• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,389 Views, 115 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Dragonshy

Fire awoke one morning and looked outside. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, not a cloud was in the sky. He showered and headed down to the tower dining room, finding his breakfast of fruit, nuts and toast freshly made and still warm (in the case of the latter).

“Thank you,” he said to his servants who bowed.

Fire ate his breakfast calmly, read to enjoy today on patrol seeing Ponyville and making sure it was safe. Maybe interact with his friends as well. He then heard a tweet nearby and saw Aurora in her cage.

“Oh, you sick of being cooped up in there, Aurora?” he asked the sunbird.

She tweeted in confirmation. He sighed.

“Okay, I’ll let you out, but you can’t fly away, understand?” he asked.

She made the same tweet of agreement. Fire used his magic to open her cage and she flew out, but within sight.

“Good birdy,” he said.

She flew around and landed on the table, playing a lovely song. He hummed to it and then took her outside. She perched on his back adorably. Many ponies were out enjoying the sunshine on this fine day. Everything seemed fine.

Then suddenly Fluttershy came running in, she approached a group of ponies who didn’t seem to acknowledge her as her lips moved. Fire frowned as he looked at her expression, it was one of alarm. As he approached her, something blue zipped past her. It was Rainbow Dash, with a ball that she bounced on her head.

“Don't be such a scaredy pony!” Rainbow said. “It's just me, future Equestria ball-bouncing record holder. Three forty-six, three forty-seven…”

“Hey, not bad Rainbow Dash!” Fire said before looking at Fluttershy. “Hey, everything okay? You look like…”

“This calls for a celebration!” Pinkie Pie said as she watched from nearby and bounced her head with Rainbow’s own bouncing before running off.

“Oh, no, Pinkie Pie, this is no time for celebration,” Fluttershy said. “This is a time for panic, for-“

Pinkie Pie however, was too busy planning to notice. “Ooo! I'm going to need balloons! One for every pony in Ponyville!”

Fire looked at Fluttershy directly. “What’s wrong, Fluttershy? Why do you think this a time for panic? It’s a beautiful day! Nothing seems amiss!”

Fluttershy pointed up. “There's— there's smoke. And— and where there's smoke, there's fire. And—”

“Fire?” Fire exclaimed looking up and seeing the smoke. It had escaped his notice before. “Uh oh.”

Pinkie Pie, oblivious to the situation began counting ponies nearby. “Let's see, that's one, two, three, four...

Rainbow Dash likewise, continued counting her bounces. “Three hundred fifty four, three hundred fifty five, no, wait...” she exclaimed as Pinkie was about to point at her.

“Everypony STOP!” Fire shouted in his royal voice.

That got everyponies attention.

Rainbow Dash dropped her ball. “Fire! Now I have to start over!”

Fluttershy spoke next to Fire. “We're all going to have to start over, in a new village. 'Cause ours is gonna be—

Again, only Fire was hearing her.

“You need to speak louder, Fluttershy!” he told her before turning to the ponies nearby. “There is smoke covering our skies!”

“What? Oh no! That’s awful!” various ponies said looking up and seeing it was true.

Twilight Sparkle suddenly arrived on the situation. “Listen up! Smoke is spreading over all of Equestria!”

“We know Twilight!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Fire just told us!”

“Only cause Fluttershy alerted me and I was the only pony to notice her!” Fire snapped.

“I’m sorry. I should have spoke louder,” Fluttershy said. “But I was being as loud I could.”

Fire sighed. “Its okay Fluttershy. Just… try and actually shout in a situation like this? You’re not gonna help anypony if you are always quiet.”

She looked down.

“Well don't worry, I've just received a letter from Princess Celestia informing me that it is not coming from a fire!” Twilight said.

“Oh, thank goodness,” Fluttershy said in relief.

“It's coming from a dragon.” Twilight told them.

The ponies gasped.

Fluttershy shuddered at this. “A... d-dragon?”


At the Golden Oaks Library, they worked on a plan. But first there was one thing they all wanted to know.

“What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is a full-grown dragon doing here in Equestria?” Applejack asked.

“Sleeping,” Twilight answered as she looked from her book.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all looked at her in confusion and said as one “Huh?”

“According to Princess Celestia, he's taking a nap. His snoring is what's causing all this smoke,” Twilight said as she put a book along with others into her saddlebag.

“He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all,” Pinkie said.

“Well, at least he's not snoring fire!” Rarity said.

“Yeah, good thing he’s not snoring me!” Fire said.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Good one, Fire!”

She hoofbumped him.

“What are we meant to do about it?” Rarity asked.

“I'll tell you what we're meant to do! Give him the boot!” Take that.” Rainbow said as she kicked a carved wood pony head.

Twilight had to straighten it with her magic and then-

“And that!” Rainbow tried to tackle the statue as though it were the dragon. Twilight moved it out of harms way and Rainbow crashed into a shelf.

Twilight walked up to Rainbow who lay on her back. “We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else.”

Fire would have maybe liked to fight a dragon, but it was probably best to try things the peaceful way first.

“Princess Celestia has given us this mission, and we must not fail,” Twilight continued as Rainbow got up and saluted her with a frown. “If we do, Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next one hundred years.”

Fluttershy gasped.

“Hmph. Talk about getting your beauty sleep.” Rarity said.

“All right everypony, I need you to gather supplies quickly,” Twilight said.

“Ahem,” Fire cleared his throat. “Speaking as a royal here I think I should be leading.”

“Oh, uh… maybe,” Twilight said. “Sorry Fire! I just said what I thought they should do.”

“And it was a good suggestion, I admit,” Fire said. “We need to be well prepared if we are going to go up against a dragon.”

“Hopefully we’ll only have to go up against him sleeping right now,” Twilight said. “Come on girls… and Fire. We've got a long journey ahead of us. Let's meet back here in less than an hour.

“Okay, girls, you heard her!” Rainbow said. “The fate of Equestria is in our hooves. Do we have what it takes?”

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity all raised their forelegs in affirmation. Fire nodded. They then all made to exit the library and make their way back to their homes.

Fluttershy however, was uncertain. “Um, actually…”

But no pony heard her.

Each of them went home and prepared themselves in their own way.


Rainbow Dash took rainbow water that flowed in her cloud house and covered her cheeks with it like warpaint. “Raaah!”

Applejack’s family packed her saddlebag. Once it was done Big Mac struggled to lift it on to her back. She struggled as well for a moment then let out a loud “Yaaa!”

Pinkie Pie emerged from Sugarcube Corner, and party stuff blew out of her saddlebag, causing her to laugh, then realizing it didn’t fit with the situation said, “Oh I mean, grr!”

Rarity put on a camouflage helmet which she soon looked at in disgust. “Eww!” She switched to a camouflage hat with a red feather that stuck out beautifully. “Much better. Onward!”

Fire put on his full set of armor, not just the breastplate. He got on his helmet that he didn’t normally wear, usually using his crown instead. But knowing there was danger, he decided he needed to protect his head too. He then grabbed the Sword of Harmony from where he’d hung it on the wall above his bed, levitating into the scabbard that had been made and sticking it on his side.

“Hmm,” he huffed with a smirk before drawing the sword which shined.

Fluttershy, meanwhile emerged from her cottage with a sports helmet and pads on her hooves. She shut the door behind her and it made a sound that startled her.

End of Montage:

They all then met back in front of the library, in their normal states with their things in saddlebags. Smoke now covered the entire sky.

“Let's go!” Applejack said.

“Um, let's... not?” Fluttershy quietly said.

Twilight looked at Fire. “Do you have a plan, Prince Fire?”

“Well… no,” Fire admitted grudgingly. “If you do, you lead us then.”

Twilight nodded. “All right girls… Fire… listen up. I'm mapping out the fastest route, but we've all got to keep a good pace if we expect to make it up the mountain by nightfall.

“M-m-mountain?” Fluttershy stuttered.

Twilight pointed to the tall mountain in the distance. “The dragon is in that cave at the very top.”

“Looks pretty cold up there.” Applejack noted.

“You bet it is,” Rainbow said. “The higher you go, the chillier it gets.”

“Good thing I brought my scarf.” Rarity pulled out a pink and white scarf.

“Ooo! Pretty!” Pinkie admired.

“Heh, oh yeah. That'll keep you nice and cozy,” Rainbow said with sarcasm.

Fluttershy looked up at the mountain and gulped before approaching Twilight. “Um, excuse me, Twilight? I know you're busy, but...

“Uh-huh,” Twilight muttered not taking her eyes off the map. “Well, we could go this way.”

“But if I could just have a second,” Fluttershy asked.

“Uh-huh. No, we want to avoid that,” Twilight still didn’t notice.

Fluttershy just continued to speak softly. “So, um, I was thinking that, um, maybe I should just stay here in Ponyville.”

“Uh-huh,” Twilight agreed automatically.

Fire frowned as Fluttershy looked relieved.

“Oh! Good. I'll stay here and-“

Twilight finally realized what she was saying. “Wait! You have to come! Your way with wild animals will surely come in handy.”

Fluttershy wasn’t happy to hear that. “I don't think I-“

“Oh, and don't worry about your little friends in the meadow. Spike's got it covered while you're gone,” Twilight said.

Spike appeared with her critters. “You can count on me!”

Fluttershy’s bunny however, began thumping on his head and the critters then ran away.

“Oooh! Hey! Hey! Wait!” Spike exclaimed as he chased after them.

“I don't really think he's up to the task,” Fluttershy said as Twilight already began to walk. “Maybe... but... but...”

Her words fell on deaf ears. Fire frowned and made to approach Twilight, but Rainbow was quicker.

“Are you sure you want Fluttershy to come along?” the Pegasus asked. “I mean, that pony's afraid of her own shadow. She's just going to slow us down.”

“Oh, she's just a little nervous. Once we get going, I'm sure she'll be fine,” Twilight said optimistically.

They heard a squeal behind them and saw Fluttershy cringing at the sight of her own shadow just as Rainbow said. She hid in the bushes nearby and Rainbow glared at Twilight. Fire then approached her.

“Is it just me, or does Fluttershy seem a little more nervous then usual?” he asked.

“She’ll be alright,” Twilight dismissed. “Alright girls, Fire, move out!”

They then dashed out as Fluttershy gave a weak objection again. They turned into clouds of dust and took her on top. After a while they were at the foot of the mountain. Then a loud sound came from above.

Fluttershy gasped and hid behind Applejack.

“Whoa,” Rainbow exclaimed in midair above them. “What was that?”

“That is what it sounds like when a dragon snores,” Twilight said.

Fluttershy looked up at the top of the mountain. “It-it's so... high!”

“Well, it is a mountain.” Rainbow said. “I'm going to fly up there and check it out! Wah!”

Applejack had grabbed onto her tail to keep her from going up. “Hold on, now. I think we should all go up together. Safety in numbers and all.”

Rainbow Dash folded her forelegs. “Oh, all right.”

They began the long trek up the mountain. Rainbow and Fire flew while the others walked.

“I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon's scales are the jewels they use to build their nests,” Rarity said. “Ooo, if I play my cards right, I might be able to convince him to part with a few!”

Pinkie Pie began imitating the dragon. “Welcome to my cave, Rarity. Care for a diamond? Rarr!”

This caused most of them to laugh.

Except for Twilight, who frowned. “Girls! This is no laughing matter! Fluttershy, you're the expert on wild creatures. What do you think the dragon will be like? Fluttershy?”

They looked and saw Fluttershy still at the bottom, hiding.

“Hey! What are you waiting for? An invitation?” Rainbow called.

“Ooo, I think I have one in my bag!” Pinkie said, another party explosion sounded.

Fluttershy looked up. “I-it's so... so... steep.”

“Well, it is a cliff,” Rainbow reminded her in the same annoyed tone from before. “You could just, oh, I don't know, fly up here like me and Fire?

“Come on, Fluttershy, you can do it!” Pinkie cheered. “Flap those wings!”

“Oh... okay.” Fluttershy spread her wings and got off the ground.

But another loud snore from the dragon caused her to fall. She landed back in the bush.

Rainbow Dash faceplanted. “Ugh.”

Fluttershy tried to get her wings to spread again to no avail.

Twilight was getting frustrated as well. “Uh, we don't have time for this!”

“I’ll handle this,” Fire said.

He flew down and picked up Fluttershy gently as he had done with Rarity when they went on the path to confront Nightmare Moon. She shuddered and shrank into his hooves.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Fire asked as he ascended with her. “I’ve never seen you this shy before. And that’s saying something.”

“Oh, its… nothing,” Fluttershy said.

Fire shook his head. It was clearly something. He held her close and carried her up through the air. She shook for a while but as she felt him, she took a few breaths and managed a smile.

“Oh, you are so warm, I feel so safe,” Fluttershy said as she leaned into him.

Rarity who was walking below, frowned at the sight. “Ughh!”

Fire looked at Fluttershy. “You’re scared, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she admitted, her smile vanishing.

“Well don’t be,” Fire pressed his head against hers to comfort her. “I’m here to protect you. All of you.”

He looked down at the other girls who smiled up at him, Rarity’s frown turning upside down for a moment.

“Eh, I don’t need your protection,” Rainbow Dash gloated.

“I-I think I can fly now,” Fluttershy said.

Fire loosened his hold on her and she spread her wings but another snore from the dragon caused her to close them and Fire tightened his hold on her.

They came to a break in the mountain where the land bound mares had to jump to the other side. It was no problem for Rainbow and Fire though. The other mares quickly leapt over and joined them. The ground was smoother here so Fire set Fluttershy down and they began to walk. Fluttershy stayed close to him though. They soon came into a rocky area with the smaller hills of the mountain above them.

“Let's keep it down. According to my map, we're entering an avalanche zone,” Twilight said. “The smallest peep could cause a huge rock slide.”

“An... an ava... ava...” Fluttershy stuttered.

“It’s okay, Fluttershy,” Fire whispered. “Just don’t make a sound.”

“Shhh!” Twilight shushed.

They continued forward, keeping quiet. Fluttershy leaned into Fire, who frowned at the invasion of his personal space. But knowing that she was still scared, didn’t object. He sighed with a bit of irritation, then put a foreleg around her, not noticing Rarity frown behind them. Then Rainbow brushed a tree on the way and some of the leaves fell off. They narrowly missed Fluttershy who was moving faster then she would have if not for the feeling of protection she was getting from being close to Fire.

“Hey, um… thanks…” she said to the prince.

“No problem,” Fire said. “But… why are you so on edge?”

“Its just… I’m…”

“We’re here!” Twilight announced.

They had reached the mouth of the cave where the smoke was coming from.

Twilight looked at Fire. “Do you have a plan?”

“Yeah, I thought of one on the way here,” Fire said before looking around at their members. “Rainbow Dash, you use your wings to clear the smoke.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

She then flew up into the smoke while he continued, looking at the next set of mares.

“Rarity, you’re a beautiful mare,” Fire said, causing her to blush. “Maybe you could help Twilight and Fluttershy talk to the dragon.”

“I will gladly use my feminine charms to negotiate with him… and hopefully get some diamonds!” Rarity said.

Fire frowned. “Focus Rarity! We’re here to save Equestria, not collect gems!”

Rarity frowned back with a sigh. “I know but leaving with a few beautiful trinkets wouldn’t hurt.”

Fire turned to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie you’re our comic relief pony. If persuasions not enough maybe you can entertain him and keep him from attacking.”

“I’ll have him laughing in no time!” Pinkie said as she got out a rubber chicken that squeaked.

Finally, there was him and the last mare. “Applejack, you’re with me. We will be the last line of defense in case he attacks.”

He cast his swordhorn spell while Applejack got out her apples to throw.

“Hmm, good plan,” Twilight said. “It could work. I was gonna have it kind of the same, though I would have had Rarity with Pinkie Pie as the distraction. Well hopefully this works. Fluttershy, Rarity, you ready?”

“Yes,” Rarity said.

She and Twilight stepped forward.

“Okay then, we're goin' in,” Twilight said.

Fire, however, noticed that Fluttershy had burrowed her head underground and didn’t follow. He leaned down. “Hey, you need to go in,” he told her pulling her by the tail.

She looked at him.

“I… can’t.”

Twilight and Rarity came back after noticing Fluttershy wasn’t with them. The former got behind Fluttershy and tried to push her.

“Argh! Come on!” Twilight said grunting in effort. “We have to do this! Now! Every… arggh… …second longer that dragon… argh… sleeps is another argh… acre of Equestria that is covered in… argh… smoke. Ooh!”

The other mares tried to help Twilight push Fluttershy to no avail. The yellow Pegasus wouldn’t budge. Pinkie ended up on the end and bumped into them which caused Twilight’s exclaim.

“I- I- I can't go in the cave,” Fluttershy said.

The other five mares sighed and fell over.

“Oh, great. She's scared of caves now, too.” Rainbow complained.

“I'm not scared of caves,” Fluttershy told them. “I'm scared of ...”

They didn’t catch what she said at the end.

Applejack approached her. “What's that, sugarcube?”

“I'm scared of …” the word only ended up being a mumble again.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“You need to speak louder, Fluttershy!” Fire said impatiently.

And she did, just loud of enough for them to her. For her it was a shout, but still quiet by regular standards. “I'm scared of dragons!”

The dragon snored, releasing another large bit of smoke. This caused Fluttershy to squeal and hide behind Fire who coughed with the others as they got a mouthful.

Twilight got around Fire and looked at the yellow mare. “But Fluttershy. You have a wonderful talent dealing with all kinds of animals.”

“Yes,” Fluttershy nodded. “Because they're not dragons.”

Rainbow Dash raised her hooves. “Oh come on! We've seen you walk right up to a horrible manticore like it was nothing.”

“Yes, because he wasn't a dragon,” Fluttershy reaffirmed looking up at her.

“Spike is a dragon,” Pinkie reminded as she walked a few steps to look at Fluttershy. “You're not scared of him.”

“Yes, because he's not a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp-scale having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could eat a pony in one bite, totally all grown-up dragon!” Fluttershy elaborated, terrified.

The dragon snored once again and Fluttershy whimpered and shook on her belly.

Twilight looked at her with dismay. “But, if you're so afraid of dragons, why didn't you say something before we came all the way up here?”

“I was afraid to,” Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash hoofplanted again with a sigh.

Applejack tried to console Fluttershy, giving her a nudge from behind. “All of us are scared of that dragon.”

“Yeah, even I’m scared,” Fire admitted.

“You?” Rainbow exclaimed. “But you weren’t fazed at all by those scary trees Nightmare Moon sent at us!”

“What sort of Fire would I be if was scared of wood?” Fire asked with a smirk.

Rainbow chuckled. “Good point! Well I’m not scared of that dragon!”

Almost all of us are scared of that dragon, then. But we've got a job to do. So, get in there with Twilight and show her what you're made of,” Applejack said.

It was inspiring for Fire but Fluttershy just stuttered and looked down before turning away. “I-I-I just…can't.”

Twilight looked after her sadly. “Oh, Fluttershy.”

“Hey,” Fire walked over to the shy mare. “What if I went in with you?”

He put a hoof on her shoulder. She looked at him uncertainly.

“I… don’t think that will be enough,” Fluttershy said.

Twilight finally had enough and went inside on her own. “I'm goin' in. He... probably just doesn't realize what he's doing...

She looked back at where the other mares were hiding behind the cave entrance wall off to the side, they all agreed in nervous tones. Fire stood in the direct path, he took a breath and went inside.

“I’m going with you, Twilight,” Fire said.

She waited for him to catch up and smiled, glad to have one of them by her side. Fire saw the tale of the dragon, blood red. It was clearly a big dragon.

Twilight then called out in a nervous tone. “Mr. Dragon.”

She wasn’t watching where she was going and ended up bumping into the dragon’s snout. He snored again, smoking pouring from his nostrils.

“Excuse me,” Twilight said politely.

The dragon only snored again and rolled over on top of the massive pile of gold and jewels he lay on. Fire sighed.

“Hey, wake up!” he said.

The dragon snored again and then opened his eyes.

Twilight took this as meaning he’d awoken. “Oh, good, you're awake. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Twilight…”

The dragon yawned, giving them more then a faceful of his breath,

“Augh! Puh!” Twilight exclaimed in disgust at the smell before continuing where she left off. “Sparkle, and my friends and I are residents here in Equestria. Ponyville, to be exact. We've come here to ask that you find another spot to take your nap. It's just that you seem to be doing an awful lot of snoring, and every time you do you send out a terrible cloud of smoke.”
As if waiting for that word, the dragon expelled more smoke from his nostrils. Twilight coughed and continued.

“Equestria simply can't survive a hundred years in a dark haze. You understand, don't you?”

“I think he might still be a bit asleep,” Fire said

The dragon got up and stretched his body, then let out inaudible speech they couldn’t understand.

Fire tried his hoof now.

“Uh greetings Dragon, I’m Prince Fire Sword, son of Celestia,” he said. “If you can understand me, please tell me your name.”

The dragon just dropped back down on the treasure and blowing smoke at them, both coughed, and Twilight retreated seeing as she’d failed for the moment. Fire sighed.

“I think we’re gonna have to be a little more forceful,” he said before shouting. “WAKE UP, RIGHT NOW!”

The dragon opened his eyes again and growled. “A pony? You dare wake me?”

“Yeah, I am Prince Fire Sword, son of Celestia!” Fire repeated. “And your snoring is creating smoke all over our land! We need you to find another place to sleep. Now please leave!”

The dragon growled softly and got up, for a moment Fire thought he would agree. But he just swatted him out of the cave, with enough force to send Fire into the mares. The sound of large footsteps sounded as the dragon approached.

“I’ll handle this!” Rainbow said as she flew in.

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight called to no avail.

Approaching the dragon as he was nearly out, Rainbow yelled, “Come on!” And kicked him on the snout.

He sneezed smoke at her and then growled. She hadn’t expected that.

“Uh… sorry.”

He roared at her and sent her flying back as well. She knocked into the others just as Fire had. The dragon then emerged from the cave, extremely angry as the mares all ran around in a panic (except Fluttershy who was nowhere to be seen). The dragon stomped the ground his front leg and emerged, the mares hugged each other and Fire in front of them battle-ready. The dragon let out a large amount of smoke, where was his fire? Was he clearing out the excess smoke that was blocking it? Fire put up a shield with his horn that blocked the smoke which somehow came with immense force. His shield protecting him and the girls. When the smoke cleared, the dragon looked down at them angrily. He blew a bit of fire out now, apparently he had needed to clear himself out.

Fire was ready, he knew just the spell to deal with a fire breather, as that had been how he-

“Wait!” a familiar voice called.

Fire looked and saw Fluttershy behind the others, and a broken rock that he swore a moment ago had been complete. She must have been hiding behind it? Had the smoke caused it to break?

Fluttershy then suddenly flew up and spoke firmly and assertively. “How dare you... how dare you!” she said to the dragon as she flew on top of his snout. “Listen here, mister. Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully! You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not—I repeat—you do not! Hurt! My! Friends! You got that?”

The dragon whimpered.

That wasn’t enough to satisfy Fluttershy, who asked. “Well?”

The dragon looked ashamed, but pointed down. “But that rainbow one kicked me. And the fire one shouted at me.”

Rainbow nodded after a moment, proud of herself, Fire however, felt a little shame. Maybe he shouldn’t have shouted.

Fluttershy gave him an apologetic look now. “And I am very sorry about that. But you're bigger than she is, and soft speaking wasn’t getting you to reply. You should know better, all of you!” she said looking at her friends before turning back to the dragon. “You should also know better than to take a nap where your snoring can become a health hazard to other creatures.”

“But I-“ the dragon tried to say.

“Don't you 'but I' me, mister!” Fluttershy interrupted. Now what do you have to say for yourself?”

The dragon didn’t reply right away.

“I said, what do you have to say for yourself?”

Instead of speaking the dragon cried, raindrop sized tears fell onto the ponies.

Fluttershy then turned from assertive to comforting, patting the dragons snout. “There, there. No need to cry. You're not a bad dragon, you just made a bad decision. Now go pack your things. You just need to find a new place to sleep. That's all.”
The mares cheered as Fluttershy landed back on the ground with them. Fire meanwhile, looked at the dragon before flying up.

“And I’m sorry for shouting at you,” Fire said before levitating a bag of gold toward the dragon. “Here, take this as an added apology. I know its not much compared to all that treasure you have, but take it anyway.”

The dragon smiled at him and quickly packed up his treasure.

“You did it! I knew you could do it,” Twilight said.

The dragon flew off, and soon the Pegasi managed to clear out all the smoke around Equestria. Fire followed Twilight into the library where Spike was still caring for the critters. They saw him holding Fluttershy’s bunny by the leg.

“Spike, take a letter,” Twilight said to him.

Spike sighed in relief up on seeing her. “With pleasure.”

He began writing as Twilight spoke.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am happy to report that the dragon has departed our fair country, and that it was my good friend, Fluttershy, who convinced him to go. This adventure has taught me to never lose faith in your friends. They can be an amazing source of strength, and can help you overcome even your greatest fears. I also learned that it might not always be easy having two ponies that can assume the role of leader, as your son Fire and I butted heads a couple times on this mission. But once we get used to each other, we can make an excellent team.

Fire smiled at that, and had to agree.

I believe you would be very proud as a mother if you had seen the way Fire Sword defended us from the dragon before Fluttershy intervened.

Always your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.

Just then they heard a voice. “Twilight! Fire!”

It was Applejack from outside. Twilight ran to the balcony with Fire behind her. They saw their friends outside. Rainbow Dash was back at the ball bouncing.

“You gotta come see this!” Applejack said. “She's just five away from a new pony record!"

Rainbow continued to bounce the ball. “Three hundred forty-seven, three hundred forty-eight...”

“Rarrr!” a roar sounded.

“Dragon!” Rainbow Dash screamed before falling over in fear.

Everyone watching laughed.

Rainbow Dash looked around Why are you laughing? That awful dragon is back!

Pinkie Pie performed the roar again in Rainbow’s face.

“Pinkie Pie, you scared me!” Rainbow exclaimed before realizing what she said. “I mean, uh, you... broke my concentration.”

Fluttershy then flew over her. “It's okay, Rainbow Dash. Not everypony can be as brave as me... or Fire.”

A leaf fell toward Rainbow Dash who blew it away. It landed on Fluttershy’s back, and Fire wasn’t there to ward it off. The mere touch of something unexpected caused Fluttershy to freeze in fear. She fell over like Rainbow had. This caused everypony to laugh. Fire then flew down and looked at Fluttershy, offering a hoof to help her up. She took it with a smile.

“I’m proud of you Fluttershy,” he said. “You really stood up to your fear today.”

“Thanks. But I’m sure even you have something you’re afraid Mr. Element of Balance,” Fluttershy said.

Fire chuckled. “Yeah, I definitely do.”

His smile faded as he thought of it, looking up at the sky which was now clear. He thought back to that day when he’d discovered his destiny. It had been the proudest day of his life, but also the scariest. When he met… him. He still remembered all the fire running wild around Canterlot that day.

Author's Note:

Okay, another chapter down. Up next it will be Look Before You Sleep. But there will be a little addition to Twilight’s Slumber Party, and not just Fire. Take a guess who else will be there, someone who has been making regular appearances here. Unfortunately you’re gonna have to live with a delay on that chapter as I have something coming up in two weeks that will force me to put at least one story on hold, and I felt it best this one be the one. So see for the next up date in three weeks, so the 24th of October. Then in just a week afterwards, Happy Halloween! Ahahaha!
Oh and there isn’t going to be a love triangle between Rarity, Fire, and Fluttershy like there was with Alex Wolf in A New Hero. Though there will be between Fire, Rarity, and Moondancer. Fire was just comforting her and nothing beyond that, though the carrying her bridal style like he did with Rarity might have made it look romantic. Ah well.