• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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81. Flames from the past

Deep in meditation, Matthias pondered at all the new developments that steamed off from Brann’s visit.

He was still outraged about what he had learned about Sylvanas recent actions. Even if the rumors about how the Battle for Andorhal ended reached him through Bolvar, it was another thing to have it confirmed by another. Because Jarim Balnir, Arthas’ childhood friend, had died; killed on the same day the Prince murdered his own father, but was never raised as undead soldier of the Scourge. Was it because his corpse was overlooked, or remnants of Arthas’ humanity stopped him, Matthias could not tell now. But the fact that Jarim walked the world again meant one thing: he was raised by the val’kyr, one of the Lich King’s creations.

It comes down to me being responsible for this, then.” Matthias mused. Even though he was still more than angry, meditation purged the fury from his heart and now he contemplated that matter calmly. “Not to mention that I am responsible for Sylvanas current state to begin with. But still... her choices are her own.

His brow furrowed slightly as he recalled one of Uther’s most important lesson to paladins, the one Matthias deemed important enough to have it embedded on the plaque under his statue:

The third and most important of the Light's virtues is compassion.

It took him committing unforgivable crimes and dying, but Matthias understood now fully what Uther meant.

If Sylvanas Windrunner ever sets one step within Equestria, I will end her existence permanently.

Pushing the thoughts about Sylvanas away, his mind turned to Jarim, for what Brann said about his old friend unsettled him a bit. Matthias didn’t recall Jarim to be a skilled warrior, but from the looks of it, he have fought with the Alliance during Garrosh attack on Ashenvale. He even managed to kill Oso Ragerunner, one of the champions that killed him as the Lich King, the one that made the finishing blow at that (even if Matthias himself considered Tirion to be the one that truly defeated him). Since the night elf was a death knight, he was a bit more known to Matthias, and he knew the extent of his abilities. That Jarim defeated him, even while saying that it was a fluke, amazed him. Normally, he would thought that it made by due to exhaustion of the more experienced fighter that made him lose, but Oso was a death knight, an undead. He could fight days without the need to rest. Death knights didn’t even need to sleep; they did that out of luxury or habit, although while being under control of the Scourge it was forbidden for them to do so.

And not only that, but he also slew Sinestra, too. Who, if she was really ‘alive’, would be somewhere within Grim Batol or even Bastion of Twilight... and that would mean getting through Cho’gall, the monstrous, two-headed ogre-mage, leader of the Twilight’s Hammer. While undoubtedly Jarim wasn’t alone (as Matthias heard through Bolvar that forces of both the Horde and the Alliance stormed the fortress), it was still impressive.

But what probably unsettled him the most was what Brann mentioned briefly before Matthias cut him off:

The Dragonslayer, for example, spoke of ye with sympathy when-

I wonder what he said about me...” the paladin pondered. “I was responsible for his death, and his entire family, and yet... he has a sympathy for me?

Sighing, Matthias wished he hadn’t sent off Brann so hastily. It would have been nice to know what exactly Jarim had said. However, as soon as that thought appeared, so did the memory of what exactly drove him to tell the dwarf to leave.

His body shivered slightly as the faces of his friends being frozen in shock, or terror in Fluttershy’s case, appeared in his mind. He could not forgive himself easily for causing that. He wasn’t sure what was worse: that he made Fluttershy quiver in fear (a deed that made him regret not having those tools that Scarlet Crusade used for self-punishing within the Abbey), or that they got to see him truly angry at something.

I will not permit my fury to overtake me ever again.” he vowed in his head. “I have lost too much because of that.

For a brief moment, the Light felt stronger, more brighter, within his heart, as if reassuring him. Smiling to himself, Matthias turned his thoughts over to the next subject: what Sound Wave and Cherry Bomb told him.

While initially angry at them for assuming he and Twilight were on a date, once they explained their reason for being curious he forgave them, to some degree. It turned out that a couple years ago, once they began to see Twilight as a mare instead of Shining Armor little sister, the said stallion threatened them with very described tortures if they would try as much as glance as at her.

Hearing that, Matthias realized what was the reason that Twilight never before tried to have a relationship with anypony, or why she seemed so surprised when he told her that she is beautiful. That reason was her own brother. Matthias had mixed feeling to that, but was mostly angry, so he decided to write a letter to Princess Cadance about it. He knew her to be wise enough to deal with this appropriately... and could make the prince sleep on a couch, which was purely hilarious to Matthias.

Wondering when he would have an opportunity to let Cadance know that her husband’s over-protectiveness essentially caused Twilight to never hear the words ‘you’re beautiful’, his thoughts found a new source of worry: the Book of Medivh.

It was an intriguing twist of fate, to have this book practically within his hooves. Arthas had been warned by Medivh in life as to what would the future hold, but he ignored it; and now here, on a world so different from Azeroth, the same Medivh gave him advices that this time were listened. In undeath, Arthas took his book by storming into Dalaran and slaying Antonidas, and now the current leader of the Kirin Tor, Rhonin, send it to him. What’s more, Medivh was possessed by Sargeras since before birth and under his influence opened the Dark Portal, which resulted in First War and destruction of Stormwind and King Llane’s death , but retained enough of his own personality to surround himself with people such as Khadgar, Lothar, and even Garona Halforcen, to end him before Sargeras’ final plans could be realized. Arthas was slowly corrupted by the Lich King and lost his soul to the Frostmourne, killed his father, King Terenas, destroyed Lordaeron, Quel’Thalas, and Dalaran throughout the Third War, and helped usher Archimonde to the world of Azeroth, starting the Second Invasion of the Burning Legion, and ultimately became the Lich King himself. But a tiny spark of his humanity remained, preventing him from using Scourge to annihilate everything that lived on Azeroth.

Those similarities are disturbing.” he concluded calmly.

As for the book, now that he calmed down, he wasn’t too worried about it. What he told Brann was true: the Chapel’s Vault was protected by some of the most powerful spell, similar to that one that stored the Elements of Harmony in Canterlot. Since Discord stole them briefly, the Elements were further protected by a spell that made it impossible for the Spirit of Chaos to affect them in any fashion, and now (through the magic rune Celestia prepared for him just in case) so was the Book of Medivh.

Only those touched by the Light can enter the Vault, which means that if - Light forbid - I will once again walk the path of darkness, I will be unable to take the spellbook. However, even those that walk in the light might seek to bring danger to others. Those fanatics from Scarlet Crusade proved that much. I will have to be careful as I explain the Holy Light to those initiates...

“Um, sir Lightbringer?” a voice spoke up.

Ah, speak of the demon.” Matthias thought with amusement as he opened his eyes, sparing a moment to berate himself for being so lost in thoughts as to not sense their approach.

He glanced back the four ponies, each looking at him with wonder in their eyes. At first, that confused Matthias, but a heartbeat later he realized the cause for this.

He was levitating.

Rolling his eyes at the slight annoyance, he dropped himself to the floor, making a mental note to not get so engrossed in the meditation as to not pay attention how the Light was affecting him.

“I trust that the short rest helped you clear your minds, as that will help you understand better what I’m about to say.” he told them motioning for them to sit down. “Let’s start off by saying that nopony can explain what exactly the Holy Light is. Scholars would refer to it as a force that exist within the universe, but that doesn’t quite give the proper depiction.”

Matthias paused to catch his breath and regard the four ponies. He could tell easily that each of them was puzzled in some degree by his explanation. Storm observed him attentively, his face not betraying the uncertainty that Matthias sensed in him - directed not at his words, but at the pegasus himself - while Guard had the stoic demeanor of an elder soldier. Tucker seemed to be most confused, but at least he was paying attention to him rather than Serenity’s flank. As for the mare, she was probably the one who was absorbing Matthias words the most.

“However, you do not need to understand the Light to believe in it, or its love for you. As what my old mentor once said to me; the Light is grace, pure and simple. We, ponies, and all other creatures are flawed, some more than others.” he added with a hint of amusement as he glanced at Tucker. “But the Light loves us anyway. It loves us for what we sometimes can rise to in rare moments. It loves us for what we can do to help others. And it loves us because we can help it share its message by striving daily to be worthy; even though we understand that we can't ever truly become so.”

“As paladins, our duty is to protect others, heal wounded and vanquish evil.” he went on, slightly changing the subject. “By doing so we both use our martial prowess, and the Light. Paladins can, through prayer and willpower, ask the Holy Light to aid them. Notice that I said ‘ask’, and not ‘use’. While I will not hide from you that it is possible to bend the powers of the Light to your whim, I want to make it clear that such acts are blasphemous, and anypony who would attempt to do so will be punished.

“How could anypony do such thing?” Serenity asked, seeming shocked. “I don’t just mean ‘how’ how, but why, too. I could feel the Light when you protected everypony from King Sombra, sir, and it made me feel so safe and peaceful, despite the danger we were all in. Why would anypony tried to force the Light to do things?”

“There are many answers to that question, Serenity. There is one particular order of paladins that once used to force the Light for their own bidding instead of working with it. Their people used to believe in the Light and could use its powers, but after destruction of their homeland, they began to think that the Light abandoned them, and their faith quivered. If paladin’s faith quiver, hearts lose resolve, willpower crumbles, then you cannot use the power of the Light. Remember that once you are full-fledged paladins.”

“Does that mean that...” Serenity began, but paused, uncertain. Matthias motioned for her to continue. “Sir, you said that a paladin cannot use the power of the Light once he loses her or his resolve, will or faith. But if the paladin has those, if he believes that what he is doing is good and therefore serves the Light, can that paladin commit evil acts?”

“Unfortunately, yes. An organisation called Scarlet Crusade committed many evil acts, and continues to do so to this day, all while believing they are serving the Light. What is truly saddening is that many of its members were originally Knights of the Silver Hand, like me.”

He did not add that it was because of his actions that they became so. One day he might, but not today.

“Getting back to the original subject, the philosophy of the Holy Light boils down to the three teachings, called the Three Virtues. These virtues are respect, tenacity, and compassion. As paladins, you must know them, even if it might take you years to fully understand them.”

“The first virtue is respect. While the Holy Light teaches that awareness of the self and the universe is a goal, one must also see the connection between others and the universe. Destroying other's happiness and severing other's connections with the universe is not serving the world's well being, and therefore not your own. You cannot be naive, however, as while Equestria hasn’t know war in two thousand years, such things - wars, suffering, and conflicts – can happen, but you must strive to make the universe a better place in spite of these hindrances.”

"The second virtue is tenacity. It takes a lifetime to serve the Light. The world is much bigger than one lone soul; and while the world can change a soul in a day, it takes much more time to change the world. Only through tenacity can a servant of the Holy Light hope to affect the universe. Take heart in the realization that if you truly believe there is a connection between the self and the universe, one cannot help but affect the other, no matter the size. Affecting the world can include anything from teaching and instilling hope in others to joining with other like-minded individuals to work together to create a bigger change.”

“Compassion, the third virtue, is perhaps the most powerful — and yet most dangerous — of them all. The connection between the self and the universe is strong, but it still is only one connection. If a follower of the Light serves another to increase his happiness, his bond with the universe grows stronger. The happiness he receives by helping somepony also strengthens him and the universe, and he is able to affect the universe even more. If somepony is too compassionate, he can give help where none is needed — or wanted. This oversight can hinder one's growth and happiness. For example, one may help another with a seemingly impossible quest, when such a quest is not actually out of the abilities of the one making the attempt. Thus, compassion (However well intentioned) has resulted in that pony's inability to grow as the quest was essentially "done for them", hindering their growth and happiness. Some helpers can be awkward and do more harm than good with their actions, increasing the suffering and unhappiness in the world.”

“You mean like with Sombra?” Serenity once again asked him.

Matthias nodded, both amazed that she managed to listen get everything he said, as well as saddened by the memory of that pony he couldn’t help. Noticing questioning glances from other three, he explained: “King Sombra, the pony who took over the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago and tried to do so again recently, was actually corrupted by dark powers. By the time we fought, there was too little of the pony he once was to be saved. Part of following the virtue of compassion is to know what is compassionate to do. In this case, it was killing King Sombra.”

He rose up as he said that, gesturing for the four other ponies to do so.

“Um, sir, if you don’t mind me asking...” the crystal pony began as she and the others followed him to the library, “... about those things King Sombra said...”

Sighing, he stopped and turned to look at with the sadness in his eyes that he didn’t even try to hide.

“You’re referring to him repeating words said to me by my father.” he stated. Matthias expected her to bring it up at some point. Glancing at others, he explained: “Those words were: ‘Can you feel it, my son? Closing in all around you? The Light's justice has been awakened. The sins of the past have finally caught up to you. You will be called to account! For all the atrocities you've committed, the unspeakable horrors you've let loose upon this world, and the dark, ancient powers you've enslaved. Though my soul was one of the first to be devoured by your evil, there are thousands more bound within this blade, and they cry out for release. Look now to your defenses, my son, for the champions of justice gather at your gates!’” he took a heartbeat to shake the feeling of dread at the memory, and noticed nothing but a pure shock at the faces of other three initiates. “I had once fallen to the darkness, too, and committed many unforgivable sins. Similar to King Sombra and Princess Luna, I was too corrupted by dark powers, and forgot who I truly was. I became myself shortly before coming to Equestria, and later found out that even despite all that I did the Light forgave me, granting me its powers once more.”

“You might wonder why I am admitting it almost casually to you.” he went on, resuming walking towards the library. “I am doing that because I want you to understand that it is possible for anypony to become evil. Never be arrogant as to assume that you can’t, for arrogance is the shortest path to downfall. I know that better than anypony. And just in case you are wondering - yes, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna know about my past, and trust me to teach you and lead the Order of the Celestial Light regardless. I hope that clears most of your doubts about me.”

“I didn’t have doubts about you, sir!” Serenity immediately replied, and when Matthias looked at her, she blushed and explained. “I mean, everypony in the Crystal Empire knows that if it weren’t for you, King Sombra would have taken us over before Spike brought Princess Cadance the Crystal Heart. And we all heard what your friends said, that they don’t care about your past, sir. Crystal Ponies don’t care as well.”

Seeing that she was bit nervous after her outburst, but still serious, Matthias shoot her a reassuring smile as they entered the library. While the four ponies looked all around the small room curiously, his attention shifted to the shelves with books Twilight and the rest categorized after he and Brann left. Nodding with approval, he once again turned to the initiates.

“Most of those books here are about the Holy Light. Some of them are unfortunately in different languages, but I will translate them as best I can when I have more free time on my hooves. It would serve you good to read some of them, to deepen your knowledge about the Light. Other books here are mostly about Equestria’s history, laws, and few are about medicine, biology and such. In case there was something you wanted to read but you couldn’t find it here, Twilight runs Ponyville’s library. Now, these,” he paused as he reached to one of the shelves, and took out four identical books, “are yours. Those librams have a full list of all sorts of prayers, as well as precise explanation of each virtue. I don’t expect you to memorize all of them, although that would be nice. The reason for that is that beginning paladins, even when they have already learned how to call upon the powers of Light, can have difficulties with concentration. Reciting the prayer in mind or out loud, which is even better, helps with that, and makes it easier to ask the Holy Light for healing or protection.”

Each of them took one book. Matthias could tell than Tucker in particular wasn’t happy with the idea, but whatever thoughts he had, he kept them to himself.

“So those books came from your homeland, sir?” Serenity asked, her gaze no longer on the libram in her hoof but on the ones on shelves.

“Yes, that’s why Brann was here earlier, I asked him to deliver them here.”

Serenity’s hoof brushed few books, until it stopped on one particularly adorned in flames, Matthias could read the title on the spine ‘Tome of Fiery Redemption’, the one Twilight asked him about for some reason.

“Geesh, this one is so covered in dust...” Serenity murmured as she took it out from the shelf, with the intent to clean it up.

Something stirred at the back of Matthias mind at that sight. Confused, he extended his senses to the book, wondering what made him worried. To his surprise, he found a source of magical residue emanating from not the book, but rather...

This copy yer holding was actually recovered from Tempest Keep.

As Brann’s words echoed through his head, Matthias has realised that what he could sense wasn't a residue, but a presence.

A presence that had been stirred.

Forcing himself to remain calm, the paladin quickly calculated all his options as to what he could do. There weren’t many, but the plan he so hastily put together could work, provided they would hurry.

“Tucker.” he said, remembering from his medical record the extent of his magical abilities. “Teleport yourself and this book, along with all this dust, into the training field quickly.”

“What? Wh-”

“Just do it, now!” Matthias snapped, realising the time was short.

The unicorn was still uncertain, but he took the book from a very confused Serenity and began to cast a teleportation spell.

“Rest of you, follow me!” he told them, racing to the exit. “Storm,” he looked at the pegasus that was within a heartbeat at his side, “there’s a cottage between here and the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy lives there. Tell her that it’s an emergency, and I need her help. Fly fast!”

Storm Clash looked even more uncertain as to what was going on that Tucker. Thankfully, he obeyed the order regardless, and flew ahead of them, exiting the chapel and heading for Fluttershy’s cottage.

I hope she will be able to stop him.” Matthias thought as he and the remaining two also left the chapel and raced for the training field.

The sight that welcomed them was exactly what he expected. Tucker was backing away, his confusion transformed into fear, for which Matthias couldn’t really blame him. The book lay on the ground, but what has caused such reaction from the unicorn hovered above it.

The dust - which wasn’t actually dust - swirled around in the air, becoming flames in a matter of seconds. The fire erupted as Mathias placed himself between them and his initiates, growing bigger and gaining more colors, ranging from yellow through red to violet. But the flames didn’t just grow bigger; they also took on a shape. Wings outstretched themselves wide as the rest of creatures flaming body became more recognizable.

Within a heartbeat, before Matthias stood a much bigger than him a being more of fire than flesh, the Phoenix God, Al’ar.

Author's Note:

For the record, I've been hinting this was going to happen for good two chapters now.

PS: Thank you all for answering my question from the previous chapter.

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