• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,753 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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84. Girls night

As Fluttershy marched towards Twilight’s library, she did so with the face of a pony that was about to be hanged. She was certain that her friends would quickly figure out what was wrong with her, but that couldn’t be helped.

I just hope Rainbow and Twilight won’t be too angry with me...” the shy pegasus thought, and the images of her two friends’ faces distorted in anger almost made her cry.

However, all those dark thought evaporated from her mind once she felt something warm brush her legs. Startled, Fluttershy looked down, and calmed down once she saw a familiar cat.

“Oh, hello, Spottedleaf.” the pegasus greeted the cat, patting her on the head. “Where is your-”

“Right next to you.” she heard Matt’s voice reply from her side, making her squeak and jump into air.

Shaking, Fluttershy looked down to see Matt regarding her with worried and mildly annoyed expression.

“Fluttershy, I wanted to talk with you.” he said. “Would you mind coming down from there?”

She knew what he wanted to talk about. It’s about what happened back at the Abbey. Fluttershy had hoped to avoid discussing that, but now there was nothing she could do. A brief thought appeared in her head about trying to escape, but she felt that despite her having wings Matt would caught up to her without much problem. And so, resigned, she landed beside him, her head low and cheeks red.

She heard the stallion sigh before he spoke: “Fluttershy, you shouldn’t be so... embarrassed over what happened. Can you please look at me?”

Fluttershy gulped nervously and did as he asked. As she raised her head to meet his, she saw Matt smiling at her encouragingly.

“Back then, you meant to make me feel better, but did not expect me to turn my head at that moment, correct?” he asked, and Fluttershy nodded sheepishly. “Then you really shouldn’t be so embarrassed. If anyone should, it should be me.”

“But it was my-” she tried to protest, but he cut her off.

“It was nopony’s fault; it was simply an accident. Do you remember the morning after the reception?”

She remembered. The memory of opening Twilight’s room’s door, and seeing the two of them arguing while still in Twilight’s bed would probably stay with her for a long time. Fluttershy also recalled how her unicorn friend explained that by accident she had kissed Matt.

“See?” Matt asked after a while. “It’s basically the same thing, only that this is much less embarrassing... well, for me.”

“Well... yes, okay, but you and Twilight... and Rainbow Dash...”

She paused, unsure of what she was actually going to say, and saw Matt roll his eyes.

“Twilight and I are, most importantly, friends. It shouldn’t really matter to one who the other kisses or get kissed.”

Fluttershy, despite her own embarrassment clouding her mind, didn’t miss that he said ‘shouldn’t’.

“And I am sure that she would look at it as I did, if you truly think that you should tell her about it. As for Rainbow Dash, though...” he paused, and an uneasy smile crossed his face. “Fluttershy, you know her longer than I. Just try to imagine how she would react to you telling her.”

Despite not wanting to do it, the shy pegasus nodded, and closed her eyes, concentrating...

“Umm, Rainbow Dash...” she mumbled, uncertain. “I kinda... kissed Mattie... by accident.”

Rainbow’s eyes grow wide, and for a brief moment, her jaw dropped. But before Fluttershy could say anything else, the cyan pegasus burst into laughter, holding her sides.

She opened her eyes to see Matt regard her with the same unease smile as before.

“She would probably laugh about it and tease us, mostly me as you’re so sensitive and all.” he said, without any ill-meaning behind his words.

Hearing that, Fluttershy slowly realized that she’s really overreacted on the whole thing. If anypony was going to ‘suffer’ from it, it would be Matt, and while she hated to cause a discomfort for her friend or anypony in general, she knew that he could bear with it.

“You’re right, that is what she would do.” Fluttershy replied, finally allowing herself to smile. “And since you also don’t mind what had happened... then I guess I don’t have to worry about it.”

“I’m glad that you see it this way.” Matt said, sighing with relief. “I would hate to have a repeat of what happened after the reception, when all of you were too ashamed to talk to me...”

As Matt continued, Fluttershy played the memories of that night. Of how uncouth the five of them behaved. What she and Rarity-

“Oh, for Light’s sake.” Matt interrupted both himself and her train of thoughts.

“Um, sorry.” the pegasus replied, smiling with embarrassment, but she bravely shook it off. “So, you are going back to the Everfree Abbey, right?”

“Yes, I need to properly settle in there.” he said, shaking the saddlebag. “And I kinda have a thing to do, so I’ll better get going. Have a good time on that slumber party.”

“Thank you, and sorry that you had to wait for me here...” she began to apologize, but at the annoyed look Matt gave he she stopped.

Chuckling, they both said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

“So, yer sayin this is Matt’s world?” Applejack asked when it was her turn to look through the telescope.

“Yes, I found it by searching for the constellations he told me about. When I located the-” Twilight began to explain in that nerdy way of her, but at that moment all of them heard her door opening. “That must be Fluttershy, excuse me.” she said and casted a teleportation spell.

Whew, that was close.” Rainbow thought as she continued to scan the shelves with books. “If I would hear that astro mambo-jumbo one more...

“RD, mind tellin us what exactly are ya looking fer?” Applejack, her attention apparently no longer on the telescope, asked.

“Um, I emm...” the cyan mare stuttered, hoping that her face wasn’t showing her embarrassment. “I was looking for “Daring Do” books, of course.”

“They’re downstairs, and Ah know ya know it.” the earth pony replied simply, lifting one eyebrow.

Rainbow gulped nervously, but she was spared further questioning by the arrival of Twilight and Fluttershy. Applejack shot her one more suspecting look, and turned back to greet Fluttershy. Dash sighed with relief and, making sure that none of the others was observing her (Twilight was now telling Fluttershy about Azeroth, and Rarity continued to stylize Pinkie Pie’s mane), she returned to her search.

It’s impossible for you to not have books about that subject, Twilight!” she thought angrily.

“Everypony’s comfortable?” Twilight asked about ten minutes later, when they were all sitting in a circle on their sleeping bags, surrounded by various snacks, drinks (from which they took occasional sips) and games in case they would run out of topics to talk about.

In the corner of her eye, she spotted Rainbow Dash once again glance around the library, as she did so when Twilight let her in this night. The unicorn couldn’t understand what she was searching for, and why wouldn’t she simply ask her about it, but for now she let that be.

“We are, sugarcube, but what about ya?” Applejack asked, and immediately Twilight got annoyed, as she knew exactly what her friend meant. Again. “How are ye holdin’ up with Matt leavin’?”

“I am-” Twilight snapped, but was at that very second interrupted by Pinkie.

“Yeah, I mean, if I had a roomy that I had a crush on leave to live on the other side of town, I would got super-duper sad, and I would had to eat boxes of ice cream with a huge spoon, and watch some sappy-” Twilight, not being able to bear it, pressed her hoof against the pink pony mouth, but unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to silence her properly. “-hhmfhmhr hhjfmg hfhfmgh, hfhhgmg, hhghmgm! Hmmffhgh, ghtm? Hmgmg...”

Finally Pinkie Pie trailed off, noticing the hoof and the stare Twilight was giving her. Satisfied, the unicorn sighed and released her.

“I am feeling fine, thanks for your concern, but it’s really unnecessary. It’s not like Matt moved to the other side of Equestria, for pony sake. And besides, he and I are just friends, remember? I admit, I once thought of him as more than friend, but since then this feeling had toned down.”

Inwardly, she winced, knowing that it wasn’t really the truth.

“Umh, you expect us to believe it?” Rarity, as if reading her thoughts, asked.

“I thought we agreed that you won’t try to play a match-maker.” Twilight reminded her, looking at her threateningly.

“Just because we agreed that we won’t try to get you two together, it doesn’t mean we’ve stopped thinking you two belong with each other.” Rarity replied, and the others nodded.

“Why the hay are you nodding?” the lavender mare asked Rainbow Dash, now even more annoyed.

“Hey, Matt and I actually are just friends.” Dash replied, sounding offended. “If you two would decide to be together, I would happily found another stallion to ‘play’ with, alright.”

“I thought you said all the other stallions in this town are... beyond your level limit of awesomeness, or something.” Twilight snorted, though privately she was... amazed that Dash was ready to stop her ‘activities’ with Matt.

“I’m signing up for the Wonderbolt Academy this year, remember?”

How could I forget?” the unicorn thought sarcastically, recalling how on her last birthday Rainbow celebrated mostly the fact that she now reached the required age to apply for getting accepted there.

“I might meet some cool guys there.” the cyan pegasus continued. “So if I would quit bucking Matt, I could find somepony else, and if not, hey, mare doesn’t live just by rutting.”

“One could have doubts by your recent behaviour...” Rarity muttered quietly.

“Excuse me?!” Rainbow Dash immediately shouted, glaring at the fashionista. “Care to repeat that?!”

Oh, boy, here we go at last.” Twilight, who expected this sort of argument between the two for a while now, thought.

“Well, excuse me, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity replied coolly, while the other four ponies glanced uncertainly between the two, “but I just think that a mare should have more... moderation.”

“‘Moderation, as in staying a virgin until you meet ‘Prince Charming’?” Dash mocked. “How has that worked for you?”

Flames of hatred ignited in Rarity’s eyes as the pegasus reminded her (and everypony present in the room, for that matter) how she used to dream about marrying prince Blueblood.

“No, ‘moderation’ as in waiting to have a relationship with a pony before-”

“Are you seriously going to give me a relationship’s advices?” Rainbow interrupted her. “What do you know about them? Have you even kissed a colt?”

Rarity begins to reply in spat: “Yes! For your information, Mat-!”

As the white unicorn clasped her mouth, everypony stared at her, all astonished. Despite Rarity’s quick stop, there was no way they could unheard what she let slip.

“Did you just said...” Twilight slowly recovered from shock. “that you... kissed Matt?”

“Please don’t hate me!” Rarity exclaimed as she fell to, not Rainbow’s, but Twilight’s hooves; much to the latter irritation at the fact. “It was few days after we returned from Canterlot after the wedding, when we all had troubles talking to him due to events after reception, and he was going from one to another of us trying to bring things back to normal, and he asked me what could he do. And I drunk a bit wine that day while discussing a business matter with a pony all the way from Trottingham, and Matt just looks like a prince from a fairy tale, and so I asked him-”

“Oh, come on, Rarity!” Pinkie Pie interrupted their by now almost crying friend, as her words became nearly incoherent. “Nopony is going to make a big deal out of it! Nopony did when I kissed Mattie, too, right?”

“Wha- Pinkie?!” Twilight asked with her jaw hanging. “When I did you kissed Matt?!”

The pink pony looked at her and blinked, as if not understanding question. Finally, she waved her hoof and brushed the back of her head. “Ups, I didn’t mention that?”

“No, you did not.”

“Well, it was back when he and Brannie were stuck in Canterlot, and I was really mad at them for not coming to my party, but then Mattie told me that this meant that I would get to threw two parties, and I was soo happy that I just had to kiss him.” Pinkie explained without any trace of embarrassment or shame whatsoever. However, the next moment she facial expression changed into thoughtful one instead of happy. “Although, I still don’t get why his mouth tasted like cotton candy...”

Twilight was at the loss for words. To think that not only Pinkie (from who she expected everything anyway), but Rarity, who kept telling her that she and Matt were meant for each other...

“Um...” Fluttershy’s quiet attempt to say something pulled her out from her thoughts. “Since everypony is saying, I, um... I too...”

“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me.” Twilight stated, now annoyed.

“Please don’t be mad at me, it was an accident.” Fluttershy quickly explained. “After I came over to the Abbey today to help them with Al’ar-”

“Al’who? Is there new pony around here?” Pinkie Pie interrupted.

“- Mattie began apologizing to me for his earlier outburst, and he just seemed so sad, that I wanted to cheer him up, and I just wanted to hug him and kiss him on the cheek, but he then turned his head-”

Her further words were obscured by a burst of laughter, coming from a rainbow-mane mare.

No wonder Matt seemed troubled when he mentioned Fluttershy earlier.” Twilight thought, wondering how Rainbow Dash could react only with laughter. Granted, she herself wasn’t too much bothered by it, either, and it was just kisses, but still...

“Now, wait a darn minute!” Applejack suddenly exclaimed. “Ya mean to tell me that I’m the only one to not kiss Matt?!”

“And you are so enraged by it because?” Twilight asked, making the cowpony blush and look away. “You are all a bunch of hypocrites.” the unicorn informed the rest. “You keep saying that Matt and I should be together, and you all kissed him or want to kiss him! Or buck with him!” she added, glancing at still laughing Rainbow.

“Oh, relax, Twi.” the cyan mare replied, wiping away tears of laughter. “Just because all of us think Matt is hot, it doesn’t mean we have any deeper feelings for him like you do. Right ladies?” she asked, looking at the other four, who all nodded. “I mean, have you seen any of us mooning around him like you did?”

Twilight growled inwardly, feeling more uncomfortable with the direction this conversation was taking.

“Perhaps, but... Okay, what are you looking for, Rainbow?” the lavender unicorn finally asked when she spotted Dash taking again a quick glance around the library, and she hoped that this might change the subject.

“I’m not looking for anything!” the pegasus quickly defended herself.

“Yes, you are, I saw you few times scanning all my books.”

“Me too.” added Applejack.

For a moment, it looked as if Rainbow was going to deny it again, but she then slumped down and gave up.

“Okay, fine, I was... looking for...” she hesitated, before she finished quieter: “a book about sex.

As the others looked at her, confused, she explained, blushing: “I want to get better at it, okay?! Those jokes Matt makes from time to time about me ‘really being the fastest pony’ can get really annoying sometimes.”

“What d’ya mean?” Applejack asked.

Now more red than cyan, the pegasus rolled her eyes. “I... usually finish twice before Matt does. Or more…”

“Well...” Twilight stammered, trying to fill the void after Dash’s words. “that’s... an earth pony stamina for you, I guess.”

“Don’t patronize me.” the pegasus replied. “So, do you have any books about it or don’t you?”

“Nope, sorry. Although... the library record shows that there are supposed to be here. I guess that somepony must have taken them before Spike and I moved in from Canterlot, along with...” she hesitated, as it suddenly became quite clear to her. “... some... romance novels.”

Five pair of eyes slowly moved on the perpetrator, who, realizing that they all must have thought the same thing, blushed.

“What?” Rarity asked weakly, as if hoping that she could fool them.

“Well, putting aside that you either stole library property or prolong keeping those books,” Twilight replied with annoyance, “I would guess that all of us are shocked that you took those kinds of books.”

“Yeah, that makes you hypocritical in lights of our previous argument.” Dash added.

“Well, excuse me.” Rarity told them with mild tone of offence in her voice. “Just because I see value in keeping your virginity until you meet the one, does not mean I am not interested in intercourses. I read plenty on the subject, so that my first time will be memorable for both me and whoever my, as you put, ‘prince charming’ turns out to be.”

“Based on the knowledge taken from books?” the cyan mare asked, smirking. “Who are you, Twilight?”

The unicorn in question glared at her angrily, but the next thing they all heard made them all forget about this.

“Actually, Rainbow Dash, I wouldn’t mind to hear some first-hoof experience on the matter.”

And again, all eyes pointed at Rarity.

“Are you... seriously asking me to tell you all about my ‘inter-whatsitnow’ with Matt?” Dash asked to be certain.

“Well I for one am a bit curious, and since you’re the only one that had sex so far out of all of us...” Rarity trailed off, as it wasn’t necessary to explain more.

“What the rest of you think?”

“I guess...” Twilight started uncertainly. “I am bit curious as well.”

“Me, too.” Applejack stated. “Although, I wonder exactly what Pinkie added to those drinks that made us talk about all of this.”

“Oh, relax, Applejack.” Pinkie Pie replied to the accusation. “There’s nothing wrong with mares discussing smoshy times, right?”

Smoshy times?” Twilight repeated in her head, wondering where she got that from.

“Well, since nopony seems to mind...” Rainbow Dash, a bit red on her cheeks again, began.

Half an hour later, the six mares, all of them tipsy from their drinks, giggled with excitement as Dash finished telling them about another one of the more passionate moments she spent with Matt, with all the juicy details.

“Seems ye two got a lot of fun together.” Applejack commented.

“Yeah, you might consider finding a stallion and trying it out yourself.” Dash replied with a wink. “After all, you have this big ol’ barn...”

“Are ya kiddin’? Ya suppose I’d rut in the same barn that my sister and her friends play in sometimes?”

“Oh... you might consider cleaning it, then.”

“RD...” Applejack asked, with her eyes wide. “Ya two didn’t-”

She stopped once the pegasus erupted with laughter.

“I can’t believe you fell for it!” she exclaimed, as she rolled on the floor.

“Oh, ya little...” the farm pony muttered angrily, and grabbed her pillow, which then she used to throw to the laughing pegasus.

The blow caught Dash right on the cheek, and sends her rolling away. She quickly recovered, though, and reached for her own pillow.

“Yay! Pillow fight!” Pinkie Pie shouted happily, as she threw hers at Rarity.

The white unicorn’s eyes widened in shock, but then quickly squinted on Pinkie threateningly. “Oh, it is ON!” she whispered as she joined the fray, pulling in Twilight and Fluttershy into it somehow as well.

Storm Clash, who was about half-way done with the libram that Sir Matthias gave him, looked startled as Tucker Out jumped up from his bunk unexpectedly. Unlike him or Guard Shield, the unicorn chose to go to sleep instead of doing any reading, and for the last few hours all they could hear from him was the sound of breathing.

“What is it?” Guard asked, echoing Storm’s thoughts.

“I... I don’t know.” Tucker replied, confused. “But it feels like... something wonderful has happened.”

The other two stallions exchanged annoyed glances, and returned to their lectures.

Author's Note:

No, I had this idea of Arthas and Rarity having kissed offscreen for some time now, before you started making comments about everypony kissing him. Although, I will admit that it came good few months after chapter with reception's ending. And hay, it's fun to throw things out of the blue from time to time, in contrast to hinting something to happen.

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