• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 4,651 Views, 493 Comments

Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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31. Sleepover at Carousel Boutique

6 days left before the storm

The weekend has come, meaning Olive has two entire days to sit back and relax after her stressful introduction to school. Applejack was understandably worried when she saw her foster daughter returning home with a bruised muzzle. It took a lot of explaining to finally calm her down. It was nothing, or so Olive tried to pass it off as such despite the awful pain.

Before going to bed, Applejack announced her that this weekend will be a special one, but she’ll only tell tomorrow morning. Once dawn came, Olive excitedly wandered downstairs before the sun even illuminated the land. She sat in her seat and waited, waited for Applejack to tell her and serve her breakfast.

The radio was back on, playing yet another Jolly Melody song. Olive was irked by this, to say the least. She just wished they'd start playing something else.

“Ya know where the oatmeal is. Ya can serve breakfast yourself, ya know, on yer own. Ya don’t need me to do everythin’.”

Olive stared at her with fish eyes. “I don’t know how to serve myself oatmeal.”

Applejack giggled. “Which is why ya should watch me. Ya’ll learn quickly, Ah’m sure.”


Placing down her bowl on the table, Applejack took a seat next to her daughter. “Ah think what ya really need to know, sugar cube, is autonomy.”

Olive blinked. “Au-to-no-my?”

“Yeah, it means being able to learn and do things on yer own. Everypony learns it at some point in their life.”

“How do I acquire autonomy?” Olive asked curiously, putting on a flowery word in a cute attempt at appearing smart.

The orange mare giggled. “That’ll only come with time. The more you grow up, the better you are at bein’ autonomous. Ah think Ah know where to start with ya.”

“Really? What am I going to do?”

“Ah’ve noticed ya spent a lot of time with Apple Bloom and ‘er friends, but that’s only when the whole gang was together.”

Olive titled her head to the side, wondering where she was going with this.

“The bonds ya form with other ponies is the most important thing in life, and that’s somethin’ that simply can’t be taught, it has to be experienced. If ya want to be more independent, strengthenin’ yer bonds with yer friends is a good start.”

“How can I strengthen my bonds with my friends?”

Applejack snickered. “By spendin’ some time with ‘em! Have you ever had a sleepover before?”

Olive blinked. “Huh?”

“Ah’m guessin’ no. Today, ya’ll be spendin’ the day with Sweetie Belle to know ‘er better, and tomorrow ya’ll do the same with Scootaloo. Ah already told ‘em ‘bout it.”

“I’m going to sleep over at their house?”

“Now yer getting' it, sugar cube!” Applejack exclaimed as she rubbed the filly’s mane.

Olive giggled, her cute smile threatening to melt the mare’s heart.

“Once yer done eatin’, we’ll go to Carousel Boutique together.”

Dropped off at Carousel Boutique, Olive solemnly watched her mother leave her behind. It was only just for a day, sure, but she still felt uncomfortable being away from Aj. Still, being with Sweetie Belle for the day at least meant she wasn’t on her own.

Right now, there was only the white mare with the indigo mane at her side. Olive remembered her as the pony who painfully brushed her mane back at the party, though the name slipped away unfortunately. The mare cringed lightly at her bruised muzzle, visibly doing her best to ignore it.

“It is so nice to finally spend some time with you, darling! You have no idea just how fascinating Applejack made you look. It’s rare to see a pony carrying such mystery in Ponyville, you know.” Rarity said, inviting the filly deeper in the shop.

“Y-Yeah... That’s what they all say.”

The white mare opened the closet and took a few garments out. She hovered them over to the small pink unicorn, seeing which ones fit and which ones didn’t. “Oh my, you’ll look ravishing in this dress. Here, why don’t you try it on?”

Olive touched the dress, unsure what to do. This was the first time she ever saw a pretty dress, much less got the chance to try one on. “Hm.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Uh, wh-what's wrong? Do you not like it?”

Olive looked her dead in the eyes. “How do I put it on, miss?”

Rarity blinked, bewildered by this question. “Uh, w-well first off; you can just call me Rarity like my friends do. Secondly, uh, I-I'll show you how you put on a dress. It’s really simple once you get the gist of it.”

The kind mare taught her the art of putting on a dress and accentuated the importance of one's appearance in public. A mare must always be at her prettiest during special occasions, hence why they wear a dress. Olive listened and recorded the whole lesson down. There was just one problem; Rarity showed her how to put on a dress... with magic. The one thing she swore to never use.

Placed in front of a mirror, Olive got to see how sparkly she looked with the beautiful dress on. “See? A dress makes all the difference in the world. Should you ever need something pretty for a special occasion, swing by the boutique and I’ll cook something for you.”

“You can make gingerbread dresses?”

Rarity blinked. “Uh, no darling. It’s cook as in, doing something extremely well.”


“It’s what ponies call a slang, it’s a bit complicated.”

Olive’s ears lowered. “Everything is complicated for me.” she whined.

Rarity patted the filly on the head. “Aw, I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it in no time, dear. You look like a very intelligent filly.”

“Olive?!” Rarity turned around in surprise. Her younger sister, Sweetie Belle, just arrived downstairs. The white filly rushed to her friend in no time, glaring at her sibling. “You didn’t tell me she was coming!”

“Oh, w-well, it’s just because... I wanted it to be a surprise, but you, uh, came in a little too soon.” Rarity blurted out.

“Huh huh.” Sweetie Belle kept her glare on Rarity for a bit before turning to her pink friend. “It’s nice that you came today, I was just starting to get bored! Nothing really happens in here!”

Rarity’s brows furrowed. “What?”

“Nothing happens? That’s great.”

The two siblings blinked. “Uh, what’s so fun about nothing?” Sweetie asked.

“I like to just relax.” Olive said, a simple answer that didn’t quite quench their curiosity, but they didn’t feel like pressing on.

Rarity smiled and headed upstairs. “Well, I suppose I’ll leave you two for a while. Have fun!”

Now left alone, the two fillies could finally get up to all sorts of fun and wild games! That or they can just awkwardly stare at each other for minutes...

Olive and Sweetie Belle were locked in a no blinking contest, at least, that’s what it looked like on the outside. The truth was, none of them knew what to even say now that they were by themselves. This was the first time they were together, just the two of them and it was clearly showing. Despite being friends, they felt somewhat uncomfortable in each other's presence.

Olive started rubbing her hoof on her dress, looking to her left, only showing the part of her face that was mostly hidden by her mane. She felt more comfortable this way.

Sweetie Belle looked away too but kept on glancing at her pink friend. “U-Um, I guess I can show you... my room?”

The fabric of the dress began to irritate Olive. Her mind raced towards a new objective, removing it. The task was much more arduous than she could have imagined. The dress was sticking to her skin thanks to its tight design, removing it by hoof was almost impossible, especially by herself.

Sweetie Belle noticed the filly’s struggle and went to lend a hoof but due to her difficulties with learning magic, she chose to take it off by hoof. “Let me help you with that. ‘Sis always makes them tight because that’s the new trend in Canterlot. I really don’t understand why, I mean, it does feel uncomfortable, doesn’t it?”

“Hm hm.”

The white filly’s hooves slid around to the back of Olive’s neck, pulling on the dress. The pink unicorn shivered, her head jerking briefly. “D-Did I hurt you? I’m really sorry if I did.”

Olive’s eyes widened. “N-No, you just tickled me.”

“If I accidentally hurt you, you’d tell me, right?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Hm hm.”

Sweetie continued to poke around her body, trying to tear away the dress. It was clear she didn’t really know what she was doing, but help was help, Olive appreciated this gesture. The warm feeling of her friend’s hooves slowly carried over to her own body, especially to her freckled cheeks.

“I-Is it coming off?”

“Almost...” Sweetie Belle’s face was slowly turning red with embarrassment. She practically took a full minute to fondle her friend to no avail. Eventually, she just decides to pull as hard as she could, and the dress tore apart. “Whoo?!”

Olive jumped out of the garment, smiling. “You did it!”

The white filly stared at the tarnished dress. “At the cost of my life apparently...” sweat dripped down her face. If her coat wasn’t white, we’d probably see she was pale.

“Not if she never finds it. We must bury it.” Olive proposed, sounding a bit mechanical as if she was paraphrasing somepony extremely experienced.

“Are you sure this will work?”

The pink filly blinked. “Only one way to find out. If it doesn’t work, we’ll just have to come up with something better next time.”

Sweetie Belle stood there, mouth agape. When it came down to business, Olive spoke in a completely different tone. She sounded like she was imitating somepony, not that it sounded like a good pony. “Okay... I guess we’ll go with your idea.”

Burying the dress was a strange experience for Sweetie. It felt like they were covering up a murder, sinister thought indeed but the truth was so innocent it ended up looking adorable to the occasional passerby. Olive was surprisingly strong when it came to handling the shovel, that white haired filly had a lot of power in that little mouth of hers.

They dug until they made a hole big enough to fit the dress, but small enough so that it’d go unnoticed by Rarity.

Back inside, the awkward atmosphere persisted. The two foals didn’t know what to say or do. It was back to the staring contest that devolved into watching the walls as if they were somehow the second coming of Luna.

Sweetie Belle scratched her head. She couldn’t think of what to do and it was making her nervous. She already made a bad impression with the dress and the awkward staring contest.

Olive subtly turned her head to peek at the white filly. She opened her mouth but said nothing. Instead, she recited the exact words in her mind until she was sure of herself, which ended up taking an entire minute of pure awkward agony. “Y-You said you wanted to show me, um, y-your room.” and she still fumbled it.

Sweetie Belle’s nervous gaze focused. “Oh yeah! I did! Come on, I’m sure you’re gonna love it.”

Sweetie’s room was interesting to see. As Olive’s eyes glazed around the place, she compared it to Apple Bloom’s bedroom, now getting a clear idea as to what a normal filly’s room looks like. It’s supposed to be extravagant but also simple. Wooden but also brickly. Colorful but also not colorful. Wait a minute... this doesn’t make any sense!

Once again, Olive couldn’t wrap her head around a seemingly simple concept. She’ll put it on her mental list of “things to ask mommy later”.

Sweetie Belle pulled up with an instrument, a guitar. That immediately caught the pink filly’s attention.

“You have a guitar? You play music?” she asked rapidly.

Her friend sheepishly smiled. “Yeah well, I’ve just started playing the guitar. I-I realised that I always loved to do music, uh, somewhat. A-At least, that’s what other ponies have suggested I try. They said I was good at singing.”

“Can you play me a song?” Olive asked, sitting on the floor with her ears perked up. Little did Sweetie know; music was something the pink unicorn held dearly to her heart. Her father wasn’t the best, far from it, but he was a great musician. No matter the instrument, he could play anything. The best memories Olive kept of him were the times he played a “nice” song for his crew. It was either about his love for Princess Luna or about his insatiable hunger for his kin’s flesh. She’d always be hiding somewhere to listen.

With Sweetie Belle, however, she got the front row. A VIP pass to listen to one of her songs. The white filly opened her chest, rummaging through the rubble inside to finally pick a sheet, the lyric’s sheet to be precise. Immediately, she felt Olive’s presence mere inches behind her.

“Can I see the lyrics?”

Sweetie shot a quick glance at the lyrics for a song she titled “Hearts as Strong as Horses”. She quickly hid the sheet on her chest, her face turning a little red. “M-Maybe I’ll pick another one.”

“Is it not good?” Olive pressed. “I-I can maybe help with the lyrics.”

“Uh... well...” Sweetie Belle’s cheeks turned a light red. Apart from Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, nopony ever heard her songs much less read her lyrics. She wasn’t sure she was ready to share it just yet, but she can’t also turn down her friend. “I g-guess I can show you the lyrics, b-but, um, I don’t really think they’re all that great. I might change them... yeah, change them.”

Reluctantly, she handed over the lyrics to Olive and watched in bathed breath as the filly read through it, slowly. Sweetie felt the sweat dripping down her face. Her entire body was getting hotter, her hooves were sweaty too. She could really go for a cool drink right now.

Olive quickly pulled the sheet down, startling Sweetie Belle. That feeling was short lived as the pink filly had a noticeable look of admiration on her face. “That’s amazing! You’re really good at writing lyrics!” She exclaimed, awkwardly bouncing in place.

“Huh?! Really?” Her blush reddened. “W-Wow, that’s the first time I ever got this much praise... outside of my other friends.” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were good friends for sure, but they got along so much that whatever criticism they might have would probably be dialed down for her sake. With Olive, she had absolute honesty, and that honesty was telling her this was good.

“Can you play this one for me, p-please?” Olive begged, almost forgetting to say it politely.

Sweetie stared at the guitar in her hoof before she sat down, smiling excitedly. “Of course!” Fumbling through the chest, she pulled out the sheets for the guitar. She lit up her horn, taking some time to mentally prepare herself before she could play.

Her hooves were shaking with stress and excitement. It was a strange and wonderful feeling. Taking a deep breath, she finally started the song before the pink filly.

Upon hearing the guitar and Sweetie’s beautiful singing voice, Olive felt herself being taken back to the best moments of her life. A light sensation in her chest made her feel weightless. The world before her slowly faded away, replaced by old memories.

Olive found herself staring through the cracks of a broken wall, gazing in awe at a purple stallion holding a guitar of his own. Many ponies gathered around him to listen to his music. Despite their rough and mean looks, they all listened with respect to the one they followed religiously.

Destiny is ours
Our fears won’t bother us

The pink unicorn kept moving around, trying to get a better view of her father. Back then, he had a noticeably shorter mane and normal eyes by pony standards. During the night, she was supposed to be in bed, but night was always the time when he’d play. Olive simply couldn’t help herself to disobey him. She had to listen to him every time he took the guitar.

The times he held his guitar were also the only times his grin lowered, slowly turning into something indecipherable for the filly.

Equestria’s falling down
Our world is breaking down
But I know we will survive
Until the end of time

Despite never understanding the meaning behind his songs, Olive loved them. She loved all of them. It was strange to her that he never went up on stage like other musicians. He was gifted, but his talents would never be known to everypony. It was his choice, maybe it was Olive who was simply too young to understand why.

When she’ll be older, surely, she’ll understand why her father is so different from other ponies.

Then the ground rumbled, thundering hoofsteps rapidly approaching. Her father stopped playing, his eyes sliding towards her, albeit looking a bit too high.

A deep, gruff voice chilled her bones. “Didn’t your daddy tell you to go to bed, potra insolente?”

Olive turned around to face the angry giant. Her body spazzed out in fear as the giant showed his dirty teeth.

The world returned to normal, her memories fading away. She was back in Carousel Boutique, listening to Sweetie Belle playing. Her tormentor was gone, he has been for weeks. Despite that, the pink unicorn was still terrified at the mere thought of him. Just thinking about him brought back a flood of pain and fear.

By letting her mind take over, she accidentally spoiled the moment. Her breathing became ragged again, her eyes turned to pinpricks and her forehead was covered in sweat. Sweetie Belle quickly caught on to her distraught state. Her song slowed down until she came to a halt.

“O-Olive? Are you alright?” she asked. Her voice sounded hurt.

Olive’s eyes watered, her cheeks turning red. “Y-Yes... I’m just being stupid again.”

“What’s wrong? Did you not like my song?” Sweetie Belle pressed, her voice croaking at her second question. She looked like she was about to tear up herself.

The pink filly’s eyes widened, feeling a bitter sense of deja-vu. “N-No! I l-loved it! I... just thought too much.”

Sweetie smiled weakly. “Thank you. I worked really hard on it...” Looking at her distraught friend, she wondered what could have happened to her. Rarity didn’t tell her much apart from the obvious; Olive had a difficult foalhood and nearly died near Ponyville. That last thought alone always sent a shiver down her spine whenever she thought about it. To think that if Applejack hadn’t found her that day, Olive wouldn’t be there. Despite her burning and somewhat morbid curiosity, she chose not to pry into the filly’s past.

“W-Well, if you’re feeling bad then... maybe you could come to me? I’d like to help out the, um, newest member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders because that is our vow.” Sweetie exclaimed. The world “vow” sounded hollow to her, however. It wasn’t because of this that she was trying her best to entertain Olive.

“C-Could you play another song for me?”

Sweetie Belle smiled, her cheeks warming up. “You don’t have to ask!”

“Um, Sweetie Belle? I have something I want to tell you.”

Down in the kitchen, the two fillies decided to have a little snack before dinner. During the short journey there, Olive seemed tormented but wouldn’t say anything until now.

“Go ahead, I’m listening.” Sweetie Belle said, chugging down a glass of milk.

“Yesterday, I saw Diamond Tiara’s mother.” The pink filly started.

“Ugh, she must be as lousy as Diamond no doubt.”

“Well, she did sound harsh when she spoke to Diamond Tiara. That’s not what bothers me.” Olive continued, trotting in place.

Sweetie Belle stopped drinking her milk, too curious to even finish her drink. “Then, what is?”

“I-It’s when she looked at me. She looked scared. Is it normal for fillies to be scared when their parents are angry?” Olive softly asked.

The white unicorn giggled. “Of course it is! I sometimes get scared when Rarity scolds me.”

Olive didn’t look appeased by this answer. “I don’t know. It just didn’t look like it was normal to me. It made me think of...” She closed her eyes, feeling a new wave of emotion coming up. “somepony who was just as afraid as me. I think Diamond Tiara needs help.”

Sweetie Belle blinked. “Um, are you sure she really needs help? It might be nothing to fuss about. Plus, she’s been nothing but nasty to you, and us too. Even if it turns out she needs help, she might not even want us to do something.”

Olive let out a quiet whimper. “I need to know if she’s okay. Even if she doesn’t want me to help, I’ll do it.” She looked away, hiding her face behind a long strand of her mane. “I don’t like Diamond Tiara, but I don’t want to see her suffer. If something’s wrong, I must do something about it.” It’s... It’s what she would have wanted me to do.

Sweetie Belle smiled, it took some time for her to process what her friend just said. When she did, she made up her mind. “As fellow members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we’ll always help each other out.”

Behind her mane, Olive smiled gratefully.

Under the night sky, Olive and Sweetie Belle sat on the grass, admiring the beautiful view before them. The sky was filled with stars and colors despite the darkness. It brought peace to the heart of the pink filly. The night was misunderstood. The day was beautiful, sure, but the night was always prettier, more mysterious especially. The chilly temperature only contributed to this strong feeling.

“It’s so pretty here...” Olive muttered in awe.

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, enjoying the cold breeze brushing against her face. “It’s quite the spectacle. Sometimes, we even see shooting stars!”

“It’s... much prettier than the sky in the big cities.”

Sweetie lowered her head, looking Olive in the eyes. The pink filly kept her gaze on the sky. “Much prettier?”

“There are more stars in Ponyville. The sky is bland in cities like Manehattan. I’ve... never seen a sky this beautiful before...”

Olive said, getting a bit emotional. She lifted her hooves up to the sky. “I wish I could fly up there and touch the stars.”

Sweetie Belle couldn’t stop herself from staring at her friend. There was such a beautiful spark in her eyes. Something so respectable. There was a mixture of pain and joy in them. A contrast that created something admirable.

Olive lowered her hooves, her beautiful expression transformed into a sad one. “But that’s a stupid wish. Nopony can fly this far up, and the stars are too big and too far away to be touched.”

“I don’t think this is a stupid wish. I think it’s rather cool.” Sweetie Belle said softly.

Olive’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“W-Well, I actually think you’re rather cool.” Sweetie sheepishly admitted.

Olive blinked, now looking at her friend. “What’s so cool about me? I’m just a crybaby. That’s what everypony told me...”

“You’re not a crybaby. I don’t know anything about your life before you came to Ponyville, but I know thanks to my sister that it was terrible and despite that, I can see you’re trying your best to move on. You’re trying your best to be nice to everypony despite being mistreated by some. I just find you... uh, what was the word again? Oh right, it’s admirable! I find you admirable. You’re not the type to give up, aren’t you?” Sweetie Belle explained passionately.

Olive was speechless, her mouth agape. She felt a burning sensation in her body, slowly rising to her face. In a matter of seconds, her cheeks turned red. Embarrassed, she covered her face with a hoof, looking sideway to better hide it. “N-Nopony ever thought I was cool...” she managed to say after a long silence.

“Then let me be the first to think so!” Sweetie responded, inching closer to the pink filly. “I just know you deserve so much more.”

Olive’s face turned redder. She didn’t know what to say to any of this. She simply elected to give her an awkward smile of gratitude. "F...Five seconds of love?" she awkwardly said, lifting her hooves up.

"Sure thing!" Sweetie Belle responded, embracing her friend in a loving hug.

“Brr! It’s awfully cold tonight!”

The two fillies, startled, looked behind to see Rarity trotting up to them. “Are you fillies really okay being outside at this temperature? I’m freezing and I’ve barely left the boutique for a minute!”

Sweetie Belle finally noticed she was shaking herself. “Now that you mention it. It is cold!”

Rarity gritted her teeth, unable to stop herself from shivering. “You two should head back inside. I’ll make us a hot drink.” she turned around and trotted back to her boutique.

Sweetie Belle was about to get up to follow her sister inside but stopped when she noticed the pleading look Olive had. The pink filly let out a quiet whimper. “I think we’re going to stay a bit longer to admire the stars.”

Rarity stopped, looking over her shoulder. “Well... if you insist, but I won’t let you two freeze outside.” The white mare went inside and returned a few seconds later with a blanket. “Come closer now, this blanket is not big enough if you stay too far apart.”

The two fillies inched closer to one another. Rarity gently placed the blanket on them. Olive immediately felt her body turning warm, unlike her face who was already hot to begin with.

“Thanks ‘sis!”

Rarity smiled softly. “Don’t stay up late. I know this is the weekend, but you fillies need to get your beauty sleep.” and on these words, she left them alone to admire the heavenly star filled sky.

“I feel like I can fly up there.” Olive muttered. “Do you think I can learn how to fly like a pegasus?”

“I’m sure there’s a flight spell. We could ask Princess Twilight; she knows all about magic.”

Princess Twilight... Olive never put much thought into it, but it must be rare for a filly like her to have caught the attention of not one, but two alicorn princesses. It was crazy just how much she was appreciated here, unlike her old life with her father’s friends. She finally found her place, a place that loved her despite her flaws...

Despite the abomination inside.

“Anyway, I’ll stay here with-” Sweetie’s mouth stayed open, surprised. She felt a heavy weight on her. “Oh, she already fell asleep.”

Alone in the dark, Princess Luna stared somberly at the small spear of light beaming through her curtains. She should be asleep, regaining her strength for the coming night, but she was too tormented to close her eyes. Dread crept in her soul, keeping her wide awake.

This feeling came a few days ago in the middle of her journey through her subjects’ dreams. Something was not right, the shadows felt stronger than before. Her body was shivering despite the warm temperature of her bedroom.

I-It’s growing stronger... She thought as she looked at the singular ray of light slowly being consumed by the darkness. He’s closer than ever. In that moment, she slowly came to realise that her biggest fear was coming true. The same fear that intensifies whenever she sees Anarchy. The Nightmare is coming for us. It’s going to be here soon.

Her room went dark, the last ray of light now devoured by the abyss. She couldn’t take this powerful feeling of anxiety anymore. Its oppressive nature was devouring her from the inside, convincing her to stay in bed and do nothing. Fighting through this urge, Luna crawled out of bed, opening the curtains to let the light inside.

The day was about to end. The amber glow of the dusk sky sent a shiver down her spine. Three words rang through her mind, and they didn’t feel like they were hers. Despite being freed from the Nightmare, it was still clinging onto her, whispering in her darkest moments.

Group up, consider your course of action. Evil is timeless, after all.

The voice was different from how she remembered it. Before it was rash, angry and impulsive. Now, it sounded calm, collected and mocking.

Her thoughts raced to one pony, sister. Princess Luna left her room, navigating through the ever so darkening halls of Canterlot’s castle. The shadows were crawling all over the floor, walls and ceiling. They were taking more space, banishing the light from her home. None of this was unnatural of course, but Luna couldn’t help but dread the creeping shadows.

“Lulu? What’s wrong?” That voice... It would seem Celestia found her first. “Is it about Anarchy?”

The lunar princess cringed. “Not just him this time, sister. It’s his wicked master I’m worried about.”

Celestia’s face darkened. “So, we’re still not done with it...”

“I’m afraid not.” Luna sighed. “Maybe we’ll never be able to destroy it.” Her eyes moved to the stained glass depicting the defeat of Nightmare Moon, her liberation from a thousand years of nightmares. What she thought was the end of her troubles. Sadly, reality is always full of bad surprises. “I created it... gave him power.”

“Don’t blame yourself for what happened then or happens now.” Celestia spoke softly. “I don’t want to see you drowning in guilt and misery. We’ve all made terrible mistakes and paid dearly for it. All we can do, is fix them and find some closure.”

Luna solemnly admired the beauty of the stained glass, remembering her meeting with Twilight near Ponyville General Hospital. She giggled weakly. “Haven’t I said that before?”

Her sister gently smiled. Everything about Celestia was graceful, and that alone was comforting. “I’m sure you did, Lulu. You’re wiser than you believe. Don’t let your guilt drag you down.” Her wings opened to embrace the smaller alicorn.

The warmth comfort of her sister brought some peace to Luna’s tormented soul. “W-We’re in this together, Tia.”

“Of course, Lulu. I’ll never leave your side.”

Author's Note:

Another cutesy chapter meant to flesh out Olive's interactions with her friends, one-on-one. Knowing the roadmap up to the storm, I'll only get to dedicate one chapter to Sweetie and one to Scootaloo. Then, we'll move on to Diamond Tiara and Spoiled Rich up until the storm comes.

Until they learn the truth...

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