• Published 10th Jul 2023
  • 4,650 Views, 493 Comments

Never Alone - JeSuisLaPorte

Applejack finds a young filly on the verge of death at the edge of the Everfree Forest and as she's slowly nursed back to health, the earth pony decides to foster her, unaware of the many hurdles and dangers it'll bring her way.

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16. A Trip Downtown

Dark, it was terribly dark in here. Dark, and cold. The foliage brushed against her hooves, the trees shaking as they were carried by the force of the wind. The moonlight shot down on this eerie forest, casting a faint light. It was just enough for a little filly to make out her surroundings.

Olive shivered, the wind was ice cold and unrelenting. Her eyes widened as she saw shapes shuffling around in the distance, shapes that were bigger than her. Bigger, and much stronger. One of them, the tallest of the silhouettes, shook the trees with every step it took. As the shapes got closer, lights shot out of their eyes, illuminating the path they were taking.

Now closer than ever, the unicorn recognised the shapes as ponies, slowly marching towards her. Approaching, they began to smile as another silhouette burst from the shades. This one was grinning, its emerald eyes casting the darkness away as it drew the focus on it.

Fetch me her soul!” It announced to the others, its voice echoing.

The ponies accelerated their advance, their mouths opening as they growled at the helpless filly. The tall one shook the earth with its step it took, letting out a deep snarl as it began to charge.

Wake up, sissy!” The emerald one barked.

Their mouths were drooling as it kept on opening, going past their limit. They were getting faster. Olive tried to run, but her sprint was slow. She could barely move while her pursuers were coming for her faster than before. The tall one was mere inches away from her now, and the others were soon going to reach her.

Come on, wake up!” The emerald one barked again, its voice subtly changing mid-sentence.

Olive was scratching the floor with her hooves, trying to propel her body forward, away from assailants but it was to no avail. They were right on top of her, mouths outstretched. They lunged down at her torso, ready to bite and...

“Wake up, sis!”

Olive felt her body being shook around by an unknown force. She opened her eyes lightning quick, coming to the realisation that Apple Bloom was trying to wake her up. She woke up in cold sweat, her body positioned to face the window. The sun was beaming through the cracks in the curtain, shining some much-needed light in the bedroom. The house felt alive now that its residents woke up. It was also odd to not hear a cacophony going on downstairs for the little unicorn. She wasn’t living with thirty ponies no more, and that’s going to take some time getting used to.

Applejack opened the door to greet them, inviting the fillies downstairs for breakfast. As expected of the Apple family, what was on the menu were all sorts of apple related meals. Plain apples, apple pie, apple juice, you name it!

In the back, the Apple's radio played yet another tune of Jolly Melody. Many ponies thought he was a mare because of his ability to reach high notes when he sang. Olive always knew he was a stallion, but she was wasting too much time staring at a radio that brought back old memories instead of living in the moment.

Olive sat next to her mother, noticing that there was an empty seat at the table. Granny Smith, Big Mac, Applejack, Apple Bloom, but two empty seats, now one thanks to her. The filly didn’t feel like questioning her new family about it, preferring to avoid any potential conflict.

“Here’s an apple pie for ya, sugar cube. Ah baked it mahself just fer ya!”

Applejack placed down the delicious looking apple pie, smiling as her daughter looked at what seemed like the first pie she’s ever seen.

“Apple... pie?” Olive softly asked.

“E-yup!” Big Mac responded, stuffing his face full of pie.

The other Apples began to eat their breakfast. All, except for Olive who stared nervously at her pie. Applejack took notice of this odd behavior.

“What’s wrong, sugar cube? Is something wron’ with yer food?”

Olive jerked back with a guilty look on her face. “Huh?! Um, I-I...” She felt something terrible, all eyes were on her now. The other Apples stared her down with an indecipherable expression. What were they thinking? Did they think she was weird?

“Hey, hey...” Applejack tapped her daughter on the shoulders, trying to calm her down. “It’s alright, if yer not hungry, ya don’t have to force yerself to eat.”

Olive frowned, clearly that wasn’t the issue. Awkwardly crossing her legs, she lowered her head in fear. She can’t lie to her mother, the right thing to do is to tell her the truth, but it might hurt her feelings. The internal conflict was slowly killing her until she couldn’t take any longer.

“I-I’m... allergic, to apples.” She awkwardly blurted out, the sentence not coming out right.

Applejack’s eyes widened, her mouth falling agape. The other Apples also bore shocked expressions, at a loss for words.
Oh no... Ah didn’t see this comin’!

Olive squirmed, hiding her face behind her tail.

“Allergic to apples? That’s no good at all, we’ve mostly got apples to eat!” Granny Smith exclaimed.

Apple Bloom looked distraught. “How is she gonna eat?”

Seeing the ever-increasing panic in Olive, Applejack acted fast. “Don’t worry ‘bout it. We’ll go in town together to buy ya somethin’ to eat.” she got out of her chair, ready to go.

“Yer goin’ now?” Granny Smith asked.

“Yep, can’t let ‘er starve on ‘er first week with the Apples!” Applejack responded, leaving her unfinished meal.

Olive left her seat too, guilt fully present in her eyes as she followed her mother outside. The day was as beautiful as ever. Last night’s thunderstorm left some traces on the land in the form of puddles. The farm was covered in puddles, the trees were still wet, and the ground turned to mud.

“Oh! We’ll probably need some boots to get in town.” Applejack remarked, heading back inside whilst the unicorn remained outdoors, silently admiring the view.

The filly was always drawn to the rain, to the changes it brought to the environnement once it was over. What she liked most was that it made noise. The silence always scared her for it allowed her to hear strange noises that let her imagination run wild with all sorts of dreadful ideas. She never could sleep at night without a constant source of noise to drown out the eerie silence.

Staring at the farm, she let the beautiful sounds of nature fill her mind with tranquility. The chipping of birds, the quiet howling of the wind and the echoes of Ponyville brought a feeling of serenity to this morning. It was different than what she was used to, and in a good way. The day truly was a marvelous piece of art that she never got to admire before. She smiled, not knowing how to express this ever-increasing joy that wanted to be let out.

“Here ya go!” Applejack dropped a pair of boots next to Olive, startling the filly who was lost in thoughts. “D-Did Ah scare ya?”

“N-No.” the filly lied, her face red with embarrassment as she put on the boots.

Moving towards the town, Applejack stared at the sky. “It’s a bit cloudy today... Ah hope it won’t rain while we’re outside.”

Finally arriving in Ponyville once more, Olive trotted closer to Applejack’s leg, being as hidden as possible to the eyes of the common pony. After crying in public, surely, they’ll stare at her as they pass by. Going around town, she felt a burning sensation in her body, a feeling she was all to familiar with, shame. If only she hadn’t made a fool of herself this soon!

Everything will be much simpler! Alas, for what she knew, she was a crybaby. Heh, if she told Applejack that, the mare would probably tell her something along the lines of “Yer no crybaby, yer a brave filly.”, yes, that totally sounds like her mother.

As Olive looked up, she spotted a cyan shape descending rapidly before slowing down to a crawl. “Hey, what’up Aj?” the raspy voice greeted. Upon closer inspection, it was a pegasus that was hovering above them.

“Howdy, Dashie! Haven’t seen ya yesterday!" Applejack greeted back.

Dashie... That must be Rainbow Dash. The little unicorn heard a bit about her. Rainbow mane, cyan coat and a daredevil attitude to boot, she was quite the popular pegasus here in Ponyville.

“That’s ‘cause the weather team was busy working on this awesome thunderstorm!” The cyan pegasus responded, admiring the results of her hard work.

Applejack lifted her mud-covered leg. “Strange, Ah didn’t hear anythin’ that night.”

“Probably because you went to bed early, Aj. The storm was scheduled to happen late at night.” Rainbow Dash informed, still hovering above the ground. She wasn’t wearing any boots and the ground was covered in mud, so it made sense why she acted as if the floor was lava. “Oh, and I should probably mention it’s going to rain again.”

“Again?!” Applejack asked, cocking her head back.

“Uh, yeah. It’s going to be a lame one.” Rainbow Dash lamented.

“Why’s it rainin’ again?” the orange mare pushed.

The cyan pegasus threw her hooves up in the air and shrugged. “I don’t know. The higher ups do know why, but they don’t bother explaining anything.”

Applejack burrowed her frows. “Ah don’t buy it. Ah’m sure they do explain to weather control why they’ve got ta do their jobs.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “Fine, they give out lectures on why our job is important...”

“But ya don’t pay attention to them.” Applejack finished. “Ya should stop lyin’ just to save face, Rainbow.” That line was unconsciously said like she was lecturing her friend, mainly because Olive was right there listening to the whole thing.

The cyan pegasus sighed. “Well, on the upside; there’s going to be one hay of a storm coming soon!”

Applejack wanted to reprimand her friend for attempting to use strong language near her daughter, but that mention of a new storm gripped her attention. “Another storm? Are you kiddin’ me?”

“Aw yeah!” Rainbow Dash pumped her hoof in excitement. “It’s going to be a bad one! Not just heavy rain and thunder, but lots of wind too! I just can’t wait to see it happen!”

The earth pony frowned, as if the last one wasn’t bad enough judging by its leftovers. “Ah hope this next one isn’t gonna break down our barn.”

Rainbow Dash dismissed her worries. “Pff, you always say that every time I tell you a storm’s coming, but it never happens. Just relax and enjoy the show once it comes. It'll come in exactly 16 days.” She said before placing her attention on the little unicorn hiding behind her friend’s legs.

“Hey...” She swooped down, arriving at the filly’s side. Olive instinctively moved back. “Isn’t that the filly you brought to Ponyville General a couple of days ago?”

“E-yup, Ah’m takin’ this filly out for breakfast!” Applejack proudly announced.

“What’re you doing with her now that she’s out of the hospital?” Rainbow Dash asked, trying to get a better look of the filly that kept on hiding around the earth pony.

Applejack blinked. “Nopony told ya, Dash?”

Rainbow Dash lifted her head, confused. “Told me what?”

“That Ah’m fosterin’ this filly.” Dash’s mouth flung open. Applejack just dropped a bombshell on her without any warning.


“Ah couldn’t tell ya personally since ya were busy doin’ weather control. Ah just thought somepony else gave ya the news.” Applejack turned her attention to the filly behind her and gave her a warm smile. “That right there is mah friend, Rainbow. Ya should introduce yerself to ‘er.”

Olive nervously trotted forward, now fully facing the cyan pegasus. Just from her looks alone, the filly could tell she was a cool pony. A mare that puts lots of values into being as awesome as possible. The worst thing to do would be to mess up her introduction.

They often say first impression matters, so she better pull it off. Ponies like her always made the little unicorn anxious and she couldn’t figure out what. Maybe it’s because she feels like Dash is too cool for her, or perhaps she’s just afraid that the pegasus would ridicule her for messing up a simple introduction.

“So... what’s your name, new girl?”

Olive nearly flinched, she’s been thinking for too long and the others noticed. “Um, I-I'm mm... Olive.” she mumbled, cursing herself for exactly screwing it up.

“Olive, huh?”

How did she understand that? The filly thought.

Dash smiled. “Not a bad name, but it feels a little lacking.”

Applejack shot a subtle glare at her friend.

“Well, Olive; Welcome to Ponyville! I hope you’ll stick around long enough to see my awesome flight stunts, I’m in no shortage of them!” Dash flipped around her on back, acting as if she was laying down on the air. “Just don’t forget to keep an eye on the sky.”

A group of pegasus in the sky waved at the cyan mare, who broke out of her relaxed stance. “Welp, gotta go!” With a loud bang, she shot upward, joining the weather control team.

Now that Rainbow left, the two ponies went back to their initial objective, to find someplace to eat for breakfast. What they needed was a calm place to eat, one that didn’t have too many onlookers. They’ll be eating at Café Hay for it was exactly what they were looking for.

Sitting down at a nice table in the back of the terrace, they waited for a waiter to hand them the menu. As they waited, Applejack spotted a familiar unicorn eating at the same café.

It was Looking Glass, enjoying a nice salad while reading the newspaper. He noticed the two, but acted as if he didn’t. The strange part was that he was occasionally eyeballing Olive, completely ignoring Applejack.

“Howdy Looking Glass! Fancy meetin’ ya here!” She greeted, attempting to strike a conversation.

“I could say the same to you.” Looking Glass responded, his eyes still locked on the newspaper. The conversation seemingly ended at that since an awkward silence reigned for a while.

Applejack stood there, waiting for something to happen, for him to say something else to keep the conversation flowing, but he said nothing. “Uh... Ah though ya were in Canterlot.” she said in a desperate attempt to drown out the awkwardness.

“I was.” Looking Glass sternly said. “I frequently travel from Ponyville to Canterlot to accomplish my mission to lock our culprit behind bars.” that line came out as robotic and oddly rehearsed to the earth pony. The filly didn’t seem to find anything weird with it.

“Oh, th-that's great. Ye, uh, find anythin’ recently?” The orange mare asked, hoping to get the stallion’s interest but it became painfully clear that he was more absorbed in his reading than the current conversation.


Suddenly, a grey pegasus dropped down from the sky, holding a letter in her mouth. It was Derpy Hooves, the town’s mailpony. She handed over the letter to the detective who stared blankly at it for a few seconds. Then, his whole expression changed to shock and surprise as he jumped out of his seat and ran away.

What was in that letter? Applejack wondered as she watched the unicorn disappear.

Derpy waved hello at the two Apples, an innocent smile plastered on her face. “Hello Applejack! Hello...” The pegasus froze, unable to remember the name of the filly. She can’t remember... because she’s never heard it before.

“Olive. That’s mah daughter!” Applejack informed, smiling back at the adorable mailpony.

“Hello Olive!” Derpy finally said, completing her greetings.

“Hello...” the shy filly said.

“Can you believe it? I gave a letter to Looking Glass!” Derpy exclaimed, excitement beaming through her voice as she hopped in place.

“Ya seem to look up ta ‘im.” Applejack mused.

Derpy’s smile grew wider. “Yes! I think Looking Glass is a pretty cool pony. He fights criminals and doesn’t afraid of anything!”

“Yeah... doesn’t afraid of anythin’.”

After enjoying a nice breakfast, Applejack wanted to take Olive around town to buy some important accessories for her. Her goal was to make the filly feel at home in Sweet Apple Acre, so she elected to buy her a toy first and foremost considering the unicorn was still fairly young.

At this time of day, Ponyville was getting livelier. More ponies were walking outside, business’s were opening and the marketplace was beaming with life. For Applejack, it was always a great sight. For Olive, it was nerve-wracking. Her mind never forgets, and so do her eyes. Amongst the various ponies moving around, she recognised many of them as being part of Pinkie’s impromptu musical number. The same ponies who saw her burst down into tears in the middle of town.

This uneasiness did go away once they entered Ponyville’s local toy store, where there were less ponies strolling around. The place had a happy-go-lucky air to it, what with all the cute and cuddly toys laying on shelves.

“Well, sugar cube, ya can pick any toy ya want.” Applejack announced, expecting her daughter to run off somewhere in the shop, but she didn’t. The filly was practically glued to her at this point.

Evidently, Olive wasn’t going anywhere without her. So, it was up to the earth pony to find a good toy for the little unicorn. Remembering the filly’s interest in the Power Ponies, she chose to go over their section first.

Many toys of all kinds rested on these shelves. Figurines, plushes, racing cars and more! Her jaw dropped at some of the exorbitant prices for certain Power Ponies action figures. Th-Three hundred bits?! That price makes about as much sense as slingin’ a hammock between two cornstalks! Who in their right mind would spend this much money on tha’? Applejack thought, hoping that Olive wouldn’t pick any of them. Thankfully, she didn’t, but her choice did spark some confusion in the mare.

“I-I want this one.” the filly stammered, pointing at an orange stick with Mistress Marevelous’s head on it.

Applejack winced, trying to understand the filly’s choice. “Uh, ya sure ‘bout this one?”

“But I want it!” Olive reaffirmed, stomping the ground in an attempt to look angry which only came off as adorable her mother thanks to her cute squeaking voice.

“Uh, well, alright. If ya ever need more, don’t be afraid ta let me know.” Olive happily picked up the stick with her mouth.


Trotting over to the cash register, Applejack was surprised to see a familiar face, one that she never thought would be here. “Bulk Bicep? What’re ya doin’ here?”

The muscular white pegasi flexed his muscles. “I’m working here! I’m getting on the job grind!”

“Ah never thought Ah’ find ya workin’ here. Aren’t ya a Wonderbolt trainee like Dash?” Applejack asked, confused.

“Of course I am!” He proudly stated, before frowning. “But it doesn’t bring enough money! I have to find another job to pay my bills.”

“Huh, and here Ah though ya were runnin’ a cinnamon nut stand.” Applejack said, motioning at Olive to place the item at the counter. The filly looked strangely apprehensive of the white pegasi. She reluctantly did as her mother instructed, quickly backing away from Bulk, who didn’t notice a thing.

“I did run a cinnamon nut stand.” He said, sadness slowly forming in his voice. “It was destroyed, now I can’t pay for the repairs because I don’t have enough money, so I’m working here to fix my stand to go back to making money, uh...”

The filly was frowning at the stallion, conflicting ideas forming in her eyes. Applejack now only wanted to leave the store as quickly as possible. “Well Ah wish ya good luck with tha’. We’re gonna buy this.” she said, tapping the “toy” on the counter.

Once they left the toy store, Applejack immediately went for the million-dollar question. “Is somethin’ wrong? Ya looked scared of Bulk.”

Olive kept the toy in her mouth as an excuse to not answer that question.

“Hey, Olive. Ah know ya don’t want ta feel like yer a hassle ta us and Ah assure ya, yer not.” Applejack softly said. “Ah just want ta help ya as best as Ah can.”

The filly pondered her possible choices, eventually deciding on talking it out. “He jusht... reminded me of shomepony.” she muttered with the toy in her mouth, looking away from her mother. The tall and burly stature of Bulk, his white coat, the big smile on his face, it felt eerily similar to a stallion she spent her whole life fearing. “He always shcared me.”

Applejack leaned close to nuzzle the little unicorn. “Ah assure ya Bulk’s a kind stallion. Ya have nothin’ ta fear in Ponyville.”

“I know, but he kept reminding me of him.” Olive persisted, dropping the toy on the ground. “It brought back many bad memories. I wish I could forget, but I’m too good at remembering things!”

“Heh, sometimes Ah wish Ah could forget some things mahself!” Applejack mused. “We all have bad memories, but we’re not gonna let ‘em define us, now are we?”

Olive finally mustered the courage to look at Aj in the eyes. The mare’s eyes were full of kindness, warming the filly’s heart.

“Ah don’t fully know what happened before Ah met ya, but let me just say; It’ll do ya no good ta avoid yer problems. Ah’m here ta help ya face ‘em, Ah just want ya to know tha’.”

The little unicorn buried her face in Applejack’s warm coat, tears welling in her eyes, but they weren't tears of sorrow this time, no. She was happy and felt less lonely.

With the stick in mouth, Olive got to playing immediately the second they returned home. Her perception of “playing” was much different than other ponies. The little filly trotted around the living room in a defined pattern, circling the couch and making sure to only touch the floorboards in the middle as she walked. All the while she made small noises that sounded like “kaboom” and “pow”, as if she was imitating sounds. Stuck in her fantasies, she did keep an ear out for the discussion happening in the kitchen, curious as to what it was about.

“So, how much do we have?” Applejack asked next room.

“Uuuh... Not a whole lot.” Granny Smith responded, uncertain. “We’ll ‘ave to bank on our next sell doin’ well. Let's hope this season will be generous to us.”

“Hope we’ll have ‘nough for next week. We’ve got an extra mouth to feed.” The orange mare mumbled something incoherent to the pink unicorn, so she snuck closer to the kitchen, hiding behind the wall that separated her from the rest of the Apples. “Have any ideas, Big Mac?”

“Nope... Actually, maybe.” Big Macintosh responded, clearing his throat. “Ah could convince Rarity to bring ta Pony Tones for a fundraiser.”

“That’s a mighty good idea!” Applejack praised. “Ah’ll see if Filthy Rich’s willin’ to buy some special Apple baked goods.”

“He does prefer Zap Apple Jam, which we don’t ‘ave right now.” Granny Smith pointed out. “Ah ain’t sure he’s gonna buy a lot.”

“It’s worth ta shot...”

Olive sat down, dropping her toy in her hooves. Her family wasn’t doing so well with money, and she had a feeling it was because of her. As she stared at her toy, she began to feel guilt even though it wasn’t her fault. They all need money to survive, even more now because of her. The last thing the filly wanted was to bring more misery to ponies and as such, she vowed to not beg for anything. Ever. No toys, no books, nothing. Only the necessities. Their well-being comes before hers...

There was quite the ruckus in Canterlot, especially around an old, unremarkable store. Lots of tapes surrounding the building, plenty of guards patrolling, it was no wonder why so many ponies stopped by to observe the scene. Not many stayed, however, for there was an evil feel in the air, a brutal one that scared away the onlookers that remained there for a little too long.

The guards posted there were also unnerved. Not all of them got to enter the store to see what happened. All they knew, was that somepony had been brutally murdered. That information alone gave the vintage shop a haunted feeling, with some of the more superstitious guards telling others that the owner’s ghost is roaming around these parts.

Such a reaction showed that the ponies of Canterlot weren’t used to such criminal acts, especially since murdering a pony in this royal city is often viewed as an attack directed at its rulers, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Only fools would dare commit such a horrible crime in the most guarded city in all Equestria. Fools or... complete monsters perhaps.

Nopony truly knew who Anarchy was, but they sure heard of his many crimes. Burning buildings, mangled ponies, smiles, smiles, smiles and more smiles. He had become the boogeyman for these poor equines.

Looking Glass arrived on the scene as fast as he could, shoving ponies out of the way as he marched toward the vintage shop. One of the guards briefly stopped him, but the detective’s glare quickly confirmed his identity to the poor stallion.

“Mister Looking Glass!” another detective was on the scene, a pegasus mare to be precise. She had a horrified look on her face which only made the stern stallion more worried. “Thank Celestia you’re here! You gotta see this! It’s a real massacre!”

Looking Glass opened the door with magic, wasting no time as the build-up was killing him. As expected, the body hasn’t been moved, in fact, the whole place had been untouched by the guards.

Speaking of the body, the unicorn looked his eyes with those of Screen Saver... or what was left of him. Despite the many grievous injuries, he had sustained, the detective only looked at one thing; the grin stitched on the deceased’s face.

His eyes stared back at him; horror incarnate was present in his lifeless gaze. This was one of the few times Looking Glass ever felt disturbed. A sense of guilt also accompanied his horror, though on the outside it looked like nothing fazed him.

“It’s horrible...” the mare croaked. “Who could have done such a thing? We’ve may have a serial killer on the loose!”

“I understand you fear for your families, but rest be assured, I won’t let anything happen to them.” Looking Glass said, his voice as strong as steel. The confidence emanating from him calmed the younger detective down.

“Hm?” The unicorn took his eyes off the corpse, noticing a strange object placed on the counter. Going over Screen Saver’s remains, his eyes adjusted to the darkness enough to the point that he could now make out the object. “Widow’s Wine.”

“Pardon me?” The mare said, going next to him to see the bottle.

“It’s Widow’s Wine, an alcoholic beverage.” He stated, lifting the bottle with his magic.

“I don’t understand why you’re so fixated on this wine.”

The stallion’s eyes winced. “Screen Saver never drank this kind of wine. He was also a married pony.”

The mare’s eyes widened as her mouth opened. “You’re saying the killer placed this here?”

Looking Glass casted a spell on the bottle. I must check for hoof marks. If there’s no hoof marks, then I can confirm that the perpetrator was a unicorn. “No hoof marks.” he announced. “I know who killed Screen Saver.”

“You do?”

Looking Glass turned to face the younger detective, his eyes burning with hatred. “The bottle was placed here as a cruel joke. It bears no hoof marks meaning the killer is a unicorn. A unicorn with a twisted sense of humour. There could be only one pony daring enough to murder a stallion in his own shop and place down evidence as a joke... Anarchy.”

Taking a step back, the mare stepped on a cassette tape. Looking down at the object, she noticed something disturbing. “L-Looking Glass, look!”

Gazing at the floor, his heart nearly skipped a beat, but he showed no signs of fear to the mare. On the ground were many broken tapes. The pieces were all rearranged to form a message, a message dedicated to him.

“The hills have eyes.”

Author's Note:

Anarchy's onto Looking Glass! The detective is in great peril if he chooses to remain in Canterlot, but he's the best, the cream of the crop! He cannot drop this investigation, for everypony expects him to put this killer behind bars! What a delicate situation he's found himself in.

Meanwhile, Applejack must deal with Olive's allergy to apples of all things! She'll have to adapt to the filly's needs, and that'll extend beyond cooking. Now, I wonder why this little unicorn chose a toy as simple as a stick rather than an action figure...

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