• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,751 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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120. Break

Shaking off the effects of the impact, which were minimized by the Light’s protection, and coughing from the dust that it caused to raise into the air, Matthias looked around. While the majority of his field of view was taken by the Ursa’s still form, he noticed that he was in some sort gigantic chamber. The paladin didn’t have much time to take a look at his surroundings before he heard a familiar voice calling him.


Sir Lightbringer turned his head to see Storm Clash staring at him from the edge of the chamber, stunned. Next to him was another pegasus, much to his surprise. For what possible reason would this pony be here in these Light forsaken tunnels? His concentration, however, quickly moved back from the stranger to his subordinate, who in those few seconds managed to recover from the shock (Matthias wondered just how exactly this must have looked, him sitting on the seemingly knocked-out Ursa Major) and was flying towards him.

Not wanting to sit on a giant bear as they’d talk, Matthias slid down from the great animal’s neck to stand on the ground, which, not surprisingly, was full of cracks (which were partially covered by debris and blood) in what he now had realized were ornamented tiles. He wasn’t given much time to look at stylish curves, for Storm had joined him in a matter of seconds.

“Sir?” the gray pegasus rasped even before he landed. “What are you doing here?”

Normally, Matthias tried to radiate calmness and wisdom when around his paladins, knowing that they’d look up to him during their training. But from time to time he liked to tone that down, whenever he wanted to make them feel more at ease, or when he was irritated.

This time, it was the latter case.

“Oh,” Matthias said sarcastically. “Well, I was just in the area, and I thought that this would be a perfect place for a wine cellar- What the buck do you think I am here for!?” he snapped, making Storm cringe and move back in fear.

“Zecora came to me and told me that you flew out into the Everfree Forest like an idiot to look for some flowers mentioned in a legend! It never occurred to you that you might stumble upon something that might want to eat you?” Matthias pointed at the Ursa Major behind him. “Or did it never cross your mind that Rarity would much rather have her friend to be alive?!”

Mentioning Rarity’s name made Storm recovered and look him in the eyes. And although shame flicked on his face at what Matthias had said, he was determined when he replied:

“Yes, I know, sir, but Rarity is a mare that deserves such a gift. While I admit that I was acting... unwisely-”

“Try ‘asininely’.”

“- I do know one thing for certain, sir: until I confront Lady Rarity about my…” he paused, feeling embarrassed, before he finished: “my feelings for her, I will not die. And with all due respect, sir, nothing you say or do will change my mind.”

It wasn’t hard to spot the unease in Storm’s voice as he spoke that last part, nor the quick glance at the incapacitated Ursa Major. The gray pegasus knew, despite what he said, that if Matthias would want to actually do something, his mind would be of little importance.

However, the head paladin fought down the urge to point that out, and suppressed his annoyance. It was the first time he heard Storm admit to have feelings for Rarity - a fact which was obvious to anypony who had seen those two talk with each other - and Matthias couldn’t help but feel heartened by it.

“I have no intention of changing your mind, Storm,” he replied in a steady voice, causing the other pony to blink in surprise. It was the truth; while he didn’t plan on meddling in other ponies’ affairs - like Rarity had done - Matthias had a feeling that this stallion would make his friend happy, and if Storm was convinced he would need those flowers for that, then the head paladin would give him his full support. He was about to say that, but then he noticed that the other pegasus was approaching them.

“We will talk about this further in a moment,” Matthias said, “right now I’d like to say hello to this pony. How did you stumble upon somepony down here is beyond me.”

“Yeah…” Storm muttered, as he also glanced at the pegasus. “About that…”

Matthias glanced at the other pony, meaning to ask what did he mean to say, but his eyes snapped back to the unknown pony the very next heartbeat as his brain realized that it wasn’t unknown at all. He had seen her visage whenever in one of the few precious moments of free time he’d grab one of her books and look at the cover.

Daring Do felt her heart leap in joy as Sir Lightbringer looked at her with eyes quickly growing wide. He recognized her!

He knows who I am!” she thought.

She then quickly poured a mental bucket of cold water on herself. It was hardly a surprise that he'd known her; she was the author and the main hero of the bestselling series of books in Equestria, after all. All her archeological discoveries, degrees and commendations - which given his position he’d probably heard off - aside, Sir Lightbringer just had to know her.

Daring shook off the stupid glee and nervousness that overtook her for a moment. Yeah, he was hot as Tartarus, and had thrown an Ursa Major through the cave’s ceiling. That was no reason for her to start acting like a stupid, wet-behind-her-ears intern again.

Focus, Daring!” she chided herself. “Remember how your last crush ended…” Except this was a knight, sworn to defend Equestria… “Ugh, whatever! You still have a job to do here; searching for a location of a long lost civilization first, getting laid later!” But with a stallion like him she could maybe seek more than just one-night… “Okay, fine, go ask him out after you get that stone tablet in the chamber underneath the… shrine…

The shrine which had been crushed beneath the Ursa Major.

“Well, I hope you’re happy,” she snapped at the white stallion, making him close his mouth and look at her intently in surprise. Daring’s discomposure has evaporated as soon as she realized how badly he had hindered her in her quest. She strode towards him until she stood directly in front of him and poked his chest.

“You dropped probably the heaviest thing ever on top of the ancient shrine hiding an ancient passage to an ancient chamber hiding an ancient stone tablet that could hold a key to finding the capital of the ancient and practically unknown civilization!” she screeched as she continued to poke his chest sharply.

“How am I going to get it now!?” she asked, not really expecting any answer.

Daring finally stopped and took a step back. She realized that a part of her had enjoyed the brief physical contact, but with what had transpired the idea of rolling in the hay with him was pushed down on her agenda. The tan pegasus moved away from the two other ponies, biting her lip as she pondered how to exactly move the gigantic bear.

Sir Lightbringer, in the meantime, had seemed to recover his ability to speak. “I’m sorry, I’m still trying to process how this world’s most famous explored had just bumped into the only pegasus I know that could fall down a giant underground chasm.”

Despite her anger, Daring did chuckle as she heard Storm groan in embarrassment. Her mood somewhat lifted, she turned back to them and explained. “I had entered those dungeons from an entrance that I had discovered after studying some of the Crystal Empire’s scrolls, and purely by accident I stumbled upon Storm. Good thing I did, too, as he was about to be speared by one of the Diamond Dogs’ traps.”

“Well, in that case, thank you for saving the life of my paladin,” Sir Lightbringer said, completely ignoring the irritated sight Storm had uttered.

“Eh, don’t mention it,” Daring shrugged, before turning back to the Ursa. “Say, do you have any idea how to move it?”

“Hmm…” the stallion hummed as he joined her. Daring looked up and followed his gaze. Sir Lightbringer was looking at the wound on the Ursa’s shoulder that was bigger than all three of them, but on a creature as large as it, it seemed less than a scratch. “I… might,” he finally said, and something in the expression he bore as he said those words told Daring that she wasn’t going to like that idea. “But before I help you out, I need to take care of something.”

Daring looked curiously as he turned back to Storm. “Storm-”

But the pegasus paladin cut him off. “Sir, I’m sorry, but I’m not going back until I find some Eon Petals for Rarity.”

While she couldn’t help but feel impressed at her companion’s refusal to listen to a pony that just flattened an Ursa Major, Daring had silently uttered a prayed for his soul.

To her surprise, however, Sir Lightbringer had merely raised his eyebrows. “I wasn’t going to order you to stop your search,” he said, making both Daring and Storm stare at him. “I can see that it’s important for you to get those flowers for Rarity. Why it’s beyond me, as it’s obvious to everypony with eyes that she already likes you,” he added, and Daring had to suppress a giggle as she saw Storm’s features brighten. “But as such, then as your friend, not superior, I will not stop you… although, given what I had to go through tonight to find you and that backtalk a minute ago, I might do something horrible to you in the future.”

“Err… well, thank you, sir,” Storm said carefully, as if wondering if he should be happy or worried. Gazing at the Ursa, Daring assumed the latter. “But how did you find me?”

“Al’ar flew me in the direction Zecora told me, then landed where I saw the signs that the manticore forced you to land-”

“How did you knew it was a manticore?”

“Because it tried to eat me next,” Sir Lightbringer replied nonchalantly. “Afterwards, I tracked you by ground until I lost your trail. I then looked for a place you might’ve went to look for the Eon Petals. If I’d been a minute faster, I could’ve reached you before the cave-in,” he added as he began unstrapping the sword from his back. “I had a feeling that you might’ve fallen down into some tunnels of the Diamond Dogs’ empire and I came to the place that could have tunnels going as deep. Here you go.”

Storm caught the glowing with golden light blade that the other stallion threw him. “My Spring Binder!”

“If you plan to continue your quest, then you’ll need your weapon,” Sir Lightbringer explained as he pulled out another set of armor from his saddlebag. “And some protection. Also, seeing how you might need something to fight in close quarters, I’m lending you this.”

The oddly crooked and curved dagger with a gleaming blue-white gem that Sir Lightbringer gave the pegasus stallion caught Daring’s eye. She looked at it fascinated as Storm lifted it to admire it’s blade. Even from where she stood, her trained eyes noticed that it was really old, ancient maybe.

It must be at least a few thousand years old…” she thought as she mused where did the white paladin got it.

It’s not Pegasi Armada’s, Crystal Empire’s, Saddle Arabia’s… definitely not Aquestria’s… and it’s also not the work of either of zebra’s tribes, or the griffons’, minotaurs’, and judging by those spears the statues I saw so far were holding, neither Diamond Dogs’…

“It’s a memento from the fight that left my chest with that wide scar,” Sir Lightbringer explained, seeing Storm’s interest in the dagger. “Brann dropped by today and brought it, along with some other mementos of mine.”

“Are they all daggers?” Daring asked, wondering where this Brann came from.

The white paladin chuckled. “No, but they are all weapons I took from powerful opponents I defeated before I came to Equestria.”

Daring’s ears perked up. “So he’s not from Equestria…” Sir Lightbringer’s face took on a thoughtful expression, and he glanced at the Ursa.

“In the cave above us should be a large fang of it I cut off; do you think I should take it?” He shook his head as Daring and Storm exchanged looks outside of his vision before he turned back to them. “Anyway, that blade name is Stormfury; I figure having a weapon like that with you might bring you extra luck.”

“Thank you, sir,” Storm said, as he quickly put on the armor and placed the dagger in a strap, then the big sword over his back. “I’ll give it back to you soon.”

“You should be able to find an exit from the cave somewhere up above,” Sir Lightbringer continued. “Outside will be Al’ar; please, tell him to wait a bit longer, and be ready to come here when I call him,” he paused to scratch his chin. “Actually, maybe it’ll be better if you beg him, not tell.”

“I’ll… keep that in mind, sir. Does this mean you’ll be staying here with Daring?”

“Seeing as I owe her for saving you and so far I haven’t exactly helped her, it’s only right that I’ll lend her a hoof with getting that… stone tablet, correct?”

Daring nodded, trying to not show how much the prospect of staying with him alone appealed to her. She did her best to kick out of her head all the images that came to her mind at the thought; she wasn’t about to jump on him down here, not with all the traps and the unconscious Ursa Major… which they still had to move somehow.

“As for you, Storm...” the white stallion turned back to the gray one. “Bear in mind that even with those weapons, the forest above will be still dangerous. Don’t let your guard down for a minute.”

“Don’t worry, sir, I’ll be fine.”

“Right…” Sir Lightbringer looked around, clearly contemplating how well he had done so far. Judging by the slight flush Daring noticed on Storm’s cheeks, he must have realized it too. “If you’re not back by the dawn after Rarity’s birthday, I’ll lead a search party to find you, got it?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Good, now, one more thing…” he said as he stepped closer to him. “As you know, Rarity’s a dear friend of mine, and while I don’t plan to try to affect her private life in any way, I think you’ll be a good stallion for her. However,” he trailed off, and Daring barely saw the movement as a hoof quickly seized Storm and pulled him right in front of Lightbringer’s face, “if you cause her pain - which will happen if you die out there - I’ll make your life a living Tartarus.”

Perhaps it was the calm, cold tone in which he said it, but something in his voice told Daring that he would follow up this threat. She sympathized with Storm as the poor stallion shook. For his sake, he’d better prove to be the best coltfriend Equestria had ever seen.

“Umm… s-sir?” Storm tried to speak, while at the same time attempting to backpedal, which, with Sir Lightbringer still holding him wasn’t going to work. “I-if I would die… I don’t think I would have to worry… he he…”

“Oh, you would be surprised…” the white stallion said ominously, narrowing his eyes, before he took a step back, released Storm, and patted him heavily on the back. “Well, off you go!” he said cheerfully.

Even from where she stood Daring could hear the other pegasus swallowing. She fought hard to not chuckle at the poor stallion’s experience. While Sir Lightbringer was speaking truth, that there would be a way for him to torment Storm even if he laid in grave (after all the crazy things that happened to her, the idea wasn’t anything new to her), she wondered how exactly he wanted to do that, if at all.

In the meantime, Storm shook off the effect Sir Lightbringer's words had on him, and with a quick nod to his superior, he jumped into the air. He paused briefly to look at Daring Do.

“It’s been a pleasure, Daring,” he said, his voice betraying that he was still a bit shaken. “Thanks again for saving my life.”

“Heh, no problem, hon,” she replied, smiling. “Best of luck with finding those flowers.”

“Thanks!” he said as he soared up high.

As soon as Storm was a little more than a spackle of light that both his wing and his sword emanated, Daring looked at the stallion that was still with her (not that she complained).

“So, do you always control your subordinates with fear?”

“Only when they try to date one of my friends,” Sir Lightbringer replied casually as he turned back to the bear. “Now then, are you ready to take care of that?”

“Hm? Oh, right…” she said as she looked at him trotting over to the wound of Ursa’s shoulder.

“Where’d you and Storm come from?” he asked as he pressed his hoof near it - as near as he could be, with the creature being so big. “Was it some kind of dungeon?”

“Yeah, it’s over there where we stood when you… fell…”

Her words trailed off as she watched the spectacle before her. A golden light had appeared around Sir Lightbringer’s hoof, and before Daring’s mind could even properly register that, it spread to the Ursa Major, enveloping it surprisingly quickly. And as she watched, she saw how the great wound began closing.

“Is the entrance to the tunnel big enough for the the Ursa Major to reach there with a paw?” Sir Lightbringer continued to ask her as he somehow healed the great animal.

“Um…” Daring hummed and looked at its paw after giving her head a good shake. “No, it’s way too big… wait,” she paused. Something in that line of questioning stroke her as odd. “Why do you ask?”

“Have anypony ever told you that you’re crazy?!” Daring screamed as both of them headed towards the tunnel’s entrance she had mentioned earlier.

The sound of a very angry Ursa Major waking up erupted from behind them much faster than Matthias had anticipated, as if to add her question a justification. When he reached out the great animal to cancel the effect of Light’s touch invoke on its mind, the paladin had assumed that it would take longer for it to recover.

As they ran, Matthias contemplated her question. He was about to answer “yes”, but then he paused mentally. Many people called him a “mad prince” but technically that was a different term. And then there was Twilight, although she meant it in more endearing sorta way…

“I don’t know. Maybe?” Matthias asked as they dove into the tunnel.

Daring shoot him an irritated look and opened her mouth to probably comment on that, but within those few seconds it took her to come up with a reply the Ursa Major had reached the tunnel’s entrance. They both lost their hoofing as they felt as if the entire mountain shook when the Ursa Major bashed against the chamber’s wall. An angry roar resounded as the great bear tried to reach them with its paw, but the passage was too narrow.

“Okay, that part worked…” Matthias gaged, but seeing the look Daring gave him, he amended: “After a fashion. Now we just have to wait until it realizes that it can’t reach us and climbs out of here.”

“Might take a couple hours,” Daring shouted so that he could hear her over the sound of claws slashing against the stone. She sat down and leaned against the tunnel’s wall. “So… given how I didn’t have to introduce myself, I take it you know me?”

“Oh, yes,” he replied, also raising his voice. Matthias wondered how long it would take for the Ursa to get bored.

“Friends of mine are huge fans of your books, and they had practically forced me to read the first one. After that I also got into them.” he answered.

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed them.”

“Although, if I might ask: why did you start writing about your adventures?” he asked, trying to not sound as if he was accusing her of being hungry for attention.

Daring Do sighed and rubbed her temples. “Oh, that… believe it or not, it all started from losing a bet.”

“Losing a bet?” Matthias repeated, now even more curious.

“Ugh, don’t ask… let’s just say that my college years weren’t my proudest days. Anyway, after the first book, everypony begged for a sequel, so I wrote it, then another, and so on. But!” she stopped and looked at him sharply with a weird smile.

“Enough about me. Who exactly are you, where did you come from if you’re not from Equestria, and where did you get that dagger? It doesn’t look like anything I had ever seen, and in that case it means it’s not from… pretty much everywhere, I suppose.”

Matthias blinked. That was a lot of questions.

“Oh, well…” he trailed off for a few seconds, trying to recall what exactly he used to tell everypony. “I came from the land on the other side of the planet. It’s called Azeroth.”

Seeing her confused gaze, he continued: “I’m not surprised you haven’t hear about it; our continent isn’t as big as Equestria or Griffonia, and due to the strong water currents we never tried to bother exploring the world.”

The long, studious gaze Daring gave him was beginning to make him uncomfortable. He was about to say something to change the subject, but then she said: “Yeah, I don’t buy it.”

Oh, crap…

“Aside from the matter of how you got there - which you would probably try explain with some magic experiment going awry - there is also the fact that I happen to know for certain that there are no more continents other than Equestria and Griffonia.”

“Really?” he asked, surprised. “How so?”

“Considering that will be in my newest book, I don’t think it will be fair from me to give you any spoilers,” Daring replied, winking.

“But let’s just say that there was a spell that projected a globe, which also included the modern day Griffonia,” she shrugged. “So, where are you really from?”

To buy himself time, Matthias looked at the entrance to the chamber. Judging by the growls and sounds of scratching, the Ursa was still trying to get them. The paladin pondered if it wouldn’t be better for him to go over there…

“It’s… complicated,” Matthias finally sighed. He doubted he would be as lucky as earlier. But before he could go further… “You’re not going to publish this, right?”

Daring sighed in annoyance. “Why does everypony ask that?” Daring turned her head towards Matthias, looking at him sharply. “Look, first, I don’t write about other ponies’ life stories, and second: I think I’m going to skip a lot of what happened this night. I mean, I wrote about a lot of crazy stuff, but nopony is going to believe that a pony can knock off an Ursa Major! The same reason why everypony believes the story of how the Neighagra Falls was created is just a legend.”

Matthias gave her a confused gaze and she explained: “It says that Commander Hurricane fought an Ursa Major there, destroying half of the mountain range and making the river just drop where it does instead of slowly descending… you know, seeing how you handled that one, it might be true after all…” she mused while Matthias tried to comprehend just how Commander Hurricane did that, before Daring Do shrugged. “So, you were saying?”

Perhaps Matthias shouldn’t discount such small facts that he died and was brought back to life, that he was evil or wasn’t always a pony, but when he told Daring that he was from a whole other world that she almost immediately became excited and began asking him how it was in comparison to Equestria. She also asked him what sentient creatures lived there, how advanced their civilizations was, and so on.

“You know…” she stopped him about an hour after they’ve gotten into the subject. Matthias ceased explaining her how only recently did the tauren made permanent settlements after generations of nomadic existence.

“I find it really odd that a world so distant from ours could have two races so similar to each other,” the pegasus said, meaning obviously the tauren and the minotaurs, “or having such similar traditions, like the zebra and those trolls.”

Matthias very slowly nodded. Indeed, now that he thought about it, it was weird. Especially in regards to tauren and minotaurs. As far as Matthias knew, the tauren race was one of the “native” races of Azeroth. The humans, dwarves and gnomes, for example, were all descendants from titans’ creations. Could it be possible that two such different worlds could give birth to such similar races by themselves?

And what about dragons?!” Matthias wondered. They were both on Azeroth and Equestria, and yet where in the former case they were guardians, in the latter most of those dragons was a little more than bullies. “How come-

“Oh, and don’t think for a second that I haven’t noticed that you didn’t say a single word about ponies,” Daring’s voice interrupted his musing.

Matthias deadpanned, but when he looked at the explorer, he saw her ear perking and glancing at the exit. “Although, I guess it can wait.”

Only now did Matthias realize that at some point while they talked, the sounds of the angry Ursa Major trying to dig through the stone to get them had cased, and the noise they now heard was of scraping stone was coming from somewhere further in the chamber.

Sharing an uncertain glance, the two ponies quietly made their way towards the exit from the tunnel. They stopped right before it, and, standing besides the opposite walls, they took a peek. It was fairly easy to spot the Ursa, with its fur glowing softly in the darkness. It was high up on the chamber’s walls, climbing its way out.

Without making a sound, Matthias and Daring glanced at each other, nodded, and set out slowly. They took great care to not draw the Ursa’s attention; for a being as big as it, he could still drop from the wall without much risk to itself and attack them. Neither of them spoke as they passed many boulders, which used to be part of the ceiling that was above the chamber - or pulverized remains of the the statues and stone columns.

The place where the shrine stood was easy to locate. Apart from the remains of it still being somewhat recognizable, the passage downstairs - which was, thankfully, still usable - was a big clue.

Matthias stood by as Daring entered first, then followed her. He feared they would have go down those stairs for hours, seeing that the floor must have been thick enough to survive under the Ursa, but inside, just a few steps lower, awaited them a pleasant surprise.

“A teleport platform?” Daring mused in a slightly surprised and impressed tone as they looked at the small white circles that glowed as they neared it. “I didn’t know diamond dogs could use magic in the past… or at least understand it enough to create a rune working for teleportation.”

Having said that, she jumped on the platform, and disappeared with a white flash. Matthias, who’s been staring at it for a few seconds, was thankful for the small miracle, followed her. The sensation he felt for a heartbeat was familiar to him - it was no different than a normal teleportation. Matthias waited for his eyes to adjust back again to the low light of Daring’s flashlight as he joined her.

As his sight slowly returned after the flash of teleportation, Matthias saw that the chamber they were in was basically a much, much smaller version of the one above them. Around them were statues of diamond dogs, except where a shrine stood was a small pedestal… with a giant, three muzzled and six-armed statue directly behind it.

“Huh, that’s new…” the tan pegasus mused as she looked at the strange depiction of a diamond dog.

Matthias was about to agree with her, but then, something that they had both thought of at the first sign of the statues just happened. The big one twitched, and with a loud, resonating crunching noise it began to rise.

“Interlopers!” much to their surprise, a voice came from its three mouths. “You shall pay for your intrusion!”

An odd zapping sound came from behind them. As all the other statues around them began moving, Matthias had the strangest feeling that their escape route has been sealed off.

“Well, that escalated quickly,” Daring noticed as she looked around and moved slightly to the back. “Aside from the big one, there’s about… twenty.”

Matthias couldn’t help himself. Hearing the nonchalant tone of Daring’s voice, he snorted with laughter. Daring also smirked as they both rose on their hind legs and stood pressing their backs to each other.

“So, how about you take care of the big fellow, while I do something about the others?” Daring suggested as the guardians slowly advanced.

“Should be easy enough,” Matthias noted as his designated target equipped a weapon into each of the six arms. “I might even lend you a hoof once I’m done… wait, do you have any weapons?”

“A combat knife, although I don’t think it will be of much use.”

“Here,” Matthias said as his hooves took out the two other daggers he brought, Heaven’s Fall and Tel’thas, and presented them to Daring over their shoulders, “take these.”

He felt her shiver as she took the blades, no doubt impressed with the weapons.

“Nice,” she said, admiring them.

“Do you know how to turn the teleportation platform back on?” Matthias asked, raising his only concern as he summoned the Holy Avenger.

“Hm? Oh, don’t worry, a trap by itself cannot turn those off completely,” Daring replied reassuringly. “It will probably turn back on by the time we’ll be done.”

“Okay then, good luck!” Matthias shouted as he charged at the six-armed dog.

“Break a leg!” Daring shouted back as she flew at the closest of the smaller statues.

The paladin found himself unable to not respond other than with: “I intend to!”

Daring mused at the craftsmanship of the blades Sir Lightbringer loaned her, as they effortlessly cut through the stone, decapitating one of the statutes. Of course, that didn’t hinder its movements, making the pegasus dodge with a roll and whirl around while slashing at another one, leaving a deep X-like mark on its chest.

This might take a while…” she pondered as she flew out of reach of them, and shoot a quick look at the paladin’s direction. It was very easy to spot him; as he was illuminated by the Light; which she got a short description about during her questioning about Azeroth. Much to her chagrin, she saw that the big statue was already missing one of its arms.

As if I’m going to lose here!” she thought, her attention back again on her opponents and she plunged at them.

She wasn’t worried at all. Being no stranger to fights, Daring knew when she was on a winning side, that is, unless it turned out her partner would be playing for the other team (not in the cute sorta way), which pretty much ended with her having something sharp pressed against her back (again, not in the cute sorta way) just when she was about to win. However, with Sir Lightbringer, who emanated trust, kindness and equity, she just knew that would never be the case.

Although,” she smirked as she cut the statues “if this night ends up with me having something involving him pressed against my back, I don’t think I would mind much.

Author's Note:

Sorry it's been a while since I uploaded the new chapter, but there were several factors that lead to this, further explained here. It's also explained there that there will be even longer break before a new chapter will get here, sorry.

In other news, I have 3 new proofreaders: Vrilix, Merchent343, and TexPony. Now that there are 7 people in total working on making this fic readable I hope that there won't be any more stupid grammar mistakes.

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