• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,387 Views, 111 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

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Chapter 4: The Prince's Job

Author's Note:

Okay, so this will feature Fire Sword getting a job in Ponyville. I figured even though he was a princess and didn’t really need a job he would get bored doing nothing all day and want to do something for his community or kingdom. I think just this chapter and one or two more original ones then we can get on with the show canon. I might make a few tweaks though like I did last time with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle already knowing each other which the first episode established and later contradicted in call of the cutie. I will probably also add some more original content as well.

Princess Celestia’s reply came soon and was sent to Twilight. It responded to both her and Fire Sword’s letters.

“Ahem,” Spike cleared his throat before reading Celestia’s response to Twilight. “Dear Twilight, I’m glad you are enjoying yourself with your new friends and of course my son. Speaking of which, please tell him that I’ve already sent his depiction of the home he wishes to the finest architect in Equestria. He and his team will be there soon and have that tower built lickety-split. I am also working on having a new part added to the Royal Guard specifically made for both my sister Princess Luna and my son. Fire’s guard should be there soon as well sometime after the architects.”

Twilight smiled. “They must be very good builders if they are able to complete it so quickly.”

“Well, this is the son of Celestia we’re talking about,” Spike said. “He has to have it done as soon as possible.”

He grew a frown. “I just hope he doesn’t have Rarity as soon as possible.”

Twilight giggled. “Looks like some dragon is a little jealous.”

“I’m not!” Spike said with folded arms.

Twilight raised her eyebrows.

Spike sighed. “Okay, fine. I’m a bit jealous of the way Rarity looks at Fire Sword.”

“Well, he is a very handsome pony, and the son of Princess Celestia,” Twilight reminded him. “Besides, Rarity is quite a bit older than you! You’re just a baby dragon and she’s almost a full-grown mare!”

Spike growled. “So, you’re saying I’m too young for Rarity?”

“Sorry Spike but it’s the truth,” Twilight said. “But I’m sure Rarity adores you. Someday, you’ll find a special pony, or dragon, I’m sure.”

“She is just so beautiful,” Spike said. “Well, I’m not gonna give her up without a fight!”

“Careful Spike, don’t go fighting Fire over Rarity! Especially if you don’t want to get burned!” Twilight said cracking a joke.

“Dragons are fire-proof, so Fire has nothing on me! Ha!” Spike said.

Twilight sighed.

“Relax its not like I’m really gonna fight Fire!” Spike said. “Just try and win Rarity’s heart before he does!”

Fire Sword walked through Ponyville deep in thought. He was here in this town, which was nice enough in his mind. Some ponies back in Canterlot looked down on these country ponies but he didn’t find it that bad. At least it was less crowded and noisy, and the air was cleaner. But what was he going to do here once his tower was built? He was a prince so there wasn’t really a necessity for him to have a job, but doing nothing all day except spending time with his new Ponyville friends was quickly turning out to be boring. He’d explored the town, dined at the finest restaurants and even saved the town as well as the rest of Equestria from Eternal Night. But while he was here, he felt it would be best to actually do something. All of his friends had jobs; Twilight was running the Golden Oaks Library and giving reports to Fire’s mother on friendship, Rarity had her fashion business, Applejack ran Sweet Apple Acres with her family, Fluttershy looked after animals, Pinkie Pie worked at Sugarcube Corner with a married couple called the Cakes who baked, and Rainbow Dash cleared the clouds and brought rain in with the other Pegasi. Hay, all his friends were still mares. He seriously needed to find a stallion to hang out with sooner or later. But first he needed to get a job. But what kind of job? Then an idea occurred to him as he thought back on his cutie mark and his part time training with the royal guards while also learning magic at his mother’s school.

He headed over to Town Hall as that seemed a good place to start. Entering the building he found Mayor Mare in her office. She looked up at him and smiled, bowing her head.

“Oh, good morning, Prince Fire Sword,” she said. “How might I help you today?”

“I was wondering if there were any available jobs here in Ponyville?” Fire said.

“You are a prince though!” the mayor exclaimed. “You don’t need to work!”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to. It is a little boring without something to do. My mother always has lots of paper work to fill out,” Fire said. “That might be a bit boring as well but I know it’s necessary. We all have to work in some form or another. I don’t want to just lounge around and do nothing.”

Which was probably what Cousin Blueblood would do. He thought.

“I suppose you make a good point,” Mayor Mare conceded. “Very well. What sort of job do you have in mind?”

Fire brought a hoof to his chin. “Hmm. I could help here at Town Hall I suppose, with event planning and I could possibly act as a representative for my mother while I’m here.”

“That does sound appropriate,” Mayor Mare agreed. “I would be honored to have the princess more involved in our humble community.”

Fire nodded and continued. “Though my special talent is supposed to be combat magic. I’ve trained with both magic and with the royal guards. Could that be of use in Ponyville somehow?”

“Combat trained, eh?” she asked. “Well, we could use some law enforcement. We don’t have much crime here in Ponyville but there is the occasional offence. You did handle Nightmare Moon and that was probably much bigger than what we are used to on a day-to-day basis!”

Fire hummed. “I can do that.”

“Good, because we don’t really have an acting Sherriff, ponies usually just come to me to report a crime when it happens,” Mayor Mare said. “When you aren’t enforcing the law, you could also help me with event planning here if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Fire agreed. “A proper prince needs to be able to lead, manage and protect his home after all.”

“Very well, Prince Fire, or should I say Sheriff Fire… you are now an acting officer of Ponyville and have a seat in the Town Hall Council,” Mayor Mare said.

“Thank you,” Fire said. “How do I start?”

“We haven’t got anything major going on here in Ponyville today aside from the parties that Pinkie Pie throws for practically any reason.”

Fire nodded. “That pony is such a party animal.”

“I can let you know when we’re planning something to happen,” the mayor said. “Though now that I think about it, I suppose it would be best to announce that you will be the new Sherriff here. I’ll spread the word and have everypony meet in front of Town Hall later today.”

Fire nodded. He went back out into town and patrolled it, if he was going to be sheriff that was probably a good way to start in order to find any crime.

“Hey Fire!” a voice called from above.

Looking up, Fire saw Rainbow Dash flying over him.

“Hey Rainbow,” he greeted. “How are things with you?”

“Good, the sky’s already clear so I can just relax for the rest of the day,” she said pulling up a cloud. “Of course, I still need to stay in shape if I want to join the Wonderbolts. What are you up to?”

“Well, I just spoke with the Mayor about having a job and its looks I’m gonna have two,” Fire said. “Law enforcement and representing my mother here.”

“Great, well if you want to catch some bad guys, I’d recommend using your wings,” Rainbow Dash said spreading her own. “You’ll be able to see a lot more from up here in the sky.”

“Good point,” Fire said as he flapped his own wings and took off.

He hovered over town, and indeed could see more of it at once as he looked down. In the distance he saw Sweet Apple Acres, Carousel Boutique, Sugarcube Corner and various other locations.

“Need a hoof, or wing?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew up next to him.

“Thought you wanted to just relax all day?” Fire teased.

“Yeah, that would be nice, but if I actually manage to stop a big crime then my chances of getting recognized by the Wonderbolts will increase tenfold!” Rainbow put her hoofs to her cheeks.

Fire frowned at the display of her ego and let out a small sigh. “Alright, I guess I could use the help. Let me know if you spot anything.”

“Will do Captain!” Rainbow Dash saluted him. “Or Prince!”

“It's Sheriff Right now,” Fire said.

“Sheriff Fire! Got it!”

“Alright, you’re now a part time deputy!” Fire said.

“And I won’t disappoint!” Rainbow said.

She then took off at an incredible speed. Fire meanwhile flew calmly over Ponyville. Then after a few minutes he heard his name being called again.


It was Twilight this time. Spike walked by her side.

“Hey Twilight,” Fire said swooping down and landing in front of her. “Did you get a reply from my mom?”

“Yes, and she said to tell you that’s she’s already sent word to the best architect in Equestria,” Twilight informed. “They are probably on their way now.”

“Ah, good,” Fire said. “Then my home should be built pretty quick. Anything going on at the library?”

“Not much, which is good,” Twilight said. “Libraries are supposed to be nice and quiet. Did you know Pinkie Pie threw me a party in there when I first arrived in Ponyville?”


“It was the night before Summer Sun Celebration,” she said. “Back when I thought friendship was a waste of time.”

“Oh,” Fire said in realization before remembering something. “Oh, and have you heard from Moondancer lately?”

“Moondancer, from the School of Magic?” Twilight asked. “No, why?”

“Oh, I thought she would have invited you to another party by now.”

“Well, parties don’t have to happen every day. Unless you’re Pinkie Pie,” Spike said as he looked at them before leaning off to the side. “Well, speak of the pony we last talked about!”

Fire turned around to see what Spike was looking at behind him. He smiled at the sight of four familiar mares from Canterlot.

"Moondancer, Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lemon Hearts!” he said as he saw the group of unicorns he’d partied with before the Summer Sun Celebration.

“Hi Fire!” Minuette said before noticing Twilight. “Hey Twilight, hi Spike!”

“Oh, hey girls,” Twilight said her ears falling. “Hey, I’m really sorry for being such a bad friend while I was in Canterlot. I always thought that friendship was a waste of time that would only get in the way. But going up against Nightmare Moon taught me otherwise.”

She bowed her head to them.

“It’s okay Twilight,” Twinkleshine came forward a put a hoof on her shoulder. “We were kind of used to it from you.”

“Most of us anyway,” Moondancer said. “I had really hoped you would come to my party.”

“I know, Fire told me,” Twilight said in a voice filled with remorse. “I wish I could have gone now. But the princess sent me here.”

“I know,” Moondancer said with a nod.

“But I promise I’ll come to the next one,” Twilight said with a smile. "Friends?"

"Freinds." Moondancer nodded and walked up and hugged her. She was quickly joined with the others.

“So, what are you guys doing here?” Fire asked.

“Oh, we came to visit our friend Lyra,” Lemon Hearts said.

“Yeah, she moved to Ponyville just like you two! I guess that gives us three friends to visit!” Minuette said enthusiastically. “Come on, why don’t we all go together to her place?”

“Oh, uh, I’m sorry but I’ve taken a job as a Sheriff here and I can’t really abandon that,” Fire said. “But I could find you girls later!”

“Wow, a Prince Sherriff huh?” Lemon Hearts said. “Cool!”

“See you later then,” Minuette said.

They began to walk off and then Twilight looked at Fire.

“Oh, and before I forget your mom said she wanted me to tell you that she’s making you a personal set of guards that should be here later!”

“Oh, okay,” Fire shrugged.

Moondancer didn’t say anything but looked at Fire as she and the other girls walked off with Twilight to hang out. Fire then flapped his wings and ascended back into the sky. Things were quiet, but who knew how long that would last? He flew above, looking down below. For a while he found nothing out of the ordinary then…


A loud sound filled his ears, the sound of thunder coming from above.

“Aah!” he yelped in surprise.

A laugh sounded and he looked up to see a dark thundercloud with a certain blue pegasus laying on it.

“Gotcha!” Rainbow Dash said with a laugh.

Fire sniggered. “Oh, you are gonna get it my little deputy!”

He flew at her and she leapt off her cloud. He dove through it and caused it to vanish into thin air. Fire flew after Rainbow Dash who managed to stay a good deal out of range. She was fast, a bit faster than Fire as she managed to stay just out of range.

“You’re pretty fast,” she admitted. “Nopony else can give me a decent chase!”

Fire flapped his rings but could quickly feel the fatigue catching up to him. He couldn’t catch her, but he then remembered he had one leg up on her. Flapping hard with the last of the strength in his wings he activated his magic and enveloped Rainbow Dash in a red aura.

“Uh oh!” Rainbow said as she noticed this.

Fire pulled her back and caught her from behind.

“Gotcha!” he said.

“Yep guess you did! Wow, never had a pony that could actually catch me before!” Rainbow Dash said.

He grinned and let go of her.

“Feels good to have another flying buddy around here,” Rainbow said. “Fluttershy is usually too scared to come far off the ground.”

Fire smiled. She might be arrogant and a braggart but she was admittedly cool and athletic.

“So you like to sneak up on ponies, huh?”

“Yeah, I like a good prank every now and then,” Rainbow said.

Fire grinned. “Better look out cause, I like to prank a few ponies myself.”

“Oh really?” Rainbow asked with a smug smirk.

“Yeah, when I was a colt I’d get into quite a bit of trouble in Canterlot,” Fire told her. “I’d paint the royal guard’s armor to look like clowns.”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Oh that’s good!”

“Yeah, but they’re no fun. They hardly respond to anything at all unless absolutely necessary. So, I went out and began pulling pranks on some other ponies in Canterlot, mainly the upper-class ones I didn’t like.”

“Oh, that’s rich! I bet you didn’t get any punishment at all for it!” Rainbow guessed.

“Well, I eventually got caught by one of them doing graffiti putting things like snob or spoiled on their mansions,” Fire said with a frown. “My mom grounded me for like a month!”

“Still, that’s pretty cool,” Rainbow said.

“Yeah,” Fire said as an idea occurred to him for some payback on her. “Better look out Rainbow, cause the Prince of Pranking is coming out of retirement!”

“Bring it on!” Rainbow Dash said. “But we should probably get back to our little patrol!”

“Yeah, but you’ll get yours!” Fire promised.

She took off. Fire flew around the town for a while and eventually he heard a cry for-

“Help! Thief!” somepony, a mare screamed.

Fire flew in the direction of the voice. He caught a glimpse of somepony in a dark cloak, a unicorn by the horn that was visible. He saw it was a white horn like his own that shined in a yellow aura. Bits were levitated toward the unicorn and flew into his open brown saddlebag. The cloak hid any of his… or her other features.

“It’s the Magic Money Snatcher!” one of the ponies said.

“Hey!” Fire yelled as he soared down. “Give those bits back!”

The hooded unicorn looked up at him as he approached. Then his horn lit up again and Fire brought magic to his own horn, mentally preparing himself to dodge the incoming attack with his wings. His combat training from the royal guard as well as spell casting from the School of Magic coming into play. But instead of attacking, the thieving pony simply vanished in a yellow flash.

“Hmm,” Fire hummed. “A cloaked unicorn thief that uses magic to steal things. I guess this is gonna be my first case as the new sheriff!”

“You’re the sheriff?” one of the ponies that had been robbed said. “Please, get me my bits back!”

“Everypony please stay calm!” Fire said. “I will do my best to bring this thief to justice and get you your bits back!”

He headed back to Town Hall. Ponyville didn’t have a barracks or a law enforcement building of any kind so this was where he would have to take his findings.

“Mayor Mare!” he called.

“Prince Fire Sword?” she rose from her desk and came out of her office. “Did something happen?”

“I saw a unicorn thief using magic to steal a bunch of bits!” Fire Sword told her. “He… or she teleported away as soon as they had them.”

“Oh dear. That’s happened every few weeks for the last three months,” the mayor said. “A unicorn thief with high magic skill has been stealing things from not only Ponyville but also Canterlot, and other areas.”

Fire gritted his teeth. He had heard rumors of a thief in Canterlot but not thought too much of it.

“Whoever this thief is they obviously have high skill in magic,” Fire said. “I don’t know many unicorns that can teleport.”

“Perhaps you should speak with Twilight Sparkle, she was the star student of Princess Celestia… your mother at the School of Magic,” Mayor Mare said.

“Good idea,” Fire said.

He headed to the Golden Oaks library. Twilight wasn’t there but Spike was.

“Oh, hey Prince Fire,” Spike said as he was sitting on a small chair reading a comic book.

“Twilight out, Spike?” Fire asked.

“Yeah, she and her old friends from Canterlot are finally getting together,” Spike said. “I always told her we should spend more time with them. It was always study this and study that with Twilight. We never got to just have fun.”

“Well, Twilight’s always been hard working I’ll give her that,” Fire said. “I guess I’ll just wait for her.”

He scanned the shelves for something to read in the meantime. Seeing an adventure book called Daring Do he pulled it off the shelf with his magic and took a seat. The story was good, but eventually he was interrupted by the sound of the door to the library opening. Twilight as well as Moondancer came in.

“Here it is the Golden Oaks Library where I’ll be staying,” Twilight said looking at her fellow scholarly pony.

“Wow, it’s amazing! A library in a tree. I’m kind of jealous,” Moondancer said. “You can read a new book just about every day.”

“Yeah, this library has even more books than I had back at my tower in Canterlot,” Twilight said.

“You had a tower in Canterlot?” Moondancer asked.

“Yeah, I never had you over?” Twilight asked before looking down in realization. “Oh, I’m sorry. We probably could have spent so much together reading and talking about things we read.”

“Hey, it's okay. You learned that friends are worth it,” Moondancer said putting a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Maybe we can do that now. I’ll come read with you when we come to see you and Lyra.”

“Hey, don’t forget about me!” Fire said with a frown.

“Oh, Fire! Didn’t see you there!” Twilight said.

“Hi Fire,” Moondancer said with a blush.

“Is there something I can help you with?” Twilight asked. “I thought you said you were gonna be acting as Sheriff around Ponyville?”

“I was. I am!” Fire said. “But while I was out patrolling, I saw some pony use magic to steal a bunch of bits from ponies in the streets!”

The two mares put hooves over their mouths.

“What?” Moondancer exclaimed. “That’s terrible!”

“And more, they could teleport!” Fire said.

“Despicable!” Twilight said with disgust. “Having such a high level of magical ability and only using it for petty theft! Somepony like that should be ashamed of wielding magic!”

“Well, I’m gonna find a way to stop him if I can,” Fire said. “I was hoping you might now a spell that could help?”

“There is a spell tracking spell,” Twilight said. “It’s a spell that can keep track of other spells in a certain location. You just select the spell you want monitored and you’ll be able to know who cast it and when.”

Fire smirked. “That sounds like just the kind of spell I need!”

Twilight quickly located the book with the spell and took it outside into Ponyville. “Okay, I need to stand in the center of town and…”

She shot a lavender beam of light onto the ground and a small magic rune appeared there. Fire then felt a wave of magic pass over him.

“I set it to track teleportation spells,” Twilight said. “The next time somepony reports a thieving unicorn that can teleport we’ll be able to find them.”

“Good, thanks Twilight,” Fire said.

“Prince Fire Sword!” a voice said behind.

Fire turned and saw a group of around a dozen ponies all wearing construction helmets and carrying saddlebags with tools. They were led by a light a gray Pegasus with a brown mane and mustache.

“I’m Hammer Hoof,” the leader said. “Your mother has tasked me to build your new tower here!”

Fire smiled, “Good to meet you!”

He’d solve the case of the thieving unicorn, but first he’d need to start working on getting his place set up. Also, there was the announcement coming up soon.

He led Hammer Hoof to the hill he’d chosen near Sweet Apple Acres.

“We’ll get started right away!” Hammer Hoof said.

“Sure you don’t need any help?” Fire asked.

“I’m sure,” Hammer said.

Fire nodded. He didn’t know much about building and architecture, so he might goof things up. Ah well, he’d found what he was going to do here in any case.

He soon stood in front of Town Hall.

“I would like to welcome our new Sheriff to Ponyville! Prince Fire Sword has offered to join our law enforcement! Now I heard today that we had a theft once again from the mysterious magical thief! I promise you that Prince Fire will be doing everything he can to help out!” Mayor Mare said.

She held out a hoof to the prince who stepped forward. He felt a little nervous as he was not used to addressing a large number of ponies at once. But he’d at least been by his mother’s side when she’d done it.

He took a breath and then said, “Yes, I will do just that! With my deputy Rainbow Dash at my side as well as the royal guards that will be arriving soon, and my new friends here in Ponyville we will get your bits and any other stolen things back!”

He looked at them in the crowd and beckoned them forward. They did so and stood by his side, all except Fluttershy who backed away. Rainbow Dash flew over and picked her up then propped her into the group.

“We’ll all do our part!” Twilight said. “With the magic of friendship on our side we will protect Ponyville and all of Equestria from threats great and small!”

Fire nodded and spread his wings, wrapping them around Twilight and Rarity who were closest to him. The other mares gathered close to him in a group hug as well. Their journey had just begun.