• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,390 Views, 115 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

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Chapter 15: Ponyville Relief

Everypony had to get hard at work on repairing their homes from the parasprite infestation. Fire returned to Warm Heart Tower and saw it had some chucks missing from the stone and the door had been eaten as well, even some of the metal had not been spared. As for the inside, the tapestries were eaten as well as-

"My throne!" Fire exclaimed.

His fire themed throne in the entry way had been reduced to a few mere splinters. He stared at it for a moment, his mouth open.

"Prince Fire!" Vine Archer exclaimed as the prince entered the room. "We tried to hold them off as best we could when we saw Sweet Apple Acres go down!"

Fire nodded. He'd seen the collapsed farmhouse when he flew back home. The other guards and servants gathered in the entry room looking disappointed in themselves.

"We are so sorry your highness! We tried to use nets to round those creatures up but there were just too many of them," Silver Javelin said.

"I know, all of Ponyville was devastated," Fire said.

"At least the garden wasn't touched," a brown Earth Pony with a short green mane said. "That's one good thing here. Gotta look on the bright side right?"

Fire looked at him. He'd taken some time to get used to the names of all his servants and guards here. This one was the gardener, Grand Garden.

“That’s good Grand,” he said. “But we can’t ignore the bad. We got a lot of rebuilding to do.”

Suddenly the door opened and Twilight, her and Fire’s fellow Element Bears, and Spike stepped in.

"Oh, my this certainly took its share of damage as well," Rarity said as she looked around and gasped as she saw…

"Prince Fire! Your throne!"

Fire sighed. "Well, I can have a new one made in Canterlot."

"You'll also need new tapestries!" Rarity exclaimed seeing the now bare walls. "Oh, don't worry I'll be happy to make them for you when I have my shop repaired! I'm sure I can make them exactly the same! Sun and moon, right?"

"Right," Fire said. "But I'm paying for them this time! I won't take no for an answer! Can’t expect you to make them again for free!"

She nodded. “I suppose I could use the bits since I'll be needing some for the repairs on my store!"

"And I need to rebuild my whole house now!" Applejack exclaimed. "Talk about a catastrophe! I was hoping to earn some money at the Grand Galloping Gala but that's still months away!"

“Oh dear,” Grand Garden said looking at her. “Is your orchard okay?”

“Its fine!” Applejack said. “Sorry, I don’t know your name?”

“Grand Garden,” Grand said with a blush. “You’re Applejack right? The neighbor?”

“That I am!” Applejack said with a smile. “But right now its looks I’m gonna have to be camping outside my home for a while till its rebuilt!”

She then looked at Fire and sighed. "Does your offer to lend us some bits still stand?"

Fire nodded. "Of course, Applejack! And don't worry about paying me back! I have plenty of bits! It’s a prince's job to look after his citizens!"

He then looked at the rest of them. "How about the rest of you?"

"Well, the Cakes got their sign and a bit of their tasty looking roof eaten!" Pinkie said sadly before managing a smile. "Good thing it’s not made of actual candy and just designed that way! Otherwise, it would probably get eaten by me sooner or later."

She giggled, and the others managed smiles at her ever present humor.

"Do you need any help?" Fire asked.

"Nah! We got plenty of bits since ponies love our treats!" Pinkie said happily. "I'm sure we'll be fine. Just gonna take a little frosting grease!"

“You mean elbow grease,” Applejack said.

“I do hate getting sweaty, but given the circumstances I suppose there is not much choice,” Rarity said.

"I could use some help as well," Twilight said. "The parasprites ate the words out of so many books! Now I have to take an inventory of all the ones I need to replace!"

"Moondancer could probably help with that!" Fire suggested. "She spends about as much time in the library as you do!"

Twilight smiled at the mention of her fellow scholarly minded pony.

"Spike and I can send her a letter! Maybe she can ask the librarian of Canterlot Library to send some books over. I'd normally contact Celestia but with her busy in Fillydelphia."

"That could work," Fire said. "How about you Fluttershy?"

"Um, I think I'm okay," Fluttershy said. "They ate a bit of my food and the grass roof of my cottage though. Thankfully the inside wasn't bitten, though it will require some cleaning."

“And you Rainbow Dash?” Fire asked.

“Well, they didn’t eat my cloudhouse at least,” Rainbow said. “I’m fine! I can just help out the rest of you!”

"Okay, I think I can go to Canterlot and see if I can get some of the nobles there to donate some bits," Fire said.

"That would certainly help," Rarity said with a smile. "Oh, do you think you could recommend my clothing store to them if they are looking for new outfits?"

The others frowned at her. She noticed this and said, "What? I need all the business I can get even if my store needs a little work being repaired!"

"I think that will have to wait for another time," Fire said before turning to his two Pegasus guards. "Prepare my chariot."

"Um," one of them, Feather Falls, hesitated to say as Fire walked off.

Feather was a blue pony of a slightly darker shade then Rainbow Dash. His cutie mark depicted a feather falling. His wings were a bit scruffy as well.

His room has fortunately been left untouched after he removed the parasprites from Aurora's cage. The sunbird rested peacefully. Fire took off his sheriff uniform and changed into his armor and put on his crown. He also picked up the Sword of Harmony and put in the holster he'd had added to his armor. He doubted he would need it at Canterlot but he wanted to show his new status as an Element Bearer, and it was part of his name as well. Might as well carry it around now and then for ceremonial purposes as well as combat.

"Oh, don't tell me," Fire said hoofplanting. His personal chariot had been eaten by the parasprites as well. Fire sighed as he saw it out back.

"Guess I'll just have to fly myself."

"Then we are going with you," Feather said as the other Pegasus nodded. “Can’t let you go alone. Even though we know you’re very capable, your highness! Its our duty.”

"Right," Fire nodded. He doubted there would be any real trouble, but it was good to be prepared.

The three of them, Fire, Feather, and the last one flew to Canterlot. The royal guards stationed in front of the castle were suprised to see the son of Celestia arrive.

"Prince Fire Sword!" they greeted with a bow. "We were not expecting you!"

"I need to call an emergency gathering of the nobles," Fire said.

They didn't question him, simply saying "At once!"

The trumpets rung throughout the city. Messenger guards were sent to the estates of the nobles who soon gathered in the throne room. Fire Sword sat on his mother's throne, knowing she probably wouldn't mind.

Fire cleared his throat. He knew this would be met with refusals by some, but as long as a few agreed to donate it would be fine. The Elite of Canterlot were somewhat snobbish in many cases, and they weren't big fans of him since he'd painted some of their houses when he'd been a foal. He was also not pleased to see his cousin Prince Blueblood in the room. He wished Cadance were here but she was still on vacation.

"Well, welcome," Fire Sword greeted. "You are probably wondering why I called you all here. As you have probably heard we recently had a set of infestations from creatures called parasprites."

"Parasprites?" Blueblood repeated with a chuckle. "What are those? Some parsitic sprites?"

"Yes," Fire said. He really should have put that together at the sound of their name. "They've caused trouble for both Fillydelphia where my mother is currently away helping out. And in Ponyville where I am staying."

This was met with several scoffs from the snobbier members of the elite.

"I can't understand why you would ever want to stay in that mere country land," Blueblood said. "Here is where the important ponies live!"

Fire glared at him.

"Yes, this city is grand. A mere country town could never compare," Upper Crust said.

"Indeed, it’s a place for Earth Ponies," Jet Set, Upper's wife said.

"Now now, I'm sure Prince Fire Sword has his reasons for residing in that quaint little town," Fancy Pants, a white unicorn in a suit with a lens over one eye said.

Fire managed a smile. Fancy Pants was one of the few nobles he liked as the stallion was calm and level headed and not so quick to judge other ponies even if they might be of 'lesser' class.

"Yes, please refrain from insulting that town," Fire said barely managing to control himself. "I for one find it to be a friendly town. And some of the ponies there have fine tastes. You should check out the lovely seamstress there."

"The clothes she seams or the seamstress herself?" Blueblood asked with a joking smile.

Fire glared at him again. If only he knew that seamstress had a long-standing crush on him and could see her now. Fire remembered when he first saw Rarity, his golden eyes had widened at her beauty when they met her sapphire ones.

"Both," he said. "She is a very beautiful mare, both inside and out, and she also makes fabulous clothes in her home Carousel Boutique."

"I seriously doubt they'd measure up to our standards," Jet Set dismissed casually.

Fire's mane flickered faintly. These nobles always drove him crazy with their snobiness. It was one good thing about living in Ponyville to be able to get away from them.

"I came back to request some donations from any of you that are willing," Fire said. "The townsponies homes have been greatly damaged by the infestation and they won't be able to live comfortably and do their business until they repair it."

Blueblood scoffed. "Oh, Fire Sword. Always concerned about common ponies."

Fire snarled, losing his patience. “If you do not wish to help other ponies then you are free to leave!"

Blueblood nodded. “I will not waste my royal bits on some commoner’s town! Fillydelphia is a major city actually worth something!”

“I have no love for that country town,” Upper Crust agreed.

“Nor I!” Jet Set concurred.

The three of them walked out along with several others. But Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur De Lis remained behind.

“Those three give us all a bad name,” Fancy said. “We are the most sophisticated ponies in this city run by unicorns, but their wealth and sophistication has gone to their heads I say!”

“We must certainly not forget our compassion!” Fleur said putting a hoof on her heart and closing her eyes before twirling gracefully. “We nobles must be noble not just in terms of wealth but also character! We must have beauty, grace, and compassion!”

Fire smiled at those words.

“If Fancy Pants is in on it, so are we!” another aristocratic stallion said.

Fire nodded and closed his eyes in the best regal way he could. “Thank you very much, good members of Canterlot!”

Being a prince, he had to act regal and polite as possible. Though he didn’t often use these gestures as he saw them all too often when he’d lived here. But in the presence of the nobility, he had to keep the posture to the maximum.

“You are very welcome your highness,” Fancy Pants said. “I hope those quaint little country ponies have an easier time with our aid. Most unfortunate with those infestations. Let us hope another place is not hit!”

Fire nodded. “Yes, let us hope.”

The nobility who agreed to donate left briefly to gather a ‘small’ number of bits to donate for the Ponyville Relief Charity as it had been named. Word spread around Canterlot and several commoner ponies donated their own spare bits as well.

“Thank you! Thank you!” Fire said as ponies came up and put bags of the gold coins into chests that had been prepared for the charity.

Then a familiar group of ponies came forward.

“Hello Fire,” the one with glasses said.

“Hey Moondancer!” Fire greeted with a grin before gazing at the others. “Hey you guys!”

Twinkleshine, Minuette and Lemon Hearts all smiled at him and presented their own small bags of bits.

“When we heard about Ponyville we thought we better help out since we have quite a few friends there like Lyra, Twilight, and you!” Minuette said.

“Maybe we should go down there and help them rebuild!” Twinkleshine suggested before asking. “Is there anything that really needs replacing for your friends, Fire?”

“Well, Rarity lost a few outfits. The parasprites ate them up, but I managed to save most of them,” Fire told them. “Pinkie Pie had a little damage done to where she lives with the cakes, so did Twilight and Fluttershy. Oh, and Twilight’s library books got the words eaten right off the pages.”

“The parasprites ate the ink out of the pages?” Moondancer exclaimed. “How is that even possible?”

“No idea,” Fire said.

“I’m pretty handy with magic sewing!” Twinkleshine said. “I can help Rarity with her outfits.”

“I’m friends with a bookseller here in Canterlot,” Moondancer said. “Maybe I can ask her to ship some books to Twilight!”

“Here!” Fire levitated a chest of bits over to her. “You can use those to pay for them! Just have her send a letter to Twilight and I’ll deliver it myself so they can get in contact.”


“We’ll help too!” Minuette said with Lemon Hearts nodding.

Once the sun was starting to set, Fire now had a total of four hundred bags, the approximate number of ponies that lived in Ponyville were five hundred, but that included foals as well. The money only went to adults. Each bag contained a hundred bits, enough to buy or build a new house if necessary. The majority of the money had come from the nobility but a few others donated as well.

“Thank you all!” Fire said. “I promise if there are any bags leftover, they will be given back to you!”

The bags of the nobles each had their cutie marks on them to show which one they belonged to. The things nobles could do with their money! Fire could of course appreciate the craft and simple adornment. It would be useful if they had too many bags of bits.

Moondancer soon returned as well and handed him the letter from the librarian to go to Twilight.

"Thanks, Moondancer," Fire said with a smile. "If there's anything I can do to pay you back for this name it."

She smiled at him. "You're welcome. But don't worry about it, I'm happy to help out my friends in Ponyville. Though I think I'll settle for a nice dance under a full moon. Then I can really be a Moondancer."

They laughed at that pun for a moment then Fire said "I think I can squeeze that in for you... my dear."

She blushed at that, not noticing the slight hesitation in his voice as he added the last part. He knew she liked him and they'd be going to the Grand Galloping Gala together, but some part of him wished he were going with Rarity instead. He didn't say that though, maybe his feelings would change? After all he couldn't stay stuck with this attraction to a mare who already liked somepony else, could he?

Looked like everything was gathered. Fire looked at the many bags of bits as well as the letter from the Canterlot Librarian for Twilight.

“Now, the only questions is how do we get them there?” Fire asked. “All this gold could be too heavy to transport in the air.”

“I have a suggestion your highness!” a voice called.

One of the royal guards, a white unicorn like Fire whose mane was gold and gray stepped forward.

“And you are?” Fire asked.

“Gold Steel, Prince Fire,” the unicorn said with a polite bow. “I have some decent skill in teleportation magic. I could teleport all these to Ponyville!”

Fire looked at him. He felt as if something was off. He then recalled the unicorn thief from a while back that had teleported as well. Could he be… no, he was a member of the Royal Guard, surely he could be trusted? Fire couldn’t just assume every unicorn he met who knew how to teleport was the thief after all. It might be a somewhat rare skill but far from unheard of.

Fire nodded. “Go ahead then.”

Gold's horn lit up with a yellow aura. Fire grit his teeth as he recalled the unicorn thief had had a white horn and yellow aura. But how many unicorns out there that color for their coat and horn? Plenty in the royal guard for sure, as they often had their coats dyed white to match Celestia. Fire pushed his concerns away as Gold teleported him, his flame guards that had accompanied him back to Canterlot, and the many bits that had been donated back to Ponyville. They arrived in the town square, miraculously.

“Wow, right in front of Town Hall, nice!” Fire praised.

Gold shrugged with a smirk. “Just figured it would be where you wanted to meet since its in the center of town.

Fire nodded then lit up his own horn, casting his speaker spell for all to hear.

“Attention everypony! We have brought monetary aid from Canterlot! Please come to Town Hall now!”

The ponies of Ponyville soon gathered, looking relieved as they saw the bags of bits that had come from the capital.

“Alright, we got three hundred bags of bits here!” Fire announced. “This should cover the cost of repairs to your home or even allow you to rebuild it completely! Courtesy of the nobles of Canterlot!”

“Oh, how generous of them!” Rarity exclaimed. “I’ll certainly need to buy fabric to make new outfits!”

“And this will be a good start to help me buy new books!” Twilight said.

The two unicorns made to walk forward but Gold Steel put up a hoof.

“Wait! We can’t have anypony taking more then their fair share. “Here!”

He lit up his horn again and a circle appeared Fire, his guards and bags of bits.

“All who enter the circle will be marked, an alarm will go off if you come back in after getting your bits! Everypony gets one bag!” Gold said.

Fire nodded. They then distributed the bags to every pony

“Is that everypony?” Fire asked.

There wasn’t a single pony left that hadn’t been with them, and there were a few dozen bags leftover. No pony else came forward after several times asking, even after Fire used his speaker spell one more time. Applejack had gotten her bits that she would share with her family to rebuild their house, and so had all of Fire’s friends. It would take some time after this but the bits would make things easier. Everypony was happy, as much as they could be considering their town had been greatly damaged.

“I can take those other bits back to Canterlot, Prince Fire Sword,” Gold offered.

Fire looked at him and nodded. “Thank you. You’ve been a great help. I hope we’ll see each other again.”

“I hope so as well,” Gold agreed as he levitated the many bags over to himself and vanished with them in a flash.

Fire smiled as he saw all the ponies of Ponyville who would have an easier time rebuilding thanks to the generosity of the Canterlot Elite, at least the ones that had it in their hearts.

Gold teleported straight to his house in the capital with a wicked grin.

“Excellent, this might just give me enough… or pretty close,” he said as he opened a trap door to his hidden basement where he kept his stolen cache.

Down below was a decently sized fortune of bits as well as valuable gemstones. He also had the newspaper of the three captured thieves.

"Soon I'll have a little help that I could use, for a little while."

Author's Note:

Okay, so the unicorn thief Steel and Fire interacted, but Fire is fooled for now. We’ll see when I have Fire find out about his true colors. I know these original chapters are a bit shorter than the ones based on the episodes, with the exception of a couple. But its not as easy to make my own content. Ah well, I’m managing. I’m thinking that it would probably be a good idea to focus on the guards and servants next time with Fire to develop them a bit more. I have their names but not lots of personality yet. Any suggestions would be appreciated for their hobbies. Obviously, Vine Archer would do archery, maybe Feather Falls could do skydiving, and of course Grand Garden would Garden. But we’ll need more. So one or two more chapters for that then we’ll get into Fall Weather Friends when fall arrives.