• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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95. Day worth remembering

“Excuse me, sir...” Serenity began, clearly thinking that she had misheard him. “Did you just say that we have… a free day tomorrow?”

“Why is this so surprising to all of you?” Matthias asked, not sure if he should be amused by the four disbelieving faces turned to him, or be confused as to why they thought it to be so weird for them a to have free day from training.

It was the second evening after the day of their Initiation. Matthias has joined the four paladins in the mess hall for supper, being almost as tired as they are. While they were now officially paladins, they still had a lot to learn when it came to asking the Light for aid. Because of that, they'd spent the past two days on even more excessive training, for aside from working with the Light, Matthias had to make sure his knights will stay fit.

Their day started as it did before: they woke up at dawn, eat a small breakfast, and then they proceeded with exercises, which ended with weapon training. Once they were done, they took quick showers, spent a while praying and meditating to collect their thoughts, after which they ate a midday meal, and followed Matthias to the Ponyville Hospital. Inside, the four paladins were praying to the Holy Light so it might heal the sick or the wounded... with interesting results.

Matthias wasn't surprised at all when the Light replied almost immediately to Serenity's prayer, when she asked it to heal a pegasus with a broken wing. She asked for the Light's help so sincerely and so certain that it was a right thing to do that Matthias, if he hadn't know better, would have thought she was a seasoned paladin or priest.

Nor he was surprised when Guard managed to accomplish the similar feat, although it took a longer prayer for him. While Matthias himself could ask the Light for aid with mere thought at this point, not everypony had such strong connection to it, or such strong willpower. Those had to concentrate through the prayer, which lengths varied on the believer's faith, willpower, and what was asked.

What did surprise him, though, was Tucker. The unicorn paladin also managed to quickly heal a patient, just as quick as Serenity. Matthias knew he had a lot of confidence in himself, but even so, that the Light responded to it...

In contrast to Tucker, however, was Storm. He’s the only one that still couldn't reach the Light with his heart, despite his honest efforts. Matthias wasn't exactly surprised with that, as he knew that the pegasus paladin had a lot of doubts about himself, but it was... saddening. Not disappointing, but saddening that despite his efforts to give Storm more confidence, the younger stallion still had problems.

It happens to be one of the reasons of why he decided to give them a free day.

“I know I've been rather strict with you ever since you've came here.” he said, glancing at all of them. “But I decided that since you're now officially paladins, you deserve some breather now and then. So, tomorrow I want you go have some fun in Ponyville.”

“Some fun, huh?” Tucker asked, already warming up to the idea.

Too tired to argue with him, Matthias just rolled his eyes. He was sure that every mare in Ponyville would turn him down, and in contrast to what he originally thought of the stallion, he knew Tucker would never try forcing himself on a mare.

“Will you be coming to Ponyville as well, sir?” Guard asked as he rose from his seat.

“Maybe later.” Matthias replied. “I have some paperwork to do in the morning.”

“Hehe, sucks to be you.” Tucker said, levitating his and others knights’ dishes, besides Matthias's who still hadn't finished.

“What did you say to me, Knight?” Matthias asked, raising an eyebrow threateningly.

“Sucks to be you, sir!” the unicorn replied seriously.

Covering his smile with a hoof, Matthias waved goodbye as the three knights left the mess hall. The only one that stayed was Storm, which looked as if something was on his mind.

What else is new?” the earth pony thought sarcastically.

“Something on your mind?” he asked aloud.

“Well... yes, sir.” the pegasus began, scratching the back of his head uncomfortably. “I... well...”

“Storm.” Matthias interrupted him, knowing exactly what was on his mind. “Don't worry. You will find your faith in your own time.”

“But I do believe in the Light!” Storm protested, and then looked away. “I just...”

“You know what is written on the plaque on the statue in the park, right?” Matthias asked after few seconds of silence.

“Um...” Storm mumbled, put off by the change of subject. “It says: 'Uther the Lightbringer, First Paladin-'”

“When Uther was made a paladin,” Matthias interrupted him, “four other men were initiated into the Order as well: Tirion Fordring, Saidan Dathrohan, Gavinrad, and Turalyon.”

He paused for a moment, recalling his own initiation into the Silver Hand; Uther and the former three were there. Matthias bit back tears as he recalled how he had repaid them: Uther and Gavinrad both died by his hand, and Tirion was sentenced to be banished by the court Arthas was part of for freeing an orc named Eitrigg, and the whole Order of the Silver Hand being disbanded by him, when in his rage and foolishness he thought Uther's refusal to slaughter the citizens of Stratholme to be a treason. Saidan wasn't treated better by fate: he was slain by Balnazzar, a dreadlord that was left by the Burning Legion to command the Scourge in Lordaeron with his brothers, Detheroc and Varimathras, and took part in the 'civil war' between theirs Legions Loyalists, the Lich King's Scourge, and Sylvanas' Forsaken. The demons ultimately lost; Varimathras, when faced with death, chose to side with Sylvanas; Detheroc was ripped to pieces; and Balnazzar was killed by Varimathras, from whom Sylvanas demanded a last proof of loyalty. The dreadlord did as she bade him, despite Nathrezims' (the other name for dreadlords) code of honor saying that it was forbidden for them to kill each other. However, what Sylvanas – and, in truth, no one on Azeroth – didn't know, was that it wasn't that easy to kill a Nathrezim. Balnazzar survived and killed Saidan, and then hid in his corpse, wearing it as a disguise. His necromantic powers kept the body from decaying, while Balnazzar corrupted the Scarlet Crusade from within.

Matthias shook his head, pulling himself from his dark musing.

“Turalyon was the youngest from the group; in fact, he was younger than you. And, like you, he couldn't get in touch with the Light.” Matthias recalled how Uther explained to him that Turalyon couldn't understand why the orcs were so evil, if the Light touched everything. While the conclusion he eventually came to was flawed (that the orcs were not from Azeroth, and as such they were not of the Light), it allowed him to use the paladin's power to its fullest. “But that didn't stop his from being an honorable paladin, an inspiring leader, and a skillful warrior. And when he did found his own faith, he became one of the greatest paladins there ever were.”

As he talked, Storm had listened, speechless. Matthias suspected that it didn't occur to him that there could have been another paladin who had similar problems to him, and not just any paladin, but one who became so great and noble.

“So I will repeat again: don't worry.” he told the pegasus, smiling.

Storm looked at him thoughtfully, and nodded.

“I won't. Thank you, sir.” he said, saluting, and turned to leave. At the doors, though, he paused and looked back: “Sir, if you don't mind me asking... when did this Turalyon reached the Light?”

Matthias thought for a moment, wondering how it would be best explained to him, but the concept of 'worlds' was a dangerous topic when he was involved. So, instead he told Storm about what else motivated Turalyon in that crucial moment during the Assault on Blackrock Spire.

“He saw his Supreme Commander fall in battle.”

Storm's eyes widened hearing that, but he nodded after few seconds and left. Matthias smiled bitterly, wondering if it was a good thing to mention that to the young paladin.

Guess tomorrow's making me nostalgic.” he thought as he finished eating and left the mess hall as well.

Matthias went to check on Scootaloo, who was just getting to bed. He wished her good night and then went to his own bed. He paused in his office for a moment, pondering if he should check the notes Brann brought him. He, Bolvar and Ner'zhul had come upon an unexpected problem; one that threatens everything they hoped to accomplish would be nothing but a wild dream.

“Although, 'wild nightmare' would be more appropriate.” he joked darkly.

Ultimately, he moved to his room; he had a feeling that the solution to that problem lies not within Brann's notes, but somewhere else. There were a few ideas he wanted to check, but those would have to wait for another day.

His bed seemed cold when he slid under his covers by himself after removing his armor. Rainbow had decided that she missed her own bed, and today she slept in her house.

Considering what day is tomorrow, I suppose it's fitting for me to be cold and alone...” Matthias mused sadly as he drifted into sleep.

Irritated, Matthias slammed shut the Book of Medivh.

Well, that was a dead end.” he thought, disappointed. He had hoped that perhaps the answer to the problem he, Bolvar and Ner'zhul encountered would be found there, but...

Sighing, he put the spellbook back on its pedestal and left the Chapel's Vault, closing it behind him. The book of the Last Guardian did manage to shed some light as to how they should proceed. Overall, Matthias couldn't say that he had wasted his time.

Although, it is getting late.

When he exited the Lightbringer's Chapel, he spotted Sound and Bomb leaving the barracks. The two stallions noticed him heading towards them, and waited for him to catch up.

“Considering I told you can have free time starting half an hour ago, I must say I'm surprised to find you here.” he told them.

“Well, we needed to freshen up a bit.” explained Sound

“Are you sure it's okay for us to go?” Bomb asked. “I mean, with both us and the paladins out-”

“You don't honestly expect that there could be some sort of danger to the Abbey?” Matthias replied, pretending to be surprised. “Yes, I'm sure. Go have fun. As for myself, I plan to meditate in the park, so I should be able to keep an eye on everything.”

“Well, if you say so... see you later!”

Matthias nodded to them as they waved at him while went their way, and he himself trotted to the Uther's statue. As he walked towards of it, he heard a movement of wings above his head. Not glancing up, Matthias continued to walk, until he was in front of the statue. He sat down, as Al'ar landed besides him.

“You know what day is today on Azeroth, don't you?” Matthias asked the phoenix, who cawed in response. “That's right.” he said, glancing up at Uther's face. “It’s the Remembrance Day.”

Remembrance Day, the day when the people of Azeroth honored the heroes of old.

“Remember well, Al'ar.” he told the giant bird next to him, using the traditional greeting for the holiday. He heard Al'ar caw in response, and turned his attention back to the statue. “In Stormwind, Varian should be wrapping up his Remembrance Day speech. If things had turned out differently, my father would be making one in the Capital City as well...”

He paused, the guilt over his past making him choke.

“I...” he continued, trying to hold himself together, feeling Al'ar's gaze. “I wonder: What names are being called right now in the Stormwind's Valley of Honor? Yours, of course.” Matthias told the statue, smiling bitterly. “You were humanity's greatest champion, even if you... failed to kill me. But you aren't the only hero the Alliance can honor today, aren't you? Anduin Lothar,” he thought back to the old knight he saw when he was nine years old, who led the Alliance through the Second War, until the Assault on Blackrock Spire, where after an intense duel with Orgrim Doomhammer, Warchief of the Old Horde, he fell; “also has done great deeds in life. And...”

Matthias again choked. He wanted to say the name of his father, Terenas Menethil, King of Lordaeron and the leader of the Alliance for years after the Second War. But he couldn't.

He couldn't bring himself to say his name.

“I... I...” he managed to stammer, bowing his head,. “I'm sure my father is honored, too...” the stallion felt unwanted tears beginning to gather in the corner of his eyes. “Unlike me, huh?” Matthias asked, looking up.

And stared speechless.

He was no longer within the Everfree Abbey, nor in Ponyville, or anywhere else in Equestria.

Matthias found himself in a cemetery, which is surprisingly busy, considering they usually were places when people came to pay their respects to the deceased. Several armed men, bearing golden lion on a blue field on their tabards, scuffled around, checking bodies of dead humans. Not far away stood a much different body; a huge one, that looked like a mixture of human's and dragon's features.


The beast was far greater than Matthias heard them being and, what's worse, it was adorned with Twilight's Hammer markings. Before the paladin could ponder how did it found itself upon the cemetery, and how did it die, he noticed a small crowd of humans.

And one of them was Jaina.

For what seemed to be eternity, everything disappeared to Arthas besides the sight of the kneeling woman he once (and maybe still) loved, one who he thought he would one day marry. She was as he remembered her, with her golden hair and blue eyes teary in sadness-

Wait, sadness?” he thought, snapping out of his trance, just as the one of the armed men that looked like their leader, reached down to help the youth beside her raise up.

“Come, Anduin,” she spoke, “we must get you to the safety of the keep. The heir apparent must be protected.”

Anduin?” Arthas thought, looking at him closely; this could be only Prince Anduin Wrynn, the son and heir of his former friend, Varian Wrynn, King of Stormwind. He sure has grown since the last time Arthas saw him, as a young baby.

“Let us leave this place.” Jaina pleaded, also reaching for him.

Arthas was confused. “What is going on here? Why do those two want Anduin to leave? And what are they doing in Stormwind's Cemetery, surrounded by corpses of-

And then his eyes slid off to what was lying beside Anduin.

A bloodied body of his old and familiar friend.

“Varian!” Arthas cried out, not caring about the attention he was bound to drag by doing so, as he run up to stand by his boyhood friend.

The dark haired man bore a huge, deep wound across his chest. Arthas eye recognized it to be after the strike of drakonid's axe that’s laid beside it.

No, this can't be...” he thought, unable to believe that Varian, King of Stormwind, the leader of humanity and rock of the Alliance, lies dead at his hooves.

“What- Who are you?” a sudden question next to him make his stop gazing at the body before he could start grieving.

Anduin was looking straight at him. Arthas stared back at him, only now noticing that the young man – so different in appearance than Varian – had an aura of Light around him.

“Anduin,” Jaina gentle and confused voice sounded next to them, “there's nothing there. Come-”

For all that she once was to him, Arthas had stopped paying attention to her.

She, and everybody else, couldn't see him.

Yet Anduin could.

Arthas understood what had happened. This was a vision; a vision the Light granted him, of what was happening at this precise moment on Azeroth. And at the same time, the Holy Light granted Prince Anduin a vision... of Arthas being there.

And there could be only one reason why the Light would do that.

“Listen to me, young Prince.” he said, and felt a strange surge as he saw attention in Anduin's blue gaze. “Your father can still be saved.”

“Will you save him?” Anduin asked with hope in his voice.

“No.” Arthas replied, shaking his head. “You will. All you have to do...” he said, reaching for his hand with a hoof, “is to ask the Light with all your being and it will respond.”

Arthas placed his hoof on Anduin's hand, and grabbed it. Absentmindedly, he noticed that he also glowed with the Light. Arthas lifted the prince's hand, and placed it upon his father's chest.

As the stallion glanced at the young man's face, he saw him concentrating with eyes closed, as he began to chant. At first it was a soft and gentle sound, but as his voice rose in crescendo, it became a beautiful and powerful song. As the words came, his hands began to glow with light, faint at first and then brighter and brighter at each passing moment, until it was competing even with the setting sun, bathing the entire cemetery in the shadowless light of midday. The song reached a fever pitch, and the young priest lifted his eyes and voice to the heavens, calling to the very heart of the cosmos for a source of divine power. Suddenly, liquid rays brighter than a thousand suns burst from Anduin's fingertips, penetrating the king's body and painting everything in a brilliant yellow glow. The guards gasped and stepped back, shielding their eyes as Varian's entire being was rocked by an influx of pure light. And at the center of it all was Anduin, holding his father close while a vortex of infinite beauty danced between them. Then, in sharp contrast to the intense swirling energy billowing all around, the prince began to speak with a melodious and gentle voice as he carefully laid his hands on the immobile king's forehead and quietly, peacefully, began to pray.

As Arthas watched the son bring his father back to life, he placed his head next to the prince's ear. “Remember, young Prince:” the pony told him, “no matter how dark the day may seem, the Light will always shine through it.”

Arthas blinked... and was once again in front of Uther's statue.

He shook his head, amazed at what just had happened, and looked around. Al'ar was still gazing at him.

“It's been a second since I stopped talking, hasn't it?” Matthias asked.

The phoenix, not showing any signs of being surprised by the question, nodded. He then sprouts his wings and took off. Matthias followed him with his eyes; he knew Al'ar understood what had happened to him, and now has left him alone so he could think about it by himself.

“Unbelievable, isn't it?” Matthias asked aloud, looking at his mentor's face. “To think that I helped Anduin save Varian... and that no one will ever know about it.” his happiness dispersed as he lowered his gaze. “No one will ever mention my name on this day, or any other. I am no hero like you, not there at least. On Azeroth, I am nothing but...” he choked, and closed his eyes. “... a monster... a monster... I... I wish I could fix all of that, I truly do. I would gladly give my life just to... to see you again, and my father, and everybody... and just beg for your forgiveness, even though... I don't deserve it. I... I just...”


Matthias raised his head and blinked, looking to his side. So lost he was in his dark thoughts that he hadn't notice when Applejack approached him.

“Oh, hello, Applejack.” he greeted her, wiping his face; when did those tears came? “I... it's the Remembrance Day on Azeroth. It's... the day when we remember the heroes of old, and... and...”

It was ridiculous. He’s a stallion; the Grand Master of the paladin order; in his past life, he was the single most terrifying being on Azeroth. Why, then, did Matthias found himself crying and being comforted by a mare the next second?

Thankfully, his mental breakdown lasted shorter than his previous, when it was Twilight comforting him. This time, it only took Matthias few minutes of crying on Applejack's shoulder, while she patted him on the back and whispered: “There, there, sugarcube... let it all out...”

“This is really silly...” Matthias murmured when he finally took a step back, wiping his tears away. “I keep getting comforted by all of you... and you don't even know what I am crying for.”

“Ah don't need to know that to know ya're sad.” Applejack told him smiling. “Friends are always there for each other, ya'know.”

“Yeah, I do.” he replied, giving her a half smile. “And thanks, you know. I owe you one.”

“Yeah, about that...” she started to say, looking uncomfortable, but then shook her head. “Never mind.”

“What do you mean?” Matthias asked, puzzled, although he had a suspicion.

“Nothin', just... ya kinda seem to have a lot on yar head, so I will just leave...” she replied, turning around.

“It's about what we talked about not so long ago, isn't it?”

Matthias knew that Applejack could sense that it wasn't really a question. It was a statement. Even though he was in emotional turmoil barely moments ago, he was prepared to help her.

“Well...” Applejack said, stopping. Matthias noticed that she was blushing. “Mostly.”

He recalled what Rainbow Dash told him two days ago, and winced inwardly. And yet, despite a part of his mind telling him it was a bad idea...

... he still trotted closer to Applejack...

... and kissed her.

Matthias was not sure how it had all happened. The last hour seemed to him to be a dream.

But here he was now, in his bed with Applejack.

If they didn't have better reasons for it already, I would say that my parents are rolling in their graves right about now.” he thought darkly, wondering how it had come to it that he would have slept with two of his friends. Granted, he didn't have many female friends in his previous life, but...

He stopped his inner musing when he noticed something that made his heart skip a bit.

Applejack was crying.

“Applejack...” he started, not sure what to do, but the mare smiled and shook her head.

“It's not that, sugarcube... Ah’m just... happy, I guess.”

The paladin lifted himself up to look at her questioningly. A part of him noticed how beautiful she looked without her hat and her hair loose.

“Ah...” Applejack elaborated, seeing his gaze. “Ah'm sure ya must've already realized that what Twilight told me... well, it was a big pile of horse apples. Ah don't blame her or anything, but... Ah was kinda sad.”

“And now?” Matthias asked, placing his hoof on her side. He could feel her muscles under her skin.

“Now, it... doesn't seem to be such a big deal, ya know?” she said, smiling, and hugging him closer. “Ah had two wonderful first times, both with my friends that I love- not in that way.” Applejack immediately added, her brow furrowing as if threatening him to think otherwise.

“I know. I love you too – in that way.” the paladin told her, smirking. Inwardly, he pondered if she looked at the matter because it was a different world, or simply because she was female, and hence thought a bit differently. “You know, you look astonishing this way.”

“Well, look until ya can, partner.” Applejack told him, blushing and laughing. “Ah'm not like RD, ya know. All you get is this evening; nothing more.”

“I wouldn’t presume otherwise.” Matthias replied, smiling, as the mare leaned closer.

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