• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 4,650 Views, 493 Comments

Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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44. The Ugly Truth

A week after Anarchy’s victory, the situation hasn’t changed much in Canterlot. The curfew is still up, now extending to the rest of Equestria, the mad stallion’s presence has been clearly spotted on the moon, guards are scrambling to cover every inch of the city as best they can. It wasn’t such a good time to be alive, everypony was on edge, the night was terrifying, all dreaded his inevitable return.

Amid it all, Mango was overworking himself, staying day and night to keep a close eye on his stallions. Anarchy was a problem, but what about the Crimson Mask? Princess Luna told him it was just the Anarchist’s doing, a simple distraction to cause chaos and fear amongst the population. That information originally came from Looking Glass, so he didn’t think too deeply about it. That stallion was a national hero, his word was gospel.

Recently, however, with all the spare time he had, he came to realise something wasn’t adding up with this initial theory. If the goal of the Crimson Mask’s return was to divert attention... why then did this impersonator broke in Fancy Pant’s home? The attack at Sweet Apple Acre made sense with this theory. By directly assaulting Ponyville, the royal guard’s attention would be moved to that town instead of Canterlot, where the Anarchists were hiding. Invading Fancy Pant’s home, however, brought that attention back to Canterlot...

“It just ain’t right!” Mango shouted in the void, thankful nopony was there to hear this outburst. Anyhow, the dungeons are right there, in front of him. He can simply ask the prisoners about the Crimson Mask, see what they have to say about that impersonator.

“I don’t know who that blue coated imposter is, but I’d like to give him a piece of my mind. That old bastard deserved to die at the hooves of Looking Glass. He tried to kill me! Ugh! Anarchy didn’t even want to tell me his name.”

Mango raised an eyebrow. Dreamcatcher sounded bitter about the Crimson Mask, even clueless if their plan was to impersonate him. She also has no reason to lie, they’re all locked in, and their master is on the moon, the Crimson Mask has no use anymore. So what gives? Somepony was lying, be it Looking Glass or Dreamcatcher. Only one thing to do, press further.

Lowering his voice, he narrowed his eyes to intimidate her into giving a truthful answer. “You’re lying. We know that the fake Crimson Mask was one of your stallion spreading terror in Equestria. Cut the crap and point me to the impersonator.”

Dreamcatcher opened her mouth, staring at the stallion, horribly confused. “The hay are you talking about? That bastard stormed in our base and tried to kill Anarchy before the raid! Admittedly, he had a pretty damn good impression of the old bastard.” She scoffed. “Well, guess that crosses off the secret agent theory...”

Pretty damn good impression. Blue coated... Mango furrowed his brows. “We’re done here.” Storming off, the captain wanted answers. Nopony ever questions Looking Glass about his claims but this one about the Crimson Mask was shady. And now, it pointed to him as the main suspect. Unless there just happened to be another blue stallion who can imitate the criminal mastermind’s voice, he was the culprit.

Just as he had guessed, he found the detective in the castle’s library, reading about Nightmare Moon in preparation for the upcoming monster. That could wait for now, he had to answer the batpony right then and there.

“Looking Glass, I have a few questions for you, if you don’t mind.” Mango said, masking his anger.

The detective, however, had a keen eye for ill intentions. He immediately sensed something was wrong simply by laying his eyes on the captain. Mango was hiding something from him, and it wasn’t good. “Nothing’s going on around Canterlot, I can spare a few minutes.”

“That’s great. You see, it’s just that something’s bugging me and I wanted to ask your opinion on that.” Mango continued, trotting over to the table Looking was sitting at. Placing his hooves on it, he sharpened his gaze. “It’s about the Crimson Mask.”

Looking Glass almost winced, his left eye twitching. He knows.

From above, Mango stared coldly. So I was right.

Looking Glass grunted, closing his book to face the taller pony. “On what account will you arrest me?”

“Oh, let’s see. Two cases of breaking and entering and let’s not forget, assault.” Mango sprouted his wings. “That will get you in the dungeon for a while. Why did you do it?”

“Our hooves were forced. I know Anarchy better than any of you. I couldn’t let him work in peace, that would have led only to disaster and since I wasn’t allowed to interrogate Olive just yet; I took matters into my own hooves.” Looking Glass answered sharply, standing his ground before the captain.

“Traumatising an already traumatised filly wasn’t a problem for you?” Mango scowled.

“It was, it didn’t feel good but it had to be done. I promise I won’t cause further damage once Anarchy has been dealt with.” Looking Glass raised his head, meeting the batpony at eye level.

The sharp eyes of the captain softened. “Celestia almighty... You know your time’s up. It won’t be long before the others learn about the Crimson Mask. I should arrest you right now but...” He shook his head, looking reluctant to go through with it. “Damn.”

“What's stopping you?” Looking Glass pierced the stallion’s soul with his cold gaze devoided of any fear. There was something about him that felt different, almost alien to the batpony and so, he pulled back.

Mango sighed, finally leaving the table. “For goodness's sake... You should be in the dungeons for what you’ve done! But, s-since you’ve done so much for Equestria, I’ll give you another chance. No more crimes, you hear me? You’ve caused enough damage and chaos already. You dawn that mask one more time, I’m calling the royal guards and it’s a one-way ticket to the dungeons.”

Once he was gone, Looking Glass breathed a sigh of relief. That went better than I expected. But to give up the mask... surely, he can try to find a way around it. Once Anarchy returns, I’ll hunt him down. It will be the last time I’ll wear this mask. But a part of his mind was against the idea. Captain Mango had a point; he did cause some disturbance because of this cursed object, but with how strong Anarchy would be, he’ll probably need it.

Sighing, he returned to his book. I still have plenty of time to think this through.

Wide awake in sweat, again. That same feeling of dread, slowly easing into relief. It was just another nightmare, another memory coming to haunt her. It first happened after her parent’s passing, then with the Nightmare Moon incident, then Discord, then Chrysalis and Sombra too. Everypony saw them as heroes bravely facing evil itself to save Equestria, they read or sometimes lived through these heroic ventures and went on with their lives. The truth was a pony does not simply dance with death and come out unscathed. Even if death failed to take them, it will leave a lasting impact.

Applejack knew that feeling all too well, for it started again after Strong Hoof attacked the school and mauled Olive.

Now, she laid alone in her bed, struggling to fall asleep again. Unable to chase the fear away, she eventually admitted she won’t be sleeping tonight. Even though everything turned out alright, her mind still forced her to relive that awful day and imagine what could have happened...

Who knew how long this one would last. Discord lasted for a week, Chrysalis for nearly a whole month, her parents, well... hasn’t really stopped.

Still, in the faint hope that she’d be cradled by the night again, she closed her eyes and waited.


A frightened soft voice brought her back to her grim reality. A small hoof gently shook her. Looking down, she saw Olive hanging onto her bed, her beautiful eyes locked onto hers. Remnants of tears rested below her soft gaze.

“What is it, sugar cube?” she croaked, tired.

“I had a nightmare.”

Without even thinking, she pulled her blanket down, offering some space to the little filly. “Come on in.”

The pink unicorn slowly climbed on her bed to glue herself to her. Her small hooves latched onto her chest, nuzzling against the strong mare in search of comfort and safety. The shadows can’t scare her anymore.

“There’s nothin’ to be scared of anymore.” Applejack said, unsure if she meant it to the filly, or to herself. Maybe it was for both.

Afterward, they slept well.

This filly is a gift that keeps on giving! That’s what Applejack thought one day when she checked in on her daughter and baby sister only to find a variety of plushies lying on their bed in an organised pattern. When she questioned them about it, Olive stated that she built it to “keep the nightmares away.” As she stated, the plushies will scare the monsters in the dark away, like a scarecrow but cute and cuddly. Apple Bloom liked the idea enough to give it a go, cuddling together in the warmth of the plushies.

Applejack giggled, finding the idea simply adorable but it did have some merit. She wasn’t visited by the pink filly that night so maybe these plushies do have something magical in them. Anyhow, she seemed to be doing better as time went on and that’s all that mattered in the end.

The next day was a big one for all three. It was Spoiled Rich’s trial, and they were all called in as witnesses. Applejack went to get her daughter and baby sister. As expected, Olive was trotting around the house with her Saddle Rager stick in mouth, making muffled noises that sounded like... explosions?

She must have a vivid imagination to be entertained by a mere stick! It was adorable to witness this filly’s strange ways. She’ll probably never get it, but she’ll try to understand how this little pony thinks. Apple Bloom came the second her name was called, knowing all too well that the day ahead wasn’t going to be a fun one.

Trotting through the streets of Ponyville, Olive’s newfound reputation as the monster filly soon caught up to her. With the newspaper slowly being printed, more ponies became aware of what truly transpired that stormy day. They were uncertain of what to feel, knowing that they spent many days trotting past her without as much as a single glance thrown her way.

Apple Bloom groaned, staring angrily at those who even dare to look at Olive the wrong way.

The fact that the monster filly was practically glued to Applejack and Apple Bloom eased their worries, thankfully. That mare was a local celebrity in Ponyville, a pony that can do no wrong, mostly. With Aj and her sister around, the monster was sure not to return and wreak havoc.

For the three farm ponies, this wasn’t a pleasant walk to the train station. The constant stares and murmurs coming from the townsfolk made them feel somewhat unwelcome in their hometown.

“Ah’m sure this’ll die down soon enough.” Hopefully it will happen. She wants nothing more than to give her daughter a good life. That is... if she’ll still have custody. But that’s a story for another day. She had to remember the events of the storm as clear as possible for her upcoming testimony. She can’t let anything else cloud her mind, especially not her fears.

Inside the train, Applejack was surprised to see her friend Twilight Sparkle also getting onboard. With her wings, she could have simply fly to Canterlot which would have been faster than taking the train.

Twilight looked around as she entered, taking a seat next to them once she spotted the trio. That explained why she took the train. “Hey, Applejack. I wanted to talk to you for a bit.”

Applejack left some space for her alicorn friend to sit down. Today was a beautiful day, a clear sky and a bright sun shining on Equestria. For them, however, that day would be mediocre. Gazing around this wagon, Applejack spotted some familiar faces. Diamond Tiara and her father, Filthy Rich. Silver Spoon and her parents. Scootaloo, sadly alone, and Sweetie Belle who’s accompanied by her older sister Rarity. If Cheerilee wasn’t hospitalised, she’d surely be onboard for Canterlot.

With this many witnesses, Olive feared she might not accomplish her promise to Diamond Tiara, which would be awful. No fillies should ever be separated from their mother. But since these witnesses are all her friends, maybe she could talk them into twisting the situation ever so slightly so that’d it be in Spoiled’s favor.

“Uh, sorry but... no way I’m doing that.” Uh, oh. Scootaloo wasn’t liking this idea at all. “She tried to get you killed! It wouldn’t be right to let out a mare who’s willing to kill a filly for her sake! Listen, I’m only doing this because if she’s out, she might try to hurt you again!”

“But maybe she didn’t try to kill me to save herself. Maybe she did it because she wanted to protect Diamond Tiara.” Olive countered, sounding rather calm when talking about how she nearly died. To be fair, when you’ve danced with death as much as her, these memories don’t frighten you nearly as much.

Scootaloo scratched her head. “I... have my doubts. Did you even pay attention to what she was saying every time we met her? That mare is only concerned about her status and riches! She coaches Diamond only because she wants her to represent her family in a good light.”

Olive moaned sadly. “W-We can’t judge ponies based on what we know. Maybe she truly has some love for Diamond. For my friend, I’ll try to help as best as I can.”

Scootaloo cringed, starting to feel awful about her final decision. “Then I’m really sorry, but I’ll stick with my guts for this one. I hope you’ll end up satisfied once this is all over.”

The pink unicorn reached out for a hug. “That’s okay. I don’t want to force you to do anything for me if you don’t like it. You’re still my best friend.”

“Aw, you’re too sweet.”

Sadly, she didn’t get enough time to ask the others about her goal to get Spoiled judged as innocent. The train had already stopped at Canterlot. Stepping out, Olive immediately felt dizzy just by staring at the ominous tall buildings of this majestic and rich city. What was worse were the crowds. There were so many ponies in here!

She never saw so many ponies trotting around. So many in fact, that she glued herself to Applejack for safety. She didn’t want anypony to see her, not after what happened in Ponyville. She still shivered whenever she thought about how many eyes were on her. It was way worse than any presentation she did in class.

Thankfully, the presence of her friends, foals and adults alike managed to hide her amongst the passing crowds. But what caught most of the attention was Looking Glass, strolling in the same direction as the group, towards the tribunal. Everypony wondered what his business was there. For Twilight and her friends, the answer was obvious. He was here because Strong Hoof was the one who attacked the schoolhouse.

Reporters were bombarding him with questions. The only answer they got was in the form of an icy glare and an intimidating “go away.” said with his voice of steel.

When Looking Glass tells you to scram, you get the hay away from him!

A stroke of luck for the group behind him, these two words cleared the rest of the way to court. Applejack sighed. “If only Ah could do that.”

Twilight smirked. “I’ve only seen princesses have that same effect. That stallion’s on a different level.”

Rarity shivered when she managed to catch a glimpse of the detective’s amber eyes. “I can see why. I wouldn’t want to go near a stallion with such a scary gaze.”

Filthy Rich picked up the pace, getting inside with Diamond Tiara before the crowd of reporters could reform. The rest did too, avoiding the swarm of flashes just in the nick of time. “Oh dear, I can’t imagine what would happen if I’m ever photographed going to court, even just to help Sweetie Belle testify! My reputation would be stained forever!”

“Aren’t ya a tad overreactin’?” Applejack asked, just now feeling Olive letting go of her legs. “It ain’t like yer guilty of any crimes.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled. Oh, Rarity. If there was a pony that should earn the title of drama queen, it was her. Every little thing that goes wrong sparked a comical reaction; sometimes entertaining, other times annoying. It was part of her charm. “We arrived just in time. Court should be in session in a couple of minutes. Let’s take a seat before they call us in.”

Right in the corner of her vision, she saw Looking Glass joining the jury. I should have known. The other ponies will side with his decision instead of their own should he speak up. Considering the evidence against Spoiled Rich is high, I have no doubt his decision will have very little effect in the end...

Looking around, Twilight realised that Heedful Care was also there, still looking a bit shaken up by everything. Understandable, everypony here was still nervous whenever they relived that terrible day. This trial was looking to be a troubling one, where most of the witnesses are foals under the age of 10. That was sad. None of them should even be here, not at such a young age. To help testify, each foal brought their parent or legal guardian. Now, all that was left for them was to wait, and give out their testimony regarding that stormy day.

The first of the witnesses to go was one most pony awaited, Princess Twilight Sparkle. The youngest and newest alicorn in Equestria, all were curious to hear what happened that day. A up and coming prosecutor dressed in a blue awaited her testimony, defending Spoiled Rich for this case. On the prosecutor’s side was a red suited stallion with a more menacing glint in his eyes.

I’ll admit, I didn’t see much in the school. I was busy trying to keep Strong Hoof away from the foals. He, uh, got me and the next thing I remembered, I was lying amidst the rubble inside the school. I only vaguely heard what happened in the meantime, something about Diamond Tiara screaming out to her mother and Olive crying out for help, it was all blurry though so I might be wrong.

I see, I’m afraid we can’t get a good conclusion based on this testimony alone. We should bring in another witness, one that was fully awake during the key moment so we can learn what truly happened.

Oh, and just one more thing, Applejack was also out cold when that happened.

The next pony who was brought in was Heedful Care, the only adult in this court that saw the full scene of the crime.

I was there, I saw the whole thing happened. That goliath just came in and... d-destroyed everything! The foals were screaming and crying out for their parents to come save them, I... it was a living nightmare! I saw that giant crush Cheerilee, nearly splitting her in half! I wanted to just get out of there with Olive since he was after her, but I-I couldn’t. He threatened to slaughter everypony inside, starting with the teacher if we didn’t bring Olive to him. I couldn’t leave anymore.

I didn’t see what happened, Spoiled Rich hit me in the back of the head, and I fell to the floor, dazed. I saw her dragging Olive to that monster, and I couldn’t do a thing about it! Her friends tried to help, but they couldn’t stop Spoiled from dragging her to that beast.

Did you see Spoiled Rich’s face when she dragged Olive? Or perhaps did you hear her say something?

N-No, I didn’t see her face. She had her back to me, b-but I could barely hear her mutter something while she did.

I see... Then we can’t say for certain that she was guilty of committing a crime! She could have simply made a tough decision for the good of the entire class. We need to hear the other’s testimonies to form a verdict!

After Care’s testimony, it was evident that this case wasn’t quite as black and white as it was made out to be. Sure, Spoiled Rich did try to get Olive killed, but with Strong Hoof’s threat, it could be viewed as a noble deed. Protecting the entire class by sacrificing one... but it also didn’t sit right with the jury, not so much for Looking Glass who kept a blank expression the whole time.

Anyhow, with the adults out the way, it was time to hear what the foals had to say, starting with Scootaloo. Sadly, she didn’t have a legal guardian present. To remedy this problem, Care volunteered to stay by her in case she needed any help. Under the eyes of almost a hundred ponies, it was rather scary to stay at the podium.

Uh, s-so I can start now?

Yes, you can whenever you’re ready, Scootaloo. I know how stressful it can be to relive these memories, that’s why I’m here by you.

Well, uh, thanks for that. S-So, I was there when it happened. I saw pretty much everything Care said earlier. B-But I did see Spoiled Rich’s face when she hit her!

Interesting, could you tell us what it looked like? Was there anger in her eyes, fear? Desperation perhaps?

Uh, it looked like fear, I think. I couldn’t see much of her face because I was trying to get her to let go of my friend with Apple Bloom. We bucked as hard as we could, but that didn’t stop her. Ugh, if only that worked... She was muttering something crazy, don’t really know what it was. That mare was always a stuck-up snob who muttered t-things about status and riches. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was more of that pointless junk.

And what happened afterward? After she dragged Olive to Strong Hoof.

Uh, well... She transformed into a... monster.

The next filly to pass was Silver Spoon. Also present at the scene of the crime, her testimony could perhaps shed some light on Spoiled Rich’s true motivation.

I-I did see her face while she was dragging Olive to the giant stallion. She looked really scared, almost like she didn’t want to get any closer to that monster. Diamond Tiara screamed to her the whole time, but she didn’t stop. She did look at us for like a split-second but kept going even after Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were beating on her.

Would you say she looked like she didn’t want to do it?

I’m... not so sure. Not from what I know. Diamond’s mother only really cared about her status and the family’s name. She would always tell Diamond what to do and how to do what she believed would do some good to her family. I don’t know, maybe she was only doing dragging Olive to save herself, maybe even Diamond Tiara. I don’t see her as a selfless pony...

There was only one witness that interested the judge now, the famous monster filly herself, Olive who’s slowly popped up in the newspaper everywhere. A seemingly innocent unicorn harboring a bloodthirsty monster inside, powerful enough to break the goliath that attacked the school. Smaller than all her friends, she was nonetheless the most intimidating presence in court, bested only by Looking Glass.

The moment she stepped in accompanied by Applejack; the murmurs of the jury stopped. Looking Glass narrowed his eyes, his head locked on the filly. The two lawyers and the judge tried their best to hide their nervosity. Not everything that’s been said in the newspaper about her was correct, or was it?

Olive stood near her mother, scared out of her mind by the numerous unpleasant looks in the eyes of the ponies in court. She wanted to get out of there, but that would mean breaking her promise to her good friend, Diamond Tiara. With little choice in the matter, she had to speak up and tell them about her perspective during that awful day. Hopefully, it’ll be the last time she’s forced to relive this traumatic memory.

To the jury, this innocent filly was perhaps the scariest thing they’d laid their eyes on. Innocent and cute on the outside, but ugly and vile on the inside. That’s what the news told them, and who are they to assume they’re wrong? Nopony knows who this filly is. For all they know, this could all be just an act, and they’d be none the wiser if they fell for it.

Applejack leaned down, smiling gracefully. “Whenever yer ready.”

The filly’s heart raced, there’s no use in dragging it further. She had to speak up now and get it over with as quickly as possible before her poor heart burst.

Ok, um. I-I'll try my best to tell what happened. So, um, I-I was sitting and staring when, uh, the mean stallion came. I don’t remember much after that point until I felt somepony grabbing me by the mane. I saw that it was Spoiled Rich, so I got even more scared and tried to get away. B-But now that I think about it, she did that just to protect her daughter and the school from him.

So, you believe Spoiled tried to get you killed for a good cause?

Yes, well... if nopony was there to help, I-I guess I would have let her do it. I-If it helps everypony else.

Looking Glass narrowed his eyes, displeased with the filly’s testimony. “It sounds like she’s trying to get her out of there scot-free.” he muttered under his breath, getting the attention of some ponies in the jury.

Raising his head, “I have my doubts, your honor.”

Surprised, the judge turned his head towards the stone-faced detective. “R-Really? What makes you doubt the intentions of Spoiled Rich?”

“Because I know her kind. Greedy, opportunistic and selfish. These kinds of rich ponies only care about their wealth and status. Why else would she coach her daughter to be just as despicable as her?”

The judge cringed. “It, uh, sounds like you’ve had a bad experience with her.”

“The hills have eyes, your honor. I know much about the Rich family. This was no selfless act, it was a selfish one born out of cowardice.” Looking Glass pressed, now laying his eyes on the filly, narrowing them.

With the intimidating glare of the dark blue stallion now on her, Olive wanted to hide behind the podium but to do so would be to give up on her promise to Diamond Tiara. She said she would make sure Spoiled Rich doesn’t get taken away from them.

Olive stared back with puppy eyes, hoping her pain would get through his cold heart. Looking Glass now appeared to be annoyed at this vain attempt, cringing as he bore his teeth. Everypony in the room disappeared. Now, it was just them fighting over the final verdict. Olive’s heart thumped against her chest.

Desperate, the filly decided to express her anger, glaring back at the detective. The stallion was surprised by this, briefly losing much of his intimidation. The staring contest continued for a few more seconds. Olive was sweating, her body was in so much heat right now. Eventually, Looking Glass’s gaze softened, and he smirked.

“Although... nothing can truly prove if her intentions were noble or not. All we know was that she was desperate, and desperate ponies can make rash decisions.”

The judge blinked. “So you’re saying we shouldn’t condemn her for this?”

Looking Glass chuckled, shaking his head. “Nah, we won’t let her get away scot-free. I believe such a spoiled pony needs a lesson in hubris. How about some labor? I propose five years of community service, that way she’d be a contributing member of society. I suggest starting by making her work on repairing Ponyville's schoolhouse.”

Olive stared blankly at the blue stallion; not sure she’s understanding what community service means. It didn’t sound nearly as bad as jail so... was that a victory?

The judge nodded. “Let’s hear what the rest of the ju-”

“I agree with him!”

“Yeah, let’s make that spoiled lazy flank do some actual work!”

“Bring the Rich down to our level!”

An unsurprising response coming from a jury composed of middle-class ponies. The judge’s expression was now stern, certain of his decision.

“Then the culprit is deemed guilty and will serve five years of community service to make up for her misdeed!”

In the back, Spoiled Rich blanched. “F-F-Five years?” Feeling her limbs weaken, she fainted, bonking her head against the wooden railing.

Worried, Olive looked to her mother. “D-Did I do it?”

Applejack giggled, scratching her head. “Ah guess that counts as a victory. Though Ah will admit, Ah kinda like that punishment!”

She did it, she accomplished her promise somewhat. After the trial was over, she returned to Diamond Tiara and her father who’ve already heard the news. Filthy Rich lunged at her, showering the filly with thanks for saving his wife­ from the dungeon.

Happy, Olive bounced around. “I did it! I did it! I did it! Did you see me, mommy? I stared at Looking Glass and made him change his mind!”

Bewildered, Applejack glanced at said stallion, leaving the tribunal. “Huh? Ya did? Well that’s... mighty impressive. That stallion gives me ta chills when Ah look in his eyes.”

Olive’s heart filled with pride as Diamond Tiara hugged her, crying into her mane. With Applejack’s compliment, she began to feel like she was as strong and brave as they claim. With enough determination, she can do anything for her friends and family.

It’s been fifteen days since Cheerilee was hoisted to Ponyville General Hospital for her broken spine. Now, she’s finally recovered enough to be let back home. No more spending all her days in a bed being taken care of like a baby. Now, she can trot again... partially.

A broken spine doesn’t magically fix itself in just two weeks, no. Her hind legs still can’t move much or even support the weight of her upper body. She can’t move around without a wheelchair cart, an invention designed for disabled ponies, a category she sadly fell in.

Although there was some hope for her. Doctor Hoof told her she could trot again, but that’s given she went through physical therapy. Cheerilee would start this dauting task as soon as tomorrow. For now, she’s stuck with a wheelchair cart and a hurt spine that scared her.

Scared and alone in her home, she had lots of time to ponder over her stay at the hospital and her future. Standing before her couch, she sighed at the realisation that she can only really sit down by detaching herself from the wheelchair. To reattach herself to it would be difficult considering she doesn’t have claws. Funny that right now, she wished to have a nurse at her side to help with the most mundane task whilst she found it humiliating in the hospital.

No, she’d rather trot aimlessly around her house instead of going through all that problem.

There was one thing that troubled her greatly. It’s been troubling her for her entire stay at the hospital. That was her story about her missing foal, the one that disappeared eight years ago. She never put much thought into it years after that incident, but ever since Olive came into the school, there’s been a nagging feel in the back of her mind.

That filly had a pink coat and green eyes, strangely resembling her somewhat. Moreover, that filly was guessed to be eight years old. Eight years, that was also the time when Jolly Melody mysteriously disappeared from the face of Equestria, and the rise of Anarchy. Eight years ago, she was pregnant.

Cheerilee stopped mid-track. The evidence was there, clear as day. Only, she held a vital piece of information from Twilight and Applejack. And that was how that missing foal even came to be. Her face blanched, sweat dripping down her forehead. With all the pieces assembled, it was hard to ignore that Olive was most likely her missing foal.

All that because of a grave mistake they’ve made. A mistake that haunted them both ever since.

“I believe I’ve heard of the Apple’s cider. It’s a popular tradition in Ponyville to gather here for some cider.”

Cheerilee smiled. “Then you should know how good it is!”

Today, there were just two. Cheerilee and Jolly Melody, no Minuette. Sad, she would have enjoyed it had she been there. In retrospection, it was a good thing she wasn’t there, else she’ll be carrying the same burden as Cheerilee...

On this beautiful morning, the cerise mare brought her good friend over to buy some apple cider. It was all she could think of to thank him for all the things he’s done for her. He advised her, he sang songs for her, he even helped her with her college exams. He was the best friend she could have asked for. She just hoped this would be a good way to thank him.

“I’ll pay for us both if you don’t mind.” Jolly Melody stated, absently staring at the hills.

Cheerilee’s eyes shot wide open. “Wh-What? Please let me pay for you! I brought you here as a thank you gift!”

Jolly finally brought his eyes back to her. “Oh? My apologies, it’s just that I have so many bits on me. I felt like I would be taking advantage of you if I let the drinks on you.”

“No, that’s alright. I’m doing rather well financially.” Cheerilee said, smiling awkwardly.

The violet stallion gave her a knowing smile. “You shouldn’t hide your troubles. I can read you like an open book.”

The cerise mare flicked her mane, blushing. “Well, we could maybe talk about that after our drinks.” Whenever she’s in heat, it’s harder to control her feelings for him. Of course, she always saw Jolly as her friend, not as a potential mate. After everything they’ve went through and the age gap, it wouldn’t be right for them to be together.

Moving through the line, it was now their turn to enjoy a nice cup of cider. Bright Mac greeted them, letting his wife Pear Butter pour the cider in the two ponies’ cup. Jolly Melody took a sip, immediately surprised by the cider’s wonderful taste. It didn’t take long for him to finish his cup, and now he longed for more.

“I’ll have another.”

Bright Mac gave him an uncertain look, gazing at his wife. In response, Jolly levitated lots of bits on the counter, smirking. “Perhaps this will clear your mind.”

The farm stallion smiled. “That’ll do!”

Two cups turned to three, and three turned to four. Not wanting to be left out, Cheerilee also took just as many cups as her friend.

“Ooh, m-my... these are... s-sure are punchy today!” She fumbled, too deep to notice she was having one too many drinks.

“S-Shit... this is really good. I s-should give some to my homies...” Jolly mumbled, losing much of his colorful language in the process. “They’ll k-kill for that shit!”

Pear Butter objected to giving them another drink, but a couple more bits and she reluctantly gave them their final cup.

Cheerilee’s vision afterward turned to a blurred mess of colors. Her friend’s voice now incomprehensible, she started to slowly black out, hearing the worried voices of Bright Mac and Pear Butter seconds before the world turned black.

Then, she slowly came to, or was she already awake? These memories are jumbled, messy and potentially wrong. It’s hard to remember clearly when you’ve blacked out. All that Cheerilee remembered was feeling something strange and amazing in her flank, and the ecstatic voice of Jolly Melody while she blabbered incoherent things about teaching and her financial situation. They were on the floor of her living room, with the cerise mare resting upon her table.

And then they woke up hours later. Passed out in the living room, none of them remembered what had happened but it didn’t take long for the pieces to come together. Cheerilee woke up to a horrified scream.

Panicked, she trashed around to get up, wondering what got Jolly Melody so scared. As she turned around, she saw his eyes were staring directly at her flank, mortified.

Shocked, Cheerilee wondered why he was so scared of... It felt sore, her vagina felt sore. “Wh-What?”

Jolly Melody finally diverted his eyes, holding his crotch. “Oh no no no no no no.... This can’t be. Not now, not with her...” He mumbled further, starting to get to Cheerilee.

“Wh-What are you saying?” Cheerilee now held her vagina, feeling something, she’d rather have not touched. Her pupils turned to pinpricks. Oh no...

“Shouldn’t have done that... I shouldn’t have done that. I-It was one cup too many. One cup too many.” Jolly’s frightened rambles continued as he turned his back to her, trembling. “This isn’t right! It can’t be her!”

“J-Jolly, what are you saying?” Cheerilee croaked, now terrified herself. They’ve made a terrible mistake, and if she’s unlucky... the punishment will be on her.

“Shit shit shit shit...” He finally turned around; his face as dark as the night. “Please tell me, are you in heat right now?”

“I-I am.” Cheerilee stuttered, her eyes still wide open. She gasped once the realisation came through. “D-Do you think I’m...”

Jolly Melody yelped, his face blanching. “Sh-Shit, I can’t deal with this! It just ain’t right!” These were the last words he ever said to her. Afterward, he left Ponyville, disappearing from Equestria altogether.

And what did he leave her as a parting gift? An accident.

Try as she might, she can’t deny the evidence anymore. Cheerilee finally admitted defeat, unable to bear the guilt. If only she hadn’t taken all these cups, she wouldn’t be stuck in this awful situation. Haunted by past, present and future, the cerise mare couldn’t take it anymore. That monster she thought of as a friend kidnapped her baby! She suffered for months to deliver her, and he waited patiently just to steal her! As long as he lives, she'll never move on.

Burying her face in her hooves, she sobbed by her lonesome. How should she feel? What should she do about this? Olive was her foal, the one she mourned for eight years, but at the same time, she was sort of relieved to not have a foal to take care of, especially when she was a little short on money. But now, her baby was here and in the care of Applejack. Strangely enough, she wanted to see the filly, to look into her eyes again but this time, with a different perspective. Did she really want to have her again? Or was she just fooling herself?

Olive was no longer just her student; she was much more... but not hers, not anymore.

Just then, somepony knocked on her door. Cheerilee sprung out of her sadness, curious about who would come to visit in the middle of the afternoon on a Sunday. Opening the door, Applejack stood before her, looking nervous. The orange mare hesitated to even meet her sad eyes.

“Howdy, uh, beg pardon for disturbin’ ya on a weekend.” The farm pony sheepishly said, slowly raising her eyes. “Ah just wanted to talk ‘bout... somethin’.”

Cheerilee sighed, her sad eyes now meeting those of Applejack. “Is it about Olive?”

“Ya figured it out too.” The cerise mare nodded, motioning her to come in. Inside, she dragged her useless hind legs and the wheelchair over to her dining table, but didn’t sit down. Too much effort.

“I’m guessing this is about Olive’s custody. Why else would you come to me?”

Applejack felt rather uncomfortable even being here. The way Cheerilee talked sounded nothing like the cheerful mare she’s come to know over her entire life. It felt awful to see her that way. Hopefully she’ll recover from this traumatic event and take back her joy.

“Well, first off. Ah know Anarchy’s ta father, and he used to be called Jolly Melody. A-Ah'm just curious to know how ya two came to...”

“It was an accident. One who’s burden was entirely mine to carry.” Cheerilee bitterly answered.

“Oh... Ah’m sorry to ‘ear it.” Applejack’s legs trembled, feeling even more uncomfortable now. It was best she doesn’t pride further into the mare’s personal life.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s in the past. Well, i-if you wanted to ask me about who’ll keep custody... I honestly don’t know.”

Applejack blinked. “Wh-What do ya mean ya don’t know?”

Cheerilee lowered her head, now resting upon her hooves. “I don’t know how I feel about all of this! I feel even worse now and I just... I just feel like seeing Olive again.”

The orange mare’s heart nearly stopped beating. Oh no, she’ll want to have custody! “Ya mean, just talkin’ to ‘er or...”

“I don’t know. I just want to see her face again now that I know she’s technically my foal.” The cerise mare chuckled, her voice sounding even more pathetic than before. “I don’t even know how I’ll be able to take care of her should I have custody. I just know I feel attached to her now, and I can’t let that feeling go.”

“O-Oh... Well, if ya can take care of ‘er then, A-Ah guess ya should...” Applejack stopped, not wanting to go any further. Just the thought of giving Olive up made her want to die. After coming this far together, she couldn’t let the filly go.

“I can tell you’re not happy about this. I’m not too.” Cheerilee now dared to look into Aj’s eyes again. “I’m sorry if I’m causing you any trouble. I’m not feeling well right now.”

Applejack stared back, both eyes meeting again. For a moment, it felt like the two could perfectly understand each other’s ambivalence. “Ah can see why. Ah wish Ah could do somethin’ to help.”

Cheerilee’s eyes teared up, her emotions swelling inside begging to be let out. “I can’t trot. I just can’t. I know it’s temporary but every minute feels like an eternity! I don’t have my job, I don’t have my students, I don’t have my hind legs, I have nothing!”

The words left the farm pony’s mouth. What could she really say that can help? She reached out a hoof to her, but hesitated, ultimately pulling it back.

Cheerilee’s eyes opened wide, realising the awful implications of her rant. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to guilt trip you into giving up Olive. T-That's not what I was trying to do.”

“Ah’ll understand if ya did. She’s yers, after all.” Applejack croaked, feeling sadder each time she thought about losing the filly. Even though she’ll still be around if given back to Cheerilee, it wouldn’t feel the same. She took so much pride in raising the small unicorn as her own.

“Just... give me some time to think about all this. I need to clear up my mind right now. I’m sorry for acting unpleasant.”

Applejack smiled weakly, her eyes beginning to water as she spoke. “Don’t trouble yerself over mah feelin’s. Yer mah friend. Ah think ya should ‘ave Olive... if that’ll make ya feel better.”

As the farm pony left, Cheerilee dug her face even deeper in her hooves. She’s made it worse. She’s threatening her friend’s happiness, only thinking about her own. But doesn’t she also deserve to be happy? There was still much time left to think over. Hopefully, she can make the right call.

If only she hadn’t known Jolly Melody... If only.

“He is baaaaaaaaaaack!”

Luna woke up in cold sweat, trashing in her bed until the initial shock faded away. Multiple screams were coming from the castle’s dungeon, loud enough to be heard even from her room. In a panic, she leaped out of her bed, being stopped by a guard that just popped in her bedroom. “Your majesty, we’ve got a problem!”

Worried and confused, Luna went to the dungeon, meeting her older sister there. As she observed the cells, she noticed something unusual. The inmates were singing, screaming happily, celebrating their victory, something they did not do at first when they were arrested.

Dreamcatcher wiped her tears away, laughing in pure joy to her friends. “He hasn’t lied! He was right all along! He’s coming to save us!”

"He's in my dreams! He's in my dreams!"

“We did it! Oh, we did it chaps!”

“We’ll be leaving soon!”

“How about we leave now?”

“Nah, let’s party until he comes for us!”

Something’s terribly wrong when your prisoners act like they’re in control. By now, there was no doubt what had happened. Fifteen days after he disappeared, Anarchy descended from the moon, now out there in Equestria, but where?

“Sister, what do we do now?” Luna asked, hoping Celestia would have an idea in mind.

The taller alicorn’s eyes quickly focussed, casting her fears aside. “We must reinforce security, keep warning the civilians. Nopony must be out at night! The curfew will be moved to before sundown.”

With the power of Nightmare Moon, Anarchy was not to be underestimated. With the Elements of Harmony no longer usable, they had to find another plan to take this beast down. Luckily, they’ve had more than enough time to create one.

Princess Luna cringed, scared of the inmates now. Their cathartic screams were getting to her badly. She couldn’t stay here any longer, not with their ominous celebration in the middle of the night. The worst had yet to come. They had yet to see what kind of monster Anarchy became. Hopefully it’s one they can tame.

Author's Note:

Whoowee! Lotta things going on in this chapter. More cute stuff with Applejack and Olive. The start of a confrontation with Mango and Looking Glass. Spoiled Rich's trial, a little humbling done to her, hopefully she'll come out a changed mare and lastly, the final memory of Cheerilee and Jolly Melody.

It's been a while since we've seen Anarchy, and for good reason! I had lots of character development to get out of the way first as well as answering a few more questions regarding Olive's birth.

With that now out of the way, it's time to see what Anarchy will be up to next chapter. His bloody tears will forever haunt those who face him.

Chapter 45: Sanguilacrimae.

And yes, I did play Ace Attorney, that's why I made the lawyers blue and red. Ha ha, objection.

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