• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,753 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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106. Exploring Time and Darkness

Matthias stared at the notebook on his desk, trying to come up with an explanation to where had he saw those runes, and why he couldn’t read them (he, who thanks to some of the nerubians’ memories could read even titan), and yet Yellow Flash could.

The paladin had some suspicion as to where did Yellow Flash learned all of this. He vaguely recalled hearing within Luna’s memories that her father traveled all over the world and did a lot of research for trying to come up with a way for defeating Discord; it wasn’t hard to imagine him stumbling upon some ancient scroll or something. That would probably be also when he wrote down all the prophecies Chrona made in this notebook. But… why did this writing look familiar to Matthias?

Matthias hid his face in his hooves. It was surreal to him that just the previous day he was keeping company to a dying mare and then buried her. “Mystery after mystery…” he mused, rubbing his eyes, “Would it hurt the fate to just once give me something clear? Honestly, at this point I would take anything!

Sighing, he opened the notebook on the first page, accepting the fact that he wasn’t going to sleep tonight. Matthias began reading a text that looked like an intro:

My daughters, or whoever it is you trusted enough to show this book, read my words carefully. Those prophecies that Chrona made… I believe they were all true. The fact that she used those runes for writing them proves that much. I won’t tell you where I learned to read them; it wouldn’t be of much use for anypony anyway, as that place is destroyed and abandoned. I would prefer if it stayed forgotten along with some other secrets that I discovered.

Chrona was the only recorded alicorn in the history of Equestria other than you, my daughters. I’m sure you will accept when I say that just as your special talents bond you with the sun and the moon, so did her with the time. But, if she was like any of you, then I must say that it proved too much for her. Time, eternity… it isn’t something a pony’s mind can comprehend. Those bits of information I found about her point out that she was at times having problems telling apart the past from the future or even the present. As such, I have no idea if the prophecies I managed to recover are actually prophecies, as some might concern the past. I know for sure one was about the future, though, for it had come to pass.

I will not be as bold as to say that I managed to discover every prophecy Chrona made; with Discord causing random chaos everywhere, and Eastin’s Asylum slowly falling apart along with the rest of the city, I must have missed quite the number. I also couldn’t find the trace of Chrona’s husband and daughter, not to mention her father, who could possibly fill in some gasps.

I know as I write these words that I and my wife won’t have much time left in this world. I leave this notebook for my daughters and future generations, so that they might use the knowledge gathered by me for good. But… don’t fret over them too much. The past is the past, and what is to come will come, you will just have to deal with it.

Remember, present is the most important.

Celestia, Luna, I love you.

Yellow Flash…” Matthias mused once he finished reading. “Pity we could never meet. It would be an honor to speak with somepony who cared about his family and their kingdom so much.

He looked at the next page.

Every prophecy was first written in the runes Chrona used, and then Yellow Flash inserted next to it the translation. Oddly, other than that he didn’t add anything else, not even comments or his insights on the matter. Had he done so because he had so much faith in the next generations to deal with it themselves, or because he didn’t want them to spend too much time thinking about them?

Either way, after reading them, Matthias managed to assign them into two groups. The first one contained the prophecies he was sure that already had come to pass such as:

The power of the stars shall be passed,

Through two treasures into the Day and the Night.

United in Harmony, and fighting as one,

They will bring peace back to all;

He assumed this was foretelling the birth of Celestia and Luna, them being Day and Night respectively, and their parents’ two treasures. Princess Platina either due to her being the rightful ruler of Equestria, for being their mother, or simply for her name, and Yellow Flash for his determination to save this land or love for his family. Or a hundred of other reasons anypony can be considered to be somepony’s treasure.

Love will bloom once she meets her knight,

Bringing happiness across the land.

But beware: on the happiest day of their life,

A threat shall rise for their home;

Matthias rolled his eyes while reading that one; now he knew from where Equestria was warned about the threat against Canterlot at the day of the changeling attack.

The Empire of old, long standing guard,

Consumed by the shadow of the void,

Gone will be from Equestria for long.

The centuries lasting day will come to pass,

Ending with the beginning of non-crystal ponies rule,

The Crystal Princess’ cutie mark being the sign of that.

And that explains what the crystal ponies said about the prophecy of Cadance and Shining Armor coming to rule their land.” the paladin thought. “Yellow Flash must have passed this to them… probably hoping that they would let them use their library, or something along those lines…

The millennia of Eagless’ and Lion’s union will end,

With their children suffering from snow and ice.

But such is the consequence,

Of ferocity turning into bloodlust.

Matthias can only assumed this was concerning the legend of griffons’ first homeland being destroyed by the windigoes, but his hunch was based solely on the reference to the Eagless and Lion.

And finally:

Neglected, forgotten, and feared,

Her despise, jealousy and hatred will rise,

Beckoning darkness from beyond the stars.

Suffering in the depths of nightmare for a thousand winters,

One in her prison, the other in mind, heart and soul,

Until They will aid nightmare once more.

But even the deepest darkness cannot survive,

In the face of friendships true power,

Bringing the two back together.

She foretold Luna becoming Nightmare Moon.

At first Matthias felt rage for Yellow Flash and Celestia, “Why couldn’t they have stopped this?! They had this prophecy, and yet they allowed Luna to go through it all?!” But after a minute, he calmed down and looked at it clearly. True, this prophecy did make it clear that Luna was going to become Nightmare Moon… but he only saw it like that because it had already happen. If he was in Celestia’s place, would he suspects her sister be consumed by the darkness?

Did his father suspected Arthas would kill him?

Whatever was left from his anger evaporated when he tried to imagine how Celestia must have felt for those ‘thousand winters’, knowing she could have, should have, stopped this all before it had even happened.

Those prophecies, however depressing and frustrating, were somewhat easier to swallow than those he plainly did not understand. Was it foretelling the future or something from the past that he did not know about? Or maybe he just couldn’t figure out their meanings?

There was a few of those prophecies, the ones that caught his attention being:

On the island hidden by the storms,

Where flames will rule above and rock below,

Two shall face under Equestria’s stormy sky.

With honor and respect despite all they’ve done,

One will fight for the future, the other for the past,

And their battle shall become a legend, no matter the outcome.

Broke into seven, then melded poorly,

His empathy shall be his undoing.

Great powers will be born out of his struggle,

But he will lose all that mattered the most.

Bound by the promise he made and his pride,

He will become blind to the truth,

Seeing hatred in the face of whom he loves.

Cast out by none other than himself,

He will find the answer he thought he sought,

Among the secrets long forgotten.

Powers befitting his name at his back, he shall slaughter his enemies,

And challenge his home, bent on revenge

And doing what he believes to be right.

A pony who had once betrayed all,

Will be presented with a difficult choice.

Through his decision, the fate of Equestria will be decided,

And so will the mark of his destiny.

The one that could not be tamed

Will fall into the clutches of her inner darkness.

Her domain twisted and darkened,

As its heart she will lose it all.

She shall roam her old home until the day,

When the light from past’s memory will shine.

The progenitor of all, the one that was before,

creator of all, the destructor of more.

Punished for its actions, split into fragments,

Shall rise once more over Equestria’s sky when the time is right.

And lastly, the one that bothered him the most:

The Well of Screams, terrifying as it may be, will only herald

The beginning of the Time of Flame, the Hour of Eclipse.

It shall start when the fours signs will be named:

Death, the despair of the living;

Conquest, that never birthed victory;

War, the shaper of fate;

And Disease, that may yet bring cure

“The Hour of Eclipse.” Matthias repeated out loud.

Does this concern Project Eclipse?” he thought. “Then… it must mean this had already happened, right? The site where it was located is long since destroyed, deep in the middle of the Everfree Forest…

Matthias would have given much to know what exactly happened to Project Eclipse, so that he could be certain this prophecy was already fulfilled. But just like Yellow Flash wrote, past was the past, and future was yet to come. He couldn’t do anything about it.

He could, however, try to deal with another matter.

The runes.

Ever since he saw them on Storm’s sword two days ago, he felt as if he had seen them somewhere. Now he learned that an alicorn who lived over a thousand years ago used them to write down the prophecies that came to her. And just as Yellow Flash learned how to read them...

Matthias was about to remember where he saw them.

The paladin knocked on the doors of the hut in the forest again, hoping that she was home. If not, then the mystery of those cursed runes would haunt him for a couple more days.

“Who could it be to come here at such time?” he sighed with relief when he heard a sleepy voice from inside the hut. The lights shone through the windows. “Waking up a zebra in the middle of the night is a crime!”

Does she sound grumpy?” Matthias wondered. It was difficult to tell with her rhyming all the time… and why was she doing it even after being just stirred from sleep?!

A scraping on the other side of the doors informed him that he was about to face a possibly pissed off zebra, who may or may not be more deadly than anything else in this entire forest. He doubted she would attack him, of course, but it didn’t hurt to be careful.

The doors opened slightly, letting a stream of light shine through the crack. Inside of it an eye peered, belonging to a black-and-white frowning face. The expression quickly disappeared, however, once her owner took a good look at Matthias. “An unusual time for a visit for an unusual guest.” Zecora said, opening her door fully. Despite being almost literally pulled from her bed, she didn’t look bad; her mane, due to the style in which she kept it, showed only few streaks here and there of not being brushed. The only difference was that she was missing the golden rings she always wore on her neck and forehoof; gone were also her earrings. “Hello, Matthias, for you to be here you must be on quite a quest.”

“I would have asked why you think I need a special reason for visiting you, but it is the middle of the night after all.” Matthias chuckled.

“Indeed, that part ruins the joke.” Zecora replied, amused. “Do you wish to stand there like an oak?” she asked, moving back and inviting him in.

Matthias took the invitation and stepped inside. He took in the look of Zecora’s hut; he had been here only once before, few months back when he was still getting used to Equestria. The zebra’s house was decorated with various heirlooms from her homeland, and between them were shelves full of ceramic vases, bowls and vials, most of them filled with alchemical ingredients or ready mixtures. A few of them were also hanging from the ceiling.

“Make yourself comfortable by the table while I make some tea. You can then tell me why for waking me up I shouldn’t charge a fee.”

Despite the serious frown on her face, her tone carried no malice. Matthias let himself relax and further admire her hut’s decor. He paid intensive attention to the masks and other heirlooms; unlike when he was before, now he had some knowledge regarding zebra’s culture. Oddly, it resembled a lot of a certain aspects of trolls’, orcs’ and taurens’ ones. They lived in tribes, and they honored the elements and worshipped the spirits. There was also a pantheon of the greatest spirits, which were more revered above any other. Ponies did not know their specific names, due to the majority of them believing that there was no such thing as spirits. However, it was relatively a common knowledge than all the tribes, despite their many differences, held those spirits in great regard, as well as their high priests. Matthias also learned through Twilight’s books about a special caste of warriors that was equally treated, called the “shadow hunters”, which not only shared the name with trolls’ shadow hunters, but also, much to the paladin’s confusion, their traditions and from what he could gather similar abilities as well.

And let’s not forget their shamans and witch doctors… although the latter is a pony’s name for them.” Matthias recalled, still looking at Zecora’s heirlooms. “I wonder how they call themselves… Odd. I don’t recognize the symbols on those masks to belong to any of the tribes I read about…

“They way you look at my treasures have changed since you were last here.” Zecora’s voice came from his side, almost making him jump. She put two drilled coconut’s halves on the table and took a seat on the opposite end. “This time you don’t just admire, your eyes are clear.”

“I tried to figure out from which tribe you hail.” Matthias replied honestly, accepting the tea. “But either my knowledge regarding zebra hadn’t improved as much as I thought, or there are more facts missing from Equestria’s books.”

“That is not fault of pony folk, but of my people.” Zecora said nonchalantly as she took a sip of tea. “The Aaztai tribe was never socially agile. They ignore not just ponies, but other zebra too. Their arrogant ways were part of the reason why I left when I grew.”

There was a bit of resentment in her voice. “I did not mean to pry into you secrets, Zecora, or to awaken unwanted memories.” He sighed when he realized the irony of the situation. “I did hope though that you would be able to help me with something similar.”

Zecora’s eyebrow rise by an inch, “That is a very interesting and ironic prospect, especially if what Rarity told me yesterday in a flower shop wasn’t a jest... Weren’t you and your warriors sent into cold snow, to deal with an unholy foe?”

Matthias nodded and began recounting everything that happened since they arrived in Northville, describing the sword that caused him so much worry in every detail.

“I just know that I have seen those runes somewhere before, but I cannot remember where.” he finished, looking down on his now empty coconut. “That’s why I came to you. I figured that if you should be able to help me somehow.”

He left out the part about Yellow Flash’s notebook and Chrona’s prophecies. Not because he did not trust Zecora, but because he felt he would need to first discuss with the Princesses about with whom he would share their father’s foundings.

“Remembering something one cannot recall is easy enough.” Zecora admitted after a few moments. His heart leaped hearing those words. But then, the zebra said something that made him cringe: “It’s curious though that Twilight wasn’t the first whose help you sought.”

He suspected that Twilight could help him, of course. With all the books in her library she must had some memory spell that should work, even in his unusual case. Matthias even at first wanted to seek her out, but then almost immediately he remembered what happened the last time she helped him with his mind.

“I’m… afraid of what she might see.” he finally answered the unasked question, knowing he would be unable to mask his emotions from the wise zebra.

Zecora eyed him for the longest time. When she spoke, her words had taken Matthias by surprise: “If you want my help and think of me as a friend, then you will tell me all. I want to know why your soul is in shreds and you’re in your shadow’s thrall.” seeing his shock and confusion, she explained: “I can see the dark cloud above you, made of your fears and doubts. It’s smaller than it was when first we’ve met, perhaps your friends are to it like a drought.”

Matthias opened his mouth to ask something more, but he stopped himself. Out of the two of them she had a greater right to hear an answer first.

“You want the short version or the long version?” he asked instead.

Matthias didn’t really felt like confiding in another, so soon after he spoke with Granny Rags, but-

“I only wish to know the reasons for what I asked, nothing more.” Zecora reply made him pause. She smiled and added: “I and everypony trust you, and I don’t want to be unable to sleep due to tales of gore.”

I suppose telling a tale like that of my life in the middle of the night is a rather scary thought. Although technically when I showed it to Luna...” the thought trailed off as Matthias shook his head. The last thing he needed to do right now was comparing talking with… dream-talking.

Since Zecora didn’t want to know the details, he had told her the same what he told his friends when he came back to life. “It seems so long ago now…” Since she had already met Brann, Zecora accepted the fact that he was from another world with just a nod. Neither was she shocked to hear that he had died. Much more surprising to her, however, was that he used to be a human.

The equine hermit explained her shock with that his soul was that of a pony. When in turn Matthias expressed his confusion, Zecora said that all zebra were in-tune with the spirits of this world, similar how the earth ponies had strong bond with earth and pegasi could control the weather. It made sense to Matthias, as it explained why shamans, shadow hunters and witch doctors were common among them.

As for him being “evil”, as he so drastically had simplified, she said that the guilt he carried was more than enough for her to trust him and not ask any more questions.

In the end, telling Zecora all this was easier than he expected. In fact, the zebra’s wisdom and insight -not to mention her kindness and compassion- made the experience much more relaxing than when he had first told it to everypony else. “If only this whole conversation could have gone without the rhyming.

“Now, for the trouble that ails you.” she said, raising from her seat and going over to the table that stood next to the wall, “I know what will help, a memory brew.” Zecora began adding several petals and berries into a small cauldron (under which until now Matthias was sure there was no fire) as she continued to speak: “It’s an old recipe which helps the elderly to recall their past. Of course, some memory loss can be due to evil mojo’s blast.”

“Does it work on somepony suffering amnesia?” Matthias asked, thinking about Tucker.

“For the brew to work, one must have an inkling to what he seeks. It might be a bit unfair, but the recipe is deaf to all critiques.”

The paladin sighed hearing her answer, but he should have expected that. Celestia would have probably thought about seeking a solution within zebra’s medicine if it was possible.

Zecora needed more time to finish making the brew, so Matthias found himself once again admiring her treasures from her homeland. The masks reminded him somewhat of the rush’kah, the ceremonial masks of the troll shadow hunters. He doubted though that those had the similar meaning here. For one, Zecora wasn’t a shadow hunter… at least Matthias was fairly certain of it. And if she were, she wouldn’t need so many.

If I remember what Twilight had said, one of them is supposed to say ‘hello’, another ‘welcome’...” he mused, trying to ignore the both nauseating and enticing smell coming from the other side of the hut.

His attention was drawn towards the mask that, strangely, was placed on one of the shelves with her front towards the wall. Matthias picked it up and turned around. It bore a visage of a lion’s features mixed with a bit of an equine, probably made this way so that it would be easier for the zebra to wear. The mask was white, save for the gold around the eyes and black lines here and there to accent the nose and such.

“That’s the mask bearing resemblance to Caesar, the Great Lion.” Zecora’s voice once again sounded right next to him; Matthias made a mental note to ask her sometime later how was she doing that. “It’s the only spirit that’s barbaric; even by his mate he was shun.”

“So that’s why you had this mask turned around,” Matthias concluded, placing it back as it was before facing the zebra, “But why do you have it at all?”

In reply Zecora gave him a sad smile, her eyes growing empty. “It’s my tribe’s patron.” she said in a quiet voice that sounded nothing like her, lifting a small bowl. Matthias opened his mouth to say something - ask a question or try to comfort her - but then the aroma of a dozen flavors and spices hit him with its full force. He recoiled back, causing Zecora to laugh. “Drink this and calm you breath, thinking about what you want to find. But take care; you will relive the experience, and not just in mind.”

The paladin, feeling slightly stunned by the smell of the brew, could only nod and accept the bowl. He shook his head, trying to clear it, and looked at Zecora. Whatever change in both her voice and her eyes he saw was gone, replaced by her usual cheerfulness.

But Matthias knew what it was. It was the same thing he often saw when he looked into his reflection, especially during his first days in Equestria; guilt and shame.

The paladin glanced down at the brew in the bowl he held, that could bring an answer to the question that was nagging him since Northville. Then back at the friend that had made it for him.

I do not wish to recall my old life, friend.” Zecora said with a smirk, seeing his hesitation. “You go on and fulfill your journey’s here intent.”

Matthias did not detect a lie in her voice. Whatever had happened in her past, she was over it - only shadows of memories were left, barely visible in the light of her soul.

The paladin smiled and nodded. He then closed his eyes and sit down, relaxing as if he was about to meditate. An image of the runes began floating before his eyes.

“Cheers.” he said as he lifted the bowl to his mouth.

An unbearable agony wrecked him.

The darkness surrounded him from everywhere. He knew it, despite not having the eyes to see. He knew that there was no sound here, not having his ears. He had no body, but he felt being torn to shreds by others, the claws ripping into his consciousness, delighting in his torment.

He would have screamed if he had a mouth do so.

How long has it been... a century or an hour? Maybe a whole eternity had passed… or just one second? Time had no meaning here. There was only anguish and fear.

And the darkness.

But then, as if to make his thoughts false, a beam of light shone right at him, enveloping him and stopping the pain. The darkness disappeared. The light took it all away… and pulled him towards the center of it.

He did not care what was happening. All he known was that for the first time in a long time he was allowed a momentary respite, and whatever force born on this place saw fit to make so, he was grateful to it.

Before fatigue overtook him, he managed to catch a glimpse of something, something that was neither darkness or light. It was… a structure.

A structure which had columns on both side, each covered in series of runes.

Arthas Menethil passed through the space between them, and then knew nothing more.

Matthias awoke with start, gasping heavily after the horrific memory.

It… it was…” he thought, trying to find calmness in his paladin training and to push away the panic state he was in. He could feel the darkness enveloping him once more…

“Matthias!” Zecora shouted right into his ear, finally managing to snap him out of his fright. He looked at her and saw her sight. “Thank the spirits, I was growing worried! In getting your attention I could not succeed.”

“Sorry, I was… in shock,” the paladin replied, still shaken after what he had experienced. Taking steady breaths, he began to talk; after the memory of the silent darkness, it would take him a while to get used to not hearing anything. “I was in Tartarus… that’s where I saw them, on the inner side of the gate, when something pulled me out…”

Zecora’s eyes grow wide and she muttered something in a strange but pleasant-to-hear language. He listened to her - Chanting? Cursing? - and kept his eyes open and fixed on a floor. He tried to reach the Light within his heart, to reassure himself that it was over, but he was in too much turmoil right now to concentrate.

“Reliving a stressful memory would be a great way for losing from worry some curves.” Zecoras finally said in Common. “No wonder you’re shaken, do you want a mixture to calm your nerves?”

“No… I will be fine.” Matthias managed to say; he wanted to take something, but such mixtures usually made left the one that took them slightly… muzzy. He had to go on a meeting with the mayor in just a few hours… enough time to leave the forest, take a shower, eat something and give orders. Not for sleep, though.

“Thank you for your help, Zecora, truly. But now I need to get going, I have a hard day tomorrow.” seeing she was about to protest, Matthias quickly changed a subject. “Two changelings are going to live in Ponyville.” Zecora brows rose on their own, “The Princesses want me to make an announcement to Ponyville about them. Oh, and we’re trying to make peace with them, so I’m taking them to the Crystal Empire later. So, you know, busy.”

Zecora snickered. “And you pony folk wonder why I live so close to you. I can watch your antics without getting caught too.” frowning in concert she looked Matthias over once more. “If you want to go, then let me at least give you a gift; so that in the darkness, you will stay swift.”

Matthias opened his mouth to protest, but the zebra was already trotting back deeper into her hut, searching for something among her drawers and shelves. She had quickly returned, carrying a golden feather necklace.

“Whenever your shadow will begin to win, this will remind you of the love others have for you. It was made from the feathers of Marahute, the Eagle Mother, so don’t argue.”

His eyes widened when he extended his senses. Whatever Zecora spoke truth - and he had no reason to believe otherwise, as ludicrous as this sounded - the golden feathers on the necklace shone with power, but one he had no clue how to access.

“I cannot accept this…” he started.

“Either you take this, or I’ll knock you out,” Zecora cut him off, “And I can do this, don’t have a doubt.”

Being given only that as another options, Matthias nodded and stood as the zebra strapped it around his neck. When she had finished, the paladin felt strange warmth enter him, not the Holy Light, but something different… and at the same time familiar. Like a mother’s love.

“Thank you for this gift, Zecora, and your help.” he said as they both headed for the doors, already feeling better. “If there’s anything you need help with let me know, and…” he hesitated as he stopped outside of her hut, unsure how to phrase it, “If… you’ll ever want to talk… I mean, I know how it is to have it bottled up inside, and…”

He was interrupted by something he had expected the least at this moment; a pair of lips pressed against his own.

Matthias was so shocked that he didn’t respond in any way. He just waited for Zecora to move away with a strange smile on her face, and by then he only found enough strength to ask:

“What was that about?”

“According to the gossip I heard, the mares are quite taken with your cuss.” she replied with a smirk. “I was curious as to what was all the fuss.”

“... And?”

“I’ve had better.” Zecora said before she shut the door.

Matthias felt his jaw drop by several inches more than he felt it was possible. Then, after a couple of heartbeats he spend in silence, he threw his head back and erupted with laughter.

Author's Note:

Well, lets get to the point. After discussing it with my editor, I decided to give in to you complains about the grammar mistakes, and suggestions to get more help with the story. As such, I would like to ask some of you to give that help, if you are willing.

I would like to find two proofreaders to check my chapters as they come. I'm searching for somebody who will have the time to do so (preferably withing the two days or less after I send you the chapter), and is better at English than me... boy, that narrowed it down, huh? Well, anyway, you get what I mean. If you feel confident that you are capable of doing it, and wish to help me, send me a PM, we will talk it out.

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