• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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79. Book, librams, and letters

“Aw, me face...” the strange being Sir Lightbringer just called ‘Brann’ - a name that for some reason, Serenity could swear she heard somewhere before - mumbled as it attempted to get up from ground. “Why is it always on face?”

She stared at him, noticing some resemblance to Uther’s statue, until her sympathy kicked in a heartbeat later as she realised that the creature was hurt. Serenity made few steps towards it, but already the other mares, with Twilight being the first, reached Brann and helped him up, while at the same time saying their greetings.

“Thanks, lasses, pleasure to see’ye.” he said, using his... apparently, hand, to brush off some dirt from his clothes. Doing that, Brann also threw curious gazes around, and stopped once he noticed her. After a second, during which she managed to register surprise on his weird face, he asked: “Hello there, lassie. Tell me, would’ye happen to be a crystal pony?”

“Err...” she stumbled, a bit put off by this whole situation, but quickly recovered as replied. “Yes, I’m-”

“HA!” the creature exclaimed, and then turned to Sir Lightbringer. “I told’ja, ye prissy little horse!”

The earth pony sighed heavily before he turned his head to Brann. “Yes, you were right.” he admitted calmly, but Serenity detected a bit of resignation in his voice.

She recalled at that moment that after shortly before Sombra’s final defeat, Sir Lightbringer was a bit unhappy with his change into crystal form, and asked about it by his friends he replied that they ‘will understand once Brann will get back.

Was the existence of my kind a subject of a bet?” Serenity thought, confused, and not sure if she shouldn’t feel offended.

“Ha.” Brann said once more, but this time with much more controlled tone. “So, I take the Crystal Empire returned, right?” he asked, looking from her to Sir Lightbringer.

“Yes, and I will fill you in about that later.”

“Bow-chicka-bow-wow.” Serenity heard Tucker murmur, but then he continued: “He just fell from the sky, aren’t we gonna address that?”

That’s actually a very good question.” she thought, curious as well.

Brann appeared to be curious about them, too, for he looked at her and three other initiates with new interest.

“I would like you all to meet Brann Bronzebeard.” Lightbringer introduced him. “Prince of Ironforge and High Explorer of the Explorers' Guild, younger brother and heir apparent of Muradin Bronzebeard, High Thane of the Bronzebeard clan and Bronzebeard representative in the Council of Three Hammers.”

Serenity blinked as Brann took off his hat and bowed his head slightly in greeting. She didn’t understand meanings of most of those words the earth pony just said.

“Brann, these are the first four ponies that are going to join the Order of Celestial Light.” her superior continued. “Serenity, Tucker Out, Storm Clash and Guard Shield.”

She replied with similar gesture to Brann’s.

“As to answer your question, Tucker, he is in a possession of an amulet that allows him to teleport between my old homeland and Equestria.”

“And somehow, that blasted thing always make me fall on me face.” Brann added, massaging his face.

“Don’t swear; you’re on a holy ground.” Lightbringer reprimanded him, but this time there was a hint of amusement in his tone.

Brann shot him a glare, but then rolled his eyes.

“Listen lad, while I find being ’ere pleasant, I dropped by only fer a moment. I’ve got things to do.”

“Aww...” Pinkie Pie pouted, clearly unhappy.

“I understand. Initiates,” Sir Lightbringer said, turning to them, “go to the barracks. Set in and get some rest after journey. I’m sure you would like to spend some time in Brann’s company, but I want you to have sharp minds as I begin explain to you what Light is. Report to me in the Chapel within two hours.”

“Yes, sir!” Serenity and others replied, and quickly turned towards the barracks.

She was a bit saddened by the fact that she wasn’t going to meet this strange being better, but that feeling dwarfed in comparison to the excitement at the prospect on learning more about the Light.

“Wantin’ to keep some things secret?” Twilight heard Brann asked, once the four ponies were out of earshot.

“It will be enough to explain to them about the Light.” Matt replied, sighing. “I would prefer to leave out the topic such as ‘I’m from another world!’ or ‘I died!’ for some other time. Anyway, what do you think of the Abbey?”

“I must say, despite helpin’ye plan this, I’m impressed.” the dwarf commented, taking another look around. “Though, I donna remember hearin’ about this.”

Twilight followed his gaze, which led to the statue of Uther. Glancing at Matt, she saw that he did so as well, smiling.

“I decided to add this after the events of Crystal Empire’s return.” he replied, turning away with closed eyes. “I realized that some memories, even if bitter, are worth remembering.”

The unicorn raised an eyebrow, wondering what exactly he meant - granted, she knew that he was responsible for the deaths of thousands, his father included, but she was curious as to how did his mentor add into this - but she stopped when she noticed that the stallion gaze hardened as he looked at Brann.

“I cannot help but notice that this bag on your back cannot possibly contain all the books I asked you to bring.”

“Books?!?” Twilight exclaimed in excitement, cutting off Brann’s reply before it even left his lips. “What books?!?” her enthusiasm dwindled once she realised that everypony was looking at her, most of them amused. “Sorry.”

“That’s alright, Twilight.” Matt replied, smirking. “Although thanks for reminding me why I chose to not mention before what exactly I asked Brann to do. And as for your question, the books he was supposed to bring where about Light nature, it’s spiritual and psychological aspects.”

“And I brought them, lad.” Brann interrupted, reaching to his backpack.

Everypony glance with confusion at what the dwarf held now on the palm of his hand. It was... a sack, with strange green-and-black pattern all over it.

“It’s a Portable Hole.” Brann began explained. “I got it from a friend’at bought it from some woman in Shattrath... Anyway, those bags were crafted by ethereals. They are much bigger on the inside than on the outside, and able to contain many items.”

“Wow, really?” Twilight gasped, her curiosity about magic overwhelming the curiosity about books. “How did they make it?”

“No idea, lass.” Brann replied with a shrug. “One of few thin’s only th’ ethereals know how tae make ‘em.”

“What are these ethereals?”

“A race of astral travelers, that could be best described as bunch of smugglers.” Matt replied.

Twilight gazed at him a second longer, a bit curious about the ‘astral travelers’ part, but then she realized that it was most likely on the lines of Brann, who had an artifact that allowed him to travel between worlds.

“Putting that aside, let’s go put those books you brought in the Chapel’s library.” the stallion added, beginning to trot in the direction of said chapel.

“Hold for a bit there, lad.” Brann stopped him, raising hand.

“What is it?”

“Well, ye see...” the dwarf began, seeming troubled. “When I searched through Dalaran’s library for some of the thin’s ye asked, the Kirin Tor took notice...”

“Oh, s-” Matt almost cursed, at once seeming worried. “Didn’t I mention that you can skip that part of ‘order’ if you would think it would attract their attention? What did you tell them?”

“Eee... what’s a ‘dalaran’?” Rainbow Dash asked, confused.

“City of mages, ruled by the Kirin Tor.” the stallion replied, before he quickly turned his attention back to Brann. “Well, what happened?”

“I was asked why did I searched for all that, and why did my body had strange magic residue or somethin’. One thin’ led to another, and I mentioned about Equestria-”

“YOU BLAST-” Matt began to screech, but stopped as he tried to calm himself. “I asked you to not say a word about Equestria, and you go around telling Kirin Tor about it. Didn’t it occurred to you what Aethas Sunreaver, a blood elf, would do if he heard about world filled with magic?! Or even worse, tells his bloodthirsty warchief about it?!”

“Thirs’ off, yer frettin’ over nothin’.” Brann replied calmly, in contrast to more and more agitated Matt. “Secon’, I didn’t say that I’ve spoken with the Council of Six; I had this talk just with Rhonin.”

Twilight exchanged glances with the rest of her friends. Despite hearing some bits about Azeroth’s history from Matt, she was almost as confused as they were.

“Well...” the paladin murmured, beginning to calm down. “I assume you didn’t say anything about me, seeing as there is no giant city hovering above us...”

“Nay, although in about thirty secon’s ye will think I should’ve, considerin’...” Brann said uncomfortably. He cleared his throat and resumed his explanation before anypony could inquire what he meant: “Ye see, lad, when I mentioned how peaceful this world was an all that, Rhonin asked me if I could bring somethin’ over here for safekeepin’... And, well...” the dwarf cut off, reaching to the sack.

Twilight, who, upon hearing the previous sentence, expect him to take out of it some sort of weapon (and subconsciously moved slightly behind Matt, along with the others), but it turned out to be just some old book. Why would-

“No.” Matt immediate reply, clearly oozing with anger, made her rethink this book being ‘just some old book’. “Get that back to Azeroth at once.”

“Ye know, I was asked tae give this the ruler of this land, so it’s really not yer place to say it.” Brann said with a shrug, obviously having expected such reaction.

“What’s this big deal?” Dash once again interrupted them. “It’s just a book, for pony sake.”

This time, Matt didn’t answer her question, and instead continued to stare at the book Brann held in his hand. There was something strange in his eyes, one of which Twilight couldn’t exactly put her hoof on. She knew him well, and seen him react with various emotions: amusement, sadness, playfulness, regret, anger, even fear... but this face he now bore... it was as if he was seeing ghost.

He finally sighed, and looked at Brann. “You’re right; it’s not my place to decide this. Spike, you mind taking a note?”

The question took everypony by surprise, but the baby dragon quickly recovered and pulled out a small scroll and a quill.

“Before that, though,” Matt said, turning to Brann, ”do you mind explaining why exactly Rhonin felt this book to be in need of being kept hidden on entirely different world?”

“He mentioned that there have been reports about few really powerful warlocks snoopin’ around some places, all bein’ centers of dark powers, although for now they all appear to work alone. One of them was spotted around Black Temple, even.”

“Which was also the last place where an individual that had managed to break into Dalaran’s Arcane Vault in the past was located.” Matt added more calmly, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

“Bah, you’re as paranoid as Rhonin.” Brann chuckled. “Teron Gorefiend was killed by the adventures of the the Alliance and the Horde.”

“True, but he also died twice before that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he would somehow return. For Ligh’s sake, even I’m alive-”

“Can somepony please explain what the heck you two are talking about?!?” Twilight erupted, interrupting Matt. When he and Brann looked at her, surprised, she continued: “If you want to argue over something while standing right in front of us, you could at least have a decency to include us in discussion. And why you freaking out over this book?”

“Sorry, Twilight.” the paladin replied, a bit ashamed over this situation. “But this book contains a lot of knowledge about dark powers, which were used for evil purposes on Azeroth before. But you’re right, I shouldn’t have, as you put it, ‘freak out’, nor should I ignore you.”

The unicorn noticed that what he said made him uncomfortable. Twilight more than suspected that he must have come in contact with this book before in some manner.

“Anyway, back to the subject...” he said, turning to Spike, who in reply nodded and raised his quill. “From Sir Matthias Lehner, Grand Master of Celestial Light, to Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia.” he began dictating, but then noticed the strange glanced everypony gave him, save for Twilight, who was expecting something along those lines and was now highly amused. “What?”

“Nothing.” they replied, although now they were snickering at him.

Matt looked more annoyed than offended. He cleared his throat as Spike got ready to return to writing.

“Your Majesty, I have important news for you. Brann Bronzebeard arrived in the Everfree Abbey a few minutes ago, bringing many books on a subject of Holy Light per my request, as I have mentioned previously to you. However, he also brought one special book that the leader of the Kirin Tor wished to be hidden in Equestria. This book contains many dark secrets about magic, and was used for evil purposes in the past. Archmage Rhonin feared that certain individuals, which some were seen searching around places of dark powers would eventually sought it. I would advise you against agreeing to this, as it could potentially put Equestria in danger, but the decision is yours and Princess Luna’s. I await your further instruction.”

Spike finished writing and glanced at Matt, who nodded. The baby dragon then rolled the scroll and breathed fire at it, sending it straight to Princess Celestia.

“Hmph. That’s useful.” Brann, who - as Twilight realised - for the first time witnesses how Spike send letters, commented

“Indeed.” Matt said. “Although I’m currently preparing an alternative method of communicating with Canterlot, so that I won’t have to bother Spike every time I’ll have something to report. Now then, as we wait for Celestia reply, why don’t we go place those other books in the library?”

His suggestion was met with overall enthusiasm, everypony eager to put this a bit grim experience behind them. And all of them were curious as to how the chapel looked from the inside.

Once she entered it, Twilight realized it was worth the short wait.

The big space inside had enough benches to allow at least a hundred of ponies to sit comfortably while a prayer was conducted. There were six columns supporting the roof, each beautifully melding with it. And the dais at the end! There was a glass window there, similar to those in Canterlot Castle. This one, however, instead of presenting some important fragment of Equestria’s history, portrayed a beam of Light, descending from the sky upon a pony-shaped figure.

“Wow.” was what everypony could say.

“Indeed, the workers have really outdone themselves.” Matt commented, heading towards the right side of the wall, where at the end Twilight spotted an entrance to another room. “Follow me.” he said, passing by a small basin that was carved into wall and filled with water.

The room he led them to turn out to be a library, but much smaller than the one Twilight lived in, and mostly empty. Few shelves that we occupied contained books and scrolls she kept for him during construction of the Abbey.

At nod from Matt, Brann once again pulled out his Portable Hole, and much to Twilight’s excitement, began to pull Azerothian books from in it. She quickly snatched away the first one from his grasp and brought to her.

“‘The Light and How to Swing It’.” she read out loud.

“That one was written by Uther.” Matt said, his gazed warmed at the sight of it.

Twilight put the book on one of the free shelves, already making mental notes as to how organize this library. The few next books had titles that she would expect, like ‘Tome of Valor’, ‘Libram of the Eternal Rest’, ‘Tome of Righteousness’, ‘Libram of the Lightbringer’. She put them on shelves as well in order, sometimes switching their places with each other. Twilight didn’t pause until the book Brann took out of that was covered in strange, unreadable letters.

“What’s this?” she asked, confused.

Matt, who glanced at the book, also appeared to be confused.

“Zandali?” he inquired, looking at Brann. “Since when do trolls worship the Light?”

“Well, they don’t, but this one troll does, and tried to spread it amongst his people. I think his name is Zabra Hex.”

“Hmm... Now that you mentioned...” Matt said thoughtfully. “I think I do recall hearing something about a strange troll roaming around... This book’s name is ‘Atal’, by the way.”

Twilight nodded, but instead of placing it under ‘A’, she moved it to a separate shelf. The next book, however, also was unreadable to her, although the symbols on it looked somewhat familiar...

“And that’s in Thalassian.” the paladin explained.

Oh, right, like that short note Medivh gave Pinkie to give Matt.” the unicorn thought, realizing why this writing seemed familiar.

“Aye, ye asked about few of those blood elves books, some written before, and some after the mess on Quel’Danas. This copy yer holding was actually recovered from Tempest Keep.”

As Twilight recalled that Quel’Danas was an island that was part of Quel’Thalas, a kingdom of elves, she noticed a scowl that appeared on Matt’s face.

“I hope after they cut his head off, and the Shattered Sun Offensive decided to shove it up some demon’s backside.” he snarled with contempt. “A fitting end for him.”

Everypony looked at him, surprised. For the first time they saw him being angry about somepony (“Someone.” Twilight corrected herself) from his past other than himself.

“Aren’t that a bit unfair, lad?” Brann asked. “Ye know, considering.”

“I might have ruined his life, granted, but I didn’t make him commit all those crimes.” Matt snorted. “And mind you, I at least didn’t try to destroy Azeroth. But enough about Kael, I prefer not to think about that hypocrite anymore.”

“You really hated that guy, huh?” Twilight asked him, worried about his sudden bursts of anger today.

Her question made him realize the others were in the room, judging by the way he snapped, and looked at them troubled.

“Well, I...” he stuttered, before he regained his composure. “When I was still... myself, I disliked him. And after I became evil, I did some things to him, but... not out of spite. I later didn’t care that much about it, just since I woke up in Equestria and recalled few things from the past; I found out that I have little pity for him. By the time he died, he deserved it as much as me.”

He looked at them once again troubled, but everypony gave him comforting glance. They knew that his past was morbid, but they all long since decided that it didn’t matter to him. Twilight pitied the fact that Matt still had trouble remembering that fact. She was thinking about voicing her thought, when suddenly, a burst of green flames escaped Spike’s mouth, materializing into a letter.

Everypony’s attention turned to Spike, as he unsealed the letter and began to read.

Dear Matt,

There is no need for a letter to be so official while sending it through Spike-

“It’s the principle that matters.” Matt muttered, while others, Twilight included, laughed at his expend.

- though I suppose that’s the only chance you’ll get to use that style of message, considering the idea you proposed. On that note, you can expect it be ready in few days.

Everypony glanced at Matt, who just smirked in reply. It was clear that he was planning on holding to himself whatever Princess Celestia just wrote about, in revenge for all the laughter.

When I read about this book, I grew worried. I share your fear that it might put Equestria in danger. I’ve discussed this matter with Luna, and we’ve decided that, despite your advice and our own worries, we will let the book to be safekeeped in Equestria. It is our country’s way to help those in need, and we your old world debt, for giving us you.

For the time being, hid this book in the vault you had build beneath the Chapel. Later we shall decide if it should remain there or be moved somewhere else.

“Ugh, for the love of...” Matt muttered to himself, but was cut off as Spike continued to read.

PS: You need to come to Canterlot sometime soon. Princess Moonlight Shadow demands more piggyback rides.

Rainbow Dash and Brann burst with laughter in unison, and others giggled, making the situation much more annoying to the paladin than it was before. Twilight looked at him apologetically, unable to contain her laughter. The thought of Princess Celestia writing something like that in the letter to the Grand Master of the paladin order was just too much!

“Brann, once you’ve had enough, follow me into the vault. Take the book with you, leave the sack. The rest of you,” he motioned at still laughing ponies, “if you would be so kind, finish putting those books here.”

“Wait, how will I organize the books written in different language?” Twilight inquired, lifting up the book from Tempest Keep, and noticing how dusty it was. She wondered if she should clean it a bit, but the unicorn figured it would be better to just leave it like this for a moment, as maybe cleaning holy books by somepony who isn’t a paladin could be interpreted as an offense of some kind.

“Just put them on different shelves. If it helps you, order them by how thick they are, or by color.” Matt said, and turned around before she could ask him about it.

Brann quickly followed him, leaving six mares and a dragon baby in the library. Twilight shrugged and returned to her self-appointed job.

Author's Note:

I'll be going to Greece for a vaction, which means I will be stuck in a bus for about one and half a day. As such, don't expect another update within the next few days.

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