• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 4,651 Views, 493 Comments

Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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13. A Nice Introduction to Ponyville

Inside Ponyville General, one patient in particular was excited. With the rising of the sun, a filly waited in her room, climbing on the window to look outside after it had taken some painkillers. It watched as ponies entered one-by-one, anticipating the moment she’ll see the one. Her tail was wagging left and right, she swung around in place, she simply couldn’t stand still. After a while, she saw her; an orange mare she had gotten attached to in no time at all. One of the few ponies who truly cared about her, one of the few who openly liked her.

Applejack nervously trotted towards Ponyville General. Despite mentally preparing herself for this daunting new task, she couldn’t help but feel unsure of herself. Being a big sister is one thing, but a mother? That’s entirely different. It brings a new set of responsibilities, but the earth pony knew she would be up to the task. She needed to chase away her fears. Yes, it won’t be easy, but Big Mac and Granny Smith will be there to lend a hoof in times of need.

“Mommy!” Applejack jerked back, brutally taken out of her though by a cute, muffled voice. Just on her right, she saw Olive with her face pressed against the window, smiling cheerfully at her while she was waving her hooves around.

The mare found herself gushing at the filly’s adorable excitement. She waved back. “Ah’m coming, sugar cube!”

Entering the hospital, she headed for the reception where Heedful Care already stood.

“Mah, aren’t ya an early bird, Care!” greeted the earth pony.

Heedful Care gave her a sly smile. “The same could be said about you. You’re a lot more excited than you let on.”

Applejack placed a nervous hoof on her hat. “Oh! Well, um... yeah, Ah’m really excited. It's all new ta me.”

The counselor giggled. “I’ve seen many foster parents come to pick up their kids. It’s always adorable to see new connections form. Becoming a parent is an exciting endeavor.” She nodded at the secretary. The mare placed a few forms on the counter. “Well, let’s not waste any time. You’ve got a filly waiting for you.”

Applejack hunched over and started to read the forms.

“Oh, you don’t have to read it completely. It’s just papers declaring that you’re now her legal guardian and whatnot. Most ponies just skip it and put down their signature.” Heedful Care suggested. She placed down a pen for Applejack.

“Okay then... So Ah guess Ah just sign here.” she said, picking up the pen in her mouth.

“Yep. Oh! And there too. Don’t forget to sign there.”

Applejack grumbled impatiently, scribbling down her signature in hasty mouthwriting before respectfully spitting out the pen.

“Okay!” Heedful Care took a few forms and pushed the rest towards the earth pony. “These forms will go to you. Whatever happens, never lose them under any circumstances, got it?”

“Good thing Ah thought to bring a saddlebag.” Applejack said as she stored away the forms.

“Now that we got the boring part out of the way, let’s meet up with Olive. She’s been dying to see you!” the counselor said with a big smile on her face.

“Ha ha! Ah noticed.”

Trotting down the hospital’s corridors, the two mares stood in front of the filly’s room. From their side, they could hear the pitter patter of the small pony’s hooves. Opening the door slowly, Olive stopped pacing around, a big smile drawing on her face. At the speed of light, she pounced on Applejack, giving her the biggest hug she’s probably received in years.
“Momma, you’re finally here!” she exclaimed joyfully.

“E-yup. ‘Bout time Ah got to take ya home.” Applejack responded, reciprocating the hug. “Ya’ll see, it’s great! Yer gonna have a new sister and a new, uh, uncle?” Big Macintosh, an uncle, now that’s a funny thought for the earth pony! “And let’s not forget ya Granny!”

“Wow, that’s a big family!” Olive said, her eyes beaming with wonder.

“It sure is, sugar cube!”

Putting the filly down, Applejack stared in silence at the filly who was now under her care. Looking into her eyes, the mare started to feel a desire to protect her from all danger. Over the course of these past few days, a maternal instinct formed within her.

“How are you feeling?” Heedful Care said, leaning down. “Do you still feel any pain?”

Olive frowned. “A little bit.”

The counselor nodded before turning to Applejack. “You might wanna nab a few painkillers at the pharmacy. Her wounds haven’t fully healed yet, especially her leg.”

“Ah see.” she said, gazing at the bandages around the filly’s leg. Her cast had been removed from what it looks like. Olive has healed rather quickly for a pony. “Ah’ll be sure ta keep a close eye on ‘er wounds.”

“As for the other bandages, we can take them off before you leave. She’s healed faster than we anticipated.” The two mares turned around. Redheart came out of the blue, passing by in the hall.

“That fast, huh?” Applejack said.

“Yeah, we just chalk it up to her mysterious power. There’s just some things medicine can’t explain.”

“Miss Redheart!” Olive rushed underneath Applejack, passing in between her legs to pop up behind her flank, where she hugged the nurse.

“My, aren’t you the affectionate pony!” Redheart quipped.

“She really loves them hugs.” Applejack giggled. “Ya could say she’s a hug dispenser.”

“That’ll be one bit for this hug! No complaining, it's the price for five seconds of love!” Olive exclaimed, nuzzling her freckled face in the nurse’s fur.

Redheart laughed. “I didn’t know you were a budding comedian!” Once the hug was over, the mare turned her attention to the earth pony and the pegasus. “Anyway, I only came to check on her before she left the hospital, just to make sure everything’s alright.”

“She’s never been better!” Heedful Care cheerfully exclaimed. “Isn’t that, right?”

“I feel great!” The filly responded.

“That’s good to hear.” Redheart raised her head. “Well Applejack, if you need any help with her wounds, you can always turn to me.”

“And me too! For the more psychological aspect at least...” Heedful Care added.

“Aw, thanks you two! Ah can already tell Ah’m gonna need some help with ‘er.”

“Well, I gotta go now. There’s some patients I need to see.” Redheart said as she left.

Olive watched on as she disappeared, a bit of sadness creeping into her eyes. Applejack quickly took notice. “Just because we’re leavin’ the hospital doesn’t mean we won’t see ‘er again. Ah promise Ah’ll take you to ‘er from time to time.”

The filly gave her a thankful smile in return.

“I should also go.” Care said, looking at her watch. “I’ve got some paperwork to do. Yeah, I know, not the greatest thing in the world but it has to be done. I’ll give you a call about her therapy! Be seeing you.”

Now that the two were left on their own, it was time to leave Ponyville General and bathe in the beautiful sun outside. For Olive, after spending days inside the hospital, it was a wonderful sight.

The filly stared in awe at the sun, her eyes squinting at the overwhelming light coming out of it.
“Hey, don’t stare at the sun for too long. It ain’t good for yer eyes.”

For a nocturnal pony, getting to discover the day was quite the experience. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Seeing it from her window wasn’t the same as actually being outside. The grass was greener than she imagined, the sky bluer. Awkwardly running around while balancing herself on her three good legs, the filly ran up to the sign standing before the hospital.

“Hey now! Don’t run off like that!” Applejack warned, catching up to her.

Olive remained silent; awe struck by this new world. She followed her new mother closely but couldn’t help herself to run off somewhere else to take a closer look. Applejack didn’t mind much, after all this filly’s gone through, it wouldn’t hurt to let her admire her new town.

“E-yup, that’s Ponyville, sugar cube. How do ya like it so far?” Applejack asked, smiling at her adorable daughter.

“It’s... beautiful.” Olive muttered, looking at the town hall.

“Indeed, it is. Now we just need to get a few things from ta pharmacy and then we’ll head home.”

As they made their way towards the pharmacy, Applejack heard a familiar voice rapidly approaching.

“Applejack!” It was Pinkie Pie. Of course the news of a new pony in town have gotten to her. Pinkie always gives a warm welcome to newcomers. “I’ve heard there’s a new filly in town and I just HAD to see her!”

“Ah figured. She’s mah daughter now.” Applejack said, a new pride rising within her.

“Your daughter?!” Pinkie Pie nearly screamed. “A new member of the Apple family?! Holy moly that’s some exciting news!”

The pink earth pony was about to introduce herself to the filly, but Aj stopped her. “Ah should probably mention that she’s got a bit of a... troubled past. Ah want you to keep the energy down a notch otherwise ya’ll probably scare ‘er.”

Pinkie Pie smiled. “Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing. Auntie Pinkie knows when to keep it cool.” She lowered her head, bent her knees to match Olive’s small height. “Hi! What’s your name?”

Olive looked at Applejack with a nervous look. “Just say yer name, sugar cube.”

“Olive.” simple and straight to the point. The filly seemed to shut down any form of life, appearing as neutral as possible before the pink pony.

“My name’s Pinkie Pie, but you can call me Auntie Pinkie if you want!” Pinkie Pie said, making the mistake of baring her teeth when she smiled.

Olive jerked back, her eyes flashing a bright emerald before returning to their normal colors. A purple stallion appeared for just the briefest of moment, but it was enough to kill the mood.

Seeing this, Applejack quickly wrapped a hoof around Pinkie’s mouth. Leaning close to her, she whispered in her ear. “Crap! Ah forgot to tell ya to NEVER show your teeth when you smile to ‘er. It scares ‘er badly.”

“Sorry.” Pinkie frowned.

“Don’t be. It’s mah fault for not tellin’ ya.”

Turning to the small filly, Pinkie Pie kneeled. “I’m super-duper sorry I scared you! I really didn’t mean it.”

Olive lowered her head. “No, I’m sorry for reacting strongly. I’ve hurt your feelings.”

Applejack blinked. “Uh, ya don’t have to apologise to ‘er. It wasn’t yer mistake.”

“Ooh. All this apologising is turning my brain to jelly!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, knocking on her head with a hoof. She imitated the sound of a brain turning to jelly, which is weird that she knows exactly what sound it makes. “Anyway, now that you’re here, it only feels right that we throw down a welcome to Ponyville party!”

“Later Pinkie, she needs to get used to ‘er new home.” Applejack informed.

“Then how about tomorrow?” The pink pony proposed, leaning closer to Aj.

The orange mare took one look at Olive. “When she’ll feel comfortable bein’ in Ponyville. Ya can’t rush things Pinkie.”

“Oh.” Pinkie Pie frowned slightly. “I see. You pinkie promise you’ll let me know when it’s time to throw the party?”

Applejack smiled. “Ah pinkie promise. It probably should be a small party. Ah don’t think she’s comfortable around large crowds.”

“Then it should be only the six of us, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly.

“Now that’s a mighty good idea.” Applejack signaled her daughter to follow her inside the pharmacy.

“Hold on just a teeny tiny minute!” the two ponies stopped and looked back at the pink earth pony. “Can I at least sing one little song, please? I’m allowed to sing, right?” she begged.

“Well, uh, Ah don’t think there’s any problem with tha’.”

Pinkie Pie giggled in excitement, her hooves happily striking the ground. “Woohoo! Everypony give it up for... Pinkie Pie!”

Instruments began to play a joyful tune, with nopony but Olive questioning where it was coming from.

My name is Pinkie Pie
And I am here to say
I’m gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day!

“Hey, Ah know this song!”
Pinkie Pie began doing her usual shtick during her songs. Popping around out of nowhere, from the floor to the sky.

It doesn’t matter now
If you are sad or blue
‘Cause cheering up my friends is just what Pinkie’s here to do
‘Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smile
Yes I do!

Olive felt her vision get blurry, her body getting hotter. Placing a hoof on her forehead, she discovered she now had a fever.
Nopony serenades you but me, Olive! Take it away boys!

I am the pony king of anarchy
And we’ve had a Tartarus of a time
You’re part of me, I’m part of you!
And now there’s so much left to do!
I just can’t wait, till you open your eyes
Who’ll be laughing then?

Many ponies began to form join the dancing stallion, including Strong Hoof. Applejack watched on in worry as she felt it might be too much at once for her daughter.
“Big Mac? What’re you doin’ here?”

I sailed the seven seas and I’m laughing! Ha!
I’m migrating in their caves and I can’t stop laughing
I ate all your friends, and I can’t stop laughing
I’m cock-a-doodle doo!
All for the moon.

Olive’s lips began to quiver. She was surrounded by apparitions of all the ponies she’s ever known and feared. This song had turned into a grim reminder that she’ll never truly be free for as long as he roams around Equestria. Her breaths were getting heavy, her eyes watering. Sweats dripped down her face, her legs slowly giving under the pressure. She was always terrified of her father. She’d give anything for him to leave her alone for just a day.

Aurora’s dead and I’m laughing, ha!
I put a hit on you and I can’t stop laughing
My lovely mare's dead and I can’t stop laughing
What else can I do?
Now I’m part of you...

Olive couldn’t take it anymore. Everything Anarchy said brought back terrible memories. Visions of the few ponies she’s truly cared for, of the fact that they’re all gone now, leaving her alone in this world. Her body became too heavy for her legs to bear, and she crumbled to the ground in a foetal position, crying.

Yes it always makes my day
Come on everypony smile, smile, smile
Fill my hear- Huh? Wh-what's going on?

Pinkie slowly stopped singing, and the others followed soon after. Applejack noticed her daughter was crying on the floor. The large crowd! Of course she wasn’t ready to receive this much attention this soon. She shot a glare at Pinkie as her heart pounded with anger.

“Stop it!” She shouted. The music quickly died as an awkward and frightened silence filled the air. “Can’t y'all see that yer scaring ‘er?!” Her voice was angry and scared. She quickly turned her attention to her crying daughter. “Sweetie it’s okay, they’re goin’ away now.”

Her words couldn’t make her stop. A strong guilt washed over Applejack as she felt like she could have prevented this had she thought before than to let “Pinkie!” The earth pony picked up the filly and placed the poor thing on her back. “Ah should have never let ya sing this stupid song!” She turned her attention to the fearful crowd. “And ya’ll should stop pryin’ into our gosh darn lives! Go away all of ya!”

Pinkie Pie’s hair deflated, feeling responsible for making a foal cry. “Wha? B-but, I-I didn’t...” the pink pony stammered, tears welling in her eyes. “I didn’t mean to.”

Applejack stormed away angrily. “I didn’t mean to ain’t gonna cut it, ya should leave ‘er alone for Pete’s sake!” she roared through gritted teeth. After she distanced herself from Pinkie, she turned her attention back to her daughter. “Come on sugar cube. Let’s head home.”

Looking back through her blurry vision, Olive saw the pink pony fall on her flank, devastated by what she had just done. The regretful and sad look on her face made the filly cry even more, this time a new sadness adding to her already big lists of sorrows.

I killed their friendship and I can’t stop laughing!
I... wait, the song’s already over? Oh, party-pooper.

“Tia... I believe you are overreacting.”

“Overreacting? Lulu, you’re bleeding! Somepony’s attacked you!”

Luna sighed. “That’s not what I meant, sister.” She pointed a hoof at the comically large number of doctors present in the room. “I’m talking about the doctors you’ve brought in. I’m fairly certain one would have sufficed.”

Celestia’s eyes darted around the many doctors present, each of them unwilling to say anything regarding the situation. “Yes, I believe I may have overreacted. I thought the wound was worse than it turned out to be.”

The lunar princess chuckled. “So did I.” Staring again at the doctors, she added. “Perhaps you should send all of them back to the hospital. I believe I’m no longer in need of medical attention.” To this, the doctors nodded in approval.

“Very well, you can all return to your hospital. I apologise for the inconvenience.” Celestia gave the ponies a warm smile as they left Luna’s bedroom. “Lulu, what happened?”

Luna stared blankly at her bandaged leg. “I got into a fight in the dreamscape.”

Celestia blinked. “That can’t be it, right? It’s impossible.”

“That’s what I thought, but there’s no other explanation. If somepony did in fact bit me during the night, the pain would have snapped me out of the dreamscape.” Luna’s brows furrowed. “Something about this stallion’s isn’t right.”

“What stallion?” Celestia pushed.

“The one I got into a fight with.” The alicorn gritted her teeth. “He’s no pony. Only a monster would commit such atrocities without batting an eye.”

The tall alicorn winced. “So he’s a criminal. Do you have Looking Glass on the case?”

“Indeed, moreover we’ve also brought your ex-pupil Twilight Sparkle into the case. I hope you’re okay with this.”

Celestia cringed. “I’m... going to allow this, but on the condition that you watch over her, make sure she doesn’t wrap herself in too much trouble. The dark side of Equestria is much more dangerous than she could imagine.”

Luna smiled. “I already am. You should know I care much about our subjects and friends.” The alicorn began to get up from her seated position. Her leg still hurt but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. A look of protest began to draw on her sister’s face. “I won’t needlessly put myself into danger, Tia.”

Celestia opened her mouth, but the sound of the bedroom’s door slamming open stopped her from saying anything.

“Princess Luna!” Mango rushed to his princess, kneeling before her. He was one hundred percent sober which was a refreshing sight for the midnight blue alicorn. “I’ve heard you were injured, so I came in to check.”

“Do not fret.” Luna reassured. “It is nothing serious.”

“Nothing serious? You’ve been attacked in your own castle!” He briefly glanced at Celestia. “I'm really sorry! I should have done my job better!” He lowered his head and closed his eyes, expecting a punishment.

“Do not beat yourself over the head, Mango.” Luna consoled, gesturing at him to get up. “There was nothing you could have done to prevent this. This wound’s our fault.”

Captain Mango wanted to protest, but seeing Luna shaking her head finally got the message through his thick skull. “I see. Then I will reduce my cider consumption to better do my job.”

“That’ll be appreciated.”

Mango left the bedroom, leaving the two sisters alone. Not for long since Princess Celestia still had a long day of duties ahead of her. “Well, at least this incident got Mango to sober up.” she joked.

“Probably the only good that’ll come out of it, I fear.”

Author's Note:

Oh, what a tragic turn of event.
Pinkie Pie had her heart broken with guilt and Olive is feeling the same way!
Applejack is terribly angry at her friend, and maybe so at her brother too for he participated in the song.
Anarchy had succeeded in stirring up some conflict. My God, what an asshole...

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