• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,753 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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35. Aftermath

Matthias found himself in a strange, but familiar place. It wasn't the Great Hall, nor was it one of Ner'zhul's visions.

He was home.

He glanced over the balcony of his father's castle and looked at the Tirisfal Glades, which once again were beautiful instead of gloomy. The sky was clear, and there wasn't any trace of decay in the air.

"What is going on?" Matt thought, shifting his gaze over to the Lordamere Lake and Silverpine Forest.

He knew he was sleeping, but usually, that meant that he would either talk with Bolvar and Ner'zhul, have a vision, suffer a nightmare, or just sleep through it. Never before since he was brought back to life did he had such peaceful dream.

"Do you like the view?" asked an ethereal voice from behind him.

Matt turned around and saw an alicorn green like the forest's leafs, her mane and tail, in slightly darker shade of green than her coat, was like condensed mist. She wore a few pieces of jewelry, like bracers with pearls on her legs, and a diadem that looked like a crescent moon, but upside down. She was about as big as Celestia, but there was one thing that made her different than the three alicorns he met until now. Her wings weren't covered in feathers, instead they looked like a bat's or a dragon's. And her eyes... her eyes were of many colors, like a rainbow. The eyes of every sentient creature could be seen at once through her eyes.

"Who are you?" asked Matt.

There was one name that came to his mind, but that was impossible... right?

"I am Ysera, the Awakened." replied the alicorn, smirking. "And you are Arthas Menethil, the King of the fallen Lordaeron."

Arthas blinked dumbfounded, before he finally reacted. He dropped to his knees, and asked:

"Lady Ysera, what have I done to deserve such an honor?"

He was shivering. That surprised him. He was sure she came to his dream to kill him, but he deserved to die. He always knew that... but why then he suddenly found himself longing to live?

"It is not what you have done, but what you are going to do that brought me here." Ysera responded. "I... think so, at least."

Arthas glanced up, confused, and watched as the Awakened looked around their surroundings with eyes disturbingly wide open.

"Are we in a dream?" she asked finally.

"Eee... yes?" Arthas replied, tilting his head in surprise.

"Oh, right." Ysera said, as if it was obvious now. "It's sometimes difficult to tell the difference."


He frowned. He heard from Bolvar that since Ysera awakened from her slumber within the Emerald Dream, she had problems to tell the difference between dream and reality, but this was...

"Wait, how did she get into my dream?"

"Pardon my curiosity, Lady Ysera," he asked her, clearing his throat, " but how did you managed to enter my dream, when I'm not on Azeroth?"

Her gaze rested on him and Arthas once again stared into her weird yet beautiful eyes.

"I'm not sure..." she replied. "I didn't even noticed when it happened; one moment I was among my kind, and in the next one..." Ysera trailed off, looking around again.

Arthas frowned, unsatisfied with her answer, but decided to ask about something else.

"What did you mean by 'what you are going to do'?"

Ysera glanced at him.

"Follow me." she told him, spreading her wings and flying towards the lakeshore.

"How?!" yelled after her Arthas.

"Just fly."

Arthas was about to yell back that he didn't have wings, when he noticed a weird tingling on his back. He looked back and saw that he had wings.

"Oh, right, this is a dream." he thought, wondering why he hadn’t expected that.

He trotted over to the edge of balcony, and, glancing down, he jumped. He started flapping his wings, finding it surprisingly difficult. Some part of his mind pondered on an idea of Rainbow Dash laughing at him if she was to see him now. Shaking his head, he flew after the Awakened.

He landed next to Ysera walking by the lakeshore and followed her on hooves. He took the chance and glanced at her cutie mark. It appeared to be a closed eye, surrounded by a green mist.

"What did you mean?" he repeated his question.

Ysera was about to answer him, when suddenly some nearby bushes rustled and from it, a cat jumped out. It looked at them with clear blue eyes, shifting his head from Arthas and Ysera, and then spoke:

"It's you again."

Arthas lifted one eyebrow as he glanced at the dragon in pony form.

"Yes, it's me." confessed Ysera. "But I cannot talk with you now. Go hunt mice, Jayfeather."

The cat frowned.

"Wait, can cats frown?"

"Fine, but one of this days you're going to explain to me what are you." the cat - Jayfeather - replied and walked away, crossly whipping his tail.

"What in Light's name was that supposed to be?!" Arthas wondered, noticing a scar running down on one side of the cat.

"I had a vision." said Ysera unexpectedly.

Arthas glanced back to her, all thoughts about the cat forgotten.

"In this vision, the Aspects, along with Thrall and a few other short-lived beings, fought against Deathwing." Ysera continued, looking into Arthas' eyes. "I had many visions as such, with different endings. In this one, I saw a dead horse, that had a debt he had to pay to Azeroth, fighting side by side with everyone... and we won."

Arthas found himself in a loss for words. He simply stared at her the Aspect of the Dream, not understanding her.

"I..." he finally stammered, "... you mean that I... can help Azeroth somehow?"

"I... think so." replied confused Ysera.

"But how in Light's name can I help Azeroth if I'm in Equestria?!" he asked her, getting tired of her constant confusion.

"How would I know that?" she asked him in return, not sounding offended at all. "I would give you some advice if I could, but I doubt we will meet again, and... I think it would be best for you to... awake now."

"What do you mean?"

Twilight groaned from pain.

"What happened last night?" she wondered sleepily, not opening her eyes.

The last thing she remember was seeing Matt take a wasted Rainbow Dash and Applejack back to the castle, followed by Rarity and Fluttershy. She recalled how she had glanced at the ale that they drunk earlier, and how she had wondered how it tasted. Everything after that was blurry.

"Uhh, why did I drink it?!" she thought, once again groaning with pain.

She moved her hoof to grab her head, and she felt it brush something. Surprised, she crawled up to it, while trying to feel what it was with her hooves, when suddenly, she felt something warm press against her lips.

She opened her eyes and saw one half opened sea-green eye stare back at her.

Twilight screeched and jumped away from Matthias. Not a very good idea, considering she had a hangover. She yelped as she felt her head pulse with pain.

"What am I doing here?" she heard Matt ask.

"You're asking me?!" Twilight screamed at him, holding her head. "What are you doing in my bed?!"

Her eyes widened as she realized what could all of this mean.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!" she exclaimed, jumping from leg to leg. "Did we... we didn't..."

"Wha..." Matt replied, still half asleep, but as he glanced at her, he immediately straightened up. "Of course not!"

"Then what are you doing in my bed?!"

"I carried you here when you got yourself drunk - you're welcome, by the way - I tucked you to sleep, and when I was leaving, you asked me to sing you that lullaby, and then... I must have passed out." he confessed, looking embarrassed. "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not alright!" she screamed at him, scowling. "My head hurts like crazy, I slept in the same bed with you, and you just kissed me!"

"Excuse me, but I believe it was you who kissed me!" Matt shouted back at her, blushing.

Twilight also blushed, knowing he was right, but she wasn't going to admit it.

"Get off my bed!" she demanded, stomping.


Twilight turned red as she continued to look at Matthias, not wanting to turn around.

"Did the door just open?" she asked him, hoping he would say 'no'.

Matt, also red, glanced that way.

"Yes." he said uncomfortably.

"Oh, no..." Twilight thought as she closed her eyes, hoping it would all turn out to be just a bad dream.

Matthias looked as Rarity and Fluttershy were staring at them with wide eyes, both no less red than he or Twilight. Behind them he could see Applejack and Rainbow, sitting at the table and drinking some tea, with similar expressions on their faces, and Pinkie and Spike, looking at them confused.

"You couldn't make me wake up sooner, couldn't you, Ysera?" he thought, angry at the green Dragon Aspect.

"Did the two of you..." asked finally Rarity.

"No!" shouted both Matt and Twilight before she could finish her question.

They continued to shift their gazes between them.

"Did they what?" asked Spike, clearly oblivious of what a stallion and a mare could do.

"Oh, this is what I needed." Matt thought as everypony glanced at Spike, unsure what to say.

"Rarity was going to ask us if we slept well." he told him, saying the first thing that came to his mind. He grunted. "Spike, why don't you come to my room for a moment so that Twilight and the girls can catch up, while we could talk about... how I defeated the blue dragon Sapphiron?"

"Oh cool!" responded the baby dragon, immediately forgetting everything about Matt and Twilight.

Matthias, still blushing, walked past Rarity and Fluttershy, and followed Spike to his room.

"Is there anything you would want to talk to us about, dear?" asked her Rarity as soon as Matthias locked the door behind him. "Anything at all?"

"There is nothing to talk about." Twilight replied as she exited her room. "I got drunk, so Matt carried me here, and he passed out on my bed. That's all that happened."

She sat down at the table, rubbing her still aching head, not looking at her friends.

"What was that about you kissing him?"

Twilight sighed miserably. She was hoping they hadn't heard that.

"I accidently kissed him when I woke up. Can somepony make me some tea?"

"Okay!" replied Pinkie. "One tea coming right up!"

"Not so loud!" told her Applejack, Rainbow and Twilight.

"Ups, sorry." apologized Pinkie Pie as she trotted away.

"So: you kissed Matt?" Rainbow asked her, while she and Applejack chuckled.

Twilight glared at them, but it was Rarity who replied:

"I don't see a reason for you to laugh at her, seeing as how the two of you behaved last night!"

"What'ya mean?" asked confused Applejack.

"Don't you remember what happened after the drinking contest?"

Applejack and Rainbow exchanged looks.

"Well, Ah remember losing." replied the cowpony, concentrating. "Ah think somepony carried me... oh no!"

"What?" asked Twilight, glad that the subject changed.

Applejack glanced at her, blushing.

"Ah... Ah think Ah tried to seduce Matt."

Twilight stared at her friend.


"Ah remember Ah started nuzzling him, and kissing his neck..."

"Oh no..." interrupted her Rainbow Dash, with a look of horror on her face."I... I think I did that too!"

"What?!" asked Twilight, switching her sight from one to the other.

"Both of them tried to seduce Matt?!" she thought, growing angry all of a sudden.

"And you had let them act like this?" Twilight glanced at Rarity and Fluttershy.

For some reason, both of them blushed, as if they had done something equally embarrassing.

"Well..." said Rarity uncomfortably." We were thinking about doing something to stop them, but then..."

She and Fluttershy exchanged looks and turned even redder.

"Then what?"

"We... Matt got a bit excited because of Rainbow and Applejack, and we saw his..."

Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow looked wide eyed at them.

"You mean that you saw his..." asked Twilight.

"Um..." replied Fluttershy. "... 'stared at' would be more correct..."


They all fell silent, thinking about their respective embarrassing moments they shared with Matt.

"Should we... apologize?" asked Applejack.

"Probably." muttered Rainbow Dash. "I can't believe I kissed him!"

"Me too."

"You didn't kiss him." corrected them Rarity.

"What'ya mean we didn't kissed him? Ah remember kissing him, as well as him putting his hooves around my neck..."

"And I remember kissing him as well!" interrupted her Rainbow Dash. "I pulled myself closer to him, put my hooves around his neck..."

"Wait, what?" thought Twilight, glancing wide eyed at both mares.

It took Applejack and Rainbow a few heartbeats to notice what both of them said. With their eyes open very wide, they slowly turned their heads and looked at each other. They continued to stare like this for few moments, as the memories of last night returned to them, before they moved away from each other.

"That never happened." said Applejack, taking a sip of her tea.

"Agreed." replied Dash, drinking the rest of hers.

"Here's your tea." Pinkie told Twilight unexpectedly.

"Thanks." muttered Twilight. "Hey Pinkie, what did you do after Matt and the rest went into the castle?" she asked, wondering how comes the pony that loved parties the most didn't seem to do anything stupid last night.

"Oh..." the pink pony answered. "I went for a walk, and I nearly bumped into Vinyl and some stallion when they..."

"Please, don't finish." waved at her Twilight, who already had enough of those topics for one morning.

"Okay." replied Pinkie. and after a while, she asked: "So when is my turn to do something fun with Mattie?"

Everypony facehoofed.

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