• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 4,651 Views, 493 Comments

Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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23. Beyond Strength

Amber eyes met emerald eyes, light blue mane met a dark green mane, a frown met a grin, a pony met a monster. Two unicorns who couldn’t be more any more different have finally come face-to-face again.

Looking Glass stood below the hill, staring at his opponent. Anarchy had the high ground, and he took full advantage of it to make himself seem as imposing as equinely possible. The last time he met the crazy stallion, he already looked otherworldly enough. Now, it got even worse. A longer, messier mane, dark eye sockets and a strange black liquid dripping from his mouth.

If that could indicate anything, it probably was that Anarchy became more powerful through an unknown mean to the detective. The fact that he was even here in the first place means that this was a set-up just for him. Looking Glass was offered a battle he had no chance of winning. All that mattered to him now, was to get everypony back to the safe confines of Canterlot.

Nice to be back outside after a while.” Anarchy giggled. “You know what they say, a pony can go cuckoo if they spend too much time locked away from the rest of society. I’d wager they’re entirely right!

In a bright flash of light, he teleported down the hill to the five detectives' level. His trot was slow, methodical and deliberately heavy. Each step he took emanated pure power, his wide eyes locked on his main target, Looking Glass.

Looky! It’s a family reunion! Where have you been all this time?” He asked joyfully. “Wait! Let me guess... fighting crime and rescuing damsels in distress like a real superhero?

Looking Glass winced. “We’re ending this here, Anarchy. I won’t let you win.” When he spoke, his voice was steel.

Anarchy swung his hoof around, eventually placing it on his chest. “End it here? I’m afraid not, we have so much catching up to do! It’ll take the whole soiree for that alone!

The five other ponies behind him couldn’t keep such a composed expression. Their eyes were twitching, their hooves were trembling, and their face was filled with sweat. “I-It’s five against one. W-We can take him on, can’t we Looking Glass?” A mare said, her confidence fading away.

Looking Glass’s brows furrowed. “We’re outmatched, prepare to make a run for it.”

Hey, this party just started. Can we save the ‘running for my life’ for later?” Anarchy mused, his grin widening. “I just want to have fun with you five... and six.

“Your soul is stained with the blood of many. I won’t let you keep this going any further.” The stallion glowered.

Anarchy smirked. “Oh, it’s stained with many things... many unsavory things at that. It’s, uh, a real mess. You don’t wanna look into it. I've tried to forget about these things, but uh... they keep coming back like ghosts!

Looking Glass raised his voice. “Run, tell them Anarchy is here. Send some reinforcement as fast as possible; I’ll hold him here for as long as I can.”

How noble of you. I’ll shed a tear for you, Looky.

The other ponies seemed reluctant to leave him behind, but one look at the terrified Blossomforth convinced them to spring to action immediately. They galloped away with the injured mare and, much to their surprise, Anarchy did nothing to stop them. Even Looking Glass was perplexed.

“You’re not stopping them from escaping?” He asked, demanding an answer with his powerful voice of steel.

And prevent any guest from coming to our party? Nah!” The dark unicorn waved them goodbye as the detectives disappeared into the cold night. He cackled, remembering something quite exciting. “I heard there was now a fourth princess. With any chance, I might get an autograph from her in person!

“You’re growing cockier every time I meet you.” Looking Glass called out. “Your actions are becoming more reckless.”

But not any dumber. I know what I’m doing. Now, on to the main dish; your spanking.” Anarchy’s horn lit up with mighty sparks shooting out.

The wind howled with fear. An omen of death reigned above the detective for he knew his opponent was more than a pony. Now alone to fend off against the living personification of death and madness, Looking Glass could only weight out his options and hope that one of them would buy enough time for the reinforcements.

Hold on to your hats, if you were thoughtful enough to bring one, because this one’s gonna hurt!” Anarchy shot out a powerful spell, crackling the air around him. The hills went deathly silent, the wind stopped howling. For a moment, it felt as if life left the battleground. “Be sure to hold onto the ground. We're about to make some noise!

Looking Glass’s eyes nervously darted around the hills. His opponent’s spell had yet to reveal its effect. A single wrong step could kill him. The best thing to do was to observe how Anarchy would react. His body was frozen in place, not moving a single inch. The detective chose to do the same, his brows furrowing as he tried to figure out why standing still was a good idea.

The two unicorns remained motionless; their eyes locked onto one another. Nothing was happening, and it was dreadful.

Anarchy remained perfectly calm, his smug grin never wavering. Looking Glass, on the other hoof, struggled to keep his determined composure still. His eyes were twitching ever so slightly, his frown quivering just a bit. The wait was unbearable, just what was going to happen?

Well... way to ruin the fun.” Anarchy frowned, distaste showing in his eyes. “I suppose you’ve been checking everywhere but above, ay?

Curious, Looking Glass raised his head and found something surprising. The rain was slowing down as it approached them, some drops that were previously on the ground were now rising, joining the other ones in the air. Everything felt weightless as he observed his surroundings with a clearer idea of what’s going on.

I’m rather excited to show you what I’ve got in store now. Like a child, I’m still growing up, discovering new things. The fun’s in the getting, not in the having as they say.” Anarchy explained, his dark eyes lighting up. “I’m always aiming higher, to the moon. I’d say I'm the perfect opponent for a hero such as yourself. I mean, I find it funny how you’ve somehow become more respected than the Elements of Harmony themselves! Is it because you have the feel of a hero while, they just feel like everyday ponies? Or is it because you fight the ugly side of Equestria, cleaning it of its filth? Either way, come to me and get your gold star.” The dark unicorn slowly raised a hoof and pointed at himself.

Looking Glass winced, not daring to move an inch form his current position. He had no idea what the effective range of this zero-gravity spell was. Plus, losing contact with the ground would leave him mostly helpless in the air. The wiser option was to let his opponent make a move. After all, he’s just here to buy some time. Still, Anarchy knew that and yet he didn’t seem any impatient.

Well then...” Anarchy bent his legs forward and tilted his body back. “If you’re not making any move, I will!” In one powerful jump, he landed on a nearby tree, now staring at the detective with a sinister glint in his eyes. “Let’s initiate your ass kicking right now!

Anarchy pounced on the detective; the momentum of his jump combined with the lack of gravity propelled him in a perfect trajectory towards his opponent.

Looking Glass hopped to the side, now doomed to move in only one direction like the dark unicorn. Anarchy landed on the spot where the detective previously was, biting on the grass to tether himself to the ground. His opponent was now moving in a straight line away from him with no way to dodge another attack.

The good detective cursed himself for thinking poorly. “Hey, thanks for helping me line up my shot!” Anarchy complimented right before he fired a beam of dark magic towards the helpless unicorn. The beam was massive, powerful and most likely destructive as it barreled towards the flying stallion.

Time slowed down as Looking Glass desperately tried to come up with a possible solution. Zero-gravity was an experience that not many ponies got to live through. Outside of spells, it is a phenomenon only found outside of the confines of this planet. As such, very little information is known about a lack of gravity. However, Looking Glass does know about the workings of gravity. Hence, he can figure out the results of the absence of said gravity.

To jump, a pony must push its hooves against the ground. The resulting force would generate an opposing force that would launch said pony off the ground. When there is no gravity, then that simply means that the force generated will indefinitely push the one who generated it.

The beam got dangerously close to Looking Glass. Having figured out another means of travel, the detective looked up in the sky at a certain angle and fired a magical beam. The force of his spell propelled him out of the way of the incoming attack right as it plowed through a tree, incinerating it.

My, my! You’re a quick thinker! Looks like I’ll have to level up.” Anarchy cackled. He was rolling off the ground thanks to the recoil of his spell.

Looking Glass eventually hit a tree and he held onto it with his hooves. Anarchy found his own tree to anchor himself in one place.

“It doesn’t matter if you’ve got the upper hoof or not.” The detective announced defiantly. “I’ll never let you win.”

The sheer determination in his voice of steel sent a shiver down Anarchy’s spine. “Oh, you’ve grown quite a bit... but not enough.” He swiped away many drops of rain that were blurring his vision. Slowly but surely, he climbed up his tree until he got to Looking’s height. “I still have lots of tricks up my sleeves but like any good magician; I can’t tell you about the secrets behind them!

“It doesn’t matter what you throw at me, Anarchy. I won’t let you get away this time.” In one flash of light, Looking Glass vanished.

Anarchy heard a crackling sound behind him, and he turned around just in time to see his opponent now on the same tree, mere inches away from his face. “Boo.”

Too close for comfort!” The dark unicorn jumped out from his tree, now stuck in the air as he ascended towards the sky.

Oh, too far now...

The imposing glare of the detective sent a feeling of danger towards the flying unicorn. An amber beam of light pierced the darkness, aiming straight for him.

The beam nearly collided with Anarchy had it not been for another spell he had up his sleeves, flight. “Now, if you thought I’d really play fair, think again! I can fly like a pegasus! Makes you wonder what good they’re for!” The evil pony swirled around the trees, making his way towards the much less mobile unicorn.

At this rate, I won’t be able to hold out for much longer. He has me beat in every category. Strength, magic, but not intelligence. For this, we’re evenly matched...

Come on, show me your fear!

Looking Glass teleported below Anarchy, preparing to fire a different kind of attack. Magical beams weren’t well suited for this kind of environnement. There were other spells that could work in combat, namely, to disorient.

“Think fast, chucklenut.” A shrill sound invaded Anarchy’s ears while accompanied by a blinding white light. Discombobulated, he spun around uncontrollably, trying to gather his bearings.

Taking advantage of this opening, Looking Glass jumped up. Once he was close enough to his adversary, he grabbed onto him and began a merciless pummeling. Red mixed with black oozed out of the dark unicorn’s grin. No matter how painful the beatdown was, he kept on laughing. His pummels weren’t doing enough damage. The more it went on, the less he flinched. Then, out of nowhere, he retaliated with a powerful uppercut that sent Looking Glass far up to where he could count the stars.

Next, you’re gonna come crashing back down to me.

Reaching for the sky, the good unicorn felt a strange pull on his body that was now bringing him back down to earth. The pull was growing stronger, he was falling faster and at this rate, the impact could be almost fatal. Looking Glass only knew one spell to help in this situation. Just before he hit the ground, a bubble formed around him and took the full brunt of the impact. It bounced up, hovering above Anarchy with the detective inside suffering no damage whatsoever.

“Impact compensation bubble. Useful to shield against blunt force.” Looking Glass stated coldly.

Anarchy lowered his grin, a mixture of surprise and disappointment on his face. “I gotta get me one of those...” He cackled, but then, he realised it was getting hard to breath. Okay, it’s happening now.

Air doesn’t flow where there is no gravity. Nearly all the oxygen present in the zero-gravity area had left. In a matter of seconds, there will be no more air to breath, and their blood will begin to boil. Anarchy casted another spell, one that covered his entire body in a suit made of clouds. With that suit, he’ll have enough air for a minute just like his opponent.

Raising up to Looking Glass’s current position, the dark unicorn crossed his hooves. “Well, I see we’re stuck here until one of us dies. Who will suffocate first? You, or me?

The dark blue unicorn gazed focused, his entire face remaining composed, as strong as steel. He winced as a response. I can’t afford to waste any air. Talking back to him is a bad idea. I’ve got to outlast him. Long enough for the zero-gravity spell to end.

Anarchy quickly caught on to his strategy and shut himself up, still keeping his smug and maniacal attitude. Oh boy, fifty seconds remain. Let’s hope the final piece of the board accomplished its task.

Looking Glass lied down in his bubble, trying to slow his heartbeat and breathing as much as possible by exerting himself the least. Anarchy, for his part, went limp as a counter-method. I don’t have much air, but so does he. Once he removes his spell, I must deliver the finishing blow before I tire myself out. Forty-five seconds, that’s how much time we have left.

Anarchy kept his stare locked on his opponent, hoping that it’ll unnerve him to some degree. Anything to prevent Looking Glass from outlasting him. Forty seconds... Sweet Celestia! This is taking forever! I probably should have chosen another spell now that I think about it. I mean, I do have something better up my sleeve... Ugh, I should have packed a lunch.

Seconds passed and neither of them moved a muscle. The only system in their body that was working was their respiratory system. Endlessly spinning around a zone with no gravity, it took nerves of steel to remain calm. The slightest mistake would prove fatal for Looking Glass, and that’s why his mind was concentrated only on maximising the little air he had left.
Ten seconds left, I hope you’ve been practicing the art of holding your breath underwater, because today’s the day it comes into play! Hyah ha ha!

Ten seconds left; he should be running out soon enough... So am I. I’ll have to hold my breath and hope to outlast him.






The fabled minute has passed. The two unicorns stared each other down, waiting for something to happen. They’ve taken a big breath, keeping the last bit of air in their mouth. All around their safe haven was carbon dioxide, a poisonous molecule that’ll suffocate them slowly. Nowhere was safe now. Seconds ticked by, and nothing of note happened.

Then, they started to turn a light red. Their body were screaming for air, but they knew it was futile to demand some in the moment. Their minds had to resist every panicking thought and the need to trash around for air. The color on their face kept on changing, becoming redder and redder. Looking Glass’s eyes widened, the smallest hints of worry finally showing on his face. The same could also be said for Anarchy, albeit much worse.

The dark unicorn’s eye was twitching, his face sweating badly. T-Too soon! I don’t think I’m going to make it! M-Maybe that’s just a bad feeling. Maybe he’s doing worse than me.

The detective’s determined glare slowly came back. His powerful eyes striking fear into the heart of the monstrous stallion. Not now... Soon... Almost there...

Anarchy’s eyes began to bulge from their dark sockets, tears of pain flew out. His mouth twitched as it opened wide, revealing his many rows of teeth. More sweat dripped down his entire body. Passing out, his cloud suite dissipated. Big problem, for he was now dangerously exposed to the zero-gravity zone. Holy shit!

The dark unicorn’s blood began to boil, his eyes bulging. His body began to inflate, and the pain finally got to him. For the first time in a while, he was bothered by the pain. Terrified out of his mind, he did the only reasonable thing and discarded his spell.


Using the last of his breath, Looking Glass fired the strongest beam of pure concentrated he could muster and with no stamina to defend himself, Anarchy finally took the attack head on. The two fighters finally reunited with the grassy hills.

The fall severely hurt both of them, but one was doing worse than the other. Lying in a pool of his blood, Anarchy let out a choked laugh often interrupted by a coughing fit. His stomach was a whirlpool of pain, everywhere hurt but it was funny to him. Funny, to have lost to an opponent immensely beneath him. “That... is really funny.” he coughed, spilling more blood on the grass.

“It’s over, Anarchy. I’ve beat you.” Looking Glass victoriously declared, panting. His strong façade now cracked, the sweat and heavy breaths revealing the weakness within.

The dark stallion grinned, bearing his bloody teeth. “I wouldn’t necessarily call this a defeat, more or less, a setback.” He giggled, an amused look plastered all over his face.

“A setback? I’ve broken your ribs; you’re bleeding all over the ground.”

You forgot that I’m not alone, unlike you right now.” Anarchy looked past him and laughed evilly. “It’s over now! Look behind you and admire the surprise I have in store for you!

Looking Glass took a moment to look back, suspecting it might be a trap. As he finally got to see what got Anarchy into a laughing fit, his heart sank. A gigantic earth pony burst from the shade, holding a mare hostage. The poor pegasus was wrapped around the white stallion’s powerful hoof, unable to break free. Worst still, his hooves and teeth were covered in blood and so was the hostage.

Blossomforth looked broken inside, her face stained with tears and blood. Strong Hoof’s mere presence sent a shiver down the dark blue stallion’s spine. He could smell his bloodlust, his wrath. The rain intensified, the harrowing cry of the thunder instilling a feeling of defeat in Looking Glass.

You are strong, Looky, but I am beyond strength.” The detective’s heart stopped, Anarchy got back on his hooves, seemingly unbothered by the damage he took. “Sticks and stones won’t be enough to kill me. I am more than a unicorn. I am more than a pony. What chance did you even have?

Shocked, Looking Glass quickly turned around to face his bloodied opponent. Anarchy’s body was covered in his blood and yet, he seemed mostly fine.

His voice was hoarse, but still confident and powerful. “I gotta say, the vacuum of space packed a bigger wallop than your little fairy beam.” He cracked his neck, continuing on with his back and lastly his legs. Afterwards, he took on a healthier posture with his head fully raised. “Care to try again? I can do this all night.

“That should have done it...” Looking Glass muttered in disbelief. No matter how confident he tried to appear, his adversary could tell he was exhausted.

Oh, don’t be so sad. I’m feeling unusually nice today, so I’ll give you this.” Anarchy teleported next to his friend, shooing him away. Strong Hoof rushed away, disappearing in the trees. Looking Glass didn’t even pay attention to where he was going.
Anarchy grabbed Blossomforth with his forelegs and lifted her to face the dark blue unicorn. “Come on, shoot me! I will not dare evade your next attack! Kill me!

“Wh-What?!” Blossomforth cried out in panic. She trashed around but couldn’t break free from the stallion’s iron grip. “L-Let me go!”

Anarchy smirked. “Come on, what are you waiting for? This mare right here means nothing to us! She’s a nopony, a droplet in the mist! We... are important. Greater beings than she’ll ever be! Kill us both, her death is merely a drop in the bucket.

Looking Glass’s eyes turned a bloody red, gritting his teeth. He aimed his horn at the two ponies, fully prepared to give it his all, but ultimately backed down. There’s no way he’s coming back from murdering an innocent pony. On one hoof, killing them both would protect many civilians from the Anarchists, potentially dismantling the whole organisation. However, doing so would result in his incarceration. Everything he worked so hard to achieve, gone. He’ll no longer be able to help anypony.

Waiting impatiently, Anarchy began to sing, taunting the unicorn gleefully. "Contemplate it with all your intelligent might, this devil's dance has you locked in its grasp. So think as fast as you can fight but know that I'll put you through Tartarus before you die!"

As tempting as it is, he can’t. He shouldn’t, no matter how much he’s contemplating it. Everyday, he wishes to kill this filthy stallion, to put an end to all his atrocities, to avenge his fallen comrades, to finally have closure.

Blossomforth looked on in absolute horror while Anarchy was cackling with each passing second. Then, Looking Glass stopped. His horn stopped glowing; his eyes now shamed by defeat. He lowered his head, angry and disappointed in himself. He didn’t have the guts, or did he? No, if only nopony knew who he was. Then he could have done it. He could have ended it right there and placed the blame on his opponent. It wouldn't have felt all that good, but it would have saved many.

Ah... A shame.

Looking Glass felt something pierce his side. His body was cold, weak. He couldn’t stand on his legs anymore, and so he crumbled. Warmth left his body. It was his blood, now mixing with the brutal rain. Gritting his teeth, the detective tried to get up and continue the fight, but alas; he was too weak. He was dying. He failed his mission. If he dies, he’d leave nothing but shame behind to his peers. He will forever be a reminder of the crushing sensation of failure.

“Looking Glass!” Blossomforth screamed in horror. Before she could scream again, she was dropped to the ground to be then interrupted by a powerful weight crushing her skull.

Don’t be such a baby, mister detective; the cavalry’s coming... soon, I guess.” The dark stallion trotted towards his fallen foe, admiring his work. “If you ask me; I’d say you did great. You see, it’s just that your best isn’t good enough. You know, being an enforcer of the law and such. You could be greater than this if you’re unbound by rules, if you’re something a little like me. Ah, but alas, mister goody four shoe can’t, and it’s why he’ll never beat me.” Anarchy remained a little longer, waiting for a response. All that came from his beaten opponent were raspy breathings. The evil stallion could feel his foe’s life slipping away with every breath. “Gosh, that’s kinda sad. I was sorta hoping for a battle of more epic proportions. Hey, you can’t have everything...

Anarchy passed by Looking Glass, no longer paying any attention to him. “Au revoir, arrivederci!” Thunder struck the earth, a triumphant cry for its vile winner.

Mindlessly moving back to his hideout, he spotted something up above right as lightning lit the sky. A pegasus maybe? Or... something even better. A powerful figure landed near the unconscious Blossomforth, leaning to check on the pegasus. Anarchy stopped, curiously observing the newcomer. It didn’t look that much taller than the downed mare. It clearly had wings and... a horn.

Anarchy felt something weird course through his body, a bizarre sensation that he could only describe as pure ecstasy. The fourth princess!

“Oh no... I was too late.” The alicorn placed her head on the mare’s body. “S-She’s still alive!”

Pardon me?

Lightning stuck, revealing the form of a young alicorn. One that he never saw before. It was no Cadence, no Celestia and certainly not his precious Luny. She had a lavender coat, dark sapphire blue hair and violet eyes.

I’m sorry. It appears that I may not know who’s the newcomer in this funhouse. I’d like a name.” Anarchy asked, trotting past the still living detective. “Celestia’s sleeping at the moment, Luna is out and about in the dreamscape and Cadance is hundreds of kilometers away, which leaves only you, the new princess. So, you surely understand why I’m unfamiliar with you.

Princess Twilight Sparkle couldn’t pay attention to his words, her gaze was drawn to Looking Glass.

“Looking Glass!” she cried out, her eyes widening and her pupils shrinking.

Anarchy raised an eyebrow. “What? No, that can’t be right. See, this guy’s Looking Glass. You can’t be Looking Glass. I asked for your name, that can’t be too hard to answer, can it?

The lavender alicorn’s brows furrowed. “What did you do to them?”

Oh! You’re asking for a deeper look of my methods? Oh boy, am I thrilled to hear that!” Anarchy stretched his limbs one by one. “For the mare, hrgn! I just bashed her head in, hrgn! Oh dear, I’m a little rusted up at the moment. As for Looking, hrgn!, Glass... I just shot him in the body with magic.” One sickening crack later, he let out a relieved moan. “I needed that.

Twilight was furious, her heart now pounding with rage. “I won’t let you get away with this!”

It ain’t all that bad for them! I mean, at least Looky here will be remembered as a hero, but you know legends never die...

“You’re no legend.” Twilight retaliated. “You’re just a psychopath who kills other ponies for fun. You’ve been running loose for far too long. As a princess of Equestria, it is my duty to protect my subjects from your kind.”

What a nice speech, did you rehearse before coming to me by any chance?” Anarchy mocked, gazing over the detective still writhing in pain. I’m a bit hurt, but considering the hand I've been dealt, I can easily get away like a slippery little snake.

Twilight’s horn powered up, she placed herself in a battle stance just like how Mango taught her. The air crackled with electricity, the lightning revealing the sinister grin on the devilish unicorn.

I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

The alicorn hesitated, holding on to her spell to hear out his next words. Noticing it worked, Anarchy paced around the detective like a vulture eyeballing its next snack. “You can try to fight me, and I have no doubt that in my current condition, you’ll probably win. However, it’ll take some time to best me, and I'm afraid these two ponies here don’t have much time to spare. It’s a choice, a tough choice. Defeat me and end it all... or save their lives.” His eyes widened, his grin elongating. “Oh wait. Didn’t you say your duty as a princess was to protect your subjects? What am I saying, there’s no choice here. Save their lives, and watch as I make my getaway!

Twilight grunted, she was seeing red, but sadly; she knew he was right. She can’t do both at once. After hearing the kinds of things he’s done at Olive’s progress review, she wanted nothing more than to wipe that stupid grin off his face, but Looking Glass and Blossomforth’s survival is much more important. Ponies aren’t just numbers, they’re living beings with thoughts, memories and emotions. You can’t just brush off their deaths as part of the “greater good”. She won’t let anypony die on her watch.

Her horn stopped glowing, and Anarchy took this as the signal to book it. “Sayanora princess! In the near future, I shall revel in eternal life, but for you, it'll be game over. He he, next time we’ll meet, I'll give you a battle you cannot win!” And thus, he disappeared in the darkness. The clouds moved apart, stopping the thunderstorm completely. Without lightning, there was no way to tell where he went. So that was his spell all along. This is bad, this unicorn is much stronger than we thought!

Twilight quickly snapped out of these thoughts. Now was not the time to be thinking about all the implications. All that mattered, was that she got these two ponies to an hospital, quickly. “H-Hold on, you’re going to make it.” she reassured, but her comforting words went unheard. The two ponies already passed out from their injuries. O-Oh no! I need to hurry!

The princess of friendship took off, creating a strong shockwave as she took to the sky. Unbeknownst to her, Anarchy wasn’t far off, simply hiding behind a tree, panting.

Golly, I’m going to need an entire barrel of apple cider after this. Oh, and maybe some bandages.” He looked back at the sky, barely able to see the silhouette of the alicorn. “This princess is strong, but not as strong as the other alicorns. Still, I should still be wary of her. I’ll need more time before I can take on one of them. My ascension is nearing its completion, and then; it’s going to be one Tartarus of a party up in Canterlot!

Author's Note:

Alright, I think I'm getting the hang of writing fight scenes. This one's slower paced, but just as intense, I hope.
We have magic in Equestria, so I thought to push as far as I can in terms of the variety of spells used in combat. I'll admit, I'm a bit disappointed that pretty much all fights in the show boiled down to shooting beams at each other when they could have been more... creative.

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