• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 1,960 Views, 425 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

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Shark Attack!

In the stormy night of the alley of Anaheim, a portal opened up to which that is not related to kraang, but a blue/yellow magical ring. A person stepped out of the portal and he’s around age of 16. He wears a white shirt with a purple hoodie, blue jeans, and a gray shoes. He pulled the hoodie to cover his head from the rain. Before he could go any further, he was stopped by some voices who are not friendly.

“Well what do we have there. An adolescent who just happen to be here in this neighborhood.”

The figure said nothing while they are approaching him.

“So are ya gonna hand over the money or are gonna have to beat you up like a piñata?”

“I’m not gonna give you money even if I have it. So I suggest you walk away and leave before I have to hurt you.”

But they decide to do that. “Since you’re obviously new to the street, I don’t think you realize who you’re dealing with.”

The leader said as one thug pulled the gun out and pointed it to his head. He grabbed their wrist and punched his face multiple times back and forth before twisting his arm to break the bones. He pinned the thug to the ground and punched him three times to knock him out. He looked up and stared menacingly at the thugs who are surprised by his action.

“Last. Chance.” He said in a threatening tone.

Then the leader shook off and ordered his boys to attack. “Don’t just stand here! Tear him apart!”

Soon, the alley was sounded by screams and hits before it became silent. All the thugs were laying unconscious. The person however, was still standing. He started to approach the leader with his eyes glowing blue in an angered tone with a magical trail coming out of his eyes and grab his vest to lift him up to stare at his face.

“Wha-… what are you?” He asked in a shivering tone.

The person just knocked the leader out with his elbow strike and put him down. He turned to the new recruit who is completely stunned and scared by him. The teenage was getting ready for him to make a move, but the recruit just dropped the pipe and decides not to attack him. He relaxes himself and pulls out a small object to press the button before tossing it to the ground and form a motorcycle. He gets on and turn his heads to the recruit and speaks to him. “Word of advice: choose a better life than having to join a bunch of thugs. Otherwise you’ll end up like them.” He said as he pointed out to the thugs who are wounded. “Consider this as a warning.” He drove off and the recruit ran away from the downed thugs.

He unknowingly drove by a laboratory where inside there was a giant creature in a green giant cylinder containment as a human hand touched it with a sinister chuckle.


The next morning, at the Pond, everyone sat down to breakfast after getting their morning training and practice in. Mr. O’Neil didn’t have to go to the labs, so he was able to join in. as they ate their breakfast, Twilight was reading the news on her tablet she brought in case there was a lead to the last crystal fragment.

“So, Twilight? Anything interesting on the news?” Sunset asked before drinking her coffee.

“Nothing yet. At least anything that could lead us to the final fragment.”

“Well, don’t forget to drink your coffee before it cools off.” Shining teased.

Kirby looked over to the incompleted Eye of Sarnoth. “I’m more amazed you all managed to get three of the fragments already.”

“Well, Dad, it was a group effort.” April admitted.

“But no doubt Dragaunus and his cronies are gonna upend their game to get that last fragment.” Raph pointed out as he munched on his bagel.

“Raph’s right. We can’t faulter now.” Leo stated.

“Yeah, we can’t make the same mistake like the Black Hole Generator.” Rainbow recalled, remembering how they lost two pieces to the Triceratons.

Gamer mumbled before drinking his apple juice to swallow his bite. “Once we finish breakfast, we’ll help Fugitoid finish up the new Crystal Converger.”

“We will, Gamer, but first let’s finish breakfast.” Tanya patted his shoulder.

“We got lucky with getting the third fragment without it.” Wildwing mentioned.

“No problem, Bro!” Nosedive chimed. “The old Duck Luck has never let us down!”

“Heck to the yeah, Bra!” Mikey cheered as the two high fived.

After drinking his coffee, Grin spoke up. “In the words of my master Tai Quack do,” He suddenly shouted grumpily. “Don’t get cocky! It’s how you’ll easily slip up!” he then drank his coffee again.

“Yeah, I’d heed Grin’s advice.” Love Shine shrugged.

Fugitoid walked up with a filled coffee pitcher. “Anyone want anymore coffee?”

“Yo!” Night Shine held up his cup so Fugitoid could pour in it.

“I’ll take another cup.” Duke accepted another cup.

Twilight then widened her eyes. “Guys! Listen to this!” she read the article on her tablet. “Professor and Sons Missing!”

“Boring!” Casey yawned before Gabby nudged him so Twilight could continue.

“University professor Dr. Robert Bolton and his four sons have vanished last night. While it is unknown for the whereabouts of his four sons, John, Clint, Coop, and Robert junior, Dr. Bolton was last seen working with his partner Dr. Luthor Paradigm. Paradigm has denied any leads to Bolton let alone his sons.”

Kirby’s eyes widened as he heard Twilight’s article. “Robert Bolton?”

“Someone you know, Mr. O’Neil?” Sunset asked.

“Robert and I were classmates in my college years. You might’ve been too young to remember, April, but we saw Robert and his sons at a reunion years ago.”

“You know, I kinda remember playing with four boys years before we met you guys.” April pondered.

“Would you happen to know Paradigm as well?” Gamer asked.

“Fraid not.” Kirby shook his head. “I have only heard some of my colleagues at the lab questioning his reputation as a humanitarian. Some of his experiments and theories were kind of… questionable.”

“Kinda sounds like when we met Rockwell after what Falco did to him.” Donnie said. “When we met our friend Dr. Rockwell, we heard he disappeared, so we went to get answers from his partner Dr. Falco. Only to find out Falco was the one who mutated him to unlocked psychic abilities.”

“And he later became The Rat King.” Mikey added.

Rarity shuddered. “So glad we never met him.”

“Think Paradigm might be hiding something about the Boltons?” Duke pondered.

“I say we pay Paradigm a visit and see if we can find Bolton and his sons.” Wildwing stated.

“Are we sure we shouldn’t focus on finding his sons?” Twilight asked.

“If we find Dr. Bolton, we might find his sons.” Cadence suggested.

“Yeah, and for all we know, Dragaunus might have them!” Tanya gasped.

“And it might lead us to the final fragment.” Nosedive chimed in.

Shine Boy stood up. “Besides, if we can be able to check on Bugman, we can look for Dr. Bolton.”

“They got a point, Twilight.” Leo shrugged as he helped Twilight up.

“I guess I wasn’t thinking straight. Alright, let’s go see Dr. Paradigm!” Twilight smiled.

“We’ll take the Migrator!” Wildwing spoke up.

“We’ll follow in the Shine RV!” Shine Boy added.

“Let’s go!” Leo stated as they hurried out, but not before Zach hurried back and finished his bagel before hurrying with the others.


Soon the Migrator and Shine RV drove up near a laboratory building in Anaheim.

“This is the lab where Dr. Paradigm is working.” Tanya pointed as everyone got out of their vehicles.

“You guys sure you want to go in without turning on your cloaks?” Shine Girl asked the Turtles.

“Even if Paradigm is in there, we can stick to the shadows and maybe find a clue about Dr. Bolton and his sons.” Leo assured.

“Fair enough.” Wildwing nodded.

“You sure you wanna stay in the Migrator, Mr. O’Neil?” Duke asked April’s dad who was still in the Migrator.

“I’m not really much of a fighter should things go south. And I don’t want another repeat of the Kraang.”

“We’ll bring Dr. Bolton if we find him.” Shining promised.

“And if you see anything suspicious or anything, press the yellow button and we’ll be notified.” Mallory instructed.

“Certainly, Mallory.” Kirby promised.

As the heroes were about to enter, a police car drove up. As everyone made sure the Turtles were unseen, much to their relief, merging from the car was Captain Klegghorn.

“Captain Klegghorn?” asked Caitlyn.

“I take it you guys are here about the missing Boltons?” Klegghorn asked before biting into his donut.

“Great minds think alike.” Pinkie squeaked.

“I came here to see if I can get some answers from Dr. Paradigm if he was here.” Klegghorn explained.

“Dr. Bolton is a friend of my dad’s and we want to make sure he’s okay.” April told as Gamer picked the lot.

As they crept in the hallways, Donnie was awing what he saw. “Wow. I always wondered what it was like to be in a labs building.”

“Focus, Donnie.” Leo warned as Serenity checked the wall map.

“According to this, Paradigm’s lab is in room 22 down that hallway.”

“Alright, everyone, move quietly.” Wildwing whispered.

Everyone crept quietly looking around as they made their way to the assigned lab. They were unaware of a giant shadow not far behind.

“This place looks creepy.” Applebloom gulped.

“Feels creepy.” Scootaloo muttered.

“I wonder if the lab Buzz works in is this creepy?” whispered Sweetie Belle.

“I think he said they were more boring. Too bad he couldn’t join us today.” Gamer recalled.

Shine Boy had his small handheld, the Life Meter, and scanned around the hallway. “So far, it’s quiet.”

“I’m getting a bad vibe around here.” Grin looked around.

“I agree. Something feels… ominous.” April felt her head.

“Ominous?” Mikey raised a brow.

Pinkie popped up next to him. “You know, threatening, sinister, menacing, bleak, foreboding?”

“What'd you do, Pinks? Swallow a dictionary?” Night Shine remarked.

“Over here.” Everyone saw Karai standing near a door that led to a lab. Nosedive noticed it had a digital combination lock.

“Man! Whatever happened to good old-fashioned padlocks?”

“I got this.” Gamer pulled out a gizmo that showed a hologram screen that randomly pulled up the combination before the door unlocked.

The group snuck in and looked around the lab. Spike went around to sniff the place everyone searched high and low.

“I guess we missed him.” Casey shrugged.

“Probably trying to cop out of asking questions.” Klegghorn sneered.

“No sign of Dr. Bolton or his sons, anywhere.” Mallory sighed as Caitlyn took photos of some notes lying around.

Spike sniffed a little on the floor. “Something smells… fishy.”

“You think?” Raph rolled his eyes.

“No, seriously! I’m smelling fish!”

“Maybe he had sushi for lunch?” Duke suggested.

“Uh, guys? You might want to look at this.” Everyone hurried to where Keno was and saw a familiar green puddle.

“Is that…?” Tanya began to ask.

“Mutagen? Yep.” Donnie confirmed as he used a syringe to put the substance in a vile.

“So that’s the stuff that made you who you are?” Klegghorn asked.

“Yeah. Better not touch it. It’ll mutate you into a mutant of whatever organism you just touched.” Shine Boy warned.

“Then it’s safe to say I can arrest Paradigm for using dangerous chemicals.”

Suddenly, everyone began to hear beeping. They turned to see Shine Boy look at his life meter which was beeping like crazy.

“I’m picking up four lifeforms in this lab! Someone is here with us!”

“And I think I know who!” Everyone looked as Wildwing pulled a tarp and gasped. There were four giant containment cylinders. Inside of them were what appeared to be humanoid shark creatures, each one resembling a different species of sharks.

“What the hay!” Klegghorn cried.

“By Darwin’s beard!” Donnie wide eyed.

“Goodness!” gasped Cadence.

“What the heck are they?” Karai blinked as Twilight adjusted her glasses.

“They look like…. Humanoid shark creatures.”

Love Shine looked at each shark creature inside. “A whale shark. A hammerhead. Tiger shark. And I think that’s a great white.”

“Whoa!” the CMCs awed.

“Are they… dead?” Fluttershy feared.

“I don’t think so.” Shini saw a screen on one of the cylinders. “It looks like they’re stable.”

Serenity looked at the screen and read the subject’s name. “John…. Bolton?”

Sunset checked the other sharks’ tank. “Clint Bolton. Bobbie Bolton. And Cooper Bolton.”

“It’s all four of the missing brothers!” cheered Mikey.

“Yay!” Pinkie jumped.

“But no Robert Bolton.” Shine Boy added.

“Oh yeah.” Sweated Mikey.

“boo.” Pinkie pouted.

Wildwing scanned the lab. “It appears some sort of slime was mopped up. Like slug slime.”

“How much you wanna bet Paradigm mutated him too?” Night Shine asked rhetorically.

“Did I hear someone mention me?” chimed a new voice. Everyone quickly turned around to see a bald man with a metal eyepatch wearing a yellow and black exosuit. He was joined by a huge humanoid lobster and a humanoid green squid whose tentacles formed arms and legs. “And that’s DR. Paradigm to you!”

“What have you done with Dr. Bolton and his sons?” Twilight demanded.

“Done to them? My dear, I’ve merely perfected them.” Dr. Paradigm smirked. “That fool, Dr. Bolton, had everything to perfect DNA splicing, the perfect way to perfect genes…. Only to turn me down on experimenting! The good doctor tried to stop me. ME! HIS OWN MENTOR! I was just perfecting the formula with this!” he held up a familiar canister.

“Mutagen!” The Ninjas and Rainbooms gasped.

“I had recently collected a couple canisters of this after having to outbid someone by the name of Baxter Stockman for it. You see, I was in New York when the aliens known as The Kraang conquered it and mutated everyone while I hid in my private bunker. And no doubt you Turtles are the result of its mutant enhancements!”

“The lady asked you a question, cueball!” Raph interrupted.

“I WAS GETTING TO THAT!” Paradigm then mumbled. “Teenagers. You try to explain everything and they get impatient. Dr. Bolton was unfortunate to be near my new enhanced mutagen as the container was broken. I’m afraid he won’t win any beauty contests anytime soon. But before I could contain him, he managed to escape. But his sons came looking for him and I couldn’t waste a better opportunity.”

“So you kidnapped them and mutated them!” Applejack glared.

“Precisely!” Dr. Paradigm chuckled. “And once I reprogram them, they will serve me like these two!” he gestured the lobster and squid. “And I could have use for you Turtles as well as your friends here.”

“Not happening, Paradigm!” Leo stated as Klegghorn walked up.

“So I can add kidnapping, illegal experimenting, dealing with hazardous chemicals, and attempted murder to your warranty for your arrest! Care to add anything to that, Doctor?”

“I’m afraid I will not comply, Officer.” Paradigm then turned to the lobster and squid. “Get them!”

The two growled before stomping towards the group as they draw their weapons.

“Let’s rock, Ducks!” Wildwing cried.

“Let’s shine!” Shine Boy added.

Leo pointed his sword. “Let’s bring home the seafood special, Guys!”

Everyone deadpanned him as Mikey groaned. “Now I’m hungry.”

“Oh come on, you guys!” Leo griped.

“It was…. Mild.” Karai shrugged.

“It’s no ‘Turtle Power’.” Shine Boy mumbled.

“I’M NOT SAYING TURTLE POWER!” Leo yelled. “J-Just go!”

Everyone charged at the two and to their surprise the two were more than a match for the group. The lobster was batting everyone away with his giant claws before wrestling with Grin.

“Why do the bad ones always overwhelm us?” Sunset groaned.

“Just lucky I guess.” Raph held his side.

The lobster drooled as he growled to Grin. “I’m gonna pluck you dry, Duck!”

“Say it. Don’t spray it!” Grin threw the lobster over his shoulder and into a computer. The lobster got up growling some more.

Mallory fired her bazooka at the lobster only he caught the puck and crushed it with his claw.

“I tell ya, Slobster is very strong!” Mikey pointed out.

“Slobster?” everyone asked.

“Well, he’s a lobster and he’s trying to slay us, so….”

“We get it.” Deadpanned Grin.

Paradigm overheard. “Slobster? What a wonderful name!”

Nosedive fired at the squid who dodged and then fired some kind of darts at him. Luckily, Duke sliced them in half with his sword and saw they had a purple substance oozing from them.

“Those things are poisonous! Don’t let em hit ya!” he warned.

“Ya think?” Nosedive glared.

After the squid threw Casey who tried to sneak attack him, Mikey jumped on a monitor and looked at him as Gabby recoiled.

“Man! And Killamari is no pushover either!” he pointed.

“Killamari?” Rarity asked.

“That’s actually fitting.” Gamer figured.

“Yeah cause he’s a squid and kalamari comes from squid and he’s trying to kill-.”

“Lo conseguimos!” Gabby rolled her eyes.

Dr. Paradigm looked intrigued. “Killamari? That is very good. I think I’ll keep you around, Turtle, as I dissect your brethren.”

“My what?” Mikey blinked.

“He means us, Mikey!” Donnie called as he dodged a swing from Slobster.

“You will never digest my bros, Paradigm!” Mikey declared.

Dr. Paradigm double took what he just heard. “Hmm. I might reconsider.”

Leo, Shine Boy, Karai, Twilight, Night Shine, and April stood ready to fight Paradigm as Shine Boy spoke. “Let’s see how you are without your creations to hide behind, Paradigm!”

“My battle suit will make me more than a match for you, the legendary Shine Boy, and your measly friends!” Paradigm boasted as everyone charged at him and he swatted them away like flies. He then grabbed Karai, who responded by morphing into her serpent form. “What in the-?” Before he could react, Karai wrapped her tail on him and began to squeeze him before Paradigm blasted her with a laser, sending her flying as she reverted to human as Serenity grabbed her.

“Karai! Are you okay?” she asked as Karai shook her head.

“Yeah, I think he just had it on stun.”

“I think I’m going to enjoy dissecting you.” Dr. Paradigm began to stomp towards the girls before Night Shine grabbed him from behind the neck.

“Hope you want a matching pair of eyes, Doc!” he grunted before Paradigm threw him off his shoulder and he hit one of the cylinders. “Ow!”

As he rejoined the fight, he was unaware that his landing broke a panel on a cylinder, causing it to malfunction as the great white shark in the tube began to stir inside.

April fought Paradigm next as she swung her tanto at him only for Dr. Paradigm to grab her and got a closer look at her.

“It can’t be! You’re Kirby O’Neil’s daughter, April!”

“And what if I am?” Grunted April. “You gonna go after my dad next like you did to Bolton?”

“Hmm. Maybe. After I deal with you and your unique friends!” Paradigm laughed when suddenly he was pushed back by a psychic blast fired by April. “Telekinesis? I must study their capabilities!”

“Not gonna happen, Para-AUGH!” April clenched her head and fell to her knees as Leo and Shine Boy hurried towards Paradigm and fought him.

What April was sensing was the great white shark struggling aggressively to break free. She touched her forehead as she tried to communicate with the creature.

“Please! We’re trying to help you.” she tried to tell him.

“Paradigm! Paradigm!” the shark gurgled as he continued to struggle.

Despite putting up a good fight, It wasn’t long before both Leo and Shine Boy were overwhelmed by Paradigm.

“Leo!” gasped Karai and Twilight.

“Bro!” Gamer cried while struggling with Slobster’s claw.

“I’m afraid our little game ends here!” Paradigm began to walk towards the two before he was hit by a puck. He glared to see it was Wildwing who shot him.

“Back off, Paradigm!” he demanded as he crept near Leo and Shine Boy who were trying to get back up.

“You are persistent for a duck!” Paradigm aimed his blaster at the three. “No matter. You are still no match for me.”

Twilight was about to use her geode power unaware that Killamari fired a dart at her.

“Twily! Look out!” Luckily, Shining pushed her out of the way before the dart. Twilight saw the dart that almost hit her, but also saw she’s too late to stop Paradigm’s attack.


Suddenly, everyone heard glass break and turned to the cylinder broke and the great white shark emerged.

“PARADIGM!” he roared before tackling Paradigm before he could do anything.

“Contain him!” Paradigm ordered his creations.

Slobster was about to obey when a big muscular orange hand grabbed him by the neck. Everyone looked to see it was the whale shark as he yanked off his oxygen mask and roared at Slobster. Killamari stomped over only to be stopped as the cylinder with the hammerhead tipped over in front of him as the shark broke out and rammed the squid. Killamari was about to fire a dart when a clawed blue hand grabbed his. Merging from the last cylinder was the tiger shark who choke held Killamari.

“The shark guys are awake!” gasped Applebloom.

“I hope they’re on our side.” Scootaloo hoped.

“They’re fighting Paradigm, so I think so?” guessed Sweetie Belle.

“Stay behind me, girls.” Advised Cadence as they hid behind her.

Casey dropped his jaw. “We were struggling with Slobster and Killamari and these guys fight em like pushovers!”

“Careful! They may try to attack us next!” Raph glared.

The great white had Dr. Paradigm pinned to the floor and was damaging his armor.

“Where’s dad?” he demanded before Paradigm blasted him off and quickly got up.

“Retreat! We need to get out of here!” he demanded Slobster and Killamari. The two got up and followed the mad doctor to a secret passage.

“I’m adding resisting arrest to your arrest warrant, Doc!” Klegghorn shouted.

Before the heroes could give chase, the sharks ran past them and started pounding the door like crazy.

“Whoa! Whoa! Stop right there!” Nosedive called to them.

“It’s not gonna help by pounding the door!” Karai stated.

“It’s too late! He’s gone!” Shine Boy cried.

Night Shine noticed the sharks didn’t listen. “WILL YOU STOP POUNDING AND LISTEN?”

“Hello!” Casey waved to them.

The sharks still didn’t listen before Fluttershy walked up and suddenly shouted. “KNOCK IT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOFF!”

The sharks then stopped pounding and saw the group and began growling in self-defense.

“uh hi?” Keno waved to them nervously.

“It’s okay. We’re friends.” Shine Boy assured.

Fluttershy walked up to the sharks and patted the great white’s arm. “It’s okay. We won’t hurt you.”

The sharks looked confused before April walked up. “You’re all the Bolton brothers, right? Do any of you remember me? April O’Neil?”

The great white looked at April confused. “A-April?” His eyes widened as images of younger April flashed in his mind. “April O’Neil? Is it really you?”

“You mean this is Mr. O’Neil’s daughter?” the whale shark asked.

“Yeah. Has it been that long? I mean, look at you. All grown up.” The great white noticed.

“And I noticed you guys changed too.” April pointed out.

“Yeah. We did. Before that sleazeball Paradigm did this too us!” the hammerhead growled as he pounded the wall.

“Yeah. Believe me, April. I was way more handsome than this.” The tiger shark said before eyeing his reflection. “On the other hand…”

“And it looks like you’ve made some friends yourself.” The great white saw the heroes.

“Yeah, I did. Very good friends. Let me introduce you to them. First off, this is Casey Jones, Karai Hamato, Shinigami, Keno, Zach, his sister Caitlyn, and Gabby.”

Casey waved while Karai nodded, Shini tilted her hat, Keno grinned, Zach waved too, Caitlyn came out from hiding and waved as well, and Gabby gestured with her fingers.

“And these are the turtles. Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael.”

“Hi.” Leo greeted while Donnie casually waved.

“Waddup?” Mikey smiled while Raph nodded.

“And these are the Rainbooms from Cantelot. Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, her dog Spike, her brother Shining Armor and his wife Cadence, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Applejack, her sister Applebloom, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, her sister Sweetie Belle, and Fluttershy.”

Twilight Sparkle adjusted her glasses, Pinkie Pie waved, Applejack tipped her hat, Rarity did a flip of her hair, Rainbow Dash did a dab, Fluttershy smiled, the CMCs politely waved, and Shining put his arm on Cadence’s shoulder.

“And there’s Team Shine. Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl. And that’s Serenity Vatheela and Luke.”

“First person to tell them to call me Night Shine is shark bait!” Luke snapped while Serenity and Team Shine just waved.

“Anyway, and these are our recent friends, The Mighty Ducks. Wildwing, Nosedive, Mallory, Duke, Grin, and Tanya. And that’s Captain Klegghorn.”

“It’s real nice to meet you all.” The great white nodded. “I’m John Bolton and these are my brothers.”

“Clint.” The hammerhead waved.

“I’m Cooper.” The whale shark waved.

“I’m Robert Bolton Jr., but everyone calls me Bobbie.” The tiger shark gestured his eyebrows at the girls.

“Say, you haven’t by chance seen our dad, have you?” Cooper hoped.

“We only found you guys before Paradigm attacked us.” Raph sighed.

“And according to Paradigm, Dr. Bolton was able to escape before being contained. Sorry, fellas.” Duke added as the sharks looked down in sorrow.

“We better get out of here before security shows up.” Twilight suggested.

“I’ll head back to the station and file my arrest warrant on Dr. Paradigm.” Klegghorn said. “And hopefully find any leads on Dr. Bolton.”

“If we find anything on our end, we’ll let you know, Captain.” Wildwing promised. “We’ll take the Bolton brothers with us back to the pond to analyze them.”

“Thanks, all of you.” John smiled.

“Let’s get going.” Shine Boy said as everyone let the Sharks out of the building.

As they helped the sharks in the Migrator, Kirby was shocked at first but walked up to the sharks. “April, are they-?”

April nodded. “Yes, Dad, these four are Bolton’s sons.”

“Unfortunately, we didn’t find Dr. Bolton.” Donnie sighed.

John spoke to Kirby. “Mr. O’Neil, it’s been a long time. It’s me, John.”

“John? It is good to see you and your brothers again, despite these current events.” Kirby smiled.

“Yeah. I’m just glad you ain’t scared of us like this.” Clint smiled.

“I’ve seen worse. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” Kirby assured.

As the Migrator and Shine RV drove away, Dr. Paradigm watched from his monitors.

“Whoever these Ninjas are, they were highly unexpected. Especially those Turtle creatures and Ducks.”

“I want to crack some shell!” Slobster boasted snapping his pinchers.

“In due time, Slobster.” Paradigm ordered.

“What about the Sharks, Doctor?” Killamari asked.

Dr. Paradigm pondered. “It’s bad enough I lost Dr. Bolton. His sons can still be of use to me! I must recapture them and brainwash them to serve me! First I must get pass their new friends.”

“Then, perhaps I can be of some assistance.” Dr. Paradigm jumped when who should appear but Dragaunus.

“Not another intruder!” he groaned. “Destroy him!”

Slobster reached to grab Dragaunus before the Saurian overlord grabbed his arm to his back and tossed him aside. When Killamari fired his dart, Dragaunus grabbed a tray and whacked it back to him, barely missing his head.

“Calm yourself, Dr. Paradigm. I’m on your side.” Dragaunus assured. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dragaunus, the last of the Saurian overlords. And believe it or not, those who helped free your experiments are my enemies. And together, we can destroy them.”

Paradigm pondered before looking intrigued. “I’m listening.”

“I admire your DNA research and creations. I know someone who would agree to help you make of these magnificent mutations. And in return, I can lend you my battle droids. They can help you overwhelm the Ducks as well as those bothersome ninjas.”

Just then, dozens of battle droids teleported behind Dragaunus, surprising Slobster and Killamari. Dr. Paradigm however smiled evilly.

“Dragaunus, if your droids help destroy the ninjas and help me capture the Sharks, you have yourself a deal!”

As the two shook hands, Dragaunus spoke again. “I assure you, Dr. Paradigm, you’ve made a wise choice.” Then the two chuckled evilly.


Back at the Pond, the Sharks were lying on the medical beds while Tanya scanned their bodies.

“Well, Dr. Paradigm has not only mutagen on you guys, but added other chemicals with enhanced DNA.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Cooper asked.

“I’m afraid so, Cooper.” Donnie said. “It means I can’t just spray you guys with my retromutagen unless I can study these other chemicals.”

“You mean we have to stay like this?” Clint gasped.

“I guess I have to kiss my football career goodbye.” Cooper sighed.

Rainbow rushed to his side. “You played football?”

“Believe it or not, yeah, I did. I played some big offense.”

“That’s pretty metal.” Casey grinned.

“We play hockey. Me, Casey, and Zach are on the same team in New York.” Gabby explained.

“That’s pretty cool.” Cooper admitted.

“I’m into soccer myself.” Rainbow added.

“And you guys are ninjas too?” Bobbie asked.

“Just pretty much the Turtles, Rainbooms, April, Casey, Karai, and Shini. I just use my hockey tactics and Gabby’s pretty much the same.” Zach noticed Caitlyn was on the other side of the room. “Hey, Caitlyn, aren’t you gonna take pictures of the sharks like Serenity?”

“I’m fine right where I am!” Caitlyn cried. “I just don’t want any of those guys to try to bite my head off.”

“Hey! I don’t bite!” Bobbie called as posed for Serenity. “Make sure you get my good side.”

“How can you enjoy this? We’re stuck like this! Like freaks!” Clint just realized what he just said. “Uh no offense.”

“None taken.” Raph shrugged.

“You heard Donatello. It’s gonna be a while before we can be cured. So we might as well get used to it.”

“Good luck getting a date on Saturday night!” Cooper joked.

John sighed. “As much as I hate to admit it, I’m gonna have to agree with Bobbie. We’re just gonna have to get use to being shark men.”

“You could put them to good use by fighting Paradigm.” Mallory suggested.

“To make certain he doesn’t make more creatures like Slobster and Killamari.” Wildwing added.

“It might be the only way to find our dad.” John agreed along with his brothers.

“We can only hope.” Kirby nodded.

“We can try to help find him anyway we can on our end.” Gamer offered.

Mikey perked up. “If you guys are gonna be sharks, you guys need better names.”

“Like codenames?” asked Bobbie.

“Yeah! You're not gonna scare anybody without cool names!” Nosedive grinned.

Mikey thought for a moment looking at John. “I think you'll be.... Ripster!”

“Huh?” John pondered for a second. “Hmmm. That’s actually good. Okay, I’m Ripster.”

“Yo! what about me?” Clint waved.

“Boy he's a little jabber.” Nosedive perked up suddenly. “Jabber? Jab! You are Jab!”

“Now you're talking!” Clint cheered.

“Hey, Dive!” Mikey pointed to Cooper. “What should we call him?”

Nosedive thought for a second. “Let's see, he's big and he's got some big slammer.” Then, the two snapped fingers.

“Big Slammu!” they cheered.

“I ain't that big.” Cooper blushed.

Bobby just relaxed. “Don't mind me. I go by Blades.”

The other Sharks groaned at their brother’s claim.

“No one calls you that!” Jab griped.

Bobby huffed. “You guys are just jealous! I like to see you guys do better!”

“Let me try, Bobby.” Mikey offered before hopping onto his head and seeing his stripes. “Your stripes look at little streeky.”

“Yeah I think Streeky is the correct world.” Rarity agreed.

Mikey then perked up. “That's it! How about Streex?”

Bobbie perked up. “Marvelous! Where were you in my extreme career?”

As the sharks got off the tables, Slammu spoke up. “Now we got that taken care of, can we get something to eat? I’m kinda hungry.”

“And I know what’ll cure the case of the munchies!” Mikey boasted. “Who’s up for pizza?”

Everyone started to agree before the Sharks spoke up.

“Pizza? BLECH! YUCKO!”

“WHAT?” gasped the Turtles.

“No offense, Mikey, but we ain’t too keen on pizza.” Streex waved off.

“I am NOT hearing this!” Mikey panicked. “How can anyone not like pizza!”

“Mikey? Mikey! Calm Down!” Shine Boy held him down. “We gotta remember not everyone eats pizza.”

“I think these guys are the first ones to ever turn down on pizza.” Raph pointed out.

“The Turtles have mostly eaten pizza. Especially Mikey.” Scootaloo whispered to the Sharks.

“Sorry about that.” Ripster shrugged.

“I gotta munch something!” Slammu huffed before starting to chomp up a nearby TV.

“HEY! We’ll order something! Don’t eat my personal TV!!” Tanya scolded.

Slammu stopped realizing what he was just doing. “Sorry.”

“We better think of something for them before they eat up Headquarters!” Mallory stated.

Duke thought for a moment. “I got an idea.”

Moments later, everyone sat down at the lounge watching the Sharks munching on burgers. Some of them got combos themselves while also getting a couple pizzas to cheer Mikey up.

“Mmm! This is definitely much better!” Slammu smiled as he ate his burger.

“Yep! Good old Weinerworld never let us down!” Nosedive cheered.

“How’d you figure out they’d eat burgers, Duke?” Wildwing asked.

“Well, I kinda figured since sharks are carnivores, they’d want something with a lot of meat. And since pizza’s just bread and cheese no matter how much meat you top it off with. So burgers and hot dogs came first in my mind.”

“Makes sense.” Twilight figured.

“They still owe me a TV!” huffed Tanya.

“How can they say no to pizza?” whimpered Mikey as he had his back turned with his slice.

“Oh come on, Mikey! We said we were sorry about eight times!” Streex called out.

“Give him a little while, Streex. He’ll get over it.” Donnie assured as he helped Mikey lift his slice to his mouth.

“Shh. It’s okay, Mikey.” Fluttershy patted his shoulder.

“Even I don’t get depressed about people who hate hockey.” Grin mumbled before eating some fries.

“Big baby.” Night Shine mumbled to himself before biting into his burger.

Just then, Phil entered the room looking at his phone. “Hey! Anybody know the number of Fun Time Rush?”

He then saw the Sharks and screamed. “What the? Did you guys get new pets?”

“Pet?” Jab glared.

“No, Phil. Just some visitors.” Wildwing stated.

“There my collegue’s sons who got mutated by his former partner.” Kirby explained.

“Great.” Phil huffed before ranting. “Alien talking ducks! Ninja turtles! And now humanoid sharks! What's next? Biker Mice from Mars?”

There was an awkward silence before Pinkie, on her phone, spoke to her phone. “Vinnie, I'll have to call you back.”

Rarity walked to Phil and handed him a piece of paper. “For Fun Time Rush, call this guy.”

“Thanks, Rares.” Phil accepted and walked away.

“He’s our manager.” Mallory told the sharks.

“Aaah.” The Sharks nodded.

Just then, the Ducks’ commlink beeped as Wildwing answered it. “Wildwing here.”

It’s Klegghorn. I just got word that some wacko has been spotted in a warehouse downtown. A witness said they saw a giant lobster. It could be Paradigm.”

“We’ll be right there.” Wildwing promised. “Sounds like Paradigm has been located in a warehouse downtown!”

“Then we better stop him before he mutates anyone else!” stated Shining.

“And it could lead us to the final fragment!” Sunset pointed out.

“Agreed.” Leo stood up. “let’s get going!”

“We’re coming too!” Ripster got up. “We can’t let anyone end up like us!”

“And our dad might be there too!” Jab added.

“Should we bring them?” Mallory asked Wildwing.

“They did help us fight Slobster and Killamari. So as long as you four follow orders, you can come.”

“Sounds awesome!” Streex grinned.

“Don’t you mean…. Jaw-some?” Rainbow teased.

“Boo.” Night Shine deadpanned.

Ripster looked more interested. “Jawsome? I think you got something there, Rainbow!”

“I like it!” Slammu agreed.

“Please don’t…” Night Shine groaned before the Sharks cheered.


“Augh! Can we go now?” Night Shine stomped away.

“What? Too much for you to swallow?” Karai teased as they all headed out.

Shini turned to Mikey. “You’re not gonna pout there all day, are you, Michelangelo?”

Mikey turned around smiling. “Well, I can’t stay mad at those guys. Let’s get going!”

Shini smiled and they hurried to join their friends.


“There were a couple of thugs threatening me for money when I got here. I had no other choice but to fight them.”

The guy from the night before was at a gas station making a pit stop and talking on his phone.

“I'm sure you did what you have to do. I would've defended myself too. So are you on your way to retrieve the pendant?” the guy on the phone asked.

“Just about. I had to stop at the gas station for a bathroom break. I'm leaving now.”

“Ok. I'll see you there. Bye.”

“Bye.” He hung up the phone and left the station. He pressed the button to change the motorcycle mode and activate his pendant to magically put on the armor. When it was done, he sped up with the rockets from the back of the cycle. He was unaware that the Migrator and Shine RV were heading his direction.

Before long, he went to a warehouse as he materialized the motorcycle into a baton and put it away for safe keeping. As he went inside, it was completely dark and had to summon fire for lighting the way to find what he was looking for. What he didn't know that were in the crates and ceiling had just activated. He sensed it at the corner of the building and found the pendant.

“There you are. Now to get you to a safe place so that no one may use it for magic.” He spoke to himself.

He was about to head out but sensed some noise coming from behind. He jumped out of the way as two of the robots tried to attack him. He grabbed two of the robot's head while in the air and smashed them to the ground with his bare hands. He got up and turned around to see that they're about a hundred or two surrounding him.

“Aw great. Hostile robots. Well. Guess it time to dismantle them.” He grumbled as he stood ready to fight.


The Migrator and Shine RV drove up near the warehouse and the heroes met up with Klegghorn as they got out of the vehicles.

“There’s the warehouse.” Klegghorn pointed. “I saw that lobster and squid creatures hauling equipment waiting for you guys.”

“No doubt Dr. Paradigm is in there.” April felt a vibe.

“Wonder what he’s up to?” Nosedive pondered.

“Probably continuing mutating people since we found out his little secret.” Raph glared.

“We can’t let that happen again!” Streex stated.

“So, who wants to go up and say hi?” Night Shine drew his machete.

In the warehouse, Dr. Paradigm was on the catwalk watching chemicals mixing into a vat of mutagen. He then pulled a container labeled ‘Piranha DNA’.

“Soon, I will make those four sharks more obedient by combining Piranha DNA in their genes.” He chuckled as he poured the DNA into the vat. “And maybe do the same to those Turtle creatures too.”

“What of the robots that lizard guy gave you?” Killamari asked.

“We will see how useful they are. If they are as good as Dragaunus claims, I will have an effective business partner.”

Just then, they heard an explosion near the doors and looked to see the heroes hurried in.

“Paging Dr. Paradigm! Dr. Paradigm!” Nosedive called.

“Can Dr. Paradigm come out and play?” Rainbow added to the tease.

Paradigm smirked. “I was hoping you all would show up! And I should thank you for bringing my lab experiments back.”

“Actually, Doc, they heard we wanted to file a complaint and they wanted to join in.” Shine Boy gestured.

“Where’s our dad?” Slammu demanded.

Wildwing aimed his gauntlet at Paradigm. “Alright, Paradigm, we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?”

“I don’t comply to inferiors like you.” Paradigm glared. “Attack!”

Slobster and Killamari began to stomp towards them.

“Let’s Rock, Ducks!” Wildwing cried.

“Let’s Shine!” Shine Boy called.

“Shark Attack!” the Sharks hollered.

Leo pointed his sword. “Go, Ninja! Go, Ninja! GO!”

“Hey! Don’t steal my lingo!” Mikey protested.

Leo huffed. “Just go!”

The group battled the two monsters while Leo, Shine Boy, Twilight, Karai, Night Shine, Wildwing, and Ripster made their way to Paradigm.

“You got us off guard last time, but this time, we’re ready for you!” Applejack said as she flipped Slobster over her shoulder.

Slobster tried to reach for Applejack only for Slammu to grab him. “And they got us this time!”

He threw Slobster to a crate and when the lobster got back up, Slammu and Grin both double punched him.

Killamari fired more poison darts when Fluttershy fired her darts to misdirect them, and Mallory and Nosedive blasted them.

Duke stood ready with his sword. “Let’s see how tough you are without your darts!”

Killamari roared as he he fought Duke who slashed his sword at his arms causing him to recoil.

Streex skated around on his roller blades as he grabbed a cable. “Hey, Rainbow! Let’s wrap this up!”

Rainbow sped to him and grabbed the other end. “Dad always said you need a long string to catch a fish.”

The two sped up and wrapped Killamari’s legs up while Love Shine kicked him down.

As they battled Paradigm’s forces, Vernon popped up by the doorway with his phone out.

“Turtle creatures and humanoid Sharks? What a scoop!” he snickered.

Unknown to everyone, a huge volt of electricity was surging nearby. It short circuited towards Vernon then shocked his phone, causing him to drop it.

“No! Nonono!” he whined. “The memories fried! All my footage gone!”

Suddenly, Slobster landed near Vernon, causing him to run away.

“It’s hammer time!” Cried Jab as he head butted Killamari.

Up on the catwalk, the group was struggling with Dr. Paradigm who was more than holding his own.

“You fools!” he chuckled. “My suit makes me invincible! I’ll just overpower you so resistance is futile!”

He slashed his hook at Leo who blocked with his swords. “Every armor has a weak spot, Paradigm!”

Shine Boy whacked Paradigm with his staff while Night Shine and Karai slashed at his knees. Twilight levitated a couple lead pipes and threw them at Paradigm who blocked them when Ripster rammed him. Before he could get up, Wildwing aimed his blaster at him.

“Yield, Doc.” The Mighty Duck ordered.

“I’m afraid it’s Duck season.” Paradigm fired his laser, sending Wildwing flying and he hung over the vat of mutagen.

“Wildwing!” everyone cried.

Ripster tackled Paradigm while Shine Boy and Karai helped Wildwing up.

“Thanks.” He breathed.

Back with Slobster and Killamari, Pinkie prepared her sprinkles to fire when Mikey was thrown into her, causing her to lose her sprinkles. She looked up and to her shock her sprinkles fell into the vat of mutagen.

“Uh oh.” Pinkie gulped. “THE MUTAGEN’S GONNA BLOW!”

“Huh?” Everyone saw as the vat exploded, sending the mutagen flying. Acting quickly, Rarity covered the group with her diamond shields while April protected everyone on the catwalk with her ESP.

“My Mutagen!” Dr. Paradigm gasped before a blob of mutagen splattered on his face. “NOOOO!”

Everyone watched in horror as Paradigm’s human head mutated into a piranha head.

“What the heck is happening to him?” Klegghorn asked.

“Paradigm must’ve added piranha DNA to the mutagen and now he’s part piranha.” Sunset explained.

“Just like he did to us!” Streex added.

Paradigm looked at his reflection from his armor and roared angrily. “YOU’VE ALL RUINED EVERYTHING! MY MUTAGEN IS GONE! YOU WILL ALL PAY!”

“Not so fun when YOU’RE the one mutated, huh Paradigm?” insulted Night Shine.

Paradigm responded by smacking the group off the catwalk. Twilight caught Leo, Shine Boy, Wildwing, and herself with her telekenisis while Ripster grabbed Karai and Night Shine.

“You always rub people the wrong way or just Paradigm?” the great white asked.

“Pretty much everyone.” Karai glared while Night Shine gestured at her.

Everyone saw Dr. Paradigm jumped down from the catwalk and glared at the group while Slobster and Killamari hurried to his side.

“Heavens!” gasped Rarity.

“He looks scary!” Sweetie Belle hid behind Gamer.

“Uh yikes.” Tanya blinked.

Paradigm converged his hand to a harpoon gun and aimed at the heroes. “TIME TO GO SPEAR FISHING!”

He fired the harpoon which aimed directly at Cadence. Shining hurried to protect her when-


“Shining! Cadence!” Twilight gasped.

Everyone looked to see before the harpoon could hit the couple, Jab jumped in and caught the harpoon with his teeth and eating it.

“Go fish, Blowfish!” he burped. “Whoa scuse me.”

“No matter! Now you’ll face my new robotic army courtesy of Dragaunus!” Dr. Paradigm pushed a button and a garage door began to open.

“Augh! Should’ve known he was in cahoots with Dragaunus!” Rainbow groaned.

“Man for once, can’t anyone fight those drones for once!” huffed Nosedive.

When the door opened, to everyone’s surprise, the drones were already destroyed and nonfunctional.

“Wow! Ask and you shall receive.” Nosedive blinked.


“Now!” Shine Boy cried. “SHINE POWER!”

Before Paradigm, Slobster, and Killamari could react in time, All of Team Shine fired their beams at the three, sending them back to the wall. The Rainbooms and Turtles joined in by activating their geodes and medallions and fired a huge rainbow at the evil doctor and his creatures. The sharks were jaw dropped at what they saw.

“Whoa.” Slammu blinked.

“How do they do that?” Streex asked.

“Impressive.” Ripster admitted.

“Glad they’re using it on Paradigm!” cheered Jab.

“Dr. Paradigm’s getting away!” Mallory cried.

Paradigm struggled from the beams as he fired his hook to the ceiling and pulled himself, Slobster, and Killamari up from the attack.


“You’ll never beat us, Dr. Piranoid!” Mikey called out to him.

Paradigm responded by blasting the walls of the warehouse, trying to cover the group in debris. Rarity quickly made more diamond shields to protect them while Love Shine and Wildwing activated their shields and the Sharks covered everyone. When the dust settled, the Sharks busted through the rubbled and helped everyone out.

“Everyone okay?” Shine Boy asked as he carried Serenity.

“Thanks to the Sharks, we are.” Fluttershy said as everyone showed they were alright.

As he set Scootaloo and Applebloom down, Streex turned to Mikey. “Did you seriously called him Piranoid?”

“Yep.” Mikey nodded.

“Let me guess. Because he’s a piranha and a bit paranoid?” Shini guessed as she dusted her witch hat off.

“Too much, you think?” Mikey shrugged.

“Oh no. I like it! It suites him.” Shini smiled.

“Me too.” Streex agreed. “I’m so calling him that from now on.”

Klegghorn looked around at the damaged warehouse. “I’m so adding property damage to that guy’s arrest warrant, even if this building was scheduled for demolition.”

“Well, at least we have enough evidence to put him away. I even got his confession on my phone.” Caitlyn admitted.

“Cmon, guys. Let’s head back to the Pond.” Leo advised.

“Agreed.” Wildwing nodded.

As they headed out, Twilight walked up to Jab. “Jab, thank you. For saving my brother and sister-in-law earlier.”

“No prob, Twi. Glad we could stop Piranoid from hurting another family.” Jab smiled.

Shining patted Jab on the shoulder as if he was saying thank you. When Cadence smiled too, Jab seemed to notice something about her. She smiled lifting her finger secretly asking him to keep quiet. Jab nodded and thumbed up.

“What I want to know is how did Dragaunus’ droids break before we fought them?” Karai wondered.

“I agree, Karai. It’s not like Dragaunus to make em out of cheap material.” Duke pointed out.

“Something tells me someone beat us to the punch.” Night Shine breathed.


“What? What do mean the drones we lent you were destroyed?” Dragaunus snarled at Dr. Piranoid through his commlink.


“WATCH YOUR TONE WITH ME, DOCTOR!” Dragaunus roared. “It’s obvious our partnership will never work.”

“SO BE IT! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!” Piranoid glared before hanging up. He then groaned as his face reverted to human again.

“Are you alright, Dr. Paradigm?” Killamari asked as Piranoid saw his reflection.

“Fascinating. I’m able to revert to and from my new mutation.” The doctor turned to Slobster who was flying the plane they were in. “Slobster! Set a course back to Fission City to my personal lab!”

“Yes, doctor.” Slobster nodded.

Dr. Piranoid watched through the window as they flew away from Anaheim. “No doubt those Sharks will follow in hopes to find Dr. Bolton. As for those Turtles, Ducks, and their powerful friends, they will rule the day we cross paths again!”


“And into following up the strange disappearance of Dr. Lyle Bolton and his sons, his partner, Dr. Paradigm, had to cancel his public speaking due to a medical condition and had to return to his lab in Fission City. Some experts say that Paradigm himself is behind Bolton’s disappearance. More as it develops.”

When they got back to the Pond, the heroes watched the news on Drake 1 to see if Paradigm was mentioned.

“Figures! He would skip town to get away!” Raph huffed.

“And he’s heading back home!” Streex added.

“We gotta get back before he mutates anyone else!” Slammu stated.

“But without those chemicals, my retromutagen won’t be enough.” Donnie feared.

Just then, Phil walked in. “Hey, Boobalas! Somebody dropped this chemical off at our front doors.”

He handed Donnie a metal canister with a note on it. Donnie opened it and widened his eyes.

“It’s-it’s one of the chemicals that Dr. Piranoid used in the mutagen! If I can study this, I can reverse it and combine it with retromutagen and cure you guys!”

“I can help study it. One of us is sure to find some way to reverse it.” Tanya offered and Gamer nodded.

“I’ll even ask Chaplin and our friend, Billy, from Angel Grove.” Donnie added.

“What’s on the note?” Ripster asked before Donnie read the note.

This is one of the chemicals Dr. Paradigm used in his experiments. I’m certain some of your new friends can help reverse it and find a cure. I will work on my end and help find a cure and stop Paradigm from mutating anyone else. You four must return to Fission City and find Lena Mack. She’ll help you against Paradigm. I promise we’ll see each other again soon. Remember, I love you all, my sons.

And if Kirby O’Neil and his daughter, April, are still with you, tell them I said Hi.



Kirby smiled to hear his friend is still alive as April hugged him.

“Dad.” Whispered Streex.

“Who’s Lena?” asked Gabby.

“She’s Paradigm’s and dad’s lab assistant. She’s the one person Dad would trust since mom passed away.” Ripster explained.

“We better get going if we’re gonna stop Piranoid!” Jab punched his chest.

“Question is how we’re gonna get home?” Slammu asked.

Everyone pondered a bit before Tanya spoke up. “I got an idea.”


“This track will get you guys all the way to Fission City in a couple hours.”

Soon, they all stood on a bridge over some train tracks.

“Are you sure you guys don’t need our help anymore?” asked Sunset.

“We appreciate everything you guys done for us, but this is something we got to do ourselves. Besides, you guys got that Dragaunus guy to worry about.” Ripster explained.

“Will we ever see you guys again?” Applebloom asked.

“If we ever need help, we’ll call you guys.” Slammu promised as he hugged her, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle.

“And if you ever need our help, just call us, the…” Jab said before the Sharks all declared together.


“Metal title.” Casey grinned.

“Catchy.” Keno added.

Streex walked up to Mikey. “No hard feelings about not liking pizza, right Mikey?”

Mikey smiled as they shook hands. “None whatsoever. You guys are still pretty cool. Maybe I can make a sweet pizza burger for you guys if you’re ever in New York.”

“Sounds great!” Streex nodded.

“Klegghorn had to file everything that happened, but he promises he’ll do everything he can to have Paradigm arrested.” Wildwing promised.

“Thanks, Wildwing.” Ripster smiled.

Gamer handed him a business card. “Here, Rip. When you get back to Fission City, I have a friend there who’s a good tech head. Look him up when you get home.”

“Will do, Gamer.” Ripster then heard a train whistle. “There’s our ride home, Boys!”

As the train approached, Leo, Shine Boy, and Twilight walked up to Ripster as Leo spoke. “If you ever need us again, look us up in New York.”

“And Canterlot, too.” Twilight added.

“You’re also welcome in Columbus.” Shine Boy chimed in.

“Thanks, you two. Glad to know we have friends we can trust.” Ripster smiled before turning to Donnie. “And Donnie? When you have that Retromutagen ready, make sure you have five doses ready. One for each of us and one for our dad.”

“Will do.” Donnie thumbed up.

As train sped by under the bridge, the Street Sharks all jumped on top of a freight car each. As they rode the top of the cars, they waved goodbye to their friends who waved back.

After the train faded out of sight, Scootaloo asked. “Will they ever find their dad?”

“All we can do is hope, Scootaloo.” Mallory smiled.

“If there is even a shimmer of hope, there is always hope.” Grin nodded.

“And we always be there if they ever need any help.” Wildwing promised.

“So they will never be alone.” Leo added.

“As long as they have friends to turn to.” Sunset smiled.

“Agreed.” Shine Boy concurred.

“Yeah I’m gonna miss those guys.” Nosedive grinned.

“Cmon, everyone. Let’s go home.” Cadence suggested.

As they all headed back, Donnie and April looked to see Kirby looking to the direction the train went.

“You okay, Dad?” April asked.

“Yeah, April. I just really hope they find Dr. Bolton.”

“Yeah. Me too. And I hope I can have the cure the next time we meet.” Donnie hoped.

Kirby smiled as they went to regroup with the others. He then looked back one more time.

“Good luck, old friend.” He whispered before he went to join the others.


Back at the damaged warehouse, The two armored people were standing above the shattered droids including the giant robot that they destroyed. The blue and purple armored turned over to the green and light blue armored and spoke to him.

"Well that was a rush. Those robots sure gave us quite a time. Glad you decided to show up before I got impaled by those things. They were about like a hundred of them. Of course, I would've gotten out of there myself before they’re about to stab me with their blades, but thanks." He sighed.

"No prob. I figured my twin brother could use a little help, now can I?" The one in the green armored responded.

The blue armored nodded as both he and his twin brother shook hands and give him the pendant that is red and orange before heading back to summon his motorcycle again.

"You'll be taking it to the cove so that it can magically be restored?”

"Yep. That way, the magic will pass on to the next generation for our kind."

"Ok. So I'll see you later." The blue armored waved to his brother.

"After a while, crocodile." The green and light blue armored waved back at him as he headed to the dimensional portal.

The blue armored drove away and he went into the portal as well.

To be Continued

Author's Note:


-The mysterious visitor in the chapter is An OC of someone I'm gonna do another fiction in the future who wishes to remain anonymous.

- The Street Sharks are based on their designs by BozzerKazooers on Deviant art while Dr. Piranoid, Slobster, and Killamari are based on Ezio1-3's design.

- Blades was Streex's original name before they changed it around the cartoon came around.

-Fun Time Rush is the OC band of Amethyst Majesty who suggested them to be mentioned.

- The 'Go Spear fishing' was from the original commercial for the toys.

- As a reminder, this is to build up for any possible Street Shark crossover if anyone wants to do one. I got nothing planned. and NO! I'm not doing Biker Mice from Mars! It was only a joke! So don't ask!

And that's all I got. For now.

Next time: Spider Bytz is back! Together again with Antrax and Scumbug, he's terrorizing Anaheim so it's up to the heroes to stop him! But when Shine Boy is bitten by him, they hafta create an antidote before he's fully mutated into a spider himself! Can they stop the mutant bugs and save their friend? Find out inNight of the Shine Spider, Part 1!