• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 4,651 Views, 493 Comments

Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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48. Cold, Cold, Heart

Oh... my two musicians have gone away. How sad, I wanted them to play a nice music for my upcoming wedding.

Oh? Oh! That’s... That’s good. I can use this.

Another day, another outing around Sweet Apple Acre’s roads to shovel snow. The Apple family worked hard to ensure the well-being of the farm’s animals, the safety of the roads and the preservation of their precious orchard. Unfortunately, most of the remaining apples were inedible after being out in the cold for entire weeks.

On a seemingly normal morning, Applejack was visited by somepony she didn’t think she would be seeing so soon.

Loud steps alerted her to the presence of a visitor, one dressed in a nice suit wearing a top hat. Looking Glass came to Sweet Apple Acre, moving at a much faster pace than normal. He looked tired judging by the bags under his eyes, the many bruises around his body and his overall awkward trot.

“Applejack, I need to talk with you now. It’s urgent.” His voice, however, remained just as powerful. Nothing could truly put that stallion down for good!

Wiping the sweat off, Applejack sat against a tree, catching her breath. “Spill... it. Ah’m listenin’...”

“I ran into Anarchy last night. I barely managed to get out alive, saving two mares from Ponyville in the process. From what I saw, they’re safely recuperating in the town’s hospital from their bruises and hypothermia.” Looking Glass gazed at the Everfree forest. “He’s somewhere inside the old castle of the two sisters, close to Ponyville. I know he’s looking forward to killing you both. He won’t hesitate to make a move now that I know he’s in there.”

Applejack gasped, turning to see her daughter working alongside Apple Bloom, blissfully unaware of the looming danger near them. “He’s comin’ for us now?”

The dark blue stallion nodded. He readjusted his tie with his hoof, looking rather uncomfortable. “This town isn’t safe. Once night falls, he’ll come for you. Your best bet is to flee to Canterlot. The two princesses can keep you both safe.”

Getting up, a troubling thought came to Aj’s mind. “But what ‘bout ta rest of mah family?”

Looking Glass picked an apple and bit into it. “Anarchy doesn’t care about them, he’s only after those that can stop him. They’ll be safer away from you than with you.”

Also feeling a little hungry, Applejack ate an apple to prepare her stomach for the bumpy road ahead, not noticing the stallion discarding his own meal. “So, Ah reckon that means mah friends are comin’ too.”

“Naturally. You should warn them immediately. I’ll be waiting at the station, meet me there as soon as possible.” And as quickly as he came, he left the orchard without ever looking back.

There was still plenty of time before sundown, but better safe than sorry, Applejack rushed to her daughter.

“Hi, mommy! I’m good at apple bucking now, look!” Olive proudly bucked a nearby apple tree, causing multiple apples to fall in the baskets below. The filly looked up to her mother with happy eyes, seeking gratitude.

“That’s mighty good, sugar cube, but uh... we gotta go now.” The orange mare turned her attention to her baby sister. “Ya stay ‘ere on ta farm, ‘kay?”

Apple Bloom scratched her head. “Hey, what’s happenin’? That doesn’t sound good at all.” Olive moved towards her mother anxiously, sticking to her like glue as she always did whenever something stressful happened.

It’s best to be honest. Applejack remembered when her parents told her they were coming back, only to never return. She should say something, anything that won’t let her sister wait for so long in agony, holding out for a big sister that may never return should things go awry. “It’s pretty bad. Ah’m honestly not certain if Ah’ll be back. Things might get ugly.”

The little filly’s heart stopped for a solid second. “W-What do ya mean?!”

Applejack patted her on the head, comforting her with a bright smile. “Hey now, Ah’m just sayin’ that in case turns go bad, but Ah promise, we’ll be okay.”

Olive whined, hugging her sister before returning to her mother’s side. “Bye bye, Apple Bloom.”

“Well, Ah guess Ah’ll be seein’ ya one day.”

The orange mare smiled warmly. “It’ll only take a few days at most, Ah’m sure. Don’t worry ‘bout us.”

Gathered at the station, all six Elements of Harmony plus Olive were there, ready to depart for Canterlot alongside Looking Glass.

“We’re all here, the train should be here soon. Waste no time boarding.” he ordered in his cold, cold voice.

“Now, normally I’d be happy to go to Canterlot, but I’m afraid I won’t get the chance to visit much fashion boutiques.” Rarity lamented, glancing at the pile of luggage she brought for this trip, helpfully carried by Spike.

The poor thing groaned as he pushed his muscles to their limit trying to move it all. “Always at your service... M-Miss Rarity!”

“You’re such a dear, Spike. Thank you very much.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, levitating some of the luggage from Spike’s claws.

“But Twili-”

“Don’t overdo it, Spike.”

Olive tugged on her mother’s leg, staring at her with her oh so adorable curious look. “Mommy, why is Spike the only one carrying our luggage?”

“Uh... W-Well.” Applejack quickly picked a few luggage to lessen the baby dragon’s burden, much to his dismay. “He ain’t ta only one! Ya can help if ya want.”

Groaning, the baby dragon puffed his chest. “Come on, I can... handle it. It’s nothing!” He affirmed; his voice strained by the heavy weight he was carrying.

Olive lifted a few luggage with telekinesis even though Spike didn’t look like he was okay with this.

“N-No, wait! I can lift...” He crumbled, crushed under the weight of over twenty heavy luggage, 90% of them belonging to Rarity.

Olive smiled proudly. “You’re welcome, Spike!”

Inside the train, Olive finally got to enjoy the ride without any worries. She had nothing to do other than enjoy the nice landscape of Equestria. It felt simply amazing to go this fast, rushing past trees and hills at the speed of sound. Trains are so fast that she believed she could reach the farthest corners of the country in under an hour!

Meanwhile, the adults were speaking their concern to Looking Glass, understandably worried for what’s to come. They were after all prime targets for the monstrous Anarchy.

“So, is it true? You really fought Anarchy and survived?” Twilight leaned closer, gazing at Olive, reminiscing about their fight. The powers of the Nightmare are mysterious, unnatural, going against the conventional rules of magic and physic. Anarchy was no doubt much worse than that little filly. “What was it like? How strong is he? Is he good at magic? What does he look like? Ho-”

“Sheesh, Twilight.” Rainbow interrupted. “Just let him speak.”

“Oh, sorry...”

No longer interested by the ride, Olive crawled towards Fluttershy, completely unaware of the foreboding future ahead of them. “Miss Fluttershy, can I sit next to you?”

The yellow pegasus smiled. “Of course you can! I’ll make some space for you.”

Looking Glass fumbled in his seat, trying to get into a comfortable seating position. He readjusted his tie with his hooves again, cringing. “No need for apologies, I understand your worries, Princess Twilight. I’ll answer to the best of my ability.” And so, he told them everything that happened without mentioning anything about a Crimson Mask of course. He told them about his descent down the old castle, the types of spell Anarchy used against him, from time acceleration to erasing time, everything that could be useful. He then recounted how he saved Octavia and Vinyl from the clutches of the mad stallion.

“Woah, that’s totally crazy! Can you even accelerate time?” Pinkie Pie asked, getting uncomfortably close to the stallion.

The detective grunted, pushing the mare away. “No, it’s out of my capacities. It requires too much mana for me to cast. And keep your distances, you’re getting too close for comfort.”

“Oops, sorry!”

Rarity cringed simply at the mere thought of one day encountering such an ugly beast. Looking Glass’s description was highly detailed, giving enough information to leave no room for interpretation. “Eek, sounds like a dreadful pony. Why can’t evil be bothered to put on some nice clothes for a change?”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “You’re thinking of King Sombra.”

“... Well, darling, I never got to see the king. For all I know he could have been just as ugly as this Anarchy.”

Twilight chimed in. “Actually, from what I saw, he didn’t look half bad. Maybe a little more on the handsome scale, you know, if it wasn’t for the whole tyrant thing he had going.”

“Why can’t I find a charming stallion who’s remotely nice?” Rarity lamented.

“Ooh! I know some!” Pinkie Pie bounced on her seat, smiling from ear to ear.

“Pinkie, please.”

Looking Glass’s eyes slowly went to the filly sitting near Fluttershy, examining her with great interest while the others were too busy discussing meaningless topics. “Olive, are you aware of the danger you’re all in?”

The pink unicorn jumped; staring confused at the imposing stallion. “No? I don’t know what we’re doing in Canterlot.”

Applejack blinked. “Oh, ya... Might ‘ave forgot to tell ‘er.”

Looking Glass crossed his hooves, frowning. “Then I’ll let you explain, Applejack.”

Olive trotted over Fluttershy’s hooves, curling up near her mother. “Mommy, what’s going on?”

Nervous, the orange mare looked to her friends who each gave in their own ways the go to. And so, she quickly explained the situation, trying her best not to scare the poor unicorn too much.

The pink unicorn’s eyes widened, her mouth agape. “D-Daddy’s coming... for me?” She inched closer to her mother, scared. She never imagined she would ever see him again and after so long. She just didn’t know what to do should they cross path again. They opened her eyes to the truth, to the fact that her father didn’t truly love her. But then again, maybe there was a slight chance he did love her, only choosing not to show it.

Oh what to do? She didn’t say many good things about him ever since she came to Ponyville so... she should always stay on edge and close to Applejack.

“’Fraid so, sugar cube but don’t ya worry; we’ll keep ya safe!” her mother assured, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

Rainbow Dash’s mouth twitched, barely smiling for the briefest of seconds, something that only the perceptive Looking Glass noticed. The train slowed, allowing the passengers inside to gaze upon the glorious city of Canterlot.

“Looks like we’re there. Waste no time and follow me to the castle.”

Canterlot was but a mad dash to get to the castle, pushing any ponies in the way, for they had business of upmost importance. Looking Glass sure didn’t wait for any of them. It was either they kept up with him or lagged behind him. Despite the sun being directly above them, they felt like time was running out. Stressful times were ahead of them, a battle they would never forget. One that’ll once again shape the very future of Equestria. The fate of the very world they cherished hung in the balance.

All were on high alert, stressed out of their minds.

Inside the castle, Looking Glass wasted no time rushing to Princess Celestia, interrupting an important reunion between nobles without a care in the world. When lives are at stakes, he throws away any sense of formality and politeness.

“Looking Glass, what’s...” The alicorn raised her eyes, seeing her former student and her friends galloping towards her. She immediately knew something was wrong.

“It’s Anarchy, Celestia. He’s hiding near Canterlot and plans on killing his daughter and the Elements of Harmony right here.” He pushed away the nobles that dared to even remain in his way. “It is why I brought them here in the safety of your castle. They shouldn’t leave until Anarchy has been dealt with.”

Bewildered, Princess Celestia told the nobles to come back another day, emptying the castle. “I see. We planned on calling you all here, but I suppose Looking Glass took the initiative as always.”

Princess Twilight flew next to the detective. “Do you believe he’ll attack us even in here?”

“Yes, I saw first hoof how powerful he’s gotten. He has what it takes to challenge both Celestia and Luna.” Looking Glass observed the windows of the castle, especially the one showcasing Nightmare Moon’s defeat.

Princess Celestia furrowed her brows, her mind returning to the more important subject of Anarchy, discarding whatever remained of the nobles’ conversation. “Then we should not waste any time. We’ll have to form a plan to take him down before night falls.”

“Does this involve the Elements of Harmony?” Twilight asked.

The detective’s ears perked at that very moment.

Princess Celestia shook her head, gazing out a nearby window. “No, I’m afraid we can’t return them yet; we still have no idea what will happen should they be removed in the presence of that box... Anarchy may be powerful, but he is not invincible. There are other ways to defeat him.”

Twilight felt a wave of discomfort wash through her. Just from the alicorn’s tone alone, she knew that unlike the other evildoers they’ve faced, this one must die. Without the Elements to depower him, Anarchy will simply be too strong to be held by any mere prison. Death is the only solution here, something that Twilight wasn’t quite ready to stomach yet.

Olive tugged on Applejack’s tail. The poor filly trembled, staying close to her mother. “M-Mommy? Is everything going to be okay?”

To be honest, Aj didn’t know. Without the Elements at their side, she was less confident in their abilities to deal with a serial killer turned a god. “Y-Yeah, it’s gonna be okay, sugar cube. Ah won’t let ‘im hurt ya.”

Looking Glass suddenly sprung back to life at the voice of the earth pony. “Celestia, what will we do about Olive? I do not believe you’ll accept we put a filly on the battlefield.”

The princess of Equestria nodded, cringing inside at the mere thought of using a foal soldier. There were many, many good reasons why she banned that idea thousands of moons ago. “We won’t resort to such atrocities to overcome him. It will be best to hide her from the fight. I know of a chamber that’ll protect her. We’ll just need to put in a few commodities for Olive.”

“You must mean the chamber that previously safeguarded the Elements of Harmony?” Looking Glass asked. “I do not believe this room is in use anymore.”

“Exactly. Anarchy will have a hard time penetrating its magical defenses. It requires a precise spell to open, one only Luna and I know.”

Looking Glass readjusted his tie with his hoof, looking a bit uncomfortable in his suit. “May I take Olive to the chamber in the meantime?”

Celestia nodded. “You may. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Ah’m coming with ‘er. Ain’t no way Ah’m leavin’ Olive alone.” Applejack insisted.

“Perfectly fine by me.” Looking Glass responded. “We must remain close; Anarchy is not bound to the night. He can come at any moment.”

Rarity watched as the two ponies followed the detective. She couldn’t help but feel strangely nervous about all this. “You take care, okay?” she said, wondering afterward why she even said that to a group that would return in just five minutes.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Rarity, they’re just walking down a hallway, quit being so dramatic about it.”

“Come now, darling, this is a crisis, one cannot be over dramatic about a crisis!”

Trotting nervously through the castle’s large hallways, the three ponies stopped briefly before a door guarded by Mango. The door had a moon symbol on it. Clearly Princess Luna’s room. She must be asleep at this time of day for she spent the entire night protecting ponies in the dreamscape from Anarchy. A tough endeavor that drained her for the entire day.

Looking Glass approached the door, giving a passing nod to Captain Mango.

The batpony sensed something was off. Didn’t he say he would only return when Anarchy’s defeated? He raised an eyebrow, staring down the approaching stallion, horribly confused. He observed as the pony jerked slightly before readjusting his tie, with his hoof. He raised one leg, placing his hoof on the doorknob, smiling.

“Hey, before you disturb our majesty’s sleep. Might I ask you how it went with Anarchy? You surely have learned a lot about his fighting style.”

Looking Glass lowered his hoof and stared at Mango. “It was a tough fight, barely made it out alive.”

“Heh.” Mango chuffed.

Applejack blinked. “Why does it feel so tens-”

In the blink of an eye, Mango bucked Looking Glass in the face, sending him flying into a potted plant, smashing the pot into a thousand pieces. The sheer speed threw the mare and her daughter off guard. As the captain of the royal guard pulled his leg back, he noticed something odd. There was flesh on his hind leg. Half a face, but no blood at all. It’s like he ripped into a Nightmare Night costume.

Distraught, he gazed over the downed stallion, feeling his stomach turning inside out. No...

The downed pony turned on his belly and methodically got up. His mane was a light blue on one side, and a dark green on the other. He turned his head, slowly.

Everypony froze in terror. The sinister eye of the beast met their gaze. This was not Looking Glass, never was.

In just the few seconds they stared at each other, it became all too clear that they fell for a trap, a most unforeseen one. The dark eye lowered, staring deeply into the filly’s soul. The iron voice of Looking Glass was replaced by a demonic voice, a harmonious one. A voice Applejack recognised subconsciously.

Aw, you stayed alive long enough to reunite with your pops. Isn’t this a nice surprise!

Mango’s brows furrowed. Unsheathing his sword, he glared at the beast and scowled. “Anarchy. What the hay did you do to him?”

Lots of things. I kept a piece to remember him by. Unfortunately, it didn’t fit me quite as well as I had hoped.

Anarchy grinned, relishing in the batpony’s anger. “Heroes always get remembered, but you know legends never die.” The sinister pony took a step towards them. The ghastly grin of Anarchy juxtaposed with Looking Glass’ serene smile unnerved the captain.

Applejack opened the door, forcing Olive to exit the dangerous hallway. She would be safer near the lunar princess. Captain Mango held the sword tightly, silent and focused on the beast. If he made any funny move, he’ll strike.

The world turned black. The gentle howl of the breeze was gone, the distant murmurs of the other ponies died down. There was nothing but an oppressive silence, and the steps of the faker slowly approaching, sinisterly laughing. “Applejack, won’t you be a dear and move away?

Applejack’s eyes turned black, opening wide. The harmonious voice of the ghastly stallion scratched at her brain so pleasantly, it made her want to comply, to feel more of this wonderful sensation. However, to let him in would be to put Olive in danger. And so, she gritted her teeth, narrowing her eyes as best as she can. The effort it took just to talk back was tremendous, but she had no trouble finding the strength to break free, for the filly’s sake. Her hooves moved slowly, and the more she strained her body, the easier it was to regain control.

“Back off!”

Anarchy took a step back, flabbergasted. “What? Didn’t work again?

“Not another step closer, Anarchy! Ah won’t let ya hurt ‘er!” She truly had the eyes of a mother. A gaze that pierced through her fears, allowing her to stand high and proud before the beast.

It irritated Anarchy. This was the second time a mere pony beneath him resisted such a powerful spell. Why could they break it? This was alicorn level, it’s not supposed to work that way! “Blasted! Just when I thought my troubles with the Apples were long behind me. You ponies just have it in your blood to stick your dirty mud-filled snouts into other pony’s business.

“What?” Applejack moved closer to the captain, hoping the two of them would be somehow enough to hold the divine beast back.

Oh, don’t worry about it, Applejack. It’s nothing.” Anarchy chuckled. “Just something that needs to stay buried.

The orange mare’s breath was heavy, her eyes getting blurry. “N-N-No... It... It can’t be.”

I’m part of everypony’s story, one way or another. All the tragedies, all the tears you’ve shed, it all comes from me.” His skin cracked, breaking apart as he grew until he towered over the two ponies, regaining his true size. “How else could I have known they were gone?” He stretched his limbs, feeling more at east now that he’s shed his disguise. “All better now...

The door behind them opened slightly. Olive poked her head, looking at her father with a sad expression. “D-Daddy? What did you do to mommy?”

Anarchy’s entire posture changed, relaxing upon seeing his daughter’s face. “Oh, it’s nothing that concerns you. I have a few things I wanted to say to you, Olive.” He smiled brightly, almost on the verge of laughter. “After all the things I did to you, all the hurdles I sent your way, you still stand before me. You have no idea how proud of you I am! Finally, after eight long years, you’re becoming strong, more independent. You learn on your own, no longer shackled by Aurora, no longer held back from your potential. Daddy’s proud.

Applejack could feel her veins about to pop, her eyes watering. Everything he said sickened her. What kind of father only cares about their foal if they meet their expectations? “Cut ta crap, ya monster! Olive’s no longer yers, she found ‘er place and she’s never comin’ back to ya!”

Olive whimpered. She no longer felt any joy looking at her father. That face, it wasn’t that of the pony she believed him to be. The bloody tears, the fangs, the unhinged expression, maybe they were all right about him. Maybe she was the one who had it all wrong. There was no kindness in him, Applejack knew that and now, she’s trying to protect her from him. “Mommy...”

Anarchy’s eyes widened. Outraged, he took a deep breath, laughing. “Oh boy, eight years of work undone just like that. Well, congratulations Applejack, you’ll be the first to die and by the Nightmare you’ll die like Looking Glass!

Captain Mango galloped at an impressive speed. Lowering his body, he jumped and swung his sword at the speed of light, aiming for the base of the horn, but Anarchy saw it coming. He headbutted the sword, hitting it with the crystallised part of the horn. “Mango, you’re fired.

With a lightning quick kick, he sent the captain crashing into the wall. “Now Applejack, it’s your turn. Rejoice, you’ll meet up with them.” Opening his gaping maw, he lunged at the mare before she could even react.

Just then, a powerful blast knocked him on his flank, dishing out a burning sensation to his mouth. The door was blown to pieces and out its charred remains came Princess Luna, stretching her whole body to wake herself up before the fight.

Olive tugged on her distraught mother’s tail, smiling happily. “Mommy, Princess Luna is awake! She’ll save us!”

Applejack smiled thankfully, wiping the tears from her eyes. No time to mourn, she had a duty as a mother to fulfill. “Nice goin’, sugar cube! We need to get ta others ‘ere right now! We’ll stop yer father alright!” Climbing on her mother’s back, Olive gave her father one last look before they ran back to the main hall.

Displeased, Anarchy tried to shoot a slithering snake their way but was interrupted by Luna firing another beam upon his hideous face. The blast bruised his face but didn’t draw much blood.

“Eyes over here, I’m the one you should be worried about.”

Anarchy cackled. “Of course, I’m really nervous meeting you in pony for the first time! I even practiced a whole speech and everything, but I figured you’d prefer I just be myself. Ah... you and I, alone in this hallway. Before the others come, why don’t we talk a bit? I have so much to tell you, Luny.

Princess Luna winced. This is even worse than last time. He’s become even less of a pony... He’s forsaken the last bit of his former self.

The beast stomped his hoof, smiling from ear to ear, Princess Luna trotted to her right, hoping to block the hallway behind her where the others lied. “Speak then, Anarchy. I will do everything in my power to prevent any unnecessary bloodshed.”

Ah... Spoken like a true leader. I don’t know what’s gotten in them but they sure are out for blood!” Anarchy chuffed and smiled; any semblance of danger gone from his posture. He was passive now, something Luna never could have imagined coming from such an unsightly beast. “You’re much more reasonable than them. I always knew my faith was well placed.

Occasionally glancing behind her, Princess Luna wondered why Anarchy was so relaxed in a situation like this. Deep within enemy territory, he should be on edge considering the most powerful ponies in all Equestria are gathered in this very castle. Maybe he was just that powerful, so far beyond them that he saw no drawback in chatting a bit. “Indeed, I try my best to avoid repeating the sins of the past. Fighting has only led me down a dark path.”

I know that all too well. If you want to, I can become your perfect soldier. Take away all the guilt from you.” His eyes shined brighter, the blood under his eyes fell on the carpet. Fighting has led him down the very path Luna fell in a thousand years ago. It made him a monster just as it did to her. However, there is no denying it now, fighting was the only solution they had. “Is that why you look so torn? You don’t seem so happy.

And of course, few can hide the truth from Anarchy. “Naturally, you leave us with no choice, Anarchy. If you continue to press us, we’ll have no choice but to take your life. Know that we are not happy with this outcome.”

Anarchy chuffed. “Ah, you have no idea how long I waited for this. To see you in pony for the first time ever. It’s a dream come true. Do you know how long I’ve waited, how long I’ve planned for this very moment?” he chuckled, holding a hoof to his crystallised head. “Oh, it’s been more than forty grueling years of playing pretend, being somepony I was not. Today, you see the real me. No more lies, no more deceit, no more managing idiots, I am Anarchy and I have come to ask for your hoof in marriage. That is my most sincere wish.

Any trace of malice was gone, for the first time, Anarchy gave a genuine smile, not one born from a deteriorating mind or from a sadistic pleasure, one out of simple happiness. A smile that looked normal. It almost made him look like a normal pony.

Hearing the murmurs increasing in volume, Luna thought to keep him busy for a bit longer. “If I accept, will you leave them alone?”

Anarchy’s smile vanished. “Oh, that’s a shame. I’m afraid we both know that can’t happen. None of them will ever let me do this, you know that. As long as the Elements of Harmony exist, as long as your sister exist, as long as Cadance exists, I can’t marry you. This union can only be achieved by spilling blood. So, please, step out of the way and let me get down to business. I can promise them no pain for your sake.

His horn powered up, but just before the lunar princess could strike, her body crashed on the floor, becoming as heavy as the sun itself. Her face pressed against the stone tiles could only move enough for her to see the goliath trotting past her. The clock chimed, indicating it was noon. It chimed in tandem with the beast’s loud steps.

Now please don’t try to interfere, I already have lots on my plate right now.

Trying her best, Luna couldn’t seem to overpower the spell casted on her, glued to the ground, feeling her body being crushed by an invisible weight. She watched helplessly as Anarchy turned the corner, teleporting out of sight to the throne room.

It was only when he was gone that the spell stopped. Luna saw a figure rising from the rubbles. Captain Mango spat out blood, frowning. Noticing the princess, he sluggishly galloped to her, his face bruised by the brutal impact. “Princess Luna, are you okay?”

Getting up, Luna touched the captain’s face, letting her magic do the healing. Small wounds like his can be healed as long as it’s not too severe. “I believe you should be more concerned about your injuries. Mine are merely superficial.”

Glancing towards the hallway, the captain of the royal guard cursed under his breath. “I’ll call the rest of the royal guard. We’re at war here.”

“Then go, I will regroup with my sister and finish this once and for all.” And confront my biggest mistake. Luna didn’t dare to say that out loud, still troubled by the mere existence of this beast. A creature born from her mistake bent only on selfish desires that lead to destruction and death. In other words, another Nightmare Moon.

I don’t know what I’ve told them, but the wishes of the ponies can’t be controlled. There can be no democracy when nopony seeks it. Sorry everypony, your ambitions are but a delusion.

Soldiers are meant to fight, to follow orders only to be forgotten afterwards. If only you all knew your place, you wouldn’t be locked in a crummy dungeon.

Admirable soldiers that fight for justice. Fulfill their duties and vanish without a trace. There is no place in history for any of you.

Inside the throne room, a loud bang alerted everypony to the newcomer. All saw a dark shadow looming above them. Standing before the mighty throne of Princess Celestia was Anarchy, grinning as he analysed each of his opponents. The tall stature of the mad unicorn stroke fear in the hearts of the brave ponies that dared to challenge him. This was the face of pure madness, a pony lost in the quest for power, now nothing more than a dirty beast that knew no disgrace.

Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, Olive, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike, nine of them against only one. Hardly seems like a fair fight, but not for the one.

When you are beyond strength, no big number of ponies can ever tip the scale.

The cold wind was blowing, the mere presence of the beast brought the room to sub-zero temperature. Cackling, he stomped the ground, his head high and proud.

The name’s Anarchy, leader of the anarchists, famous musician, nemesis of the Crimson Mask, bearer of the Nightmare, and the stallion who’s going to burn your world to the ground! And out of the ashes, the mare on the moon rises still. Prosperity is calling to all ponies who bend their will!

"Now then... let's make some noise!"

Author's Note:

A brawl is surely brewing!
Yeah, another chapter and quite soon too! I've pretty much got the entire last two chapters planned out, so expect the end to come soon. I'm at least aiming to finish this in late January or early February. See y'all soon.

Also, the whole thing with Looking Glass was inspired by the Lich from Adventure Time, just in case you were about to ask.

Chapter 49 : ... And then we'll save the day! (See what I did there? Check out chapter 12 again in case not.)

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