• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,389 Views, 115 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

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Chapter 20: Sparring a Prince

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all ran through Ponyville, sweating as they did so. They’d been galloping for over ten minutes now. Finally they collapsed breathing hard and looked at their still blank flanks.

“Guess we’re not gonna be able to get our cutie marks in galloping,” Apple Bloom said.

All three of them sighed.

“Boy, I’m thirsty now!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Me too!” Scootaloo agreed.

“Let’s get some water!” Apple Bloom said.

They looked around, they were in the orchards near Sweet Apple Acres.

“Or better yet we can chow down on some of my family’s apples!” the Earth Pony filly said.

“But don’t you have to buck them down?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well yeah,” Apple Bloom replied with a nod. “I may not be as strong as my sister but I can manage!”

She walked over to a nearby tree and kicked it once, twice…

“This one oughta do it!” Apple Bloom said before giving the three a final kick.

One apple shook above them. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, or CMCs for short, looked up at it thirstily, hoping for it to fall down and allow them to bite into it so they could fill their throats with its refreshing juice. Yet to their utter disappointment, it remained attached to the tree.

“Maybe one more!” Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Belle sighed. “I think we should just go and ask somepony for a drink.”

She looked at Warm Heart Tower. “Fire or one of his servants is probably home. Let’s go ask him!”

The young trio of fillies made their way to the tower of their local prince. As they got close they saw a group of four ponies all in armor going at each other with wooden weapons of various kinds. They spotted Fire among them blocking the axe strike of his opponent.

“Are they… fighting?” Sweetie Belle asked nervously.

“I don’t think so!” Apple Bloom said. “Those weapons are just wood!”

“I think they’re training!” Scootaloo said with a wide grin. “So cool!”

The group continued training as the fillies watched.

“Maybe we could learn to do that!” Apple Bloom suggested. “It would be cool to have a sword cutie mark like Fire Sword!”

“Or a bow and arrow!” Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle was a bit uncertain. “I… don’t really like the idea of having a cutie mark in fighting or hurting anypony.”

“You think their special talent is hurting ponies?” Scootaloo asked. “They’re royal guards! And a prince! They defend ponies like us! You got to fight to be able to do that!”

“I suppose,” Sweetie Belle said looking down.

“Hey, we’re still thirsty, aren’t we?” Apple Bloom suddenly remembered why they’d come here in the first place.

“Oh yeah!” the other two said together.

They walked toward the prince and his guards, one of which spotted them and called out.

“Hoy there! Fillies approaching!”

Fire and the rest of them looked in the direction of the CMCs. They lowered their training weapons as they turned to address them.

“Hello Fire,” Apple Bloom said as she approached.

“Apple Bloom! You should probably call him Prince Fire!” Sweetie Belle said recalling Rarity’s advice when she’d first met the prince.

“It's alright, Sweetie Belle,” Fire assured her. “What are you three doing here?”

“We tried to get our cutie marks in running!” Scootaloo said. “Didn’t work, and now we’re thirsty!”

“Can you just give us some water? Pleeease?” Sweetie Belle gave him her best puppy dog eyes.

Fire smiled at her. “No problem girls! Come on.”

He led them inside and took them to the kitchen where he levitated a set of three silver goblets encrusted with jewels out.

“Rarity would probably love those!” Sweetie Belle said.

Fire chuckled before asking, “Would you like ice or no ice?”

They each told him what they wanted and he filled the goblets accordingly before levitating them over.

“There you are!”

They drank their water all up happily and let out sighs of relief.

“Thank you, Fire!” Apple Bloom said.

“We were just about dying of thirst waiting for Apple Bloom to buck down an apple!” Scootaloo told him.

“Hey, I was doing my best! One more and I probably would have had it!” the youngest Apple protested.

“And then only one of us would have had it!” Scootaloo objected.

“Now now, no need to fight!” Fire said waving his hooves. “You’re all satisfied now, right?”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle said. “I think-

Suddenly their stomachs rumbled, causing the fillies to blush.

Apple Bloom chuckled. “Guess we worked up a little bit of an appetite while we were running!”

“Well, it’s almost time for lunch!” Fire noted looking at his clock nearby. “Why don’t you three join me? Do your sisters know where you are?”

“I told Applejack we were gonna go running around Ponyville.”

Fire frowned. He knew the CMCs were old enough to walk through this little town on their own. But if this were Canterlot it would be a different story as that was a big city. Of course, he had a pretty hard time getting lost in his own hometown as a colt since it was pretty much impossible to miss the castle, especially when flying.

“I should probably let them know you’re here,” Fire said. “Vine Archer!”

One of his guards appeared.

“Would you be so kind as to go and find Applejack?” Fire asked. “Tell her her sister and her friends are here. I don’t want her to worry.”

“Oh uh… of course Prince Fire,” Vine Archer nodded with a bow. “I’ll head out right away.”

Fire then called the cook and asked him to whip up a meal for the fillies.

“I made sure to make plenty of fruit salad and your favorite snack Prince Fire!” Swift Cuisine said. “I think there will be enough! But I’ll put together some more if needed!”

Fire led the CMCs to his private dining room while two of the guards stood at the doorway. Soon they were presented with a plate of fruit salad that was a mix of pineapple, strawberry slices, grapes and blackberries. There were also carrots and celery topped with peanut butter on the side.

“Oh, this looks delicious!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Dig in girls!” Fire told them.

They did just that, moaning in delight at the food as it entered their mouths.

“That hit the spot!” Scootaloo said as she rubbed her tummy.

“So, no luck on your cutie marks yet, huh?” Fire asked.

“Nope,” Apple Bloom disappointedly. “But we’ve only been at this crusading for a few days now. We’re just gonna keep trying new things until we finally discover our cutie marks! And we’re getting started!”

“That’s the spirit!” Fire smiled. “But I have a feeling you are gonna get them when you least expect it!”

“We’ll see about that!” Scootaloo smirked. “I’d give anything for a cutie mark that showed my special talent was flying. But my wings are so small!”

She raised her orange wings sadly. Fire looked at them and noticed they were small for her age. Poor filly, it was probably a one in a thousand or even more, but it was heard of that some Pegasi had stunted wings.

“They might still grow out,” Fire tried to be encouraging as he looked at her. “But even if they don’t, it doesn’t make you any less important than anypony else, Scootaloo.”

“Aww, thanks Fire!” Scootaloo said.

Fire put a hoof to his chin. “You know, I could look into seeing if I can find a doctor that might be able to help you with your wing growth. I don’t know if it would work but…”

“You’d do that for me?” Scootaloo asked eagerly.

“Sure,” he said.

“Oh, thank you! Thank you! I’d give anything to be able to fly!” Scootaloo said as she suddenly hugged him.

He returned the hug politely.

“I’ll just have to make sure your parents are okay with it,” he said.

“Oh uh…” she stammered.

Fire looked at her with widened eyes. “Your parents are still away?”

“They just left again a little while ago.”

Fire frowned. “You do have somepony watching over you right?”

She nodded. “Sweetie Belle’s parents are my next-door neighbors.”

“Yeah, don’t worry Fire. They look after her too and her aunts visit every two weeks to deliver food to her fridge.” Sweetie added.

“Still, that’s not very responsible parenting,” Fire said.

“My parents have jobs that require them to go to dangerous places!” Scootaloo reminded him. “And I can take care of myself, mostly! I have for a long time!”

Fire sighed. He didn’t like it, but she had good points. He might even be in the same position someday if he ever had foals. His talent was combat after all and that would be dangerous. Hopefully his wife, whoever it was, would be able stay home and be able to take care of the kids. Of course, he’d had Cadance as well as the servants when his mother got called away on royal business. Guess there were times that things like this had to be done.

“Okay, if you say so. But if you ever need anything Scootaloo, let me know.”

“Thanks Fire. But I’m fine!” she said. “I just wanna get my cutie mark. Speaking of which, it would be so awesome if I could fight like you! You defeated Nightmare Moon and you have the cutie mark of a sword! You’re probably the coolest stallion in
all of Ponyville! Maybe all of Equestria!”

“Uh thanks!”

“Do you think you could teach us to be as strong as you?” Apple Bloom asked. “Maybe a life as soldiers are our calling?”

Fire hesitated. “Uh, I don’t know about that. We don’t have a lot of mares in the royal guard. I hear my mom is working on expanding that though, but it will probably take some time.”

“Well, we got a long time before we’re grown up. At least let us try," Scootaloo said.

Fire sighed. “Alright I guess I can show you some basic hoof to hoof at least.”

He took them back outside which was empty now as the party of guards he’d been training with her earlier were now patrolling Ponyville or guarding the tower somewhere.

“Okay, every royal guard starts out in hoof-to-hoof training,” he told them as he got up on his hind legs and put his front ones up before throwing some punches.

“You got to be quick, and strong!” he advised. “Choose your target carefully.”

They copied him, launching their front hooves out one after the other.

“Now buck kick!” he told them before kicking back behind him.

“Oh, I do that one all the time! Or at least my sister does!” Apple Bloom said as she performed the move. “Yah!”



The CMCs did okay for their first lesson. Fire knew they would have a long way to go before they could ever really defend themselves if it came down to it. But he enjoyed showing them.

“Apple Bloom!”

“Sweetie Belle!”

The two familiar voices called and Fire as well as the young trio looked to see Applejack and Rarity coming.

“Howdy Fire! Got your message so I thought I might as well get Rarity so we could come take our sisters off your hooves,” Applejack said.

“I hope they weren’t a bother?” Rarity asked.

“Not at all,” Fire assured her. “I had a little fun teaching them some basic hoof to hoof combat."

“Say now that sounds like fun!” Applejack stated.

Rarity frowned. “Well, necessary perhaps. A lady must defend herself after all.”

Fire looked at her. “I saw you kick that manticore back when we first met.”

Rarity blushed. “Well, I’ve taken a few classes. My father insisted on it. Just in case I met some… unpleasant company.”

“Smart stallion,” Fire said.

“He never had me learn to do that though!” Sweetie Belle said.

Rarity cleared her throat. “Ahem. Yes well, you were rather young and didn’t need them yet. I suppose if you wish to continue lessons its fine.”

“Could you teach me more as well?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I suppose,” Rarity said. “Though Fire would probably be better in it. That is where his talent lies.”

She then smiled at him. “And I’m thankful to have a strong stallion like him in unpleasant situations.”

“I’m sure you can get yourself out of those at times as well,” Fire said.

“Perhaps,” Rarity agreed.

“Care to dance the dance of battle?” Fire asked

She looked at him with wide eyes.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you.”

“I could probably use a little practice in combat,” Applejack said. “Who knows when we might have to face a threat like Nightmare Moon again?”

“Fair point I suppose,” Rarity agreed. “Very well, if I must. But please don’t bruise me!”

“I’ve not done that to a pony in years,” Fire assured her. “But don’t worry! If I do, I have a first aid spell that will heal those in just a couple hours!”

“Oh, thank your mother Celestia!” Rarity said.

The young fillies watched as the grown ponies faced each other.

“Ladies first I believe,” Rarity said stepping forward in front of Applejack.

She faced Fire who stood ready. They stared at each and Fire came at her. He threw some light hoof punches at her. She managed to dodge and even throw a jump leg kick that held a decent amount of strength behind it like she had against the manticore.

“Not bad,” Fire praised.

“Thank you,” she said. “Strength is something ruffians are given an excess of but I’ll take a little where I can!”

“Strength isn’t everything though,” he said.

“Quite right. I much prefer… speed and grace!”

She spun around like a ballerina and then did a spinning kick. Fire barely managed to catch her hoof in time. But he did, and then he used his hind leg to sweep her remaining out from under her.

“Oh!” she exclaimed as she was about to fall on her back in the yard.

But Fire caught her by the front hoof before she could touch. He pulled her back up and they smiled at each other.

“Thank you,” she said.

“No problem my lady,” he said.

They looked away from each other not noticing their mutual red cheeks. A few minutes later, Fire was fending off Applejack's many hoof strikes. He then landed a front hoof punch to her chest.

“Not bad Applejack,” Fire said.

She took a breath to regather herself. “You sure have some strength to ya!”

“Thanks. But you need a balance of strength, speed, and more to be a great warrior,” Fire told her.

“Woohee! That was fun,” Applejack said. “But times going by. I have a few more chores at the farm to finish up before sundown. Thanks for the good time and for taking care of my sister.”

“And mine as well,” Rarity said. “Come Sweetie Belle, time to go home! You too Scootaloo!”

The two mares and three fillies bid Fire goodbye then began the walk home.

Fire soon had dinner and his mind wandered to the upcoming holiday.

“Guess I’ll have to pick out a costume,” he said.

Back in Canterlot. Gold Steel looked at a newspaper from a couple days ago showing a young filly with a tiara on her head.

“Rich Family daughter Diamond Tiara gets her mark. As though that’s really news worthy!” Gold scoffed. “Well, you’ll get something really worth making the news soon little miss Diamond. Rich Family ROBBED!”

“You’re gonna rob the Rich family in Ponyville, Steel?” Bright Wane asked.

“Correction my friend,” Gold said. “We are going to rob the Rich Family in Ponyville.”

“But what about Prince Fire Sword. He’ll have guards in town most likely!

“We just got out of prison, I don’t want to go back!” Swipe objected.

“Relax you idiots,” Gold scoffed. “They won’t be able to recognize us in our costumes! And with me able to teleport us to and
out of Ponyville in no time, we’ll have no trouble. Then we’ll finally have enough bits for me to buy my place at last!”

The Earth Ponies grinned nervously.

“Right boss!” Bright Wane said.

He and the other walked into the nearby room.

“You think we should go through with this?” Gray asked. “Maybe we should just rob what we can from him now and skidaddle!”

“No, we’ll get even more soon,” Bright said. “We’ll wait for the time to strike and then… take it!”

They grinned. But were unaware of Gold Steel smirking at them from the corner.

“You’ll outlive your usefulness soon!”