• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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66. New developments

“And once again, we’re very sorry.” Rarity finished, speaking for the whole group, as it was her idea.

“Rarity, for the last time, it’s fine.” Matthias told her. “Just don’t do that again... unless it’s going to backfire again, then by all means...” he added with a grin, as Applejack and Rainbow shoot him a glare.

It was the morning of their last day in Altomare. By evening, they would all go back on the station to return into Ponyville. Neither Matthias, nor the young ones, were not to waste any more time on listening apologies.

“Are ya done?” Apple Bloom asked, emphasizing his thoughts. “We wan’to go play some more, not listen to y’all sayin’ sorry a dozen times.”

“I agree.” the paladin said, and addressing the rest, he continued. “Look, these are our last hours here, let’s spend them relaxing.”

“Sounds good to me.” Rainbow supported him, and with a matter of seconds, they all went outside to the beach.

Matthias, despite all that he told the mares, was not exactly fine with what almost happened. He was grateful, of course, that their friends had his and Twilights well being at heart, but that was a bit too far. The earth pony could accept subtle remarks, or even discussing the subject openly, but trying to poison them...

He shook his head. He knew the reason why he felt uneasy. It wasn’t because of what they tried to do. Rather, it was because it didn’t work.

Some part of him was curious what would happen if they would drink the love poison.

And they say that after drinking ale you can wake up in awkward situation.” he chuckled mentally as he dove into the sea.

Ever since they arrived here, he found the West Sea to be... intriguing. Matthias was much more used to the Frozen Sea around Northrend, despite never actually trying to swim in it. He never thought before that diving into the water and looking at small fishes swim away from him could be so fun.

Since the beginning, my life wasn’t my own.” Matthias thought bitterly as swam up to the surface to take breath and then dived again. “As future king, I had many duties, even if I tried to escape from castle to play with Jarim whenever I could. And later...” the memories of everything he did since Stratholme flashed in front of his eyes. Now I don’t even deserve to live.

He thought of Twilight, the friend that he loved. He thought of his other friends he loved too, in a different way. He thought of his goddaughter, and smiled, despite all the grim thoughts he had earlier.

My life belongs to them all.

“So how exactly do you plan on going on about it?” Twilight asked Rainbow, who was reading ‘Daring Do’ next to her. While all their other friends were either swimming in the sea, or playing in the sand.

“About what?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“You know, about Matt.”

“Oh... I donno, I’ll just try to kiss him the next time we’ll have a sparring fight, and then we’ll see.”

“That’s... it?” Twilight asked, surprised. “You don’t have a plan other than that?”

“Hey, I just want him to rut me, not go on a date with me.” Rainbow replied, and seeing as Twilight shook dismayed at her choice of words, she elaborated: “Look, you know I’m not into mushy stuff, so is this really a surprise to you?”

“I guess...” the lavender unicorn said. “You know, I think some part of me actually envies you.”

“What do you mean? Oh, wait,” she added as she realized “if you aren’t okay with this...”

“No, it’s not that. I just... I tried to prepare myself for a serious talk with Matt, and was really nervous about it, despite having many days for that. And now you...”

“Twi, listen.” cyan mare interrupted her. “All I want from Matt is a bit of fun. He’s the first stallion that I ever considered to have fun with - pity he doesn’t have wings - because, let’s face it, all the others are lame compared to him and none of them could ever keep up with me. What you wanted was... to be with him, and stuff.”

Twilight chuckled at her friend’s poorly finished explanation.

“I suppose you’re right.” she said finally. “But... are you really going to try to have relationship like that?”

“It’s not a relationship.” Rainbow replied, rolling her eyes. “It’s two friends bucking each other.”

“Yes, but you know how some ponies like Rarity would call that.”

Dash snorted.

“I am not like all those mares in Los Pegasus. If I were to be like that, I would buck with every stallion, not just those I think are good enough.”

“Hm... fair enough. But don’t you want something more? I mean, you know, find the perfect stallion, settle down, and have foals?” Twilight asked curiously.

It just hit here that the six of them never before talked about stuff like that. And, since they were already talking about abashing things...

“I never actually thought about that.” Rainbow said, shrugging her shoulders. “I guess at some point, maybe, but for now, the idea of having foal in my stomach slowing me down seems ridiculous. Got any more personal questions about some sappy stuff?”

“Oh, no, sorry.” Twilight quickly said, blushing with shame.

Rainbow nodded and was about to resume reading, but she glanced again at the unicorn.

“Twilight, I really mean it. If you have the slightest problem with me and Matt bucking, just say so. Because, you know:” she waved of her try to interrupt and pointed at herself, smiling. “loyalty, and all that”.

Twilight smiled at that, but her smile turned into another blush as her pegasus friend grinned.

“Although, if you’d ask me, if you were someday planning on getting together, it would be better if he would have some experience, right?”

Matthias once again submerged, and this time he was further away from the shoreline, which meant that underneath him was pretty deep. Nonetheless, he wasn’t particularly worried. He might not be and undead human anymore, but the sturdy earth pony could still hold his breath for a long time.

The bottom was at least five meters under the surface of the water. Unlike the area in which the fillies were swimming with his friends were laying on water mattresses, here Matthias could see patches of seagrass growing here and there and as well as many tiny creatures hiding there, although he couldn’t tell what they were exactly within the water.

Perhaps I should tell Fluttershy about it.” he thought, looking from the safe distance at the jellyfish, and wondered how the shy pony would react.

“I had no idea you non-seas could hold your breath for so long.”

Shaken to the core, Matthias whirled around as soon as the first word was uttered, and was about to summon the Holy Avenger; but stopped himself in time as he regarded the one that spoke to him.

It was one of the sea ponies from two days before, the one that winked at him. She was rather beautiful up close he had to admit, further detaching in his head from naga, although their females had some traces of elven beauty which is seen more clearly when they weren’t trying to kill you. That wasn’t the case with this mare. Her scales were in enchanting shade of red, like her short, wavy mane. Eyes, hidden beneath the third eyelid, were strangely blue like ice.

“Sorry for sneaking up on you like that,” she continued. “I was just swimming by, I saw you and figured I come and say hi.”

Matthias was about to reply, before he remembered that they were underwater. Sea ponies could speak normally here thanks to their inner magic, but his try would result in few bubbles of air escaping his mouth.

“Oh, right, non-seas cannot talk undersea.” she giggled, which looked weird with her slightly deformed snout. “Pity,” the sea pony mare said once she calmed down a bit, “I would love to know how you got those scars.”

As she finished that sentence, the sea pony swam closer to him and brushed his chest with her right fin, causing him to shake. By then, Matthias had realized that she was hitting on him, which caused him to become uneasy. He knew that among sea ponies such matters’ customs were much more... lenient, and such behaviour like the one he was currently experiencing was far from uncommon. In all honesty, Matthias was enjoying the attention, but after few brief seconds his upbringing and the manners he was thought made him search for the first accessible excuse to get away.

Luckily, the earth pony didn’t have to look far, as he was running out of air.

Matthias mimed his need to resurface to the mare and was about to swum up, when he suddenly felt something smooth grab him, and pull him down. Before he got the chance to react, his lips touched the sea pony’s, and were forced open by her. However, instead of her tongue, what came was air.

The paladin, although confused, breathed in, and soon the sea mare moved back... right after her tongue quickly licked him in the palate.

“Better?” she asked sweetly, and Matthias soon found out that he was unable to not nod. The sea pony smiled and added sensually: “Say, do you think your friends would start looking for you if you would not go up in... ten minutes?”

His eyes widen, despite expecting that sort of question. Matthias nodded, knowing that they would, as he wondered how Twilight would react if he accepted sea pony’s offer. Since they were just friends, he wouldn’t be cheating on her, even if they loved each other. But still…

“Hm.” the mare said unhappily, as some of his thoughts must have reflected in Matthias’ eyes, because she hugged him tighter with her surprisingly sturdy fins and whispered: “Guess we will have to be quick then.”

Before the paladin knew what was going on, he felt her tail gently wrap itself around one of his hind legs.

The train ride back was mostly uneventful. Everypony was tired from the long day on the beach, even Rarity, who did not once step into the water. They all went to sleep pretty quickly, starting with Matthias surprisingly, but Twilight assumed that diving into the sea for so long and holding his breath took its toll on him. However, when the next day they all arrived in Ponyville, everybody was well rested, as Pinkie Pie and the fillies were jumping around happily to be back at home. The others would have followed suit, if it wasn’t for how silly that looked. Besides Matthias and Spike, of course, who were carrying the heavier luggage’s; specifically Rarity’s and Sweetie Belle’s luggage’s.

Why on the wide world of Equestria does this filly needs to bring so many things with her?” Twilight wondered, watching in amusement how Matthias was being slowly crushed to death under the sheer amount of weight on his shoulders; obviously having taken more than Spike and refusing Twilight’s help.

Both the stallion and the dragon welcomed their destination, the Carousel Boutique, where they unloaded their ‘cargo’; and as everypony was about to go their separate ways.

“Hey Matt?” Rainbow Dash asked once few ponies began to go back home. “Do you mind if we could have another training session soon? I mean, our last one got kinda interrupted.”

“Of course.” Matt replied, unsuspecting anything. Twilight had to hide her smirk as she realized that she understood part of the reason why her friends tried to force them her and him into relationship: it was simply fun to watch them ‘squirm’. “We could actually go this afternoon if you want.”

“Great! See you then, I need to catch-up with Cloudchaser.” she said and disappeared, leaving a trail or rainbow in her wake.

“Well, let’s get back to the library.” the lavender unicorn told Matt, who nodded, and together with Spike went back home.

It’s good to be home.” Twilight thought as she opened her door and entered, followed by the other two. Even if it was barely five days, she missed the comfort of knowing that there were hundreds of books nearby.

She looked absentmindedly at all the shelves, noticing that they needed a good dusting, as her mind drifted off to the subject of Rainbow and Matt. As much as the unicorn would like to deny it, she was slightly bothered by the thought of the stallion she loved ‘rutting’ - as Dash so eloquently put it – with another mare. But... both of them were her friends, so she should not stop them from having fun... right?

Twilight shook her head as she realized that Matt was asking her about something.

“Sorry, could you repeat that?” she asked, being annoyed with herself.

“I asked if I could look some of your old photos.” the earth pony, who had long since got used to having to repeat his questions, although usually she had some book in front of her. “I was curious how things looked around Ponyville before I got here.”

“Oh, sure, I’ll bring it in a moment.” she replied, slightly surprised.

Few minutes later, Matthias was looking at many different photos of Twilight, while the mare in question began reading some science book, and Spike started dusting off. The few minutes he shared (repeatedly) with Ripple - the sea pony - while... entertaining, were in the past, and he putted that behind. Not to mention that it felt really weird, although Mattias didn’t know why: was it that he was now a pony, maybe that she was a sea pony and hence had a bit different anatomy than ‘non-seas’, or that it happened underwater? That it was the first time he had a fling, or that it was his first time in about eight years?

The earth pony shook his head to dispel those thoughts; as well as picture of Ripple’s cutie mark, a wave, as he concentrated on the pictures. As he previously noticed, Twilight looked differently on them, but he couldn’t put his hoof on why that was.

It’s almost as if she grew in the time she spent in Ponyville.” he thought as he turned page as saw a photo that made his jaw drop.

All six of his close female friends were in it, each in a different gown, which as he looked closer, matched each pony personality. They all looked... astonishing in them.

“Those are some nice dresses.” he commented aloud and waved the picturebook at Twilight as she glanced to his direction. “What was the occasion?”

He learned quite quickly that ponies wore clothes, especially such as this, on special occasions.

“Oh, those are the dresses we wore at that year Grand Galloping Gala.” the unicorn replied, smiling.

“Was it fun?”

“Not really.” she chuckled.

Matthias, who recalled few high society events he had to bear with, could imagine what those poor girls must have suffered.

“Hey Matt?” Spike called for his attention. When Matthias looked at him, he was surprised to see the baby dragon ginning. “Look at the folded picture under that.”

“Wh-” the earth pony was about to ask, but Twilight shout interrupted him.


As she closed his mouth with her magic, Matthias quickly pulled the hidden photo, right before the picturebook was snatched by Twilight. As she was distracted, he glanced at...

“By the Light, what are those supposed to be!?”

“I’m kinda in a hurry, Rare, so do you mind saying what you want?” Rainbow asked, despite figuring what the prissy unicorn could say to her.

Back on the train, Rarity asked her to drop by her boutique by noon to talk about some stuff. While Dash didn’t fancy the thought of listening to her friend scolding her for something that wasn’t her business, she came, mostly because she was curious the unicorn’s expression afterwards.

“Very well then.” Rarity said, and after taking a deep breath, she asked: “What are you thinking about trying to... ugh, with Matt?”

“What, you can’t say... rut?” Rainbow smirked, and then laughed at the face the unicorn made.

“Such word usage is beneath a lady like me.” she snorted.

“Well, I guess some ponies like different positions...” Dash giggled, but stopped and grows serious. “Look Rarity, first of: this is my business, not yours how I chose to, shall we say, interact with stallions...”


“... Second of:” the pegasus carried on: “Matt is one of the coolest ponies around. Third of: after your ‘brilliant plan’ backfired, I would like to remind myself that, despite those few rumors around town, I do prefer stallions; and fourth of:” she added, winking, shaking of the blush of shame that appeared on her cheeks once she mentioned the second time she started to make out with AJ: “don’t you think that little jealousy would help put those two together?”

Rarity, who also blushed, although for different reason, gasped, as the realization struck her.

“Wow, Rainbow! I’m... astonished! But, are you really sure you want to do that? I mean to lose...”

“Who said this was my primary objective?” Dash asked innocently, smirking.


“You’re late.” Matthias said in amusement, as Rainbow landed next to him in the Ghastly Gorge. “One would think that the ‘fastest flier in Equestria’...”

“Very funny.” the pegasus interrupted, stretching. “If you must know, Rarity wanted to talk with me about something, I got hold up.”

“Was it another shenanigan to have me and Twilight be together?”

For some reason, that caused her to giggle.

“Nope,” said Rainbow Dash. “Anyways, can we fight now?”

“Sure.” he said, shrugging.

They dropped to their usual stance on the opposite sides of the small, imaginary field.

“Oh, and before I forget,” Rainbow asked, slightly straightening, “could you also try to teach me how to fight with weapons?”

“Hmm...” Matthias pondered the thought. “I’m not sure. You see somepony with your build and speed should be using something along the sides of daggers. I, on the other hoof was trained to fight with two-ha- I mean, two-hoofed weapons, or one-hoofed weapons and shields, so...”

Before he got the chance to finish his sentence, Rainbow slammed at him, taking advantage of is distraction; Matthias made a mental note to congratulate her later. He quickly grabbed her tossed her away, trying to regain the lost balance. Dash didn’t give him chance to do that; she bounced off the side of the cliff and, using her wings, once again shoot at him. This time he was expecting that, so he quickly rolled on the ground and stood up, as Rainbow had readied herself for another attack.

“Is that all?” he asked, trying to enrage her, and see how she reacts. “Maybe if AJ was here, you would be more motivated...”

He let the words hung in the air as Dash attacked again. Instead of trying to shoot at him with her body, however, she landed next to the paladin trying to buck him. Matthias dodged it and was about strike her wings, but her hoof blocked him. Rainbow did the barrel and tried to hit him three times, but each strike was blocked by Matthias. When she was about to deliver another on, instead of blocking it, the earth pony grabbed the hoof, and was about to strike her when...

…he slipped.

Matthias slipped on the ground and landed on his back, all while pulling Rainbow with him, causing them to find themselves in… a strange position.

“Well,” Matthias said as he looked at Rainbow’s eyes, which were right in front of him, “I suppose since you landed on top of me, you won, but-”

He was interrupted by a pair of surprisingly sensual lips. His eyes widen as Rainbow Dash, whose own eyes were closed, kissed him. Once he felt her tongue trying to force its way into his mouth, he parted his own lips without much thinking, or even realizing it. They continued to kiss for several moments, while the cyan pegasus gave out few sound Matthias already heard her utter while under the effects of love poison.

Once she drew back, Dash opened her eyes and looked at with, to earth pony’s further confusion, shyness.

“Um...” Matthias stuttered. “While I appreciate the gesture... what was that about?”

“I guess I surprised you, huh?” she asked, giggling.

“... Yeah, that’s one way of putting it.”

“Okay, look, for some time I... thought about you in... positions like this.” Rainbow said, with the attitude that Matthias associated with Fluttershy.


“Before you start,” she interrupted him, her usual tone of voice returned. “Let me make myself clear: I am not interesting in dating. I am not going to act like you and Twilight did, which, if I have to be honest, was kinda pathetic. I do not want to be ‘more than friend’. All I want,” she said, once again coming closer, “is to buck with you from time to time.”

Being cornered in such fashion by his friend was even more both uncomfortable and arousing than when Ripple did it. He could deal with having a fling with a mare he never met and would probably never see again. After all, a lot of humans even those of royal blood, did that at times; but with a friend...

“So?” Dash asked him curiously, raising an eyebrow. “Do you also want to, or should we go home?”

Eh, screw it.

Instead of answering, Matthias rolled over so that he was now pinning the surprised Rainbow Dash to the ground, as he kissed her passionately.

Author's Note:

... Well, this it the last chapter of arc three.

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