• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 4,648 Views, 493 Comments

Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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25. Getting an Education

The dream was different today. Instead of being alone in a forest at night, Olive found herself in Sweet Apple Acre, in Apple Bloom’s bedroom to be more precise. The farm was empty, with no sign of life anywhere. It was just her in a giant playground of her choosing.

No rules, no consequences for any misdeeds, this was the moment to let it all out. Olive played around like a mad mare. She ran loops around the farm, flew to the top with her dreamy wings and ate all the delicious treats in the pantry without fearing an allergic reaction. It was truly a special time for her.

And then, a letter slipped underneath the door right as she was passing by. Curious, the filly took a close look at it.

It was just a blank page with only one sentence written on it; Luna is coming tonight. Prepare yourself.

A magical light shined down on the dark farm and from it descended a tall mare. Princess Luna landed right in front of Sweet Apple Acre, a welcoming sight for sure. It just goes to show that the filly is feeling comfortable in Applejack’s care. The midnight blue alicorn trotted up to the front door and found the small unicorn sitting on the porch. Her tail wagged happily once the lunar princess came close to her.

“Princess Luna! You’re here!” She said as she pounced on the alicorn, and hugged her chest with her iron grip. "Five seconds of love!"

“Yes, chi- my little pony.” Luna giggled, employing the same words her sister used to greet her subjects. "I've come to see you tonight."

“I was told that you’d come, so I put lots of stars in the sky!” Olive pointed up at the dreamy night sky.

The dark alicorn observed the sky and admired its beauty. The filly really worked hard to make it good. Though one thing still bugged her. “It is beautiful indeed. However, we would like to know who told you we were coming.”

Olive scratched her head and took out the paper she found earlier. “I don’t know, it was just written on this strange paper.”

Luna lowered her head to read the contents of the mysterious paper, slightly furrowing her brows as she came to the logical conclusion. He’s still here. “I see...”

The little filly shuffled around, anxiously wagging her tail. “Uh, P-Princess Luna? Can I ask you a question?”

The alicorn nodded. “Go ahead, my little pony. I’m all ears.”

“Did you go to school?”

“Hm.” The lunar princess looked back to the sky, trying to remember her days before turning into Nightmare Moon. A thousand years is a lot, and in that time frame she started to forget some parts of her past. All that was left of her foalhood were scattered memories that didn’t make much sense anymore. “I believe I did, a long time ago.”

“Well, a thousand years is a long time.”

Luna giggled. “Oh, you have no idea. It was different back then. I don’t believe my experiences would apply to you.”

“Oh.” Olive muttered disappointedly. “I was hoping I could get some advice from you. I’m going to school tomorrow.”

“I can understand going through new experiences can be stressful, but I assure you it’s going to be fine.” Luna reassured. “Nopony’s going to belittle you for your fears, so please, don’t take it as a sign that you should stop telling other ponies about your worries.”

“Okay, thank you for your help.” Olive respectfully said, though she still forgot the bow, which was kind of adorable to the tall mare.

“It’s my pleasure to help my loyal subjects.” She leaned forward and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “May we meet again.”
Olive giggled. “Bye bye!” she waved off as Luna left.


Before leaving, Princess Luna knew she had one more thing to do; and that was to pay a visit to the biggest scum she ever met. This pony was even worse than Sombra to some extent. The evil unicorn with a black heart did take over the Crystal Empire and enslaved everypony within, whilst Anarchy also committed similar crimes, just on a smaller scale. The mad king at least wanted to rule over all as the one true king of Equestria, this anarchist didn’t even have a coherent end game. All Luna knew was that he loved her and wanted to kill every princess in Equestria. For what purpose? She didn’t know as of now.

Come to the night...

To the werewolf

Luna winced; he called out to her. This time, there was something wrong. His voice was hoarse, weaker than last time. The cackles that usually accompanied his words sounded pathetic.

As she pushed the bushes away, she found him resting on the floor. His glowing emerald eye was dying, shining a light that barely illuminated his face. The midnight blue alicorn took a seat near him, keeping her eyes on the unicorn in case he tried something funny.

Upon noticing the arrival of his guest, Anarchy smiled. “Hey... thoughtful of you to come visit me one last time.

Luna’s brows furrowed. “One last time?”

Yeah, you should’ve brought a bouquet and a shovel. I’m not going to last much longer in here.

Examining his current condition, the alicorn could tell something was definitely wrong with him. His mane was whiter than usual, the viscous black liquid now oozed from every orifice in his body, leaking over his entire body. His skin was sticking to his bones, which looked even worse on his torso where his rib cage was now visible underneath his coat.

“What’s happening to you?” She harshly demanded. “And no lies.”

It’s... a bit complicated, darling. It’s much easier to explain if I just said...” He looked at the night sky and grinned. “I’m a caterpillar.

“W-What?” Luna cringed.

And I’m about to go through my metamorphosis.” He chuckled. “But for that... I must separate myself from Olive and return to my true body. Oh, but don’t be sad; I’ve left a parting gift to my daughter. It’s just a little unruly at the moment, but if you bring a whip it should behave.” He let out a hearty laugh only to be interrupted by a coughing fit. “What doodoo! It hurts when I laugh now.

“You’re transforming?” Luna said, her heart starting to beat faster. “Transforming into what?”

Ah, if only I could tell.” Anarchy sighed. “It certainly won’t be as pretty as Nightmare Moon, but it should be good.” He giggled. “Eight years. Eight whole years I've been working on it. At first, I wanted to just give you the nicest welcome at the day of your return, but then you just sorta vanished thanks to the Element’s help, so I changed course and chose to bring Nightmare Moon back from the shade. Can you believe it? I’m almost done! I just need one final component.” He wrapped his hooves around her neck and brought her closer in an awkward hug. The viscous liquid now dripping over her shoulders.

I’ll make some noise.

Luna cautiously pushed his hooves aside and backed away. “Why? Why this infatuation with me? Why cause this much pain and suffering to bring back the ugly side of me?”

Anarchy cackled pathetically. “He he he, now I know some would consider this pathetic to desperately chase after a mare that's out of your leagues. Honestly, I’m afraid I can’t give an honest answer anymore. I’ve been chasing this goal so long I've forgot why I even wanted to do any of this in the first place!

Luna winced, her teeth gritting. “Then why are you still doing this? Why haven’t you moved on to something else?!”

Hey, hey baby. I know you’re angry, but yelling isn’t going to get us anywhere!” Anarchy said with a dumb smile on his face. “At this point, I’d say I'm chasing this goal because it’s the only thing I can do, really.

Taking a deep breath, the lunar princess calmed down. A somber look now overshadowing her previous anger. Despite everything he had done, she couldn’t help but feel pity for him. A stallion with no friend, no real aspiration in life. She couldn’t let anger deal with this problem alone. “I can feel the Nightmare inside you as we speak. I know what it feels like to have it corrupts your thoughts, fuel your anger, convince you to do the unspeakable. It can’t be entirely you speaking, the true you surely must not wish to cause this much havoc.” She reached out a hoof to him. “I can help you with that. I can rid you of the Nightmare and promise you a better start. Twilight and her friends have already forgiven me, Discord and Sunset Shimmer for our misdeeds. You can still change if you are willing.”

For the first time, Anarchy didn’t have his trademark grin. Instead, he frowned and lowered his head, contemplating everything that led up to this moment. He placed a hoof on his forehead and sighed. His eyes didn’t have a single glint of malice in them. “N-No... No, it’s... too late for that.” He let out a weak laugh. “You know, when you’ve spent so much time digging your hole, you can’t just let all that effort go to waste. Might as well see it through!

Luna’s face darkened. The wind howled with sadness, shining light on her while it left the stallion in darkness. “You should leave, nighthawk. There’s nothing to see here anymore. Instead, you should brace yourself for what’s to come.

10 days left before the storm

Accompanied by Applejack and Apple Bloom, Olive trotted to the schoolhouse carrying a heavy saddle bag filled with school materials. For her first day of school, the orange mare thought to at least present the unicorn to Cheerilee before leaving. Her foster daughter was a special case, and the teacher needed to be aware of her quirks. Moreover, Aj had no idea how the foal would perform considering she never talked about receiving any education from her father, or friend.

Did she even know the base of maths? Of Equestria’s history, or of grammar? It was best to assume that Applejack will have to help her a lot more than Apple Bloom.

During their short trip, the mare could feel the filly’s anxiety with every step she took. The poor little thing’s head twitched ever so slightly, her eyes constantly darting around her surroundings. “Are ya okay, sugar cube?” she asked gingerly.

“Hm.” Olive responded, her voice beaming with uncertainty. She didn’t even sound sure of herself.

“Ah know this is all rather stressful but believe me; Ah know how ya feel.” She gave the unicorn a reassuring smile. “Ah was also nervous when Ah first went to school. Ah assure ya; it’s scary at first, but ya’ll get used to it fairly quickly.”

A sense of nostalgia washed over Aj as memories of her foalhood resurfaced. She had a lot of trouble back then, mainly with grammar, this was always her biggest enemy, even to this day. Thankfully, a certain baby dragon would often volunteer to kindly write her letters in her stead.

Apple Bloom moved closer to Olive. “Ah can pass ya mah notes if ya need ‘em! And don’t worry about ta lectures; they’re kinda borin’ but they’re not hard to understand!”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Ah certainly hope yer listenin’ to these ‘boring lectures’.”

“A-Ah do!” Apple Bloom squeaked.

“Well anyhow, looks like we’re ‘ere.”

Olive raised her head to observe the schoolhouse. It was smaller than she imagined and featured a playground next to it where all the foals were currently playing. Instead of being on the swings and on the slides, they were gathered around in a circle discussing something, but from their distance, all they heard was a cacophony of jumbled words.

“Huh, what’s suddenly gotten into them? They sound kinda angry.” Applejack commented, paying less attention to her route.

Apple Bloom dismissed it. “Meh, it’s just the usual argument. It happens every week. Ah wonder what they’re arguin’ about.”

Applejack looked at her little sister, curious. “They’re arguin’? Like, what do they argue about normally?”

“Nothin’ important.” Apple Bloom responded. “It’s always trivial things, so that’s why Ah prefer to just stick with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo during recess.”

Olive, however, was simply too curious to know what the foals were arguing about and thus, split off from her family. Crouching in hopes that nopony would pay attention to her, she got close enough to finally make out their words.

“Nuh-uh! My dad would totally beat yours in a fight!” a blue-maned colt screamed.

“You’re just coping!” A green-maned colt shouted back. “My dad is a construction worker. He’s WAY stronger than your dad!”

Olive blinked, not noticing Apple Bloom joining her.

“See? Ah told ya it’s just pointless chatter.” she said, motioning at her sister to go back to Aj.

“Why do they want to know whose dad is the strongest?” Olive asked, her face remaining blank.

Apple Bloom looked back at the circle of foals who still didn’t notice them and shrugged. “Beats me, though Ah’d like to think mah dad’s pretty strong.” The yellow filly trotted back to Applejack who patiently waited for them.

Olive turned around to follow them, but then one of the foals said something that made her freeze on the spot.

“Hey, who’s this filly?”

Olive stared at Apple Bloom with a look that screamed “Help me”.

The foals started to circle her until the yellow filly was no longer in sight. Olive became the center of attention, the start of another nerve-wracking experience. Remembering the words of a certain pony, she kept a stone face, hoping to not show any weakness or fear.

A foal with a light beige coat, red mane and glasses approached her. She examined her top to bottom with a curious expression. “I’ve never seen you before. Are you from Ponyville?”

Olive opened her mouth to answer but found herself overwhelmed by the intimidating gaze of a couple dozen eyes resting upon her, though in the heat of the moment, it felt like a hundred. Every foal was waiting for an answer that seemingly wouldn’t come.

“Hey! Why’s everypony suddenly turning their backs on ME?!” A voice roared behind the crowd. Every foal turned around in horror and split up to form a passage for the one that ruled the schoolhouse, Diamond Tiara. “Oh, you...”

Her loyal sidekick Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow. “Her? You’ve seen this nopony before?”

Diamond Tiara glared at Olive as she stomped towards her, frightening the unicorn. “Yes, I did. And guess what everypony?” Her eyes scouted the crowd, pausing for a dramatic effect. “This blank flank dared to call my dad a filthy pony!”

The crowd gasped in shock, now looking at the little unicorn with worried expressions. She committed a cardinal sin in front of Diamond Tiara! And worse, as a blank flank!

I didn’t... No wait, I did! Nervous, Olive tried to think of something to say to de-escalate the situation. “Who was your dad again?” That was a terrible question. Even worse was that she already knew the answer. Once she’s heard something, she’ll never forget it... like a record player.

Outraged, Diamond Tiara shoved her face in Olive’s. “Filthy Rich! His name... is Filthy Rich! Can’t you remember the name of the most important pony in Ponyville, blank flank?” She whipped her tail at Olive, startling her.

Apple Bloom tried to make her way through the crowd to assist her sister, but none of the foals would move, too preoccupied by the show, or the soon-to-be verbal slaughter.

“W-Why is he the most important?” Olive asked, trying to think of an escape plan.

Diamond Tiara cringed. “It’s because he’s rich, duh! It’s in the name, idiot.” The little unicorn held back a tear. The pink earth pony turned her attention to the crowd with a smirk. “This also makes him the strongest dad, because everypony knows that brawn is nothing compared to money.”

“And brains!” Silver Spoon added.

“Money’s the better of the three.” Diamond Tiara cleared up.

“I know a dad who’s stronger than Filthy Rich!” A voice cried out behind the crowd.

“What?” The two spoiled fillies said in outraged unison.

Apple Bloom finally crawled her way out of the crowd, now finding herself in the circle with Diamond Tiara, Olive and Silver Spoon. The yellow filly saw it as a golden opportunity to knock Tiara down a peg.

“And who would that be?” The rich filly asked, leaning towards the one that dared to defy her.

Apple Bloom opened her mouth to answer, but quickly came to realise that she had no idea who it could be. Oh oh, Ah just wanted to get everypony’s attention off mah sister, but now... Ah’m the one on the chopping block!

Seeing her friend’s struggle, Olive thought fast. “My dad.”

Apple Bloom looked at her in surprise, but before she could say anything, Silver Spoon spoke out.

“Your dad?” Silver Spoon giggled. “And what does he do? Write romantic poems about flowers and cry about what he just wrote?”

Applejack noticed that everypony’s attention was drawn to the little unicorn. Worry overtook her as she made her way to the crowd.

“No, he created a secret society.” Olive responded honestly.

“A secret society?” Diamond Tiara didn’t look convinced. She circled the unicorn and smirked. “Ha! Trying to make him seem all mysterious, ay? Fine, I’ll humor you; tell us what he does with his oh so secret society.”

“I don’t know much because he keeps it private, but from what I know he sets buildings on fire and blow things up. H-He’s not a nice pony.” Olive stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Everypony went silent. The crowd of foals stared at the newcomer with wide eyes, as if they were looking at a serial killer.

“Pft! Nice try, blank flank.” Diamond Tiara brushed off. “But do you seriously think I’ll believe that?” Olive blinked; she didn’t even seem to doubt any of what she said. Almost as if...

A chill went down Diamond Tiara’s spine. A terrifying thought came to mind. What if this filly WAS telling the truth? If so, then that’ll make her the daughter of a cult leader. “Y... You’re not serious about that, right?”

“Not serious about what?” Olive asked. Her confusion was all too genuine for Diamond’s liking.

“Hey! Make way, please!” The foals finally noticed Applejack trying to get her fillies’s attention. They split off, preferring to stay far away from the pink unicorn.

Watching them leave with fear in their eyes, Apple Bloom shot a worried glance to her sister. “Ah appreciate ta help, but don’t ya think this will only make ‘em scared of ya?”

“Why would they be scared of me? I didn’t do anything.”

The yellow earth pony sighed. “Ya just don’t get it, do ya...”

Today, Olive finally did it; she stepped inside a schoolhouse for the first time. As expected from a place housing lots of foals, its walls were bright and colorful. There were lots of desks around, something the sheltered filly has never seen before. At the far end of the room liked a bigger desk with a cerise-coated mare sitting on it. The teacher, no doubt.

“Howdy, Cheerilee!” Applejack greeted.

The teacher took her eyes off the student’s homework she was correcting. “Good morning, Applejack! It’s nice to see you again.” she said with a bright smile truly befitting of a teacher. Her attention quickly shifted to the small pink filly awkwardly hiding behind the earth pony.

“Ah suppose ya already know why Ah came in ‘ere today.”

Cheerilee got out of her seat and trotted over to her. “Of course I know! I’m excited to finally meet this filly everpony’s talking about!”

Olive, curious, looked at her sister for answers.

“Gee, ya’ve really become the talk of ta town!” Apple Bloom commented.

“Am I really that interesting?”

Applejack turned to her daughter. “Come on now, ya’ve gotta greet yer nice teacher.”

Somewhat reluctantly, Olive trotted up to the cerise mare. Not knowing what to say, she simply stared blankly.

Miss Cheerilee felt a little uncomfortable with the filly’s blank stare, smiling awkwardly. “Hello there, my little pony! I’m Miss Cheerilee, your teacher here in Ponyville Schoolhouse. It’s so nice to meet you!”

Olive unconsciously titled her head to the side, as if she was examining the teacher closely. “I’m Olive.” She finally said, a barebone introduction but it was something nonetheless.

“Okay,” Cheerilee giggled. “I’d like to know a little more about you, if you don’t mind.”

Olive blinked, to which the cerise mare took that as a “I don’t mind.”

“What do you like to do?”

Olive looked up and began thinking. Time passed, but no words came out of her. The filly couldn’t find an answer to this broad question.

Applejack giggled. “He he, Ah think ya should ask a more specific question. That usually helps with ‘er.”

“Okay then; what kind of games do you like to play? Or do you perhaps love books more?” Cheerilee asked, making sure to be precise with her questions.

Olive’s face lit up, a sign that it worked. “I love reading books like the Power Ponies! Especially the ones that focusses on Saddle Rager because she’s my favorite character and-”

Apple Bloom was surprised to say the least. It was the first time her sister ever rambled like that, much less talked for more than two seconds straight. Cheerilee listened intently to the filly’s rant about comic books, finally getting a clear understanding of who this pony was.

A lot can be learned just by listening to somepony ramble about their passion. It was beautiful to see this filly be this happy to talk about something for once. She felt less like a confused robot, and more like a pony.

“I can see you have great taste in comic books!” Cheerilee gleefully said. “I myself am also a fan of the Power Ponies.”

Olive adorably bounced in place. “Woah! Really?”

“Yes! When I have some spare time, I like to read the newest issue.”

“Ah didn’t know ya even read comic books!” Applejack said, earning a short giggle from the cerise mare.

“Is it really that surprising?”

“Well... yeah.” Olive admitted. “The grown-ups I knew only read strange magazines with mares in bizarre poses.”

Cheerilee chuckled nervously. “Oh, r-really? I wouldn’t call what they’ve been reading ‘literature’ nor would I recommend you check it out. Comic books are good enough.”

Apple Bloom turned to her older sister. “Then what have they been reading?”

“Don’t even ask about it, sugar cube. That ain’t for fillies.” Applejack sternly responded before turning her attention back to Cherilee. “Welp, Ah suppose like mah sister Apple Bloom, Olive will have to go through an entrance exam.”


Entrance exam, that’s a rather foreboding word for the little unicorn. What was that supposed to mean? Certainly nothing good.

Cheerilee leaned towards the foal. “If you want, we can start now, I’ll put you in a separate class so you won’t be disturbed by the other students.”

Olive whimpered, seeking Aj for comfort.

“Don’t worry, sugar cube; Ah’m sure you’ll do great.” She smiled. “And plus; it's just a silly little test meant to show yer teacher what ya know. It’s nothin’ to be scared of.”

Sat down in a different room from the rest of the foals, Olive stared at her first exam ever. She never truly did any homework before, nor did she ever study for anything. She did, however, draw things with crayons and read books that belonged to her father during her stay with him. That at least accounted to something, right?

The test was split into three different categories: multiple choice questions, short questions that could be answered with just one sentences and lastly, the big ones. Olive gulped as she picked up her pencil with her mouth, mentally preparing herself for this daunting endeavor.

The questions’ subject varied from history, math, grammar and basic science. However, since she never had the chance to learn much about any of them, she felt outclassed by whatever skills her peers might already have. She felt as outclassed as a kindergarten foal in a MIT lecture hall, not that she knew what that was.

So, all the filly could do was answer the questions she knew the answer to, and pray to Celestia that she wasn’t writing complete nonsense on her paper. After an hour, the deed was done, and so was the filly’s sense of self-esteem. Was any of this basic knowledge? Was she that far behind?

Olive handed out her exam to Miss Cheerilee once it was all over.

“That’s great!” She said happily as she scouted over the exam. “Your mother should be back soon to pick you up. In the meantime, I’ll let you play on the school’s playground and let me tell you how lucky you are to have it all for yourself.”
Olive was confused, to say the least. “All for me?”

“Yes, your peers are currently doing some homework next class.”

“Shouldn’t it be called schoolwork? B-Because they’re doing it in school.”

Cheerilee giggled. “Normally you’re supposed to do them at home, but since we’re ahead of schedule, I gave them some time to complete their homework at school. It happens sometimes.”


Applejack nervously paced around the empty class. “So... how did she do?”

Miss Cheerilee bit her lip, scraping her hoof against the floor. “Well... it’s not as bad as I thought, but it’s still behind the other foals.”

“N-Not as bad?” Applejack questioned, a glimmer of hope in her voice.

“Her knowledge of history and other species’s anatomy is surprisingly above average.” She took a deep breath through her teeth. “but the same cannot be said for mathematics and grammar. Miss Care notified me about her background, so I assume nopony must have taught her these subjects... She didn’t get a single mathematical question right and her grammar is below average.”

Applejack’s eyes trembled as she took her hat to her chest. “But that’ll make ‘er below...”

“First grade level for these two, I'm afraid.”

The orange mare looked completely lost. “A-Ah see. There’s gonna be a lot of work to do.”

“I can try to ask Counselor Care for help.” Cheerilee proposed. “I know she’s helped foals with their education before in the big cities, I’m sure she’ll be glad to help her with her weaker subjects.”

Aj let out a relieved sigh. “That’ll certainly help a lot. Ah want to help ‘er as best as Ah can, but Ah’m also terribly busy workin’ at Sweet Apple Acre. Ah could use the extra help.”

“Helping out foals in need is also a part of my job.” Cheerilee reassured. “I’m certain she’ll catch up to the others by the end of this semester.”

Inside Canterlot’s hospital, things got rather moody ever since Twilight Sparkle brought in a wounded Looking Glass and Blossomforth. Their injuries were quite bad, requiring the attention of most of the staff to make sure everything’s alright.

The two patients were deep in a coma, for they spent the entire day sleeping. Now, it got dark outside, the nurses inside couldn’t see a single thing outside. All they had were the lights inside the hospital to guide them.

Looking Glass was hooked up to many machineries that beeped incessantly, showcasing his heartbeat. Things didn’t look good for him; he was in way worse condition than Blossomforth who only had a cracked skull. The unicorn received a big hole in his torso, one that the doctors somehow stitched up in time right as he was on death’s door.

Nopony thought he would ever wake up for at least the rest of the week. They were wrong. His eyes slammed open out of the blue when he was left alone for the night. The detective heard nothing, but the beeping of the machines hooked up to him, and of the adjacent ones belonging to Blossomforth.

The room was dark, barely lit up by the night light on a small desk next to his bed. His mighty bloodshot amber eyes apologetically looked at the unconscious mare. I failed, didn’t I...

The sleeping pegasus showed no sign of coming to any time soon, unlike him. The fact that she nearly died was all his fault, for being too slow. At the same time, the fact that Anarchy still roamed free was his fault. If he didn’t have a reputation to uphold, he could have ended it all right there and then.

His eyes beamed with fury as he thought back to the smug grin of the stallion that shot him down. Anarchy always viewed himself as superior to his peers, and he made sure everypony knew just how better he was through his mocking demeanor.

This whole fight... Anarchy didn’t take it seriously. He was just playing around with him. He humiliated him, showed the world he was no hero.

Don’t think I’m going to step down from this. I promised I’ll never let you win, and I always keep my promises.

He struggled to lift even a single hoof; his body sent him nothing but anguish with every movement he made. It won’t stop him from trying, however. Looking Glass used his hooves to lift his upper body into a sitting position. His stomach turned upside down, adamantly requesting him to lay down again, but he didn’t listen.

Looking Glass won’t listen to pain, he works through pain. Sitting idly here while all the action’s going on outside was a no go. If anypony was to bring down Anarchy, it had to be him. This time, he had a plan to kill him. Yes, kill him. A stallion as vile as this dark unicorn deserved no trial, no dungeon to hold him. He only deserved to be cast out of this beautiful world through any means necessary. This time, the detective will employ every trick in the book to get his revenge.

“I’m wolverine mean you son of a bitch.” he muttered, letting anger overcome his drowsiness.

Pushing his body beyond its limits, he left the comfy bed. His horn lit up weakly and with magic, he tore off all the hooks on the machines. Now, to leave this hospital. I must return to my office and find it.

He made his way towards the nearest window and opened it, letting the fresh air blow his fever away. A new problem arose when he noticed he was on one of the higher floors of the hospital. A small problem it was, for the obvious solution lied right next to him. Looking Glass turned his attention towards the bedsheets, his brows furrowing. “No matter what, I’ll reach my desk and retrieve it.”

The mask that shall hold my righteous wrath.

Author's Note:

Anarchy's going to transform? And Looking Glass fled the hospital to retrieve a mask? Oh dear, sounds like a storm's coming...:twilightoops:

But let's not focus too much on that for now! Olive's going on her first real day of school tomorrow, so let's see how that'll go.

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