• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,390 Views, 115 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

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Chapter 24: Apples and Pranks in the Garden

Author's Note:

Alright, so I was gonna make this chapter one focusing on Rarity’s birthday, but decided to instead develop Grand and Applejack’s relationship. I guess I could call this ship Grand-Apple. Then we’ll have Fire-Diamond or whatever you want to call Fire and Rarity coming up toward the end of Season 1. Also, any votes as to whether I should keep this all in one story or spread it out over different seasons in different books? Well, decide once we finish this season.

Applejack awoke the morning of the day that she and Grand Garden had agreed to meet. She wasn't sure what she thought of him yet but he seemed nice and hard-working, he also liked working with plants like her. She went about the farm and did her morning chores, feeding the animals, bucking the morning round of apples, hauling them into one of the storage sheds, and starting some digging to make the new apple cellar. That would take some time, maybe even months of work. She finished what she could just in time to give herself a bath. While she didn't prioritize appearances like Rarity, even she knew they had a time and a place. A date was one of those times. As for the place, well, that would start around here when Grand Garden came.

Soon he did. He carried some fresh flowers, small sunflowers, in his mouth.

"Um, hi," he said with a shy blush and a mouthful.

"Howdy," she greeted. "Those for me?"

"Yeah," he said.

"Mighty kinda ya," Applejack said politely. "Sunflowers are actually my favorite kinda flowers."

"Really?" Grand asked, sincerely surprised. "I had no idea!"

"Eh, lucky then," Applejack said. "They're nice and simple and can grow tall with the proper care."

Again she wasn't the type to care for beautifying herself but she wouldn't refuse the flowers. It was a kind gesture and she could put them on the table inside till they wilted. She took them in her own mouth, blushing as it came close to Grand's. Their cheeks touched and their blushes deepened. She put them in an old brown and tan vase that Granny Smith had. She then turned to her guest and date.

"So, what do we do first?" Applejack asked.

"Uh, well... have you ever been a date before?" Grand Garden asked, still nervous.

"Not really," Applejack confessed.

"Me neither," Grand said, feeling a little better at that. "Well, guess we should just get to know each other like you said. You want to take a walk through the orchards while we do that?”

She nodded, sounds good.

They walked among the many trees in her home.

Finally Grand spoke. “So, what do you want to know about me?"

She smiled. "Well, how did you get to become Fire Sword's gardener?"

She looked at his flank which showed a cutie mark of set of three flowers, colored blue, red, and yellow with a gold star above them.

"My family is from Canterlot, we're one of the few Earth Pony families there," Grand told her. "Most of us work the gardens and landscape in the few areas that need it around there. I got my cutie mark when was working at a garden one day and the client wanted us to surprise them with whatever we could throw together. I put a lot of things in there, but I ended with a set of three flowers in a pot. For a long time, I worked around the city."

"Well that's dandy," Applejack said.

"It was okay, many ponies were happy to have their places spruced up," Grand said. "But there were some that weren't so pleasant."

He recalled a certain stallion named Jet who had been engaged at the time to his current wife Upper Crust. He'd criticized Grand's choices even though they had looked good in the florist's eyes.

"They called me a lame Earth shifter!" Grand said.

"Well, those stuck ups are certainly not nice!" Applejack exclaimed.

"For so long part of me wanted to get out of the city and into some place quieter," Grand said.

"I can relate," Applejack said. "I once left home myself thinking I may prefer the city life. But when I got there I realized this was where I belong. How do you like Ponyville?"

"I love it!" Grand said. "Nice and quiet, less crowded, friendly ponies just about everywhere. Well, except for maybe the Rich family, or at least Spoiled Rich."

"Yeah, even here has the occasional rotten apple," Applejack admitted.

"But Ponyville is great overall,” Grand said. “I could definitely think of this place as a home I could stay in.”

Applejack smiled. “I feel the same way. I’m probably never gonna leave. My family found this place actually.”

“Really?” Grand said surprised.

“Yeah,” Applejack said. “It’s one of the main Earth Pony towns, with more on the Wild West. I’ve got kin over there, well… I got kin all over Equestria.”

Grand smiled. “That’s nice. Vine Archer is my cousin. Though he’s much braver than I am being the soldier. He tried to get me to join the royal guard but I was too much of a chicken to enter the life of combat.”

“Eh we can’t all be brave or fighters,” Applejack said. “No shame in living a nice peaceful life with your family and friends.”

Grand nodded. “I hope to make a home with a lovely garden someday, and a great family too. Yours seems pretty great.”

“The best ever,” Applejack said. “Of course, even we have our scuffles now and then. I missed Sweet Apple Acres so much when I left, I don’t think I’ll ever leave again. But maybe I could build another place of my own in these orchards.”

She looked at Warm Heart Tower as they were passing it. “There is still a bit of room here.”

Grand smiled. “I’d probably like that.”

Applejack smiled back. "You know, I think I like you!"

He chuckled and blushed while rubbing one of his forelegs against the other. They continued their walk through the orchard and Grand admired many of the trees.

“You certainly take good care of your apples,” he said. “Wish I could make a garden as big as this.”

Applejack sniggered. “I think only Celestia would have a garden that big.”

Grand sniggered back. “And I worked for her!”

They both laughed.

“Guess I am too now! As an Element of Harmony whenever its needed,” Applejack said.

“We all serve her and her country however great or small,” Grand replied. “I’m sure you’ll be a great Element with Prince Fire and the others. What Element do you use again?”

“The Element of Honesty,” Applejack said. “I always prided myself on being truthful. I learned that a little lie can only grow bigger when I was a filly and have disastrous consequences.”

“Good lesson,” Grand said.

Suddenly Applejack’s stomach rumbled. She blushed. “Guess I’m getting hungry.”

“I wouldn’t mind lunch myself,” Grand said.

“Well fancy that!” Applejack remarked and thought, Its almost like we’re made for each other.

They headed to Ponyville for a bite, not noticing that behind them a dark set of clouds were being gathering around Warm Heart Tower.

Fire was in his study reading a book, The Sleeping Mare. He was getting the part where the Prince was fighting the dragon to get to the tower where the cursed unicorn princess who had been put into eternal slumber was being held. There was suddenly a sound, or many sounds at once. The sounds of raindrops coming down outside.

Fire frowned. “I don’t recall there being a rainstorm being scheduled today!”

As soon as he said that, thunder sounded and a lightning bolt flashed. Fire looked and saw a black cloud over Warm Heart Tower. It wasn’t a big one though, it was only big enough to cover this area specifically.

“What the?” Fire asked.

Before he could ponder further, however, he was grabbed from behind and flown outside of the open window. Fire had let the windows remain open as it was still fall and moderately pleasant. Winter wasn’t for another couple weeks. That had changed today though with this sudden downpour specifically around Fire’s house, which he was now flown into!

“Ah!” he exclaimed as the rapidly descending drops touched his mane and coating, soaking them.

“Guess someone had to put out the fire!” Fire’s captor said in a voice that he recognized.

“Rainbow Dash!” he yelled.

She laughed and let go of him, Fire yelled in surprise and just barely managed to flap his wings in time to prevent a fall that would have hurt.

“I told you this meant war Fire!” Rainbow Dash said from above him.

“Alright! If it’s a Pranking War you want! Here’s my counterattack!” Fire lighting his horn.

He shot a spell at her and she suddenly found her wings attached to her body as if by magnets. She flailed her hooves as she fell toward the ground with a shout. Fire stopped her just before she could hit and possibly break a bone or two. But then he flung her in the mud of part of the garden that had just been planted and was still growing, the apple trees and grape vines merely sprouting.

“Guess we’ll have to call you Mud Dash now!” Fire said with a smirk.

Rainbow Dash rose to her hooves and shook the mud off while the rain washed her.

“You!” she exclaimed pointing a hoof.

Fire lit up his horn and she yelled in fright, but the next spell wasn’t met for her. He aimed for the storm cloud above which dispelled and vanished, revealing the blue sky above Warm Heart Tower.

“Your air power is formidable, but with a bit of the right magic you are helpless,” Fire stated.

Rainbow Dash growled. “Alright, you like to play combat, Sword? Let’s play! I’ve been meaning to pay you back for calling me a damsel in distress when you cast that binding spell on me and Pinkie!”

She charged, fast even without the use of her wings. No surprise there given how athletic she was. Fire almost didn’t block her hook strike in time. There wasn’t enough power behind it to severely injure him, but it was a good sport and he was more than open to a challenge.

He stopped the hoof strike then pushed it down while using his other hoof to grab her by the back. She was pinned to the ground. Rainbow tried to get up and Fire just barely managed to hold her down.

“You may be strong, but I’ve still got the strength of an Earth Pony,” Fire stated. “And a bit of training in the physical plain! Unlike unicorns who aren’t always athletic!”

“I get it, you’re awesome,” Rainbow Dash admitted grudgingly.

“Almost had me there though,” Fire admitted back. “You definitely got more speed than I do.”

He let her go and she got up.

“Okay, undo the spell keeping my wings attached to my back!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Okay,” Fire said before shooting another spell at her.

Rainbow Dash smiled and tried to spread her wings but they only rose halfway.

“Hey they won’t come up all the way!” she said.

Fire grinned. “Didn’t think I’d return them to you just lickety-split, did you?”

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“That will wear off in about twenty minutes or so! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with a certain fashionista,” he said. “Or at least trying a new coat she has for me for the winter.”

He flapped his wings, secretly wishing he was getting together with Rarity for a date right now.

Rainbow Dash snarled and punched her hoofs together. “Alright, time to bring out the big guns! Or maybe… the paint guns!”

She chuckled mischievously.

Fire, meanwhile, flew to the boutique and found the unicorn he was coming for ironing another outfit. She looked up from her work as he entered.

“Ah Prince Fire Sword!” she said with a bow. “Just in time, though I wish I could say the same as this ironing needs another… Ah, there!”

She got the last wrinkle out of the dress then put the iron down and hung the dress up. Then she led him to the stallion section and stopped at a draped mannequin.

“Presenting… your warm raiment!” she said.

The fashion loving unicorn unveiled the result. A read jacket with orange flame patterns and a matching hat as well as yellow boots with red heels.

“Wow Rarity! They look great,” Fire said impressed. “Really fits me I think.”

“I full heartedly agree,” Rarity said.

Fire pulled out his bits but she shook her head and put up a hoof.

“On the boutique my prince,” she said.

“Rarity, you already gave me another free outfit,” he countered. “I insist on paying for this one! I never saved your life this time to warrant a free one.”

She sighed. “I suppose that’s fair. But you will be getting something from me for Hearth’s Warming soon!”

Fire nodded as he put on the outfit. “I look forward to that. Hearth’s Warming is always great!”

“Yes, and it is an especially lovely month for me! Cause my birthday is that month as well!” Rarity said.

“What?” Fire said. “I didn’t know that!”

“Well, good thing I mentioned it then,” Rarity said. “It is especially generous for me I suppose you could say.”

Fire would have to get her something. Something… beautiful. Those were the things she liked after all. Just like her. Flowers? No those would wilt. He’d have to find something… perfect. Wow, he was thinking of it as if she were his marefriend it seemed. He did wish that were the case, but she liked Blueblood. What sort of curse had driven him to have such strong feelings for her? They just seemed to keep growing with every day! He tried to tell himself she was gonna end up with Blueblood, that he needed to find another mare! He was going to go to the gala with Moondancer. But why couldn’t he be happy about that?

He just… didn’t want Moondancer the way he wanted Rarity. Fire sighed internally. He’d go with her to the gala and see what happened at least.

Suddenly the boutique opened and Rainbow Dash entered holding a… gun?

“Freeze!” Rainbow Dash said as she held it. “Unless you want to splattered!”

Oh it was just a paint gun they saw. Fire let out a breath of relief. However, Rarity’s eyes widened.

“Get that out of my boutique! This is no place for ruffian games!” Rarity said.

“Sorry Rare but I got a score to settle with this stallion!” Rainbow said as she pulled the hoof trigger.

The paintball flew faster than Fire or perhaps even Rainbow could. It came at Fire and hit him right on the forehead where he was wearing his new hat.

“Hey!” he exclaimed. “Rarity just made this!”

The white unicorn’s mouth fell open for a moment and then she gritted her teeth, fire of a different kind seeming to burn in her blue eyes.

“HOW DARE YOU!” she screamed. “Nopony attacks my outfits! I shall see you answer for this CRIME AGAINST FASHION!”
Rainbow Dash was seized in the cold blue magic and thrown onto an outfitting stand. Rarity then took a number of threads and tied her latest creations assailant up with them.

“Hey let me out of here!” Rainbow struggled.

“Oh, I will darling!” Rarity promised with a somewhat sinister look. “Right after a makeover!”

“What?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed before seeing Rarity grab several makeup kits and gulping.

“No! No! Nooooo!”

Rarity took the brushes and began painting Rainbow’s face. She made her way down her coat and covered her entire body as well.

Finally… “Hmm, I think that will do nicely,” Rarity said.

“I agree!” Fire said as he looked at the masterpiece before him.

Rainbow Dash had been painted white with a bit of red on her nose, giving her a clown like appearance. Fire pulled a mirror as Rarity untied their ‘captive’. Rainbow Dash screamed.

“There you go Clown Dash!” Fire said. “Now everyone can laugh with you! Or at you!”

He and Rarity laughed as Rainbow Dash ran out, humiliated. Soon the two fashionable ponies (at least somewhat in Fire’s case) gathered themselves.

“Well, that may have been a little extreme but she brought it on herself,” Rarity said.

“I don’t blame ya,” Fire said looking up at his head.

“Now let’s get that stain out of your hat. I think I can manage that.”

Rainbow Dash likewise had to take a long bath to get all the paint off.

“Finally!” she said. “Man, Fire just beats me at pranks! Gotta be something I can do to get him!”

Then an idea occurred. “Maybe I don’t need to target him. But somepony close to him.”

She began writing a letter and then flew to Canterlot, finding the residence soon enough. She smirked as she left the note in front of the house.

“Fire’s gonna get an unexpected happy visitor tomorrow.”

There was a knock on the front door the next morning as Fire was about to finish his waffle breakfast. He looked toward it in surprise.

"I wasn't expecting any visitors today!" he said.

"I'll see who it is," Vine Archer said going to the door.

He walked out of the kitchen and headed to the door. Fire meanwhile took the last bite of his waffle. Just in time as the visitor came in and he saw Moondancer who smiled at him.

"Oh hey Moondancer what are you-

"Oh Fire!" Moondancer exclaimed as she ran over and hugged him to his surprise. "I can't believe you feel that strong about me! I feel like I'm in a fairy tail!"

Fire looked at her in confusion. "Uh... what are you talking about?"

"Your note!" Moondancer said levitating it out of her saddle bag.

Fire looked at it and saw some rather flirtatious words.

"Uh... I didn't send this!"

Moondancer's smile faded. "What? But then who?"

Fire then frowned as the answer came to him.

"Rainbow Dash!" he shouted so loudly it could be heard outside of Warm Heart Tower.

Up in the sky, the sky blue Pegasus heard as she lay on her cloud. "Well looks like I get the last laugh here!"

"At least for this chapter!" Pinkie Pie said down below her on the ground before waving up ahead at the fourth wall. "See you next time!"