• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,389 Views, 115 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

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Chapter 21: The Nightmare Night Heist

Fire levitated each part of his costume for the special spooky holiday out. The breastplate, feathered helmet, and hoof boots. It was white stage armor made of plastic. He could have gotten metal if he wanted but decided to go with something simple. It still looked good though and could pass for armor at a distance. Tonight, he would be a knight, like his royal guards. Knights were pretty much just a wealthier and higher-class soldier really.

Fire made his way down and saw Vine Archer at the bottom of the steps.

“You’re sure you don’t want an escort, your highness?” Vine asked. “Nightmare Night can sometimes have some shady characters.”

“Which is why I want all of you to remain here,” Fire told them. “We had one break-in already. I will be with all my friends.”

“Mares untrained in the ways of combat,” Silver Javelin stated.

“They are formidable in their own ways,” Fire reminded him. “And wield the Elements of Harmony.”

“Except those have been taken to Canterlot,” Silver countered.

“They are still strong mares,” Fire insisted. “Fast, graceful, magical, and perhaps more.”

He spoke for Rainbow, Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack. As for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, he wasn’t sure how they could help in a fight. Then he recalled Fluttershy telling off that big dragon. She could win a battle with words maybe!

“I’ll be back in a few hours,” Fire promised.

He walked out of Warm Heart Tower and soon found Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh in their own costumes. Applejack was dressed in a black robe of some kind with a wig on, Big Mac had a blue police uniform on, similar to Fire’s own with a fake badge on the chest, and Apple Bloom had a cowgirl dress with hat and boots on.

“Howdy Fire!” Applejack greeted in her country accent.

“Hi!” Apple Bloom joined as well.

“Hope you’re all ready to have fun!” Fire said.

“Yep!” Big Mac agreed.

“So, what are you Applejack?” he asked looking at the elder sister.

“I’m a Judge! And this here’s little my jury cowpony member!” Applejack said gesturing to Apple Bloom.

“Ah!” Fire spoke in realization. “Well, you look good.”

“Thanks Fire,” Applejack said.

They soon found the others in Ponyville. Twilight had dressed in a lab coat which clearly marked her as a scientist.

“Nice choice, Twilight,” Fire told the mare. “You did always do well in science class. That was a little struggle for me! I barely managed to get a B sometimes!”

“That’s still a good grade,” Twilight said. “But not a perfect A!”

Fire scoffed. “You’re just a perfectionist!”

“You have no idea!” Spike said before exclaiming. “Whoa!”

Fire’s eyes widened at him as well. Spike was clad in a blue and red tunic with a small wooden dagger at his side. The dagger was obviously meant to be a sword for his small stature.

“Squire, huh?” Fire asked.

“Yeah, and you’re a knight,” Spike lamented. “Don’t expect me to enter your service, Sir!”

“Oh, but you two would make a perfect duo I say!” a familiar beautiful voice sang nearby.

Both males turned and saw to their delight that Rarity was coming toward them along with Sweetie Belle. Both were dressed in lovely dresses, purple for Rarity and blue for Sweetie Belle. Rarity had a tiara on while Sweetie had a pointed hat.

“Wow, nice princess costume Rarity!” Fire said blushing.

“Why thank you Prince Fire!” Rarity replied with her own blush. “Or perhaps I should say Sir Fire since you are a knight rather than a prince or a sheriff tonight!”

She laughed at the unintentional joke and so did he.

“You look great Rarity!” Spike agreed as he too showed rosy cheeks. “Perfect in fact!”

Sweetie Belle, meanwhile frowned at them. “Hey! Don’t I look nice too?”

“Of course you do my little mare in waiting!” Rarity put a hoof around her sister.

“Very pretty Sweetie Belle,” Fire added.

“Thanks Fire,” Sweetie Belle replied smiling at him before looking at Spike with a blush of her own. “What do you think Spike?”

The little dragon was focusing on Rarity with hearts flowing in the air around him. He snapped out of it as he heard Sweetie Belle’s voice. “Uh, sorry did you say something?”

She growled at that and stuck her nose in the air. “Hmph!”

Twilight then spoke again. “I love all your costumes! They suit you!”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom said.

“They sure as hay do!” Applejack said.

“Who’s ready to have fun?” A hyper active voice spoke up.

Pinkie Pie appeared dressed in a clown costume. Her face was painted white and her mane had blue in it now as well as pink. Rainbow came as well, dressed as a Wendigo, a silver horse spirit that was said to thrive when ponies fought and didn’t get along. Scootaloo walked at her side, dressed in a black cloak like the grim reaper.

“That’s everypony here then!” Twilight said. “Except for Fluttershy.”

The shy Pegasus was too scared of all the costumes to come to come on Nightmare Night.

“Eh, let her hide at home she hates all the scary stuff,” Rainbow Dash said. “We should totally go and scare her!”

Fire was usually all for a little prank, but with Fluttershy…

“No way!” he said.

“Yeah, she’s too sensitive!” Pinkie agreed. “Let’s just have fun! Won’t be as fun without her but still fun!”

They divided into groups before walking around the houses of Ponyville, receiving a candy in their buckets. Fire went with Rarity, Spike and Sweetie Belle as their costumes went well together. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo joined them as well. Twilight meanwhile went with Pinkie, Rainbow and the two remaining apples. Soon they had a lot of candy in their bags.

“Ah this is the best night ever!” Spike said.

“Yes indeed. Nothing better than to be able to satisfy your sugar cravings. Though I worry about cavities!” Rarity said.

“My friend Minuette just got a job as a dentist in Canterlot, visit her if you come down with one! Or have her look when she’s visiting!” Fire told her.

They all laughed.

They walked from house to house until somepony approached them.

“Excuse me, Prince Fire?” the stallion said. He was an old purple pony with graying hair dressed in a butler outfit, though it didn’t seem to be a costume.

“Yes, who are you?” Fire asked.

“Randolph, butler to the Rich family here in Ponyville. Apologies if this is last minute, but you see, Master Rich wishes to invite you to his Nightmare Night Party as you are certainly a pony of influence.”

Fire had to resist the urge to frown. Though as he recalled Filthy Rich might indeed be filthy stinking rich but he wasn’t spoiled, unlike his wife and daughter. Fire had seen Diamond Tiara bullying Apple Bloom and the others at the party for being blank flanks.

“Oh, I would simply love to go!” Rarity said. “I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Rich will adore my company! They always love the clothes I make for them!”

Well, at least one pony there would be friendly.

“Can I bring my friends along?” Fire asked.

“Of course,” Randolph said politely.

Fire smiled. As long as he had those close to him he’d be okay with it. He soon regrouped with the others after going to a couple more houses.

“A party huh in the Rich family mansion? Sounds awesome!” Rainbow declared.

Fire looked at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Are you three okay going to Diamond Tiara’s house? I know she’s not exactly a friend of yours.”

“As long as we have all of you with us, we’ll be fine!” Apple Bloom assured them.

With that, they headed to the Rich family mansion. Fire knocked on the door and soon Randolph answered.

“Welcome your highness!” the butler said.

They entered and found the inside to be quite refined with many expensive looking items all around. A suit of armor, a portrait of the rich family framed in solid gold, and more. Nightmare Night decorations were put up as well. Pumpkins with carved scary faces, bat wings, and food and drinks on a table in the side.

“Ah, Prince Fire Sword!” a stallion that must have been Filthy Rich greeted them. He was dressed in a green suit and carried a pot of gold on his back, a leprechaun.

“Prince Fire! Prince Fire!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed. She was dressed in a frilly ballerina like costume.

“Hello Prince Fire Sword,” a mare in a black which costume greeted in a cold tone. She must have been Spoiled Rich. “Good to finally welcome you into the luxuriousness of our home.”

“Thank you,” Fire greeted as politely as he could to her condescending remark.

Spoiled then eyed the others behind him. “And who are these mares with you?”

“My friends,” Fire told her with a frown he couldn’t suppress.

“Ah! Wonderful! The more the merrier!” Filthy said enthusiastically. “I recognize each of them I daresay, except for perhaps you!”

He gestured at Twilight.

“Twilight Sparkle, sir,” Twilight said shaking his hand. “I work at the Golden Oaks Library.”

“Ah yes, I heard something about a new librarian there. Sadly I don’t have much time for reading, aside from business letters,” Filthy Rich said. “I should probably see if there’s anything I can read though. It’s been such a long time!”

“Um, can we talk for a moment husband?” Spoiled asked.

“Certainly dear,” Filthy followed his wife upstairs.

Fire had a feeling it was about the guests and Spoiled’s tastes. But he shrugged. “Rich Ponies! At least not all of them are rotten apples!”

“But a fair number are,” Applejack said.

With that he and his friends joined in the festivities.

Outside the mansion, in Ponyville, there was a flash of light as Gold Steel teleported into town with his minions. They were dressed in their costumes as well. Steel had a quiver full of arrows on his back as well as a green tunic with a pouch that had a couple secret weapons inside. He’d decided to come as Robin Hoof. To avoid being recognized as well he’d added a green face mask to his costume as well. Behind him, his underlings were dressed in matching unforms with fake rapiers, the three Ponyteers.

“Alright, we’re here. Now we just need to get inside. Should be easy,” Steel said confidently.

Turned out it had a little difficulty.

“I’m sorry but I don’t have a Gold Steel on the list,” Randolph said.

“Oh, I’m sure that must be a mistake,” Gold said light up his horn and casting a quick spell. “I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Rich would like to meet me!”

“Oh, I’m sure they would. Go right in Sir!” Randolph said as the brainwashing spell took affect.

“Thank you,” Gold said with a fake smile before casting another quick spell to make the butler forget him.

Looking around he was relieved to see the other guests were too focused on their activities to notice the magic. Steel spotted Fire Sword among them speaking with a lavender unicorn and others. He turned to his minions and smirked at them.

“Well, no sense being all work and no play. Let’s have a little fun before the main event begins!”

They grinned.

“Yeah!” they agreed.

The four of them walked off in various directions and enjoyed themselves... for a time.

Fire cast a glance at the new arrivals. He frowned as he realized something was familiar about them. Though he couldn’t place it as they were all wearing costumes that resembled the three Ponyteers.

He considered going over to see if he knew them but then Pinkie Pie yelled out.

“Come on everypony! It's time to get this Nightmare Night Party in full swing. Lets dance!”

The ponies began dancing as the party pony put on music. Fire joined the dance as well, bouncing his head up and down before looking around at the Mane 5, and Rarity in particular. With a quick flap of his wings, he flew over to her.

“Would you care to dance, Princess Rarity?” Fire asked extending his hoof.

“Why, I’d love to Sir Fire!” Rarity said bowing before taking it in her own.

They smiled at each other and slowly spun around while keeping hold of each other’s hoofs. They weren’t a couple, but they could at least enjoy a friendly dance. Fire was content with that. He’d always preferred the partner dancing rather then solo of group ones.


Spike watched them with a frown.

Then suddenly he was approached by Sweetie Belle who smiled.

“Hey Spike,” she greeted him.

“Uh, hi Sweetie Belle,” he greeted before looking away at her.

She pouted.

“So, everypony is dancing,” she said.

“Yeah,” he agreed.

“Don’t you have a partner?” she asked, knowing the answer.

“No,” he replied glumly.

“Well, I could change that,” she said putting on a smile.

He looked at her and… unable to resist her cute expression, agreed.

“Alright. I guess that would be fun.”

She isn’t as beautiful as her sister, but she is pretty cute, he thought to himself.

He thought back to Twilight telling him Rarity was too old for him and that he should try ponies his own age. But he pushed that out of his mind… for now. His heart was pretty much set on Rarity for the moment, even if it was not meant to be.
Spike shook his arms and Sweetie did the same with her hooves. They alternated between dancing next to each other and Sweetie Belle putting her hooves on his shoulders as he led her in a circle with his claws on her waist.


For a final move, Fire picked up Rarity and spun her bridle style, her dress flowing as he did so.

“Oh! That was a wonderful dance,” the unicorn said once he put her down. “Thank you, Prince Fire!”

She hugged him and whispered. “I’m sure Moondancer will love that at the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Right, Moondancer,” Fire said with a forced smile.

She and her friends were probably having their own party in Canterlot. Rarity too forced a smile, wishing yet again somewhat that she was Fire’s date instead of Moondancer.

Fire looked around and saw Rainbow Dash up in the air dancing with a few other Pegasi including Derpy Hooves. Twilight and Applejack were dancing next to each other as well along with Big Macintosh and several others. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sat at a table eating cupcakes and other sweets. Pinkie Pie was still doing the music and putting on Nightmare Music.

It’s a fright tonight!

The night when all the spooks come out to play.

Look out! They’ll try to scare ya!

But remember they’re just ponies in costumes!

No harm meant! Its all the fun of the fright tonight!

So get ready to scream!

For the terrors are coming out tonight!

And they’ll go


She pointed to the crowd who went “Aah!!

“When I say Boo! You say…”




“And that’s the fun of the fright tonight!

Scary very scary!

But lots of fun!”

Once the song was done Fire felt a little thirsty. He turned to Rarity.

“I’m a bit parched. You wanna grab a drink?”

“Indeed. The sugar and dancing tends to make on thirsty after all,” she agreed.

Nearby, Gold Steel overheard. He smirked and teleported ahead of them as he knew the time was perfect.

They walked to the refreshment table in the manor. Fire spotted a variety of juices and punch. He would go for the fruit punch, his favorite drink, and was about to grab that with his magic but then looked at Rarity.

“What would you like Rarity?” he asked.

“Oh um, lemonade,” she said.

Fire quickly spotted the yellowish green drink and levitated it and a cup then poured it for her. She took it her own magic and smiled at him.

“Thank you, your highness,” she said. “You know you can be a true gentle colt at times. I’d expect no less from the son of Celestia herself. A little rough at other times but then you are a combative pony. I only hope Prince Blueblood is as gracious as you.”

Fire’s eyes widened as he poured himself a glass of punch and took a sip. If she was hoping for Blueblood to be a gentlecolt with her she would probably have another thing coming. Maybe if he were to tell her-

“Well, to be honest I-

Suddenly he felt drowsy and stumbled.

“Prince Fire?” Rarity asked in concern.

He collapsed, dropping his cup onto the fine carpet below their hooves which spilled its contents, and Rarity screamed.

“Help! The Prince is down! Help! He collapsed after drinking from the punch! Oh no! Poison! It must be poison!”

Gold Steel heard the dramatic scream from under the refreshment table and chuckled as he put the vial back in his pouch.

“Not poison, just a little sleeping potion. Can’t have that prince getting the way of my plans.”

He teleported into another room and watched as many of the ponies ran over to the direction of the screams. His minions meanwhile soon found him, knowing this had to be the que to meet back up again.

“Alright, the dangerous Prince is out of the way,” Steel told them. “But we still got most of the Elements of Harmony wielders here.”

“Yeah, I remember last time,” Gray said.

“What do we do then?” Sly asked.

“We need to make sure they don’t attack us,” Bright Wane said.

“That’s why we’ll take a hostage,” Steel told them as he passed a hoof knife to Gray. “Get her.”

They made their way down to where the crowd of guests had gathered around Fire.

“Is he breathing? Please tell me he’s breathing!” Rarity exclaimed dramatically.

“He’s breathing,” Twilight assured as she listened to Fire’s heartbeat. “But he’s in a deep sleep. You said he fell right after drinking from the punch?”

“Yes, he poured me a glass of lemonade and then got himself a drink and fell asleep right after taking a sip!” Rarity

“And he got a stain all over my carpet!” Spoiled Rich remarked looking at the cup that Fire had dropped when he fell asleep.

“That’s not important dear!” Filthy Rich told his wife calmly.

“Let me try the punch!” Pinkie said as she poured the contents of the pitcher down her throat.

“Pinkie I don’t think that’s a good-

Twilight was interrupted as Pinkie Pie fell to the floor asleep.

“Idea,” the unicorn finished.

Gold Steel soon spotted Diamond Tiara among the guests. He turned to his minions who would now play their part… and then be discarded.

“Get her and maybe some others as well!” he told them. “I’ll cover you.”

And then betray you! He thought.

He cast a spell to make himself invisible as the three Earth Ponies dashed at the young rich filly and grabbed her as well as her friend Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom as a random pair of other hostages before anypony could react. A blade was held to her little throat and she froze along with many other ponies.

“Alright! Give us all your bits if you want these little fillies to remain unharmed tonight!” Bright Wane ordered.

The ponies murmured in fright before Twilight recognized the ponies in the uniforms. “Hey, you’re the thieves that robbed Fire!”

“You let those fillies go right now or we’ll…”

Rainbow Dash was cut off as Applejack bit her tail and pulled her back.

“Don’t do it Rainbow! We can’t take a chance with their safety!”

Seeing that they didn’t have the element of surprise like last time, the ponies had no choice but to comply. The two grown members of the Rich family escorted their three intruders that they could see (with the hostage fillies in tow) to the basement where the patriarch himself kept a giant safe full of bits. He opened it and revealed a large vault full of bits, at least a million, or tens of millions.

“Take as much as you want just don’t hurt our daughter!” Filthy begged before adding. “Or the others.”

“You won’t get away with this!” Spoiled said through gritted teeth.

“Oh, they won’t!” A new voice said. “But I will!”

Gold Steel suddenly became visible, having followed behind them. He shot three golden beams from his horn. The two rich ponies screamed and fell on their stomachs, but they weren’t the targets of the attacks. His own minions were. He shot them one at a time in the space of only a couple seconds. All three Earth Ponies lay on the ground, badly injured or worse. The three hostage fillies and the owners of the home looked at the new attacker in fear.

“Go on! Move!” Gold shouted.

The five ponies ran back the other way and Steel meanwhile stepped into the vault. He stretched his magic far and gathered as much in it as he could before teleporting nearly all the contents of the Rich family vault and himself back home to Canterlot. It almost smothered him in his own theft when he ended up back in his secret room in his house.

“At last! I’ll have enough and still be one of the richest ponies in Equestria!” Steel stated.

When Fire woke up, he was in bed back at Warm Heart Tower with the mares all around him.

“Uh what happened?”

“You drank a sleeping potion that was put in the punch,” Twilight explained. “There was a robbery at the Rich family house!”

“What?” Fire exclaimed getting up.

“It was those thieves that stole from here a while back,” Twilight went on.

“Yes, and they were with that awful teleporting unicorn thief apparently!” Rarity exclaimed before hugging him. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re alright! I was afraid you might have been poisoned when you collapsed.”

“Lucky that wasn’t poison in the punch!” Rainbow Dash told him. “Then you’d be the same as those Earth Pony thieves!”

“What?” Fire exclaimed again.

“They’re dead, the unicorn thief killed them. He was invisible and had those three Earth Ponies take Apple Bloom and two others hostage,” Applejack explained. “Then he robbed the rich family of all their riches!”

“Now they’ll have to call themselves the poor family!” Pinkie said.

“Poor ponies!” Fluttershy said sadly. “The Rich’s were robbed and the thieves killed!”

“Great,” Fire lamented. “Now what?”

Twilight suddenly smiled. “Well thankfully that defense we put in place a while back worked. My teleportation spell detector let me know somepony teleported and I could find out who it was. Gold Steel from Canterlot!”

Fire’s eyes widened. The same guard he’d seen a couple times and even worked with when bringing the relief money here to Ponyville! He’d thought a royal guard was trustworthy! It took him a moment to recover from his shock.

Fire then narrowed his eyes in determination. “Then I guess we’ll have to arrest him. Send word to Canterlot! I’m going to catch him.”

“Then count us in!” Rainbow Dash said.

Fire nodded and looked at the others. He knew Rainbow Dash would be eager for action at least.

“I’ll welcome it. If the rest of you want to come you can. But this could be dangerous. I won’t force you.”

“I’m in!” Twilight said. “Maybe I can use my magic to help you catch him.”

“It will be fun!” Pinkie agreed.

“I won’t leave to handle this on your own!” Applejack vowed.

“I’m sure you can handle it yourself but am happy to lend a hoof however I can,” Rarity said.

“Um, I don’t really want to go into danger…” Fluttershy said. “But I feel worse not helping you all.”

“Then we’re going!” Fire said. “Look out Gold Steel! We’re coming for you!”

Author's Note:

Alright, another chapter done. I’ve started developing a little bit of Spike and Sweetie Belle now as well. Hope you are enjoying it. We’ll see the defeat of Gold Steel next week. Please review/comment.