• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,388 Views, 111 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

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Chapter 19: Call of the Cutie

Author's Note:

Authors Notes: Okay, so this one is going to be an alternate version of the canon episode in which the CMC’s already know each other and not contradicting the fact that they were shown together when Nightmare Moon appeared.

Fire walked through Ponyville with a frown. He’d just gotten some bad news this morning. Those thieves that had broken into his tower had escaped the Canterlot dungeons somehow. He heard a bell nearby and looked to see the Ponyville School, a red building with a sign featuring a book and a playground in back. He smiled as he recalled his own days at school not long ago. It felt strange, he’d just seemed to have graduated upon helping the mares defeat Nightmare Moon.

Of course, he had been transferred here on a special assignment with Twilight to learn about the magic of friendship. He was to protect Equestria with her and the others when the time came. But he was certainly enjoying everything that happened in the meantime with their other friends and occassionally family. Fire then recalled Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle as well as the orange filly he’d seen on a scooter. They were all here at the school no doubt, learning as they readied themselves for their own lives that lay ahead. Who knew what they would do when they discovered their role with their cutie marks? Fire just hoped theirs would be a little less… dangerous then his for their sake.

In the schoolhouse, Apple Bloom sat at her desk, looking around her she saw many young foals with her that had cutie marks, unlike her. Her yellow furred flank was still blank. She saw a variety of different marks, like a flower, silver jewel encrusted spoon, and a bow and arrow. But she also saw there were a few others in her class that hadn’t acquired their marks yet, like her two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, along with her other friend Twist.

The foals were muttering among themselves for a while until the teacher, a mare with a cerise coat, green eyes and a mane of pink and white as well as a cutie mark of three smiling flowers.

“Let's quiet down please,” the teacher, Cheerilee, told them in a soft voice as she made her way to the front of the classroom where a book of drawing paper stood on a stand. “We have a very important lesson to get to.”

The class stopped talking and gave her their full attention.

“Thank you,” Cheerilee said. “Today we are going to be talking about cutie marks.”

She flipped the blank paper on the front to reveal the next one which showed a variety of marks.

“Boring,” one of the fillies nearby said rudely.

Apple Bloom glared at her, and out of the corner of her eye saw Sweetie Belle who was directly in front of the rude filly do the same. The rude one, Diamond Tiara was the daughter of Filthy Rich, the richest stallion in all of Ponyville. Though that title could now be debated since there was actual royal living here now. Diamond Tiara was a light pink filly with a head bearing a white and purple mane as well as a tiara on it, befitting her name. Even her cutie mark looked like a tiara. That was the case with a lot of ponies, their cutie marks often reflected their name.

“You can all see my cutie mark, can't you?” Cheerilee asked showing it to her class. “Like all ponies, I wasn't born with a cutie mark.”

She turned to the next page and showed a picture of her younger self sitting on a mattress. That younger self lacked the mark the current Cheerilee possessed.

“My flank was blank.”

“Aww!” Twist exclaimed as she looked at the picture, speaking a bit unclearly due to a speech defect she possessed. “She so precious!”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle agreed. “You were so cute Miss Cheerilee!”

“Thank you, Sweetie Belle,” Cheerilee said before continuing. “Then one day, when I was about your age, I woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared.”

She showed the next photo that showed her with a cutie mark and crazy hair as she seemed to be dancing.

Another filly sniggered. “Look at her hair!”

This caused many of the foals to laugh. But Cheerilee didn’t become angry and simply smiled.

“Yes, I know! But honestly, that's how everypony was wearing their mane back then.” She then pointed to the three smiling flowers on her younger self’s flank. “I had decided to become a teacher, and the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I nurture them with knowledge. The smiles represented the cheer I hoped to bring to my little ponies while they were learning. Now, can anyone tell me when a pony gets his or her cutie mark?”

Twist raised her hoof, managing to speak more clearly this time. “Oh! Oh! Oh! When she discovers that certain something that makes her special!”

Cheerilee nodded. “That's right, Twist. A cutie mark appears on a pony's flank when he or she finds that certain something that makes them different from every other pony. Discovering what makes you unique isn't something-


Apple Bloom heard something in the background but was focused on taking notes with a pencil in her mouth as Cheerilee continued.

“-that happens overnight, and no amount of hoping, wishing-“


Apple Bloom ignored the second sound.

“-or begging, would make a cutie mark appear before its time.”

“Pssst!” The third finally got Apple Bloom’s attention as well as Sweetie Belle who looked over her shoulder.

“What?!” Apple Bloom asked impatiently looking to her left at Diamond Tiara who had a piece of paper in her mouth. A note.

Applebloom looked from Diamond Tiara to Silver Spoon, Diamond’s best friend who was on Apple Bloom’s right. Silver held out her hoof to receive the note. Apple Bloom took it in her teeth and-

“Apple Bloom! Are you passing a note?” Cheerilee exclaimed as she saw it.

Apple Bloom stammered and dropped the note. “Uh, I... Um…”

Cheerilee walked over to where the note had fallen with a serious expression. “What could be so important that it couldn't wait until after class?”

She looked at it however and gasped as she saw. “It's blank!”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon began laughing on either side of Apple Bloom. “Remind you of anypony?”

“Don’t blame Apple Bloom, Miss Cheerilee!” Sweetie Belle suddenly spoke up. “I saw Diamond Tiara give her that!”

Cheerilee looked at the rich filly whose mouth fell open. “Are you trying to get Apple Bloom in trouble, Diamond Tiara? Or were you simply lending her paper?”

“Uh- I was…”

“She did it to get me in trouble!” Apple Bloom said. “Right after you said its blank, she said ‘remind you of anypony!”

Cheerilee frowned deeper now. “Bullying is not tolerated in my school! Diamond Tiara you are staying in class during recess!”

“WHAT?” the spoiled filly exclaimed in outrage that her plan had backfired.

Apple Bloom smiled at Sweetie Belle. “Thanks.”

“No problem,” Sweetie said. “Anything for a friend.”

Diamond Tiara glared at them and muttered to herself, “I’ll get you blank flanks for this!”

Recess soon came passed by and Apple Bloom happily left with Sweetie Belle, Twist, and Scootalloo at her side.

“Want some sweets? I've got some peppermint sticks. I made them myself,” Twist said with a wide grin as they walked.

Apple Bloom nodded. “Thanks Twist! Nothing like some sweets after a good day!”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo agreed.

“Best ever! I really liked that lesson today!” Sweetie Belle said.

Suddenly Diamond Tiara appeared behind them with Silver Spoon at her side. “I don't know why we had to sit through a lecture about getting a cutie mark. I mean, waiting for your cutie mark is sooo last week.” She looked at Silver Spoon. “You got yours, I just got mine. We all have them already.”

She then looked at the four in front of her as she walked around them, showing off the diamond encrusted tiara on her flank. “I mean, almost all of us have them already.”

The group of four blank flanks frowned.

“Oh, don’t give me those looks,” Diamond said giving a false smile. “Look I’m sorry about earlier. How would you like to come to my cute-ceañera this weekend?”

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked with a smile.

“It's going to be amazing,” Silver Spoon said.

“It's a party celebrating me and my fantastic cutie mark. How could it not be?

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon then did a dance. Starting with their hooves and ending with their rumps meeting together so their cutie marks were on full display. “Bump! Bump! Sugar-lump, rump!”

Apple Bloom frowned, knowing the invite was just a ploy. “Gimme a break!”

“No kidding!” Twist said. “They act like they’re all high and mighty just cause they got their cutie marks first!”

“Yeah, but they have what makes them special!” Scootaloo said. “That makes them more important than us cause they know their purpose!”

The four of them looked down as they realized the bullies were in fact better then them.

Silver Spoon grinned. “See you this weekend!”

Blank flanks!” Both she and Diamond said with laughs.

The four of them felt their spirits drop.

The weekend was on them before they knew it. Apple Bloom was at Sweet Apple Acres where Applejack was hard at work in the orchard. “It's not fair! It's just not fair!”

Applejack looked at her younger sister as she gathered fallen apples into a bucket. “Don't get your mane in a tangle. You'll get your cutie mark. Everypony gets one eventually.”

“But I don't want one eventually!” Apple Bloom objected. “I want one right now! I can't go to Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera without one, I just can't!”

“Course you can,” Applejack encouraged. “Remember you’re not the only one in your class to be a blankflank! All yer best friends are too!”

“I guess,” Apple Bloom looked down. “At least I know I’m not alone. But I still want my cutie mark!”

Applejack walked toward her sister. “Y'know, I was the last pony in my class to get my cutie mark, and I couldn't be prouder of it. I knew my future was to run Sweet Apple Acres, and these bright shiny apples sealed the deal.” She rubbed the trio of red apples on her flank.

The elder sister then gasped as she remembered something. “Come to think of it, Granny Smith was the last one in her class, too. Huh, same as Big McIntosh.”

Apple Bloom walked away, kicking an apple near her sister's bucket. “I really don't see how that's supposed to make me feel better. It probably means that being the last one in your class to get a cutie mark runs in the family!”

But in a few seconds an idea ran through her head. “Runs in the family.”

That caused her to smile. “Runs in the family! Runs in the family!”

She ran to her sister who was happy to see her younger sibling happy. Apple Bloom looked at Applejack’s flank where she had her mark. “You've got apples for your cutie mark, Granny Smith has an apple pie, Big McIntosh has an apple half, my unique talent must have som’n to do with apples!”

“Apples apples apples!” she bounced around in joy.

There was a crash as she knocked over the apples her sister had gathered.

“Oops... apples,” she finished.

A shadow passed over them and they looked up to see him looking down on them.

“Howdy Applejack!” Fire Sword greeted them in a country way and landing in front of them.

“Howdy Fire!” Applejack said waving up at him. “I got your order of apples ready! You sure like em huh?”

“Favorite fruit right after grapes!” he declared before winking at her. “But you are probably my favorite cowgirl pony!”

She chuckled and blushed. “Are you flirting with me?”

He sniggered and teased, not in mean way, just a fun way. “Not on your life! I’d burn you down in nothing flat! Apples shouldn’t play with fire, remember?”

“Yeah, you need somepony who can take the heat!” Applejack teased back. “We apples burn pretty easy if we aren’t wet!”

They laughed.

“But… I think one of my retainers has a little thing for you!” Fire whispered.

“Really?” Applejack asked. “Now who would that be?”

“I probably shouldn’t say. Just keep an eye out next time you’re around shall we say… the garden?” Fire said as he handed her some bits. “Now, where are my apples?”

“Ah yes right this way!”

She led him to the barn where she had a wagon load of apples ready.

“I’m surprised you didn’t send your servants to come get it,” Applejack said.

Fire shrugged. “Work makes you strong. I won’t improve my strength if I don’t use my muscles.”

“Smart thinking,” Applejack praised. “And you’re mighty strong too.”

She then looked at the amount of bits he’d given her. “And generous too!”

“Bit of everything remember?” Fire said. “Balance of all of you!”

“Right! Well, my sister and I are gonna head into town to sell our apples!” Applejack said. “She figures her special talent has to do with apples, so maybe we can try selling them!”

“Okay, maybe I’ll see you there!” Fire said looking at Apple Bloom. “You know, having a cute little filly to try and persuade ponies to buy your apples could work.”

Apple Bloom blushed. “Thanks Prince Fire!”

He took his wagon and began the walk to Warm Heart Tower nearby.

Fire heaved the heavy cart home and levitated the dozens of apples into the cellar. He then flew out to town, his shift was over but he might as well enjoy the rest of the day. He soon found Applejack in front of her stand in town. She was looking at something ahead of her and Fire smirked. He gave a light flap of his wings and was by her side as she was completely unaware.


“Waah!” Applejack jumped. “Ah man I thought have the occasional pranks from Rainbow and Pinkie were enough! But now the prince of pranks joins!”

Fire laughed. “Prince of pranks is probably a bit too much! I’m just a prince that likes a prank now and then!’”

She didn’t respond, instead looking at her younger sister who was standing with Bon Bon who had a cluster of apples nearby.

“That'll be four bits!” Apple Bloom said.

Bon Bon frowned. “I didn't put those in my bag.

Apple Bloom however pressed on. “Likely story. Four bits, lady!”

Applejack pulled her sister back. “Apple Bloom!”

She then turned to Bon Bon. “I am really really sorry about that. She's new. Here, take these. No charge.”

She gave Bon Bon a bag of apples on her back. Then she emptied out their entire cart onto the poor mare. “And these. And these.”

She gave the rest up as Bon Bon groaned. Fire shook his head and walked over.

“Now now Applejack I don’t think that’s helping,” he said as he got the weight off of the former special agent whom he leaned in close to and whispered. “I’d get out of here quick, Sweetie Drops.”

She nodded with an appreciative smile. “Thanks, your highness.”

She walked away quickly. Fire then turned to the two apple siblings.

“That's not the way to go about it!” he asked. "No need to just dump everything on her!"

Applejack looked down. "You're right. I just wanted to stop Apple Bloom from getting all up in ponies faces.”

“Sorry Applejack,” Apple Bloom apologized. “I just want my cutie mark so bad! Then Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon will stop teasing me!”

Applejack sighed. “Ugh. Listen, sugarcube, I know it's hard to wait for your very own cutie mark. But you just can't force it. Besides, you're not that grown-up just yet. And like I said you got a whole group of best friends that don’t have theirs.”

Apple Bloom managed a smile. “You’re right. Well as long as I have them I guess I’ll be okay. Sweetie Bell did get me out of trouble when I was about to be in it.”

Fire smiled. “A true friend has your back no matter what. Of course, even then they might not be perfect.”

“Fire’s right!” Applejack said. “He’s been a true friend ever since he moved to Ponyville, protecting me and the others from Nightmare Moon, offering to help us out with some money, getting all of us tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!”
Fire blushed. “Yeah, though I did get mad at you and Rarity during that sleepover.”

“That’s okay,” Applejack assured him. “All in the past now.”

She then turned to her sister. “Point is, a true friend doesn’t carry if you’re a blank flank or not. Or if you come from a completely different caste.”

Fire nodded. “Don’t let anypony get you down!”

“Thanks,” Apple Bloom said. “I’ll go find my friends.”

Fire watched her run off as Applejack sighed next to him.

“The young’uns, just want to grow up so fast,” Applejack said.

“And I bet when they do, they wish they’re young again,” Fire said.

“Darn tootin!” Applejack agreed. “If I could do one thing over it would be something that made sure my parents were still alive!”

Fire looked at her with pity. “I’m sorry about that Applejack.”

“It's alright Fire,” the cowpony said.

She was smiling but he could see the look in her eyes. He walked over and put his foreleg around her. She smiled and leaned into his embrace.

“Thanks Fire,” she said. “Wow you are warm!”

“Runs in my blood I guess,” he said. “I can’t imagine what’s like to lose somepony you care about. But not having them around is probably just as bad or pretty close. I don’t who my father is. My mom won’t tell me.”

“Guess Celestia is pretty secretive huh?” Applejack said. “Well I’m sure royals have lots of things they need to keep from us common ponies!”

“True,” Fire admitted as he recalled having to keep Bon Bon’s secret, among other things he was aware of.

“Still, glad to have you as a friend,” Applejack said. “And I hope you have a good day! I think I should stop by the cute-ceañera to make sure Applejack’s okay.”

Fire smiled. “Sounds like a good idea.”

“Knowing Pinkie Pie she’ll probably…

“Hey!” the pink pony seemed to appear out of nowhere. “You’re invited to a cute cenara party for one Diamond Tiara!”

She handed him an invitation then ran off with more invitations in her mouth.

Fire looked at the invitation which read Dear Random Pony, you are hereby invited to the cute-ceañera party of another random pony.

“Well… that’s random,” Fire said before chuckling softly.

“Eh, we’re all friends in Ponyville. Besides, Rarity will probably be there with Sweetie Belle since this is a party for one of her classmates!”

“So… this Diamond Tiara… do you know her?” Fire asked.

“Not first hoof. Just that she’s Filthy Rich’s daughter,” Applejack said. “He does a lot of business in Ponyville.”

“This Filthy Rich… what’s he like?” Fire asked.

“Oh, he’s nice,” Applejack said. “Never been anything but decent to me and my family. Buys lots of apples so we’re grateful to him as business partners. Though his wife Spoiled is a mite rude.”

Fire nodded. He tended to dislike ponies of upper class, at least ones that looked down on other ponies. Not all of them were like that though he knew. He was royalty and he wasn’t, nor was his own mother and she was the ruler. If they were kind to other ponies he could be kind to them as well. But if he found them abusing their wealth or not caring, that made him mad.

Suddenly his vision flashed red and his eyes stung. He winced and rubbed them with a small groan.
Applejack noticed. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” Fire said. “My eyes just stung for a moment there. Must be the season!”

“That’s only in spring when there’s pollen,” she corrected.

He shrugged. “Well, who knows then?”

But deep down he knew what this was. Or rather, who it was.

“I’ll see you at the party,” Fire said.

“Alright,” Applejack said.

Fire flew back to Warm Heart Tower for lunch. He sat his desk and wrote a letter.

Dear Princess Cadance,

My beloved sister figure. I hope you are enjoying your tour around Equestria and that I will see you on Hearth’s Warming. Things are going well here in Ponyville though I hope those thieves don’t get any ideas of coming back here. Also you’ll be pleased to know I might be able to spread some love here in your name, since you are the Princess of Love. One of my servants has an interest in the Element of Honesty so I’ll see about having them get together. Wish you could be here to see it!

Lots of Love,

Prince Fire Sword.

Fire finished his letter and then put it in the envelope to be mailed later. He then changed into an orange suite for the party. It had a white collar and a red tie. To top it off he got out his prince crown as well. Even though this was more of a casual party most likely, he had to look his best as a prince. Diamond Tiara didn’t seem nice from how she apparently caused Apple Bloom to worry about her missing her special talent, but he wanted to be there for the younger sister of his friend more than some random possibly mean filly. Some of his other friends were likely going as well since two of their sisters were classmates of the pony who it was all about. He walked out into Ponyville and arrived at Sugarcube Corner in a while with two of his guards.

“Presenting his royal highness! The Warm Hearted Son of Celestia! Prince Fire Sword!”

Fire walked inside and many of the ponies awed at him and bowed. He smiled at them. Then a pair of young Earth Pony fillies in formal dresses approached him.

“Prince Fire Sword!” the pink filly with the tiara who must have been Diamond Tiara greeted him. “Its an honor to have Canterlot Royalty at my cute-cenara!”

Suck ups. Fire thought, but put on a fake smile. He’d tolerate them. They were just fillies after all. Still time for them to maybe grow into better ponies.

“Nice to meet you lovely little fillies,” he greeted in as courteous a tone as he could manage. “Congratulations on getting your new cutie mark!”

“Thank you!” Diamond said. “Please, enjoy the party! We have ponies of all ages! Though not the really old and boring ones!”
Fire frowned. His mother was older then all the old and boring ones here. Yep, Diamond Tiara was a snob. He took a breath to try and calm himself. Fire looked around and saw Rarity as well as Twilight and Applejack. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were there as well as the orange Pegasus filly he’d scolded a while back for recklessness.

He walked over to the beautiful unicorn with a smile. She didn’t wear an outfit but a blue flower in her mane.

“Hello Rarity,” he greeted.

“My prince,” she said with a bow. “Your suit is quite handsome.”

“You should know. It was made by the finest seamstress and most beautiful unicorn in all of Ponyville,” he said.

Her cheeks gained some red and she giggled. “Oh, you flatterer! Just don’t let Moondancer catch you flirting!”

“We’re not really a couple yet,” he reminded her. “If we become one at all that is.”

“Well I do hope it works out between you both,” she said smiling with what he thought was sincerity.

“And I hope you are happy with my cousin Blueblood,” Fire said with false sincerity.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want her to be happy in her love life. Just that he wished she could be his date instead. But it was clear she didn’t have the same feelings for him. Even though she considered him brave and handsome… apparently she was just interested in the more eligible bachelor. Ah well, he still valued her as a friend and a very creative fashion pony with lovely tastes.

“So did you design Diamond Tiara’s outfit?” he asked looking at the little filly.

“Yes,” she said. “And her friends as well since her cutie mark came last week! Normally I’d wear my own outfit at a party but I’m not the star today so I mustn’t draw attention away!”

Fire nodded. He walked over to the food and helped himself to some grapes as well as cupcakes.

Then suddenly he heard Diamond Tiara call out. “There’s the remaining blank flanks! You’re down to just three now since Twist got her cutie mark!”

She pointed at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootalloo who were sitting at their own table.

“Yeah you guys are lame! You’re like the last ones in our class that don’t have their cutie marks! Blank Flanks!” Diamond’s
friend, the silver filly taunted.

Fire frowned. He wouldn’t stand by while those bullies mocked the sisters of two of his friends.

“Blank flanks! Blank flanks! Blank flanks!” many of the attending ponies called in mockery.

Geez what a bunch of simpletons and suck ups! Fire thought. Partaking in bullying just cause somepony important does it. Well a lot of ponies do the same with my mom.

Rarity and Applejack as well as Twilight frowned as well. Fire took a step forward to try and help the younger ones out.
Scootalloo narrowed her eyes. “Yeah well at least we aren’t stuck up like you two!”

“Yeah, we may not have our cutie marks yet but we still have a destiny to discover! We could be scientists or dancers! Or anything that could be really amazing!” Sweetie Belle said.

Fire smiled. “That’s right!”

He flapped his wings and landed behind the three of them. “You three are full of potential! Not having a cutie mark doesn’t make you less important at all! You still have a journey to go on to find what makes you special!”

“That’s right!” Twilight said. “I remember when I was in Canterlot, I was deeply fascinated with magic! But I didn’t get my cutie mark right away! It took lots of effort and studying!”

“And I had to find the right inspiration to make my outfits the most fabulous of all!” Rarity said.

“I needed to realize I missed my own home before I got my mark!” Applejack said. “We all have journies to undertake and something tells me these three will have an interesting one!”

“Yeah! The journey to getting a cutie mark is incredible!” one of the attending foals said.

“Maybe I got mine too soon!” another said.

“They are so lucky to still be able to search!”

“Hey! This party is about me!” Diamond Tiara shouted angrily.

All the ponies ignored her. Fire hung out with his friends and so did the young ones.

“Well, we may be the only blank flanks in this party,” Apple Bloom said looking around.

“And in our class! But at least we’re blank flanks together,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Not for long!” Scootaloo declared. “We all want our cutie marks right?”

“Right,” Apple Bloom confirmed with a puzzled expression. “So do you propose we do? Start a secret society for getting cutie marks?”

“That might not be a bad idea!” Sweetie Belle said. “I’d do whatever it took to get my cutie mark! And who better to do it with then my best friends?”

Fire heard them and walked over. “I think that’s a great idea!

“Well I’d like to help ya but I already got mine,” Twist said.

“That’s okay, we’re still friends Twist!” Apple Bloom promised. “You got your cutie mark though and we still have to find ours! It will be lots of fun!”

“We’ll be like crusaders on a quest!” Scootaloo said. “A quest to get our cutie marks!”

“We’ll be the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Sweetie Belle said.

“That sounds like a good name,” Fire said. “But don’t forget it will take time.”

“Well no matter how long it takes, we’re gonna get them!” Apple Bloom declared.

“You do what you want little sis!” Applejack said.

“I’m sure you’ll all find something lovely on this journey,” Rarity agreed as she looked at her own little sister.

“I think you’ll find lots of magic of your own,” Twilight said.

Apple Bloom stood with her fellow crusaders. An Earth Pony, Pegasi, and Unicorn. They looked at their older sisters (at least in two cases). Scootaloo idolized Rainbow Dash even though they weren’t related. This was the start of their journey to achieve their goal, just as their sisters had a mission of their own. Who knew what the future would bring for them?
Fire didn’t know. But he looked forward to it as he returned home. The holidays would come up in a few months, and hopefully he or somepony else would catch those escaped thieves as well as the unicorn mastermind.