walk down Sternup Street in one of Granny’s girdles!”

“No problem at all,” Twilight replied. “I’m glad the goal is lunch time. All this hard work is making me hungry!”

“I know, right?” Spike said throwing another apple away.

This one landed on Twilight’s head, causing her to glare at him. “Oh really Spike? You’ve been lounging on my back all morning while we worked!”

“Exactly,” the baby dragon said not getting the point. “You guys were taking so long that I missed snack time!”

Twilight’s stomach rumbled. She giggled.

“I guess we better get something to eat.”

“Nope, nope!” Spike said continuing to throw away apples he deemed unworthy until finally. “Aha!”

He pulled out a big red apple that looked to be the best of the bunch.

Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Oh Spike! That looks delicious!” she said as he held out to her as though offering it.

Instead he gobbled it all up instantly.

“Spike!” she exclaimed.

“What?” he asked cluelessly before belching.

From the green fire that flew from his mouth, a scroll materialized. At that moment, a certain fiery haired alicorn arrived on the scene.

“Morning Applejack, Twilight,” Fire said. “Spike.”

“Howdy Fire!” Applejack said. “Looks like you arrived just in time for Twilight to get some mail!”

“Oh, really, I wonder what it’s about?” he asked with what sounded like a hint of sarcasm.

“Well, it’s a letter from Princess Celestia!” Twilight said. “Your mom!”

Spike opened the scroll and cleared his throat before reading the letter in a formal voice, "Here ye, Here ye! Your grand royal highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital of Canterlot on the 21st day of… yadda yadda yadda… cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest!"

Applejack and Twilight gasped. "The Grand Galloping Gala!"

They began to jump around and dance as Spike watched in annoyance before opening his mouth again and burping out two golden tickets that matched the ones from Fire’s letter.

"Look! Two Tickets!" Spike said.

"Wow! Great! I've never been to the Gala, have you Spike?" Twilight asked.

"No! And I plan to keep it that way!” he said. “I don't want any of the girly frilly froo-froo nonsense." Spike replied.

"Aw, come on Spike! A dance would be nice!" Twilight said.

Fire had to agree. If he could actually find a date, he might enjoy it.

"Nice?" Applejack interrupted. "It's a heap good more than just nice. I'd love to go. Land sakes, if I had an apple stand set up, ponies would be chowin' our tasty vittles till the cows came home. Do you have any idea how much business I could drum up for Sweet Apple Acres? Why, with all that money, we could do a heap of fixin' up 'round here. We could replace that saggy old roof, and Big Macintosh could replace that saggy old plow, and Granny Smith could replace that saggy old hip. Why, I'd give my left hind leg to go to that gala."

Twilight smiled and looked at Fire. “Well, I’m sure you must have been there, Fire.”

The prince nodded. “Yeah, to be honest, it wasn’t really that fun. At least not for me.”

He saw their excited expressions lessen, then remembered his mother’s instructions.

“But maybe it will be different this year!” he said. “Things don’t always go the best every year, you know?”

They smiled. Then suddenly something came crashing on top of the two mares while Fire watched in surprise. It was Rainbow Dash.

"Are we talking about the Grand Galloping Gala?" she exclaimed after she landed on them.

"Rainbow Dash! You told me you were too busy to help me harvest apples! What were you busy doing? Spying?" Applejack asked in irritation.

"No!" Rainbow Dash immediately responded. "I was busy… napping. And I just HAPPENED to hear that you have an extra ticket?"

"Yeah but…" Twilight tried to say.

"YESS! This is so awesome! The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every year! I can see it now, everyone will be watching, they have the rivet on the Wonderbolts, but then in would fly… Rainbow Dash! I would draw their attention with my super speedy strot, then I would mesmerize them with my fantastic filly flash, and for my grand finale, the Buccaneer Blaze! The ponies would go wild! The Wonderbolts would insist that my signature moves be added to their team and then welcome me as their newest member! Can’t you see Twilight? This could be my one chance to show my stuff! You got to take me!"

Applejack then pulled back on Rainbow’s tail. “Hold on this one pony pickin minute! I asked for that ticket first!”

“So? That doesn’t mean you own it!” Rainbow countered.

The two ponies faced each other with angry expressions.

“Oh yeah? Well, I challenge you to a hoof wrestle!” Applejack declared. “Winner gets the ticket!”

Fire smirked, this was certainly proving interesting already. The two mares went to a nearby stump and began to wrestle until Twilight broke them up.

“Girls! These are my tickets! I’ll decide who gets it thank you very much!” Twilight said pointing a hoof to her chest. “Whoever has the best reason to go should get the ticket, don’t you think?”

Applejack stepped forward eagerly. “Drumming up business for the farm?”

Rainbow cut in front of her. “A chance to audition for the Wonderbolts!”

“Money to fix Grannies hip!” Applejack cut back in.

“Living the dream!” Rainbow finished.

Twilight hesitated. “Oh my, those were all pretty good reasons, aren’t they?”

Her stomach rumbled. Fire then stepped forward.

“You know, I’m sure my mom would be able to send all of you tickets,” he said. “I could ask her!”

He looked at Spike. “Mind sending one your super quick letters for me?”

Spike looked around. “Uh, we actually don’t have paper and ink right now. Didn’t think we’d need them.”

“Oh,” Fire said.

“I’m not sure that would work out,” Twilight said her ears falling. “I mean the Grand Galloping Gala is one of the biggest parties there is. You really think Princess Celestia will have room for all of us?”

Fire did recall the event being crowded last year.

“I don’t know.”

Twilight’s stomach rumbled again. She giggled. “Well, would you listen to that? I am starving, so I’ll think about it over lunch and get back to you two!”

“Okay,” the two of them said sadly.

Fire approached them. “You know, I have an extra ticket myself!” he said drawing them out. “My mom said I could use it for a date but…”

He was silent after that, sure they would take the hint. They both smiled at him.

“Really?” Rainbow asked. “You’d do that for us?”

“Sure!” Fire said.

“Now hold on, your mom wanted you to give that to a date, right?” Applejack said.

“Well, yeah, but its not exactly required,” Fire said.

“Wouldn’t you want to take Rarity?” Applejack asked. “I’ve noticed you two spending some time together and you seem to well… like one another?”

Fire blushed in embarrassment. “Me and Rarity?” he asked with hesitation.

“Yeah, you two really seem to fancy each other. She kissed you on the cheek TWICE!” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “Of course, she can be a little dramatic every now and then and get carried away. Especially when it comes to famous ponies or royalty.”

Fire sighed. “Well, she actually likes somepony else. My cousin Prince Blueblood.”

His ears drooped. Applejack noticed this and put a hoof to her mouth.

“Well, that’s tough!” she said now putting the hoof on his shoulder. “But come on the only reason she likes him is cause’s a prince. Maybe if you just ask her out, she’ll accept!”

Fire looked at her and shook his head. “Nah, I don’t want to risk her not feeling the same way.”

“She does though!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Has she told you that?” Fire asked.


Their silence was clear.

“Thanks, but I don’t want to take a chance and have her feel confused. It could really upset our friendship if you guys are wrong! Look, I’m perfectly willing to take one of you to the Gala, it doesn’t have to be a date but-“

“No, you should find a wonderful mare to share the night with, your Royal Sheriffness!” Applejack said with a chuckle. “We’ll get our ticket with Twilight.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna go!” Rainbow Dash said flying off.

Applejack noticed she was going in the same direction as Twilight.

“Oh, you better not be trying to steal my ticket!” she said before running off.

“Hey wait up!” Fire said. “You know Applejack, I could still help you out with a little donation to the farm!”

“Thanks Fire but like I said we don’t need charity!” the farm pony said. “Now if you’ll excuse me I gotta catch Rainbow!”

Fire sighed and flew after them, sensing this was going to get out of hoof. He had enjoyed the chaos for a moment back there with the near hoof wrestle but he didn’t want his friends to fight. But by the time he had arrived, Twilight had run into Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as well. All of them were looking at Twilight expectantly. Rainbow had already caught up.

“I couldn’t risk a goody four shoes like you giving that ticket to just anybody!” the Pegasus said.

“Wait just another minute!” Applejack said as she approached.

"Applejack! Were you following me too?" Twilight asked, annoyed.

"No! I was following THIS one!" Applejack said pointing to Rainbow Dash, "To make sure she didn't try any funny business! Still trying to take my ticket!"

"YOUR TICKET?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"But Twilight's taking ME!" Pinkie Pie objected.

Bickering began back and forth, with everypony trying to win the extra ticket.

Fire heard the jumbled words and saw Twilight getting down on her stomach, cracking under all the pressure. His mane began to spark as he felt annoyed.

“ENOUGH!” he called in his royal voice that demanded absolute authority. “This is Twilight’s ticket, and she should decide who she takes!”

"Yeah, Fire is right! I’m the one with the extra ticket and I'll take whoever gets it! Now go on, shoo!" Twilight said waving her hoof.

Every other pony started walking out of the area, muttering to themselves angrily.

"And don't worry! I'll figure this out!" Twilight yelled out to them before looking down. “Somehow.”

Fire sighed and approached her. “Twilight, I really think you should at least try to see if my mother has room for all your friends!”

Twilight looked at him. “You might be right. It would be great if we could all go together and everypony could get what they want! Fluttershy wants to see the animals around Canterlot, Rarity wants to meet Prince Blueblood, she’s convinced she’ll woo him. Funny, I was thinking maybe she liked you!”

Twilight too? That was three mares that thought he and Rarity liked each other! Could it really be true? But then, there was a problem with Fluttershy’s hope.

“Pinkie wants to be in the best party there is!” Twilight continued.

Another problem. Fire clenched his teeth.

Twilight gazed at him. “You okay? You look a little nervous.”

Fire took a breath. “I’m… fine.” Just not sure your… our friends will find the gala to be quite as amazing as they think it is. He refrained from saying that as it was something his mother told him not to.

Twilight’s stomach rumbled again.

“I really need to get some food,” she said. “Care to come?”

Fire looked at the clock nearby. He’d been out on patrol for a few hours already. “I suppose it is lunch time. Alright. I guess you could probably use some support, huh?”

“Yes,” she said.

He smiled. “Let’s go.”

They gathered Spike who had followed the others when Twilight shooed everyone away then headed to a nearby café. Spike sat across from Twilight while Fire between them.

“I just hope this idea of yours works,” Twilight said. “It would be the best-case scenario for all of us.”

Fire put a hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I can arrange something for everypony even if the gala thing doesn’t work out! I can take Fluttershy to see the animals in the garden. They’re pretty shy, like her a bit. But they know me so maybe I can help her with that! Maybe I can bring Rarity along with me as a date, that might at least get her noticed by Blueblood, if that’s what she wants.”

Fire said that with a frown. Twilight and Spike both looked at him.

“You really okay with that?” Twilight asked.

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?” Fire asked. “She’s perfectly at liberty to pursue whoever she likes.”

“But I thought you liked her,” Twilight stated.

Fire blushed. “Okay, I admit it! She’s very beautiful and she has a good heart! As well as talent for making marvelous things!”

Spike looked away and didn’t say anything. Twilight gazed at him.

“You really sure you just want to let her be with Blueblood.”

Fire frowned. “Well, if that’s what she wants.”

“Have you made your decisions?” the waiter asked as he approached.

“Oh, yes!” Twilight said eagerly. “I would love a daffodil and daisy sandwich!”

The waiter nodded and looked at Fire next.

“And for you, sir?” he asked.

“I’ll have a hayburger and hay fries,” Fire said. “Extra crispy!”

“Ooh good choose, Fire!” Spike said before asking, “Do you have any rubies?”

The waiter shook his head causing Spike to frown. “No? Okay, extra cripsy hay fries for me too, then.”

The waiter went off and Spike scowled after him. “I think we need to try another restaurant, I like grass just fine, but would it hurt anyone to offer some gemstones?”

Fire looked at Spike. “We ponies don’t exactly eat those, Spike. You should try the jewelry store.”

“Good idea!” Spike said.

The waiter soon came back with the food.

"Oh, thank you, this looks SO good." Twilight said as Spike dug into his fries. "Just eat this and then we can see if Princess Celestia is willing to have all my friends come. But, what if she doesn’t?”

“We’ll figure something out,” Fire assured her. “I’m the son of Celestia, remember? I’m sure I can help all our friends with what they want. If they weren’t too prideful not accept help.” He muttered the last part to himself, thinking of Applejack.

“Right,” she said. “Everything will be just fine. Glad I can count on you, Fire!”

She smiled. Then somepony flew down and landed next to them.

“Did I hear you right?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You’re gonna ask Princess Celestia if we can all go?”

Twilight frowned and so did Fire. “Rainbow, stop following me!”

The Pegasus grinned nervously. “Okay, okay! Phew, here I was thinking of maybe doing you a favor like make sure you didn’t get rained on. We’re supposed to have a little drizzle right about now!”

She flew off and Fire noticed the sky was indeed being prepared for a rainstorm.

“We better get inside before the rain starts!” he told Twilight. “Wouldn’t want our food to get wet!”

They headed inside and ate their food there. Twilight rubbed her belly as they prepared to leave.

“Ah that hit the spot!” she said. “Now to get a letter to the princess!”

She looked outside and saw the rain was still going on.

“Allow me!” Fire said as he lit up his horn.

A shield formed above them and repelled the rain. Twilight and Spike walked at his side as other ponies watched with amazement.

“Um, excuse me, Sheriff Fire?” one of them asked. “Could we come with you as well?”

All the ponies looked at him hopefully. Apparently, none of the unicorns knew a rain shielding spell. Fire had never really liked the rain, or getting wet for that matter. He’d learned this spell for that reason.

“I suppose,” Fire said.

He expanded the spell in an attempt to cover the immediate area so other ponies could stay dry. They walked as close to him as possible. Those that had to head home in the opposite direction were forced make their way there in the rain.

“Well, you’re certainly REINING the rain in,” Twilight said as a joke as she walked next to him. “And you also really came up with a good set of solutions for my problem. I just hope the princess does really give us all tickets the Grand Galloping Gala!”

“The Grand Galloping Gala?” a pony with a light-yellow coat and pink and black mane said. “You have tickets?”

“That’s the prince there!” another pony said.

“Have your mother invite me!” a mare asked eagerly.

“I’ll marry you!” another said.

Fire and Twilight both clenched their teeth as many ponies began fawning over them for their tickets. Fire immediately lowered his shield and took to the wet sky. Looking back though, he saw Twilight was left on the ground as the ponies began chasing her. Fire swooped back down and grabbed her while also levitating Spike onto his back before flying away. Good thing there didn’t seem to be any Pegasi in the mob chasing them. He took Twilight to the top of the Golden Oaks Library and set her down gently.

She sighed. “Phew, that was close! Good thing I have you as a friend or I don’t know what would be happening to me right now! I’d probably still be stressing about who to give the ticket to and who knows what else would happen! I might have even been chased by a mob like that till sundown!”

“Glad I could help, uh oh!” Fire said as he noticed the mob coming this way. “Quick! Lock the library!”

They headed down and locked the doors just before everypony could get in. Fire then flew out and faced the crowd.

“Everypony enough! I get that you all want to be there!” he said. “But my mother Princess Celestia can only have so many ponies at the gala! Twilight is her most faithful student, please don’t cause her undo stress!”

“Aww!” The ponies said sadly before turning to leave.

Fire sighed. At least the rain was already clearing up. He knocked, Twilight looked out the window and saw the mob was gone. She unlocked the door and let him in.

“Phew, what a day!” she said. “Now we can write that letter!”

They turned and were greeted with a surprise. The other five mares were there already, apparently having been inside the whole time.

“Rainbow Dash told us Fire said he thought you could ask the princess to send tickets for all of us,” Rarity said.

“Yeah,” Fire said.

“We thought we’d meet you here. And sorry, for earlier,” Applejack said. “We shouldn’t have fought over it!”

Twilight smiled at them in forgiveness before saying, “Spike, take a letter!”

Spike got a scroll and quill ready.

“Write this,” Twilight started. “Dear Princess Celestia, I greatly appreciate your invitation, though I can’t decide which of my friends to take and they all have good very reasons to want to go. Fire has told me that you would probably be willing to allow them all to do so. I hope this is true because I’m not sure I could go without all of them. If you can send me four more tickets, I’d greatly appreciate it.”

Spike finished the letter and then blew out green flames. It vanished and they waited. Spike burped up something else soon enough.

"Her reply, that was fast!" Twilight said.

Spike grabbed the new letter and opened it. "My faithful student, Twilight. I’m more than happy to give you enough tickets for your entire group to come. Glad they are all so eager!"

Four more tickets were with the letter, Spike grabbed them and held them up in the air for everypony to see.

"Four more tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!" he said.

"Yes, now we can ALL go!" Twilight said excitedly.

Every pony cheered. Fire smiled, there was still one problem, however. He had an extra ticket still.

“Guess I’ll have to find a friend or date to take,” Fire said.

But who? That question went through his mind.

Ah well, he’d answer it later.

Author's Note:

Okay now we are getting back into the canon parts of the story, which will have a few alterations of dialogue and plot here and there most likely. I know I decided to change things up a little bit with at least the CMC’s since I will be going by the fact that they were shown hugging each other in fright on the night of Nightmare Moon’s return. So we’ll see what I do for Call of the Cutie, and other episodes as well. I tried to keep at least some of the tension here with Fire and Twilight still getting chased by the mob, though it didn’t last quite as long thanks to Fire’s ability to fly. Lucky for Twilight. There will probably be other parts where Fire can help out as well and save the group lots of trouble. Like Canterlot Wedding for example, being the son of Celestia, he’d probably be pretty familiar with Cadance and know something was up. But I doubt it will be the case for every episode. Maybe at least a few though.