• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 4,651 Views, 493 Comments

Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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14. Reconciliation

The trek back home was a painful one. The incident in front of the pharmacy damaged her new daughter. Terrified, humiliated, Applejack worried that this would result in a growing fear of going out in town. Their house was nicely placed on the edge of Ponyville, but simply going outside wasn’t enough, the filly needed to feel safe inside the town itself. It would be unhealthy for her to stay indoors, especially when she’ll inevitable have to go to school alongside the other foals. The wind howled with sorrow, further nailing in Applejack’s guilt.

Olive’s cries died down, now reduced to the occasional sob. Seeing her daughter like this made her heart break. This was supposed to be a special day, a happy day for the both of them. And now, because of Pinkie’s antics, it was ruined.

Entering her home, she said nothing as she passed by Granny Smith, her attention completely on Olive. The old mare heard her coming and turned around with a bright smile on her face. “Ah Applejack! Ah see ya’ve...” she stopped when she noticed the filly resting on her grand-daughter's back. The fur below her eyes were drenched in tears. “Oh dear... what in the hay happened?”

Ignoring Granny’s concern, Applejack kneeled. “Hey sugar cube, we’re here.” Olive wiped the remaining tears off her eyes and slowly descended from the mare’s back, her legs slightly trembling. The filly’s head remained lowered, unable to look at anypony in the eyes.

“That’s yer new home. Ah hope ya like it.”

No answer, Olive stayed silent trying to fight her tears from resurfacing.

Applejack felt a hoof touch her shoulder. “Applejack? What happened?” Granny Smith said, her voice riddled with worries.

The orange mare took a deep breath. “Pinkie Pie, that’s what happened.”

Granny Smith blinked. “Huh? How could Pinkie be responsible fo’ this?”

“She sang a song to Olive, but it, uh, attracted lots of attention.” Applejack started, occasionally checking on her motionless daughter. “A large crowd formed ‘round ‘er. It was too much; she couldn’t handle it. She couldn’t handle it and Pinkie wouldn’t take the hint.” her voice turned into a growl upon mentioning her friend’s name. “That darn pony always views the world with rose tinted glasses, always invades our personal spaces and craves fo’ attention! If she’d just stop to think, then this kind of humiliation wouldn’t happen!”

“Calm down there, Aj.” Granny Smith harshly said, though her voice didn’t raise in the slightest. “Yer only scaring yer daughter with all that shouthin’!”

Applejack’s heavy breaths slowed down. She looked back at Olive who now closed her eyes, sniffling. Regret immediately washed over her, though that didn’t last long when the front door opened again. This time, it was Big Mac who entered. Upon seeing the big stallion, Aj shot a glare at him. “Big Mac.” Her voice was heavy, angry and deceptively calm.

The stallion was no fool for he began to sweat upon seeing his sister approach him with a cold look in her eyes. “Ah’d like ta have a word with ya.”

Big Mac gulped. “E-yup?”

Applejack took a deep breath, trying not to snap with Olive around. “First off; Ah’d like ta know why ya were over at Ponyville instead of bein’ at the farm.”

Granny Smith raised a displeased eyebrow. “What?”

Big Mac gulped. “Uh, Ah was...” He couldn’t think of a convincing lie, not that it would work with her sister being the interrogator. She was always good at busting lies. “Ah wanted ta buy some treats.”

“Buy some treats?” Granny Smith closed the distance. “Couldn’t ya have waited just a little longer, hmm? There’s still a lotta work ta do and yer ditching it for some candi-”

Applejack raised her hoof, cutting her granny off. “That ain’t what it’s about. So, you were in Ponyville, and despite all ta things Ah’ve said about Olive, ya still joined the crowd.” She pointed a hoof at the filly in the back. “Well look what ya did! First day home and ya make ‘er cry in public! Nice going!”

Discombobulated by this turn of event, Big Mac desperately looked around until his eyes met those of Olive. The filly rapidly broke eye contact, staring at the floor. In that moment, the stallion realised what was going on. “A-Ah just wo-wanted to s-sing!” he said, stumbling over his words.

“Just wanted to sing?” Applejack growled. “So ya think singin’s more important than the well bein’ of mah daughter?!”

“N-No! That ain’t what Ah meant!” Big Mac jerked back, growing more nervous by the second.

“Then what exactly were ya thinkin’?!” Applejack stomped.

Olive ran upstairs, unable to take it anymore. The floor creaked with each step taken, snapping Applejack out of her verbal rampage. Watching the filly disappears, the earth pony realised the terrible she’s just made. Even though Granny Smith warned her, she let her anger get the better of her. “Oh no...”

Big Mac looked utterly disappointed in himself, as he trotted towards the front door. “Ah... Ah’m going back to work.”
Applejack’s eyes began to water. “What did Ah do?” she croaked.

Granny Smith frowned; she wasn’t fast enough to break the rising tension and that only served to make their family look terrible in front of the filly. “We messed up big time.”

Tears streamed down Applejack’s freckled face as she stared silently at the staircase, wracked with guilt. Her breaths were getting heavy.

“Ya’ve made a mistake and that’s okay. Ya can still set things right, girl.” Granny Smith consoled. “Look in mah eyes.” she asked, and Applejack complied. “In times of need, this filly will need somepony to turn to, and that somepony is you, Applejack. So wipe these tears away and have a talk with yer daughter.”

Applejack did as her granny instructed and climbed a few steps before stopping to look at the old mare with a thankful expression.

“If ye need me with anythin’, Ah’ll be down in the kitchen.”

And with that, Applejack went upstairs in search of Olive.

It wasn’t hard to find out where she went. This floor was quiet, except for the distinct crying coming out of Apple Bloom’s bedroom. Rainsing a hoof towards the doorknob, Applejack hesitated before gathering the strength to go in.

There on the carpet, lied a curled-up mess of a pony, crying uncontrollably. The earth pony cautiously approached the filly, sitting beside her. Next to her was the Saddle Rager toy Aj had generously bought for her. Applejack picked it up and placed within her daughter’s hooves.

Olive stopped crying to look at the toy. The earth pony wrapped a hoof around the filly, bringing the little one closer to her chest. “Ah’m sorry ya had to see this. Ah shouldn’t have raised mah voice while ya were here.”

Olive kicked the floor to pull herself closer to her mother, her ears perked up to listen.

“Ah only wanted ta be a good mother, but Ah can see Ah still have some things to learn.” Applejack felt the filly’s grip tightening. “Ah only want what’s best for ya, sugar cube. Ah really do.” Her voice hitched. “I-It’s a bad start, Ah know, but Ah promise Ah’ll make it up for this.” The earth pony’s eyes were now watering. “Ah’m so sorry for scaring ya... So so sorry.”

Olive sobbed uncontrollably, but despite the constant stream of tears, she fought back to respond. “N-No... I-I-I'm sorry.”

Perplexed, Applejack gave a light chuckle. “What’re ye sorry for? Ah’m in the wrong here.”

“No, i-it’s my fault you yelled a-at Big M-M-Mac.” Olive stuttered, pulling back from her mother. Her eyes were now red. “A-And at Pinkie Pie. I ruined everything!”

Applejack gave her a reassuring smile. “Olive, ya didn’t ruin anything.” she softly said. “Just because Ah’ve yelled at Big Mac doesn’t mean Ah hate ‘im. This happens quite often when ya’re with your family, but no matter what happens, we’ll always love each other. ‘Cause there’s nothing stronger than family.”

“B-But what about Pinkie?” Olive asked, her sad expression still remaining. “I made you hate her!”

“Aw, ya didn’t make me hate ‘er. Friendships aren’t perfect too.” Applejack said, wiping her daughter’s tears away. “Even if she made you cry in front of everypony, Ah still love her. Ah see now we were both in the wrong back there.”

“Doesn’t change the fact that I made her sad.” Olive lamented.

Applejack’s smile faded away. “No, Ah believe Ah’ve made ‘er sad. Ah probably shouldn’t have yelled at ‘er too, not while ya were ‘ere.” Her daughter looked up to her with a pleading look in her eyes. Aj already understood what she wanted. “Y-Yeah, Ah should apologise to Pinkie.”

“I want to apologise to her too!” Olive insisted. “She wanted to make me happy and in return I made her sad. I broke her feelings, so I have to fix this!”

Applejack couldn’t help but smile. “Yer a kind filly, sugar cube.”

Olive reached her hooves out to Aj. "Five seconds of love?"

The earth pony chuckled. "Can't say no to tha'!"

A few seconds of silence later, the two left the bedroom and trotted downstairs. Olive remained closely behind Applejack’s legs; her eyes completely focused on the floor. Just before the two left, Applejack looked at Granny Smith who noticed their leave. They exchanged a silent nod before the two went outside.

Big Macintosh was repairing the broken fence rather slowly. His movements had little determination for his mind was somewhere else entirely. He didn’t have the heart to keep on going with this task.

“Well, sugar cube. Ah don’t suppose ya want ta say somethin’ to Big Mac?” Olive lifted her head, saw the stallion and made a beeline to him.

Once she got to him, she stopped mere inches before her new uncle. Big Mac noticed her, quitting his work to stare back. He had a nervous and guilty look on his face. Preferring to remain silent, he stood there, waiting for something to happen.

Olive looked off to the side, unable to maintain eye contact as she was struggling to think of what to say. “I’m sorry.” she simply said.

Big Mac blinked. “Sorry fo’ what?”

The filly rushed his leg and hugged him. The stallion jerked back, before smiling. “For making you feel bad. Please don’t be sad.” She added. “I don’t like seeing sad ponies.”

Big Mac gently caressed her mane. “Heh, all is forgiven.” He said, even though he never blamed her for anything. He just knew that it was the right thing to say to make the filly feel better. In the corner of his eyes, he saw his sister standing in the back, watching on with a bright smile on her face. He returned the smile. The dark cloud over his head had vanished.

Once the hug was over, Olive returned to her mother. “Let’s go to Sugar Cube Corner. Ah’m certain we’ll find Pinkie there.”

Applejack and Olive stood before Sugar Cube Corner, the place was as colorful and vibrant as ever, but on the inside... it was clear some life was missing from this jolly shop. Miss Cake was behind the counter instead of Pinkie Pie, looking worried. Mister Cake was absent, most likely taking care of the foals upstairs.

Seeing the two approach the counter, Miss Cake mustered up the brightest smile she could. “Hello Applejack! It’s good to see you!” Her eyes immediately locked on the filly by the orange mare’s side. “Oh! Is this your daughter?”

Applejack smiled, of course Pinkie told them about Olive. “E-yup, Ah just got ‘er out of Ponyville General an hour ago.”

“I can say you’re lucky she’s already grown up a bit. Taking care of a baby is a tough fight, even for us.” Miss Cake giggled.

“So, what will you take?”

Applejack began to feel a tad uncomfortable. “Actually, Ah didn’t come to order somethin’. Ah came to talk with Pinkie.”

Miss Cake’s cheerful attitude waned. “Oh... S-She's upstairs.” The earth pony’s expression further amplified Applejack’s guilt.

“Is it okay if we go upstairs?” she asked.

“You’re here to cheer her up? That’ll be awfully nice.” Miss Cake smiled was now completely gone. “She just came in with the most heart breaking look I’ve ever seen on a pony’s face, and her hair was also deflated. Nothing good comes from a Pinkie with deflated hair. I’ll gladly let you go up.” she finished, pointing a hoof at the stairs.


Applejack and her daughter awkwardly climbed the stairs of Sugar Cube Corner. On the upper floor, they trotted towards Pinkie’s room where her muffled voice could be heard. The orange mare placed her ear on the door to make out her words.

“Oh Gummy... I really really really messed up! I made Applejack’s new daughter cry in front of everypony and made my best friend furious.” Objects were shuffled around mixed in with the sound of an alligator hissing. “What should I do? Throw a sorry party? Give her a nice apology gift? Oh! I just don’t what to do... I’ve ruined our friendship.”

No longer able to bear her guilt, Applejack knocked on the door. “Uh, P-Pinkie?” There was nothing but silence. And then, a couple of quiet hoofsteps. The doorknob twisted and her friend’s face poked through the crack.

Pinkie’s eyes widened, and she immediately slammed the door shut.

“W-Wait! Pinkie!”

On the other side, Pinkie Pie rested her back on the door, sliding down to the floor. Her head was lowered as her eyes were staring at the floor. Gummy crawled over to her, resting on her lap.

“Listen, Ah came here to apologise.”

Pinkie’s face lit up, lifting her head up. “Y... You do?” The door opened again. This time, Pinkie didn’t retreat into her room.

Seeing the glimmer of hope in the pink pony’s eyes made Applejack feel even worse about herself. “Yeah, Ah do.”

Seeing the little filly nervously shuffling around Applejack made Pinkie crack a weak smile, inviting them in her room. Once they entered, the pink pony let out a deep sigh. “I also want to apologise for getting carried away during my song. I should have paid more attention to her.”

Applejack gave her a comforting hug. “Ah forgive ya, Pinkie. Ah shouldn’t have yelled at ya and called yer song stupid. It’s a great song.” She let out a few tears stream down her face.

Pinkie felt something pull on her leg. As she looked down, she saw Olive trying to get her attention. Remembering how badly she scared the little filly, she kneeled before the young pony. “I am-”

“I’m sorry.” Pinkie blinked. Olive apologised?


Olive rubbed her mane with her hoof. “I made you feel bad about yourself. It’s my fault you’re sad.”

“Wait so what you’re telling me is...” Pinkie roused herself from her lethargic state. “you’re not angry at me?” The filly shook her head.

A large smile began to form on the pink pony, her hair swelling like a balloon. In a matter of seconds, her vibrant pink color reappeared. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” She asked, picking the filly up in an overly affectious hug.

“Hey careful now, Pinkie!” Applejack warned. Her worries were put at ease when she noticed that her daughter looked happier now.

Seeing the smile on Olive’s face, Pinkie giggled. “Auntie Pinkie never fails to turn that frown upside down.” She brought the filly closer to nuzzle her, with the small pony giggling in return.

Applejack stayed behind for a while, watching the two reconciliate after their bad first meeting. “Heh, all's well that ends well.”

Canterlot, the great capital of Equestria. A city filled with life, booming with business and joy... for the most part. Like any major city in the continent, there are some shady things going on in the dark. It can happen anywhere, even in broad daylight.

Take this small café here. It looks innocent enough, what with the jolly owners and the happy customers. However, two of these customers outside are up to no good. They look fairly average, but the things they are discussing are anything but average. This mare and this stallion are eyeballing anypony who passes by this café.

“So what now? What’re we doing here?” the gruff stallion asked.

“Waiting.” The French mare grumbled. “for the boss to come to town. Ça va bientôt être la fête.”

The gruff stallion emptied his cup of coffee. “Great, we’ll finally see some action around here. These last few days were boring.”

“I’d wager they weren’t so bad. It’s been a while since I’ve got to go to a place that’s fancier than the gutters.” The French one argued.

“You do realise our goal here is to burn it all down, Dreamcatcher? Why’d you join us if you love fancy places so much.”

The French pony looked at him in annoyance. “I already told you it was because of a personal grudge. I suggest you stop trying to pry into my life.” She tapped the pocked of his suit, where she carefully placed a razor blade inside.

“Tough luck, Frenchie. You’re not gonna scare me. The boss’s the only pony that scares me.” The gruff stallion chuckled.

“Why? Because he broke your wife’s leg?”

The gruff stallion’s eyes widened. He stood up from his seat and grabbed the Frenchie by the neck. “Wha- How the hay do you know that?!”

“Calm down, you’re attracting unwanted attention to us.” The French mare said, looking unfazed by his companion’s outburst. The other pony let go and slumped back in his chair, his eyes shooting daggers into the French pony. “It’s no secret that the boss has a big mouth.”

The gruff stallion gritted his teeth but chose to say nothing.

The two remained silent, awkwardly silent as Dreamcatcher slowly drank her coffee. This awkward moment was broken when they saw a prominent figure pass by the café, at least for them. The figure, despite its tall stature, tried to look as innocent as possible.

A wave of nervousness washed over the smaller stallion; it was Strong Hoof. The massive beast of a pony sat down at their table, but due to his size, he simply opted to sit on the floor.

“Aren’t you afraid to attract unwanted attention?” the gruff stallion asked.

“The circus is in town. As such, I am expected to be here.” Strong Hoof responded. During the night, he was a bloodthirsty psychopath who was at the beck and call of Anarchy. As for the day? He was a circus performer, known for his impressive size and strength, the perfect cover. What wasn’t known to the public, however, was that this circus was a front for the Anarchists. Yes, it’s true when they say that they’ve got eyes everywhere.

“I hope you only came here to get a coffee.” The French mare chuckled. “I don’t believe I screwed up recently.”

Strong Hoof frowned, his face darkening. “Our boss is frustrated as of late, but this can be attributed to the failure at the Everfree Forest. Still, I'm glad this happened. I had a score to settle with that runt. Blood can only be repaid with blood.”

“We didn’t fail, right? We took care of the fillies, didn’t we?” the gruff stallion asked, lowering his voice.

“We did, but the fillies’s escape wasn’t supposed to happen. Anarchy's still peeved about that. The next time something goes wrong, he’s going to do worse than to break a mare’s leg.” Strong Hoof corrected. The gruff stallion cringed at that last statement. “Tonight, we’ll see what he’ll do, and we’ll adapt. He can be rather... frightening when he’s upset.”

“He’s going to make some noise for sure. Ça va barder.”

Author's Note:

And that's another chapter done!
Now, it's time to bring the Cutie Mark Crusaders into the mix! Yeah, Apple Bloom wasn't home 'cause she was at school, in case you were wondering.

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