• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 1,960 Views, 425 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

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Bugged or Swatted

One morning, Nosedive, in his regular attire, was leading Shinigami, Mikey, Raph, both in their cloak disguise, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Sunset, Caitlyn, Keno, Tony (AKA Shine Boy), and Serenity through the plaza. After their morning training, they all decided to go look around Anaheim. After checking out some of the stores, as well as the clothing store Phil likes so much, they were heading towards Captain Comics when Raph spoke to Nosedive.

“Thanks for showing us around, Nosedive.”

“No prob, Raph. Wouldn’t want fighting Dragaunus ruin you guys’ vacation.” Nosedive smiled.

“Too bad the others couldn’t join us.” Pinkie pouted.

“Yeah, even though we should enjoy our vacation, we can’t ignore the threat.” Sunset reminded.

“Well, Tanya, Gamer, and Donatello are working on the Crystal Converger, Duke is training Shining while Mallory’s training Applebloom and her friends while Wildwing and Grin are with Casey, Gabby, Rainbow, and Zach on the ice and the others are training and helping miss Cadence.” Fluttershy listed out.

“At least Wildwing made sure Phil didn’t interrupted us again.” Keno joked.

“Wonder if he found his halftime entertainment yet?” Caitlyn wondered.

“I don’t think he did. The band he was trying to book cancelled.” Shini answered.

“Had we told him you girls sing yet?” Serenity asked.

“I tried a couple times, but he was always on his phone.” Shrugged Sunset.

“Should hear you girls perform before you head home.” Nosedive nodded.

“Good thing we brought our instruments just in case.” Fluttershy smiled.

“I’m sure we’ll tell Phil before the game this weekend.” Tony promised.

“Here we are!”

The group stopped before Captain Comics as Nosedive spoke up.

“Boys and girls! I give you Captain Comics! The most rad place to get the best comics! Not to mention some famous celebrity signings.”

“Nice!” Raph grinned.

“Great!” Sunset added.

“And the owners are friends of yours?” Caitlyn asked.

“They were my first human friends when we came to Earth. We always find time to hang out.”

“Alright! Let’s go!” Pinkie cheered.

As they all entered, Tony turned around abruptly as if sensing something which Serenity noticed.

“Everything okay?” she asked her boyfriend.

“For a moment, I thought we were being followed for a moment. Maybe I’m a little paranoid about the whole Eye of Sarnoth and Dragaunus business.” Tony shrugged. “Oh well. Let’s just go in.”

As Tony took Serenity’s hand and the two walked in, a young man with ginger hair and glasses popped out from behind the bush and chuckled happily. “There’s no mistake about it. If he’s hanging out with that Vatheela girl from Nebraska, it must be him! He’ll be perfect for my next project!” still hiding, he crept up to Captain Comics.

As they entered the comic store, they saw two people behind the service desk. One was a guy with long brown hair and wore a green shirt under a brown vest. The other was a woman with a pink mohawk and wore a dark jacket.

“Yo! Thrash! Mookie!” Nosedive greeted.

The two looked up and smiled as the guy cheered. “Hey Nosedive! How’s it hanging?”

“And I see you brought some new faces this time around.” The woman noticed.

“Yep! Just part of a group who’s visiting Anaheim. Allow me to introduce you guys. This is Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Caitlyn, Shinigami, Keno, Tony, and Serenity.”

“Hi.” The girls waved.

“How’s it going?” Keno smiled.

“Just keepin it cool and mellow, bro.” the guy grinned.

“Word.” Keno smiled as they fist bumped.

“And these guys are Raphael and Michelangelo.” Nosedive leaned close to the counter. “They’re really mutant turtle ninjas who are helping us save the world this time around. They’re wearing cloaking tech.”

“No way!” the woman wowed.

“Way.” Mikey grinned as he shut his cloak watch off to reveal his turtle side. Sighing, Raph did the same.

“I’m only doing this cause Nosedive says you can be trusted.” He huffed.

“Righteous! And you know you two look totally bodacious!” the guy thumbed up.

As Raph and Mikey turned their cloaking disguises back on, Sunset leaned closer to whisper to the two. “You’ll hafta forgive Raph. He’s really a good guy. He just has anger issues.”

“Trust me. He’s more mellower compared to some of our regulars around here.” The guy grinned before speaking up. “Welcome to Captain Comics, Dudes and Dudettes. I’m Thrash and this is Mookie.”

“How’s it going?” the woman waved.

Pinkie whispered to Fluttershy. “Is it me or do those two remind me of Mikey’s counterpart?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yeah I thought that too.”

After introductions, the group looked around checking out comics and other merchandise.

“Wow.” Raph admitted, holding up an old Fantastic Four Foods comic. “Got some cool classics here.”

“Hey Mikey!” Pinkie popped. “Lookie what I found!”

Mikey awed the graphic novel Pinkie held. “The mega collection of Crognard the Barbarian?”

“Yeah. That’s a classic show there.” Nosedive smiled before whispering. “Too bad about the ending though.”

“I know right?” Mikey agreed.

“Should check out the manga section.” Shini was reading a Japanese book alongside Tony and Sunset.

“Which one you reading about?” Tony asked the trickster girl.

“One of my personal favorites back home. About a boy who fights lost souls. It’s where I got inspiration for my name.”

“That’s a popular choice. I’m reading about that one involving a children’s card game.” Tony pointed. “I use to play it before the rules got complicated.”

“Oh! Look!” Everyone looked to Serenity looking at little hamster plushes. “Neon Ham dolls! Aren’t they cute?”

“Yeah they are.” Tony smiled, unaware Raph making gagging noises before Pinkie stuffed a cupcake in his mouth.

“Check out the squirt gun selection.” Keno looked at a variety of squirt guns.

“They have so many collectables as well.” Fluttershy looked at the display cases.

Caitlyn was looking at several pictures on the wall and saw they were pictures of celebrities. “Hmm. Guy Lafleur. Chris Bradford. Daring Do. Jackie Chan. Post Crush. Ernie Reyes Jr. You sure got a a lot of familiar faces.”

“For sure!” Mookie walked up to her. “Every now and then, someone comes to Anaheim and we’ve been able to volunteer to let do signings here.”

“But since Comic Con came, we’ve widened our scopes by selling merchandise at a booth and met more celebs here and there.” Thrash added.

“Hey! Check it out! Even Kim Possible got her photo here!” Mikey pointed a picture of their friend.

“You know Kim Possible?” Trash asked.

“Yeah. We teamed up when our enemies did the same. Long story, Brah.”

Then, another picture caught Tony’s eye as he looked surprised. In the picture, was a mildly muscular man with short black hair that was a bit taller than he was, but not as tall as Grin. He wore green spandex with a dragonfly for a logo. He had bug like eyes, bug antennae, dragonfly wings, spider legs on his shoulders, pinchers coming out of his cheeks, and a scorpion tail.

“Is that…. Bugman?” he asked.

“You know Bugman?” gasped Thrash.

“Who’s Bugman?” Shini asked.

“Bugman is a friend of mine who is a reserve member of the hero team Shine Boy fights in.”

“You know Shine Boy too?” Mookie awed.

Tony gestured to the two to lean closer to him. He then whispered to them. “It’s because I am Shine Boy. I figured if you can keep the Turtles a secret, I can trust you with mine.”

“You bet brah.” Trash assured as Mookie nodded in agreement. “Anyway, Maybe you guys can help us find Bugman himself.”

“What happened to him?” Caitlyn asked.

Thrash answered by pulling out a comic book labeled Bugman.

“No way! He has his own comic book?” gasped Mikey.

Had his own comic book.” Mookie corrected. “The comic series was cancelled about three weeks ago.”

“Huh. I never knew he would have a comic book of his own.” Pondered Tony. “Usually, he’s mild when it came to fame and media.”

“Turned out it had his personal info on it.” Thrash sighed. “He ended up suing the studio and the comic was canned.”

“I hate to have his writer.” Nosedive blinked.

“We’ll have to find him so I can learn what happened.” Tony stated.

“I hope he’s okay.” Fluttershy worried.

“Would you mind if I borrowed this comic?” Asked Tony.

“Better yet, you can have it. We got more than one copy.” Trash pointed to a framed Bugman comic that was autographed.

“Let’s make our purchases and head back to the Pond.” Sunset suggested.

After paying and saying goodbye to Thrash and Mookie, the group headed out. However, the young boy popped out of his hiding spot chuckling.

“I just need a little more info and Shine Boy will be my next ticket to fame!” and with that, he snuck behind them.


Back at the Pond, Duke was practicing sword play with Shining both using wooden swords.

“And a one. Two. Three!” Duke counted as they clashed wood. After a couple more clashes, they decided to take a break. As they drank water, Duke spoke.

“You definitely were right about taking fencing, Shining. Just a little rusty, but you’re improving with every practice.”

“Good. I want to make sure I’m ready to help you guys against Dragaunus.” Shining stretched.

“I believe you will.” Duke patted his shoulder.

Back in the Stadium, Leo, Twilight, Karai, and Cadence were watching Casey, Rainbow, Zach, and Gabby in hockey gear and spare jerseys curtesy of Phil playing some Hockey with Grin and Wildwing. As played and practiced, Wildwing couldn’t help coaching the young players.

“Good hustle there, Gabby!” he called to Gabby who hurried to take the puck from Rainbow, who quickly passed it to Zach. “Excellent pass there, Rainbow Dash!”

Casey rushed to take the puck from Zach. When Zach tried to shot it in the goal Wildwing was at, Casey blocked it and knocked it away.

“Nice interception, Casey!”

“Get it!” Rainbow cried as they all hurried to get it. Unfortunately, they ended up piling each other while Grin smiling took the puck.

“Well that’s embarrassing.” Zach huffed while Gabby grumbled in Spanish. Unfortunately, Night Shine watched from the stands laughing his head off while everyone winced.

Grin launched the puck to Wildwing, who caught it then spoke. “I think that’s enough practice for one day.”

Shortly after, They came out dressed in their regular clothes and followed Wildwing and Grin to the others.

“Don’t feel too bad, guys. You all really played well.” Wildwing assured.

“Keep it up. And you will play at our level someday.” Grin smiled.

“Yeah, Well, we really aren’t like that at the school team.” Casey grinned.

“Yeah, they’re lucky Applejack didn’t join in.” Karai whispered to Twilight and Leo, who could help but snicker.

“Speaking of Applejack, we should see how the CMCs are doing with their training.” Twilight suggested.

“We’re back!” they heard Nosedive called and saw him and the group from the comic store walking up.

“Hey guys! How’d it go at the comic store?” Leo greeted.

“Went great, Leo! Got some pretty cool comics.” Keno smiled.

“And then some!” Serenity held up her new Neon Ham dolls.

“And Trash and Mookie were really nice.” Fluttershy nodded.

“Like gnarly dude.” Pinkie joked.

“And they had many celebrities visit there, including our friend Kim Possible.” Raph added.

As he walked up to the group, Night Shine noticed Tony was really into the comic he was reading. “Interesting comic, Tone?”

“You could say that. In fact, I need to speak with everyone about a concern I got.” Tony explained. “Where’s everyone else?”

“Duke was training Shining. Tanya’s in the lab with Gamer, Fugitoid, and Donnie working on upgrading the Crystal Converger and April went to help after Wildwing dropped her dad off at the labs earlier this morning. Love Shine, Applejack, and Rarity are eyeing Mallory training the CMCs. And Mr. Palmfeather’s in his office.” Cadence listed off.

“Okay. Let’s head to the Pond and I’ll explain everything.” Tony said.

As they all headed down, they heard the goal horn buzz and turned to see Spike in an ice skate holding a hockey stick and smiling.

“Hey look. A Mighty Dog!” Mikey chuckled as everyone joined in the laugh.

“Cmon, Spike.” Twilight gestured to him.

“I’m coming!” Spike skated out and got out of the boot. “Wish they made puppy size skates.” He mumbled before joining the group.


Love Shine, Applejack, and Rarity were watching Mallory training Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo along with a boy with blonde hair and glasses around their age.

“Gotta admit. The girls are adapting well to Mal’s training.” Love Shine told Rarity and Applejack.

“Well, this isn’t as different as our regular routine and everything they’ve learned from the serious Turtles let alone in The Digital World.” Rarity recalled.

“Least Mallory seems to be enjoying this as much as they are.” Applejack added.

Just then, Mallory saw the others entering and spoke up with Shine Boy and Shini now changed into their battle attire. “Okay, you four. Take five!”

“Hey y’all.” Applejack greeted.

“How’s their training going?” Raph asked.

“They’re adapting great. You’ve really trained the girls well. And I have someone for you to meet.” Mallory put her hand on the young boy’s shoulder. “Everyone, allow me to introduce you to Buzz Blitzman. He’s an honorary Mighty Duck and I’ve been showing him some pointers every now and then.”

“Cuz you’re his favorite!” Nosedive nudged Mallory who shot him a look.

“It’s great to meet you guys.” Buzz smiled as he shook hands with Leo.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Buzz.” Leo nodded.

“And Applebloom and the girls told me about you guys during our sparring. All I can say is that if you’re okay with the Ducks, you’re okay with me so your secrets safe with me.” Buzz assured. “You too, Shine Boy.”

“We appreciate it.” Shine Boy patted his head.

Just then, Duke and Shining walked up along with Shine Girl, Donnie, Tanya, April, Gamer, and Fugitoid as Duke spoke up. “Hey guys. What’s going on?”

“Shine Boy has a concern to tell us.” Wildwing spoke up. “Go ahead, Shines.”

“Thanks, Wing.” Shine Boy thanked before he held up his comic. “This is the problem.”

“Least favorite comic book?” Casey teased.

The rest of Team Shine were surprised however as Love Shine asked. “Bugman has his own comic book?”

“Bugman?” Sweetie Belle raised a brow.

“He’s a fellow superhero friend of ours. We’ve teamed up with him a couple times.” Gamer explained.

“So, he’s real?” Karai asked.

“He is.” Shine Boy explained. “You see, his real name is Brick Bradley and he’s an Entomologist, an expert on insects and arachnids. Then one day, he was studying bugs under radiation lights when there was an accident. As he started the experiment, he accidentally fell in the table where the insects were and was exposed to the radiation. Thankfully, he wasn’t hurt. Shortly after, he learned that whenever he got angry or upset, he would gain bug features as well as super strength, flight, and capabilities to control insects with his mind.”

“Does he fly like a butterfly sting like a bee?” Zach asked before Caitlyn nudged him.

“No, he doesn’t use that.” Shine Boy waved off before continuing. “Last I heard from Bugman, he was setting shop near Anaheim. We’ve learned he recently made public appearances at Captain Comics, but according to Thrasher and Mookie, he hasn’t been seen for weeks. Even cancels his appearances. I’m hoping to go find him and find out what happened.”

“But!” he stated. “I’m not forcing everyone to go. We’ve still got to find the other two fragments before Dragaunus. So I’ll go alone if I have to so we have everyone on deck and keeping an eye out.”

“No!” Wildwing held his hand up. “You might need help. For all we know, he might be in trouble and you’ll need backup. Nosedive, you and Grin go with him.”

“You got it, Bro!” Nosedive grinned as Grin bowed.

“Mikey, you go with Shine Boy with Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Caitlyn.” Leo pointed out.

“You bet, Leo! Besides, it’ll be sweet to meet THE Bugman!” Mikey squealed.

“Yeah it will!” Pinkie bounced.

“I’ll be happy to help any way I can.” Caitlyn stood up.

“Can we come too?” Applebloom asked for her and the girls and Buzz. “That is if we are done with training.”

Mallory nodded. “Yeah. We’re done for today. You can go if you want as long as you obey orders.”

“Same with us.” Rarity said for her and Applejack while Rainbow thumbed up.

“We promise.” Scootaloo promised.

“Same.” Buzz added. “You might need someone outside of Nosedive and Grin who knows Anaheim.”

“You got it, Buzz. Besides, we can get acquainted along the way.” Shine Boy agreed as he patted the boy’s shoulder.

“I’m going, too!” Night Shine walked up. “Cuz I ain’t sitting around here all day while you’re dealing with a life death situation.”

Duke leaned to Gamer and whispered. “Is your brother always this self centered?”

“Unfortunately. And that’s his good days.” Gamer said before asking Shine Boy. “You want me to come too, Bro?”

Sweetie Belle perked up hearing that before Shine Boy shook his head. “Nah, I think we have enough for the team. Besides, you’re probably needed more here. The sooner you guys finish upgrading the Crystal Converger, the sooner we can find the rest of the Eye of Sarnoth and stop Dragaunus.”

“Okay.” Gamer understood while noticing Sweetie pouted. He lifted his ski goggles to show her winking at her, causing her to smile again. Neither of them saw Karai and Rarity smiling at the two.

“Here, Mikey!” Donnie threw a couple keys at Mikey. “Take the Party Wagon!”

“You got it, D!” Mikey smiled as he caught the keys.

“Alright. Let’s go!” Shine Boy called out.

“Shotgun!” Nosedive cried as they hurried out.


Soon, the Party Wagon was driving through the streets of Anaheim. Mikey drove safely to not draw attention while Nosedive was kicked back in the passenger seat. Despite his big size, Grin politely sat in the back. As they rode in the back, Caitlyn spoke to Buzz.

“So Buzz, How did you get acquainted with the Ducks?”

“Well, you see, I’m a brilliant inventor, who lives in the Unbridled Technologies facility, watched over by his well-meaning but overbearing guardian. My parents died in an accident so I’m an orphan. I’m also the biggest Mighty Ducks fan the team has ever known and I’m also very fond of Mallory.”

“Ooo! Got a little crush, have we?” Pinkie nudged him.

Buzz blushed as he chuckled before continuing. “One day, I escaped the facility. I met the Ducks at an appearance at a golf course. I was about to meet the team when the Saurians teleported in and attempted to kidnap me. The Ducks were able to save me and took me under their protection. Unfortunately, my overzealousness and enthusiasm exasperated Mallory to the point that she yelled at me. So, I ran away. When Mallory and Nosedive found me, Mallory apologized, but soon the Saurians appear again and Me and Nosedive were captured. Turned out, Dragaunus wanted the formula I’ve been working on for Belarium crystal to power his ship. He threatened Nosedive if I didn’t make the crystals.”

“Good times.” Nosedive called.

“Luckily, Mallory rescued us. And joke was on Dragaunus because the formula was unstable, so it rendered his ship powerless! Afterward, I became an honorary Mighty Duck!”

“Nice.” Night Shine smirked.

“Well, you’ve definitely earned it.” Fluttershy smiled.

Everyone agreed before Scootaloo spoke up. “Not to change the subject, but how do we find Bugman?”

“Well, he could probably be at his home address. We should probably check there first.” Shine Boy suggested.

After a little driving, and following Buzz’s instructions, Shine Boy spoke to Mikey. “Pull into that alley, Michelangelo. We’ll walk from there.”

“You got it!” Mikey nodded as he drove in the alley and parked the Party Wagon. As they all got out, the van lifted up after Grin got out.

Mikey turned on his cloaking watch as Shine Boy spoke. “Okay. It should be a couple blocks that way.”

As they headed to their destination, nobody saw the ginger guy from before follow them while writing in his notebook. “I’ve got to learn more about Shine Boy!”


Meanwhile, At Captain Comics, Trash and Mookie were busy organizing their comic shelf when they heard the doorbell ding as someone entered the store.

“Hey! Welcome to Captain Comics, dude! How can we help?” Thrash greeted as he turned to see none other than Vernon Fenwick.

“Pardon me, good sir. I’m Vernon Fenwick. And I’ve come to ask you a little question.”

“Sure.” Mookie nodded.

“Have you by any chance seen any talking turtle creatures recently?”

Thrash and Mookie looked at each other in concern before Thrash cleared his throat.

“Uh as matter of fact, dude, we might have seen what appeared to be walking turtles.”

“Wha?” Mookie looked confused before Thrash gestured to her to play along. “Oh! That’s right. They did look like turtles when we saw them!”

“Where?” Vern asked, getting excited unaware of their deception as Thrash wrote on a piece of paper.

“In an alley around this address!”

“Thank you for your cooperation.” Vern accepted the paper and gave a twenty-dollar bill to Thrash. “Have a good day!” as he exited, he giggled to himself. “This’ll be the biggest scoop in my career!”

As he left, Mookie looked at Thrash. “Bodacious! I almost thought you were gonna expose those turtle boys.”

“No way! No one will bother our buds if they’re okay with Nosedive.” Thrash smiled. “Plus, it scored us a couple twenty bucks.”

“Should we get pizza?” Mookie suggested.

“Radical!” Thrash thumbed up. “it’s almost our lunch break anyway.”


Meanwhile, The group made their way to the address Shine Boy had. Shine Boy and Night Shine and walked up to the land lady to ask for Brick Bradley’s location.

“Brick Bradley?” the land lady scoffed. “I threw that troublemaker out weeks ago!”

“That doesn’t sound like Brick.” Shine Boy pondered.

“Ever since he was announced as that Bugman, this neighborhood was swarming with fans and press! It was driving me crazy!”

“You know, you could’ve filed a restraining order instead, you know.” Night Shine rolled his eyes.

“Who cares!” snapped the land lady. “At least I have some peace and quiet.”

Night Shine was starting to lose patience, but he was stopped by Shine Boy. “Could he have left an alternate address we could use, please?”

“Well, since you’re the first in a while that actually said ‘Please’.” The land lady sighed and handed them a piece of paper. “Here, he left this address after he left. Maybe you can find him there.”

“Thank you very much.” Shine Boy accepted the paper.

“We’ll leave you now to your peace and quiet.” Huffed Night Shine as they left to reunite with the group.

Unknown to them, or what appeared to be, they were being spied by the same ginger haired boy from before who was writing on his journal. As he turned around, he found himself face to face with Shine Boy and Night Shine.

“Who are you? And why are you following me?” Shine Boy demanded.

“Uh nothing?” the guy looked away.

Shine Boy noticed his note pad. “And what do you got there?”

“Also, nothing.” The boy answered.

“Oh yeah?” Night Shine snatched the notepad and skimmed through it. “Sure got a lot of personal nothing in here!”

“Give that back!” The boy reached for his notepad as Night Shine held him back. Then, he stomped on Night Shine’s toe.

“OW!” Night Shine then noticed the boy grabbed his notepad back and ran away. “Get back here!”

He and Shine Boy chased the boy into an alley. By the time the brothers made it, the boy used the fire escape to climb a building.

“COWARD!” Night Shine shouted.

“Ah, forget it, Bro. he’s gone.” Shine Boy shrugged.

Just then, Mikey and the rest of the group hurried to them as Nosedive asked them. “What’s going on?”

“We were on our way back with Bradley’s new address when we caught some guy spying on us.” Shine Boy answered.

“Now that’s just creepy.” Applebloom huffed.

“And rude.” Fluttershy mumbled.

“I skimmed through his notebook.” Night Shine spoke. “His name is Jerry Spiegel. And he’s got a lot of your personal info, Tone.”

“WHAT?” everyone gasped.

Grin just deadpanned. “That’s just bad karma there.”

“Maybe he’s a fan.” Mikey thought out loud.

“Or a lover.” Pinkie added. “It could happen.”

“I’d rather not go into that, Pinkie.” Shine Boy waved off. “We’ll have to look him up as we head to Brick Bradley’s new address. Let’s head back to the Party Wagon.”


Meanwhile, in an abandoned warehouse, a small figure stood before a white sheet. He wore a metal hat with a cloth around his head with goggles, gas mask, metal forearm covers and shin guards, and a purple cape.

“They all laughed at me! Now they will pay!” he spoke to himself as he pulled the sheet, revealing robots that looked like hornets. “With my new Hornet droids, All of Anaheim will kneel before…. The Swatter!”

He cackled as he pushed a button that caused his Hornet droids to turn on and start flapping their wings.


As they drove the Party Wagon through the streets, Caitlyn looked up Shine Boy’s mystery stalker on her phone.

“Okay I got something.” She told the group. “Jerry Spiegel was a comic book writer for WoW Comics who achieved short fame for writing… get this… Bugman.”

“Well well well. How convenient.” Night Shine glared.

“That can’t be too much of a coincidence.” Scootaloo pondered.

“Yeah.” Buzz agreed.

“So this guy who’s tailing Shine Boy wrote the comic based on your friend?” Nosedive asked.

“I’m beginning to detect a pattern here.” Shine Boy wondered.

“Here’s more!” Caitlyn looked at her phone. “The CEO of WoW Comics is a Ms. Juliet Schmooze.”

“Should we go to WoW Comics next?” Mikey guessed.

“No need, Mikey.” Shine Boy pulled out his T-Phone. “I can call them myself.”

After Caitlyn showed him the number, Shine Boy made his call.


At WoW Comics, a well-dressed woman was idolizing her ring when her secretary called in her intercom.

“Ms. Schmooze, you have a call on the other line. Some high school student.”

“Hmm. Probably just wants to ask about a comic or something.” Ms. Schmooze pondered before answering the phone. “WoW Comics. Juliet Schmooze speaking.”

“Hello, Ms. Schmooze. My name is Tony Bedding and I had just heard the Bugman comic series was cancelled.”

“I’m afraid you heard correctly, Mr. Bedding. The sad thing was that Bugman was our most original comic since Insectman. But it turned out there was a Bugman and he ended up suing us! The only we lost was the so-called writer behind it, Jerry Spiegel, and cancelling the comic.” Ms. Schmooze explained.

“I see. Well, that was all I wanted to know. Thank you for your time, Ms. Schmooze. Hope you have a great day.”

“My pleasure, sweetie.” Ms. Schmooze said before hanging up. “What a nice young man.”


After ending his call, which he put on speaker phone, so everyone heard, Shine Boy looked to the others who all worried. “Well, I think it all fits now.”

“That Spiegel followed Bugman around and put his whole life in a comic book?” Pinkie guessed.

“And now he wants to do the same to you!” gasped Sweetie Belle.

“And if everyone knows who you are, every villain you’ve faced would be at your front door!” Applebloom feared.

“Yeah. Mom would not like that.” Shine Boy sweated. “And not just my villains, but others like Baxter Stockman and even Dragaunus!”

“And if he learns everything about you, Shine Boy, it won’t just affect you!” Buzz began to think.

“You’re right, Little Buddy, my team, Serenity, even all of you would be in jeopardy and the Turtles would be exposed!”

“Oh boy. Sensei wouldn’t have liked that!” Mikey sweated, remembering the Muckman Incident.

“Neither would Phil.” Grin added.

“I don’t like it either.” Gulped Fluttershy.

“We better find Brick Bradley and fast!” Shine Boy stated as Mikey began to speed up.


Meanwhile, at the Samuel Kraemer Building, everyone was minding their own business when Swatter burst in and his Hornet Droids buzzed around, scaring everyone causing them to run out in fright.

“That’s right! Shoo, Fly! Shoo!” Swatter taunted and laughed. “It’s time to get Anaheim’s attention and my revenge! To the roof!” and with that, he headed to the elevator with his Hornet Droids not far behind.


Soon, The Party Wagon drove up to a meditation retreat as everyone got out and Mikey activated his cloaking disguise.

“I gotta admit. That cloak of yours is pretty amazing, Mikey!” Buzz wowed.

“Thanks, Buzz. It’s a little something no mutant turtle should leave home without!” Mikey grinned.

Nosedive looked around. “You sure we got the right address?”

“This is it according to the paper.” Shine Boy double checked.

“Let’s see. Peaceful backgrounds. Everyone wearing togas and stuff. We’re at the land of hippies!” glared Night Shine.

“It’s a meditation retreat.” Grin deadpanned. “I come here any time I need time to myself.”

“And some of my best friends are hippies!” huffed Fluttershy.

“So Bugman is here?” Applebloom asked.

“Let’s find out.” Shine Boy answered. “Everyone stay close.”

As they walked in, many of them waved to Grin particularly as they looked around.

“Greetings, Grin!” one man with a western accent greeted the big duck.

“How are you, Varney?”

“I am one with the universe, know what I mean?”

The group then passed another guy who looked serious as he looked up and smiled. “Hey, Grin.”

“Still enjoy your peaceful meditations, Sabat?” Grin asked.

“Indeed. It mellows out my stress from society.” Sabat smiled before returning to meditating.

“You sure know a lot of people here, Grin.” Scootaloo noticed.

“Just folks I talk to during my times here.” Grin smiled.

Shine Boy then saw a certain somebody meditating and chanting. “There he is!”

Sure enough, it was Brick Bradley. He was also wearing the same clothing as everyone else at the retreat.

“Hey Brick!” Shine Boy called as he walked up to him.

Brick smiled as he saw his friend walked up to him. “Shine Boy! Peace, my brother. What brings you to Anaheim?”

“I was on vacation here when we stumbled across some jerk named Dragaunus so I’m gonna help the Mighty Ducks stop him. When I heard about your comic book fiasco, I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I appreciate your concern, but you don’t need to worry about me anymore. Ever since my identity of Bugman was exposed, I was swarmed by zillions of fans, reporters, and wanna be super villains that I had to get away from it all.” Brick explained. “And now, thanks to this place, I no longer have to worry about becoming Bugman again.”

“You sure about that?” Shine Boy asked.

“I’m afraid so, my friend. I always did enjoy our adventures together.” Brick nodded.

Shine Boy responded by patted Brick’s shoulder politely. “And as a friend, I will respect your choice. I’m just glad you are alright.”

“I thank you, my brother.” Brick smiled.

“Well, anyway, let me introduce to some of my friends. This is Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Buzz Blitzman, Caitlyn, Michelangelo, and I’m sure you know Grin and Nosedive.”

“Ah yes! The Mighty Ducks. It is a pleasure to meet you all.” Brick greeted as he saw Night Shine wave a peace sign towards him.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Bradley.” Sweetie Belle shook his hand.

“So when you are really angry you become Bugman?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes, but I’m afraid I cannot do that anymore now that I’ve found my inner tranquility.”

“I understand.” Fluttershy nodded.

“Still pretty cool to me.” Mikey shrugged.

“Agreed.” Buzz added.

“Eyup.” Applebloom popped up.

“I’m glad to see meditation helps you.” Grin smiled.

“Would’ve been nice to see Bugman though.” Nosedive mumbled before Fluttershy nudged him.

Shine Boy then cleared his throat. “Well, I guess there isn’t much else we can say. We’ll be heading out. Take care of yourself, Brick.”

“I do hope we meet again, Shine Boy.” Brick shook his hand. “And I hope to see you all again. Peace be with you all.”

After everyone said goodbye and left, Brick went back to meditating and chanting.

As everyone went back into the Party Wagon, Nosedive spoke up.

“That’s it? No trying to get him to reconsider? No trying to get him into Bugman again?”

“If he thinks he’d be better off not being a superhero, it’s his choice.” Shine Boy sighed.

“Well, that was a bust.” Caitlyn pouted.

“Well, technically, we were just supposed to check on him in case he was trouble.” Shine Boy reminded.

“I know. I was kinda expecting a little excitement.” Caitlyn added while Grin patted her shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it, Caitlyn. I’m sure excitement will come soon enough.”

“Yeah. I mostly blame that Spiegel guy who followed him and made a comic with his personal info.” Mikey said as he turned off his cloak.

“So… what now?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, let’s get some lunch at Weiner world before we head back to the pond.” Shine Boy suggested.

The CMCs and Buzz all cheered as Mikey drove them away.

As they left, Brick stopped his chanting as if sensing something and looked back at the leaving Party Wagon. “Hmmm…”


Later, back at the Pond, Shine Boy contacted Wildwing and Leo to check in while his group had lunch. His face was on the Ducks’ main computer Drake 1.

“So this Jerry Spiegel guy was trying to get your info like he did to your friend?” Leo asked after Shine Boy told them everything.

“That’s correct.” Shine Boy said through the moniter. “But, ever since Luke and I spotted him and he gave us the slip, we haven’t seen him since.”

“Sorry about your friend.” Wildwing added.

“The important thing is he’s okay now and not in danger.” Shine Boy shrugged. “Speaking of danger, Any news about Dragaunus or any alien fragments?”

“Nah. It’s been pretty quiet today.”

Suddenly, Drake 1 began beeping like crazy as a map on its screen was pinpointing something.

“Uh oh. Spoke too soon.” Wildwing mumbled.

“Is it Dragaunus?” Shine Boy asked.

“Can’t tell. All I know is that it’s coming from the Samuel Kraemer Building in the historic part of Anaheim!” Wildwing checked.

“We’ll meet you there.” Shine Boy stated before signing off.

Everyone else hurried to Drake 1 as Rainbow asked. “What’s going on?”

“It’s a Drake 1 alert!” Wildwing reported. “Some nut has taken over the Samuel Kraemer Building in the historic part of Anaheim! And their using giant robotic hornets!”

“Then it’s safe to say it’s not Dragaunus, but it could also be Dr. Droid again!” Sunset pondered, unaware of Gamer wincing at the mention.

“Droid or not, this nut may have an alien fragment!” Raph punched his fist.

“Raph’s right! I say we do a little extermination!” Duke added.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Mallory agreed.

“What about Shine Boy’s group?” Love Shine asked.

“They’ll meet us at the destination.” Wildwing added.

“I’ll stay here and continue on the upgrades on the Crystal Converger.” Fugitoid suggested.

“I’ll stay and help him.” Serenity offered.

“Good idea.” Tanya added.

Leo stood up and declared. “Alright, everyone! Time to certify Turtle-fy!”

Everyone looked at him confused before Wildwing sighed. “Everyone to the Migrator.”

“Aye caramba.” Gabby mumbled.

As they began to leave, Duke patted Leo’s shell. “Don’t quit your day job Leo.”

Leo deadpanned as Twilight walked next to him. “Leo, maybe you should just stick to ‘Ninjas, take em down’.”

“Or try ‘Turtle Power’.” Teased Karai.

“I’m not doing ‘Turtle Power’.” Leo gritted his teeth.

Soon, they all got in the Migrator and drove through the tunnel.

“Full power to thrusters!” Wildwing commanded as they sped through Anaheim.


“What’s wrong?” Caitlyn asked Shine Boy.

“Something’s going on at the Samuel Kraemer Building. Wildwing and the others will meet us there! Let’s get going!” Shine Boy explained as they all got up and threw their garbage away.

“Come again!” the employer waved at the counter.

They hurried into the Party Wagon as Mikey started the engine. Nosedive turned to Buzz. “Wanna say it, little buddy?”

“Let’s Rock, Guys!” Buzz cheered.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey cried as they drove away.

Buzz then spoke again. “Hey, do you mind if I use those chemicals in the back, Michelangelo?”

“That’s all Donnie’s stuff, but I think he won’t mind, Buzz.” Mikey shrugged.


Back at the Samuel Kraemers Building, The Hornet droids were holding the Anaheim police as Captain Klegghorn drove up and came out with a megahorn and started to shout at Swatter on the roof.


Swatter responded with his own microphone. “NOT A CHANCE, CAPTAIN! UNTIL MY DEMANDS ARE MET! SO SAYS THE SWATTER!”



Just then, the Migrator just pulled up.

“Boy ask and you shall receive.” Klegghorn mumbled as the Mighty Ducks, Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Team Shine merged from the vehicle. “Where’s Shine Boy?”

“He and the others are on their way. He was checking on a friend.” Love Shine answered.

“Well, I guess his number one fan wants to meet him and something tells me he ain’t gonna take no for an answer!” Klegghorn explained.

“Then I hope he won’t mind if we go up and say hi.” Wildwing stated.

“Let’s go, guys!” Leo said as he and the other ninjas and Rainbooms fire their grappling guns to the roof while Duke and Team Shine followed with their lines and Twilight levitated the other Ducks, Cadence, and Shining with her geode.

“I’m coming too.” Klegghorn hurried to Love Shine.

“Stand on my foot, Captain.” Love Shine instructed as he pulled them up.

As they all landed on the roof, Shine Girl called out to Swatter. “You wanted us? Here we are!”

“At last!” Swatter boasted. “I will deal with the great Team Shine as well the Mighty Ducks and…. And… giant Turtles?” he blinked as he saw Leo, Raph, and Donnie.

“You got a problem with turtles?” Raph smirked as he held up his sais.

“N-No. I’m okay with it. In fact, I may have use for you three yet.” Swatter waved off.

“Just who are you supposed to be anyway?” Tanya raised a brow.

“I am your worst nightmare. All of you! I am… The SWATTER!”

After an awkward pause, Rainbow and Casey began bursting with laughter.

“The Swatter? That’s not scary unless you’re a bug!” laughed Rainbow.

“You-you more look like Shredder on laundry day!” snorted Casey.

Shining leaned towards Karai. “Did Shredder look like that?”

“Not even close. But I see a little resemblance.” Karai grinned.

Swatter did not find it amusing. “Stop it. Stop it! STOP IT! I’ll teach you to fear me! Hornet Droids! Destroy them!”

At Swatter’s command, his Hornet Droids came bussing over his shoulders. This was enough to get Casey and Rainbow to stop laughing.

“You both really done it now!” Applejack glared.

“Okay. That isn’t funny anymore.” Rainbow cleared her throat.

“Not your everyday Kraang tech, but still pretty impressive.” Donnie observed.

“Looks like we got a bug problem.” Keno stood ready with his sticks.

“Then it’s a good thing we’re the exterminators.” Mallory held up her puck launcher.

“Destroy them!” Swatter ordered as his Hornet Droids flew towards the heroes.

“Let’s Rock!” Wildwing cried as they ran to fight the robots.

“Yo! Cadence!” Casey tossed his hockey stick to the former Dean.

“Thank you, Casey.” She thanked before she whacked a droid while Leo gave his other katana to Shining again.

As the fight raged on, The Hornet Droids began firing lasers from their stingers. As he dodged them, Zach called out. “This kinda reminds me of a video game I once played.”

“One you probably couldn’t beat.” Gabby teased as she kicked a Hornet Droid.

Sunset threw a kunai into a Hornet Droid’s stinger causing it to implode. Karai slashed one droid in half while Shini used her chain to slam one to the ground. Shining and Duke tag team with their blades while Rarity used her diamond shield to deflect laser fire. Raph stabbed a couple droids as Casey bashed a couple with his bat. Love Shine extended his photon blade slashing a couple droids. April and Donnie tag teamed while the Ducks blasted a couple droids. Keno whacked a droid with his sticks while Shine Girl spun her baton and hit another droid. After slashing one with her claws, Applejack grabbed its limb and whacked a couple, including two Rainbow lured with her speed and ducked as Applejack whacked them.

“Stupid bugs!” Klegghorn cried as he blasted a hornet droid.

Soon, Leo and Twilight ran to face the Swatter. Leo pointed his sword at the villain. “No more hornet droids to hide behind, Swatter!”

“I’m not beaten yet, freak!” Swatter stated as his hands morphed into metal flyswatters, and he used them to fight the two. He was able to push Leo away and knock Twilight down. “Time to squash a little ladybug!”

Suddenly, his attack was blocked by Cadence who used Casey’s hockey stick. “Only I call her ladybug!”

Before Swatter could react, Leo jumped in and sliced one of his flyswatter off and Shining sliced the other one.

Swatter began to back away as the others walked up.

“It’s over, Swatter!” Wildwing ordered.

“Never!” Swatter boasted as more hornet droids flew up and started squirting liquid before the heroes could act in time. The substance got their feet stuck and clogged all guns and blasters. Some even pinned Karai’s hand with her sword along with Raph’s sais while Leo, Gamer, and Duke had their blades knocked out of their hands and far from their reach.

“What is this stuff?” Raph groaned struggling to get free.

“Just some nontoxic glue used on fly paper! Nice of you all to stick around!” laughed Swatter before noticing someone was missing. “But where’s Shine Boy? And Night Shine?”

“No doubt on his way to kick your butt!” Stated Gamer.

“No matter. He’ll come. He always helps his team! In the meantime, I can begin with my master plan!”

“And what pray tell is that?” Duke questioned trying to reach for his sword.

“I just have a few questions mainly Team Shine. Like….” Swatter then pulled out a pencil and notepad. “Who are your favorite movie stars? What’s your favorite genre of music? Your favorite toppings on pizza?”

“Huh?” everyone blinked.

“A villain we can handle. But a fan?” Gamer asked.

“It’s like Caitlyn if she was a villain.” Groaned Zach.


At the bottom of the building, The Party Wagon drove up next to the Migrator and Shine Boy, Caitlyn, Mikey, Nosedive, Grin, Night Shine, Pinkie, Fluttershy, CMCs, and Buzz hurried out.

“I hope that formula of yours works, Buzz.” Scootaloo hoped.

“It should, Scootaloo, after reading the paper Ni-I mean, Luke gave me.” Night Shine raised a brow before Buzz continued. “It should help out up there!”

“Look!” Pinkie pointed and everyone saw the Hornet Droids bussing over the building.

“Robot wasps. Why not?” Nosedive rolled his eyes.

“Actually, they look like hornets.” Fluttershy checked.

“She is an animal expert.” Grin agreed.

“They look pretty big too.” Mikey noticed.

“Don’t wet your shell. We’ll still squash them.” Night Shine mumbled.

Shine Boy began strategizing. “Okay. No doubt the others are up there and in need of our help. So let’s….”

Just then, they all heard a motorcycle driving up and saw it was Brick Bradley. As he parked, Brick cleared his throat.

“It… it looks bad, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah. It does.” Applebloom confirmed.

“I thought you were trying not to become Bugman anymore.” Caitlyn recalled.

“That was the original plan, Caitlyn, but during my time at the retreat, I kinda developed a sixth sense and sensed you guys needed my help. I guess old habits die hard.”

“At least you’ve gained something out of the retreat.” Grin smiled.

“Uh guys?” everyone looked to see Sweetie Belle pointing to a couple Hornet Droids spotted them and started to fly towards them. “I think they spotted us!”

“I got them.” Brick walked towards them.

Mikey noticed something about Brick. “Uh Brick? Now might be a good time to get angry.”

Brick just chuckled. “That’s my little secret, Michelangelo. Despite my visits, I’ve been meaning to work off some stress.”

At that moment, Brick grew bigger as dragonfly wings, antennae, spider legs, pinchers, and a scorpion tail popped out of his body. His eyes were bug-like as he punched the Hornet Droids into scrap.

“Whoa!” Pinkie wowed.

“Cool!” Buzz and the CMCs awed.

“Very impressive.” Grin nodded.

“Is it wrong to think he’s both attractive and repulsive at the same time?” Caitlyn asked out loud.

“You may need bug spray for your first date.” Joked Night Shine, irking Caitlyn.

“Bugman lives again!” Bugman boasted.

“yay.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Okay. I admit it. That was pretty cool.” Nosedive admitted.

“Welcome back, old friend.” Shine Boy smiled then gave orders. “Okay! Bugman and I will deal with this Swatter guy while the rest of you sneak up to the roof and check on the others.”

“Okie dokie Loki!” Pinkie saluted before Bugman grabbed Shine Boy and flew up while the others fired their grappling hooks.


Back on the roof, still stuck, the heroes were annoyed with Swatter’s constant questions.

“What is your favorite holiday? Your favorite conventions? Who was the most toughest villain you ever fought?”

“You’re the most annoying. Does that count?” Raph glared.

“Don’t get snappy with me, Turtle!” Swatter warned.

“Swatter!” Swatter looked up to see Shine Boy descending on the roof. “You want me? Here I am!”

“Bro!” Gamer cried.

“Shine Boy! At last!” chuckled Swatter. “Maybe you’ll cooperate more than your captured friends.”

Shine Boy looked unfazed. “I hope you don’t mind, but I brought another friend.”

Before Swatter could say anything, he was startled when a couple of Hornet Droids fell dismantled. He looked up to see Bugman buzzing next to Shine Boy.

“Hold it right there, Swatter!”

“Bugman!” gasped Swatter. “At last! I can exact revenge against you!”

As the two heroes faced Swatter, the rest climbed on the roof while Grin and Mikey carried Buzz, Caitlyn, and the CMCs.

“Okay. You five free the others with Buzz’s chemical and we’ll deal with the Hornet Droids.” Mikey instructed.

“Ducks Rock!” Nosedive cried as they hurried to fight the robotic bugs.

“Here! Take a sprayer!” Buzz handed Caitlyn and the CMCs each a sprayer. “It’ll be quicker to free the others! I’ll start with Mallory and Wildwing.”

“Dibs on Gamer!” Sweetie Belle bolted, unaware of Applebloom and Scootaloo snickering.

“I’ll get Applejack!” Applebloom hurried.

“I’ll go get Rainbow!” Scootaloo nodded.

“I’ll make my way to Zach then.” Caitlyn shrugged.

Buzz hurried to where Mallory and Wildwing were stuck. “Hang on, guys! This chemical will get you guys free in a jiffy!”

Seconds after he sprayed them, Mallory and Wildwing were soon free and their guns unclogged.

“Nice work, Buzz.” Mallory complimented.

“You did good, buddy. Thanks.” Wildwing added. “Now go free the others.”

“You got it!” Buzz saluted before hurrying to free Karai and Shinigami.

“Gamer!” Sweetie threw his Game Katana at Gamer who caught it before she sprayed him free.

“Thanks.” Gamer smiled.

“You’re welcome.” Sweetie grinned. “Excuse me. I gotta free Rarity.” She hurried and sprayed her sister free to notice Rarity gushing at her. “What?”

“Oh nothing.” Rarity said. “Thank you for freeing me.”

“Ha! Much better.” Duke sighed as his hand and feet were free and accepted his sword from Caitlyn before she freed Klegghorn.

“Thanks kid!” he nodded.

“My pleasure, Captain.” Caitlyn acknowledged.

After her sister freed her, Applejack rubbed her wrist. “Thanks, Sugarcube.”

Soon, after everyone was free, Leo pointed his katana. “Alright, guys! Let’s finish this!”

Shine Boy fought Swatter with his staff against the villain’s giant flyswatter before Bugman swooped in and tail whipped Swatter.

Groaning, Swatter got back up. “I’ll have revenge against you, Bugman!” he then threw a metal canister at Bugman which began spraying gas at him.

“It’s tear gas!” coughed Bugman.

Acting quickly, Fluttershy grabbed a bucket and covered the canister.

“Thanks, Fluttershy!” Bugman thanked as he waved off the gas.

“Hey Swatter!” Nosedive called as he, Grin, Pinkie, and Mikey dumped broken Hornet Droids at their feet. “Looks like we took out the hornet’s nest!”

“Uh-oh!” Swatter sweated. He was about to hurry to the elevator when he was blocked by Team Shine. “Out of my way!”

“Alright, Guys! Shine Power!” Shine Boy commanded.

Swatter tried to lunge his way through before he was pushed back by the beams of light shot from their insignia.

“NOOOOOOO!” Unable to resist, Swatter was pushed to the side of the building then picked up by Night Shine and Gabby.

“La matamoscas ha sido golpeada.” Gabby smirked.

“Yes he has.” Night Shine mumbled.

The whole group walked up as Shine Boy spoke up. “I’ve always wanted to say this. Now let’s see who the Swatter really is! Bugman?”

Bugman nodded and took off Swatter’s helmet and mask to reveal….

“Jerry Spiegel?” The CMCs, Buzz, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Nosedive gasped.

“He’s the guy who followed Bugman and made his life into a comic?” Sunset asked.

“And tried to do the same to me.” Shine Boy confirmed.

“But why did you do it?” Mallory questioned.

“I wanted to know everything about Shine Boy for my new Shine Boy comic book series!” Jerry sighed.

“By destroying Shine Boy’s life like you did to Bugman?” snarled Casey.

“Wouldn’t it have been easier to come up with an original idea?” Applejack suggested.

“An original idea? Ha! Who has time for that?” Jerry scoffed.

“People with a brain for one.” Raph snorted.

“And if you mess with any of our friends, you mess with all of us, four eyes!” Rainbow declared.

Night Shine and Gabby then allowed Klegghorn to cuff Jerry. “Well, he’ll have time to come up with an original idea, behind bars!”

As the police captain took Spiegel away, Mikey then wondered out loud. “I wonder why he looked like Shredder on laundry day?”

“I know right?” chuckled Shini, putting her arm around his shoulder.

“Cmon, guys. Let’s head back to the Pond.” Leo smiled.


Meanwhile, In an alley not far from the Samuel Kraemer’s building, a beaten up Vernon was thrown to the sidewalk. Stomping towards him were a couple of thugs wearing vests and ski masks.

One of the thugs spoke. “Leave ‘em! He ain’t worth mugging!” as the other thug went back in the building, he turned to Vernon. “And don’t ever let me catch you snooping around here again, Got it?”

Vernon got up as the thug walked away. “Ruffians!” he then hurried away before walking again. “Hmph. Either those Turtle creatures gave me the slip or those two at the comic shop gave me the wrong alley.”

He then looked up ahead at the Samuel Kraemer’s Building and gasped. There were the Turtle creatures as they were climbing in the vehicles along with the Ducks and the others.

“It’s them! WAIT!” by the time he hurried over, the vehicles were long gone. “I’ll get proof of their existence yet! They can’t run forever!” he stated to himself before cringing in pain. “But first, I need to get some aspirin.”


Later, at the Pond, Bugman reverted back to Brick Bradley and spoke to the group. “Thank you so much for reminding me of who I really am.”

“And thank you for helping us.” Sunset smiled.

“So now what are you gonna do?” Duke asked.

“I’m gonna talk to some of my buddies in the United Nations about changing my secret identity and getting a new life back together. But I’ll keep in touch.”

“Thrasher and Mookie wanted me to thank you for reconsidering the signing alongside Shine Boy.” Nosedive smiled.

“Indeed.” Brick nodded. “I will be looking forward to it.”

“Me too.” Shine Boy shook Brick’s hand. “I wish you luck, old friend.”

“As do I on your mission against Dragaunus. If you need any help, give me a call.”

“We will.” Promised Wildwing as Brick headed out waving goodbye.

When he left, Shine Boy turned to the others. “I’m sorry this didn’t score us another fragment.”

“You were worried about your friend. We understand.” Sunset smiled.

“You would’ve done the same for us.” Leo patted his shoulder.

“And it was worth a look into, just in case.” Wildwing added.

Serenity walked in. “And Fugitoid has made progress on the Crystal Converger, so it wasn’t a total loss.”

“Plus, we have a new buddy on our side.” Mikey looked up from his comic.

“And I’m proud of how well you four handled yourselves today.” Mallory smiled at the CMCs and Buzz who smiled at the compliment.

“Thanks, though I think Buzz deserves most of the credit.” Applebloom said.

“Just happy to help out.” Buzz nodded before turning to Donnie. “Sorry about the chemicals I borrowed, Donatello.”

“It’s okay, Buzz. I can replace them.” Donnie waved off.

“And it really helped us, so there’s no need for an apology.” April rustled Buzz’s hair as he chuckled.

“Yeah. You’re alright with us, Buddy.” Casey thumbed up.

“And now, I’m just gonna relax and read my new comics.” Shine Boy sat down.

“Mind if I join you?” Serenity asked.

“Sure.” Shine Boy smiled as Serenity sat next to him. He reached in his bag and pulled out a surprising comic. On the cover, it had all the Turtles on it and it was entitled ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’.

Shine Boy and Serenity looked at each other confused before shaking each other’s heads saying “Nah!” and just snuggled together and read the comic book.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:


-Special thanks to Jebens1 for the Vernon idea. the thugs are from 'The First Face-off part 2'.

-The mangas Shini and Tony were referring are Bleach and Yu-Gi-Oh. the Neon Hams are sort of a combination of Hamtaro and Care Bears.

- Bugman would be voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch and his appearence would be inspired by his Power Ranger character Adam. (pic coming soon, i hope.)

-Guy lafluer was a famous hockey player who played for Canada. I wanted to use the guy who appeared at the end of the episode 'Take me to your Leader', but couldn't remember his name. Also, chose random celebrity names as well as a reference to Kim Possible as well as Wildcard25's 'Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch?' fiction.

- Jerry Spiegel only appeared in the 87 episode 'Michelangelo meets Bugman again'. Jerry Speigel's name is a spoof of Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel. Juliet Schmooze, meanwhile, is a parody of DC Comics editor Julie Schwartz.

- Varney and Sabat are references to Jim Varney and Christopher Sabat.

- The Samuel Kraemer Building is a real building in Anaheim.

- 'Certify Turtle-fy' is from TMNT The Next Mutation.

- The last part with the very first TMNT comic was only a joke like in the original episode.

And that's all I got. For now.

Next time: In an attempt to stop the heroes, Wriath mine controls Fluttershy to send her friends on a wild goose chase. Meanwhile, Tanya takes Gamer to meet an old friend of hers. Will they secure the third fragment and save their friend? Find out in FlutterBlank!