• Published 10th Jul 2023
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Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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50. Never Alone

Following Anarchy’s defeat, the curfew was finally lifted. Danger was no longer on the horizon, Equestria was safe from the mad pony. His body was disintegrated by the two sisters so that nothing remained, for even if a single ash remained, someponies would do everything in their power to find it and hail him as a martyr. They’ve dealt with enough terrorist fanatics to see that one coming.

The repairs on their castle were fast and, in the meantime, they decided to organise a celebration to calm down their subjects. Medals were awarded to all those who stood against the crystal beast, from the Elements of Harmony, to even Olive. Indeed, for the first time in her life, the little filly was hailed as a hero. Applauded by many, her reputation as the monster filly dwindled. If she saved Equestria then... maybe the monster wasn’t as bad as they thought. It was the first time a young filly was ever awarded such a prestigious medal.

Excited, Olive showed her medal to Applejack, screaming “Mommy, mommy! Look! We’re superheroes!”

As for Looking Glass, his remains were found in the old castle of the two sisters, mainly his bones. Stripped of flesh and muscles, only Anarchy’s word made them recognise the identity of the deceased. He was mourned by the entire country, his burial being a national event broadcasted on the radio.

Mango returned to duty that day, now sporting a wooden leg so that he may still work as the captain of the royal guard. The loss was heavy, especially on Princess Celestia’s heart for she had known him for decades. To see the finest mind of this generation gone was a shock to the entire nation, but there was still some hope. The two alicorns decided to take matters into their own hooves and deal with the crimes themselves, creating a special branch of the royal guard meant to honor Looking Glass’ work.

They would continue his legacy and ensure the safety of the ponies in the big cities for years to come.

There was still the elephant in the room, the one thing Captain Mango struggled to tell his majesties. The link between the Crimson Mask and the detective. Deciding they deserved to know, he told Celestia and Luna the truth. It was shocking to them, but ultimately, they chose not to reveal it to the world. Things were better off as is, no need to trouble the nation with something that’s no longer important. For his sacrifice, Looking Glass deserved to be remembered fondly.

The imprisoned Anarchists quickly learned their leader’s true feelings regarding them. Mentally broken by the revelation, their entire war, their ideologies were put into question. Some no longer had the will to continue down this path, slowly realising they’ve thrown their life away. Princess Luna took pity on them, hoping that some of them, the good ones, could still be saved, reformed like her sister did with Discord. If the avatar of chaos can walk a different path, so can they. Perhaps there was hope for them, a chance to turn a new leaf and face their sins.

But for one of them, the darkest pit of Tartarus has opened to swallow him whole. He may be dead, but legends never truly die. For as long as he was remembered, his influence carried on. The beast was not so easily killed, and his rampage would ripple forward in time.

Struggling to face her different wild emotions, Princess Twilight Sparkle took to writing in her magical journal to a friend from another world, detailing everything that she saw, from her encounter with the transformed filly to Strong Hoof, to Anarchy. By writing all this, she hoped to gain some closure and move on, assuring her friend that everything was fine. Better not trouble her any further.

Spoiled Rich put her blood and sweat into rebuilding the broken schoolhouse with the help of the construction team. It was hard work, but once the deed was done, she was applauded especially by her daughter. She didn’t quite understand the meaning of finding satisfaction in working to achieve something, but it would come eventually, she still had five more years of this after all.

As for Diamond Tiara, she started a fundraiser for their teacher, Miss Cheerilee. The poor mare had it rough since the filly’s mother stopped paying her, so Diamond thought to show her gratitude for a teacher that kindly put up with her nonsense for so long, hoping to make amends. A noble gesture that earned the respect of her fellow classmates who began to accept her leadership. Maybe this filly had finally stepped down from her high horse!

Back in the clubhouse, the Cutie Mark Crusaders saw two new fillies joining them on Olive’s request. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara came every time Olive asked them to. The pink unicorn didn’t really care about getting her cutie mark, she just liked the many adventures they went on to achieve their goal. The more the merrier!

Following her final meeting with Anarchy, Cheerilee finally decided to go on physical therapy. It was a daunting task that required a lot of effort and motivation, motivation she didn’t have ever since she learned the truth about her missing daughter. And so, she returned to Ponyville General Hospital to better herself.

The first time she went there was a living nightmare. She barely managed to make a few steps before crumbling in exhaustion, not even reaching the finish line. A crushing defeat, but falls are meant to teach you how to get back up better. The second time she went there, Olive sat at the end with an apple pie beside her. When asked about the pie, the filly claimed if she can cross the finish line, she can eat the pie that the filly made herself.

An adorable claim, yet it provided her the motivation to push through her fatigue and pain. She crossed the line before she collapsed near the apple pie. Olive congratulated her and offered the apple pie. The sweet taste of victory.

Then, Apple Bloom was there sitting beside Olive to cheer her on. Afterward, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came to join their friends. Then, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came, having baked their own treats. It didn’t take long until the entire class came to cheer her on her path to recovery.

It was crazy... to think that even though he was a mad stallion, Jolly Melody’s words held some truth. As a teacher, you will spread your love to them, and they will show you their love too. It’s all beautiful, isn’t it?

He was right, their love is beautiful.

Blossomforth left Canterlot’s hospital a few days ago, her wings and body having finally recovered from Anarchy’s cruelty. She went on to personally thank Twilight for saving her, also mourning the death of Looking Glass, the stallion that nearly sacrificed his life for her, a nopony. However, there was still one lingering problem, her constant worries and night terrors. Even though she knew the crystal beast was gone, she didn’t feel safe. He had left his mark on her, a scar she can’t see, only feel. As such, she was appointed to Heedful Care, the only mare in Ponyville that can help her. It was a new start for her, hopefully one that’ll lead her to a better place.

Using her developing art skills, Olive molded a clay model of the pony she admired most, her hero. A gesture Applejack found endearing. And now that she was truly a part of the Apple family, the mare felt like the filly deserved to know the ponies that raised her mother. Sitting beside the three graves, Applejack recollected all the good times she spent with her parents, telling them to her daughter. She knew they would be proud to see how far she’s come.

Lastly, she assured Olive that Aurora was happy for her. The importance was in cherishing the memories they’ve spent with them, for they’ll live on through their actions and words. They were a part of them now.

Olive resumed her sessions with Heedful Care. She was doing much better than before, having an easier time opening up to the mare about her fears, her worries and her losses. The pegasus was very happy to see how far the filly came since she first met her. Olive looked just as jovial as her peers, finally able to move on from the monsters of her past. As the mare put it, “Our past experiences don’t define us, it’s what we gain from them that matters”. In the end, Olive knew she was right all along. She did find the light at the end of the tunnel.

The nice summer heat returned, the birds returned to Equestria, confused by the sudden weather but happy nonetheless that this quick winter was over. In the wake of the frost, life returned to normal.

Gathered before the barn, Applejack, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, and Olive stared at the camera before them. Twilight Sparkle stood behind it, looking through its lenses, smiling. The sun was placed just right to illuminate them. Such a beautiful day, the perfect moment to update their family album for their newest member. Strong, smart, bubbly and optimistic, she had earned her place with them, earned the right to be called an Apple.

It was time to cement her as part of the family.

Olive bounced around excited, only stopping when her mother told her to stay put for their picture.

Twilight giggled. “Okay everypony, can you come closer to fit in the shot?”

The family compressed, smiling brightly at the camera. The princess of friendship smiled as she saw the pink filly’s face lit up with joy. Perhaps the first time in a while that she was happy to be in a picture, surrounded by her favorite ponies.

“That’s perfect!”

With a bright flash, the camera snapped the picture.

Author's Note:

That's it. After seven months of work, I finished Never Alone! I'm mostly satisfied with the end result. Being that I only started writing seriously about a year ago, I feel like I've improved quite a bit, but there's still room for improvement. I know I can do better and I'll try to reach perfection, even if it's not feasible. After all, the fun is in the getting, not in the having!

So yeah, for this chapter, I kinda wrote it in a story book-esque feeling with the narration, la slideshow I think the word is. I kinda like these kinds of endings, so I thought it'd let me cover most of the things I wanted to adress, leaving next to no stones unturned. Of course, I've still left some room to expand, so that I can write a sequel one day. For now, I'm just gonna take a lil break and relax but knowing me, that break probably won't last long...

Oh, I did promise some fun facts about the story, right? Well, I feel now's the perfect time to do so:

- Looking Glass' entire downfall into the Crimson Mask was NOT originally planned. It was actually a random comment in which somebody found him "suspicious" that gave me the idea to make him fall more towards the dark side. Originally, he was supposed to be the Crimson Mask, but it would feel somewhat redundant since Anarchy is also a criminal and a much more interesting one at that. So, I changed course and honestly, I like the route I took in the end better.

- Many chapter titles are song references or episode names from tv shows. Mortal Folly and Beyond Strength reference Adventure Time (The Lich), Chapter 12 and 49 are lyrics from Kaboom Pow by Nikki Yanofsky and Day of Defeat is the name of a Valve game. I'll let y'all find the other references in the chapter titles.

- A lot of aspects of Olive's character comes from, well, me as a child. Oh, boy was I god damn stupid and oblivious at times but looking back... also pretty endearing. Stuff like the way she plays with her toy, makes a fort with her plushies and is overall clueless to a lot of things... that's me, mostly used to be. Oh, and also the whole thing about "five seconds of love" came from me. She's basically a 50/50 between self-insert and OC... A self-OC?

- Dreamcatcher's name and overall color palette comes from Dreamcatcher in Skylanders Trap Team. I've learned what a dreamcatcher does thanks to someone special that hung one in my bedroom when I was very little, never ever forgot about it.

- The casino in chapter 40 is called the Lucky 38, that's a Fallout New Vegas reference.

- Another one, fairly obvious but Looking Glass and Anarchy's dynamic was inspired by Batman and Joker, two of my favorite comic book characters. I expanded on them later to make them more unique.

That's all I got for now. Maybe I'll add a few more facts here and there if I feel like it. I'm looking forward to write a new story here called "Outsiders". Took me a lot of time to find that premise and I'm proud of it. Expect me to tell you what that premise is? Nope, keeping this a surprise until it comes out :ajsmug:
Oh, it was a fun ride. But for now, this is where I get off...

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