• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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104. Controversial

Twilight’s heart had lifted when the carriages of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna landed within the Abbey. The sight of her mentor being here, when they were in trouble, was by far more calming than the knowledge that Matt was handling it. “With his previous track record of it, who can blame me?” she thought, half-sarcastic and half-worried. Despite not seeing him being blown away through the entire Crystal Empire or getting impaled, she knew more or less about how his fight with King Sombra proceeded, and she dreaded something like that could happen again.

Strangely, much less comforting was the sight of the guards the Princesses brought with them. Aside from the four pulling the carriages (two royal guards and night guards respectively), there was also six more pegasi royal guards and two more night guards. Twilight knew Princess Celestia well enough to know that Matt was right and she would also try to find a peaceful solution, but the unicorn also understood the need for increased security. If this would all turn out to be some sort of plot cooked up by the changelings, they would be in great trouble. It was for that reason why Matt asked Al’ar to keep an eye on Ponyville and their friends to write to the Princess.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!” Twilight greeted them as she bowed, along with her friends. The paladins, Sound and Bomb saluted; but briefly, as they still had to watch Wind Reaver. “It’s so good you’re here!”

“Hello, my student, and hello to your friends.” Celestia replied warmly. “It’s always a pleasure to see you all… if only the circumstances weren’t so troubling.”

Her gaze turned to Wind Reaver. Twilight followed it and bit her lip. Since the changeling attacked Rainbow Dash, was stopped by the Changeling Queen, and forced to back away from them, he stayed silent and practically hasn’t moved. Twilight wasn’t even sure if he was breathing; then again, she had no idea if changelings needed to breathe at all. He seemed determined to not get himself provoked again, for which she was grateful. Thankfully, Rainbow Dash stayed calm as well, except for muttering “sucker punch” under her nose a few times. The lavender unicorn had guessed that she was mostly shocked by what happened. If not, she would’ve probably taken the excuse to hit Wind Reaver.

The paladins were less understanding on that event. Storm and Tucker both had their unique swords ready for the slightest sign of aggression from the changeling. Guard, Sound and Bomb were standing between them and the everypony else with Serenity, who was the best of the four paladins when it came to healing, slightly behind them.

If Wind Reaver was intimidated by their increased diligence, he did not show it. Nor did he acknowledge in any way the presence of the Princesses or their guards. In case of the latter that could be unwise, seeing how the royal guards glared at him. Night guards, on the other hoof…

Twilight forgot for a moment about everything as she studied them. Ponies seldom saw night guards; they were elusive and secretive, protecting the ponies of Equestria from the shadows. Usually the only time when they were seen was when they came to arrest you, or like now, when they were accompanying Princess Luna. Twilight herself actually only saw them that one night on Nightmare Night last year. And yet… she had this odd feeling that something was different about those night guards. But she couldn’t put her hoof on it…

“I see that the fillies were safely returned.” Princess Luna’s words interrupted Twilight’s train of thoughts. The Princess of the Night was looking at the four younger ponies with relief. “That is good to know.” the fillies looked a bit spooked by the Princess smiling at them, especially Babs Seed, who never met her until now. Luna turned to Twilight: “Has there been a word about Sir Lightbringer?”

“No, Your Majesty.” Twilight replied, and then corrected herself. “Well, actually… a few minutes ago the Changeling Queen said… um, through Wind Reaver...that her ‘business’ with Matt was about to be ‘wrapped up’.” The Princess and few royal guards looked at her with confusion. Twilight groaned quietly as she facehoofed in annoyance. “It doesn’t make much sense, doesn’t it?”

“I’m sure you’re going to explain everything clearly to us, my faithful student.” Princess Celestia said with a smile. “Now, when you say ‘Wind Reaver’, you are referring to this changeling over here, am I right?” Twilight nodded as the white alicorn regarded Wind Reaver, a slight frown crossing her face when her gaze slipped to the ponies guarding him. “Is such attention really necessary?”

“Beg your pardon, Your Majesty,” Guard Shield quickly said, “but we would prefer to prevent any more accidents from happening.”


“You say that as if you are able to stop me.” Wind Reaver snorted almost at the exact same time as the Princess asked her question, breaking his ‘vow of silence’.

“Oh look, somepony started talking again.” Rainbow snickered, much to Twilight’s irritation, with hostility in her eyes as she looked at the changeling.

“Oh look, someling is being a bitch again.” Wind Reaver hissed in reply, making more than one pony scowl at the display.

Rarity and Applejack jumped to cover the ears of their sisters and their friends, but Twilight had already had it covered. The moment Rainbow Dash started their argument again; she cast a spell that created a soundproof barrier around the four fillies and Spike.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened, but the changeling lost interest in her and turned to address the princesses: “My Queen has already left.” Everypony gasped in surprise, save for the Royal Sisters, who merely raised eyebrows and made a quick eye contact. “Your paladin is on his way back. They should be here in about few moments.”

A great wave of relief washed over Twilight, but it was quickly mingled with confusion.

“Who’s they?”

But Wind Reaver returned to his previous posture of being silent, and remained frozen to the ground like he was some sculpture in the Canterlot’s garden.

As Twilight groaned in irritation, a familiar crow sound was made from above them. Al’ar returned from patrolling Ponyville, somehow sensing that the town no longer needed his protection. The flaming bird shone like a beacon in the night.

Why can’t this crazy day just end?” Twilight thought weakly. “I just want to go to bed already…

Matthias shook his head once he ended his contact with Al’ar. Reaching out with mind to a being that wasn’t exactly keen on having you in his head wasn’t easy, but the paladin didn’t want the Phoenix God to continue circling around Ponyville when it was no longer needed.

He returned his attention the changeling that trotted next to him in disguise of a unicorn. “So, Nymph,” Matthias started, pondering how it would be best to interact with her, “is there a specific reason why you are wearing this shape?”

His question seemed to startle her. She jumped into the air for few inches and moved away. “Um… no, I- I mean… not exactly…” Nymph replied, not looking at him.

Matthias raised an eyebrow. “Either what Chrysalis sent here is a changeling version of Fluttershy for some reason, which wouldn’t make much sense, or she’s acting. Then again, Wind Reaver is apparently borderline psychotic…

“Nymph, I gave your queen a word that I will look to your safety. If you continue to act as if I am going to eat you or something, this will only raise suspicion. Nopony is going to believe that the Changeling Queen is honest if she sends some...ling that is scared of her own shadow.”

The black mare gave him an awkward smile. “I… I think that’s part of the reason why my Queen has sent me. She guessed that you would have begun suspecting that I am acting… and since you would eventually figure out you are wrong, you would feel annoyance at yourself.”

“Is your Queen willing to risk all of that what she told me for a chance of making a joke on me?” Matthias asked with a sigh of annoyance. Annoyance because she was right; that would be what would happen…

Once again provided that she wasn’t acting.

“Oh, no, that’s just a bonus for her.” Nymph replied with an apologetic smile. “Other than my nervousness, I am well prepared for this mission. And the few others that could be here instead of me… my Queen wasn’t sure if they truly believed this peace between our two races could work.”

“And you do?”

“I… hope it works.”

Matthias could not detect a single note of dishonesty in her voice or facial expression… and he wasn’t sure if it was putting him more on ease or rather quite the opposite.

“What do you do exactly in the… Swarm, correct?” he asked her, hoping to either gain some information on the changelings or to understand her better.

“Yes, that’s how we call ourselves, and… I suppose I could tell you that I am something along the lines of a scholar.” she replied nervously and looked at him apologetically. “I’m sorry; I can’t tell you anything else at the moment.”

The paladin waved off her apology. He was by far more annoyed by her line about a scholar. It reminded him how often he used to tell everypony how he wasn’t one, despite his vast knowledge on Azeroth. “It’s almost as if it is a running gag of fate or something.

“It seemed that you got along nicely with the girls.” Matthias tried to move the conversation into the topic that shouldn’t cross into the area of ‘not telling’.

“Oh, yes, they were lovely.” Nymph replied beaming up. “I enjoy spending time with the young ones… although changelings’ and ponies’ young ones are quite different. And I hardly ever had gotten a chance to watch over small ponies.”

“Well, I suppose that means you have something to look forward to once we get to the Abbey.” he told her with a smile, but it soon dwindled when he tried to imagine Applejack’s and Rarity’s reaction to a changeling playing with their kin. “Although-”

“Their families might not be so taken by the thought.” Nymph said, sighing sadly. “Even if Equestria and the Swarm should form an alliance, it will take time for prejudices to disappear. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that it would be ponies fault; a lot of changelings view ponies as nothing more than food. I mean food source!” she quickly corrected herself, then covered her face when she’d realised that didn’t exactly sound any better.

Matthias chuckled warmly, amused by her character. Even if she was just pretending, he found her charming.

“How are you doing this?” Nymph interrupted his laughter. He looked at her, puzzled. “I mean, looking at me, talking to me, as if I’m a pony? You should be thinking that this is all a rouse, a plot; that I’m just trying to win you sympathy to gain some love. And besides…” she trailed off, looking away from Matthias. “... ponies think we are disgusting.” Nymph whispered in a hurt voice.

So there it was. Why she was acting so timidly. Matthias wasn’t sure how to react to that. He didn’t expect a changeling to care deeply about what ponies thought about them. Nerubians and all aqir offshoots view themselves as superior to other races. But changelings… at least some, did not.

“If we had met ten years ago, I would have probably thought so.” Matthias admitted. Now he was gazing down in shame. “I often used my eyes instead of my soul and heart to see things for what they were. But now I know better, and probably because of that the Light seems to favor me so much.” An idea came to his mind, and he immediately observed Nymph’s reaction. “And changelings aren’t the first sentient insectoid race I encountered.”

The black mare’s eyes snapped wide open as she gazed at him. “What?!”

“So, they don’t even know after all…”

“In the land where I came from, there were others… not like you, though, they didn’t feed on love or changed shapes. Due to certain circumstances, I got to know them quite well, including one of their leaders, Anub’arak.”

“I… see…” she replied, thinking this over. Matthias was disappointed. He expects her to bombard him with questions. Instead, she chose - no doubt on Chrysalis’ orders - to now give away what they know or don’t know about their own race’s kin. “This Anub’arak… was he your friend?”

Sadly, Matthias knew that wasn’t the case. “No, we were… forced allies, I’m afraid.” When Ner’zhul was the Lich King, he raised the deceased Nerubian King into undeath and crushed his will, making him a loyal servant. And once he was defeated years after that, he was once again called into service just a few months later, this time by Arthas’ hand. “Honestly, if we’d ever meet again, he would probably try to rend me to pieces.” he told Nymph with an uncomfortable smile.

Her jaw slightly dropped, but seeing his own awkwardness, she managed to recover somewhat. “It would seems that prior to coming to Equestria you led an interesting life.”

“That’s one way of putting it, I suppose.”

She didn’t ask him to elaborate, which took him by surprise. Could that mean that the changelings knew more about him than Chrysalis let out? “No.” he decided. “Chrysalis is playing with her cards hidden. She won’t reveal something that could give us an advantage… and I am a big unknown, so she tries to reveal as little as possible. The only reason why she agreed to explain how changelings live is probably because she is certain we won’t be able to use that information against her.

Lightbringer’s Chapel’s spires came into sight, illuminated by Al’ar glow as the phoenix descended to land. Matthias sighed. Now would come the really complicated part. He could sense Luna’s and Celestia’s presences, so at least he could talk to them in person instead of through mirror or letters.

Are you hoping to affect us through your personal charm?” an unexpected snicker in his head almost made Matthias jump.

How long have you been listening in on my thoughts, Luna?” he asked the Princess of the Night, feeling a bit annoyed that he hadn’t noticed her earlier.

Only long enough to know that you have something to explain to me and my sister.” she replied sincerely. “Would you prefer to tell everypony in person, or do you want to share it with me first?

Matthias considered it, but decided against it. While it might be easier to first ‘talk’ to Luna to gain her support in this, it kind of made him feel as if he was going behind Celestia’s back, even though Luna would probably share everything with her sister before she made her decision.

Thank you for your offer, but I’m just outside of the Abbey.” he told her mentally. “I will fill you in along with everypony else all at once.

Oh well, I do love surprises.” Luna replied with a smirk.

Once she spots Matthias trotting towards them, Twilight could barely stop herself from galloping to him. She was so relieved to see him return to them safely that at first she hadn’t noticed the black unicorn with a green mane following him. Once she did, however, she quickly recognized her. Even though this time she wore a shape of a grown mare - and probably a closer one to her actual age - there was no way this wasn’t Nymph.

“Nymph!” the quartet of fillies also came to the same conclusion, as they waved from behind Rarity and Applejack, greeting her cheerfully. If the two older ponies weren’t stopping them, they would have probably moved in to tackle the changeling in disguise.

“Um…” the changeling’s uncertain eyes darted between the fillies, Matt and the Princesses and her guards. Matt, who appeared to be amused by the girls welcoming her, as well as her awkwardness, gave her a nod and continued to head towards the Princesses, leaving Nymph alone. She smiled and looked at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Hi! It’s great to see you again, girls!”

Twilight had no idea what to think of that. This changeling seemed to be really happy to see them again, and the fillies weren’t under any spell… but she was a changeling. Applejack and Rarity must have thought the same, as they recognized the name from the younger ponies’ tale, and were glaring daggers at the changeling.

“Hold on ‘ere, missy!” Applejack told her, making Nymph cringe and back away.

“Applejack!” Apple Bloom shouted, glaring at her sister.

“It’s alright, Apple Bloom.” the changelings quickly interjected before anypony would start arguing. “Don’t argue with your sister, please.”

For some reason, this scene was so bizarre that everypony else (even Wind Reaver) stopped doing what they were doing and looked at them, much to Nymph clearly visible discomfort.

“Well, alright ‘en.” Apple Bloom muttered, sending another angry glare at her sister, before she turned to Nymph with bright face. “So whatch ya doin’ ‘ere?”

“Are you going to stay here?!” Scootaloo asked, flapping her wings so fast in her excitement that they lifted her above the ground for a second.

“That would be so cool!” Sweetie Belle and Babs Seed both said at the same time.

“Well…” Nymph trailed off, glancing at Matt.

Matthias stopped before the Princesses as he bowed his head. “Your Majesties.”

“You can bother yourself with the ceremonies later, Sir Lightbringer.” Luna quickly told him. “Right now, we would like to know what happened. What did the Changeling Queen want? And why have you returned with another changeling?”

You didn’t need a genius to figure out that everypony would’ve liked to hear answers to those questions. Matthias could easily read the curiosity from everypony’s eyes, starting with Celestia and ending with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Even Al’ar and Spottedleaf, which he spotted them sitting on the roof of the barracks, seemed interested.

He took a deep, relaxing breath, as he knew he was going to need it for what he was about to say. However, before he spoke, Matthias took a quick glance at the night guards accompanying Princess Luna. Despite how often he asked the Princess of the Night for their services, this was the first time he met them face to face. But… he had seen them in the memories Luna had shared with him, and… there was something different about them that those. He could sense it, too. It was almost as if… no… although…

Matthias mentally shook his head. He would ask Luna about it later.

“As you wish, Princess.” Matthias said. He contemplated on his way back how to best explain what Chrysalis wanted, but in the end decided to just say it and watch everypony’s reaction. “The Changeling Queen wants to make peace with Equestria, and create a lasting alliance.”

He was rewarded with the sight of both Princesses’ jaws dropping. True, about everypony reacted that way, but there was something in the alicorns that spoke of near impossibility of such an event. Some humorous part of Matthias’ mind conjured an image of a certain being encased in stone giving him a high five for accomplishing such feat.

Princess Celestia was first to recover. Even though, when her eyes shifted from Matthias to Nymph and them Wind Reaver, the paladin could see disbelieve in them. “That something I hadn’t expected.” she admitted, looking at Matthias again. “Sir Lightbringer, could you please give us some more details? In your office, perhaps?”

“If that is what you wish, Your Majesty.” Matthias replied, preparing to lead them to the more appropriate place for discussing such matters.

Celestia and Luna both rose, but Celestia hesitated. “Regarding those two changelings…”

She trailed off, giving him a hint to explain. “Their Queen sent them here as a means of contacting her and for providing information. I had also guaranteed their safety.”

“Of course you had.” Princess Celestia said, smiling, her voice having no hint of snide. She then turned to the two changelings and came closer to them, much to the royal guards worry. “And I support your decision. Wind Reaver, Nymph, for the moment you can consider yourselves guests of Equestria.” she said, much to the shock of everypony, excluding her sister and Matthias. “I hope that the idea of peace and alliance will become reality and we will be able to call ourselves friends. If not, then you have my word as the Princess of Equestria that you will be safely escorted outside of our borders.”

Both Nymph and Wind Reaver were taken aback by Celestia’s declaration. They exchanged a quick looks, and both bowed their heads.

“We’re… thankful for your hospitality, Princess.” Nymph managed to say. “We also hope that there will be peace between our kinds.”

“I am glad to hear that.” Princess Celestia replied, smiling. “I don’t see a reason to keep you waiting for us here to finish our discussion, so if you’d like, you can be escorted to the rooms that would serve you as living quarters for the time being. I hope you will understand, though, that there will be guards posted by them, for a time at least.”

“Of course.” Nymph said. “We actually expected that until the Hivespeaker convinced you that our Queen’s intentions are true, we would be waiting in the dungeon.”

“Who?” Celestia asked in confusions, about as much as Matthias.

“Oh, um…” Nymph stammered, looking from Matthias to Princess Celestia. She sighed after a heartbeat and explained: “That’s… what Queen Chrysalis told us to call Sir Lightbringer if he had agreed to vouch for us.”

Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me.” Matthias thought, facehoofing.

“Serves you right for siding with changelings.” a familiar hiss sounded from above him, half-angry and half-amused. Matthias opened his eyes to look at Rainbow Dash while Princess Celestia continued to address Nymph and Wind Reaver.

“I am not siding with them, I am working for a peace between ponies and changelings.” he told her, as Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy joined them, all keeping one ear in the direction of Celestia. He could feel Luna’s gaze on him and knew that he had her attention as well. Rarity and Applejack remained with the fillies.

“I suppose such title fits Sir Lightbringer, given how he is speaking on your queen’s behalf.” Celestia commented. “Now, before we part, I have to ask you two questions.”

“‘Peace’?!” Rainbow Dash whispered in disbelief. “Matt, those things feed on love! And that freak you left here-”

“Will such incidents as the one Knight Guard Shield mentioned happen again?”

“Yeah, that!” the cyan mare said, pointing at Celestia. “That creep-”

“What did you say to him?” Matthias asked her calmly.

“I… What?”

“No, Princess Celestia.” Wind Reaver spoke. “That won’t happen again. And know that I am sorry; not for attacking Rainbow Dash, but for spoiling your and other ponies impression of us.”

“I am not trying to justify that he attacked you, but I know that it must have been triggered by something you said.” Matthias quickly told Rainbow Dash. Quickly so it wouldn't earn him a hoof to the face. “Based on what Chrysalis told me, I could probably guess what that was, but I am a tad busy. But know this: ever since the attack on Canterlot, a female changeling that was supposed to become his mate has been missing.”

Twilight and Fluttershy covered their mouths as they stared at him with wide eyes. Pinkie Pie’s mane deflated and dropped down, moist gathering at the edges of her eyes. But the biggest change came upon Rainbow Dash. Her wings stopped beating, making her fall on the ground into a sitting position. She opened her mouth, as if trying to say something, but all she could do was staring at Matthias.

Princess Celestia, either not aware of the small drama behind her or simply not wanting anypony’s attention to turn to them, spoke to the changelings again. “I would also like to know why you are wearing a form of a unicorn; everypony here knows you are a changeling.”

“Oh, I… um…” Nymph, to whom this question was directed to, stuttered again, from what Matthias knew to be not shyness but fear. “T-that is…”

“When we are in our true form, our ability to sense emotions is magnified.” Wind Reaver interrupted her. He glanced at the black female for a heartbeat, and then continued as he turned again to Princess Celestia. “I can sense a disgust from those two,” he pointed at Applejack and Rarity, “and hatred from your royal guards, simply over the fact that we are, in their eyes, some oversized parasites.” He shrugged. “Some changelings deal with such emotions worse than others.” he finished with another glance at Nymph.

Matthias once again had to thought that if this was an act, as it was really good one. Nymph was all but shivering, and she was still in pony form. Matthias wondered if such strong emotions could even cause a physical pain to her.

“I am sorry to hear that.” Celestia said, with her voice full of compassion. “But as much as I want, I can’t make ponies stop feeling hatred or disgust. And changelings gave them very good reasons for such emotions.”

“I-I know… Princess.” Nymph replied, smiling shyly. “I will be okay… eventually…”

“Don’tcha ya worry, Nymph!” Apple Bloom, who finally managed to get past her sister (probably due to shock Wind Reaver’s words caused in both Applejack and Rarity) and jumped at the changeling, she gave Nymph a loving hug. She was then followed a second later by the three other CutIe Mark Crusaders. “We still love ya!”

“Ught, sappy-” Scootaloo tried to say, but was silenced by Apple Bloom, who angrily pulled her pegasi friend into the group hug.

Princess Celestia smiled and took a step back as the changeling was being crushed alive while smiling. Glancing at Storm Clash, Guard Shield, Tucker Out and Serenity, she said: “Escort them to their temporary quarters and keep an eye on them. If Applejack and Rarity will allow it, the fillies can spend some time with Nymph.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Matthias, seeing the Princess to head towards them, turned to look at Rainbow. She was still shocked from how what she (had probably) said must have hurt the changeling. “I… I didn’t know…” she muttered weakly.

He put a hoof on her shoulder and smiled. “I know.” That was all he said. Matthias knew Rainbow Dash well enough to know that she would do the right thing.

“We haven’t yet decided on a course of action, and you already make friends with them.” Luna observed neutrally as her sister joined her.

“Don’t you trust our Hivespeaker’s judgement?” Celestia replied with a smirk, making Matthias almost bash his head against the wall of the barracks. “Speaking off, weren’t you leading us to your office, Sir Lightbringer?”

Matthias nodded, wondering if he would start calling himself that would they leave out this newest title of his. He rose to his hooves again and, trying to decide which name was better, took a few steps towards the doors of the barracks.

“Twilight, I would like you to join us for this meeting.” Celestia’s voice made him look back. He saw an equally surprised, but nonetheless nodding lavender unicorn stand straighter and turned to him.

This is going to be a long night.” Matthias thought, and was certain, as he stared into her eyes, that Twilight thought the same.

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