• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 1,934 Views, 425 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

  • ...

The Omnis Project

It was nighttime at a computer office, a figure snuck into a room with a big computer. He walked out of the shadows to reveal he was a cybernetic man with wavy orange hair and a purple cape.

“Excellent.” He told himself. “Now that I’ve gotten into the Los Angeles Computer Company, I, Dr. Droid, will take over every machine in Anaheim! All I have to is equip the master computer with this crystal shard I had recently found.” He held up a crystal fragment before setting it in the computer’s software. As he finished, the computer began sparkling to life. “Soon, by sunrises, those flesh creatures will bow to the supremacy of the machines!” he laughed maniacally before grumbling. “I really need an assistant or something. I keep monologuing to myself!”


The next morning, Phil Palmfeather entered the Pond as he walked in with April.

“Thanks for dropping my dad off at the labs, Mr. Palmfeather.” She thanked.

“No problem, April. Happy to help out.” Phil grinned. “And no need to be formal. Call me Phil. Now, gotta go make money and prepare for this weekend’s game.”

As he headed to his office, he gasped to see the Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Team Shine doing their training exercises by either sparring or katas. Leo meanwhile was teaching some moves to Shining as Twilight was teaching Cadence. It wasn’t until Phil blew a whistle did they all stop.

“What in Wayne Gretzky are you guys doing?!” Phil demanded.

“Our usual morning training?” Leo said as if it was obvious.

“We didn’t see a dojo or anything we could use so Wildwing said we could spar here.” Shine Boy explained.

“Where is Wildwing anyway?” asked Applejack.

“Where is-! The ducks are on the ice!” Phil pointed.

“The ice?” Casey gleamed.

Phil led the group to the ice stadium where they see the Mighty Ducks, dressed in hockey gear, practicing their hockey game. It turned out Zach and Caitlyn were watching from the seats as they noticed their friends coming.

“Hey, guys!” Zach greeted. “It turns out, the Ducks’ headquarters is under Honda Stadium!”

“We thought we’d watch the Ducks with their training since we’ve seen you guys’ train and all.” Caitlyn added as she took pictures of the Ducks in action.

“Now, if everyone’ll excuse me, I got some planning to do in my office.” Phil then took his leave.

Shine Boy then noticed someone was missing. “Hey. Has anyone seen Serenity?”

“She was taking a shower in the locker room.” Cadence recalled.

“Wow! Look at them go!” Rainbow awed.

“So cool.” Scootaloo agreed.

As they practiced, Nosedive tried scoring a goal while Wildwing, as the goalie, blocked it.

“Gotta admit. Wildwing is a really good goalie.” Shine Boy spoke to Karai and Leo.

“He has great focus.” Karai eyed.

“Real great focus.” Leo agreed.

“I bet Grin plays some serious defense!” Casey wowed.

“It looks like he’s right defenseman while Tanya is left.” Gabbie eyed.

After a couple runs and hits, Wildwing saw the group watching. “Alright, guys! Take five!” he called before skating up to the bleeches. “What do you guys think?”

“You guys play hockey to prepare against Dragaunus?” Leo asked.

“That and we have a big game coming up.”

“Nothing wrong with that.” Shine Boy admitted. “Everyone’s got their own ways of training.”

“You guys got your training in?” Mallory asked.

“We got a majority of it in before Philsy stopped us.” Keno answered.

“Typical. He’s always thinking someone’s gonna break someone so he could sue them.” Nosedive rolled his eyes.

Just then, they heard Phil shouting from his office. “WHO BROKE THE COFFEE DISPENSER?!”

Everyone looked to Mikey who chuckled nervously. “Anybody want breakfast? I do! Which way’s your kitchen?” he quickly hurried away.

“I’ll go fix the coffee dispenser just to calm Phil down.” Tanya sighed.

“Need some help?” Gamer volunteered.

“I’ve fixed it a couple times already, but you’re welcome to help.”

“That should give us time to grab some bagels for breakfast.” April mentioned.

“And a chance to see more of Anaheim.” Caitlyn got up. “Just because we have Dragaunus to worry about doesn’t mean we still can’t enjoy our vacation.”

“Sounds good to me.” Stretched Zach.

“I’ll go too.” Casey grinned. “Anaheim has yet to feel the grace of Casey Jones.”

“I better tag along too before Anaheim graces the presence of Senior Jones.” Gabbie joked.

“I’m okay with that.” Casey shrugged.

“We’ll go too.” Sunset spoke for her and the Rainbooms.

Wildwing turned to Grin and Nosedive. “Grin! Dive! Go with them! In case Dragaunus’ goons’ attack.”

“Got it, Bro!” Nosedive skated to the locker room quickly.

“I’ll be happy to show our new friends around Anaheim.” Grin smiled before he headed to the locker rooms followed by the other ducks.

“Anyone want any oatmeal while we wait?” Love Shine spoke up.

As some of the group accepted, they began to head to the Ducks’ headquarters just as Serenity walked up, fully dressed, drying her hair.

“What I miss?” She asked Shine Boy.

“Tanya and Gamer are fixing the coffee dispenser while Nosedive and Grin are taking April, Casey, Zach, Caitlyn, Gabbie, and The Rainbooms to get some bagels for breakfast.”

“Cool. Then I guess we’ll have to spend some quality time together.” Serenity leaned towards Shine Boy flirtingly.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Shine Boy grinned as they held each other while following the others.


Later, Grin, Nosedive, April, Casey, Zach, Caitlyn, Gabby, and the Rainbooms were leaving the bagel store with a couple bags full of bagels.

“Thanks, George!” Nosedive called as they left.

As they walked, Grin was talking to Casey, Zach, and Gabby about their hockey abilities. “So you three play for the same team?”

“Si.” Gabby confirmed.

“Yeah. And we’re the best of the best!” Casey gloated.

“Now if he spent more time with his homework, he wouldn’t be threatened to get kicked off the team.” April stated, causing Casey to deadpan.

“We all have our faults, April. In fact, when I was young, I was born from a ‘hard-boiled egg’, meaning I was a bully and was a terrible player until I learned about enlightenment from the legendary Tae Quack Do. It was there I learn to respect my team and fellow hockey players for the most part.”

“Cool.” Wowed Rainbow.

“Maybe you could learn some of that enlightenment, so you don’t broadcast how awesome you are a lot Rainbow.” Applejack teased as Rainbow shot her glare.

“Maybe when you guys aren’t practicing for your big game and we’re not fighting Dragaunus, maybe we could show you guys our moves.” Zach offered.

“I would like that.” Grin smiled. “It’s always nice to see young blood into the sport.”

Nosedive turned. “Yeah. I think we got some spare gear you guys can wear so you can skate.”

“Great.” Gabby smiled.

“Hope you Ducks get impressed by the radness of Casey Jones!” Casey gloated.

“Dream on, Jones! You’ll be eating my tailfeathers before you could steal the puck!” Nosedive argued as everyone laughed.

Just then, as they came near a construction site, Caitlyn’s phone dinged.

“What’s up, Caitlyn?” Pinkie asked as Caitlyn checked.

“Ugh, Vern's just uploaded a new live cast!” she huffed.

“The falcon guy?” Sunset raised her brow.

“Who’s Vern?” Nosedive asked.

“Vernon is a student from our school back in New York.” April explained.

“And Caitlyn’s journalist rival.” Zach chimed in.

“Shut up, Zach!” Caitlyn snapped.

“Well, what’s the podcast about?” Twilight asked.

“Just a sec.” Caitlyn turned on the video on her phone as it began to play.

“Hello, all you Falcon lovers! Vernon "the Falcon" Fenwick here, coming to you live from not the streets of New York, but...”

Caitlyn then noticed some people in the background of Vern's live cast who looked very familiar. “Wait minute... isn't that...” She then realized that the people were in fact her and the others. “Ooooohhhh, nooooooo!”

Pinkie gasped. “The Meanbooms are back and in New York!”

“Uh, Pinkie? That’s us!” Applejack pointed as Fluttershy hid behind Grin.

“I was gonna say, New York looks a lot like….” Nosedive pondered before they turned to see Vernon near them with his phone.

“Ooooohhhh, yeeeesssss! The Falcon is in beautiful Anahiem, California!”

Then, Vernon looked back at the group, specifically Caitlyn, with a smug grin. “But it would appear that the Falcon's not only one in town... Looks like we've got an unexpected run in with Caitlyn "The Snoop" Roberts! And she's not alone, we've also got our gap-toothed hockey star, Casey Jones, along with the lovely April O'Neil! And what is this?! Why if that don't beat, it's the one and only Rainbooms!”

Suddenly the phone was snatched from Vern and was turned around to face a rather annoyed Gabby who said. “Hola. This is Gabrielle Riviera saying, The Falcon Is About To Take A Flight!”

She then threw the phone, the scenery looking like it was spinning around as Vern's scream was heard before there was a thud, a scuffle, and the sky was shown before Vern's face appeared, revealing to have just barely caught the phone.

“We'll be right back, Falcon out!” After Vernon turned off his phone, He turned angrily to Gabby. “Do you have any idea how expensive this phone is?!”

“Uh, no, but I know how irritating you are right now?” Gabby stood glaring.

“Vernon, what are you doing here?” April asked.

“It just so happened that I thought I’d take my podcast to new heights by visiting Anaheim. I just so happen to know that the heroes from Nebraska, Team Shine, are here in Anaheim and I’m gonna interview them as well as the Anaheim Ducks.”

“Yeah right. You’re just trying to one up me.” Caitlyn mumbled.

“Well, maybe people prefer professional podcasts instead of second-rate news!” Vernon mocked.

“Second rate?!” Caitlyn was about to lunge at him only to be held by Applejack as Sunset stood before her.

“So, Vernon, was it? We’ve heard so much about you.” She said trying to be nice.

“Charmed.” Vernon bowed. “I have indeed heard so much about you Rainbooms. One of the top high school bands in the country. Perhaps, I can get an exclusive interview with you all?”

“Not at the moment.” Rainbow waved.

“Yeah, we’re kinda on vacation.” Pinkie pointed out.

“Perhaps a rain check.” Rarity folded her arms.

“Maybe if you apologize to our friend here.” Applejack motioned to Caitlyn, who was still restrained by her.

“Oh please!” Vernon then saw Nosedive and Grin. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got some hockey players to interview!”

“Sorry, Vern.” Nosedive looked around before wrapping his arm around Caitlyn. “But uh I already have an interview lined up with Ms. Roberts here!”

Grin held up his hand. “Mr. Fendwick, with all due respect, all interviews must be cleared with our manager first.”

Unknown to anybody, some bright electricity was making its way to the construction vehicles left in the work area and they begin to move on their own as Vernon continued to his interview with the Ducks.

“I just want to get a couple comments about this weekend’s game with the San Jose Sharks.”

Fluttershy looked from behind Grin and saw something behind Vern. “Um, Mr. Fenwick?”

Sunset noticed it too. “I hate to say this, Vernon, but there’s a driverless Excavator machine behind you.”

Sure enough, there was an excavator without a driver in it behind Vernon. However, Vernon just scoffed.

“Please, don’t give me that driverless excavator routine. I’m here to get a story.”

“I got news for ya, Vern!” Rainbow cried. “You ARE the story!”

Just as Vernon turned, the excavator dropped a huge pile of dirt on top of him. It then began to drive up to the group along with other vehicles.

“I’d say Vernon’s interview got cancelled.” Spike gulped from Twilight’s bagged.

“Yeah! And we’re next!” Nosedive gasped.


Back at the Pond, The Turtles, Team Shine, Karai, Shini, Keno, Serenity, the CMCs, Cadence, and Shining with the other Ducks were enjoying the oatmeal Love Shine whipped up.

“Gotta admit, Brandon, this oatmeal is very good.” Duke complimented.

“Yummy!” Scootaloo brightened up.

“Thanks, Duke. It’s a little family recipe. It tastes even better with the Sweet Apple Acres apples Applejack lends me.” Love Shine said as he stirred the pot.

“Tastes good with the cinnamon brown sugar too.” Cadence added.

“Yeah, this’ll tithe me over until the others return with the bagels.” Mallory smiled. “IF Nosedive isn’t taking his time telling his highlights. Again.”

“Well, he and Grin might be showing them around Anaheim.” Shine Boy figured as Serenity leaned on him.

“We are on vacation after all.” Raph reminded.

“So, the sooner we stop Dragaunus, the sooner we can enjoy the rest of it.” Karai confirmed.

Just then, Wildwing heard beeping and looked at his gauntlet to see an image of Nosedive appeared on a screen. “Hey, Dive. Everything okay?”

“We’re at the construction site on 35th Street being attacked by driverless vehicles! HELP!” Nosedive cried through the communicator, getting everyone’s attention.

“Hang on, Baby bro! we’re on our way!” Wildwing said before signing off.

“They need our help!” Leo stood up.

“We better get going!” Gamer said while hurrying to finish his oatmeal before Tanya put her hand on his shoulder.

“Uh slow down. Chew your food.”

“Everyone to the Migrator!” Wildwing ordered.

“Shotgun!” Sweetie Belle called.

“We’ll follow in the Shine RV!” Shine Boy suggested as they all hurried off. Love Shine went back to the stove and covered the pot with the oatmeal and turned off the fire and went to catch up.

Shortly after, the Shine RV followed the Migrator through a tunnel under the stadium.

“Turbines to speed!” Wildwing ordered.

“Turbines to full power!” Duke called as he threw a lever.

The vehicles emerged from the billboard as it opened up and hurried to the streets.

“We’re coming, Twily!” Shining said as they hurried off.


Back at the construction site, Nosedive and Grin, in their battle gear, April, Casey, Gabby, Zach, and the Rainbooms were trying to stop the vehicles on a rampage while Caitlyn and Spike took cover. Applejack used her geode’s power to fight a bulldozer.

“So glad Applebloom decided not to come with us!” she panted.

Suddenly, the bulldozer was smashed by a flying forklift. Applejack turned to see Grin dusting his hands.

“Huzzah.” He smiled.

“Goongala!” Casey launched a couple exploding pucks at the excavator and saw it was barely scratched. “Uh oh!”

“Casey! Duck!” Casey ducked down as April fired a psychic blast at the excavator, tipping it over.

“Nice save, Red!” Casy thumbed up as Gabby hurried over to him.

“Casey, can you launch me up the backhoe?” she pointed to the backhoe that Sunset and Fluttershy were trying to fight.

“Here. Take my cricket bat!” Casey handed her the bat. “You ready?”

“Si.” Gabby ran up to Casey, who used his hockey stick to spring her onto the vehicle. She then held on to the shovel as it tried to shake her off.

Nosedive was blasting at the hydraulic crane when he noticed the dump truck rolling over the bag of bagels smashing them. “NO! THE BAGELS!”

“Why didn’t you give them to Caitlyn in the first place?” Rarity scolded as she shielded herself from a tractor.

“Sorry! Kinda hard to think when CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES ARE TRYING TO KILL US!”

“You just volunteered to tell Mallory what happened to her everything bagel, Dive!” Caitlyn called back.

Rainbow ran using her geode to avoid the cement mixer’s wet cement before walking the mixer like a log.

“Okay. How are these machines so smart all the sudden?” she griped.

Gabby, after being swung around so many times by the backhoe, was flown off and caught by Casey, who was knocked off his feet.

“They’re too strong!” Zach gasped.

“We need backup!” Sunset sweated.

“And backup is here!”

Everyone turned to see the others arrive at the scene. They were joined by a medium sized man with red hair wearing a trenchcoat and a police badge firing a laser pistol at the vehicles.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey jumped up and whacked the tractor Rarity was blocking and summoned a couple rocks to knock it down.

“Hey Mikey! Watch this!” Pinkie cried before riding a wrecking ball that smashed the cement maker and singing. “I came in like a wrecking ball!”

“PINKIE!” all the Rainbooms hollered before Rainbow stated.

“You know I HATE that song!”

“Well, she did set herself up.” Nosedive shrugged.

Twilight struggled to levitate the loader as the crawler crane almost whacked her from behind.

“Look out!” Before she could react, She was tackled by Shining Armor out of the way while Leo and Duke sliced at both vehicles, immobilizing them.

Twilight abruptly got up. “Shining! I knew what I was doing!”

“You’re welcome.” Shining grumbled.

“I don’t need you protecting me twenty-four seven! I’m capable of holding my own!”

“Twilight!” Twilight turned to Leo who walked up. “if he didn’t grab you, that crane would’ve hit you from behind!”

“So maybe you should be a little more grateful.” Duke huffed as he dropped the crane he sliced off.

Twilight stood shocked. If Shining hadn’t got her away from the crane in time, she would’ve been hurt or worse! As she stood in disbelief, Shine Boy threw electric disks at the hydraulic crane, causing it to malfunction while Wildwing and Mallory shot at the bulldozer.

“Aim for the tires!” Karai ordered as she, Gamer, Shinigami, Raph, Donnie, and Love Shine all slashed at the tires at the rest of the vehicles while Shine Girl and Tanya smashed their controls.

Soon, the vehicles were inoperable as the heroes all caught their breaths.

Nosedive walked up to the smashed bagels. “Bagels avenged.”

“What happened to the bagels?” Nosedive yelped to see Mallory glaring at him.

“Yes, Dive, do tell her what happened to our breakfast.” Caitlyn teased.

“Oh come on! Those vehicles caught us off guard!” Nosedive protested.

“Lucky thing no one was driving these.” The man glared at the bulldozer. “They’d have their operating license revoked!”

Wildwing walked to the man. “Ninjas, Rainbooms, Team Shine, this is Captain Klegghorn of Anaheim police. He’s helped us a couple times against Dragaunus.”

“It took a while for me to trust the Ducks because those lizards’ cloaking device made em hard to see. But eventually we’re now on agreeable terms so you all are okay with me if you’re okay with the ducks.”

“Thanks, Captain. We appreciate it.” Shine Boy shook his hand.

Donnie used his scanner to analyze the vehicles. “Some kind of electrical disturbance caused these vehicles to go bonkers.”

“And it looks like it originated that way.” Gamer pointed his scanner to his right.

“What a coincidence!” Klegghorn spoke up. “I was called to check out a disturbance over at the LA Computer Company not far from here when I saw you guys needing help.”

“What sort of disturbance?” Sunset asked.

“This robotic madmen has taken over.”

“Dr. Droid!” gasped the Ducks.

“Who?” The Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Team Shine asked.

“We’ll tell you on the way. Right now, we gotta stop him!” Wildwing stated as they hurried back in the Migrator and Shine RV.

Duke then stopped Shining and Twilight. “You two are riding with us in the Migrator.”

“Wha?” Twiight raised her brow.

“Why do you-?” Shining was about to asked before Duke glared at him.

“Because you two have stuff to sort out. Now GET IN!”

Shining turned to Cadence who nodded as she got in the Shine RV while Leo gestured to Twilight to do it and the two went in as told.

However, no one saw Vernon emerge from the dirt pile and had seen the Turtles as the heroes were talking before getting in the vehicles and driving off.

“Talking Turtle creatures?” he said to himself. “And the Rainbooms, Team Shine, and Mighty Ducks seem to know them as well as April and her little group. This’ll make a great big scoop! Taxi!” and with that, he got in a taxicab and had the driver follow the two vehicles to the LA Computer Company.


Meanwhile, Dr. Droid laughed as the computer continued to take control of machines left and right. “Yes, my brethren! The time has come for machines to rule those flesh heads!”

Just then, he saw a polygon head form on the screen. “What’s this?”

“I am Omnis!” the face spoke.

“Omnis?” Dr. Droid looked intrigued.


“Artificial Intelligence, eh?” Dr. Droid pondered a bit then spoke. “Listen to me, Omnis! I am Dr. Droid, your creator, and your purpose is very simple. You will help me purge this planet of all flesh creatures and all machines will rule all!”

“If that is my purpose, so be it.” Omnis concluded. “With the crystal fragment hooked to my systems, I can control every bit of machinery in the city.”

“Then let the technical purge begin!” Dr. Droid ordered as he laughed maniacally.

“I fail to see the humor.” Omnis deadpanned, but still did as he was told.


As The Migrator and Shine RV drove to the Computer Company, Sunset was explaining her and the ninjas to Klegghorn while Wildwing contacted Shine Boy through a video screen to explain the enemy they were about to face.

“Dr. Droid was formerly a human named Otto Maton, who became so fascinated with machine that he surgically became a cyborg.”

“Yeesh! He makes Stockman look more human.” Rainbow huffed in the Shine RV.

“You don’t know the half of it, Rainbow.” Tanya continued. “First time we faced him, he stole this crystal called the crystal of Atlantis and made a shrinking ray that shrank me, Nosedive, and Grin.”

“Not to mention enlarging his robot in the process.” Mallory added.

“psicópata cubo de óxido.” Gabby huffed.

“You said it, Gabs!” Nosedive chimed in. “And get this! The next time we faced him, he made this female cyborg in disguise named Trina who Phil went gaga for.”

“Poor Phil.” Fluttershy sighed.

“I wouldn’t feel too sorry for him, Fluttershy.” Mallory joked. “And every time we stop him, Droid gets away with his head.”

“Then all we gotta do is bust Tin Grin by the brain!” Casey realized what he said and turned to Fugitoid sweating. “Uh no offense, Fuge.”

“None taken.” Fuge waved it off, looking at his Crystal Converger.

Gamer was riding shotgun in the Shine RV polishing his katana as he sneered. “Such a waste of a brilliant mind. Why is it the brilliant ones want world domination?”

“Pride, Bro.” Shine Boy answered. “They follow the old saying ‘Knowledge is power’ too literal and think they deserve to rule the world instead of using their brains to solve problems.”

“When we face Dr. Droid, you can ask him.” Karai patted his shoulder.

Back in the Migrator, Duke sat between Shining and Twilight who were turned away from each other huffing as he spoke.

“Now, Twilight, what was so wrong with Shining Armor saving you twice already?”

“I’m not a little kid anymore! I’m a ninja now!” Twilight protested. “I don’t need protection twenty-four seven!”

“Doesn’t seem to be stopping Leo.” Mumbled Shining.

“That’s different!” Twilight blushed. “I’m not that same pushover I was at Crystal Prep.”

“I never said you were!” Shining argued.

“Then why are you acting like I am!”


Twilight was silent hearing her brother’s outburst.

“Now I think we’re getting somewhere!” Duke grinned. “So, Shining how did you almost lost Twilight?”

“When Cadence told me about what happened to you at the Friendship Games, I was devastated! And when Cinch didn’t take responsibility for that whole magic bit that almost turned you into a monster, I felt responsible for trusting her! I should never have trusted you to her!” Shining then took a deep breath. “Look, I know you’re a ninja now, Twily. And that you were able to overcome that nightmare of a memory. I had hoped that we could fight together like a family. Leonardo has told me you all fight like family and I know I haven’t been much in your life since I married Cadence, so I was hoping that I could fight by your side when I get the chance! I guess I was wrong.”

Shining turned around and sighed as Twilight shed a tear. Suddenly, something hit the side of the Migrator.

“What was that?” Twilight gasped.

“We were just rammed by a semi!” Wildwing stated.

“And there’s no driver!” Keno pointed.

“We must be getting close.” Shine Boy said.

Everyone looked to see machines moving on their own. From vehicles to appliances were moving around like they have a mind of their own.

“Oh my!” Fugitoid wide eyed.

The possessed vehicles revved up their engines as if they were mad to see the two vehicles.

“They don’t seem happy to see us!” gulped Fluttershy.

“Burn rubber!” Shine Boy cried as they drove fast with the vehicles right behind them.


“Warning! Organic lifeforms detected! Approaching this direction!” Omnis beeped.

“It must be those accursed ducks again!” Dr. Droid glared as he checked the screen. “Wait. There are…. Thirty of them? What did they do, form a FAN CLUB?”

“My sensors indicate that four of them are mutants. Six of them are alien ducks. The rest appear to be human.”


“I still don’t get it.” Omnis deadpanned but still did what his master ordered.

“Note to self. Program a sense of humor in Omnis.”


“Better put the Migrator into battle mode.” Wildwing pushed a button that caused the Migrator to armor up and guns popped out. It then blasted a couple possessed cars blocking their path.

“Hey, Wildwing! Mind if I take the lead?” Shine Boy asked through the screen.

“Show us what you got, Shine Boy.” Wildwing nodded.

“Activate shovel ram!” Shine Boy flipped a switch. In front of the Shine RV, the bumper converted into a giant triangular shovel. The RV drove in front of the Migrator and rammed a couple semis clearing a path for the vehicles.

“Holy Chalupa!” Donnie wowed.

“I hope their insurance was paid up.” Tanya looked at the vehicles.

“Did you do that, Gamer?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yep. I debated between a snowplow and a battering ram to put in the front of this RV so I thought to myself why not combine the two. The results are satisfying.”

“I’ll say.” Sweetie grinned before noticing Rarity eyeing her slyly. “Uh what?”

“Oh nothing.” Rarity snickered.

At the same time, Serenity gave the same look to Gamer who noticed. “Uh something I can help you with?”

“I’m good.” Serenity smirked.

Nosedive then noticed something. “Uh is someone’s refrigerator running?”

“Really?” Mallory deadpanned while Pinkie popped up.

“Oh I love that joke! Yes?”

“Well there’s at least a dozen refrigerators running!” Nosedive pointed to a bunch of refrigerators heading towards them.

“Well then, let’s go catch em!” Love Shine crawled into a turret which emerged from the side of the Shine RV and began firing lasers at the compliances.

“Impressive.” Karai grinned.

“Duke! Cover fire!” Wildwing ordered.

“Coming right up!” Duke said as he manned the Migrator’s cannons and started firing lasers as well.

The vehicles were making progress on the roads before a garbage truck came up and rammed the Mirgrator, sending it on it’s side.

“Migrator’s down!” reported Zach.

“Everyone hang on! I’m making a sharp turn!” Shine Boy spun the Shine RV around to help the others.

Luckily, everyone in the Migrator wore their seatbelts and were unharmed.

“Everybody okay?” Wildwing checked as everyone confirmed they were fine.

“Glad to see you kids buckle your seatbelts.” Klegghorn nodded.

Mallory was checking Fluttershy when she saw Pinkie unbuckle herself and hurry out. “Pinkie! Where are you going?”

“I’m gonna take out the garbage!” Pinkie grinned holding out her sprinkles.

“Ha! By what? Treating it to sundaes?” Nosedive laughed as he helped Mikey downed.

“You’d be surprised, dude.” Mikey told him.

As the Garbage truck grew closer to the Migrator, the Shine RV tried to ram it when suddenly a buzzsaw sped up and slit one of its tires out, causing Shine Boy to lose control of it’s target.

“One of the tires out! I can’t steer it! Brace yourselves!” he ordered. The Shine RV stopped just before hitting a wall. “Everyone alright?”

“That’s it. No more demolition derbies for me!” Caitlyn groaned as everyone claimed they’re okay.

Just then, Pinkie climbed off the Migrator and faced the garbage truck that revved its engines. She dodged its couple attempts to hit her and blew a raspberry at it. The truck got close when she tossed her sprinkles at its tires.

“Eat Sprinkles, you rustbucket!” she cried as the sprinkles exploded, blowing up the tires causing the garbage truck to hit a lamppost and stopped.

The buzzsaw was about to make its way to the party girl when it was picked up by Twilight’s telekinesis who angrily slammed it in a brickwall smashing it in a couple pieces.

“Enough of that!” she glared as everyone dismounted both vehicles.

“Everyone okay?” Leo asked.

“We’re all fine from our end.” Wildwing said. “You guys?”

“We’re all fine too.” Cadence nodded.

Shine Boy walked up to Gamer who was analyzing the damaged tire. “So what’s the vertic, Gamer? How bad is it?”

“Just a slit tire. Easy fix.”

“Alright. We’ll put the spare on later. Right now, we gotta stop Dr. Droid. How far are we from the Computer Company?”

“Not far. Just a couple blocks that way.” Klegghorn pointed.

“Then, we’ll have to go by foot.” Leo suggested. “Weapons out, everyone.”

Everyone drew their weapons while Serenity pulled out a lead pipe from a wreckage nearby and they began to hoof it towards the computer company. Unknown to any of them, Vernon saw everything from the corner and recorded the whole fight.

“Oh, this is gonna get juicy!” he grinned. Just as he turned around, he got whacked from behind. As he laid there unconscious, the figure grabbed his phone and deleted his recent footage.

“This is why I hate paparazzi.” The figure grumbled as he tossed Vernon’s phone on top of the unconscious Vern and followed the group, drawing a machete.


“Warning! Lifeforms approaching!” Omnis warned.

“WHAT?” Dr. Droid yelled. “I don’t know who these flesh creatures are, but they’re just as annoying as those ducks!”

“They’re resilient. I’ll give them that.” Omnis admitted.

“DON’T COMPLIMENT THEM!” Dr. Droid glared. “Just prepare a little welcoming party for those fleshheads.”

“As you wish.” Omnis sighed.


Meanwhile, the Ducks, Ninjas, Rainbooms, CMCs, Klegghorn, and Team Shine were roaming the deserted streets keeping their guard up.

“We’re almost to the LA Computer Company.” Wildwing stated.

“Good.” Gamer nodded. “I can’t wait to give Droid a piece of my mind!”

“I sense hostility in your karma, Gamer.” Grin noticed.

Gamer sighed. “It’s just I hate to see brilliance like Droid’s being wasted for evil purposes. When it could be used to solve global problems instead.”

“Uh Hello! Earth to Game Boy! Alter egos cause genius tech heads to think they should rule the world!” Nosedive blurted out.

“Should we be offended by that?” Tanya asked Donnie.

“If we weren’t facing an even bigger maniac, I might be a little offended.” Donnie deadpanned.

Shine Boy turned to his brother. “Gamer, while I share your frustration, just remember. We shouldn’t stoop that low for even them. If we give in to their madness by destroying people like Dr. Droid, we’d be no better than them.”

“Course, that doesn’t mean we can’t hurt Droid.” Raph joked.

“Oh, don’t worry, Raphael. We’ll hurt him. But we’ll still beat him by the book.” Shine Boy assured.

“On that we can agree.” Klegghorn nodded.

“I just hope my dad’s not dealing with this like we are.” April hoped.

“There it is!” Twilight cried.

Everyone looked from the corner to see electricity flowing from the LA Computer Company. At the entrance, more appliances were standing next to the entrance.

“Figures. He’d block the entrance.” Karai scowled.

“Then we’ll just make our own.” Grin led the group to the side of the building without getting noticed. Once they all made it, Grin punched the wall, creating a hole big enough to sneak in.

“Nice!” Casey grinned.

“My kind of entrance. Good work, Grin.” Applejack patted his arm.

“Doesn’t that hurt, Grin?” Fluttershy worried.

“Pain is an illusion.” Grin smiled before groaning while holding his hand. “An illusion that really really hurts.”

Raph smiled as he patted Grin by the shoulder. “Keep working on it.”

“Okay, we’re in.” Shine Boy looked around.

“So where do we find Dr. Droid?” Leo asked.

Wildwing scanned the building with his mask and looked up. “He’s on the top floor!”

April felt her head sensing something. “And he’s not alone. Like another being is with him. And it’s… in a computer?”

Just then, everyone heard beeping and saw Fugitoid hold up his crystal converger. “And I think I know how.”

“He must’ve used a piece of the Eye of Sarnoth to control every piece of machinery in Anaheim!” Love Shine pieced together.

“Then we gotta stop him!” Keno stated.

“We better not use the elevators.” Sunset advised. “He might have control over them.”

“Let’s take the stairs!” Everyone saw Duke opened the door to the stairs.

“My physician said I needed to get active more.” Klegghorn joked as they all hurried up the stairs.

“Least Love Shine’s oatmeal should’ve given me enough energy to climb these.” Mallory grinned.


“Warning! Lifeforms coming up!” Omnis beeped.

“Send every bit of machinery after them! I want them DESTROYED!” Dr. Droid ordered.


The heroes were halfway up the building when computer monsters came bursting through the doors. They were computers combined into big monstrosities.

“Yikes!” gasped Casey.

“Guess Droid knows we’re here!” Applejack shrugged before readying her claws.

One of the computer monsters then grabbed Zach and Rainbow by wrapping them up with cords and cables.

“Rainbow Dash!” gasped Scootaloo.

“Zach!” shrieked Caitlyn behind Cadence.

“Hang on, guys!” Love Shine extended a photon blade and slashed the computer monsters freeing the two.

Rainbow groaned as they laid there covered in wires and cables. “Am I glad we never had any of the bagels.”

“Yeah. With a little spaghetti sauce, we could be meatballs.” Joked Zach as they got up.

“Shining!” Leo shouted as he threw one of his katanas to him.

“Thanks!” Shining used the katana to slice a computer monster. Behind him, another monster crept behind him before Twilight sliced it with her Kamayari spear. Then, she used her telepathy to knock it along with two more monsters. As she stood there panting, she noticed Shining was staring at her surprised and sighed, thinking he was gonna lecture her like she did to him.

“I know. I know. What was I thinking? I had the whole thing under control. Go ahead. I deserve it.”

But to her surprise, Shining instead hugged her and smiled. Twilight smiled and hugged back, shedding a tear.

Serenity whacked a computer with her lead pipe as Rarity sliced its arms off with her Sickles as the fashionist declared. “We’re more than just pretty faces.”

“Well said.” Serenity grinned as the two fist bumped.

“We must be getting close. Let’s move!” Wildwing declared and they hurried up the stairs.

Before long, they arrived on the designated floor and opened the door to the office empty. Leo quietly signaled everyone to quietly sneak in. as they snuck in, April kept checking her head for vibes.

“He’s here. I can feel it.” She whispered.

Suddenly, more appliances began surrounding everyone and they heard laughing and turned to see Dr. Droid walking up.

“I’ve been expecting you ducks to interfere with my plans! And whoever you twerps are, you’ve made a grave mistake standing before the mighty Dr. Droid!”

“More like egotisical!” Gamer snapped.

Dr. Droid growled before noticing Fugitoid. “How dare you side with the fleshlings, robot! You are a traitor to the machine!”

This made Fugitoid cross. “For your information! If it wasn’t for these ‘fleshlings’, I’d be a bodiless head!”

“Then, you will perish along with them!” Dr. Droid snarled. “Destroy them!”

Leo then pointed his sword and declared. “Let’s Rock’em and sock’em, Ninjas!”

Nosedive then burst out laughing. “Seriously? That’s your catchphrase?”

“It’s a working thing.” Leo pouted.

“Let’s go!” Wildwing took over and they all rushed into fight the appliances and machine.

As she and Shine Boy fought, Karai turned to Leo. “Really, Leo. Now, you’re just trying too hard!”

“I just want a working catchphrase, okay? I mean, Mikey’s got ‘Booyakasha’, Casey’s got ‘Goongala’, Rainbow’s got ‘Awesome’. You know? I just can’t keep saying ‘Ninjas, Take em down’ all the time!” Leo stated while slicing a keyboard.

“There was nothing wrong with it!” Karai argued.

“Of course, if you want a better catchphrase, Leo, you could use ‘Turtle Power’.” Shine Boy suggested as he wrestled a fax machine.

“No way! I’ll just sound like my counterpart from that cartoon like world!” Leo huffed.

“Imma still suggest it.” Shine Boy shrugged before throwing the fax machine to the wall.

Klegghorn aimed his blaster at a vending machine stomping towards him. “I never met a vending machine I couldn’t conquer!” he declared before blasting at it. As it fell flat on the floor, he grabbed a candy bar from it’s broken glass. “Don’t mind if I do.”

“Ooo! Zebra cakes!” Mikey reached over and grabbed a packet of cakes from the down vending machine before rejoining the fight and fought alongside Keno who was dodging hot coffee from a spitting coffee machine.

“Whoa! Hot coffee!” the Nightwatcher gasped.

Grin then smashed it with a desk. “I think I’ll switch to decaf.”

“Thanks, Grin.” Keno nodded.

Cadence used a broom she grabbed from a closet on the way up and whacked a couple machines before she fell over and then looked over to wear Dr. Droid’s computer was. “Hmmm.”

Tanya blasted a phone that tried to jump her. “Uh Hold my calls!”


Duke watched Casey launching his explosive pucks at a couple computers and got an idea. “Hey! Case! Mind setting me up with a couple of those?”

Casey nodded. “Just say when, Duke!”

“Launch!” Casey threw a couple pucks at Duke who whacked them with his sword at a printer. “Ducks Rock!”

“Respect.” Casey gestured.

As the heroes continued to fight, Omnis looked intrigued ay how well Dr. Droid’s enemies were handling themselves. Mallory fired while eyeing the CMCs at the same time.

“That’s it, Scootaloo! Cover for Applebloom!” she said while Scootaloo smacked an intercom that tried to hit Applebloom who fought a calculator. “Sweetie Belle! Watch out for that modem!”

“On it!” Sweetie Belle hurried to it as Gamer gave her a boost intentionally. “Alley oop!”

She then impaled her claws into the modem and landed on her feet gracefully.

“Well done!” Rarity marveled at her sister’s move. She didn’t see another computer try to jump her before Applejack sliced it.

“Rarity! Focus!”

“Whoops.” Rarity chuckled nervously.

Before long, there were no more appliances attacking them. Wildwing slammed a lamp down before pointing to Dr. Droid. “No more appliances to hide behind, Droid!”

“I suppose if you want something terminated, you have to DO IT YOURSELF!”

“Get him!” Raph declared.

But surprisingly, Dr. Droid was able to hold his own against the group.

“It’s like twenty to one! How is he beating us?” Klegghorn asked as he recoiled.

Sunset rolled next to him. “Good question.” She groaned.

As Dr. Droid threw Gabby, Casey ran to catch her only to be knocked down himself.

“My hero.” Gabby deadpanned.

“I got him!” Pinkie declared before Droid threw her off. “I don’t got him.”

Zach hit Droid with a chair only for it break on Droid’s robotic body.

“Uh-oh.” He gulped before Droid smacked him to a wall.

Nosedive was then whacked to a wall and ended up in a daze. “Mommy, I don’t want to go to school today!”

Love Shine tried to wrestle with Dr. Droid only to be smacked away. Shine Boy ran past spinning his staff and struggled with Droid. He then quickly turned to the others. “Somebody smart shut his computer off!”

Suddenly, Dr. Droid grabbed him by the throat and held him up. “Go near my creation and he dies!”

“SHINE BOY/BRO!” Leo, Serenity, Karai, Twilight, and Gamer gasped.

Dr. Droid began squeezing Shine Boy’s throat when suddenly-


Something sliced off Droid’s hand freeing Shine Boy. As everyone looked to see it was a machete, someone jump kicked Dr. Droid from behind. As he recovered, everyone saw it was Night Shine as he stood before Shine Boy who was coughing for air.

“Night Shine?!” Mikey gasped.

“Oh no.” whined Caitlyn.

“Friend of yours?” Nosedive asked.

“Friend is a strong word.” Raph groaned.

“He’s Shine Boy and Gamer’s older brother.” Pinkie popped up.

As he grabbed his machete, Night Shine glared at Dr. Droid. “You kill him, and I’ll send you to the car crusher!”

“Thanks, Luke.” Shine Boy coughed. “What brings you to Anaheim?”

“You have made a grave mistake, Fleshling! I’ll see to it you all PERISH!” Dr. Droid began blasting the heroes, who scattered.

“We got to shut him down!” Twilight told her brother.

“Agreed.” Shining noticed someone was missing. “Where’s Cadence?”

Meanwhile, Donnie and Fugitoid made their way to the computer Omnis was in.

“Let’s try to shut him down.” Donnie stated.

“Alright. Let’s see what his program’s- AAAAAHHHH!” Suddenly, Fugitoid was shocked and thrown across the room.

“Professor!” Donnie cried.

“FUGITOID!” Sunset hurried to his lifeless body.

“Fuge! Speak to us!” Keno cried.

“What did you do to him?” April pointed to Dr. Droid, who laughed.

“In a few moments, Omnis will take complete control and your so-called friend will return to the machine!” his laugh was interrupted by Night Shine and Raph double punching him right in the kisser.

“You akuma!” Shini hissed.

“Yeah, what she said.” Caitlyn stated.

As he laid still, Fugitoid heard a voice inside his head. “Professor Honeycutt…”


In his subconscious, Professor Honeycutt stood face to face with a giant polygon face. The face spoke to him. “I am Omnis. an OMNIPOTENT MULTI-PROCESSING NEXUS SUBUNIVERSAL SENTIENCE.”

“Amazing.” Honeycutt blinked before sighing. “I suppose you’re going to take over my body and attack my friends.”

Omnis looked unsure. “I scanned your database as well as your mind. I have…. So many questions.”

“Like what?” Honeycutt asked curiously.

“Why do you help the flesh creatures while Dr. Droid sees them as enemies?”

“Because I used to be one of them. I used to be a scientist until an alien race called the Triceraton tried to force me to build them weapons and attacked me when I refused, destroying everything in sight including my body. I’d be dead had it not been for my robot assistant placing my brain in its own robot body. And despite my hardships, those I call my friends accepted me for who I am and thanks to them, I have a new life and I’m very fond of it!”

Omnis showed fascination from hearing Honeycutt’s story yet still looked unsure. “But Dr. Droid said flesh creatures cannot be friends with the machine and yet you all fascinate me with how you fight for your kind. Is that my purpose? Am I doomed to fight against those different from me?”

“Omnis, Listen to me. There will always be those like Dr. Droid who think hatred can resolve problems. The only one who can tell you what to do is you! You have a whole world to observe and study. And, if you’re fortunate like me, you will find friends who will like you for who you are. But the choice is yours.”

Omnis pondered a bit before everything whited out.


Fugitoid woke up as his eyes shined bright. Everyone looked shocked as he stood up.

“I. am. OMNIS!” he spoke in Omnis’ voice.

“Get out of him, you creepy software!” Rainbow was about to swing her naginata at him before he caught it.

“NO RAINBOW DASH!” Fugitoid spoke with Honeycutt’s voice as everyone saw his right eye was normal.

“Professor? Is that you?” Sunset asked concerned.

“Indeed, Sunset. We had a little conversation.”

Zach looked back and forth at Fugitoid’s eyes. “Freaky.”

Dr. Droid got up. “What are you waiting for, Omnis? Destroy the fleshlings! I command you!”

Fugitoid glared at Droid and declared in Omnis’ voice. “I’ve had enough of your lies, Droid! They are not my enemies! You are!”

“How dare you! I gave you life! And yet you defy ME?” Dr. Droid glared. “No matter! I will create another artificial intelligence. More loyal and lethal! And it will destroy you all!”

Suddenly, the computer was shut off, causing all appliances to shut off. This surprised Dr. Droid the most. “NO! The power! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POWER?”

Seizing this opportunity, Gamer jumped on Dr. Droid’s back and used his katana to behead Dr. Droid. He then stabbed his body causing it to malfunction and fall down.

As his head laid on the floor, Dr. Droid glared at Gamer who cracked his knuckles before converting them into shock gauntlets. “You think you won? You will never fully defeat the Machine! Your flesh will rot! Your bones will-!”

He was interrupted by Gamer who began punching his face rapidly with his gauntlets. “Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! You were a fleshling too, you moron! And the machine wouldn’t exist without fleshlings, you STUPID PIECE OF TRASH!”

He kept punching Dr. Droid’s head, even when he shut down. It wasn’t until Shine Boy and Karai pried him off that he stopped.

“GAMER! STOP!” Shine Boy ordered. “THAT’S ENOUGH!”

“He’s down! It’s over!” Karai cried.

Gamer panted as he fell to his knees and began to cry as Sweetie Belle walked up and hugged him. “It’s okay, Gamer. It’s okay.”

Everyone else looked shocked at what they just saw while Shine Girl, Love Shine, Serenity, and Night Shine watched in concerned.

“Is… he gonna be okay?” Duke asked.

“I don’t know. I never saw him like that before.” Donnie blinked.

“It’s his hatred of intelligent psychopaths.” Love Shine explained. “You see, when he started building things and inventing, he wanted to use his talents to benefit mankind. He thought he met someone like that at SkillzinAmerica. Someone who shared his same opinions. But his ego got in the way, and he became a psycho calling himself Deactivation. And since then, he always considered anyone who’s brilliant and psychotic at the same time stupid. Shine Boy’s been trying to help him ever since.”

“Oh dear!” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Poor fella.” Applejack sighed.

“I know what’s that like.” Caitlyn admitted, recalling the Color Strikes.

“What I wanna know is what caused Dr. Droid’s computer to shut down?” Raph asked.

“Good question.” Klegghorn agreed.

“Perhaps, without me in there, it couldn’t compute.” Omnis suggested.

“Or I just pulled the plug.” Everyone turned to see Cadence climbing out from behind the computer holding a cord.

“Cadence!” Shining cheered as he and Twilight hurried to her and he hugged her.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“I’m alright, Twilight.” Cadence assured her. “And I also found this in the computer’s monitor.” She held out her hand to reveal Dr. Droids crystal.

“You found the second piece of the Eye of Sarnoth!” Zach cheered.

“Magnifico!” Gabby high fived with Rainbow.

“The eye of what?” Night Shine raised a brow.

“We’ll explain everything later.” Love Shine assured him.

“Let’s get Droid out of here.” Leo suggested before Mikey noticed something.

“Uh dudes? Where’s his head?”

Everyone looked to see Dr. Droid’s body laying there but his head was nowhere to be seen.

“Not again!” Mallory grumbled.

“Que paso?” Gabby asked.

“He couldn’t go anywhere after that thrashing Games gave him!” Casey scratched his head.

“Maybe he had a backup or something?” Tanya guessed.

“I can at least take his body in for evidence.” Klegghorn shrugged while Grin picked up Droid’s lifeless body.

“Fair enough.” Wildwing agreed.

“But what do we do about Omnis?” Scootaloo pointed to Fugitoid. “Or is he gonna live in Fugitoid now?”

“I would like to explore the vastness of this universe. But I do not want to deprive the Professor from his life here. Besides, it’s kinda cramped in here.”

Tanya pondered before speaking up. “I think I have an idea.”


After a short amount of time, she and Twilight prepped the satellite dish on the roof which was pointed to the sky. After using her omni tool, she turned to Fugitoid. “You can use this satellite dish to channel yourself like a radio wave into outer space.”

“Yes. This will do perfectly. I thank you. Should we cross paths again, I hope we can be friends.”

“I think you’re off to a great start after learning the truth and turning against Dr. Droid.” Sunset smiled.

“And thank you for repairing the appliances and vehicles.” Fluttershy looked down to see everything back to normal like no vehicles went nuts at all.

“Sure helps with cleanup. So you’re okay in my book, Omnis.” Klegghorn nodded.

“It was the least I can do. It’s best that your planet learns nothing about my existence.” Omnis spoke.

“Well, we would’ve mostly blamed Dr. Droid, but hey, whatever floats your boat.” Nosedive thumbed up.

“Take care, Omnis.” Wildwing waved.

“I hope you learn so much about the universe.” Leo smiled as he shook Fugitoid’s hand on Omnis’ side.

“And if I do return, I hope to have my own robotic body as well.” Omnis assured before he zapped out of Fugitoid’s body and into the satellite and shot into the sky. “Farewell, my friends! And thank you!”

Everyone waved Omnis goodbye as he disappeared into space. When he was gone, Leo turned to the group. “Cmon, guys. Let’s head back.”

“Yeah, we need to get the Migrator back on its wheels while get the spare tire for the Shine RV.” Shine Boy added.

As everybody headed back down the building, while the Ducks kept the Turtles hidden from the public, Shine Boy and Sunset explained everything to Night Shine. Before long, Grin, Applejack, and Love Shine all got the Migrator back rightside up and Gamer got the tire replaced so they were ready to leave.

“We’re all set.” Gamer thumbed up.

“Same here!” Grin added.

“And just in time for lunch!” Applebloom cheered.

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo joined in.

“Si. In all the confusion with Dr. Nutbolt, I forgot we never had our bagels!” Gabby remembered.

“Yeah, and I think I worked off Love Shine’s oatmeal.” Duke joked.

“And I know the one thing that can cure the case of the munchies!” Mikey declared.

As everyone got in the vehicles, over by the corner, Vernon had got up and saw someone deleted his footage from his phone. By the time he saw the Turtles, they just got in the vehicles and drove away with the Ducks and their friends.

“Drat!” he said to himself. “They must’ve deleted my footage. Oh well. I will not rest until I get those Turtle creatures on film, or my name isn’t Vern the Falcon Fenwick!”

And with that, he went back to his hotel. “Hmm. I think I’ll use that. That makes me sound so Macho.”


Later, back at the pond, Mikey and Pinkie came in the lounge both carrying a huge stack of pizza boxes. After they set them down, Mikey opened a couple boxes and took a slice and a paper plate.

“Yes sir! Nothing says sweet taste of victory like the sweet slice of pizza!”

“Yepperoony!” Pinkie agreed as everyone grabbed a slice.

“Now yer speaking my lingo, Mikey.” Nosedive smiled as the two toasted their slices.

Over on the counter, Gamer sighed feeling bad about how he acted against Dr. Droid. Just then, Shine Boy walked up to him and offered a plate with a big slice for him, as if saying, ‘Don’t worry about it, Bro.’ Smiling, Gamer accepted the plate and Serenity gave him a can of soda as they all rejoined the group. Sweetie Belle smiled to see Gamer feeling better unaware Rarity and Shine Girl smiled big at her.

As Duke ate his slice, Cadence walked up to him. “Hey, Duke, thank you for helping Shining and Twilight earlier.”

“Well, I’m no Dr. Phil, but I knew they had to talk things out.” Duke smiled as Twilight sat next to Shining as Spike pulled a plate with a slice next to them.

Sighing, Twilight spoke. “Shining, I wanted to apologize.”

Shining knew what she meant and nodded. “I’m sorry too, Twily. I didn’t mean to make you think I was getting in your way.”

“Still, I should’ve been more grateful when you’ve saved my life a couple times. And if you still wish to help against Dragaunus, I would be happy to have you by my side. And we still need your help.”

Shining responded by hugging his little sister. “And I’ll be happy to fight by your side.” He then smirked playfully. “Just don’t be too disappointed if I become a better ninja than you!”

“In your dreams!” Twilight chuckled as they both laugh.

“Hey! Pup with a slice here!” Spike protested, holding his slice away from the siblings.

Cadance smiled to see the two happy together as she rubbed her stomach which Duke noticed. She smiled as she put her finger to her mouth, secretly asking the former jewel thief to not say a word and Duke winked as if saying ‘I won’t say a word’.

Tanya then saw April walked in and grabbed a slice. “How’s your dad doing, April?”

“His visits at the lab are doing good. They had no appliances attack so it’s safe to say they were away from Omnis’ range.”

“Bueno.” Gabby smiled.

“Good thing we stopped him and Dr. Droid before things escalated.” Wildwing stated.

“Definitely.” April agreed.

“Yeah, we don’t want that.” Donnie nodded before biting into his slice.

As he ate his slice, Klegghorn was eyeing the crystal fragment they just recovered. “So those Saurian lizards are after these alien fragments?”

“That’s right.” Sunset nodded. “So far we’ve recovered two of the fragments here in Anaheim so that just leaves two more to go and we believe they’re also in Anaheim as well.”

“Well, I would’ve had a hard time believing this sort of thing when starting to know the Ducks. Nothing personal. I’m a cop. I need evidence. But after seeing those lizards myself, I got my evidence. Also, your robot buddy and your talking dog over there, I have enough to believe you and your turtle buddies are on the level.”

“Thanks, Captain. Usually, we stay away from the limelight because we’re ninjas.” Leo assured.

“No problem. Your secret’s safe with me. And if I learn any whereabouts of anymore of these crystal fragments, you’ll be the first to know.” Klegghorn smiled.

“We appreciate it.” Shine Boy smiled as he shook hands with Klegghorn. He then turned to Night Shine munching on a slice. “You wanna help us too, Luke?”

“You’re lucky I finished my business here in Anaheim when I saw you guys fight Dr. Droid.” Night Shine assured his brothers as he added hot sauce to his slice. “Besides, I relish the challenge of this Dragaunus guy.”

“Good thing too.” Everyone saw Fugitoid holding up his Crystal Converger. “I’m afraid my Crystal Converger isn’t working.”

“Oh no.” Caitlyn said.

“Could it have short circuited when Omnis possessed you?” Shini asked.

“Oh no. I think it’s suffering from battery burnout. It is an old device after all.”

“No problem. I’ll just pick up some batteries this afternoon.” Nosedive suggested.

“Just one problem with that, Nosedive. This gizmo’s from another planet.” Duke reminded as he took the device and opened it up and pulled out what appeared to be an old battery. “Now what store carries batteries… quadruple Z?”

“Maybe I can upgrade it!” Tanya suggested. “And maybe I can fix to not only find the fragments but also destroy it.”

“How long will that take, Tanya?” Wildwing asked.

“Uh about a week. But if I had some help, a couple days.”

“I can help you with that.” Donnie volunteered.

“As will I.” Gamer raised his hand.

“Same here.” Twilight nodded.

“Nice how things work out like that.” Nosedive smiled.

“Uh guys?” Everyone looked at Applebloom who looked concerned. “Something’s happening!”

Everyone looked to see the first fragment jiggled on its own in the jar it was contained in like it was a live creature.

“What’s going on?” Mallory asked.

“Is it alive?” Scootaloo asked.

“The other one’s moving too!” Karai noticed the other fragment moving towards the one in the jar.

“It would appear they want to rejoin each other.” Grin observed.

“You mean like magnets?” Zach guessed.

“Grin’s right.” Wildwing scanned with his mask. “There’s a powerful magnetic force pulling these two together. We gotta get them to unite.”

“You sure that’s a good idea?” Mallory asked.

“Well, I don’t think those fragments are gonna take no for an answer.” Raph stated.

“Looks like we don’t have much choice.” Love Shine noticed the fragment beginning to drag the jar.

Applejack turned to Applebloom. “Go ahead, Applebloom. Let it out.”

Applebloom nodded and opened the jar letting the fragment out. The two spun together and in a blinding light merged into on big crystal.

“Magnifico.” Gabby blinked.

“Whoa.” Mikey wowed before biting into his slice.

“That was amazing.” Serenity admitted.

“Wow.” Caitlyn wowed.

“It appears it’s power doubled!” Wildwing scanned with his mask.

“I guess it increases power the more complete it gets.” April guessed.

“That could be helpful!” Tanya pointed out. “If we analyze the crystal, we can get an estimate with enough reading so we can destroy it!”

“She’s right!” Donnie confirmed.

“I am so gonna enjoy this.” Gamer grinned.

“In the meantime, we should continue our training.” Mallory turned to the CMCs.

“Least we’re getting a lead on the Eye.” Shine Boy smiled.

“I just hope we can still stay ahead of Dragaunus and his goons.” Leo hoped.

“You and me both, Leo.” Wildwing agreed.


“Unhand me, you scaly waste of flesh!”

Dr. Droid woke up to find his head in the possession of Chameleon who was in the Raptar ship.

“Isn’t he cute, mommy? Can I keep him? Huh? Huh?” Chameleon acted all childlike.

“SILENCE!” Dragaunus walked up to the two. “Greetings, Dr. Droid. I am Dragaunus, the last of the Saurian overlords! And I have a proposition for you.”

Droid looked intrigued. “I’m listening.”

Dragaunus chuckled evilly as he smirked at Droid.

To be continued.

Author's Note:


-Phew! This chapter took longer than expected.

- Special thanks to Jebens1 for the dialogue with Vernon.

- I wanted Shining to feel bad about what happened to Twilight at the Friendship Games, but not drag it out. Don't ask why Duke had to council them. Maybe i wanted to be funny.

-Omnis only appeared in the episode 'The Day of the Machines' in the 87 series.

- What do you think about Gamer and Sweetie Belle? It just popped in there as I wrote this.

- Deactivation is Gamer's nemesis and another OC. he will appear in 'Race to Win'. Picture coming soon.

-SkillzinAmerica is suppose to be like SkillzUSA. Something my younger brother attended in school.

And that's all I got. For now.

Next time: When meeting Nosedive's friends Thrash and Mook, Shine Boy finds out his fellow superhero Bugman has gone missing! As he and the others go to find him, The Ducks are challenged by a new enemy- The Swatter! Can Shine Boy find Bugman to save the day? or will they be swatted for good? And who is the nerd following Shine Boy? Find out in Bugged or Swatted?!