• Published 30th Mar 2023
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Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

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The Final Face-Off PT 1

The Migrator, Shine RV, and ShellRaiser all drove up to the entrance to the junkyard along with Klegghorn's police car. They all got out and began to get ready for the big fight.

“Here we are.” Donnie said. “This is the junkyard Dragaunus said to meet.”

“And it’s almost sunset.” Mallory checked her watch.

“Let’s move.” Wildwing stated.

Nosedive turned to Caitlyn who hid behind the Migrator’s wheels. “Make sure you stay out of site, Caitlyn.”

“I will. Just be careful.” Caitlyn nodded.

Sunset turned to Phil who was cowering in the Migrator. “You sure you’ll be fine in there, Phil?”

“Uh yeah. No problem, Sunset. You guys just go get them. I’ll… be moral support.”

“Right.” Keno rolled his eyes.

“Okay. Remember the plan.” Shine Boy whispered.

“Right. Let’s go.” Leo nodded as he drew his swords.

“Stay together, everyone.” Wildwing instructed. “And don’t let your guard down.”

As they entered the junkyard, everyone looked around with their weapons in hand.

“So glad my dad’s at his last day at the labs.” April said.

“You know, it’s rather fitting Dragaunus would pick a junkyard.” Casey glared. “It really fits his personality.”

“Acordada.” Gabby mumbled.

“Is it just me or is this junkyard more neater than expected?” Sweetie Belle looked around.

“It’s more of a salvage yard than a junkyard, Sweetie Belle.” Grin explained.

“Still, I wouldn’t have a rave here.” Night Shine mumbled.

“So where is Tall, red, and ugly?” Klegghorn searched.

“He’s…..” April took a moment to feel her head before jerking towards a direction. “Over there!”

Everyone looked at the direction to see Dragaunus walk from a pile of used cars laughing. “You came. Good. I trust you brought your half of the Eye of Sarnoth?”

Wildwing responded by holding out the jar with their incomplete Eye, which jingled inside.

“Excellent.” Dragaunus showed his fragment jingling in his vile. “Come and get it. Or are you afraid?”

“Us? Afraid?” glared Rainbow as everyone readied their weapons.

“We welcome a fair fight!” declared Leo.

“Then you’ve come to the right place.” Dragaunus snickered. “Now!”

Siege, Wraith, Chameleon, Falcone, and Dr. Droid all jumped out and began firing at the heroes.

“Spread out!” Raph cried as everyone took cover behind piles of cars.

“What do we do now?” Twilight asked.

“Dragaunus wanted a fight? Then we give him one!” Leo declared.

“Let’s rock, Ducks!” Wildwing cried.

“Let’s shine!” Shine Boy shouted.



Leo noticed Shine Boy and Karai glaring at him and sighed. “You know what? The shell with it. NINJAS TAKE EM DOWN!”

As they charged, Raph ran by Leo. “Don’t ever try a new catchphrase ever again, okay? I’m sorry I even said anything.”

“Hopefully, nobody gripes about it on the ‘Equestria Ninja Girls’ fanpage anymore.” Pinkie sprinted by as the two looked confused.

As the heroes ran into battle, hiding behind some rubbish was Vernon Fendwick.

“There they are!” he whispered to himself. “Just like my secret benefactor told me.”


Earlier that morning, Vern got a phone call on his phone. “Hello?”

“Vernon Fendwick, I presume?”

“Yes.” Vern answered.

“What if I told you where you can find those turtle creatures you’ve been trying to reveal in your broadcast?”

“I’m listening.” Vern smiled.

“You will find them at the dump across town at sundown tonight.”

“This time I’ll put them on a live video this time.” Vern told himself. “I thank you for this info.”

“My pleasure.” The caller said before hanging up. Unknown to Vernon, the caller was none other than Dragaunus himself.


“Soon, I’ll have the live footage and finally expose those Turtle creatures!” Vern snickered as he prepared his phone.

As Dragaunus’ drones appeared, everyone scattered to fight one of Dragaunus’ minions. Leo, Twilight, Karai, Shine Boy, Wildwing, Sunset, and Cadence fought Wraith while Raph, Casey, Rainbow, Applejack, Grin, Love Shine, Mallory, and Gabby fought Siege. Donnie, April, Rarity, Gamer, Tanya, Keno, and Fugitoid battled Dr Droid and Mikey, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Shinigami, Nosedive, and Shine Girl teamed up against Chameleon. Cadence, Serenity, Klegghorn, and Zach helped the CMCs and Buzz against the drones while Duke, Shining, and Night Shine fought Falcone. Caitlyn hid behind some busted up cars and took photos of the fight.

“Get the Eye!” Dragaunus ordered.

Wraith clashed his staff against Shine Boy’s CDA Staff as the two struggled. Then, Karai and Leo kicked Wraith off. The Saurian then threw fireballs at the group before Leo deflected them with his katanas. Twilight and Cadence then tagged teamed with their weapons before Sunset kicked Wraith in the face.

“I hate teamwork.” Wraith groaned.

Raph wrestled with Siege who began to overwhelm him.

“You think you can beat me? Do ya?” Siege taunted him.

Raph began to feel his temper rise. “I… can! And…. I WILL!”

He then kneed Siege in the gut, causing him to recoil. Before the Saurian could attack again, he felt a shock all over his body before being punched real hard. He looked to see Casey with his taser and Grin next to him.

“Cheap shot.” He growled.

“Barata esta fea!” Gabby snapped as she kicked him in the face. She then jumped out of the way for Love Shine who slammed him.


“We underestimated someone like you once, Siege.” Applejack stood before him. “We ain’t doing that again.”

“And why’s that, cowgirl?” Siege wrestled with Applejack who used her geode’s power who wrestled back.

“Because we work SMARTER!” Rainbow jumped up and whacked Siege with her naginata distracting him long enough for Applejack to punch him. The two then fist bumped him.

Gamer held his katana as he glared at Dr. Droid who glared back.

“I was hoping to run into you again!” Droid sneered. “The brat who humiliated me.”

“And I’ll do it again, Robo butt!” Gamer held his katana. “But not alone.”

As Dr. Droid charged towards him, April shot a psychic blast sending him flying back. Keno and Rarity jumped in and hit his sides before flipping away.

“Above you!” Donnie shouted before Droid stopped his bo staff from hitting him.

“Wrong!” Fugitoid cried as he and Tanya blasted Droid at his torso and off Donnie.

Gamer then jumped on Droid and slashed his shoulder gun. “Like I said, NOT alone.”

Meanwhile, Chameleon fired his blaster as Mikey, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Shini, Shine Girl, and Nosedive dodged his laser fire before hiding behind some wreckage.

Chameleon morphed into a commando with a German accept. “Prepare for termination!”

Mikey turned to the others. “Remember the plan, guys!”

“You guys ready?” Nosedive asked.

The girls all nodded as Shine Girl got up. “Cover me, guys!”

Mikey and Nosedive rushed towards the still blasting Chameleon as Nosedive cover fired with his blaster and Mikey knocked his blaster out with his nunchucks. Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Shini all jumped in and at least got a couple hits on the shape shifter. Chameleon then morphed into Mikey and fought the party dude one on one. When Mikey whacked him, he changed into Fluttershy as the shy girl fought him next. Seeing they were evenly matched, Fluttershy used her geode to asked the nearby rats to attack the imposter. This caused Chameleon to change back when Shine Girl jumped in and kicked him from behind.

“Thank you.” Fluttershy thanked the rats as they scurried away. “I never thought I’d see animals attack me.”

“At least, technically, it wasn’t you.” Pinkie smiled.

Over to Falcone, he was trying to slash at Duke as Night Shine kicked a muffler at him.

“You are really starting to annoy me!” he muttered before blocking Shining’s strike.

“Oh! Cry me a river!” Night Shine snapped as they continued to clash their blades.

Meanwhile, Serenity, Buzz, Zach, and the CMCs were fighting well against the drones. Buzz shocked a drone with the tonfa Gamer gave him while shooting one with his blaster.

“I love this tonfa!” he said as he continued to fight.

Zach slid next to him. “I should ask Games to make a hockey stick version of those.”

Applebloom sliced a drone with her tanto blade while Serenity gave Sweetie Belle a boost and the CMC impaled the drone with her claw nails. When a drone grabbed Serenity from behind, she stabbed it with her tonfa and shocked it from the inside, causing it to explode.

“Never sneak up on a lady.” She mumbled before turning to Scootaloo. “Scootaloo! Go!”

Scootaloo nodded before she sprinted towards Dragaunus and started climbing the pile behind him.

As his group still fought Wraith, Wildwing saw Scootaloo climbing. “Scootaloo’s getting in position!”

“Good! Leo! Karai! With me!” Shine Boy called as he and the two ninja leaders sprinted towards Dragaunus.

“Ooo. Three against one ain’t fair.” Dragaunus pretended to be afraid. “For you!”

Shine Boy and Leo attacked Dragaunus from the side before the Saurian overlord punched them both.

“Take this!” Karai threw blinding powder at Dragaunus, disorienting him as roared. Leo tried to real for his fragment, but Dragaunus managed to grab his arm and throw him at Karai.

“You’ll have to try harder than that.” He glared.

“Harder THIS!” Shine Boy ran up as his CDA Staff converted into a war hammer and smacked Dragaunus in the chompers. Before Dragaunus could react, Shine Boy pulled out his grappling gun and quickly fired a line, knocking the fragment out of Dragaunus’ hand.

“NO!” the Saurian overlord roared.

“Grab the fragment!” Leo cried as the three lunged towards the fragment.

Dragaunus jumped in. “Oh no you don’t! That’s my fragment!”

It was a skirmish as the four struggle to grab the final fragment. Right when Dragaunus reached for the fragment, despite Shine Boy and Leo holding his arm, Spike lunged in and snatched the fragment out of the vile.

“Attaboy, Spike!” Shine Boy smiled as Dragaunus roared.

Spike nodded as he quickly gave it to Karai.

“Scoots!” Karai called as she tossed the fragment towards Scootaloo who was on top of the pile.

“She has the EYE!” Dragaunus realized.

Hearing this, Dr. Droid glared before beginning to whack the heroes and sprinted towards the scene.

“Not for long!” Siege aimed his blaster at Scootaloo, who was about to catch the fragment.

“NO!” Casey quickly hit Siege’s blaster, causing him to misfire. The good news was the blast missed Scootaloo. The bad news was it hit the pile she was on, and it began to crumble with her on it.

“Scoots!” Rainbow used her geode to speed through and grab her in time to safety. But, she wasn’t able to grab the incomplete Eye of Sarnoth.

“Get it!” Leo cried.

As Dragaunus whacked Shine Boy, Leo, and Karai away from the Eye of Sarnoth as the final fragment merged with it, Wildwing ran to help only to get whacked away too. Everyone looked in shock as Dragaunus before the now complete Eye of Sarnoth, smirking.

“At last! The Eye of Sarnoth is-”

“Mine!” Dragaunus was blasted away from the eye. To everyone’s surprise, Dr. Droid walked up and grabbed the Eye as Dragaunus glared at him.

“WHAT!? So, you’ve been against me the whole time! Droid! you filthy traitor! I brought you here to have a new body, have you built better robots, and this is how you repay me!?”

“And I appreciate the assistance, but in the end, you’re still a fleshling! And now, with the Eye of Sarnoth, the machine will rule!”

Dr. Droid then merged the Eye into his chest and began glowing intensely. “YES! THE INCREDIBLE POWER!”

“That power is mine! MINE!” Dragaunus roared as he fired a laser blast. Droid then blocked the blast and fired a powerful counterblast at Dragaunus, who jumped out of the way and regrouped with his followers.

“Should’ve seen that coming.” Muttered Wraith.

The heroes regrouped as well behind the rummage. As Droid began shooting up the salvage yard, the heroes spoke among themselves.

“I’m sorry, guys.” Scootaloo pleaded. “I didn’t mean to mess up the plan.”

“It’s all right, Squirt.” Rainbow patted her shoulder. “Besides, it was Siege’s doing, not yours.”

“You did your best, kid. That’s all we could ask.” Klegghorn added.

“Besides, we should’ve known Droid would double cross Dragaunus.” Mallory looked back.

“So now what do we do?” asked Zach.

“Our only hope now is to destroy the Eye of Sarnoth.” Leo concluded.

“So all we gotta do is get the Sarnothometer to touch the eye and destroy it.” Wildwing added.

“There’s just one problem.” Tanya spoke up before Donnie explained.

“We calculated that the Sarnothometer has to be in contact with the Eye of Sarnoth for about five seconds. And it’ll have a massive combustible reaction.”

“In English, Donnie?” asked Raph.

“Augh! It’ll blow up! It’s that hard to understand?!” Night Shine snapped as Raph glared back.

“Whoa! Back up! Are you saying we could nuke Anaheim destroying that thing?” Shining guessed.

“No it’s not that big.” Gamer answered. “It’ll be big enough to destroy Droid, BUT it might destroy the one who holds the Sarnothometer long enough to connect to the eye.”

“So whoever does it might not comeback.” Nosedive blinked.

“I hope I have as good a life if I’m reincarnated.” Mumbled Grin.

“So who’s gonna do it? Who can we afford to lose?” sweated Sunset.

“Oh Caitlyn!” Caitlyn grabbed a piece of metal angrily and was about to swing at Night Shine for his remark before Grin pulled her down to dodge Droid’s fire. “Oh chill out! I was kidding!”

“Droid’s getting closer!” Duke peaked.

“There’s no time left!” Shine Boy took the Sarnothometer from Tanya. “I’ll go!”

He was then stopped by Sunset. “No, Shine Boy. We almost lost you once. We’re not losing you again. I’ll go.”

“Sunset, no!” Fluttershy pleaded.

“Wait.” Love Shine took the Sarnothometer. “I’ll go. My armor should give me some cover from the explosion.”

Gamer quickly calculated on his gauntlet. “He’s right. There’s definitely a very slim chance you’ll survive.”

“I’ll take it!” Love Shine declared. But before he could leave, Shine Boy grabbed his arm.


“Don’t talk me out of this, Tony. It’s our only chance, but for once, let someone else risked their life for you.”

“I know. And I won’t stop you. We’ll buy you time to sneak up on Droid.” Shine Boy held out his hand to Love Shine. “But just in case, it’s been an honor to fight alongside you.”

Surprised at first, Love Shine accepted his friend’s handshake. “I’ll see you at the victory party.”

“Grin! Duke! You two cover Love Shine until he gets in position.” Wildwing ordered. “We’ll distract Droid.”

“We might as well go all out.” Sunset told her friends motioning to her geode. The Turtles and Rainbooms nodded as they held their geodes and medallions.

“Light’em up!” Leo ordered as their geodes and medallions lit up.

In a blinding light, The Rainbooms were in their powered-up attire while the Turtles were in their mystic modes. The Ducks were amazed to see these new forms of their friends.

“Whoa.” Wildwing blinked.

“Nice duds you kids got.” Duke complimented.

“I uh gotta start studying Equestria magic.” Tanya whispered.

“That’s pretty impressive.” Mallory admitted.

“So much positive vibes.” Wowed Grin.

“So cool!” awed Nosedive.

“Awesome!” Buzz jumped.

“Give’em heck, kids!” Klegghorn cheered.

“Let’s go!” Twilight declared as everyone jumped out to face Dr. Droid.

Over to the Saurians, Chameleon peeked out to see the Turtles and Rainbooms’ attire. “Gee, pretty fancy duds, huh Boss?”

“Oh, shut up.” Dragaunus yanked him back as he growled at the sight of the fight.

Dr. Droid was less impressed. “FOOLS! YOU’RE ONLY DIGGING YOUR GRAVES!”

“We’ve heard that before.” Deadpanned Raph.

“And you’re not gonna be the last to say that!” declared Rainbow.


“Maybe not by themselves, but together we’ll take you down, Droid!” declared Shine Boy as Shine Girl, Gamer, and Night Shine stood by his side. “Light’em up!”

Shine Boy, Shine Girl, and Gamer’s insignias began to glow as Night Shine lit up his hands with dark flames.

“On the count of three!” Shine Boy called. “Go on two! 1! 2! SHINE POWER!”

On cue, the three heroes fired beams of light at Dr. Droid along with Night Shine and his flames.

“Yeah! Nothing stings like three beams of pure light and dark flames!” Gamer cried.

Love Shine watches his friends fight Dr. Droid before making his way to behind Droid with Duke and Grin not far behind.

“Such power.” Mumbled Wraith as he watched. “But will it be enough?”

Shine Boy then began to feel a tug. “You guys feel that?”

“Yeah.” Gamer nodded.

“Uh oh.” Shine Girl looked.

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Night Shine grunted.

What they were feeling was their beams were being held back by Dr. Droid using the power of the Eye of Sarnoth.

“He’s pushing back our Shine Power!” struggled Gamer.

Dr. Droid then created a shockwave, that deflected the attack and sent the four flying onto the Migrator’s windshield, causing Phil in scream inside.

“Are they dead?” gasped Caitlyn.

Her response was the sound of groaning as Shine Boy, Gamer, Shine Girl, and Night Shine struggled to get up.

“That thing is more powerful than I thought.” Grunted Gamer.

“Ya think?” Night Shine glared.


“Booyakasha!” Mikey tried to ram Dr. Droid before Droid caught him and slammed him down. He then kicked Donnie in midair before slamming Pinkie and Fluttershy on Mikey. Applejack and Raph tried to ram him down while Twilight levitated cars onto Droid. Dr. Droid responded by converting the cars into armor transforming his body into a tougher mode. He then kicked Raph and Applejack into a car pile which began to pile on Twilight before Leo shielded her from the pile.

As Droid whacked Rarity and Sunset to the ground, Night Shine started yelling at Droid getting his attention. “You got a lot of nerve! Whacking a bunch of gals! I’ve seen toasters with more consistency! We could’ve made a brighter future for both organic and machines! But no! it’s always destroy the fleshlings! Well no matter how much surgery you do, you’re still one of us! A stupid human WITH A WAFFLE IRON FOR A BRAIN!”

As Night Shine ranted on, Shine Boy caught on knowing he was distracting Dr. Droid and his symbol glowed again. But as he got up, Dr. Droid blasted him into another junkpile.

“Good try, anyway.” Night Shine mumbled. “Yeah. I got nothing.”

The Mighty Ducks began firing pucks at Droid before he turned them into little cakes.


His ranting was interrupted as he felt a sharp pain. He looked to see Love Shine hanging on him and stabbed the Eye of Sarnoth with the Sarnothometer.


“Yeah yeah! Everyone’s a fool! Shut up!” Love Shine snapped. “Well, I got news for you, Fool! This thing was design to destroy the Eye of Sarnoth on contact!”

Droid wide eyed and tried to shake off Love Shine before he stabbed a photon blade to hold on. Soon, Droid’s body began glowing as bright as the destroying Eye.

“From me to you, Otto. Choke on it!” Love Shine whispered as a faceplate covered his mouth.

In a bright explosion, Droid screamed as his body imploded with the Eye of Sarnoth.

“The Eye! NOOO!” Dragaunus roared.

Everyone shielded their eyes from the explosion. As the light faded, The Ducks, Klegghorn, and the rest of the heroes helped up the Rainbooms, Turtles, Night Shine, and Team Shine and hurried to the remains of Droid and the Eye. They looked around, calling for Love Shine, but saw no sign of their friend.

“Is he…. Gone?” Applebloom sniffled as Applejack held her.

“Hard to say, Sugarcube.”

Sweetie Belle hugged Gamer’s arm while everyone else held their tears. Shine Boy mourned as Serenity hugged him sobbing.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, old friend.” He whispered. “At least your sacrifice wasn’t in vain.”

Leo and Wildwing walked up to Shine Boy, showing their condolences.

“He knew what he had to do.” Leo sighed.

“I know. He was brave to the end.” Shine Boy nodded.

“He sacrificed himself to destroy the Eye.” Duke whispered.

“Truly, an evolved soul.” Grin put in.

“Just like Canard.” Wildwing muttered.

Their sorrow didn’t last long when they heard a roar. They turned to see an angry Dragaunus glaring at them.


“Hey! We just lost a buddy here. Could you give us five minutes?” Nosedive deadpanned. “Or even the next chapter?”

“Better yet, you can join him!” Dragaunus smirked. “Fire!”

At his command, His men and remaining drones before the heroes could react.

“Too much laser fire!” Shine Boy held Serenity as his CDA Staff converted into a shield.

“I hate to say this, guys! But fall back!” Leo ordered as everyone began to back up.

“That’s it. Just a little further.” Dragaunus whispered, seeing they were unaware of the rods that led to dimensional limbo as they began to crackle on.

To be Continued

Author's Note:

Things are heating up! Come back for the thrilling conclusion when it's up.


- If you don't know what the plan was, the heroes were passing the Eye in secret and someone would get close enough to complete the Eye of Sarnoth.

-Special thanks to Jebens1 for Vern's part.

- The part where Team Shine fired at Droid was based on the last scene in Ghostbusters Afterlife. Along with the part where Night Shine insulted Droid and Shine Boy's failed attempt.

- The Merdia were the aliens from the 80's cartoon/Archie comics who took the Eye. Here's the story right here.

-Is Love Shine dead? wait till the next chapter to find out. But Dr. Droid is definitely dead.

And that's all I got. For now.

Next time: The good news is the Eye of Sarnoth is destroyed. The bad news is Dragaunus is on the warpath. As allies come to help, the heroes are in for the fight of their lives! Can they extinguish Dragaunus' flames for good? or will they end up in dimensional limbo? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion next time on The Final Face-off PT 2!