• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 4,651 Views, 493 Comments

Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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18. Twilight Time: Eldritch Catastrophe

15 days left before the storm

After many turbulent days, Applejack finally got back to working on the farm with her mind at ease. Olive ate her breakfast, got a toy to pass the time and was under Granny’s supervision, there were no reasons to be worried anymore. No longer slowed down by her anxieties, Aj made lots of progress on her apple bucking. It was refreshing to not constantly think about the filly’s well-being, to just live in the moment without any intrusive thoughts.

However, as much as she didn’t want to wander off into all sorts of troubling thoughts, her mind had other plans. What if she tumbled down the stairs and hurt her injured leg? What if she’s hungry and has nothing to snack on other than apples? What if she wants more toys?

Evidently, Applejack had to head back inside just to be sure. Passing by her apple cellar, she carefully avoided the trap door that led down the flight of stairs. Many times, her family accidentally took a mean tumble down the cellar, courtesy of its awful placement. She should probably warn Olive about it so that she doesn’t meet the same fate.

“Granny!” Applejack shouted as she rushed inside. No response came from the old earth pony, odd. She moved further inside, searching the kitchen for any trace of her grandmother. “Granny? Are you there?”

Moving into the living room, Applejack found her grandmother, sleeping on her rocking chair with a book resting on her lap. “Consarnit, Granny...” She groaned.

Olive was also present... playing? Aj couldn’t really wrap her head around the filly’s strange behavior. The unicorn was pacing around the living room in a fixed circle pattern, the Power Pony stick held tightly in her mouth whilst she was muttering and making strange sounds. She wasn’t paying any attention to her mother but shot a few careful glances at Granny Smith.

“Sugar cube? What’re ya doin’?” Applejack asked, confused.

The little unicorn noticed her, but rather than walking towards her in a straight line, she followed her pattern and stopped when she was near the mare. “I’m playing!” She provided a simple answer that only left Aj with more questions. She never saw a foal play like this before. The filly’s behavior strangely matched that of Twilight Sparkle, especially during her many nervous breakdowns.

Olive waited for her mother to say something else, but quickly lost interest after a few seconds and went back to pacing around the living room.

Applejack’s gaze shifted towards the sleeping elder. Placing a disappointed hoof on the chair’s arm, she rocked it just enough to wake up its occupant.

“Wha- hm?” Granny Smith slowly came to, almost dropping her book on the carpet. “Oh hey Applejack! Is somethin’ botherin’ ya again?”

Applejack sighed. “Yeah, Granny. Somethin’ IS botherin’ me. Namely the fact that yer sleepin’.” She said in a disappointed tone. “Ah told ya to watch ta filly.”

The old earth pony watched the filly pace around the living room. “Well, there ain’t much watchin’ ta do. She’s been at this for an hour.”

“For an hour?” Applejack closely watched Olive “playing” in the living room. “Huh, maybe Ah should ask Twilight if she played like this when she was a filly.”

Granny Smith roused herself when she heard the name of the alicorn. “Oh! Ah probably shouldn’t forget ta tell ya that Twilight came today. She wanted ta know if ye were fine with bringin’ the filly to ta library.”

“She wants to start today?” Applejack asked, and the old mare nodded. “Well, since she doesn’t have anythin’ ta do. Ah suppose it won’t hurt to introduce ‘er to Twilight.” The earth pony noticed the filly was no longer pacing around the room, her eyes locked onto the two mares.

“Ya comin’, sugar cube?”

Olive went to the fireplace, placing the stick in a careful position, readjusting it until it felt just right before running to Aj’s side. “We’re going to a library?”

“Yep! Ah’m certain ya’ll get along with Twilight. Ya kind of remind me of ‘er.”

Olive never went to a library before. All she heard about them was that they were filled with books, and that more than enough to spark all sorts of wild ideas thanks to her vivid imagination. The last thing she expected, was to find a treehouse, quite literally, standing in the middle of Ponyville. The library was a tree, but there were windows, doors and balconies on it, a bizarre amalgamation that gave off a cozy feeling with its warm colors and round shape.

This looked like a nice place to live in, much like Sweet Apple Acre. Olive wanted to go inside and discover its contents. Stopping by the sign, she learned of the library’s name, the Golden Oak. She looked back at the library. It’s not golden... she thought disappointedly.

Applejack stopped and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, its upper half opened to reveal a lavender unicorn poking her head out. “Aj!” The head looked down, noticing the filly. “And you must be Olive!” The lower door then opened. “Come on in!”

Entering who the filly assumed must be Twilight, her thoughts came to a screeching halt when she noticed a pair of wings on the “unicorn”. Staring in confusion, Olive wondered where this fourth princess came from.

Twilight Sparkle sprouted her wings. “Uh, yes. I’m an alicorn too! I’m Twilight Sparkle! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” She raised a hoof, expecting a hoofshake.

Olive stared at her hoof, remaining silent. Twilight kept her hoof there for a while until it became awkwardly clear that the filly didn’t understand this gesture. What the little unicorn did understand was that this was typically the moment she had to introduce herself.

“I’m Olive. It’s nice to meet you too.” She said, her introduction sounding like it has been rehearsed.

Twilight invited them inside, letting her guests get comfortable before she engaged in more small talk. Olive’s eyes widened as she took in the sight. Hundreds of books nicely placed on dozens of shelves in a circle. The library’s piqued the filly’s interest. “Oh! You must be interested in literature too? You seem to have an eye for it.”

A large smile appeared on the filly’s face as giddy excitement took over her. “Yes! I love reading! It makes me forget about everything.”

Y-Yeah, I can see why that’ll make you happy... “I’m happy you love reading too! I love to share my passion with other ponies.” Twilight knelt before the unicorn. “If you want to pick up a book, swing by the Golden Oak, I’ll be glad to help you find what you need!”

Olive nodded gleefully. “Okay!”

“Hey, who’s this filly?” The three ponies downstairs looked up at the newcomer, a lavender baby dragon who curiously observed the unicorn. It was Spike, Twilight's assistant. He descended the stairs at a rapid pace, moving over to the alicorn's side.

“That right there is Olive, the filly Aj is currently fostering.” Twilight explained.

Spike raised an eyebrow as he stared at the little unicorn, holding a hand to his chin. “Olive, huh? So you’re the filly who blew up a bathroom in Ponyville General Hospital.”

“Uh! Spike!” Twilight raised her voice, but before she could scold the baby dragon, Olive responded.

“N-No, that’s the other me.” The filly corrected, leaving the two mares in confusion.

“The other you?” Applejack asked, an ocean of questions popping in her head.

“Yeah, the strong me. She used her magic to protect me.” Olive explained. An explanation that only left more questions in the mares’s minds.

“Th... There’s two of you?” Twilight asked, desperate for answers that made sense.

“Yeah.” Olive hid her face behind her mane, no longer willing to meet the alicorn’s gaze. “but she won’t come out unless I use magic.”

“Interesting...” Hundreds of ideas flew through Twilight’s mind, her curiosity now piqued regarding this mysterious other side that was compared to a monster by the only pony that has ever witnessed it. “Aj?”

Applejack roused herself.

“Can we begin? I promise I’ll be as careful as possible.” Twilight gingerly asked, a pleading look in her eyes.

“Sure, but Ah don’t want ya to brin’ out this ‘other Olive’ just now.” Applejack forbid. “We’ll save it fo’ another time.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded. “I understand, I mean, I certainly can’t do it here. He he, that’ll be too dangerous, and I'm not crazy enough to summon a potential monster in my own home.”

Olive felt a slight jolt of pain coursing through the neurons in her head. The other Olive shared her ears, her eyes, and her feelings. “Please, don’t talk about her like that; She hates it and it hurts.”

“Huh?” Spike was the first to speak out, perplexed. “You mean physically or just your feelings?”

“B-Both.” Olive gritted her teeth as she grasped her head in pain. “Please, stop it.”

“Spike!” Twilight glowered.

“Okay, okay! I’m sorry! I’m not trying to be a jerk, I swear!” Spike apologised, though the alicorn didn’t seem fully satisfied.

“You should think before you say something potentially hurtful.” She turned to the filly. “I’m sorry about this, Spike isn’t mean or anything. He’s just curious.” The baby dragon looked remorseful, but also a bit angry to be scolded like that in front of the new kid in town.

“I’ll go upstairs and read my comics.” He announced as he went back upstairs. “I don’t think I’ll be needed anyway, that’s how it always is.”

Twilight watched as her assistant left, feeling bad inside. She wanted to say something like “Oh, Spike; you’re always needed.” but chose to solve this issue later. Kids often exaggerate the situation when they’re upset, like how they often tell their parents they “hate” them because they’re being scolded. Spike will get over it soon enough, so it’s best to ignore him for the time being.

The important thing was to figure out more about this other Olive. The doctors weren’t able to find through technology an explanation for the bathroom incident, so that burden was placed on her because of her princess status as well as her knowledge in magic. Was this stressful? Yes. Can she back down? Absolutely not!

“Are you coming with us, Aj?”

The earth pony shook her head. “Ah’d like to, but Ah can’t stay. Ah’ve got some money to make sellin’ apples today.” Noticing the stress growing in the filly’s face, she added. “B-But Ah’ll be close to the library, if you need mah help, Twilight.”

“Thanks.” Twilight smiled. “I’ll try not to bother you during my research. Today should be smooth sailing!”

Feeling relieved, Applejack trotted out of the Golden Oak, looking back one last time at her daughter before leaving.

After the earth pony left, there was a shift in the air. Twilight felt something odd, out of place. Hostility emanated from the filly, but she wasn’t glaring at her, not at all. Olive seemed to have no quarrel with her, unless, that hostility belonged to the other one...

The little unicorn looked around, waiting for something to happen, not daring to move from her position despite her burning curiosity.

When entering a building, always listen to what its owner tells you, and don’t ever do anything unless you’re instructed to. As much as she wanted to read these books, Twilight didn’t give her permission. Thus, she has to remain in place.

What are you doing? Snatch a book, read it, you can’t let that mare dictate what we can do and what we can’t do. She dislikes a part of us, the part that protects us. The intrusive thoughts clouded her mind, halting her train of thoughts.

“So,” Twilight announced. “I guess we should start now. I’ll let you borrow any book you want once it's over!” she said, smiling to hopefully ease the filly’s worries.

Down in the basement of the Golden Oak lied a surprising sight for the filly. Tons of bizarre machinery scattered everywhere, and next to no books lying around. Why was that all there? Is Twilight a scientist, or does she simply have a love for all things science? Looking closer, Olive recognised some equipment from her days with her father. Daddy was the king of moving out, a pony that has perfected the nomad lifestyle. He always found a way to move around big machineries, even when traveling hundreds of kilometers. The filly always wondered how, for he never gave her a genuine answer.

“Impressive sight, isn’t it?” Twilight asked, carefully leading the filly down the many stairs leading to the basement. “It may look overwhelming, but I assure you we’re not going to use them all today.” The alicorn pointed to a strange device with a metal helmet connected to many cables.

“What is that?” Olive asked, tilting her head from side-to-side as she tried to grasp its function.

“That’s just a scanner, we’ll be using this to hopefully find out the root cause of your magical outburst.” Twilight explained as she magically lifted the helmet. “Don’t worry, it’s not going to hurt at all. You’ll just have to stand still for a moment while I run the scanner.”

Olive was unsure, but listened to Twilight, nonetheless. The helmet was placed upon her head, it was a bit heavy, but her legs could manage the additional weight. Then, the alicorn flipped on a switch and a bunch of buzzing and typing noises filled the otherwise silent basement of the Golden Oak.

Olive looked around, anxious and confused as to the purpose of such equipment. Twilight was busy observing the papers coming out of a machine, leaning forward to get a closer look. She didn’t seem too pleased with the results, flipping through more switches in hopes of getting something else. “Nothing, huh? Maybe I should try this instead...” she muttered under her breath, her eyes wincing.

Olive felt a growing sense of unease as she began to realise that every movement and thought, she made produced some sort of result on the machine Twilight was hanging by. “Nothing too? Strange...”

Twilight frowned slightly, realising that science probably won’t cut it. Not a problem. She thought. It just means that I should use magic to figure out the truth. Approaching the anxious filly, Twilight gave her a gentle smile.

“Alright, we are going to move on to the next step.” She lifted a book with her magic, bringing it over to her. Flipping over the pages, she eventually landed on a section regarding magic surges similar to the one she had as a filly. “I believe you’ve experienced some sort of magic surge in the hospital’s bathroom. Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad really, I mean, I’ve also had a magic surge when I was about your age, perhaps even a little younger...” She said in a reassuring tone.

“But you don’t look afraid of magic like me.” Olive said, taking out the heavy helmet off her head. “Why am I the only one having problems with everything?! It’s not fair!” she shouted, stomping the ground.

Twilight placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder. “I know it’s not fair, not everything is but that’s okay... We’re here to help you take back control of your life.” The alicorn smiled. “Trust me, I’ve seen my fair share of injustices. We can’t have everything go our way and that’s okay.”

“Some ponies have too much.” Olive growled, sitting down to pout. “They don’t deserve to be happy.” A fire burned within her eyes accompanied by a dark cloud flying over her head. The unicorn filly glared at Twilight, a sense of jealously slowly overtaking her. “Why can’t I have anything?”

“Oh, but you do have something.” Twilight softly said. “You have a new family, one that loves you. You have new friends who are willing to help you. You have a chance to move on from your pain.”

Olive lowered her head, her anger subsiding for a moment. “I can’t.” That answer left Twilight puzzled. “I can’t stop thinking about yesterday, and the past. I can’t stop thinking about everything that bothers me! Even the things that mean nothing!”

Her eyes were watering as she stomped the ground with all her small might. “I can’t sleep at night because my head won’t stop thinking about everything and it just goes on and on in circle! I can’t move on from anything!” An emerald glow slowly formed around her horn as she raised her voice.

“C-Calm down, Olive!” Twilight tried to calm the filly to no avail. She was crying, her eyes fully closed as she dropped to the ground in defeat. “It’s okay! I’m here to help!”

“Nopony can help me! My life is a disaster!” The filly cried out. “I was always a failure, I couldn’t please anypony, I couldn’t do anything right and I’m stupid!” The emerald glow strengthened to a point that it no longer went unnoticed. With a bright flash of light, Twilight was brutally thrown against the wall.

The room was covered in an all-consuming smoke that clouded their vision. Sounds of bones cracking and limbs stretching echoed throughout the basement.

Dizzy and confused, Twilight watched on in horror as the transformation began. Only now, she could see the details that Sweetheart left out of her description.

The filly’s skin fully caved into itself, revealing a hollow void where her jaws lie, as it stretched out to make room for an enormous gleaming emerald eye lodged behind a pronounced set of glowing red teeth. Her legs and body stretched out until she had a tall and lanky appearance. The bandages around her midsection snapped, showcasing the nasty scar on her side. The unicorn roared, her voice deeper and accompanied by two additional voices complimenting the ghastly appearance.

“O-Olive?!” Twilight shuddered, the filly was gone and in her place was an angry looking monster. It had its gaze on her, its sole eye shooting daggers at her.

The princess of friendship’s horn lit up, casting a protective barrier around her. The ex-filly casted a black fog to hide her presence. In just a matter of mere seconds, Twilight couldn’t see a single thing outside her barrier. A dreadful silence filled the room as the alicorn began to sweat, wondering when the attack would be coming. Nothing happened, nothing came to her barrier.

The only sound present now was the swooshing of her horn keeping the barrier active, the only line of defense against the transformed filly. Nervous, Twilight’s tail swung from side to side, and then it brushed off against something. Turning her head around, a tall and lanky shape stood behind her, in the barrier. Her eyes turned to pinpricks as she stumbled back, stuck inside her own spell with this monster.

A hoof shot out of the ex-unicorn's gaping maw, wrapping its fetlock around Twilight’s neck to lift her off the ground. “Gnn!” Choking, the alicorn casted a particularly useful evasive spell, teleportation but not just a simple teleport, no. It was a mass teleport that sent both the mares away from the Golden Oak and now... to the edge of the Everfree Forest, far from Ponyville.

This change of scenery distracted the filly long enough for Twilight to break free of her grasp, jumping back to gain some distance. As magic was her special talent, staying as far away from her opponent was the best course of action. Up close, she’s surpassed by whatever this monster can dish out.

Another hoof lunged out of the unicorn’s jaw, hitting Twilight square in the face. The sheer speed of the attack resulted in more power which further added to the pain the alicorn felt once she was sent smashing into a tree.

Twilight got up; her head still dizzy. Olive shambled towards her, the filly’s legs bent in uncomfortable ways. Her advance was slow, awkward, looking like she shouldn’t be able to even walk right now.

“I’m sorry, Olive, but I’ve got to bring you back somehow.” She fired a sleeping spell at the filly, but she teleported away at the last minute, reappearing next to her. “What?!”

A hoof backhoofed her into a nearby bush. As she fell, Twilight heard a bone crack in her body. As she looked back at her opponent, the alicorn noticed that she was standing idly, not even preparing a future attack. It was only when she got up that another strike came her way. Barely managing to avoid it, Twilight got to gage its power by seeing the trees behind obliterated after the passage of the elongated hoof. “Okay, this is bad...”

The last thing she wanted to do was to hit her back. The filly may have transformed into a beast, but she was still there, deep down. Pulling its head back, the monster of a pony let a hoof out high in the air, before it brought its head down, smashing its limb on the ground.

Twilight once again got out of the way at the very last moment. Not a very good performance so far, this filly was tossing her around like a ragdoll and she couldn’t do a thing about it! The hoof then swung to the side, performing a sweeping strike that brought Twilight back to the grassy ground yet again.

She may be great at dealing with magic, but an opponent that strictly uses physical strikes was out of her depths, a leftover of her days as a unicorn, the ponies who only fought with their magic. Gee, I need to learn how to fight with my wings and hooves. Twilight thought as rolled out of the way of another incoming strike. Figuring a way to deal with the transformed filly without hurting her was challenging, even more when she had to dodge multiple attacks at once.

Struggling to clear her mind, Twilight took to the sky where she was out of range. The beastly filly stared her down, waiting for the alicorn to come back to her level. Great! Now I can form a plan to calm her down!

“What in tarnation is goin’ on ‘ere!” Twilight’s eyes widened. Applejack galloped over to the source of all the ruckus, followed by Rainbow Dash.

“Please tell me this is a fight!” Rainbow Dash wished.

Applejack glared. “Ain’t ta kinda things you wanna wish for, Dash.”

Olive twisted her head completely, now facing the two intruding mares. The eyes inside winced, displeased with this turn of event. A hoof reached out the gaping maw, heading full force towards Rainbow Dash.

“Come on! Can’t I wish for just a bit of action? Nothing happened here for like months!” Dash said, not paying attention to the incoming danger.

“Rainbow, look out!”

Applejack pushed the cyan pegasus out of the way but wasn’t fast enough to dodge the powerful hoof that struck her side, propelling her into a tree where a distinct crack was heard.

“Aj!” Rainbow Dash glared at the source of the strike only to be shocked by the monster of a filly that stood before her, motionless. Its eye was wide open, appearing shocked to have struck the wrong pony.

Twilight landed next to Applejack to check up on her. “Applejack! Are you okay?” A groan coming from the downed earth pony reassured her.

“Ah’m... fine Twilight.” The orange mare grunted. “Ah think Ah may have cracked a rib.”

Rainbow Dash’s brows furrowed; her teeth clenched with righteous fury. “You monster! I’ll show you what happens when you hurt my friends!” Dash charged with the intent to smash the devilish pony to bits.

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight begged, succeeding in halting the pegasus’s charge. “That’s Olive! Don’t hurt her!”

The cyan pegasus stopped completely. “Huh? What?!”

The eye inside the filly began to water. Applejack lifted herself, her legs shaking in pain as she rested her eyes on the monstrous form of her daughter. “O-Olive? Is that you?”

The twisted unicorn began to cry in a distorted voice as it slowly shrunk down to a more appropriate size, the transformation reverting until there was only a normal filly standing before the three mares. “M-Mommy!” she cried out, trying to reach Applejack, but she couldn’t even take a single step. Her legs were so, so heavy, almost like they turned to anvils. She collapsed on the ground.

“S-Sugar cube!” Applejack galloped as fast as she could to the passed-out unicorn, nearly tripping over herself. One check of her pulse confirmed that she was merely unconscious, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

The adrenaline inside Twilight faded away and the weight of her damage began to dawn on her, causing her to collapse too. “Urgh... This hurt.” Seeing the distress on her friend's face, she apologised. "I'm sorry, Aj. I didn't purposefully tried to bring the other Olive out. It was an accident.

"Ah believe ya..." Applejack picked the filly up and placed her gently on her back. “C’mon, sugar cube, let’s go home.” Before she left, she gave a final pleading look to her alicorn friend. “Twilight, Ah sure hope ya can find a solution soon.”

“I won’t fail you.” Twilight answered, a feeling of defeat hiding underneath her confident words.

Rainbow Dash was completely lost in this situation, finding herself hovering around like a headless chicken. “Uh, whajusthappen?”

Twilight chuckled. “With what you know, you should be able to piece it together.”

Spike rushed to the scene once the fight was over. The commotion downstairs eventually led him to follow Applejack and Rainbow Dash to the edge of the Everfree Forest, where he found the aftermath of the battle. The cyan pegasus, the orange mare and the little filly were all gone by the time he arrived, leaving only a wounded Twilight in place. “Gee, Twilight! Are you okay? Looked like you got badly beat up.”

“I’m okay, Spike.” Twilight responded, struggling to get back on her hooves. “I just think my pride took a better hit than my body.” The alicorn spat out a bit of blood. Her bruised body looked pitiful, the battle left her with a black eye, a messy mane and scratched up hooves. She also had a backache, courtesy of a cracked bone, but it was nothing a healing spell couldn't fix.

“I can see why.” Spike looked at the crying filly being escorted on Applejack’s back. “You got beat up by a filly, with monstrous powers so I suppose it wasn’t that bad. I mean, it would have been bad if she was just a regular unicorn, but she’s not.”

After fixing her bone with healing magic, Twilight lowered her head in shame. “I know, but as a princess, I should be able to defend myself. I can’t lose to anypony just because I’m on my own. Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence each won fights on their own, I must be as strong as them, else I’m just a burden for Ponyville.”

“I don’t think any of them won any fights recently.”

“Spike!” Twilight shouted. “Not the time for snarky remarks.”


The young princess looked up to the city on the mountainside, Canterlot. Its power was expressed through its beautiful architecture, and its position above the land. “I must become better at fighting if I want to protect Ponyville from future dangers, and I know just the pony that’ll help me!”

“Let me guess; Princess Luna?” Spike guessed as he jumped on the mare’s back.

“Exactly! She fights nightmares all the time, so she must be really good at it!” Twilight began to trot towards Ponyville, sparking some confusion in the baby dragon.

“Uh, Twilight? Where’re you going?” He asked, one eyebrow raised.

“To Ponyville’s train st-”

Spike poked on her wings with an unamused expression.

The princess of friendship blushed as she sprouted her wings, realising her rookie mistake. “Oh r-right... I, he he, have wings to... fly.”

Author's Note:

Well... now we know why Strong Hoof hates Olive so much.

Another fight done, I hope I'm not sucking at writing these kinds of scene 'cause I find them lowkey hard to write.

Anyway, I hope you all like the drunkard Mango, because something tells me Twilight's gonna get more acquainted with him.:twilightsheepish:

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