• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,389 Views, 115 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

  • ...

Chapter 17: Fall Weather Friends

Author's Note:

Okay here we are at one of the chapters I will have taking place at a different time to be more realistic. Also sorry for the delay. I usually try to get these chapters out on Tuesday but with my moving its really affected everything. Hopefully we’ll be back to normal soon. Wow, this one ended up being the longest so far at nine thousand words.
Well, I think I’ll be taking a break from this one and my Star Wars story this month. But when I get back those two will be the only ones I’m working on so they will updated weekly! Stay tuned.

Fire Sword awoke on one of the last days of summer. Fall was almost here, just a couple days and they’d have the Running of the Leaves according to Mayor Mare. Here in Ponyville the ponies ran to knock the loose leaves off the ground. Not like in Canterlot which being a unicorn focused society used magic to grab multiple leaves off the handful of trees in the city and then create beautiful leaf sculptures around the city as well as piles that were left to decompose.

Fire was served breakfast and then donned his sheriff unicorn as well as putting a book in his saddlebag before flying out. He headed down to Sweet Apple Acres and saw Big Mactintosh.

“Hi Big Mac,” Fire greeted. “Doing good today?”

“Yep!” the red stallion said simply. He rarely said more than yep or nope. Fire could respect that. Someponies just never knew when to shut up.

“Good. Your sister around?”

“She’s over there with Rainbow Dash! We decided to take a couple days off once we finished rebuilding our home,” Big Mac said pointing.

“Thanks!” Fire said before beginning to head that direction.

Sure enough, he found Rainbow Dash and Applejack there. In front of them were a set of gold and silver colored horseshoes and a pair of wooden stakes serving as targets.

“Hi girls!” Fire greeted.

At that moment Rainbow threw her silver horseshoe with a grunt. It landed just a few inches away from the target.

“Whoo-hoo!” Rainbow exclaimed as she did a midair somersault before noticing him. “Oh hey Fire! Just in time to watch us have a little horseshoe throwing!”

“Okay,” Fire said.

“Howdy Fire,” Applejack greeted before turning back to the Pegasus. “Hoo-wee! Not a bad pitch for a pony who works with her head in the clouds.”

“Oh yeah? Think you can do better, cowgirl?” Rainbow asked in a taunting manner.

“I know I can!” Applejack stated.

She took her horseshoe (the golden one, apparently they both had different colors to tell which shoe belonged to who) in her mouth and threw it. But it landed just behind Rainbow Dash’s.

“Oh, for Pete's sake!” Applejack lamented.

Rainbow Dash laughed and put a hoof to her chest before flapping her wings and finally giving Applejack a playful thump on the head. “Heh! Looks like this Pegasus can pitch better than the workhorse. The object of the game is to get the closest to the stake.”

“All right, all right. You got another throw there, pony girl,” Applejack said.

She sent Rainbow Dash’s next piece up into the air and it landed on her nose by some stroke of luck. Rainbow frowned and tossed it with her face. That ended up being a bit too hard, it overshot the stake and crashed ahead. Fire had to suppress a giggle.

“Wow, Rainbow,” Applejack spoke in sarcastic praise. “You couldn't hit a barn door with that kind of a throw!”

“Yeah, yeah. I still have the closest throw, Applesmack,” Rainbow dismissed while passing the last gold painted horseshoe (as Fire doubted it was real gold). “Just try and beat it.”

Applejack took her horse and looked at the stake intensely. She then threw her shoe and it landed.

“Yee-haw!” the cowgirl pony flailed her hooves in triumph. “It's a ringer. That's how you do it down here on the farm!”

Rainbow Dash’s mouth fell open as she saw that and soon looked down. “I lost.”

“Ah, don't feel bad, Rainbow. It's all in good fun.” Applejack encouraged.

It didn’t help as Rainbow Dash said, “I hate losing.”

“Besides, you're a mighty good athlete. I'm just better.” Applejack then began to trot off.

“Gotta get back to work huh?” Fire asked.

“Nah, just enjoy myself,” Applejack said with a smile.

Rainbow Dash, however, flew after the other mare. “All right, Applejack, you think you're the top athlete in all of Ponyville?”

Applejack turned around and looked at Rainbow. “Well, I was gonna say in all of Equestria, but that might be gildin' the lily.”

She then brushed Rainbow with her tail. Fire could understand feeling proud of one’s ability, but literally rubbing it in somepony’s face. No thanks.

Rainbow Dash however, wasn’t done. “And I think I'm the top athlete. So, let's prove it.”

“Prove what?” Applejack asked.

“I challenge you to an Iron Pony competition.” Rainbow declared.

Applejack raised an eyebrow in confusion, so the Pegasus explained. “A series of athletic contests to decide who's the best, once and for all.”

Applejack was now intrigued. “You know what, Rainbow? You’re on.”

They both spit in their hooves and pressed them together.

“Eww,” Fire muttered with a frown.

They looked at him. “What’s the matter Fire? Don’t like a good hoofshake?”

“Oh, I like hoofshakes fine, but I could do without the spit,” he said. “See you guys later!”

He flew off to get his shift started.

“Make sure to watch our competition!” Applejack called after him before turning to Rainbow with a snigger. “He’s almost as neat as Rarity!”

“They are so meant for each other,” Rainbow agreed. “Least he doesn’t mind the occasional workout. Maybe we should include him a little.”

“Maybe. He understands that some things need practicality more than visual appeal!” Applejack said. “Now let’s get this competition underway!”

“You got it!”

They pressed their heads together, ready to see who was the best.

The next day, after the two athletes had come up with a plan, Fire was back in the orchards. Rainbow Dash was on the ground stretching. Twilight had come as well.

“So you two are doing what, now?” Twilight asked.

Applejack started to explain. “An Iron-

Rainbow Dash finished for her. “Iron Pony competition.”

“See, we've set up a bunch of events to decide which one of us is—

“The most athletic pony ever!” Rainbow Dash interrupted once again, causing the earth pony to roll her eyes.

It was kind of cute the way Rainbow knew what Applejack was gonna say. But then they had probably gone over this a couple times.

“And Fire and I are here to...?

Rainbow Dash continued stretching… “Eh… I don't know.” She shrugged. “Why are they here?”

Applejack maintained her annoyed expression as she said, “To be our judges and keep score.”

“Right, heh,” Rainbow nodded. “Somepony's gotta record my awesomeness for the history books.”

She then grunted and began doing push-ups.

Applejack then looked at Fire. “Unless you’d like to join us in competing Fire.”

Fire thought for a moment. “Maybe, could be fun.”

“Alright! Of course, I already know I’m faster than you!” Rainbow Dash said flexing her wings.

Fire smirked. “Maybe in the air, but let’s see about on the ground. My stamina might be a bit on the low side but I’m still pretty fast!”

“Bring it on!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Fine, prepare to be burned,” Fire replied.

They laughed and got to work. After a couple hours setting up the game field, Applejack and Rainbow Dash had a variety of challenges ready to test themselves and prove which was better. They put the last of the objects in place as Fire stood with Twilight on a hill.

Spike began speaking loudly from Twilight’s back, holding a stick up to his mouth like it was a microphone. “Hello everypony, and welcome to the first annual Iron Pony competition!”

“Uh, Spike,” Twilight looked at him in confusion. “Who are you talking to?”

Spike looked around, feeling a little embarrassed before pointing. “Um... uh, them!”

They looked and saw Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy arriving in their own ways. Rarity walked beautifully, Pinkie bounced, and Fluttershy flew softly.

“Let the games begin!” Spike shouted as he got on top of Twilight’s head.

Everypony then cheered except for Twilight and Fire. The former formed an annoyed expression. Fire took the baby dragon in his magic and lowered him back onto Twilight’s back.

“I don’t think Twilight likes you jumping on her head Spike,” Fire told him.

“Oh, sorry Twi,” Spike said.

Twilight took a breath to calm herself then formed a light smile.

“Well let’s get this underway.”

The first competition was a barrel race where the two mares and Fire had to run a course that was lined with barrels they needed to avoid. Fire, Applejack, and Rainbow walked next to the starting line where Twilight waited.

“Well, mares first,” Fire held out his hoof. “This is your competition after all.”

“Thank you kindly, Fire,” Appeljack said walking forward to the start. “And no need to feel bad if you ain’t as good as us at this.”

Fire nodded. “I’m just gonna have a little fun for a while”

“That’s the spirit! Show your burning passion!” Pinkie cried at the top of her lungs from nearby.

“Good luck Prince Fire!” Rarity called.

“Do your best,” Fluttershy added softly to which they just barely heard.

Spike prepared a timer as Twilight counted down.

“Ready. Set. Go!”

Applejack ran forward with incredible speed, causing Twilight’s tail and mane to blow from a moment of wind. She zigzagged past the barrels smoothly until one of them caught her off-guard, she tried to dodge it but ran just slightly into it.

She looked back at the barrel and somehow without looking dodge the few remaining before crossing the finish line and making her way back.

“Time, Spike?” Twilight asked.

Spike looked at his timer. “Seventeen seconds.”

“You're kiddin’!” Applejack exclaimed as she stopped next to Rainbow Dash whose mouth was open in amazement. “That breaks my record from last year's rodeo.”

“But you got a five second penalty for nudging the barrel,” Spike told her.

Applejack sighed and kicked a rock on the ground in front of her. “Nuts and chews! Still, that's twenty-two seconds. Not too shabby.”

She then looked at Rainbow Dash and noticed the Pegasus was sweating. “Hey, don't be nervous. Remember, it's all in good fun.”

She bumped Rainbow with her elbow, and the Pegasus flapped her wings out of reflex.

“Yeah,” Fire said. “Just focus on the fun. Even if you lose no big deal.”

“To you maybe, but I hate losing,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I don’t think any of us love it,” Fire told her. “But we gotta accept when we’re beaten. No matter how good you are there can always be somepony better.”

“That’s right! Now git on up there,” Applejack encouraged.

Rainbow Dash flew a few feet to the starting line.

“Ready. Set. Go!” Twilight said once again.

The Pegasus ran on her hooves. Her rainbow-colored mane left a streak behind her. Unlike Applejack she managed to get through without even nudging a single barrel.

Applejack flailed her hooves. “Woo! That was some fancy hoofwork there, Rainbow!”

Rainbow Dash panted a bit as she flew back to them. “Thanks, but I couldn't have been as fast as you.”

Applejack then turned to their time keeper. “What was the time on that, Spike?

“Eighteen seconds!” Spike exclaimed.

Applejack gasped and looked at her friend. “Eighteen seconds. Rainbow, are you sure you're not secretly a rodeo pony?”

Twilight then looked at Fire. “Well, we still have to let Fire have a turn.”

Fire nodded and got in front of the starting line.

“Ready, set, go!” Twilight said for a third time.

Fire ran through the course, dodging the barrels as he did so, zigzagging back and forth.

“Go Fire!” Rarity cheered out.

Fire looked at her, feeling his cheeks light up as she cheered for him. Then her happy expression turned to one of concern.

“Look out for the-“

Fire turned his attention back in front of him just in time. He saw spotted the same barrel that Applejack had nudged. He jumped, using his wings to provide just a little air to fly over the top and even avoiding the flowers inside.

Rarity sighed in relief as she saw him leap over the barrel to make it to the finish.

“Oh, he flies with such grace,” she said putting a hoof to her heart as her cheeks lit up.

“Yes,” Fluttershy agreed. “You like him, don’t you?”

Rarity nodded. “Yes, I do.”

“Then why don’t you ask him to go out with you?”

Rarity sighed. “He’s going to be dating Moondancer at the gala. Besides I have my sights set on another prince!”

“But do you even know Blueblood?” Fluttershy asked. “Fire seems like a great young stallion. He’s strong, brave, protective, kind, caring, and loves animals.”

“You’re right on all accounts my dear,” Rarity agreed. “But Blueblood is the most sophisticated stallion in all of Canterlot! I’m sure I’ll be happy with him.”

“Oh well, if you say so,” Fluttershy said.

“Just don’t tell Fire!” Rarity requested. “I wouldn’t want him to leave Moondancer cause of me.”

Though that might have been a lie. If he asked her, she’d be his. She just wanted him to be happy.

“How was my time?” Fire asked as he rejoined the others that were competing or tracking.

"Twenty seconds!” Spike said.

“Not bad for someone who claims not to be an athlete,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, I am a warrior,” Fire grinned. “And a spellcaster. Guess I’m a balance of both you two and Twilight.”

Twilight smiled. “Yeah, and Rainbow Dash wins the barrel lead!”

She raised Rainbow’s hoof.

Fluttershy flew over from where she stood with Rarity and added a point to the board, they were using to keep score. Pictures of an Earth Pony, Pegasus, and Alicorn were drawn on for each of the competitors.

Rainbow Dash put her hooves to her face. “Oh, I can't believe I won!”

“Yeah, well, don't you go gettin' used to it,” Applejack said as she pushed the constantly flying Pegasus on to the ground.

They moved onto other competitions. Next was a bell hitting competition where they had to hit a dong for a bell. As they did so however, a few other ponies began to arrive and watch the competition. Fire recognized one of them.

“Oh, hey Lyra,” he greeted. “What are you doing here?”

“We heard there was a big competition going on here and wanted to check it out,” the green unicorn said.

They’d arrived just in time. First up was Rainbow Dash. She kicked the dong with her hind legs, causing the weight to go up and hit the bell at the top. It rung and the spectators cheered and threw flowers or horseshoes.

“Mighty respectable,” Applejack said before spitting and getting up from where she was sitting. “But let me show ya how it's really done.”

She then hit the target with all her might and it moved with such force that it absolutely destroyed the top and went flying into the sky with a loud ring.

That caused Rainbow Dash’s mouth to fall open while the ponies cheered.

“Years of applebuckin,” said Applejack as she bucked a tree and made a cluster of apples fall down and hit Rainbow who didn’t respond.

“Guess that keeps me from competing,” Fire said with a slight frown.

“Oh, whoops,” Applejack said. “Sorry Fire. How about an applebuck instead? If you can get more apples out then I did you get this one.”

“Okay,” Fire accepted.

He went to a nearby tree and hit it with all his might. Apples fell and Twilight levitated both piles and counted them up.

“Okay, Appejack has seven apples and Fire has… eight!”

Fire grinned as Fluttershy added a point to the alicorn slot.

“Aww dangnabit!” Appeljack exclaimed.

“Hey, you still did better than Rainbow Dash,” Fire encouraged.

Applejack smiled. “Yeah, guess that is the whole point of this competition. You might be the golden pony being a prince but I’ll still make iron!”

Applejack’s family soon joined the audience in the stands nearby. The next event was a bronco-buck where the two mares would try and throw somepony (or in this case, somedragon) off their backs.

“Why me?” Spike asked as he sat on Applejack’s back wearing a white hat.

“Poor Spike,” Fire said next to Rarity.

“Oh, he’ll be fine,” she said. “He’s tough for a baby dragon. Just like you’re a tough prince. Perhaps that should be your title, Prince of Toughness.”

Fire chuckled. “Not bad but I think that needs a little work.”

“Go!” Twilight announced.

Applejack began to jump as Spike hung on to her tail.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa-hoa! Whoa!” Spike exclaimed as he was thrown back and forth.

Finally, Applejack managed to throw him off and he went flying upwards. “Whoaaa!” Fortunately, he landed in a pile of hay.

“Ouch.” He said as he emerged.

Rainbow Dash suddenly appeared from the hay with Spike already on her back. Had she been in there expecting him to land on her? “Ready for another pony ride?”

“No!” Spike said nervously.

“Go!” Twilight said once again, paying poor Spike no mind.

Fire scoffed as he saw Rainbow jump up and down rapidly while Spike once again struggled to hang on.

“I really think we need to find somepony else to throw around. Spike doesn’t need to-“

Spike suddenly went flying with a shout. Fire flapped his wings and took off after the baby dragon. He made it just in time to catch Spike before he could hit the score board.

“Phew, thanks Fire!” Spike said gratefully.

“Well, you’re gonna have to take one more,” Fire told him as he put the dragon on his back.

“Oh great,” Spike lamented.

Fire landed on the ground and began jumping as well, eventually managing to throw him off. Spike yelled in fright as he went straight up, only to stop as Fire wrapped him in a red aura.

“Thanks… again,” Spike said.

“Good one Fire, but I’m afraid Rainbow Dash wins the bronco-buck!” Twilight announced.

“Next, lasso contest!” Twilight said. “Spike, if you wouldn’t mind letting them use lassos on you?”

Spike clenched his teeth while Fire sighed and looked at Twilight. “Hey, I know he’s your assistant but isn’t having him be a practice dummy for these two a bit much? He could have been thrown much farther and gotten hurt!”

Twilight looked at him. “Hmm, you might be right, Fire.”

She then turned the audience. “Any volunteers to be used as our guinea pony in the next event?”

“Oh, heavens no!” Rarity said. “I don’t wish to be lassoed up and fall down in the mud!”

“I’ll go,” a voice said.

Grand Garden stepped forward, giving a smile to Applejack.

“Well howdy! You’re Fire’s gardener if I recall!” the Earth Pony said.

“Yeah,” Grand said.

They began the lasso contest. Applejack performed several impressive maneuvers with her lasso while Rainbow Dash clumsily spun it over her head. The pegasus obviously had no experience in using a lasso, Fire knew how it could be difficult to get used to something new. He didn’t fare much better himself and overshot Grand. Applejack, however, got her lasso around the stallion’s neck and brought him closer to her. His green cheeks turned red.

“Thank you kindly Grand,” Applejack said as her face was mere inches from his.

“You’re welcome, Applejack,” he said.

“Glad I’m not being roped into that,” Spike said next to Fluttershy and Rarity.
Rainbow Dash meanwhile, only managed to tie herself to a tree.

“Does this count?” she asked to which they obviously told her no.

That one went to Applejack. More games went by, a ball toss contest to see who could bounce their ball the longest (Rainbow won that one), hay throwing (which Applejack won), hoof wrestling (Fire managed to just barely overcome Rainbow Dash), and more. For the first few matches it looked like the mares were evenly matched as first Rainbow Dash won the ball tossing, then Applejack claimed a win in hay throwing, and so on. Fluttershy kept the score on the board, and the amount of cheering spectators grew even more.

“Fillies and gentlecolts!” Spike announced after the first ten contests. “At the halfway point, the one in the lead is Applejack!”

Twilight looked at him. “Who are you talking to?”

“Them!” Spike pointed.

Twilight was surprised as she suddenly noticed just how many ponies had started watching the competition.

Next came a push up contest. Fire’s forelegs soon got sore, but he managed to push himself to do almost seventy before he collapsed. Fire got up and looked at the two mares who were still doing their push-ups. Rarity then approached him.

“I thought you did wonderful Fire,” she said with a smile. “I’d give you a hug to congratulate you for doing your best but… you're kind of… uh…”

She gestured to his body which was covered in sweat.

“That’s okay,” Fire said. “It’s the thought that counts.”

They watched as the mares continued.

“Ninety-five, ninety-six,” Twilight continued counting. “Ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine...

Applejack stalled while Rainbow Dash gave a flap of her wings and propelled her upper body up.

“A hundred!” Twilight concluded gesturing to Rainbow Dash.

“Yes!” the Pegasus exclaimed.

Applejack sighed and muttered to herself. “Be a good sport, Applejack.”

Fire smiled as he approached her. “Well this was fun, but Rainbow Dash challenged you to an Iron Pony Competition not me.”

Applejack grinned. “Yeah I thought maybe it could liven things up to have you along. Its fine, Fire. I had fun too. Now to settle this with Rainbow!”

The competition began to turn from there. Rainbow Dash’s wings came in handy for the next ten events and she won each of the following contests. First, she gave a little flap to jump farther then Applejack could on a leaping contest. Then she used them to shield some chicks she was carrying over mud from getting dirty. Fire frowned as he saw this.

“Hey, Twilight?” Fire asked.

“Yes?” she asked looking at him.

“Isn’t it kind of unfair for Rainbow Dash to use her wings?”

Twilight looked. “Well, they didn’t say anything about not using wings. And Rainbow Dash is primarily a flying athlete while Applejack is ground bound. Plus, Applejack has greater strength as an Earth Pony so they both have their perks.

Fire nodded, recalling how Applejack’s strength had been a key factor in the earlier rounds. But as the contests continued, Rainbow kept using her wings in various ways and kept getting victory after victory. The games had gone from evenly matched to one sided. Rainbow won the next ten rounds in a row.

“Whoo-hoo!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she put the number on the board instead of Fluttershy. “I win by a landslide!”

She then looked at Applejack who was covered in mud after letting go of the rope they’d been tugging back and forth. “Or mudslide in your case.”

She then flew up high and two Pegasi held a rainbow banner against the sun. “I am the Iron Pony!” Rainbow Dash shouted.
However, Applejack didn’t’ accept it. “Only 'cause you cheated!”

“What?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed before flying back down to her opponent.

“You used your wingpower to help you win over half those contests!” Applejack accused.

“Sounds like sour apples to me,” Rainbow dismissed.

“Are you sayin' you didn't use your wings?” Applejack asked.

“Well... no.” Rainbow stammered. “But you never said I couldn't use my wings.

“I didn't think I needed to tell you to play fair.”

“Hey, girls!” Fire stepped forward. “You didn’t set any rules for there being no wings allowed or not. Besides, Applejack has greater strength then you do Rainbow Dash!”

“Uh, not true! I beat her at hoof wrestling!” Rainbow reminded him. “Then you beat me!”

“Oh yeah. Guess she’s got you beat when it comes to hind legs though,” Fire said as he recalled most of Applejack’s strength triumphs had been with her back legs.

“I still would have won even without my wings,” Rainbow challenged.

“Hah! Prove it.” Applejack challenged.

“Gladly. How?” Rainbow accepted.

“Tomorrow is the annual Runnin' of the Leaves. I challenge you to race me in it,” Applejack said.

“Heh! Easy shmeasy,” Rainbow accepted as she slowly flew away.

Applejack however, pulled her down to the ground and pinned her by her tail. “Hold on! There is one condition. The point is to run, so no wings allowed.”

“No wings?” Rainbow bucked Applejack off her tail. “No problem.”

They both spat into their hooves and shook on it.

“Eww!” Fire said while also hearing another the same word come from next to him.

He looked and saw Rarity forming a disgusted face. She must have noticed he said the same word next to her as well because she looked in his direction. They giggled and looked away from each other back at the two competitors as the two chuckled.

“Tomorrow then!” Applejack said.

“See ya!” Rainbow Dash flew off.

It was getting close to sunset.

Fire then looked at Rarity. “Shall I walk you home, Rarity?”

She smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Fire. But I don’t think we should forget the others.”

She was right. They gathered most of the others, namely Twilight, Spike, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. Even though Fire’s home was nearby he wanted to make sure everypony got home safely. Chances of anything happening in peaceful little Ponyville were slim but best to be sure.

“So, are you girls going to the race tomorrow?” Fire asked as he led them.

“Certainly not!” Rarity said. “I don’t care to get myself sweaty! But I will be handing out the medals so I’ll be able to see you! Besides, fall is simply lovely with all the brightly colored leaves.”

“I don’t much like the idea of being in front of everypony,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sure they’ll judge me for being slow or weak. I probably wouldn’t help get any leaves off with my light running. But I will be there to help Rarity pass out the rewards.”

Fire put a hoof on her. “That’s okay. If you two don’t want to its fine.”

“I’ll be entering,” Twilight said.

“Really?” Fire asked, surprised.

“Yeah, just thought I’d have a little fun and see if I can replicate something about running I read,” Twilight said. “I probably won’t win but it never hurts to try new things. I thought friendship was a waste of time after all and ended up being wrong about that.”

“Well good luck,” Fire said. “See you tomorrow.”

He headed to Warm Heart Tower and retired for the night after a fine meal.

The next day Fire and his guards headed into town with Hoofrunner being particularly eager. All of the guards had forgone their armor for today.

“I’m so ready to win this!” Hoofrunner said before looking at Fire. “Hope you don’t expect me to let you win?”

“Not at all,” Fire replied. “I mean I have skill, speed, and strength but not the best endurance. I’ll probably be panting pretty soon.”

“See you at the finish line then,” Hoof said with a smirk.

They soon arrived and Fire saw Twilight in town with Spike on her back as usual.

“Twilight, hurry up, we're gonna be late for the race,” the baby dragon said.

“Why are you so excited about the race?” Twilight asked looking at him. “It's only for ponies.”

“Yeah, but-

“Hey Twilight!” Fire greeted as he approached.

“Ah!” she exclaimed as she heard him. “Oh, you surprised me there, Fire! Morning. Now you were saying Spike?”

She turned back to the baby dragon on her back who resumed where he’d left off. “I’m hoping I can be the announcer again. Just listen!” He held a stick up to his mouth as though it were a microphone. “Fillies and gentlecolts, welcome to the annual Running of the-“

But suddenly he was interrupted again by a loud and familiar voice from above.

“Welcome to the annual Running of the Leaves!”

They looked up to see Pinkie Pie in a hot air balloon with a microphone attached to it.

“This is Pinkie Pie, your official p-eye-in-the-sky announcer!” she announced.

Spike frowned and threw away the stick he’d been speaking into away.

“Sorry, Spike. I guess that job's already taken,” Twilight said looking at him before turning to Fire. “I’m surprised Mayor Mare didn’t ask you to be the announcer.”

Fire shrugged. “Pinkie’s probably done it before. I’m not complaining. Wanted to run anyway.”

“As everypony knows, the Running is a very important tradition,” Pinkie continued speaking on her microphone as she flew over the trees surrounding Ponyville. “For without it, the autumn leaves of Equestria would never fall. So get ready, ponies. The Running of the Leaves will begin in five minutes.”

Fire made his way to the starting line with his guards. As he did so, he spotted Rarity on the sidelines with Fluttershy.

“Good luck Prince Fire!” she called with a wave.

“Thanks Rarity!” Fire waved back.

Fluttershy also waved and spoke something softly that Fire didn’t hear. He soon stood at the starting line with his guards, Applejack, and the other participants. Among them he spotted Bon-Bon (or as he knew her real name, Sweetie Drops).

“Hey Bon-Bon!” Fire waved, remembering to keep the former agent’s identity a secret.

She stretched and looked at him before bowing with a smile. “Greetings your highness.”

“Decided to get back into the game, eh?” he asked playfully with a wink.

“I guess,” she nodded. “Always like to keep myself in shape even if I’m not in the same occupation as I used to be.”

Fire nodded. “Good luck.”

He looked around and saw Applejack stretching nearby. Seemed Rainbow Dash hadn’t arrived ye-

“Pardon me, excuse me!”

Think of the pony and there she was coming through past a couple other ponies. One of which was a familiar gray mare with crossed eyes. “Make way for the Iron Pony!”

“The Iron Phony, you mean,” Applejack said as her friend and main rival lately stood beside her.

Rainbow immediately began to taunt her and flapped her wings. “So, Applejack, you ready to win second place?”

“I'm ready to run a good, clean race.” The cowpony stated.

“Yeah, yeah.” Rainbow Dash landed on the ground.

“You are not allowed to use your wings!” Applejack reminded her pointing to them.

Rainbow Dash merely scoffed. “I could win this race with both wings tied behind my back.”

Applejack smirked and took her up on that, tying her wings to her back, literally.

“Trussed up like a turkey. Well, a turkey who can't fly, that is.” She said when she was done.

“Very funny,” Rainbow said, her pride a little wounded.

“'Least now we know we're racin' fair and square,” Applejack said before looking at Fire. “You don’t plan on using your wings do ya?”

Fire shook his head. “Rainbow Dash is the one that’s always flying.

A trumpet sounded and Pinkie began announcing again.

“Racers! Please take your positions!”

Fire saw Spike go over (or under) her balloon and soon he was climbing up in with her. The gears clicked in Fire’s head. Spike had been hoping to be the announcer and he must have asked to do it with Pinkie. Applejack, Rainbow, and Fire all prepared themselves before they were joined by somepony else.

“Twilight?” Applejack spoke in surprise as they saw their studious unicorn friend stand beside them. “What in tarnation are you doin' up here?”

“I'm racing,” Twilight told them.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Good one, Twilight!”

“I'm not joking,” Twilight told them.

Rainbow Dash was bewildered. “What? You're not an athlete, you're a... well... you're an egghead.”

Twilight frowned. “I am not an egghead, I am well-read.

“Egghead,” Rainbow whispered looking behind her at Applejack who snickered in amusement.

“But have you ever run a race?” the cowpony asked.

“Well, no, but I do know a lot about running,” Twilight said.

“And you know this from?” Rainbow asked.

“Let me guess, books?” Fire wondered aloud.

“Yeah! I've read several on the subject,” Twilight confirmed.

“What'd you read, "The Egghead's Guide to Running?” Rainbow continued taunting.

“Hey, leave her alone!” Fire scolded. “I’m probably not gonna do the best here either. But I’m willing to put myself out here! You two will probably beat me for sure with my lack of stamina! But I’m not gonna let that stop me! You just do your best Twilight. I know I said once that books can only take you so far, but let’s see how far they take you this time!”

“Thank you, Fire,” Twilight said gratefully. “You know, I’m sure there’s a spell that could help with your stamina if you ever need it.”

“Maybe, but we don’t have time for that now,” Fire said.

Though now that he thought of it, there was a spell he might like to use.

“You’re right. The Running of the Leaves is a Ponyville tradition, and since I'm here to learn, I've decided I should experience it myself,” Twilight said.

“Well, I think that's just dandy, Twilight,” Applejack replied. “Good luck.”

From her following snigger, however, she felt that Twilight would need it.

“Yeah. See you at the finish line... tomorrow.” Rainbow Dash continued to taunt.

“Okay you guys asking for a little trouble?” Fire asked in irritation, his mane flickering. “Cause one more taunt against Twilight and I’ll cast a spell to freeze you both in place!”

“Geez Fire cool down!” Rainbow Dash said, though not without sweating a bit in fear. “We’re just having fun.”

“I don’t think Twilight appreciates that,” Fire said.

Before they could argue further, Pinkie announced the beginning of the race.

“All right, ponies, are you ready?”

Spike joined as well. “Get set.”

The bell rang… signaling go without the word being spoken.

“And they're off!” Pinkie announced as everypony began to run while still hearing the announcements above them as Pinkie’s balloon followed. “Welcome to the official coverage of the Running of the Leaves! You know, Spike, despite its name, the leaves don't do any of the actual running. No, that's left to my little ponies.”

“Why, yes, Pinkie, it's the running of the ponies that causes the leaves to fall,” Spike said in his microphone above them.

“Ugh. Those lazy, lazy leaves,” Pinkie said as the running began to shake the trees and the orange leaves on them fell. “But this year, the run is about more than the weather. It's about the race to the finish and the two runners who want to win it. Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”

Those two were currently in the lead, with Fire close behind. He breathed in and out to try and replenish his energy, for now he was okay, but much longer and he would have to slow down. Ah well.

“We are also honored to have a royal running as well this year, and he’s starting out pretty hot! Fitting since his name is hot too!”

“And don’t forget sharp!” Spike added.

Fire continued through the woods filled with orange leaves that were a similar shade to part of his mane. He managed to get ahead of a fair number of the ponies, but soon Hoofrunner ran past him.

“See you at the finishing line your highness!” the athletic guard said.

Fire sighed. Even as fast as he was, there could still ponies that were faster. He continued however, but soon began to feel winded and had to slow down. This in turn caused many slower, but more energetic ponies to bypass him.

“I need to really work on this endurance issue,” Fire lamented as he slowed to his preferred pace of a walk.

If he flew, he could easily overcome them, that was his preferred method of speed, but he couldn’t do that right now. Applejack had made it clear there wasn’t to be any flying. Looking ahead though, he was soon met with a large path of orange leaves covering the road.

“Ooh, pretty,” Fire said. “I bet Rarity would like to see these at a nice calm walk. She loves pretty things after all.”

Maybe he could ask her to walk with him after this was done. That wouldn’t be too sweat producing after all. Fire continued through, letting himself recharge before he began again. Then he suddenly spotted something. Applejack up ahead. She’d apparently fallen and all the ponies passed her. Fire spotted a rock nearby and guess that was the cause.

“Whoa! I don't believe it,” Applejack said.

“I know, it's beautiful, isn't it?” Twilight asked, suddenly appearing next to Fire. She must have just caught up with a light trot.

“Not the scenery, Twilight. Rainbow Dash just tripped me!” Applejack told her.

“She did not!” Twilight said.

“She did too!” pressed Applejack.

“She did not,” Fire said. “You probably tripped over that rock there!”

He pointed.

“Yeah, you should really slow down and watch where you’re going like me!” Twilight said.

“Sometimes slow and steady wins the race!” Fire agreed.

“Well not this time!” Applejack said. “I got a lot of ground to make up to catch Rainbow. And I need to be quick!”

She galloped off to catch up with all the other racers and Rainbow.

“Just be careful!” Twilight called.

Fire trotted with her. “Well, glad to have somepony to talk to while I recover my stamina.”

“Yeah, so have you read any good books lately?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, a book on advanced sword techniques!” Fire said. “I always had a fascination with blades ever since I was a colt.”

“Hmm, I never really had an interest in that but maybe I should give it a try,” Twilight said. “Magic has always been my primary focus.”

“I know,” Fire said. “But reading is one thing, applying it is another.”

“Maybe so,” Twilight admitted. “But books can help. They do take us so far after all.”

Fire chuckled. “Yep, and we got go the rest of the way with action.”

They continued forward, admiring the scenery and talking.

“You know, you’re great to have around Twilight,” Fire said. “We have a lot in common you know.”

“Yeah, we both like books, are smart, and talented in magic,” Twilight agreed. “We even spent most of our time alone. Though you made more effort into friendship then I did.”

Fire nodded then asked, “You miss your family back in Canterlot?”

She nodded back. “My brother especially. And my parents too.”

“I feel that,” Fire said. “I miss my mom, and my sister.”

“Sister?” Twilight questioned. “I didn’t know you had a sister!”

“Well, she’s technically my cousin,” Fire said. “But I grew to see her as a sister. Princess Cadance.”

“Oh yeah! I remember her!” Twilight beamed. “She was my foalsitter when I was young.”

“I know,” Fire said. “We both got foalsat together once by her remember? You both did that weird nursery rhyme thing!”

“Hey it wasn’t weird!” Twilight frowned. “It was our routine and secret hoofshake so to speak. We did it every time we saw each other.”

“Uh, sorry,” Fire said. There was a moment of silence and he blushed. “You know, me and her used to have our own little way of greeting each other.”

“What was that?” Twilight questioned.

Fire turned a bit redder. “We kissed each other on the cheek and called each other our perfect prince or princess sibling.”

“Aww!” Twilight awed. “That’s so sweet.”

Fire chuckled. “Yeah, with a mare like Cadance as a sister figure I had no complaints.”

He again thought back to how similar they were and his feelings toward Twilight. Not the romantic kind of course, like with Rarity. But whenever he sometimes wished he had Cadance with him, she seemed to be able to fill in the void somehow.
Before either of them could saw something else they stumbled upon Rainbow Dash who appeared to have tripped just like Applejack earlier.

“I don't believe it, Applejack tripped me,” the Pegasus exclaimed.

Twilight frowned. “Don't you ponies ever look where you're going? You tripped on a stump. See?”

Unlike Applejack however, Rainbow Dash didn’t believe them. “Oh, I see. A big cheater is what I see.

Twilight walked up to her. “Rainbow, Applejack would never cheat. It was just an accident.”

“Sure it was,” Rainbow Dash said in disbelief.

Twilight glared at her and Fire gave a similar expression that actually scared the Pegasus a little. “I mean, yeah, I'm sure it was.” Rainbow spoke in a more submissive tone with her ears falling.

Twilight then continued forward. “Remember, Rainbow, this is just a game.”

Fire followed her. She and him had had the same reactions back there and glared at Rainbow simultaneously.

“We’re kind of like two peas in a pod here,” Fire said aloud.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Well, we both gave her the same stare down just now,” Fire elaborated.

“Huh, I guess we did,” Twilight said with a giggle. “You know that’s funny. I sometimes felt that way about my brother and I!”

Fire chuckled. “Oh really?”

Suddenly Rainbow Dash ran past them. But Fire didn’t care, he was having a good time talking with Twilight.

“Yeah, we’d do everything together!” she continued. “Before I saw how important friendship was, he and Spike were the only ones I really considered friends. Cadance too but I hadn’t seen her in years.”

Fire nodded then looked down sadly. “I may have made an effort to make friends, but there were times when I just felt so different. Because I was one of only three alicorns in Equestria since Aunt Luna was trapped in the moon. It just felt like I was… alone at times. I was the only alicorn colt… or stallion now… in all Equestria.”

“You’re not alone Fire,” Twilight assured him. “None of us maybe alicorns, or stallions but we are your friends.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Fire said.

“Any time,” Twilight said as she gave him a one-legged hug.

Fire grinned. “You’ve certainly come a long way from the asocial mare I knew up to the recent Summer Sun Celebration.”

“I had you and the others to open up my eyes,” Twilight said. “Now I feel like I’m learning so much. I’m doing things I never thought I would before, like this race!”

“Yeah, and… Wait! This race! Aah! I’ve been so busy talking to you I forgot to start running!” Fire exclaimed.

He took off at top speed, his stamina having returned to full.

“Hey wait!” Twilight called.

“Sorry, can’t!” Fire yelled over his shoulder. “I may not expect to win this race, but I’m not gonna come in last place! You better pick up the pace if you don’t to be that!”

He soon managed to catch up with the other racers and caught a glimpse of what looked Rainbow Dash on the side. But it couldn’t be. She should be up in the lead with Applejack and maybe Hoofrunner. Fire spotted his guards among them with Hoofrunner at the front of the group. They continued forward, and Fire managed to keep his pace steady. But then he was surprised when Rainbow suddenly came running past him from behind at top speed.

She dashed ahead and Fire asked, “Hey! How’d you get behind me? You should be in the lead runners!”

“Yeah, I should!” was all she said.

Fire continued on with most of the others. Soon the other ponies noticed him.

“Oh wow! We’re actually running with royalty!” a mare exclaimed.

“Maybe we can impress him if we win!” another suggested.

Fire blocked them out. Then after a while he was out of breath once again and slowed down in time to see Rainbow Dash… stuck. Her hooves had been caught in a stick brown substance.

“Hey what happened?” Fire asked as he stopped.

“Applejack!” she told him. “She cheated!”

“She wouldn’t…”

“I saw her buck a beehive down already with my own eyes! She’ll do anything to win and so will I!” Rainbow declared as she struggled to walk forward.

The substance pulled her back far, then sudden it propelled her forward like a sling shot by some stroke of luck in her favor. She flew ahead, the substance connecting her legs to the ground breaking from the force and she vanished.

Seemed they had both lost their fairness in this race. Fire sighed and continued forward. He probably wouldn’t make to first place unless…

“Hmm, that could help,” Fire muttered to himself as the idea occurred. “I’m already pretty fast. This might earn me third or fourth place by now. Better wait till I’m back at full energy again.”

He did so, trotting lightly at first and then when his fatigue was just about gone, he lit up his horn. Applejack had said no wings, but she didn’t say anything about horns!

Fire’s red magic spread over his body, filling his hooves with energy and his speed increased by twice as much. He grinned as he almost flew forward on land. He almost felt like he left a brief fire trail behind him. He passed the other racers, and soon saw the finish line after that. Hoof Runner was almost there! But strangely, no sign of Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
Hoof passed the line as Fire with his magic enhanced speed came in as well.

“First and Second!” Mayor Mare exclaimed as she approached with Rarity and Fluttershy at her side.

The two mares grabbed a pair of medals each bearing a number and color. Fire’s was silver with a number two while Hoofrunner’s was gold with a one. Fluttershy made to grab Number Two but Rarity took it with her magic first. She then walked over to Fire.

“Congratulations your highness!” Rarity said with a smile as she put the medal around his neck. “I knew you’d do wonderful! And you actually thought you wouldn’t!”

“Well, guess I’m fast enough to make up for it, with a little magic,” Fire said. “I still ran all the way so it doesn’t really count as cheating, right?”

Hoofrunner frowned. “Hey! I came in first! Shouldn’t I get my first-place medal first?”

“Right here!” Fluttershy said as she used her hooves to put it around his neck.

They waited, Fire was sure that Rainbow and Applejack would be there soon. But they weren’t, several other ponies came and got the next few medals including…

“Twilight?” Fire said in astonishment as she came sprinting to the finish line.

“Seventh Place!” Mayor Mare announced for Twilight.

“Wow!” Twilight said as Rarity gave her her seventh-place medal. “Not bad for a first-time runner!”

Fire watched as the remaining three medals were claimed. But still no sign of the main competitors.

“Where are those two?” he asked.

“I saw them just before I started sprinting,” Twilight said. “They’ve really been horsing around this whole time trying to outdo each other.”

Recalling seeing Rainbow trapped, Fire had to agree. They must have gotten caught up in that. Finally, the last two ponies came, and it was them. They were horsing around alright, knocking into each other, biting each other’s tails and pulling the other back, Applejack even bit into the rope around Rainbow’s wings, freeing them. Rainbow seized on the opportunity to try and fly but Applejack leapt onto her and they both rolled over the finish line together. All the while Pinkie Pie announced their scuffle from above.

“I won!” Rainbow Dash said as she got up, now looking very scruffy from the rolling on the ground.

“No, I won!” Applejack objected.

“I won!” Rainbow shouted.

“You tied!” Spike said from above.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at him in shock “Tied?!”

“For first?” Applejack asked.

“For last!” Pinkie told them.

“Last?!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Then who won?” Rainbow asked.

“Hoofrunner!” Fire said. “My fastest guard. I meanwhile got lucky enough to second place with a little magic speed boosting. You only said no wings Applejack, you didn’t say magic.”

“And I got seventh place!” Twilight said joining his side and showing them her own medal. “Which is rather good considering I've never run a race before.”

That shocked Appejack even more. “What? How's that even possible?”

“You ran so slow,” Rainbow Dash said. “And looked at the scenery.”

“Exactly,” Twilight said. “I paced myself, just like my book said. Then at the end, when all the other ponies were worn out…

She looked over to where a group of them were panting. “I sprinted to the finish.”

Twilight then looked at Fire. “Hey, would you mind showing me that speed boosting spell? I don’t think I’ve learned that one yet!”

“Sure Twilight,” Fire said with a smile as he put a wing around her. “You and me my fellow magic specialist!”

She returned the gesture by pressing her neck against his. He was a bit taller than her and the others, he could definitely look the part of her big brother. Though he probably wasn’t as big as her real brother. Last he’d seen Cadance, he was still a couple inches shorter than her.

Neither of them noticed Rarity frown behind them.

“Oh, get ahold of yourself Rarity,” she told herself. “It's probably just a friendly gesture.”
Rainbow Dash, however was in disbelief as she turned to Applejack. “I don’t believe it! Fire is one thing since he’s a bit athletic, but Twilight beat us!”

“Well, with all your horsing around, it was quite easy,” Twilight told them.

“Yeah, seems your reading on running actually worked,” Fire said. “Sometimes books can take you all the way I guess!”

“And you're right, Twilight,” Applejack said. “Our behavior was just terrible.”

Rainbow Dash looked down. “We weren't very good sports.”

“Sounds to me that an important lesson was learned,” a familiar regal voice said and the ponies behind them bowed low as she approached.

They all looked and saw her in surprise. The tall white alicorn that towered over all but a select few ponies in size. She spread her wings wide, making herself look all the more impressive.

“Princess Celestia?!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Mom!” Fire said in surprise before flying over and hugging her while the mares bowed as well.

“Well done my son,” Celestia congratulated him as she returned the hug before turning to her student. “And you Twilight.”

“Thank you, Princess,” Twilight said.

“W-What are you doin' here?” Applejack stammered.

“Let me guess,” Fire said. “You wanted to see the Running of the Leaves since fall is one of your favorite seasons.”

“You know me well Fire,” Celestia said.

“I'm sorry you had to see us being such poor sports, Princess.” Applejack apologized.

“That's all right, Applejack,” Celestia said. “Anypony can get swept up in the excitement of competition.”

“Even you Mom?” Fire asked.

“I’ve… been there once or twice,” Celestia said.

“It's important to remember that the friendship is always more important than the competition.” Twilight added.

“Exactly, Twilight,” Celestia agreed before pointing back behind them. “Now, unfortunately, because the two of you were busy tricking each other instead of shaking down leaves, many of the lovely trees of Equestria are still covered.”

Applejack knew what to do immediately. “Why, Princess, I bet we can knock those leaves down for you lickety-split.”

She then turned to Rainbow Dash. “Whaddya say, friend? Wanna go for another run?”

Rainbow Dash was thrilled. “I'd love to stretch my legs!”

She flapped her wings as well and then the two of them were off running as the others watched. Celestia then turned back to her son and Twilight. “So how are the two of you getting along? I last heard that there was conflict between you when you went to deal with that dragon a while back.”

“Yeah, it's hard having two ponies that can be leaders at times,” Fire said. “But we make a pretty good team and have each other’s backs.”

“We sure do,” Twilight said.

“That’s good to hear,” Celestia said looking between them with a fond smile. “You two are quite similar after all. By the way Fire have you found a mare that you are going to take to the gala in a few months?”

“Yeah,” Fire said, forcing a smile.

“Wonderful, I look forward to seeing the two of you together there,” Celestia said looking between him and Twilight.

Fire looked at his mother and followed her eyes to Twilight. “Huh? No, not her! I’m taking my friend Moondancer to the Gala!”

“Oh!” Celestia was surprised. “I just assumed you might have chosen Twilight.”

Both of the magically talent ponies blushed.

“No! I mean… Twilight’s great and all. But I don’t think I have those kinds of feelings for her,” Fire said.

“Yeah,” Twilight agreed.

“I… understand,” Celestia said with the slightest hesitation.

Fire frowned in suspicion. He’d have to have a talk with her later.

“Well, since you’re here would you like to see my home?” Fire asked.

“Certainly!” Celestia said. “But I’d like to wander the road a bit and enjoy the lovely leaves!”

“Oh yeah, why don’t we all go together?” Fire suggested looking at Twilight.

“I’m up for another stroll and maybe a little run as well!” Twilight agreed.

Fire nodded and looked over his shoulder at Rarity and Fluttershy. “How about you two?”

“I think I would enjoy a nice walk through a beautiful place,” Rarity said. “Though the trees aren’t so pretty anymore without their leaves, but the ground is certainly wonderous now.”

“I’ll come,” Fluttershy agreed shyly.

“Don’t forget about me!” Pinkie announced as she suddenly bounced over, no longer in the balloon.

“I’m here too!” Spike said glumly. “Mr. Second Best Announcer.”

“Come on Spike, cheer up!” Pinkie said. “I’m sure you’ll be as good an announcer as I am in no time. You just need more experience!”

“You really think so? Great!” Spike said.

“Let’s go,” Fire said.

He, his mother, Twilight, and all their friends headed down for a stroll in the woods that were now mostly barren up above.