• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 1,960 Views, 425 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

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Night of the Shine Spider PT 1

It was nighttime in Anaheim as a big figure crawled around the city and passed around the unsuspecting citizens who were out and about still. The figure crept to an empty alley and from the shadows merged the Turtles’ enemy Spider Bytz.

“The spider is back!” he smirked.


The next morning, at the Pond, after their training and practice, Tanya, Fugitoid, Donnie, and Gamer have been hard at work finishing up the upgrades on the Crystal Converger. Just then, Wildwing entered with Leo, Shine Boy, Twilight, Karai, and Cadence.

“How’s the Crystal Converger coming along?” Wildwing asked.

“We’re just about done.” Tanya smiled. “We should be finished by tomorrow.”

“Yeah, thanks to the parts by Dr. Huggarman, we’re making great progress.” Donnie added.

“That’s sure good news.” Shine Boy smiled.

“At this rate, the final fragment is as good as ours.” Twilight nodded.

“Let’s hope things work that way, Twilight.” Cadence patted her shoulder.

“Then, hopefully we can start trying to find a cure for the Street Sharks.” Gamer hoped as he continued to work.

“One step at a time, Games. They know we’re thinking about them and I’m sure they want to put Dr. Piranoid away for good before we can cure them.” Shine Boy reminded.

“Not to mention find their dad.” Leo added.

“Besides, we should focus on Dragaunus and the Eyes of Sarnoth for now.” Wildwing agreed.

“And enjoying the rest of our vacation.” Cadence smiled.

“I know.” Gamer sighed. “I just want to keep our promise is all.”

“We will, bro. we will.” Shine Boy patted his little brother on his back.

In the lounge, Some of the group were just relaxing when Raph suddenly screamed hysterically, getting their attention.

“Whoa! Raph! Where’s the fire?” Love Shine looked around.

Raph clung to a pipe as he pointed down. “THAT!”

Everyone looked down and, sure enough, there was a cockroach.

“Cucaracha!” Gabby shrieked, jumping into Casey’s arms.

Night Shine laughed like crazy as Mikey told the Ducks. “Raph’s afraid of cockroaches. And apparently, so’s Gabby.”

“I work in a diner! That is the LAST thing I would want to see!” Gabby snapped.

Fluttershy let the roach crawl on her finger. “Excuse me, Mr. Roach, sorry if we scared you, but is there any way you can go somewhere else right now?” the roach chirped in response. “Of course! I know the perfect spot where you can eat.”

As she exited, Raph slid down the pipe while Gabby quickly got off Casey hiding her blush.

“Don’t feel bad, you two. I ain’t exactly a bug duck myself.” Mallory smiled.

“We gotta tell Phil to get us a maid.” Sighed Duke.

Nosedive laughed, "Mr big tough turtle and Spanish girl are afraid of tiny cockroaches?! That's so ironic, it's funny!" He continued to laugh when he saw something and his chuckling instantly turned into a scream in utter terror. Then he whipped out his blaster and fired multiple shots at a wall.

When the smoke cleared, the wall now had holes and out from one of them crawled a spider.

"Missed again," Grin stated before sipping his coffee.

Night Shine laughed. “And so, the eight-legged wonder evades again.”

"Man, I hate spiders!" Nosedive cried.

"Overreact much?" Caitlyn remarked, before Zach placed a toy spider on her head and she screamed, flailing around, "Get it off get it off!" She squealed, before realizing it was a toy.

Zach laughed, "Look who's talking!" Caitlyn growled before she shoved the toy in his mouth.

Suddenly, the alarm went off and everyone hurried to Drake 1.

“It’s a Drake 1 alert!” Wildwing checked the monitors.

“Is it Dragaunus?” asked Rainbow.

“Doesn’t look like it, Rainbow. It looks like some kind of giant spider is attacking downtown Anaheim.”

“Uh Bro? did you just say giant spider?” Nosedive gulped.

“He didn’t say giant cockroach.” Mallory glared.

The Turtles were equally surprised as Donnie asked his brothers. “You don’t think?”

“No. it can’t be!” Raph denied.

“Spider Bytz is back!” Mikey gasped.

“But we left him along with Antrax and Scumbug in those plastic containers years ago.” Sunset recalled.

“Someone you know?” Duke asked the Ninjas.

Leo explained. “Spider Bytz is one of our enemies.”

“He was a jerk who caught us fighting the Kraang and ended up getting caught by the Kraang because of his stupidity.” Raph huffed.

“He always insulted us by calling us frogs everytime we faced him.” Mikey chimed.

“We tried to rescue him, but his stubbornness and grumpiness led him to getting mutated into a big spider mutant.” Donnie continued.

“The last time we faced him, he joined up with a couple other bug mutants and kidnapped a handful of our classmates during our field trip in New York.” Applejack added.

“Including us.” Applebloom popped up.

“Together, we beat them and got out.” Sunset concluded.

“And now he’s back.” Casey glared.

“Well, now he’s on our turf.” Duke smirked.

“Never met a spider I didn’t squish.” Night Shine huffed as he sharpened his machete.

“Let’s go exterminate!” Wildwing declared. “To the Migrator!”

“We’ll take the ShellRaiser!” Leo added as they headed out.

Nosedive however tried to sneak the other way. “Well, let me know how it turns out.”

“Cmon!” Mallory grabbed him and pulled him to the vehicles.


In the downtown section of Anaheim, Spider Bytz was scarring civilian as they run away screaming.

“Yeah! That’s it! Back off! Spider coming through!” he laughed. “Ha! That’s one way to beat traffic!”

He then broke the window of a jewelry and started collecting jewelry and snickered. “No one in the black market will resist these!”

Suddenly, he heard tire screeching and turned to see both the Migrator and ShellRaiser drive up and to his annoyance out came the Ducks along with some familiar faces.

“Aw No! Not you Frogs and Brats again!” Spider Bytz groaned.

“Nice to see you too, Spider Bytz. NOT!” Raph glared as he drew his sais.

“I left New York to get away from you and yet I had to find you in Anaheim of all places!” the mutant spider griped.

“No matter where you go, Dolt, the law is the law!” Night Shine cracked his knuckles.

Spider Bytz looked unfazed. “What? You think adding more twerps and overgrown sparrows makes you tougher?”

“Ducks, You eight-legged freak!” Nosedive shouted behind Grin, who shoved him forward.

Wildwing pointed his arm blaster at Spider Bytz. “Now, are you going to surrender peacefully? Or are we doing this the hard way?”

“Ain’t happening, Birdie!”

Duke pointed his sword at the spider. “Now what’s the itsy bitsy spider gonna do? In case you ain’t good with counting, you’re outnumbered!”

Spider Bytz just smirked. “who says I’m alone, sparrow?”

Fluttershy looked up to noticed something. “Uuuh Duke?”

Then landing next to Spider Bytz were two more bug mutants the Ninjas were familiar with.

“You just had to say something, didn’t you?” Tanya scolded Duke.

“Antrax and ScumBug?” Mikey gasped.

“Turtles!” hissed ScumBug.

“Friends of yours?” Grin asked.

“Friend being a strong word.” Karai deadpanned.

“This nightmare’s gone from bad to worse!” whined Nosedive.

“Antrax can duplicate himself. So be careful.” Casey warned.

“You’re going to pay for last time!” ScumBug cried.

“Last time, you tried to eat our classmates and sisters!” Rarity declared.

“Oh, go cry me a river.” Spider Bytz rolled his eyes.

“Yeah so we can drown you in it!” Night Shine snapped.

Leo pointed his swords. “Let’s send them to infinity and beyond, Ninjas!”

Everyone deadpanned as Pinkie popped up. “Wow! You really must want a lawsuit there, Leo.”

“Just go.” Leo groaned as Shine Boy smiled at him as he passed by. “And no, I’m not shouting Turtle Power!”

“Let’s rock!” Wildwing cried as they all hurried to fight.

Duke stood against Antrax with his blade as the ant mutant began duplicating himself.

“Okay. That is definitely one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen.” The former thief shrugged before slicing at the clones. Another drone tried to tackle him when Shine Girl roped it and slammed it at two more drones, destroying them.

“This would almost be fascinating if they weren’t trying to destroy us.” Tanya mentioned as she blasted a couple more drones.

Mallory fired at ScumBug who dodged and spewed green goo at her as she narrowly dodged herself.

“Nosedive! What are you doing? Blast him!” she shouted as Nosedive stood there shivering.

ScumBug then shot a web at her, trapping her to a wall. Mallory struggled as ScumBug stomped towards her.

“You should worry about yourself!” he smiled before feeling a stab on his side. He then saw the CMCs standing ready. “I remember you three!”

“You got the jump on us last time, but not this time!” Applebloom stated.

“Because this time, we’ve been trained to handle you!” Scootaloo added.

“And You’re NOT HURTING MALLORY!” Sweetie Belle cried as the three tackled ScumBug and hitting him with everything they got. The bug mutant shook them off before getting punched by Grin.

“Good work, Girls.” Mallory smiled as Applebloom sliced the web freeing her. She then looked at Nosedive who looked guilty for not doing anything.

As everyone else fought Antrax’s duplicates, Leo, Sunset, Night Shine, Shine Boy, Shining, and Wildwing made their way to Spider Bytz.

“Hi, Bytz. I’m Shine Boy.” Shine Boy teased before dodging a swing from Spider Bytz as Wildwing fired a puck at his eyes. Leo and Sunset then slashed at his legs while Night Shine slid underneath, bopping Spider Bytz where the sun didn’t shine. Shining kicked him on his back as he groaned. Nosedive saw this before looking determined.

“Why won’t you Frogs and Sparrows hold still?” Spider Bytz shouted before firing acid at the group who narrowly dodged.

“Watch out!” Leo cried.

“Where’s your tough talk now!” Spider Bytz insulted.

“DUCKS ROCK!” Nosedive shouted as he rapidly fired at Spider Bytz. More annoyed than hurt, Spider Bytz then whacked him down.

“Nosedive! NO!” gasped Wildwing.

Nosedive got up and saw Spider Bytz towering before him and was frozen in fear.

“Don’t bite off more than you can chew, Sparrow!” the mutant snarled as he opened his mouth.

“Dive! Look out!” Shine Boy hurried over and pushed over Nosedive when...


Shine Boy screamed in pain as Spider Bytz bit his forearm as everyone looked in worry. Angered, Night Shine ran behind Spider Bytz and yanked his spider leg, breaking it causing him to scream. He then drew his machete and started slashing the spider. After throwing him off, Spider Bytz turned to his bug buddies.

“This is getting hot here, fellas! We’re outta here!”

Antrax and ScumBug hurried to their boss as everyone finished off the rest of the drones.

“This isn’t over!” ScumBug hissed as they all hurried off.

“Get back here, Spider!” Night Shine got up screaming. “SPIDER!”

“Never mind! We got more important things!” Sunset stated.

Caitlyn and Serenity hurried over to Shine Boy as everyone put away their weapons and hurried over.

“Shine Boy!” Serenity gasped. “Are you okay?”

Shine Boy held his arm in pain. “My arm! It feels like Big Slammu sat on it!”

“Let’s see it.” Donnie suggested.

As Shine Boy complied, everyone was grossed out to see the big bite on his arm.

“That’s a bad bite.” Zach gulped.

Shine Boy tried to get up but then fell back on his knee and groaned. “Oh. Now all the sudden, I feel a little lightheaded.”

“Oh no. what if Spider Bytz injected him with poison?” Twilight feared.

“We better get him analyzed back at the Pond pronto!” Wildwing urged.

As they helped Shine Boy back into the Migrator, Nosedive hid a look of regret as he followed behind.


It wasn’t long before they returned to the Pond and set Shine Boy on a medical table. Shine Boy, minus his belt, cape, and mask, was sweating as Tanya analyzed him and she looked horrified at the screen. “Oh this is bad! This is very bad!”

“What’s the status?” Cadence asked.

“Well, not only did Spider Bytz inject poison in Shine Boy, but traces of the mutagen that mutated him as well.”

“Are you saying Shine Boy’s gonna be mutating soon?” asked Love Shine.

“Fraid so.” Donnie was looking through a microscope. “I put retro mutagen on the blood sample, but the poison cancels it out.”

April looked through the microscope and pondered. “There might be a way for the retromutagen to work. Maybe if we can make an antidote for the poison, it’ll allow the retromutagen to cure Shine Boy.”

“Alright! Let’s get the antidote and cure Shine Boy!” Nosedive boasted.

“Nosedive, one thing.” Gamer spoke up. “We need the venom of the spider that bit Bro.”

“Come again?” Nosedive double took.

“Gamer’s right. We got to find Spider Bytz and get some of his venom.” Sunset stated. “It’s Shine Boy’s only hope right now.”

“I’ll rip it out of his ever-yapping mouth if I have to.” Sneered Night Shine.

“Are you certain we can’t get a smaller spider?” Caitlyn gulped.

“Sorry, Caitlyn. We gotta find big dumb and insulting.” Duke pointed out.

“Or do we need to be reminded who stood there while Shine Boy took the bite?” Mallory glared.

Nosedive was hurt from the guilt before storming off.

“N-no.” Everyone heard Shine Boy groaned. “I… don’t blame…. Nose…dive… it’s… w-what i…do.”

“Shhh.” Serenity wiped his forehead with a washcloth. “You need to rest, Tony.” She then angrily turned to Mallory with tears in her eyes. “I don’t blame Nosedive either! Shine Boy always puts himself in harm’s way for the sake of others. Heck! He’d even take a bomb if it meant saving a life!”

“Remind me to grill you when YOU let fear make you choke.” Night Shine bumped Mallory. “Now, if we’re done talking, let’s go find Spider butt!”

“He’s right!” Wildwing agreed. “Shine Boy’s mutating with every passing moment!”

“Let’s go, guys!” Leo stated.

“I’ll stay here and keep an eye on him.” Serenity said.

“I’ll take one for the team and stay.” Keno volunteered.

“You sure, Keno?” Casey asked.

“Somebody should be here in case Shine Boy mutates before we cure him. Besides, Fuge can back me up.”

“I’ll be in the lab.” Fugitoid saluted.

“Good idea.” Cadence nodded before they hurried off.

As they hurried to the hanger, Shine Girl noticed something. “Hey, didn’t you guys have two Duck Cycles?”

The Ducks noticed they were a Duck Cycle short as Wildwing spoke. “And I think I know who took it.”

“Nosedive!” Everyone cried.

“He wants to overcome his fear of Spiders to save Shine Boy because he feels guilty.” Grin mumbled.

“We gotta stop him before he jeopardizes the mission!” Mallory stated.

“Maybe you should’ve thought of that before lecturing him earlier.” Raph huffed.

“Then let’s get a move on!” Mikey declared and soon enough, the Migrator and Party Wagon drove off to the streets.


Nosedive drove around Anaheim in his Duck Cycle to find the Bug thugs. He followed the trails of green goo, acid, and webbing throughout town.

“It’s my fault Shine Boy got hurt and is mutating into a Spider!” he said to himself. “So it’s up to me to get the venom for the antidote, which means facing that big freaky Spider guy.” He then turned to no one particular. “Boy! Am I a glutton for punishment or what?”


Back at the Pond, Shine Boy was breathing slowly as he laid down while Serenity wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“It’s gonna be okay, Tony. I promise.” She whispered.

“I…. know… it will be.” Shine Boy sighed. “Could…. Could I…. t-trouble you…. For a glass… of… water?”

“Sure thing.” Serenity smiled before kissing him on the forehead. “No matter what, I’ll be there for you like you have for me.” She whispered before leaving the room.

Moments after she left, Shine Boy began to groan in pain as his skin began to expand. He looked to his sides to see four arms rip through his shirt. Struggling, he saw his glove as big nails began to rip through his glove.

“Oh no!” he groaned.


In an abandoned alleyway, Spider Bytz was trying to get his leg to move again after what Night Shine did to it before finally bending it the right way. “OW! There we go!”

“So now what?” ScumBug asked.

“It’s obvious no matter where I go, those kung fu frogs and their meddling friends will follow. So, the only way is to get rid of them! Along with their overgrown sparrow friends!”

“I got your sparrow right here!”

The bugs turned to see Nosedive ride up and ramming Spider Bytz to the wall.

“That was for Shine Boy, Web head!” he grunted before reving up and driving around Antrax and ScumBug firing pucks at them. “DUCKS ROCK!”

“Why you!” Spider Bytz glared before firing acid which landed on the Duck cycle’s front wheel. “HA!”

Nosedive rolled off as his Duck Cycle crashed into the wall. He quickly aimed his blaster at Spider Bytz. “Okay bug breath, cough out that venom or you’re gonna get it!”

Spider Bytz looked unfazed. “Ooo. Whatcha gonna do, Sparrow? Shoot me with your P-shooter? I’m so scared!”

Nosedive was trembling a little as he stood still sweating. He looked back to see ScumBug and Antrax coming up behind him.

“Time to pluck this bird dry, Boys!” Spider Bytz laughed as the three mutants began to close in on him.

“Back off, Spider Bytz!” Spider Bytz looked up just to be kicked back by Wildwing while Antrax was hit by Gamer and Applejack punched ScumBug.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey announced as the others jumped in as Nosedive breathed in relief.

“Whoo! I thought you guys would never get here!”

“Oh yeah. You had it all under control.” Duke joked.

Leo pointed his sword at the big spider mutant. “I’m only gonna say this once, Spider Bytz. We just need a bit of your venom so hand it over peacefully please and we’ll be on our way.”

“And why would I want to do that, Froggie?” Spider Bytz sneered.

Night Shine pushed Leo out of the way. “You bit my brother, you idiot! Because of you, he’s mutating into a spider too!”

“Oh! You’re breaking my little spider heart!” Spider Bytz teased while ScumBug and Antrax looked at each other.

“Not gonna be the only thing broken in five minutes.” Night Shine muttered before Cadence walked up.

“Please, Spider Bytz, we just need your venom. It’s a matter of life and death. Please, help us save our friend.”

“Not my problem, Toots!” Spider Bytz smirked. “However, you might make it worth my while.”

Shining irked at the spider’s flirts with his wife while Grin held him back. Mallory stepped up and aimed her bazooka at the mutant.

“Back away, creep. We’re gonna give you one last chance to cough up that venom! Now are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?”

“And what are you sparrows going to do if I don’t?” Spider Bytz taunted.

At last, Night Shine lost patience. “Okay! Ive had enough!” he jumped through the group and tackled Spider Bytz.

“Luke! Wait!” Love Shine cried. “We just need the venom!”

“You can give him the best offer in the world, but this desecrator would still refuse even if his life was at stake!” Night Shine glared as he choke held Spider Bytz. “Shine Boy is slowly mutating and even that won’t persuade him to cooperate!”

“Let go of me!” the spider mutant cried as he struggled.

“THE SPIDER DIES TODAY!” Night Shine hollered as he drew his machete.

“Oh, sewer apples.” Raph groaned as he drew his sais.

“We better secure the poison before things get worse!” Leo stated.

“Let’s rock!” Wildwing hollered and the group jumped in to fight.


Meanwhile, Serenity was heading back to Shine Boy with a glass of water as she was talking to Phil.

“Sorry the Oh Boys won’t preform for the game, Phil.” She said.

“The game is coming up and I’m running out of options!” Phil grumbled. “It’ll be money loss if I don’t some halftime entertainment!”

“Well, maybe you could-!” Serenity was interrupted by a thud. “Oh no!”

The two hurried to the medical room where Keno was looking around.

“I heard banging and came here to find Shine Boy gone!” he panicked.

“I hope he’s not too far!” Serenity looked around frantically.

Then, Phil’s eyes widened as he noticed something. “Uh guys?”

Keno and Serenity looked and gasped. There panting was Shine Boy. He was more bulky and hairy with four extra arms and eight eyes with fangs around his mouth.

“Tony?” Serenity gasped.

“Help ME!” Shine Boy groaned in a deep voice.

“Easy, Shine Boy, we’re gonna get you help. Just calmly settle down.” Keno slowly crept up to him when Shine Boy angrily threw a medical table narrowly missing him.

“GET AWAY!” He roared.

“Tony, please!” Serenity pleaded.

Shine Boy screamed as he held his head. He then mutated completely into a humanoid spider monster with a big spider head with a red triangle on his forehead. He screeched as he saw the three humans.

“I just remembered. I got stuff to do in my office!” Phil hurried out of the room.

“Yeah you do that, Philsy.” Keno mumbled before facing the fully mutant Shine Boy. “Easy, Shine Boy, it’s me, your buddy Keno? I don’t want to have to hurt you.”

Shine Boy shrieked as he whacked Keno back. The Nightwatcher got up groaning.

“That’s gonna hurt in the morning.” He then drew his fight sticks and prepared to fight. “Sorry, bro, but you’re losing it!” he ran up and whacked Shine Boy a couple times. Annoyed, Shine Boy whacked Keno again into the wall. “Ow.”

“Keno!” Serenity cried. “Tony, please!”

Shine Boy was about to stomp towards her when he was tackled by an electric net. As he struggled, Serenity looked to see it was Fugitoid who launched the net.

“That will be enough of that!” He scolded. “That should hold him until the others return.”

But then, Shine Boy ripped through the net and freed himself.

“Or not.” Fugitoid wide eyed before readying his blasters. “Now, Shine Boy! Don’t make me hurt you! I’m your friend, remember?”

Shine Boy responded by whacking Fugitoid so hard he had trouble with his systems.

“System error! Reboot in five minutes!”

Shine Boy then growled as he stood before Serenity. As he grabbed the young photographer, Serenity shed tears as he began to web her up. “Tony, Stop! It’s me!”

Suddenly, Shine Boy stopped and looked at her confused as if he recognized her. He set her down and ripped off the web on her.

“You remember me.” Serenity realized. She reached up and stroked his head as he sort of purred. “It’s okay. We’re gonna get you cured. I promise.”

Shine Boy shed a tear before suddenly clutching his head roaring.

“What’s wrong?” Serenity cried. “We can help you!”

Shine Boy was about to strike her before he stopped himself in time. Shrieking, he began to run away.

“Tony! Wait! Come back!” Serenity hurried after him. But she was too late. Shine Boy bursted through the wall and was long gone. Serenity could only fall to her knees and cry as Keno and Fugitoid got back up and could only look in remorse.


Despite fighting very well, the heroes were still struggling to get the venom they needed. Either Spider Bytz was moving too quickly or Night Shine kept interfering by trying to hurt the spider. Everyone else were fighting Antrax and his drones while Grin and Casey fought ScumBug.

ScumBug fired his green goo at Grin missing him as he ran up and punched the bug to a wall. “You wouldn’t want to disturb my inner tranquility, would you?”

ScumBug grunted before Casey tased him with his zapper.

“I sure as heck wouldn’t.” The young vigilante grinned as ScumBug fell down unconscious.

Nosedive blasted one of Antrax’s drones as he noticed Leo, Wildwing, and the others struggling against Spider Bytz. “We gotta help Wing and the others against Spider Butt!”

“You sure you won’t freeze like before?” Mallory huffed as she flipped a drone over her shoulder.

“Yeesh. Enough with the guilt trip!” Nosedived rolled his eyes. “Don’t you think I feel bad enough already?”

Before Mallory could answer, Nosedive bolted towards Spider Bytz. Just when another drone was about to tackle her, Applebloom pounced on it. Rainbow was tag teaming with Scootaloo as well as Sweetie Belle with Gamer.

As she whacked another drone, Pinkie noticed someone missing. “Hey. Has anyone seen Caitlyn?”

“Isn’t she in the Migrator?” Zach recalled.

“I saw her taking pictures not too long ago.”

“Let’s hope none these Antraxs grabbed her.” Tanya hoped.

Over to Spider Bytz, he threw Night Shine onto Gabby before whacking Leo, Karai, and Sunset away. Twilight tried to lift him with her geode power, but he spat acid at her. Luckily, Wildwing tackled her out of the way.

“I have had it up to here with you Frogs and your friends butting into my business!” the spider ranted. “No matter where I go, you’re always interfering with my business, you broke my dish, and above all, it’s your fault I’m like this!”

Leo was irked at what he heard. “Our fault? OUR FAULT!” He ran up and kicked Spider Bytz in the face and kept kicking him. “You insulted us, threatened our existence, as well as your life, and when we tried to rescue you, you whine! Complain! Because your phone was more important than your life! It wasn’t our fault you got mutated, Spider Bytz! IT. WAS. YOURS!”

Leo slashed at Spider Bytz causing him to scream in pain. He then felt a sting on his back and turned to see Nosedive charging towards him.

“And you’re gonna regret facing us Ducks!” Nosedive aimed his blaster before Spider Bytz grabbed his arm.

“Mommy.” He whimpered before Spider Bytz threw him right at Leo, causing the two to fall to the ground.

Spider Bytz began to stomp towards the down group. “Whether I’m actually to blame for your screw ups, Frog, I’m still gonna make you pay for-!”

Suddenly, Spider Bytes was interrupted by the sound of a roaring engine, then he and the heroes turned to see the Party Wagon speed out from around the corner and come to a quick stop. The Turtles and Allies were surprised to see who was at the wheel.


"So that's where she ran off too," Pinkie said brightly.

Caitlyn glared at Spider Bytes before she stomped on the gas. The Party Wagon's tires squealed, and the van shot forward.

"Scatter!" Wildwing cried as everyone quickly ran out of the way as the Party Wagon raced past them and straight at Spider Bytes.

"Oh cru-" he was cut off when the Party Wagon plowed right into him and smashed him into a wall with a loud BAM! Caitlyn backed the van up, revealing Spider Bytes encased in the wall groaning in a daze. Then he fell onto the ground unconscious.

"Take that, you icky we crawler!" Caitlyn exclaimed.

"Well..." Donnie said, a bit taken aback. "That makes securing his venom a lot easier."

The group gathered around the Party Wagon where Spider Bytz laid unconscious as Applejack tossed the real Antrax, who was also knocked out, over to ScumBug. Carefully, Tanya oozed out the venom from Spider Bytz’s fangs and Cadence put it in a glass jar.

“And now the poison is secured.” Tanya announced toward the group.

“Alright!” cheered Mikey.

“Now we can cure Shine Boy!” bounced Pinkie.

“Not so fast, guys.” Twilight said. “First we gotta synthesis an antidote like any other spider poison.”

“And once we combine it with the retro mutagen, then we can cure Shine Boy.” Donnie added.

“I just hope we’re not too late.” Gamer hoped.

Nosedive acted a little antsy. "Say, why don't we talk about this as we're FLYING THE HECK AWAY FROM THAT BIG BUG?!”

"Uh, technically he's an arachnid," Donnie corrected him.

"Get a grip, you big baby!" Mallory ordered.

"Caitlyn just knocked him out," Rainbow reminded. "So I'm pretty sure he's no longer a threat.

However, as the two spoke, Spider Bytez woke up and saw one of the heroes' weapons laying close by before he gave a wicked grin.

"Yeah," Mikey added. "Spider Bytes is down and out!"

"Guess again, frog!" Everyone wipped around to see Spider Bytez aiming the bazooka at them! "Nobody uses me as a speed bump!"

"Never mind..." Mikey squeaked.

"Prepare to fry, mooks!" Spider Bytes growled.

But then Tanya spoke, "Uh, I wouldn't fire that thing if I were you..."

"Well you ain't me!" Spider Bytez pulled the trigger and the bazooka fired... out the other end, sending him rocketing forward. "Mamma!"

Everyone ducked as the spider mutant flew over them and went bouncing off building as he flew into the distance.

"You were holding it backwards," Tanya finished dryly.

“Dang it! I wanted him ended!” growled Night Shine.

“Getting the poison and curing Shine Boy was our number one objective.” Love Shine reminded.

“Yeah, let him go.” Karai agreed. “His kind's not worth it.”

Night Shine only growled unapproving before Leo spoke up. “Let’s back to the Pond and get the antidote needed to cure Shine Boy.”

The group began walking to the vehicles when Scootaloo noticed two certain bugs missing. “Uh, guys? ScumBug and Antrax are gone!”

“Probably hurried off to join Spider Bytz.” Rainbow waved off.

“For now.” Shini shrugged.

“We’ll worry about them after we cure Shine Boy.” Sunset said as they got in the vehicles and drove off.


The heroes returned to find the place damaged and saw Fugitoid putting ice on Keno’s shoulder and Serenity crying.

“Oh no!” Gamer gasped and hurried to find his brother.

“Keno!” Leo cried as they hurried to the two.

“Professor!” Sunset embraced the robot. “Are you guys okay?”

“We’re fine.” Groaned Keno. “But I’m afraid I can’t say the same about Shine Boy.”

“Oh no!” whimpered Fluttershy.

“We’re too late.” Love Shine whispered.

“No.” Shining squinted as Cadence hugged him and they held Twilight who shed tears also.

“We tried to stop him, but he was out of control.” Fugitoid sighed.

Pinkie bawled as Mikey held her while hiding his tears too. Applejack held Applebloom while Sweetie Belle hugged Gamer who was fighting his tears as Rarity looked in remorse. Rainbow sniffed as Scootaloo hugged her. Grin hugged a whimpering Fluttershy as Nosedive looked down more guilty before Caitlyn hugged him.

Everyone was equally sad as Leo walked up to Serenity who was sadly looking at the hole Shine Boy escaped through early. “Serenity, I’m really sorry about everything. We-we didn’t mean for this to-!”

Serenity hugged him with tears in her eyes. “None of this was your fault, Leo. You or your family. You-you didn’t know Spider Bytz could mutate everyone he bites. If Tony was here, he-he’d say no good will come from blaming others.” She broke down crying again in his arms.

Donnie spoke up holding the jar of venom. “T-there’s still a chance we can save Shine Boy. Now that we got Spider Bytz’s venom, we can synthesize an antidote.”

“Then let’s get started!” Gamer wiped away his tears.

Wildwing turned to Tanya. “Go help them, Tanya. We need Shine Boy back if we’re going to beat Dragaunus.”

“Don’t have to ask me twice.” Tanya nodded.

“Once we cure Shine Boy, then what?” Raph asked Leo.

“We make sure this never happens again.” Leo squinted his eyes. “We stop Spider Bytz.”

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Alright! Got the chapter done before going to O Comic Con!


-Special thanks to Jebens1 for some of the dialogue for this chapter.

- I apologize if this chapter was too dark. Shine Boy's mutation was based on Spider-Man's transformation to Man Spider from the 94 series and Donnie's transformation in the 2003 series.

- Shine Boy's mutated form (or as Mikey will call him the Shine Spider) resembles Man Spider from the 94 Spider-Man series only in Shine Boy's clothes and a red triangle pattern on his head like on Shine Boy's mask.

-The Oh Boys is a band from Kim Possible that Amethyst Majesty who suggested them to be mentioned.

And that's all I got. For now.

Next time: The heroes race against time to find the mutated Shine Boy to cure their friend before he terrorizes Anaheim! Even though BugMan comes to help, they have to worry about the Bug Thugs as well! And Spider Bytz has a bone to pick with them as Raph helps Nosedive overcome his fear to help. It's Spider vs. Spider next time in Night of the Shine Spider, Part 2!