• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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69. Search for intel begins

As they trotted through the streets of the empire, passing many houses made out of crystals, Matthias would shook his head from time to time in hopes to completely shrug off the effects of Sombra’s attack. He had not expected him to just stay in his smoke form around them or that would it be so damaging to body and mind. It was good thing that Matthias managed to quickly cast Light’s protection on Shining Armor, for as sturdy as he was, chances that he would withstood that were too low for comfort.

“Are you sure you’re fine?” Twilight asked him after another shake.

“Yes, I am.” he replied, carefully trying to not sound harsh. “And if I weren’t, I would have healed myself, so don’t be concerned.”

He spoke truly, as he was already healing himself as he and Shining Armor run for the empire, and now was merely in pain from the ordeal. And while he appreciated his friends concern, it was unnecessary. So instead of healing his body, he concentrated on the fallen unicorn.

Matthias could still sense him, although his presence was now much weaker; either because of the distance, the fact that they were safe thanks to Cadance’s magic, or that maybe Sombra has simply lost interest. And while for the moment nothing threaten them, he was far from comforted by it.

The only good thing at the moment is that finally have an idea what this sense is.” he thought as his friends continued to glance at their surroundings. “But if my guess is correct, then... who was that in Ponyville, then? And what about the-

“It's gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!” Rarity’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

Matthias looked up in annoyance, and realized that they reached the crystal castle, which seemed to be bigger and more magnificent up-close. It appeared like a spire and was supported by four columns, which also served for entrances, as the main part of the castle was above the ground.

“There are no words!” the fashionista added after she finished making incoherent mumbling.

“Focus, Rarity.” Applejack brought her back to reality. “We're here to help Twilight, not admire the scenery.

“Eh, I don't see what the big deal is.” Rainbow, who was passing by them, added nonchalantly. “Just looks like another old castle to me.”

Seriously?” Matthias wondered, slightly taken back.

But not nearly as Rarity.

“Another old...!” she repeater in disbelieve and pressed on Rainbow (quite literally): “Have you lost your mind? Look at the magni-”

She stopped notice when Dash started laughing, followed by Applejack, with whom she bumped hooves.

“Very funny…” Rarity said after few seconds, once she and Matthias realized that the cyan mare has been merely pulling a joke on her.

He shook his head and head for the doors in one of the supports, like everypony else, expecting to see behind it-

“Stairs?” Matthias asked, confused, then looked at Shining Armor. “Seriously?”

“What do you mean?” the other stallion replied with raised eyebrow.

“This castle’s main part is high above the ground level, and it doesn’t have teleporters or elevators? I would expect at least Sombra to make those in his evil lair. Here should be elevators, and there,” he added, pointing at the base under the castle. “A teleporting pad.”

“Who puts any of those in a castle?” Shining Armor said, and begun to climb the stairs.

My evil lair had those...” Matthias thought, as he felt hurt by that statement.

“Cadance!” Twilight exclaimed happily at the sight of her old foalsitter.

The Princess, who was sitting on a throne made of crystal, had her head lowered; she glanced up and immediately brightened, as she trotted over to meet her.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” they recited and both laughed once they finished they greeting.

“Told you they would do that.” Twilight heard Matthias say to the others, with both Rainbow and Applejack snickering.

She was about to frown at them, when Cadance shook as if her head hurt, and the light around her horn (which she just now noticed) almost faded.

“One of these days we need to get together when the fate of Equestria or lives of ponies aren't hanging in the balance.” Cadance said once the seizure ended, and then sighed.

It then hit Twilight that she wasn’t looking well. She had bags under her eyes as if she didn’t sleep for days, and appeared to be dead tired.

“Are you okay?” the lavender unicorn asked, despite seeing that she was not.

“Cadance has been able to use her magic to spread love and light.” Shining Armor replied for his wife, as he trotted to stand by her side. “That seems to be what is protecting it. But she hasn't slept, barely eats. I want to help her, but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra.”

“It's alright Shining Armor, I'm fine.” Cadance said in, trying and failing to convince anypony.

“She's not fine. She can't go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade… well, you saw what's out there waiting for that to happen.”

Yes, Twilight saw. A terrible monster that was powerful enough to be of trouble for both her brother and Matt.

“Matthias,” Shining Armor asked the other stallion, “could you-”


Everypony glanced at the owner of the voice. Matthias was standing further from the group, and was looking through the window. He had one ear perked at them, but other than that and the reply, he seemed to be concentrated on something else entirely.

“While I can ask the Light to refresh my allies from weariness, I cannot do the same if the reason for it comes from overusing magic.” he continued calmly. “It’s different from simply body exhaustion. And no,” he added, as if reading everypony’s mind, “I cannot use the Light to protect the empire like Cadance can with her magic. I’m sorry, but we have to find another way to solve things”

That's why we're here.” Twilight said, dispelling the fear she felt as she recalled King Sombra, and trying to sound confident.

Why we're all here.” Applejack added, as she and the rest of her friends trotted over and nodded.

“Any idea where we should start?” Twilight asked her brother, knowing that the time was precious.

“Well,” Shining Armor began, “with Cadance putting all her strength into keeping her spell going, and me trying to keep an eye on signs of trouble in the arctic, we haven't been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies.”

“Crystal Ponies?” Rarity erupted at the thought, and then laughed in ecstasy, pulling her hair. “Hahaha, there are Crystal Ponies?!

She then realized the stares everypony was giving her, as if she lost her mind (which, Twilight was certain, happened for a moment there), and tried to recover while looking dignified.

“Umm, hmm. Please continue.”

“And that is why I haven’t mentioned the empire after Brann and I came back from Canterlot.” Matthias interjected, still gazing at the empire.

Twilight shook her head and glanced at Shining Armor, inclining him to speak. She knew that it was no use prying on his thoughts now, and besides, she had more important things to do.

“But we have to believe one of them knows how we can protect the empire without having to use Cadance's magic.” her brother finished the thought he started before Rarity interrupted him.

It then hit her.

“A research paper!” shouted Twilight.

“Huh?” Shining Armor asked, but she wasn’t listening anymore.

“That must be part of my test; to gather information from the Crystal Ponies and deliver it to you!” she added, pointing at her brother. “This is gonna be great! I love research papers!”

Her friends begun to muttering something between themselves, but Twilight wasn’t paying attention, as she is too engrossed in her thoughts. If they all would spread out through the empire, and ask all the crystal ponies about a way to protect the empire, and then would compare notes...

“... Mattie?” Pinkie Pie asked, which brought Twilight back to her senses. She saw her pink friend keeping in tights embrace on Matt, Rarity and Fluttershy for whatever reason, with no less puzzled expression that the other three.

The lavender shook her head, not bothering with trying to understand what that was about, and instead turned to Shining Armor.

“Don't worry, big brother.” she said, putting her foreleg on his shoulder reassuringly. “I am really good at this sort of thing. Okay everypony,” Twilight addressed her friends, “lets-”

“If I may interrupt,” Matthias said, stepping forward (and away from Pinkie Pie), “I think it would be best if I would go and do something else.”

“You just want to get out of the research paper.” Dash smirked at him, but he just glared at her.

“I want to go back to the arctic and keep an eye on Sombra.”

Twilight eyes widen. He wanted to get back there?! And had the gall to tell them that he merely wanted to ‘keep an eye on Sombra’?! She was not going to let Matt go fight the unicorn King again after he got his flank handed to him.

“Are you insane?! You can’t go back there and fight him again!”

“I said ‘keep an eye on’, and I meant it.” Matthias replied calmly. “I have no desire to repeat what happened with Chrysalis.”

“Oh, so you’re not going to kiss him.” Rainbow asked, now grinning.

That got bigger reaction out of him, as he quickly glanced at her with a surprised look, while a few ponies giggled. Twilight, on the other hoof, remained silent; as a familiar rage she felt that day almost reawakened, which looking back was caused by her being in love with him.

Matthias was not amused by that, of course, and glared again at Rainbow seriously.

“I fought her not having any idea of what she was capable off.” he said, and his calm, calculated voice made all the giggles stop as they listened to what he actually meant. “That almost got me killed two times, not to mention that she had control over battle the whole time, and I managed to land few blows on her only because she was also unaware of my powers.”

Everypony exchanged glances, for the first time hearing some details about his battle with the Changeling Queen, since they were busy after that with wedding or - in case of Twilight - pissed off at him, and later... well, they were busy again.

“I would prefer to know something more about Sombra in case I’ll have to fight him again, which would happen if Cadance’s spell should fail.” he continued. “I would either beat him, or at least buy you all enough time to figure out the how to protect the empire.”

“But what if he attacks you out there in the arctic?” Twilight pointed out. “King Sombra could caught you by surprise, and-”

“That won’t happen.” Matthias said, and glanced once again at the window. “I can tell where he is. Somehow, I seem to gain the ability to sense an evil in heart of others.” he paused while the others dwelled in confusion at his statement, as if thinking over his words. Twilight in the meantime recalled how he suddenly reacted back on the train, and realized that was the reason why. “I heard about paladins being able to sense beings of pure evil, but this...”

“What’s the difference?” Shining Armor asked.

“You would know that if you would saw what my homeworld considers as beings of pure evil. Anypony can have an evil heart, but appear normal.”

“Okay then.” the unicorn replied, slightly put off by the comment. “Then how come you know that this is different? I mean, King Sombra is definitely such a being, right?”

“Yes, but... I felt the similar presence, but much weaker in terms of both malice and power, in Ponyville some time ago, but only for a brief moment, and somepony would have noticed something along the lines off giant black smoke there.”

“What?!” Twilight gasped. “When were you plan on telling us about it?!”

“As I said, it was only for a brief moment that I could sense whoever it was, so I dismissed it as my imagination.” the stallion explained, despite having a angry look to himself. “Rest assured that I will look into it once we get back to Ponyville. But now then, this new ability of mine brings up another question.”

“Such as?” asked everypony in unison.

“I can sense Sombra, despite the distance.” Matthias told them, with his eyes closed. “But... I cannot sense anypony else with evil heart.”

“Eh... ain’t that good?” Applejack words expressed everypony’s confusion.

The paladin shook his head and opened his eyes.

“When Sombra took over the Crystal Empire the first time, he was accompanied by his minions, the Six Shadows of the King.” for some reason, he snorted at the last word. “But when Celestia and Luna fought with him, they were nowhere in sight. I assumed that they were inside the empire and disappeared with it, but if that was the case, I would definitely sense them by now.”

Twilight pondered on his words, recalling that the illusion spell with which Princess Celestia showed her the past of the empire she saw some nasty looking ponies keeping others in chains and shoving them around. What could have happened to them?

“Maybe they were outside of the empire?” Shining Armor suggested. “King Sombra could have send them on some kind of mission.”

“Perhaps...” Matthias said thoughtfully. “But I would have expected the night guards to find them at some time. Either way, they seem to not be here, so it doesn’t matter. What matters is Sombra, and what he can do.”

“Since you seemed to know more detail about what happened at the time of the empire’s fall, you must know something more.” Twilight told him, a bit smarting from that fact.

“Yes, but it’s hardly enough.” Matthias replied. “And the fact that he is now without body only serves to make him more mysterious. What I do know is that he can make you see your worst nightmare. He did that to Princess Luna over a thousand years ago, and to me few moments back.” seeing their scared and worried expressions he added. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. It would take more than a mere illusion to keep me down.”

Despite his reassuring words, Twilight felt a chill at the thought of what his worst nightmare could be about.

“Sombra also seems to know a lot about offensive magic.” Matthias went on. “He bent the blizzard to his will, and back when he was in full power, he was able to hold his own against Celestia.”

“That seems to be a lot to know about somepony.” Rarity pointed out.

“Maybe, but I would prefer to be certain. I have no desire to beaten by some pretentious ghost.” he added, smirking.

“But are you sure you want to back there?” Twilight asked. “Maybe somepony should go with you?”

“No.” he answered. “If you would get caught in your nightmares, it could be all over for you. I am the only one that can fight him without worrying about that.”

“Oh yeah?” Dash asked, offended. “How so? You know, you’re not the only one around here with guts.”

Her question had an unusual effect: Matt became uneasy, and looked around, as if looking for a way out.

“Well...” he stammered and, after few heartbeats, sighed. Then he looked at them once again. “I didn’t tell any of you, but until recently, I was having very realistic nightmares pretty much every time I closed my eyes.”

Everypony gasped; shocked that he didn’t tell them.

“So that’s why you looked so sleepy every morning.” Twilight realized. “Why didn’t you tell m- us?!”

That was close. She almost said ‘me’, and that would not bode well with her brother in earshot.

“Sorry.” Matthias replied, appearing to be genuinely sorry. “I thought that it was just my problem. I know, I know:” he rolled his eyes seeing they were about to interrupt him: “friends help each other and such. Don’t worry; I’m already better, courtesy of Luna.”

Oh, right, she can help others with their nightmares.” Twilight recalled, and wondered why she didn’t do it sooner.

“But getting back to the subject,” Matt said, dispelling her thoughts, “thanks to that, I’m better prepared to face Sombra. I already pulled myself out of his spell, so I don’t expect that to be of much problem. And besides, I don’t plan to let him caught me. If he and I are gonna fight, it will be on my terms.”

Twilight had to admit that it made sense, and that she was more than impressed with his plan for dealing with Sombra. So far, it was better than her to find the way to protect the empire.

“Okay then, you go and do that, while we’ll see what the crystal ponies know.” she said, and once everypony nodded, they headed towards the door.

Matt, however, moved back to the window.

“What are you...” Twilight was about to ask, but stopped once he jumped out of it.

Matthias wrapped Light’s shield around himself as he landed, refusing to waste time for stairs.

I really don’t understand why they couldn’t put elevators there.” he thought as he trotted towards the empire’s limits.

“Hey, Matt, wait up!” he heard Dash call after him, but didn’t bother with slowing down, knowing how fast she was. The pegasus caught up with him in a matter of seconds. “Cool move by the way.”

“Thanks.” Matthias replied, grinning. She could be annoying at times, but she was a real friend, not to mention her other qualities. “But shouldn’t you be asking the crystal ponies around? Like that one?”

He pointed in the direction of a mare on the other side of the street... who, while had strangely colored coat, was definitely not made out of crystal.

Take that, Brann.” Matthias thought

“Well, yeah, in a minute, but, um...” Dash began and stuttered. “You don’t think we have time to...”

“Dash, we have an evil unicorn on the other side of a fading barrier.” he reminded her gently. “I hardly think this is the time... and the middle of the street is hardly the place, too.”

“I know, I know.” Rainbow rolled her eyes and sighed. “It just feels like forever since we did it last time, and it feels great.”

“Now that you mentioned it, it does seem like it’s been awhile.” Matthias chuckled, surprised at her... enthusiasm for bucking, but not at all at her overall attitude. He quickly pulled her for a kiss, also not happy about this. “Don’t worry, after this is over, we’ll definitely buck for all the time.”

“I’ll hold you on it.” she replied, grinning, and then pulled back into the air. “Well, I’ll better get started. See ya.”

Matthias spared her rump a glance as she flew over to that crystal pony that they passed earlier, before he shook his head and continued marching for the border. He briefly wondered how the search would go, and what secrets could the Crystal Empire hold. Matthias also wondered should he mention to others about checking out the library, but figured that it would most likely the first place Twilight would go.

Rainbow was irritated that Matt refused her proposition. True, he was right, and she knew it. But if he would agree then, well, they would only lose few minutes and then it would be his fault, not hers.

So to say that she was a bit cranky was an understatement.

“A way to protect the empire! You know anything about it or what?” she asked the crystal pony (who wasn’t exactly what she expected) a bit aggressively, wanting to be done with it quickly.

“I wish I could help you. Really.” the mare replied and, looking as if depressed, tried to trot away.

Rainbow wasn’t going to let her off that easily.

“Hold on!” she told her, landing before her and hitting her lightly in encouragement. “You gotta know something!”

“But... I don't have any information.” the crystal pony said, once again in this weirdly sad tone.

Oh, great!” Rainbow thought as she facehoofed herself.

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