• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 1,960 Views, 425 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

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Trip to Anaheim

One day, in the city of Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle and her dog Spike were visiting Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor, and his wife, Principal Cadence. They were making plans for a vacation since it was the middle of summer.

“It’ll be great to go on a vacation together.” Twilight gleamed. “It’s been years since we did something together!”

“I know, right?” Shining grinned. “Since mom and dad are on their anniversary cruise, Cadence and I thought we could do something ourselves. Plus, we can invite your friends, both from school and New York.”

“Yeah, Shining and I haven’t seen your ninja friends since the Halloween party and Christmas at the Shroom Lodge.” Cadence nodded.

“So, where we gonna go this time?” Spike asked.

Shining pulled out a couple flyers. “Well, Cadence and I have thought of that, and token under consideration for the Turtles’ to be hidden, we’ve decided we go to…” he dramatically pulled a certain flyer. “Anaheim!”

“Anaheim?” wowed Twilight and Spike.

“Yeah.” Cadence began to explain. “There’s a lot to do in Anaheim. We can go to the beach, the Packing District, The Garden Walk, Angel Stadium, the Honda Stadium for hockey.”

“Casey, Gabby, and Zach would love that.” Spike admitted.

“I’ll ask Rarity bout using the RV we used to go to the Starswirl Music Festival. And I think Gamer of Team Shine told me he was working on something that could help.”

“Great idea!” Cadence smiled.

“Why don’t we video chat them?” Shining suggested.

“I’ll bring them up real quick!” Twilight turned her laptop and started the chat.


Soon, on Twilight’s laptop, screens of each of the Rainbooms were on the screen. On Applejack’s screen, she was joined by Applebloom while Rarity was with Sweetie Belle as Twilight told them about their vacation plan.

“So, what do you guys think?” Twilight asked.

“Anaheim huh?” Sunset smiled. “I’m in.”

“Sure. I’ll make sure the RV is ready to go.” Rarity promised.

“I can help so I’m in!” Applejack stated.

“Count me in!” Fluttershy chived. “I’ve always wanted to see the Garden Walk.”

“Alright! Road trip!” Pinkie cheered.

“Um, Miss Cadence?” Applebloom spoke as Applejack let her near the screen. “Is there any possibility me, Sweetie Belle, and possibly Scootaloo can come too?”

Cadence looked at Shining who nodded in agreement and smiled. “If it’s okay with your sisters, then it’s okay with us.”

“I’m good with it.” Applejack smiled. “Besides, Big Mac is on a road trip with Sugar Belle while Granny is in Vegas with a couple senior friends of hers, so it’s fair that you can come, Sugarcube.”

“And you’re more than welcome to join us too, Sweetie Belle.” Rarity agreed before the two cheered.

“I’ll talk to Scoots’ aunts to see if Scootaloo can come.” Rainbow pointed out.

“I’m gonna call our friends in New York, starting with April.” Twilight began to pull up another window.


Back in New York, April O’Neil was on her laptop when she saw she had a video call and answered it.

“Hey Twilight!” she greeted.

“I knew I’d catch you on your computer.” Twilight joked. “Cadence, Shining, and I are planning a vacation in Anaheim. All the girls agree to come and we’re taking the RV. Wanna come?”

“Anaheim? That’s great!” April smiled. “My dad has a little business to deal with there. I was about to ask everyone if they wanna come too when you called.”

“Let’s ask them together.” Twilight offered.

“Good idea! Let’s start with Casey.” April suggested.

Soon, they were explaining everything to Casey who was just snoozing in his bed when they called.

“Anaheim? One of the best hockey stadiums is there! Casey Jones is totally in!” the vigilante boasted.

“Great! Let’s ask Karai.” April smiled.

Karai was meditating in her chambers when Shinigami entered and showed her a tabloid which she talked to everyone while Twilight explained.

Karai looked intrigued. “Anaheim, huh? What do you think, Shini?”

“I say let’s go!” gleamed the witch girl.

“Then we’re both in.” Karai confirmed.

“Great!” Twilight smiled.

“Before we ask the guys, let’s ask Caitlyn and Zach.” April suggested.

“And Keno.” Twilight added.

“And Gabby!” Casey blurted. “She’d love the hockey stadium too.”

Caitlyn was in her room uploading pictures in her blog when she got the video message. When she saw it was from April, she called for her brother, Zach, who entered the room as she answered.

Keno had just finished polishing his dad’s dojo floor when his phone dinged and he saw a video message and answered.

Gabby was in her bedroom when she saw she got a video message and answered.

After Twilight and April explained everything to them, Casey asked. “So what do guys think?”

“Anaheim, eh? Sure thing. Things are kinda slow at the dojo since Angel and Carter went to their family reunion and my folks went on a retreat. So I’m in.” Keno whistled.

“You had me at the hockey stadium part.” Zach grinned.

“I’m in, too!” Caitlyn added. “I could use some more photos for my blog! Besides, Buffy had to attend a party for her family.”

“Si! I’d love to go to Anaheim.” Gabby smiled.

“Great!” Twilight nodded. “Now let’s ask the guys.”

In the Turtles’ lair, The Ninja Turtles were doing their usual thing. Leo was practicing his sword moves, Raph was doing situps accompanied by his pet Chompy, and Mikey was munching on some pizza with extra cheese watching a rerun of Crognarg the Barbarian when suddenly, Donnie burst from his lab.

“Guys! We got a video call from April and Twilight!” He cried.

“Twilight?” Leo gasped.

“Wonder what’s up?” Raph asked as he got up and carried Chompy.

They all headed to Donnie’s lab and gathered near his laptop. Raph was unfortunately irked that he was near Mikey who was still munching on his pizza and slurping the cheese as Donnie answered. After Twilight and April explained the trip to them, the Turtles shared their opinions.

“Anaheim, huh? I’m gamed!” Mikey cheered with his mouth full.

“But isn’t that on the other side of the country?” Raph asked.

“It is, but I believe we have a solution for that.” Twilight hinted.

Donnie quickly caught on. “Oh yeah! Remember when we were at that fairy tale dimension when we used my portal tracker to get up the beanstalk? Well, me and Gamer can use that to teleport from New York to Anaheim faster than Pinkie or Mikey asking Are we there yet?”

“Plus, it’ll save us on gas and stops.” Shining pointed out.

“And we’ll bring our cloaking watches we used at Middleton High.” Leo promised, recalling their adventure with their friend Kim Possible.

“So you guys up for it?” Cadence hoped.

Swallowing his pizza, Mikey then spoke. “Can’t talk now! I gotta go pack!” and with that, he bolted out the lab.


Leo and Donnie just rolled their eyes as Cadence spoke. “I probably should’ve mentioned that we’ll be leaving in a couple days.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll straighten them out.” Leo assured.

“In the meantime, We should call Shine Boy about the trip.” Donnie suggested.

“That’s the idea, Don.” Twilight smiled as she began to call Team Shine in Columbus.


Meanwhile, in their subterranean headquarters, The Shine Pad, Team Shine were doing their usual thing. Shine Boy was checking the Shine Computer for surveillance checking, Love Shine was doing pullups, Gamer was working on some tech, Shine Girl was polishing her baton, and Serenity was reading a book. Suddenly, they heard a chime on the computer.

“Hey guys! We got a video message.” Shine Boy called. He pulled it up as everyone gathered to the computer to see their friends from New York and Canterlot. “Leonardo! Twilight! Good to see you guys again. And Principal Cadence. Shining Armor. Long time no see!”

“It’s good to see you again, too, Shine Boy.” Shining Armor greeted.

“So, to what do we owe the pleasure?” Gamer asked.

“We were getting people together for a trip to Anaheim.” Twilight explained. “We were wondering if you guys wanted to come along.”

“Anaheim? Sounds like fun.” Love Shine admitted.

Shine Boy nodded. “Well, it has been pretty quiet here in Columbus, so I say we’re due for a vacation.”

Team Shine cheered as Shine Boy spoke up again. “I can bring my Shine Tracker should we be needed back sooner.”

“So how soon are we leaving?” asked Shine Girl.

“In a couple days.” Cadence smiled.

“And we’re gonna use the portal tracker to save time getting there.” Donnie added. “You do have your tracker, right Gamer?”

Gamer responded by holding his tracker up. “Right here. And we can use this.” He pointed to an RV with red stripes and Shine Boy’s insignia on it and siren lights and stuff on top. “It’s one of my latest creations. The Shine RV! It’s pretty much like our home away from home and is very durable and has enough firepower just in case.”

“It houses up to eight people should we need a little room for the trip.” Shine Boy added. “We’ll come by Canterlot that day and we can sort out the ride situation.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Smiled Leo.

“Well, I guess we all better go pack.” Serenity figured.

“Yeah. And we got a lot of planning on our end, too.” Agreed Shining.

“See you guys in a couple of days.” Shine Girl waved as everyone said goodbye before signing off.


The Next day, in New York, April, Casey, Gabby, Zach, and Caitlyn were shopping at a grocery store getting snacks for the trip. Everyone was really excited about the trip the next day.

“This is gonna be great trip! Just imagine. Visiting the Honda Center ring!” Zach grinned as threw a bag of chips in the cart.

“Yeah I know, Right? Think we might meet some of the home hockey team? And score!” Casey took a broom and hit a box of candy into the cart like a hockey puck.

“Suave, Chicos.” Gabby smiled as she caught another candy box Casey hit. “we’re all excited, but we better keep the excitement to a minimum.”

“Gabby’s right, guys.” April advised. “The last thing we need is to cause a scene before we go.”

Caitlyn then saw something on her phone. “Text message from Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo is coming with us!”

“Alright!” Casey and Zach high fived.

“Magnifico!” Gabby grinned.

“Hey, Gabby, did you mention this to your cousin?” April asked.

“Chaplin said he thought it was best he stayed and kept an eye on the Foot with the Dazzlings.” Gabby recalled. “Plus, Adagio didn’t feel like traveling. No specific reason. Just exhausted. I promised Chaplin I’d bring back a souvenir.”

“Yeah, and the Mutanimals had a mission to go to so they’re out.” Zach pointed.

“Hope they’ll be okay.” Casey shrugged.

“Anyway, who’s the hockey team in Anaheim?” Caitlyn asked.

“The Ducks.” The hockey players answered.

Caitlyn raised her brow. “Really? The Ducks?”

“They’re one of the best team in the country.” Zach stated.

“And I just read they have a big game on our last night. We should totally go.” Gabby suggested.

“Maybe I can get exclusive interviews with some of the players.” Caitlyn pondered for a bit.

“That’ll look good on your blog.” April smiled. “Okay, let’s get some drinks and we can go check out.”

Everyone agreed and they all went to the next aisle. But what they didn’t know was that their conversation was overheard by their schoolmate, Vernon Fenwick who hid behind a nearby stand.

“Anaheim, huh? If little Miss Snoop thinks she’ll one up Vern the Falcon, she’ll have another thing coming. I’ll just have to beat her to interviewing those hockey players and I’ll be still numero uno.” He told himself. “As soon as I figure out how to get to Anaheim first.”

To be Continued

Author's Note:


-The whole chapter was inspired by the opening to Scooby-Doo and the Monster of Mexico.

- Special thanks to Jebens1 for suggesting Vernon to appear in this.

Next time: The group arrives at Anaheim for their vacation. But later that night, they encounter villains that would make Dregg look like a teddy bear. Would these Saurians be too much for our heroes? Not if certain Ducks have anything to say in Enter: Lord Dragonaus!