• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 4,651 Views, 493 Comments

Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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46. Mortal Folly

Fear, anxiety, stress, Canterlot’s castle was in jeopardy. Anarchy was back! He destroyed the crystal castle and slain many royal guards on his own, nearly killing the empire’s rulers. Princess Celestia heard her heart thumping against her chest as she reread the contents of the note. What would be the best course of action? How can they fight back against this stronger evil?

Many questions that also made their way to Looking Glass. His ever-growing frustration has only gotten worse now that he’s heard the news. None of this would have happened had he succeeded in killing that maniacal unicorn. So many lives would have been saved. Instead, he can only wallow in his crushing failure. For almost a decade he pursued a criminal that always knew to be one step ahead of him.

Even when he cornered Anarchy, he lost. What did this stallion have that he didn’t? Training? Intelligence? Composure? The power of the Nightmare? No, it can’t be any of that. He was missing something else, something that was the determining factor in all his losses.

Even when Anarchy was still just a regular unicorn, he still lost to him. The more time he poured into this matter, the angrier he felt inside. None of this was getting him anywhere! No answers, no satisfaction, no room to grow. Whereas the mad stallion evolved, got better at his craft, he remained stagnant. Stuck in that same position for years on end. Maybe that was the only difference between them and the reason why it became harder to best him.

Now sitting alone in his office, he stared blankly at the crimson mask resting upon his desk. His last resort to best Anarchy, a failure. Not only that, but he committed a couple of crimes all in the name of justice. The end would justify the means, but there was no end. Facing the inevitability of imprisonment for his actions, he had to act now. Make a final decision that will shape the course of his life.

Captain Mango probably won’t tell a single soul about the truth, but the two sisters are not fools either. Once Anarchy is out of the picture, they’ll notice in no time. In fact, the sinister mad stallion was the only reason why this drastic measure worked out for the most part.

It was his end so, after all why not? It doesn’t matter whether Luna or Mango spilled the truth, he’s done for. He still has one last shot and he better make it count. This whole operation couldn’t end on such a sour note. He’ll be locked in the dungeons forever but at least; he’d be remembered as a hero and not a fallen angel of sorts.

“Leaving it out in the open, ay? That doesn’t seem in character for you.”

Looking Glass wasn’t even surprised. Any other time, he would have panicked and tried to lie his way out. But not today. “Is that you again, Mango?”

“Course it is. Can’t you recognise my charming voice?” The captain mused, waltzing in as if he was expected.

Looking Glass looked back at the mask, frowning. “It would be polite to knock next time.”

“Well, I figured you’d have no problem with this. I mean, we both know about your track record regarding politeness.” Mango gently placed a cup of cider on the detective’s desk, smiling. “A storm’s coming soon, but that doesn’t mean we should be down in the dumps.”

The dark blue stallion stared blankly at the mask, just long enough to trouble the batpony. He picked it up with his own hooves, looking into its hollow eyes. “That’s easy for you to say. My life, everything I’ve worked to achieve will be gone soon. Surely you can see it too. The country’s greatest detective is nearing his end.”

“Still haven’t told anypony.” Mango rushed to say, losing his smile. “Not that it would matter in the end... you shouldn’t have dig your own hole like that. What were you thinking?”

“The end justifies the mean, Captain Mango. I won’t taint my legacy. I must go for a final hurrah. Let them all know that I tried till the bitter end for them.” Looking Glass’s eyes weakened, something Mango nor anypony have ever seen.

“Hey, are yo-”

“I just want you to know it didn’t feel good to be like them. I tried my best to put everypony out of harm’s way but I know it wasn’t enough. I’ve dug my own grave. Please, let me go out there one last time.”

Mango’s mouth remained open, not sure what to say. “Well... if that’s your way of righting your wrongs, I suppose I’ll let you redeem yourself. Just know that it won’t save you from your sentence.”

Looking Glass lowered his head, defeat finally entering his eyes. “I know... and that’s why I want you to tell the truth once this is over. I’ll gladly accept my fate once the time comes.”

The batpony looked away, troubled to see such an idol in despair. “You do realise you’re going against a monster, right? He nearly murdered Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Do you even stand a chance?”

“It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care what happens to me. I just want to see justice win for once. Even if it’ll cost me my life.”

“Mom? Dad? Where’re y’all goin’?”

Applejack rushed out of the house to meet up with her parents. Both were loading a carriage with various apple meals.

Bright Mac gave her a reassuring smile. “Oh, don’t worry ‘bout it. We’re just makin’ a delivery.”

That much the young mare could tell. She’s already made a few deliveries, but only to places relatively close to Ponyville so far. “Ah know that. Ah’m just wonderin’ where exactly?”

“Just a little town called Sire’s Hollow.” Pear Butter answered, nuzzling her teenage daughter. “The road there’s safe if that’s what yer concerned ‘bout.”

Applejack relaxed. It was just another delivery; they’ve already made hundreds of those. “Well... Ah guess we’ll be seein’ ya then.”

Bright Mac finished loading the carriage, checking one last time to make sure no equipment was faulty. “We’ll be back tomorrow in ta mornin’. Granny’ll take care of ya in ta mean time.”

And so, Applejack watched as they left Sweet Apple Acre again although... she couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong. Hesitant, she kept her eyes on her parents as they got smaller and smaller until, they collapsed and turned to smoke, gone in an instant.

Applejack blinked, slowly coming to the realisation that she was just dreaming. Her body grew to her current size and age. It was just a memory playing in her sleep, the same one for years now. Only this time, something stepped out of the smoke, darkening the sky. It breathed in the floating ashes of the two ponies, its emerald eyes piercing the black forest. The grass turned to snow, the trees died instantly, their leaves dissipating in thin air. It was winter again, it was cold. So, so cold. The farm turned to a frozen wasteland.

In the darkness of the sudden night, she couldn’t make out the figure in the dark stomping towards her. Its voice was melodious, beautiful yet sinister all the same. “Applejack, aren’t you lonely? Come, I’ll make you whole again. They’re lost in the void without you. Come, they want to see you.

“Wh-What? Who are ya?” Applejack stepped back instinctively. Each step back only resulted in two subconscious steps forward. Her mind and body’ connection was being severed. Her eyes turned black, her pupils a dark and ominous green. The harmonious voice called out to her once more, and it sounded more inviting.

I can bring you together again. No more fear, no more worries, no more ponies to protect. There, you’ll all be safe. Never to be separated again” Such serenity, it was compelling.

Applejack moved closer as it approached, no longer feeling anything but a freezing cold. The only respite she had was from the heat released by the thing. Even at this close distance, she still couldn’t see what was before her, only its piercing emerald eyes. It opened his mouth, words poured out of its mouth without even moving.

Now step forth, look inside your salvation. They’re waiting for you, don’t keep them waiting. Come to them, embrace them as they once embraced you. Find your absolution.

Applejack leaned closer, staring down into the gaping maw of the thing. The closer she got, the more she felt its hot breath. It was oh so inviting. Light reflected from its mouth, creating the shape of her parents. Just as her head was about to enter the maw, a commanding voice pulled her away.

“Applejack! Step back immediately!”

Surprised by the powerful royal Canterlot voice, Applejack fell to her flank right as the maw closed in one fell swoop, loudly echoing. The thing shrieked like a banshee, its eyes filling with frustration and bloodlust.

The next thing she knew, she woke up in her bed in sweat, lost and confused.

“’Gain with that same dream... Ta hay was that thin' anyway?”

After a long morning of working on the farm, creating paths through the deep snow, feeding the animals, Applejack slumped on the couch. She needed a good break after working her flank off for hours in harsh weather. As she rested, the mare noticed Olive sitting by the fireplace, levitating a note close to her face.

Applejack smiled, proud to see the filly now able to use magic on her own without needing to turn into a beast to do so. Sitting there, she began to reminisce about their first meeting and everything that came after leading up to today. So much had happened, it was crazy to think that only a month has passed since Applejack and Olive first met!

And yet, it felt like an entire year to both. “Hm?” The earth pony noticed the filly’s cheeks turned red as she read the note. She chuckled, It’s probably Sweetie Belle again. Everything she says gets ‘er excited!

Olive turned around, her beautiful eyes now meeting those of her mother. They were full of curiosity, never breaking contact as she trotted over to her.

“What is it, sugar cube?” She asked, already knowing the needs of the small unicorn.

Olive blinked in surprise. How did she know? My mommy must be psychic! She thought before hopping on the couch with Applejack. The pink filly levitated the note over, reading it quickly once more. “Mommy? Why do I feel weird when I’m with Sweetie Belle?”

“Oh? That?” Applejack gave a knowing smile. She playfully punched Olive in the shoulder. “That’s called love, Olive! Yer in love!”

The small pony had no reaction at first, still staring with her curious eyes before curiosity turned to confusion. “Huh? But that doesn’t make any sense!”

Applejack nearly choked on her saliva, baffled by that reaction. “And, uh, w-why’s that?”

“Because mares aren’t supposed to love mares!” Olive responded confidently. “Mares love stallions, so I can’t be in love with Sweetie Belle! It must be something else I’m feeling...”

Applejack laughed, of course Olive wouldn’t know! “And why do ya think mares can only be with stallions?”

Olive lifted a hoof to her chin. “Well, uh, I know! It’s because the stallion inserts his penis into the mare’s vagina and that makes both of them super happy!” Aj’s eyes widened, raising some concern in the small unicorn. “Uh, i-is that not it? Did I say something wrong?”

“N-No, actually. Yer right ‘bout one thin’...” Applejack cringed, did anypony even keep an eye on this filly before her? Doesn’t seem so. She had to take a couple of breaths to calm herself, else she’ll be too angry to continue this important conversation. “Let me teach ya a thin’ or two ‘bout love. It’s a lot more complicated than it seems.”

With the filly’s full attention, the orange mare began her course on sexual orientations. “Ya see, it’s possible for a mare to love another mare, and for a stallion to love other stallions.”

“But if a mare loves another mare, how can they-”

Applejack waved a hoof to dismiss that thought. She doesn’t need to know all that a such a young age. “That ain’t important to ya right now, yer still young. That comes much later. What Ah want ya to know is that it’s okay to love mares.” She gently touched the filly’s chest. “If that’s what yer heart tells you, then listen to it.”

“My... heart?” Olive touched her chest, feeling her heart beating faster. Thinking about Sweetie Belle again, she felt her cheeks grow warm. “I-I love... Sweetie Belle.”

Applejack smiled proudly. “Exactly! Ya should tell ‘er how ya feel next time ya see ‘er.”

“But what if she doesn’t love me? L-Like that I mean.”

Stroking her daughter’s mane, Aj gave a reassuring smile. “Ah know she loves ya. Even if she somehow doesn’t, it’ll feel good to express yer feelings clearly to ‘er. It’ll only hurt if ya keep them to yerself, trust me.”

Olive’s face turned as red as an apple. Fidgeting with her hooves, she sheepishly looked back at her mother. “I-I don’t know if I can do it. It’s scary!”

“Ah know it is. Just... please, give it a try, for me, ‘kay?”

The pink unicorn stared at the fireplace for a while, trying to compose herself. “Mommy? Do you love mares too?”

Giggling awkwardly, Applejack nodded. “Yes, Ah wouldn’t be tellin’ ya that otherwise. Ah’m speakin’ from experience.”

Olive stood up, her eyes beaming with curiosity again. It made her look ten times more adorable. Applejack honestly adored that look. “Do you, like, love a mare in particular like me?”


“Who is it?”

Applejack chuckled. With a pony this curious, it’ll be hard to keep a secret. Still, Olive admitted her crush out loud, it wouldn’t be fair for her to keep hers a secret. “Rainbow Dash. Ya remember ‘er, right?”

“Oh! The pony with the rainbow mane that flies around and do cool tricks that Scootaloo admires?” Olive blurted out so fast, her mother barely even understood a single word.

“Yep, that pony.” Looking back at the clock, Applejack realised it was time to get back to work. She had a good break and was ready for more. Olive volunteered to help her once again, determined to make herself useful. At that point, the earth pony didn’t even object.

Opening the front door, she was greeted by the one pony she wasn’t ready to see; Heedful Care. The mare froze, her heart nearly stopping completely as the pegasus raised her bag.

“I’ve been speaking with Cheerilee and she told me that Olive might be her lost daughter. Were you aware of that?”

Applejack glanced back at the pink filly at her side, bewildered by this news. “Ah had mah guesses.”

Care nodded. “Oh, good! I was afraid I would be dropping a bombshell on you, well, not that it’s certain who Olive came from. That’s why I’m here! Mind if I came inside?”

“Uh, certainly!” Applejack followed the pegasus inside, sitting at the dinner table. Heedful Care took out a variety of items from her bag, the most notable one being a syringe that frightened the small unicorn.

“To confirm if Cheerilee’s suspicion is right, we’re going to do a maternity test. I’ve already gotten Cheerilee’s sample. Now, I just need Olive’s.”

The two mare’s eyes moved to Olive, cowering behind her mother, her frightened eyes locked on the syringe. Heedful Care tried to explain the procedure, but all the filly remembered was the part she would be stung by the syringe on her foreleg. Oh, how she hated syringes. Sharp, small yet so pointy!

You’d be hard-pressed to find a single foal that didn’t hate syringes.

Olive wanted to run away and lock herself in her room, but sadly her mother didn’t let her. Stuck in the strong grasp of the earth pony, her tiny pupils focused on the sharp needle being prepped by Care. “Stop it, mommy! Let me go!” she cried out to no avail, none of the mares would let her leave. This was important, Olive knew that but...

“Raise a foreleg to ‘er, please.” Applejack asked softly, and the filly did reluctantly. No matter how much she didn’t want to, her body obeyed.

Olive’s eyes watered, her vision but a blurry mess of colors with no rhyme or reason. She kept crying, begging her mother to let her go.

“Shhh, it’s going to be fine. It won’t take long, Ah promise.” Applejack whispered, caressing her head to calm her down. “Look away, okay? It’ll be much easier if ya don’t see it.”

“Relax your foreleg.” Care instructed nicely. “I can’t do it if you contract your muscles.”

Once again, Olive obeyed despite her reluctance. She closed her tearful eyes, looked away and softened her leg. Then, she felt it. The syringe stinging her leg, and that was it. Just like that, it ended. She felt a soft push on her leg, the band-aid most likely.

Olive opened her eyes, breathing heavily as Applejack hushed her again. “See? It wasn’t so hard. Ya were great, sugar cube.” The earth pony nuzzled her. The filly’s heart slowed, the fear dissipating. Mommy was right, it wasn’t as scary as she thought.

A few hours later, the results were in. Applejack, Cheerilee and Olive were called to Heedful Care’s office to discuss a most important matter, the foal’s custody. Despite the cheerful drawings and colors of the place, Applejack felt nervous, scared.

Olive hesitantly played with the toys on the ground, constantly turning back to look at the three mares expecting something terrible to go down though she couldn’t place her hoof on why exactly she felt that way. There was just a looming fear in the back of her mind that didn’t want to reveal itself yet.

As for Applejack, she wasn’t ready yet. If only this could be postponed for a couple of days. She’d have enough time to face the situation. But then, it still took sixteen days to get to this point. She spent a lot of time with her daughter playing, working and just chatting about different things. It was wonderful and as with all good things, it was threatened to come to an end.

“So, I called you here today to discuss about the results of the maternity test.” Care announced out of the blue, jerking Applejack back to reality. The pegasus opened a drawer and placed the results on her desk. “I don’t believe this is a surprise to any of us but Cheerilee... the test confirms you are Olive’s biological mother.”

Olive dropped a toy train she levitated, loudly gasping. Was Care serious? Cheerilee... her true mother? But her father told her she was dead! How could this be? Her eyes lowered, frozen, lifeless. These sentences got her to rethink everything. Her mind returned back to the very beginning, the first thing she could remember to put the pieces back together, to solve the ultimate puzzle, the truth her father hid.

Nothing... Nothing her father ever said about her mother was true. Not in the slightest. Everything he claimed her to be, Cheerilee was not. Why? Why didn’t he want her to know about Cheerilee?

She could feel the eyes of the mares on her. They were staring at her, but not in shock. They knew, knew before she ever caught on. Olive turned around, her eyes full of confusion and anxiety. “M-Mommy? Is this true?” Cheerilee’s ears perked, only to lower when she realised the filly wasn’t addressing her.

“Y-Ya...” Applejack sighed, avoiding the filly’s eyes. “Ya can look at ta results if ya wanna be sure.”

Like a robot, Olive stood up and examined the results on the paper, her face frozen in disbelief. Reading the report, she moaned. “I don’t understand.”

Care leaned close, pointing at the results. “It’s a DNA test, if you look at your DNA and Cheerilee’s, you’ll see that there is a genetic match. This means that Cheerilee is your biological mother.” she said softly, understanding how hard it must be for the poor unicorn take it in.

Olive raised her head to look at Cheerilee’s eyes. Her teacher, her... mother? She didn’t know how to feel. All this time, she viewed Applejack as the only pony she can call her mother. To know that she always had one was immensely troubling. Her entire world fell apart once again and, in its ashes, lied a lost filly seeking help from a wiser mare.

Her eyes moved to Applejack. They begged her to say something, anything that can clear her troubled mind. Instead, the orange mare looked away, feeling defeated. “Mommy? What’s going to happen to me?”

None of them answered her question. It was Heedful Care who reassured her. “Given that you have found your mother, your custody is called into question. Applejack only volunteered to foster you temporarily until we found a pony related to you. However, I can’t ignore the good she’s brought to you and, since you’re old enough to make an important decision, we’ll let you choose who you want to stay with.”

Olive’s eyes darted from Applejack to Miss Cheerilee and vice-versa. She didn’t know she would be here to make a life defining decision! Caught off guard, she kept on staring at her two mothers, unable to even think straight. This was too much! She can’t even try to imagine how they would feel about her choice!

She wanted to choose Applejack but that’ll just make Miss Cheerilee really sad. Choosing Miss Cheerilee would result in Applejack being sad and her being away from her mommy, but she also loved Cheerilee. What to do? What to do?

An entire minute has passed and still no answer. Indecisive, Olive began to stress, a lot. All eyes were on her, expecting her to choose. Applejack eventually avoided her eyes, trying to hide her own fear. Cheerilee also couldn’t take it anymore, her tired eyes moving away to absently fixate the wall.

Heedful Care realised she had to break this tense moment before somepony burst. “If you can’t decide. I’ll give you the week to think it-”

“No.” Cheerilee waved her hoof. Her voice was weak and sad. “Celestia no, I can’t take this anymore. I can’t have custody, I shouldn’t.”

Care stared softly into the cerise mare’s eyes. Knowing her well for quite some time, she wasn’t sure if it was a good idea necessarily but that was none of her business. She’s not involved in this decision. “Are you sure, Cheerilee?”

“Yes, Olive’s better off with Applejack. I can see how much they love each other, and, as a teacher, I can’t take my student’s happiness away.”

Applejack’s eyes sparkled, the sharp feeling in her heart slowly going away. “Really? Ya’d let me keep yer foal?”

Cheerilee nodded sadly. “Yes, I don’t believe she’s my foal anymore. She’s yours.” Her eyes were moved to tears and yet, she put on a smile, a genuine one.

Applejack smiled thankfully. “Thanks, Cheerilee. It means a lot to me.”

And it did to Olive who rushed to hug her as hard as she could. Surprised, Cheerilee hesitantly hugged her back, struggling to balance herself with the added weight of the filly on her wheelchair.

“Are you gonna be okay, Miss Cheerilee?” The pink unicorn gingerly asked.

Cheerilee chuckled weakly, patting the filly on the head. “Of course I’ll be, for my student's sake.”

What an exhausting day that was. Olive couldn’t think straight ever since the meeting ended. The weight of her decision lingered in her mind, dragging her away from reality. She was so focused on the past that she didn’t even pay attention to her surroundings, only pulled out of her incessant thoughts by her kind mother.

“Hey, look at tha’. Looks like Apple Bloom wants ya to come to ta barn.”

Olive blinked, finally noticing her older sister waving at her. “Should I go?” she asked, quickly realising how stupid of a question that was.

“That’s up to ya. Ya’ve had a tough day so, Ah’d say it’ll do ya some good to play with ‘er. Our work today’s just about done.”

Approaching the barn, Olive noticed there were some added decorations. Small colorful lights hung above the barn door. Odd indeed.

Apple Bloom smiled once the filly arrived, bouncing in place. “Oh hey, yer finally home! Yer friends ‘ave a lil surprise fo’ ya!”

Intrigued, Olive refrained from askin any questions that might spoil the surprise. “So, what do I do?”

“Nuthin’ much! Ya just go in and they’ll take care of ta rest!” Apple Bloom opened the barn door, gesturing her to come in. It was better to be indoors than outdoors, especially in that chilly weather.

Heading inside, Olive was surprised to see how much the interior has changed. More colorful lights inside, a dinner table with candles on it and a nice rug too. Moreover, Sweetie Belle was sitting at said dinner table, her back straightened, smiling nervously at the approaching filly.

There was even music playing on a nearby radio. The entire barn was remodeled to be a restaurant. So, were they going to be served by a waiter?

Olive took a seat in front of Sweetie Belle, intrigued by this special event. The entire atmosphere felt strangely... romantical?

“Oh h-hey, you made it.” Sweetie fumbled through her awkward smile.

“I didn’t know we were eating in the barn. I didn’t know we could even eat in there.” The pink unicorn noticed the menu on the table. “Oh, are we in a restaurant? I didn’t know the barn was a restaurant. Is that why you invited me here?”

Sweetie Belle awkwardly brushed her foreleg. “A-Actually, it’s only for tonight. I-It's just a, uh, celebration of our friendship. Y-Yeah, that’s why I invited you here. There’s, uh, nothing else to it.”

“Oh, well, thank you.”

Olive opened the menu, getting Sweetie to do the same. Despite being in Sweet Apple Acre’s barn, there were no apple related meal. Looks like they all know about her allergy. Glancing around, the pink filly saw no waiter to speak of. Were they supposed to get up and get the meals themselves?

“Uh, so do we have a waiter here?”

Sweetie Belle jerked back from her menu, staring at the barn’s door. “O-Oh, yeah! We do. She’s going to be here any minute now...”

Just on time, a waiter came in. It was Scootaloo, complete with the attire of a real waiter, fancy suit and all. “Woah.” Olive watched with great intent as Scootaloo arrived at their table.

“Good evening, fillies, may I take your order?”

Olive quickly flipped through the menu. While she was busy deciding, Scootaloo whispered something in Sweetie Belle’s ears.

“Ah, I know! I’ll have a cheese sandwich. It looks yummy!”

Scootaloo moved away from her friend, writing the order down in a notebook. “As for you, Sweetie Belle?”

“Oh! I-I'll have the same thing as Olive.”

“Got it.” Scootaloo left shortly after, leaving Sweetie Belle and Olive alone. Just the two of them, together, in this beautifully lit barn, at a dinner table.

Ya should tell ‘er how ya feel next time ya see ‘er.

Olive’s cheeks grew warm. The two fillies awkwardly stared at each other, not uttering a single word. It felt like both wanted to say something, only refraining for some reason.

“So? Are they saying something?” Scootaloo asked, peeking from the barn.

Apple Bloom groaned. “Still not happenin’. Why isn’t Sweetie Belle sayin’ it? That was part of ta plan!”

“Yeah, operation Cutie Mark Crusaders Wingmare was fairly simple. She couldn’t have forgotten the steps!”

Two big footsteps nearly startled them. Looking back, they saw the towering figure of Big Macintosh looming above them. “So, is it workin’?”

Apple Bloom sighed. “Not sure. They haven’t even started a conversation! We can’t proceed to stage 3 without at least a love confession or somethin’.”

“Should Ah get their cheese sandwich?”

Scootaloo shook her head. “No, they’ll get cold if we wait too long out there. Speaking of which, how long are we going to stay outside? My face is freezing. It’s... hard to speak.”

Big Mac nodded in approval. “Ah’m gettin’ back inside. Ya should too. Y’all get frostbites if ya don’t.”

Olive swung in her chair, her face slowly turning as hot as a furnace. She fidgeted with her hooves, gathering the courage to say it... only to lose all faith and return to square one.

Sweetie Belle didn’t have much luck either. She was just as scared as her friend to say it out loud, opting instead to waddle around killing time.

It was only when their eyes met that a spark was ignited. Once they locked onto each other, they couldn’t let go. Their heart throbbed against their chest, their eyes lit up like stars and their faces turned red.

That moment lasted for what felt like an eternity. A long minute of pure silence where two fillies stared into each other’s soul, grasping their heart. They couldn’t bear that agonising moment any longer, their heart would burst if they waited for even another second! And so, they opened their voices and stated loudly.

“I love you!”

“I love you!”

Both fillies covered their mouth in awe. They couldn’t believe what they just heard. For nearly a whole month that thought lingered in the back of their minds, never revealing itself... until now. The truth was out, their chests ripped open, heart exposed for the world to see. And it felt good, but mostly hot as their faces were as red as a tomato.

Sweetie nickered. “D-D-Did you just..?”

Olive sheepishly nodded, covering her face behind her hooves. “I-I-I love... mares, I believe. That's what mommy told me.”

Sweetie Belle stroked her mane but was unable to detach her eyes from the filly with the marvelous olive eyes. She was hypnotised by their beauty, a beauty that was stronger than her flustered state. She couldn't look away. “W-Well... me too!”

“I-Is that why you invited me here?” Olive nickered, slowly lowering her hooves.

Now it was Sweetie Belle’s turn to nod sheepishly. “Yes, it was actually a secret Cutie Mark Crusaders operation.”

“So, it’s a... date?”

The white unicorn giggled awkwardly. “Basically, yeah. It’s a date... just for you and me. D-Do you like our first date?”

Olive’s shocked mouth slowly turned to a giddy smile. She was so ecstatic; she couldn’t even stay in her chair without bouncing around like a basketball. Unable to contain her joy, she stood on her chair. “I love it so much!” Then, her eyes widened as the implications of a date came to mind. “D-Does that mean we have to k-kiss?”

Sweetie Belle’s body released as much heat as a radiator. She’s never kissed a pony outside her family before. This was a first for both. She often heard from other ponies that the first time is never as cracked up as some ponies claimed to be, but they had to be wrong. Her body stood up on its own, trotting over to her crush.

"F-Five seconds of love?" Olive turned her head, exposing her red cheek to Sweetie Belle. “W-Well, um, I-I'm ready, I think.”

Both were hot as a furnace, bracing for the moment where they’ll share their first kiss, their passion and love for each other. This had to be the start of something special. Sweetie Belle leaned in, lips puckered out, slowly approaching the freckled cheek of the pink filly. Then, her lip met her crush’s cheek.

The two kept that pose for a while, their minds struggling to comprehend what was going on. When Sweetie Belle finally pulled back, any trace of anxiety was gone. This kiss proved to them that they were meant to be together.

Olive touched her kissed cheek, mouth agape, breathing heavily. Her heart throbbed against her chest, almost as if it was trying to smash through her rib cage. She’s never felt love like this before. It was simply wonderful, fulfilling indeed. Feeling the wet stain on her cheek made her realise just how much she missed growing up out of Ponyville. This was the best moment of her life and probably would be for a very long time.

Clapping her hooves, she exposed her cheek once more as she neighed. “Again! Again!”

Sweetie Belle wiped the sweat off her forehead, then leaned for another kiss.

Olive kicked around with her little legs, giggling cheerfully. “Now, I wanna kiss you!”

“Hey, Ah think it worked!” Apple Bloom hoof pumped, proud to call this operation a success. The CMC’s haven’t had much success with their plans before. Who knew, maybe tonight was a turning point in the history of their secret society?

Scootaloo shared her friend’s enthusiasm, grinning in satisfaction. “Awesome! Operation Cutie Mark Crusader Wingmare is a resounding success! Yeah!”

“Eh... does that mean we can brin’ ta sandwiches?” Big Mac asked, absorbed by the kiss-a-thon on display. That almost made him wish he had a marefriend. Probably should have had one a long time ago if two fillies beat him to the punch.

Apple Bloom chuckled. “Give ‘em a minute or two. Ah’ve never seen mah sis this lit up before.”

The night has come and under its frozen beauty, Cheerilee felt lighter. She’s felt this way ever since she left Care’s office. That meeting finally removed her burden and allowed her to take a step forward without constantly looking back. Despite not having Olive, she was happy. The foal she grieved all these years was safe and in good hooves. There was nothing to worry about anymore. Her legs will recover their former strength in due time and the school is being rebuilt. For once in these past two weeks, things were starting to look good.

The serene night sky shined some light on her house, creating a marvelous spectacle of blue lights. Her cheerful nature was returning. What a great time to be alive! For once, she looked to the future with hope, optimism.

Cheerilee whistled as she cleaned her dishes, no longer bothered by anything. She turned on the radio to add some atmosphere to her otherwise empty house, cradled by the upbeat music. She always had a knack for foreign music. She’s had it ever since Jolly Melody showed the different genres of music he’s learned.

Jolly Melody, right... Still out there and still being a bother, Cheerilee tried to ignore the news regarding him although that was harder now considering he’s become an international threat.

The cerise mare raised the volume to drown out her thoughts in the joyful foreign music. She imagined how these other cultures would look based on what she’s learned about them. If she had the bits, she’d travel to these lovely cities and experience life outside of Ponyville and Canterlot.

Something banged against the door. Cheerilee heard it despite the loud volume. The mare lowered the volume and went to check the front door. Nothing in here, not even outside. She double checked just to be sure and that was when she heard a bizarre sound. Something she’s never heard before, but it sounded like something... growing?

"Cheerilee?" That voice, it was Minuette! But that couldn't be... she's still in Canterlot as far as she knew.

She turned around in time to see a small monstrosity grow to an enormous size, dwarfing her in a matter of seconds. A dark purple beast stood before her, blocking any entry to her kitchen. Cheerilee screamed, struggling to stand back for her wheels were stopped by the door. With no room to turn around thanks to her wheelchair, she had to move towards the beast to then turn around and leave.

As she took one step forward, the beast grinned, its emerald eyes lighting up like the sun. When it spoke, its voice was exactly that of Minuette.


Cheerilee froze in confusion.

As the beast took one step towards her, it took on its true voice. A harmonious one that felt all too familiar. “Oh, don’t tell me you forgot all about me? Or have you simply not kept up with the news? My face is everywhere, no you really can’t miss this!

In order to protect our love,
I have gone on a journey
And lost sight of tomorrow.

Your face that has forgotten how to smile,
I don't want to see it anymore
So Bring Back Our Love!

The mare’s eyes widened, her pupils turning to pinpricks. Even though it sounded much deeper, she recognised who's voice that was. Suddenly, the radio’s volume raised to the maximum. She slid across the floor to him, unable to fight back against his almighty magic.

His breath was frozen, nearly giving her frostbites on her muzzle. Everything about Jolly Melody felt cold, unwelcoming despite his cheerful voice. "Jolly... What the hay have you done?"

Don’t look at me like that, I only came here to catch up! You must have some stories to tell, do ya?

"G-Get away from me!" Cheerilee shuddered, desperately trying to push him away. Touching him was even worse than feeling his breath. He was as rigid and cold as a corpse. To her, he was a walking dead coming back to haunt her long after she’s moved on.

His magic loosened, and she fell to the floor. Anarchy looked out the window, shaking his head dismissively. “Now why would you want to leave? It’s a frozen wasteland out there, you’ll just freeze to death without the warmth of the sun. You know there’s a reason why nopony’s outside right now.

Cheerilee struggled to stand up using only her forelegs. Strangely, she wasn’t afraid of him, not even with his ghastly appearance. All that she remembered was how he nearly ruined her life and left like a coward. Even as the beast he posed as, she could only see a pathetic stallion that disappeared to avoid his biggest failure. “My life’s no longer at a standstill, we have nothing to say to each other.”

Really? Here I thought friendship was magic.” Anarchy chuckled lightly. “To be completely honest, Cheerilee, you’re one of the few ponies in this cold world I’d call a friend. It’s just a shame that our path split at some point. I’m here for a couple of reasons, and amending some fences is one of them.

Cheerilee stared at him in disbelief. For a criminal that called himself a beast, he sure didn’t act like one. “I’m afraid this fence is broken beyond repair. We’re better off walking our paths alone.”

Anarchy growled. “Gee, you sound peeved. Is it because you blame everything on me? Sure, I may have given you a foal, but I took on the responsibility. Honestly, I don’t know why I did but I’m sure it helped with your poor financial situation.

Cheerilee approached defiantly, any sense of stress or fear completely gone. How long she waited for this, to let it out. “You didn’t help at all! You kidnapped my foal and made me worried sick for entire weeks! And what? To just kill her later when she’s no longer useful to you? You didn’t do this for my sake. You made my life miserable!”

Anarchy stomped his hoof down, cracking the floorboards. His breaths froze the surrounding walls, giving the mare frostbites, but she remained still, defiant. “And I never claimed this as my reason. I tried to make Olive strong, to not crumble before the horrors of this world, but I failed. I never intended to kill her, but you see somePONY thought it was a good idea to drag her along her suicide mission.

Cheerilee moved even closer, crushing her face against his. “And what would you have done if that didn’t happen? Keep Olive captive for the rest of her life?!”

Anarchy reared his head back, brushing off the heat from his muzzle. “Of course not. She will grow stronger. I know, for she is still here with us. Bested my right hoof. I didn’t succeed in my mission, the world did and I’m happy things turned out well. It gave her strength, something neither of us could ever do.

“You call this a happy ending?”

Anarchy grinned. “She’s not a doormat anymore, is she? If she has the guts to buck me in the face, I will rub it in your face for eternity, Cheerilee. We'll see who's methods are the best.

Cheerilee trotted away, avoiding the beast’s emerald eyes. “You know nothing about parenting.”

Her former friend cackled. “You’re not one to lecture me on parenting! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have ponies to kill and a mare to marry.” Anarchy left the house and disappeared in the night, letting the cold in. Every step he took froze the ground beneath him, creating patches of ice just outside the mare’s home.

As she closed her front door, she crumbled on the cold carpet. Reality sunk in and she realised just how daring she was with a serial killer. His threats weren’t idle. He’ll act upon them. So, what will be the future of Equestria?

So cold... why is it so cold? The face burns under the frozen wind, the hooves tremble, desperately trying to keep themselves warm. It’s a horrible feeling, one that’s too similar to dying. Unwelcoming, lonely, terrifying.

Octavia Melody woke up, barely able to move her body around. Her temperature was low, dangerously low. It was dark outside, she couldn’t see a thing, only feel. She felt that the floor beneath her was furry and uneven. Her forelegs were dangling in front of her and her hind legs on the other side of this rather thin platform.

As she weakly tried to stand up, she realised her forelegs were unable to separate themselves. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she could see tight ropes tying her hooves together. Surprised, she let out a muffled groan. Her hind legs were also tied. She was bound and gagged, heading somewhere! As realisation passed through, the floor got bumpy. She wasn’t standing on snow or grass or even wood. It was a living being trekking through the woods.

Octavia looked to her left only to be met with a crystal mane brushing against her face. Whatever was carrying them was big, too big to be a pony. Looking to her right, she saw Vinyl Scratch in the same predicament. Bound like her, but still not awake. The poor unicorn was shuddering, her glasses cracked. Unlike her, Vinyl strangely wasn't gagged. Did their abductor knew she was mute? Or did they simply ran out of cloth to gag them?

That wasn't important right now, the cold was slowly killing them both, but it had no effect on their abductor, whatever the hay it was. No, it wasn't trembling at all, taking its sweet time trotting in the woods. They had to get out of here before they freeze to death.

She pleaded through her gag for her marefriend to wake up. Just as she raised her voice, the beast growled, stopping entirely. It turned its head around, forcing Octavia to duck before the sharp crystal mane slammed into her face.

Their eyes met, and those of the beast looked malicious. No kindness in them whatsoever, only a sinister evil. The monster grinned, its mouth unhinging to reveal the crystals that forced it in a permanent smile. An amalgamation of crystal and flesh abducted them, whisking them away in the Everfree forest.


One word alone was enough to make her eyelids heavy, her body, weak. Consciousness slipped away as she was taken back to a more wonderful world, one where she wouldn't be awake to suffer at the hooves of this creature.

For if its eyes indicated anything, it was that its intentions were far from pure.

Author's Note:

Chapter 46 is done! And on my birthday too, what a coincidence!
Only four left to go. Oh yes, the story is coming to an end, ending exactly at chapter 50, or so I'd like to. I don't want it to feel like it's dragging and wandering aimlessly, so yeah, I've cut out some ideas to make for a more interesting ending.

Though that doesn't necessarily mean that Olive's story is over. I might write one or more sequels if I'm in the mood for it. I just have to find what angles I'll dive into, else I'll run the risk of basically repeating myself.

Anyway, for the next chapter, two nemesis will meet and bring an end to this eight year long war in chapter 47: Old Habits

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