• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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116. What friends do

“I still don’t get why you helped her,” Rainbow finally said. “I mean, it’s bad enough that she got off the hook so easily…”

Twilight sighed, interrupting her. She had just finished explaining to Rainbow just why exactly Trixie felt the need to push her tongue into Twilight’s mouth. She was surprised that the pegasus actually listened to her, instead of making fun of her. Once Twilight was done, Rainbow didn’t just blurt out the first thing that came to her mind, but took a few moments to think about her words.

“Look, Rainbow,” Twilight said, hoping to try and dissipate some of the animosity she had towards Trixie, “I know that she did a lot of bad things recently, but it was that Amulet that made her do all of that.”

“Including coming here and challenging you?”

“Well, okay, yes, that was her own choice, but can you blame her? I mean, she was embarrassed by me, couldn’t perform anywhere-”

“Serves her right for bringing that Ursa into Ponyville…” Rainbow murmured, probably still remembering the shocking sight of the Ursa Minor roaming around the town as well as Twilight.

“Rainbow, it was Snips and Snails that brought it to Ponyville, not Trixie,” Twilight corrected her. “It’s not her fault that they are… naive.”

Rainbow Dash snorted, probably due to the soft word Twilight had decided to use after a brief hesitation.

“And besides, everypony deserves a second chance. You do recall that there are two changelings living across the town, right?”

For some reason, her words caused Rainbow to shake, as if she had struck her.

“Yeah, I noticed,” she said awkwardly, taking a sip of her tea.

“So…” Twilight trailed off, both to her puzzlement about her friend behaviour along with feeling uncomfortable with what she is going to ask. “... can you… not tell everypony we know about what you saw?” Whatever occupied Rainbow thoughts she shrugged off as she glanced at her with one eyebrow raised. “Look, I don’t want anypony to-”

“Laugh their flanks off?” Rainbow hinted.

Twilight deadpanned at her. “Yeah, that.”

“Hmm…” the pegasus made a thoughtful expression, as if she was considering it. Twilight winced mentally and wondered how exactly she was going explain this to M- “Well, you’re in luck.”

Huh?” Twilight blinked. Was she actually going to keep that a secret?

“I won’t say a word to anypony about Trixie’s kiss, buuut…” Rainbow trailed off for dramatic effect. “In return, you will have to answer - honestly - to my question.”

“Um… okay,” Twilight replied, surprised. What was she going to ask her? How Trixie tasted? “What do you want to know?”

Strangely, Rainbow herself seemed unsure of that. The rainbow-maned mare looked down at her teacup with a weird expression on her face. Twilight, realizing that something bothered her, began to worry. Finally, Rainbow sighed, and looked her straight into the eyes, her own filled with determination.

“How do you really feel about me and Matt?”

Twilight eyes widened. “Why is she bringing this up?” “What do you mean?” she asked, confused. “I already told you that-”

Rainbow raised a hoof to stop her. “Twilight, listen; I don’t like this sappy sort of talk, you know that. I want to keep things blunt. Tell me, honestly, how you feel about me and Matt.”

Her mood switched slowly from confusion to a mix of annoyance and anger. “As I said, I already told you: I am fine with what are you doing. I admit, I had feelings for Matt, but now we are just friends.”

Rainbow examined her carefully, her eyes squeezed in suspicion. Twilight felt growing even more irritated as she realized that she didn’t believed her. “This is ridiculous! Does she think she knows better what I am feeling?!

“Alright,” Rainbow finally said. Twilight sighed with relief- “You want to do this the hard way?” no longer relieved, Twilight raised her eyebrow, surprised. “We’ll do this the hard way.”

The pegasus lifted herself with her wing and flew to her, beginning to circle her around.

“Last night Matt and I started kissing even before we entered his bedroom.” Twilight’s jaw dropped; was she going to… “I pressed him against the door, my hooves wrapped around his body. He reached back and pressed the knob so we could move to his bed,” Rainbow continue to say in calm, quiet tone, as he flew around her. Twilight was too shocked by what was happening to do anything but follow her with her eyes. “I used my wings to just lunge us to it; he landed on his back, and I was on top. I bent down…”

“Why are you telling me this?!” Twilight finally found the strength to try and stop her. “I already heard plenty during the sleepover-”

But Rainbow wasn’t done. “I pressed my muzzle against his,” she raised her voice. “Matt’s hooves caressed my mane as we kissed, and we stayed like this for far longer than you and Trixie.”

Despite her reluctance to participate in… whatever this was, Twilight found her mind conjuring images, imagining what had happened the night before in Matt’s bedroom. She could see him and Rainbow, lying on his bed in embrace.

This wasn’t the first time she was hearing this, that she was seeing this. Rainbow had told them during the memorable sleepover some more heated moments… except… Whenever due to the punch or the atmosphere of hearing this along with her friends, all Twilight saw… was a mare and a stallion.

Now she saw Rainbow and Matt.

“I-” she stuttered; she didn’t want to think about this. She tried to push “I don’t-”

Rainbow grabbed her and looked her into eyes.

“Our hips rubbed against each other,” he told her, her muzzle an inch from Twilight’s. “I nibbled him on the ears as he kissed my neck, his hooves moving down my spine to my-”


She didn’t even realize what she was doing. Didn’t even think about it, but in the moment she imagined Matt grabbing Rainbow flank she wanted to stop them. Her magic blast sent her friend across her library into the wall. Rainbow fell to the ground with a pained grunt.

Twilight glared at her as she rose from the ground, breathing heavily, and only when she saw the pegasus massage her side with visible pain did she realize what she had done.

“R-Rain-bow?” she asked weakly.

The pegasus looked at her and grinned. Twilight let out the breath she didn’t realised she’s been holding, relieved that Rainbow was fine… then fell down on her flank as she realized what she had just done.

She attacked Rainbow Dash. Her friend. Because she was doing something that she had allowed her to do.

Because Rainbow was touching Matt…

Twilight pressed her hooves against her eyes as she started to cry. Cry over her own stupidity. She had been a fool; she thought she had gotten over her feelings for Matt, but she hadn’t. She couldn’t have.

She felt a hoof touching her gently on her shoulder. Twilight looked up to see Rainbow looked at her with concern.

“I’m sorry!” Twilight cried, as she hugged. Rainbow didn’t back away as she feared; she just sat next to her and returned the hug, patting her back delicately. “I didn’t mean to! I-”

“I know,” Rainbow cut her off. “It’s okay, it was nothing-”

“It wasn’t ‘nothing’!” Twilight snapped, but then immediately remembered what she had just done. She calmed her voice down and continued. “Rainbow, I… I’m so sorry. I thought I was okay with… with this, but I’m not. When I pictured you two, I… I wanted to hit you. I’m so sorry…”

“Hey, it’s okay,” Rainbow told her, looking at her with sympathy. “I told you that I will let go if you’ll ever have a problem with it, and I meant it. Especially if you’re going to blast me around like that,” she smirked, but seeing that Twilight wasn’t laughing at the joke she sighed and hugged her tighter.

They stayed like that for a moment longer before they pulled away. Twilight wiped her tears and, seeing the mess she made when she attacked Rainbow (the turned over table and every book near the wall she hit) used her magic to clean up. She noticed that Owlowiscious was sitting on a nearby window still, probably woken up and disturbed by the noise Twilight made.

“So…” she hears Rainbow said. She glanced at her, still feeling ashamed for what she did. “This means Matt and you are going to get together, right?”

Does it?” Twilight wondered, looking down at the floor. She knew she wanted to - a shiver went down her spine when she pictured herself in his hooves instead of Rainbow, held tightly. “But… Matt… he…

“Hey, if you’re thinking whenever Matt wants it or not,” Rainbow cut in, somehow figuring out exactly what she was thinking, “the answer is: duh!”

Twilight looked at her, wanting to believe her, but the fact that he seemed satisfied with just what he had with Rainbow was still there. She opened her mouth to say that, but again Rainbow anticipated it.

“You don’t think he was actually really happy with what we were doing, don’t you?” Twilight just nodded weakly, too worried to wonder why she was so predictable today. “Look, I… might not be the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to all this… emotional stuff, but I could tell that there was something…” Rainbow paused, trying to think what words she wanted to use, “missing from him. Like he was… trying to force himself into liking this. Now, he did enjoy what we were doing, I don’t doubt it, but I think he was actually… regretting that he did. Does this make sense?” she asked uncertainly.

Twilight nodded again and glanced back at the floor. Despite what she had said, Rainbow wasn’t as impassive as she thought, or liked to think. She matured due to this “relationship”, even if it wasn’t supposed to go much deep.

“He mutters your name when he sleeps,” Twilight’s head rose up to meet Rainbow’s eyes so fast that she could swear she heard something snap. “He practically says something quietly every time when he sleeps,” the pegasus continued with a roll of her eyes. “Most of it is gibberish, or to quiet to make out, but I did recognize your name a few times.”

She didn’t know what to say to that. Twilight felt her cheeks flush as she thought about this. Matt’s feelings for her - apparently - hadn’t changed, just like hers for him. “Did we make a mistake at that shrine in Altomare?” she wondered. “Should we have taken the risk? Did we just waste these two months?

Thinking back to that night, why did they decide to remain just friends? Because they were afraid that if they tried to become something more, they would just mess things up. Twilight now had realized just how stupid that sounded: life and love was about taking risks. You cannot win something without trying, and in this case reward would be… they.

Twilight tried to picture this now: she and Matt, going out together…

…she studying in her library; he mentoring paladins in his abbey.

“No,” she finally said with regret.

“Oh, for-” Rainbow exclaimed as she facehoofed.

Twilight opened her mouth to explain her reasoning, but a hoot from Owlowiscious made her glance to the side.

Owlowiscious was covering his face with wing.

Sighing with annoyance, Twilight rolled her eyes.


Caring Star smiled as she watched Princess Moonlight play with a doll quietly, for a foal at least. It still was quiet enough to not wake up Princess Luna, who slept on her bed next to the cradle. Caring Star wondered how long it would take for the Princess to realize the filly would need her own room at some point, when she saw something odd.

Little Moonlight’s eyes glowed for a few seconds - almost making Caring Star go and wake up the Princess of the Night - but then the light faded, and the filly pressed her tiny hoof to her face, making something between sigh and a foalish giggle.

Did she just facehoofed?” the maid wondered with confusion. “Ugh, alicorn foals - never going to have one.

A small black filly focused, with her concentration entirely on the five wooden playing blocks. Her horn glowed with magic, and the same light appeared around her toys. Carefully, very slowly, the playing blocks soared into the air. The filly’s forehead covered with sweat as she channeled her spell for ten more seconds, then she dropped them, panting from the exhaustion.

“Mommy, Daddy, did you see it?!” she cried out in happiness, looking back at her parents, a golden coated alicorn mare with a blue mane like hers and a stallion with coat as black as hers and white mane. “I managed to lift all five!”

“Yes we did, sweetie,” her mother replied. “If only you’d eat your vegetables as eagerly as you practice magic…”

“That was amazing,” her father added, smiling to her before his eyes returned to the clipboard he was levitating.

The little filly frowned. “Does Daddy have to do his work even during breakfast?” The filly turned to her mother, but the golden alicorn had her eyes closed. Her frown deepening, she trotted to her and tapped her shoulder.

Instead of responding, however, her mother slammed her hoof against her face very funnily.

“What is the world about to become…” the mare sighed quietly as the filly giggled. “You will be smarter than her, won’t you, Twilight?”

“Hm?” Twilight Star stopped laughing and looked at her. “What’ya mean, Mommy?”

“Oh, nothing, dear,” the alicorn Chrona replied, giggling.

The white unicorn mare with silvery mane stretched out on the pillow, in an attempt to make herself more comfortable. As heavenly as this place was, everypony could get cramps if they lay down for too long. Once she was better settled, she took a look around her surroundings; she lay in a gazebo of sorts, with stone blocks with shelves containing various items serving as walls. The ground within the arbor was covered with blooming roses and some other beautiful flowers. In the middle, next to which she laid, was a pool of water, which was currently reflecting the inside of a library in a small village, where two friends were discussing something.

The mare reached with her magic to bring the cup of tea from a small table to her as she continued to watch.


Hearing to what decision the lavender mare had came to, the white unicorn sighed with annoyance and pressed her hoof against her face.

“Oh, for-” her friend exclaimed.

“I agree with thee,” the mare muttered. “I just cannot believe this…”

“Thou cannot believe what?” a familiar voice sounded from outside of her little arbor.

The white mare glanced at the approaching pony; a unicorn mare like her, whose coat was also white (albeit of a bit grayer shade) and a mane that was dark spring green colored.

“That there came to be a mare more oblivious than thou,” she replied to her friend’s question, smirking.

The other unicorn looked at her with confusion as she neared. Once besides her, she took a look at the pool and understood at once what she meant. Blushing with embarrassment, she turned to her.

“I’ve had a good reason-”

And at the same time, the lavender mare from within the pool spoke gaining their attention: “Rainbow, I know how this sounds, but this time I have a really good reason.”

The green-maned mare shook her head and continued: “- I’ve devoted myself to the study of arcane arts-”

“I need to concentrate on my studies.”

With her friend’s blush growing even redder, the silvery-maned unicorn snickered, watching as she touched the pool and dispelled the reflection.

“Why are thee spending so much of thy time watching over Equestria?” she asked once the water’s surface was clear. The silvery-maned mare sighed, having heard those words more times that she cared to count. “Thou have already given it everything, and don’t need to constantly look out for it.”

“Are thou honestly giving me the preaching?” she asked in return, touching the pool.

Her friend appeared as if ready to continue the argument, but she paused when she took a look at who she was observing now. A muscular earth pony appeared, with snow-white coat and golden mane, bearing heavy plate armor and sitting behind a desk on a funny-looking chair, writing something down.

“He reminds me of him,” the silvery-maned mare spoke softly; she knew she didn’t have to explain about who she was talking. No other pony could cause her to speak with such sadness. “Strong, decisive, determined… terrifying in fury and loveable in gentleness...”

Her friend leaned closer and pressed her hoof to her shoulder. Not really in a mood to discuss how ‘it wasn’t her fault’, the silverly-maned unicorn sighed one last time and smirked.

“I wonder if he is as good in the sack as him.”

The words she spoke brought the desired effect. Her companion backed away, once again red adorning her cheeks.

“I need to concentrate on my studies,” Twilight began explaining to Rainbow. From the look on her face, it wasn’t going to be easy to convince her. “Do you have any idea how busy I’ve been ever since we came back from the Crystal Empire? Princess Celestia sends me scrolls and books to read every week; I’ve got spells I need to master with a few days-long dead-lines. I spend most of my time studying, and I only got a few days of break now because I had to provide entertainment for those delegates.”

“Um… now that you say that, yeah, I haven’t been seeing you as often as I used to,” Rainbow muttered, rubbing the back of her head.

“And I have been seeing Matt even less,” Twilight continued. “He’s also been busy with all his new responsibilities. He’s even been away from Ponyville for almost a week.” Now her pegasus friends looked at her with understanding. “See? We would simply not have enough time for ourselves, or we would have ended up with him neglecting his duties and me getting behind with my studies.”

She shook with dread at the thought.

“Geez…” Rainbow exclaimed. “So you want me to break up this thing with Matt, but you won’t get together with him?”

Twilight winced; somehow putting it like that made it sound ridiculous. “Yes… Maybe Matt and I could try sometime later, but definitely not now.”

“You do realize that this makes things so much more difficult for me, right?”

“Err… it does?” Twilight asked, uncertain.

“Twilight, Matt might love you and be a really sweet guy and all, but come on, he’s a stallion! How do you think he’s gonna react whe-” Rainbow suddenly stopped and facehoofed. “Ugh, you’re both idiots…”

“Excuse me?” the unicorn asked her, completely not understanding her.

“If Matt realizes how you really felt inside about this whole thing, he’s going to feel all depressed and stuff; you know how he is,” Rainbow exclaimed as she began flying around in circles. “He will blame himself for making you feel this way, for having some good time while you were in pain-”

“But I wasn’t!” Twilight protested. “I just now realized this!”

“Yeah, but do you think he will think of it this way?”

“Well… probably not…” she sighed miserably and fell down on her rump. “You really got to know him… you would make a better marefriend that me-”

Rainbow sighed and landed next to her. “Maybe I got to know Matt a little bit better,” she said as she put her foreleg around Twilight, “but it’s only because I got to spend more time with him than you. And I wouldn’t make a good marefriend for him, you know why?” Twilight shook her head. “‘Cause I cannot make him happy.”

Twilight smiled weakly, but then she noticed that there was a hint of sadness in Rainbow’s voice. She looked at her questioningly, and when the pegasus tried to look away, sternly.

“Ugh…” she muttered, seeing that she wasn’t going to get away without explaining. “I guess I might have gotten used to having somepony like that, almost like in a real relationship… and also.. there’s this thing…”

“What thing?” Twilight asked her when she trailed off, concerned.

Rainbow sighed. “Can you make some tea first? This might take a while.”

“I just don’t understand this: why ponies think us to be disgusting?”

Big Mac could just shrug his shoulders. He couldn’t help but feel sorry for Nymph, as she asked him the question he had no idea how to answer in this sad, confused voice. Sometimes, ponies could be unintentionally quite cruel to others.

“Is it just because how we look?” Nymph continued, trotting next to him as both of them pulling a cart full with apples (Nymph, of course, using her magic). “Or because that we feed on love? It’s unfair, neither is our fault! I don’t see ponies yelling at griffons because they eat meat!”

The red stallion nodded, although privately thought to himself that it wasn’t quite the same. If he remembered from his school days correctly, the animals that lived in Griffonia were… well, dumb, about as much as most of the fishes. Even the cows and sheep were of a different kind than those of Equestria, as they couldn’t even talk.

“I know that I have no right to complain, not after what happened in Canterlot, but… it’s just unfair,” she finished with a sigh, as they reached the barn. Both of them placed the carts inside after they unloaded the apples into the cellar. “Oh goodness, it’s this late?” Nymph asked in shock as she looked up at the sun. “I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to talk for so long. I must have bored you to death…”

Big Mac looked at her in confusion as her gaze traveled down. “Um… nope?”

Nymph ears perked up. “R-really?” she asked, taking her eyes off the ground and moving them at him.

Big Mac nodded. “Ah didn’t mind. Ah actually found it pleasant to listen to ya durin’ work,” pointing at the apples, he added: “Thanks for yar help.”

“Oh, it was nothing, really…” she quickly said, embarrassed. “So, um… you really didn’t mind?” He nodded again. “C-could I come tomorrow as well? I just… it’s been fun to talk with somepony and…” she trailed off when she noticed that he was yet again nodding. “Thank you.”

Then Nymph did something he didn’t expect. Quicker than a viper, she took a step forward and pecked him on his cheek. Big Mac’s eyes went wide as she pulled back, and either she took it as sign she shouldn’t have done that, or simply she realized how somepony could interpret that.

“W-Wait, I didn’t mean it as… you were just so nice to me, and I… it wasn’t supposed to mean anything, I just… I like you, so I, uh…” Nymph stammered, not even her shapeshifting skills saving her from the blush that appeared on her cheeks. “I… I will go now… bye…”

She turned around and began trotting towards the Abbey, going much faster than ponies normally would. Breaking out of his daze, Big Mac called after her: “See ya tomorrow!”

Nymph stopped to look back at him, first with surprise, then with relief and happiness as she waved. Big Mac waved back, thinking to himself. “Guess Ah better call in that favor…

“... and then I started kissing him back!” Rainbow exclaimed, hiding her face in her hooves.

She really, really, really didn’t want to share this story with anypony, ever. But at the same time, she also needed to talk with somepony to help her figure out what the back happened back there. And considering with the topics she already had touched with Twilight, she was the best candidate for this.

That, and the fact that if she said a word to anypony, Rainbow could tell them about where Trixie’s tongue was.

“And what happened next?” Twilight asked with a mixture of disbelief, shock, disgust and compassion on her face. “Did you…”

“No. I mean, he tried to, but the moment Wind put his hooves on my flank I snapped and punched him in the face, kicked him a bunch of times and flew back home. Then I washed and began to think about all he said, and started searching for you,” Rainbow finished, hoping that she would never again have to say this story. “So… what do you think?” she asked Twilight. “Do I love myself the most?”

“Rainbow…” Twilight said with a tone one should use only on a filly when she did something stupid. “A few moments ago you said you would break up your relationship because of how I felt; does it sounds like something a pony that loves herself would do?”

“Well…” she stammered. “No, maybe, but…”

“And don’t forget about how when Spitfire congratulated you during tornado duty you put Fluttershy on the pedestal instead of yourself,” Twilight continued, “or how you are loyal to all of us. Now, you might be a bit too narcissistic at some times-” Rainbow shot her a confused stare. “- in love in yourself. But you care about others more than yourself. Wind Reaver is just crazy; he told that you himself, didn’t he?”

“Yeah, he did,” Rainbow replied; could it be that it was just him being crazy? “So I’m not a nutcase?”

“Nope, you were just confused,” Twilight stated.

“That’s good to hear… but I might have another problem,” she confessed.

“Uh? What do you mean?”

“Well…” Oh Light, was she really going to say it? “Twilight, I… he was a mare when I kissed him!”

“Yes, I know, you told me he was you, but what that has to do with anything... oh,” Twilight said once she caught on. “Oh! You think you… like mares too?”

“That would sure explain a lot of things I do when I’m drunk, wouldn’t it?” she tried to chuckle. “But I honestly don’t know; I never kissed a mare while sobe- oh, for Pete's sake,” Rainbow rolled her eyes when she noticed that Twilight looked at her in shock. “I’m not going to try to kiss you to see if I like it after all this talk about you loving Matt.”

“Um, sorry, I didn’t mean it as… I’m sure it would be nice…” Twilight stammered trying to explain why she looked as if she was ready to teleport out of here.

“Guess you would have something to compare, huh?” she asked, defusing the situation immediately.

Twilight blushed, but at the same time giggled. “Sorry, I’m just not attracted to mares… and most of the stallions, come to think of it, other than Matt,” she confessed. “I never thought about those things before he showed up.”

“Yeah, he has a way for shaking things up, I know,” Rainbow smirked, but then she remembered how Twilight blasted her across the library.

Twilight glared at her, before she cleared her throat and asked: “So, what are you going to do about it?”

“I have no idea what I can do. It’s not like I can just come up to a random mare and check. Besides, I would like to clear things up with Matt before trying to figure this out.”

“Just remember that if you do find out that you like mares as well, nothing will change between us,” Twilight told her. “We will always be your friends… even if you start looking at our flanks.”

Is she trying to make a dirty joke?” Rainbow wondered in amusement. “It would have worked better if she wasn’t blushing from her own words.

“So how are you going to deal with Matt?”

“I dunno…” Rainbow admitted. “I will have to dump him in a way that he won’t figure out that it’s because of you…” she sighed; she might not have an answer right now, but she wasn’t going to hurt her friend any longer. “I will keep my distance from him, though. I will tell him that I have to concentrate on preparing for the Wonderbolt Academy, he should buy it.”

“If you’ll need some help…” Twilight started.

Rainbow wasn’t going to let her do this. “Thanks, but this is something I brought on myself when I thought about bucking a stallion I knew my friend was in love with. I will deal with it myself as well.”

Nymph wanted to bounce around like Pinkie Pie as she returned to the Abbey. She found a friend! A pony that liked her despite the fact she was a changeling! And he was… quite handsome…

She quickly shook her head. Yes, he was handsome, and strong. But she was the heir of Queen Chrysalis; she couldn’t get that close to a pony, even if they were going to forge an alliance… wait, couldn’t she? Now that Nymph thought back, there wasn’t anything in their traditions that forbade the heir or any other changeling becoming mates with a pony. It just never happened because… it never happened.

Nymph hit her head lightly. “What am I thinking about?” she wondered. “I just met him, and I’m thinking about becoming mates with him? I must still have a too high level of love within me; otherwise I wouldn’t be considering such silly thoughts.

Shaking her head for the last time, she made her way towards the barracks. As she passed the doors, Tucker Out came from the opposite side. Seeing her, he motioned for her to wait.

“Hey, Nymph - right? - I heard from Sound and Cherry that you-”

“Sorry, I can’t,” Nymph quickly replied, knowing what he was going to ask.

“Wait what?” Tucker asked; surprisingly, he seemed more disappointed than angry. “Why not?”

Nymph just smiled and walked past him. “Because a friend made me hoofie swear back in the Crystal Empire.

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