• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 1,960 Views, 425 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

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Best Vacation Ever!

With Dragaunus sent to dimensional limbo and the Eye of Sarnoth destroyed, The Turtles, Allies, Rainbooms, Team Shine, Serenity, Shining, and Cadence enjoyed the rest of their vacation. After getting cleared from a health inspection from Tanya, Canard got acquainted with the groups. Whenever they weren’t practicing for the big game, The Ducks showed more around Anaheim. Fluttershy enjoyed the Garden Walk with Grin. Rarity enjoyed shopping at the mall along with Sweetie Belle. Shine Boy, under his guise of Tony Bedding, and Serenity played miniature golf at a golf park Nosedive told them along with Michael (Gamer) and Sweetie Belle. Rainbow and Scootaloo checked out a baseball game at the Angel Stadium. Cadence and Shining enjoyed spending time with Twilight and Leo, in his cloak, at the mall. Mikey, Raph, Zach, Casey, Brandon, and Luke joined Nosedive and Buzz at the arcade. April, Kirby, Donnie, and Caitlyn hung out at the Anaheim Packing District. Karai, Kyla, and Shini enjoyed lounging at Huntington Beach. Team Shine and Bugman happily came to Mondo Comics for autographs and meet and greets, earning them a place on Thrash and Mook’s wall of celebrities.

Before long, the night of the big hockey game came. Team Shine, in their civilian clothes, Serenity, Luke, Shining, Cadence, Karai, Shini, April, Kirby, Caitlyn, Buzz, Fugitoid, and CMCs were seated at a certain spot near the stadium and were wearing custom Duck Hockey jerseys courtesy of Phil and cheering for the Ducks as they played. Thrash and Mook joined them in watching the game.

“It was very nice of Mr. Palmfeather to give us these seats and jerseys.” Cadence smiled.

“Well, he felt like we’ve earned it by saving the world.” Brandon figured.

“I think he’s just happy his team survived.” Luke rolled his eyes.

“At least they’re playing good.” Kirby smiled.

“And they let Canard play with them.” April noticed Canard, in his own hockey gear, playing as well.

“I can’t wait to see the Rainbooms perform at halftime.” Scootaloo smiled.

“Yeah, and the Turtles, along with Casey, Gabby, and Zach, are helping with that.” Tony nodded.

“That’ll be interesting.” Serenity agreed as she leaned on Tony’s shoulder.

Soon, the timer buzzer rang, indicating it’s halftime. As the players left the ring, the announcer guy spoke.



“Celestia! C'mon! They’re up!”

In their home, Vice Principal Luna was sitting in front of the TV as Principal Celestia hurried with a big bowl of popcorn.

“I’m coming!” Celestia said. “That was perfect timing. The popcorn just finished.”


In Fission City, The Street Sharks were getting settled in their new pad as Streex was watching the hockey game on TV.

“Hey guys! It’s the Rainbooms!” he called as the other Sharks gathered in front of the TV.


As the Spy Racers were hanging out, Frostee was on his tablet when he saw the Rainbooms about to perform at the Anaheim.

“Hey guys!” he said as the other Spy Racers gathered around his tablet.


In Middleton, at the home of Kim Possible, Ron, Rufus, and Monique were gathering in front of the TV.

“Guys! They’re about to start!” Monique cheered.

“So glad Rarity texted you about them performing at halftime.” Ron sat down with a bowl of popcorn.

“Mmm. Extra butter.” Rufus licked his lips.

“That. And I did tell Nosedive we’d catch their game whenever we can.” Kim smiled.


In the Hex Girls tour bus, Dusk turned on the hockey game and gestured Thorn and Luna to check it out.


Back at Anaheim, a platform merged on the ice as the Rainbooms appeared on it wearing Mighty Ducks jerseys. Rainbow walked up to the microphone.


Everyone applauded as the siren started ringing as the girls began playing their new song.

Rainbow: On the road to glory

Ain't no turning back

Sunset: It's got to be the Mighty Ducks

On a quack attack

Rarity/Fluttershy: Look out, clear the way

The Ducks are here to play!

Rainbooms: Ducks rock!

“Come on! Sing along!” Rainbow encouraged to the audience who sang along.

Rainbooms: Ducks rock!

Twilight: The Mighty Ducks are coming

So have no fear!

Applejack: They’re hockey playing superheroes

With awesome battle gear!

Rainbooms: Ducks Rock!

Ducks Rock!

As the Rainbooms sang, Casey, Zach, and Gabby, in hockey gear and Ducks jerseys, skated around the platform along with four figures dressed as Duck mascots who were secretly the Turtles as lights and smoke were shone and spewing.

Pinkie: The Mighty Ducks are on a roll

Turning up the heat!

Now the Ducks are on patrol

They’ll hit the streets!

Rainbooms: Ducks Rock!

Ducks Rock!

Mighty Ducks!

Here come the Mighty Ducks

Burning up the ice

Just try and stop the Mighty Ducks

And you're gonna pay the price!

Here come the Mighty Ducks

Fighting for the gold!

Let's hear it for the Mighty Ducks

Time to rock and roll

Let's go

Rarity: let's go

Ranbooms: Ducks rock!

(Sunset and Twilight: Mighty Ducks!)

Rainbooms: Ducks rock!

Let's hear it for the Mighty Ducks!

Mighty Ducks!

After the song was over, the audience roared with applause. The heroes were the ones who cheered the loudest, especially Thrash and Mook, with the exception of Luke who just applauded. In another set of seats, The ninjas and Rainbooms' friend Sensei Wisecrack and Amethyst Majesty applauded for the Rainbooms as Wisecrack turned to Amethyst. "So, what do you think of the hockey game?"

"I think I'm enjoying it a lot." Amethyst answered as he couldn't take his eyes off Rarity as she bowed.


Celestia and Luna applauded in their home.

“Those girls never cease to amaze me.” Luna smiled.


The Street Sharks cheered after watching their friends perform.


The Spy Racers applauded their friends after enjoying their song. Even if Cisco almost knocked the tablet out of Frostee’s hands.


Kim, Ron, Rufus, and Monique cheered for their friends’ performance.

“You go, girls!” Ron grinned.

“Booyakasha!” squealed Rufus.


The Hex Girls smiled from what they just saw.


In their locker room, The Ducks watched the Rainbooms’ song on the TV.

“Wow! They are good.” Nosedive admitted.

“Been a while since I’ve heard good music like that.” Canard smiled.

“I’m impressed by the lyrics Fluttershy wrote.” Tanya pointed out.

“Very uplifting.” Grin grinned.

“We should use that as our theme song.” Duke joked.

“Very impressive.” Mallory nodded.

“The Turtles, Casey, Zach, and Gabby were great too.” Wildwing pointed out.


After the game, which the Ducks won, the group decided to go celebrate at the rooftop restaurant for defeating Dragaunus, destroying the Eye of Sarnoth, getting Canard back, and winning the game. As they enjoyed some good dining, everyone was enjoying themselves.

Raph then asked Mikey. “So you’re not disappointed we’re not eating pizza this time, Mikey?”

“Nah I ain’t disappointed. Besides, it’s not every day we enjoy some Anaheim dining. Besides, this deserves big time celebrating.” Mikey smiled eating nachos.

“Yeah I second that.” Rainbow agreed.

“I ain’t complaining either. This is good.” Michael smiled eating a shrimp taco.

After eating a chip, Leo then turned to the Ducks. “Well, now that Dragaunus is gone, and you got Canard back, what’s gonna happen to you guys?”

“Well, Leonardo, we’ve talked about it during practice.” Canard explained. “I’m at least gonna go back to PuckWorld tomorrow. Dragaunus may be gone, but his forces are still in PuckWorld.”

“Wouldn’t you need Wildwing and the others to come with you?” Karai asked.

“Luckily, I talked to your friend Bishop and he assures me he knows some aliens who can help reclaim our home.”

“As for the six of us, we decided to stay here on earth as ambassadors.” Wildwing added. “Even though Dragaunus is gone, others like the Triceratons might rise up so we’ll be here in case you need our help or vice versa. That and Phil would have a heart attack if we left.”

“And I seriously doubt PuckWorld would be happy to see me what with me being a former jewel thief and all.” Duke pointed.

“At least there are those who know the real you.” Grin kindly smiled.

“And when we’re not busting up crime, we’re thinking about starting a junior hockey team. You know, training some new bloods.” Nosedive said.

“And we got our first player here too.” Mallory patted Buzz’s shoulder who chuckled.

“Yep. Mr. Palmfeather is gonna work something out with my supervisor, so it’ll work for me.”

“That’s great!” Fluttershy smiled.

“And as much as I miss home, I’d like to stick around to visit Dr. Huggerman as well as help find a cure for the Street Sharks.” Tanya admitted.

“We’ll definitely keep in touch for that.” Donnie promised with Michael and Fugitoid nodding in agreement.

“And hopefully, we’ll find Dr. Bolton someday.” April put in.

“As long as we know he’s still alive, there’s hope.” Kirby smiled.

“All in all, we’ll always be there for each other.” Sunset said as everyone smiled and agreed.

Just then, they started seeing fireworks fired off at the amusement park a couple miles away. As everyone watched the fireworks, a firework display lit up showing the duck hockey mask and said ‘Ducks Rock!’ and there were some green fireworks that shot up images of turtle shells as well as rainbow colored fireworks. Everyone cheered for the fireworks as Tony and Serenity kissed as well as Shining and Cadence, Twilight and Leo, and Mikey and Shini while April pecked Donnie, Gabby pecked Casey, and Sweetie Belle pecked Michael on the cheek.


The next morning, back at the Pond, Canard was packed and ready to head out with Bishop standing next to a portal back to PuckWorld as everyone was there to wish him good luck.

“Well, guys, I guess this is it.” Canard smiled.

“At least we know this time you’re alive.” Duke joked.

Wildwing walked up to his best friend removing his mask. “You sure you don’t want this back?”

“Nah, Wildwing. I won’t be needing it. Besides, at least I know it’s in good hands.” Canard nodded.

“Take care, Canard.” Sunset waved.

“I hope we meet again, my friends. And hopefully, on good terms.” Canard waved back before turning to Bishop. “I’m ready.”

“We shall get going.” Bishop nodded before turning to the heroes. “I hope we each other again.”

Everyone waved goodbye as Bishop and Canard walked through the portal before it disappeared. Leo turned to Wildwing. “You sure you want to stay?”

“If he needs us, he’ll call us. Knowing that he’s out of dimensional limbo lightens the burden.” Wildwing smiled.

“In the words of my master Zion, Distance can't change the memories we shared or the bond we built. We will always be best friends. Acquaintances may come and go, but best friends never leave your heart, even when they move away.” Shine Boy quoted.

Everyone smiled before Twilight spoke. “Well, I guess it’s time we head home too.”

As everyone packed up, they all said goodbye to the Ducks. Leo and Shine Boy walked up to Wildwing with Twilight and Sunset.

“Thanks for letting us stay with you guys.” Leo thanked.

“I’m glad we were able to work together.” Wildwing shook his hand. “And thank you for helping us find a new beginning.”

“We’re here for you if you need us.” Shine Boy vowed.

“You’re a good leader, Wildwing. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.” Sunset assured.

“Maybe we’ll see you again someday.” Twilight promised.

Casey, Zach, and Gabby along with Raph were over with Grin as Casey spoke. “Take care of yourself, Grin.”

“I’m definitely gonna miss you, big guy.” Zach admitted.

“You three have promise in your future.” Grin smiled. “May you continue to play hockey.”

“Maybe we’ll play on the same team someday.” Gabby hoped.

“We have. And we won.” Grin smiled.

“Which makes us the winning team.” Raph grinned as he clapped hands with Grin.

The CMCs walked up to Mallory as Applebloom spoke. “Thank you for training us, Mallory.”

“You three definitely have made me proud. But even so, your ninja training has seen you three through.” Mallory said as she hugged the three girls. “Just promise me you’ll keep up the training.”

“You bet we will.” Scootaloo promised.

Buzz hugged the girls next. “And thanks again for accepting me on your MyStable group.”

“Well, we felt like you deserve to be a Canterlot Movie Club member.” Sweetie Belle smiled.

“You may be a Mighty Duck, but you’ll always be our friend.” Applebloom smiled.

“Heck yeah!” Buzz cheered as they high fived.

Donnie, Gamer, April, and Fugitoid walked up to Tanya before Gamer spoke to her. “Tanya, thanks.”

“I should thank you guys for helping with that Crystal Converger.” Tanya smiled.

“Indeed. We make a pretty good team.” Fugitoid nodded.

“You’ll keep in touch?” Donnie asked.

“Of course! If I learn something about the chemicals to cure the Street Sharks or we find Dr. Bolton, I’ll definitely let you guys know.”

“We’ll tell you if we learn anything on our end as well.” April promised.

Gamer was the last to hug Tanya. “Give my regards to Dr. Huggerman.”

“I will.” Tanya began tearing up before blowing her nose. “Sorry. Goodbyes are bad for my sinuses.”

“I understand.” Gamer assured as Tanya rustled his hair.

Shining and Cadence walked up to Duke.

“Duke, thank you for everything.” Shining thanked.

“You’re a great guy, Shining.” Duke patted his shoulder. “And you’re gonna be a great father too. You both will be great parents.”

“And we all know they’ll all be great aunts and uncles, especially Twilight.” Cadence smiled towards Twilight helping pack up.

“Yeah, she will.” Duke grinned.

Over to Nosedive, he was sad as he hugged Mikey and Pinkie who were equally sad.

“I’m gonna miss you, Dive!” bawled Pinkie.

“We both will!” Sobbed Mikey.

“Not gonna cry. Not gonna cry.” Nosedive whispered, trying to hide his tears, before trying to coax the two. “H-Hey. None of that. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.”

“I hope so.” Mikey whimpered.

“Do you Pinkie Promise?” Pinkie hoped.

“Heck yeah! That way we’re assured to see each other again!” Nosedive acted out the Pinkie Promise.

Mikey and Pinkie were able to smile hearing that and headed out. Caitlyn was next to hug Nosedive.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, Dive.”

“Take care, Caitlyn. And good luck on your livestream.” Nosedive smiled.

Night Shine was taking his hammock to the Shine RV as Kirby shook hands with Phil.

“Thank you for everything, Mr. Palmfeather.” He thanked.

“My pleasure, Mr. O’Neil!” Phil smiled. “Your daughter and friends are good kids.”

“Yes. They are.” Kirby agreed.

Keno shook Phil’s hand next. “Take care, Philsy.”

“Take care, Keno.” Phil replied.

Karai then spoke to Klegghorn with Shini next to her. “Thanks for all your help, Captain.”

Klegghorn happily shook her hand. “You’re all good kids. Take care of yourselves.”

“We will.” Promised Shini.

Soon, everyone was all packed up and the four vehicles were started up as they waved goodbye one more time to the Ducks.

“Sayonara, Mighty Ducks.” Leo thumbed up.

“Farewell, Ninja Turtles. Rainbooms. Team Shine.” Wildwing thumbed up back.

“Ducks Rock!” Mikey cheered followed by everyone else.

The Ducks responded by pumping their fists in the air. “Booyakasha!”

They watched as the vehicles all drove through the tunnel out of the Pond. When they were gone, Klegghorn stood next to Wildwing. “Good kids.”

“Yep.” Wildwing agreed. “So, with the Saurians gone, I guess we’ll be out of your hair for a while.”

“Perhaps.” Shrugged Klegghorn. “But if we ever need you, and I know we will, we’ll keep in touch.”

“And we’ll be ready.” Wildwing promised.


After driving on the highway for a while, the four vehicles drove through the next exit as Donnie activated his portal tracker and opened a portal that they drove through bringing them back to Canterlot. Soon, they stopped in the bare CHS parking lot.

“We’re home!” cheered the CMCs.

“Best. Vacation. EVER!” Pinkie cried.

Leo rolled down the window in the ShellRaiser as Shine Boy did the same in the Shine RV to speak to the Rainbooms.

“Well, I guess we’ll be heading back to New York.” The lead turtle said.

“Are you guys sure you can’t stay a little bit?” Twilight asked.

“If only we could, Twilight, but we should check in with the Mutanimals.”

“Same with me and the Foot.” Karai added.

“And we should check back in at Columbus. See how things are.” Shine Boy pointed out.

“We understand.” Sunset smiled.

“Thanks again for joining us!” Cadence waved.

“Thanks for inviting us.” April smiled.

“And Congratulations again on you and Shining for your pregnancy, Ms. Cadence!” Serenity called out.

“Thanks! We’ll keep you all posted about the baby!” Shining promised.

“A-B-C y’all!” Mikey spoke.

After everyone said their goodbyes, The Turtles, Allies, and Team Shine drove away heading home as the Rainbooms, Fugitoid, the CMCs, Shining, and Cadence all waved before heading home themselves to rest up for the next day. They may have been tired, but they couldn’t wait to tell their friends about their trip and their new friends.

The End

Author's Note:

There you go! The story is done! And I enjoyed finally doing this fiction!


- The added verses for the Mighty Ducks theme song are from the toy commercials.

I thought about Spike doing a rap, but I'm not good at making raps.

-Don't ask me who the aliens are to help Canard reclaim PuckWorld. I haven't thought of anything specific. I thought The Ducks would stay on Earth as Ambassadors from their planet so they'll be ready to help the heroes if necessary.

- Those are real places in Anaheim they visited as well as the rooftop restaurant.

-The fireworks scene was inspired by the ending scene of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie. I can almost hear Dreams by Van Halen.

- Amethyst Majesty and Wisecrack are OCs by AmethystMajesty25 who asked if they could make a cameo in the game.

And that's all I got. For now. Don't go away! Epilogues coming soon!