• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 1,960 Views, 425 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

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“You sure we can trust that Droid guy, Lord Dragaunus?” Siege asked.

In his inoperable cloaked ship, the Raptor, Dragaunus had recruited Dr. Droid after he lost his alien fragment to the heroes when his creation, Omnis, turned on him. Dr. Droid was in the process of reconstructing a new robotic body while Dragaunus and his forces searched for the rest of the Eye of Sarnoth.

“Well, I wouldn’t have to ask for outside help if you three could destroy the Ducks and their new friends!” Dragaunus sneered.

“And no doubt had collected two of the Eye.” Siege added.

Dragaunus took a moment to breathe. “Indeed. It was bad enough we had the Mighty Ducks to worry about. Now we have Ninja Turtles, magical girls, Professor Honeycutt, vigilantes, a witch, ninjas, and that… that… Shine Boy to deal with!”

“Not to mention that guy in the leather jacket Dr. Droid mentioned.” Wraith walked in.

Chameleon shifted into a long-haired mustache guy. “We’re hopelessly outnumbered! Game over, Man! Game over!”


Chameleon choked as he changed back. “I-I think I have one idea.”

Dragaunus growled before he dropped Chameleon as he continued. “Remember when Wraith mind controlled those Ducks’ manager and send to all those trap gigs?”

“I’m listening.” Dragaunus huffed.

“Well, what if he possessed one of those new friends of theirs? Then they could lead them away from the fragment?”

“And who pray tell should we control? The little hockey fan? The snoopy little girl? That turtle with those twirly chain things?” Wraith questioned.

“Why not one of those girls?” Siege suggested.

Dragaunus smirked. “Yes! Turning their magic against them. I love it! Now which one?”

He pushed a button, and the computer showed a picture of Rainbow Dash. “Hmm. Too conspicuous.” The next picture was of Applejack. “I thought she was too stubborn.” Rarity was next. “A little too vain for my taste.” The next picture showed Pinkie Pie. “Too unpredictable.” Twilight Sparkle came up next. “Too overprotective.” He then paused at Sunset Shimmer’s picture. “Too obvious.” He then glared at no one in particular. “And I believe she was overused a lot.” But when he came to Fluttershy’s picture, he smiled maliciously. “There! SHE is the perfect one to possess! No one will suspect such a pretty face.” He laughed evilly.


As for Fluttershy, she was with her friends who had just finished their morning training and had gathered in their lounge to get to know more about the Mighty Ducks and their adventures and vice versa. Nosedive was telling about the time he stopped his alien pet, Baby, from tearing up the city.

“And then, my watch’s music calmed Baby down and reminded him we were buds. Then we stopped the Saurians from raining meteors all over Anaheim. And the crowd goes WHOOOOOO!” he bragged.

Mikey awed. “Whoa. And he got bigger by eating bologna?”

“Balonium, Mikey, not bologna.” Donnie corrected.

“Unfortunately, Tanya had to reverse engineer balonium to shrink baby down to size and back in his crystal egg.” Sighed Nosedive.

“Aw! Too bad! If I had brought Ice Cream Kitty, she’d probably liked Baby.” Mikey pouted.

“At least Sonata is taking care of her and Chompy back home.” Caitlyn reminded.

“So let me get this straight. Ice Cream Kitty is a mutant cat mixed with ice cream while Chompy is a baby alien turtle whose mom is bigger that the Empire State Building?” Duke put together.

“Yep.” Raph confirmed. “In fact, Dive’s story reminded me of the time Tokka came to earth looking for Chompy and she ended up letting the little guy stay with me.”

“All because you thought Tokka perished by the Triceratons?” Wildwing recollected.

“And Chomps hitched a ride on Raph.” Rainbow added.

“Well, she must’ve saw how much Chompy meant for you and now knows he’s in good hands.”

“Thanks, Wildwing.” Raph smiled.

Just then, Tanya and Gamer walked in.

“Hey, guys.” Greeted Shine Boy. “How goes the Crystal Converger?”

“Oh we’re really ahead of schedule!” Tanya smiled. “Fugitoid running a couple upgrades. Of course, some of the pieces are a bit worn, but I think I know where to get some replacements.”

“Oh yeah? Where?” Donnie asked.

“My old friend, Dr. Huggerman.”

“Dr. Who-a-man?” Pinkie raised a brow.

“I heard of him.” Twilight stood up. “Last I heard, he turned his back on humanity and was never heard of again.”

“He did that because he thought his inventions were being abused. He didn’t like that they were being used as weapons of destruction, so he went to his private island.” Tanya explained.

“A pacifist. Makes sense.” Karai figured.

“Yeah. But he did help us defeat an electrical creature, even if he is a little whack.” Nosedive mumbled before Mallory smacked him upside the head.

“But does he ever get lonely?” Fluttershy asked.

“I visit him every now and then and we play go fish. He gave me a little remote so he won’t blast my head off like he tried with me and Grin when we fought that electrical creature.” Tanya held up a small device.

“Hate to be a girls scout.” Mikey blinked as Casey laughed his head off.

Shining noticed Gamer sulking as he sat down. “Are you alright, Gamer? You seem a little down.”

Gamer sighed. “I guess I’m still paranoid about Dr. Droid. Last night, I dreamt I kept hitting him because he wouldn’t shut up. I just wish I could ignore jerks like him and just move on, you know?”

“Well, if you want my honest opinion, sugarcube, I’d say guys like him need therapy really bad.” Applejack huffed.

“Yeah, I mean, it’s not your fault he chose to become a cyborg of destruction.” Buzz added.

“Besides, you’re with people who’ve been there and changed for the better.” Karai smiled.

“And you all could give jerks like Droid lessons.” Gamer mumbled.

“Maybe.” Sunset smiled.

Grin laid a hand on his shoulder, "Gamer, you must remember that not all inventors are unredeemable. Some who are blinded by their pride in knowledge must have some good in them. Just as I believed there was good in our old hockey rival, Stanley Strazinski."

"Stanley Strazinski?!" Casey exclaimed.

Gabby spat out her water, "?!Estás bromeando?!"

"THE Stanley Strazinski?!" Zach asked in shock.

"Oh yeah," Nosedive confirmed. "Believe me, I thought Grin was totally nutsoid for thinking that too."

"Um, who's Stanley Strazinski?" Fluttershy asked.

"Stanley Strazinski was a center player on the Polar Bears hockey team," Casey explained. "And he was the nastiest, dirtiest, most aggressive player on the ice!"

Gabby added, "That guy got penalties for tripping, slashing, high sticking, and especially for clobbering the referee."

"Oh my word!" Rarity gasped.

"Talk about a bad sport," Rainbow crossed her arms.

"Yeah, and because of that, no hockey team could ever beat him," Zach said. "Except one..."

"And who was that?" Donnie asked.

"Us," Wildwing answered.

"We were the only team he couldn't beat," Mallory added.

"No matter what dirty trick that jerkwead pulled, we always came out on top," Nosedive boasted.

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow cheered.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey exclaimed.

"I wouldn't celebrate just yet," Duke advised. "Stanley held one heck of a grudge on us and that came back to bite us in the tail feathers."

“So, what happened?” Shini asked as Pinkie pulled out popcorn.

"Well you see, Dragaunus had a DNA enhancer ray, and when he found out about our beef with Stanley, he used it to turn him into a huge purple ragging monster!" Tanya explained.

"And boy did he give us a pounding!" Nosedive added. "Even Grin was no match for him."

"Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Ouch!" Shine Boy winced.

"Reminds me of when we first fought Hun as a mutant," Raph recalled.

"Well, despite all that, I still believed there was good in Stanley," Grin said. "So, through remembering the teachings of my sensei, I was eventually able to give Stanley enlightenment and showed him the error of his ways."

"Meanwhile, Tanya and I were captured by Dragaunus and he used his DNA Enhancer to make an energy monster," Duke put in. "When low and behold, Stanley came to our rescue and helped us defeat that thing.”

"How did you that?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Me and Nosedive lured it to a water tower where Duke and Tanya caused it to trip, then Grin and Stanley dumped the tower on the monster, shorting it out," Wildwing answered.

"And during the fight, Stanley was reverted back to his old self," Mallory added.

"Afterwards, he apologized for all the trouble he gave us," Grin said. "But, he decided that he was unfit to play hockey and gave up playing it."

"So after all that, he just quit?!" Rainbow asked incredulously.

"I wouldn't say quit, but yes," Grin nodded. "However, he did not stray too far from hockey as he became the substitute referee."

"Stanley a ref?!" Casey said dumbfounded.

Caitlyn checked her phone, "Huh, he's right, look." She showed them all a video of Stanley telling a dirty player that he was out of the game for unsportsmanlike behavior.

“I run a clean game here! I have NO room for ruffians like you!” Stanley said in the video.

“I like to see dirty players try to knock him out!” Night Shine smirked before biting some jerky.

“Well, at least he’s still employed and able to be near the game.” Cadence smiled.

Fugitoid entered carrying a box of scrap metal. “The updates are coming along nicely. These leftover parts I’m afraid are unfixable so they can be thrown away.”

“Then I’ll take the Duck Foil and see if Huggerman has the parts we need.” Tanya then got an idea. “Hey! You wanna come along, Gamer?”

“You sure your friend will be okay with that?” Gamer looked unsure.

“I’m sure Huggerman might give you advice or words. Besides, you’ll be fine as long as you’re with me.”

“Good idea. Go ahead, Gamer.” Wildwing insisted.

“Maybe it’ll make you feel better.” Shine Boy added.

“Okay. Besides, Donnie and Fugitoid can keep an eye on the Crystal Converger.” Gamer decided.

“And we’ll keep an eye out for that Dragaunus bully.” Sweetie Belle pointed.

“That we will, darling.” Rarity smiled at her sister.

“We’ll hurry back soon.” Tanya led Gamer to the hauler as Fluttershy walked up to Fugitoid.

“I can throw that away for you, Professor.”

“Oh thank you, Fluttershy.” Fugitoid smiled, handing her the box.

“Dumpster’s at the south exit! By the trailer parking!” Mallory called to her.

“Thank you!” Fluttershy smiled as she headed out.

Raph then turned to Grin. “So, Grin, what was your old master like?”

Grin smiled. “Well, it all started at my young age….”


As she left the building, Fluttershy was humming to herself as she walked to the dumpster. She then tossed the box of scraps into it.

“There we go. All finished!” she smiled. She turned and suddenly screamed. Right next to her foot was a discarded banana peel. “I better discard this before someone slips.”

She picked up the peel and tossed it in the dumpster when suddenly-


Fluttershy shrieked as she found herself face to face with Wraith. “Oh! You scared me have to death!”

“Only half? Pity.” Wraith smirked.

“Y-you’re one of those Saurian guys!” Before Fluttershy could do anything, Wraith grabbed her and held his hand at her face.

“I summon the powers of the ancient Saurians to control your mind.” His eyes glowed as he held Fluttershy’s head.

Fluttershy’s eyes glowed yellow as she answered drearily. “Yes, master.”

“When you hear the phrase ‘Roast Duck’, you will do as you’re told. Otherwise, you’ll be your sweet innocent self and remember nothing.” Wraith instructed.

“Remember. Nothing.” Fluttershy echoed.

Wraith placed a homing button in Fluttershy’s dart pouch on her ninja belt. “Now listen, you innocent flower, you will tell your friends and the Mighty Ducks that you have a lead to the next fragment of the Eye of Sarnoth. It is a matter of life and death.” He chuckled before teleporting away.

“Life and death. Remember nothing.” Fluttershy mumbled as she entered the stadium.

On her way back, Phil was talking on his phone. “Oh come on! You know how many people would love to watch Post Crush perform at a halftime show? They’ll be the biggest thing since those three brothers. Hello? Hello!” he put his phone down and looked at a notepad. “So much for Post Crush. Hey!”

He was then bumped into Fluttershy who still had the glowing eyes. “Uh, You okay, Flutters?”

“Remember. Nothing.” Fluttershy mumbled as she walked away.

“Hmm. Something about Flutters looks familiar.” Phil pondered. “Oh well. Next up is Stan Bush.” he dialed on his phone.


“And that was the last time I saw my master.” Grin concluded.

Everyone was surprised at what TaeQuackdo was like. One moment, he sounded like a wise sensei, the next, he was a griping old grump.

Leo spoke up. “Your sensei sounds very... unique.”

“That he was.” Grin nodded.

“At least it changed you for the better.” Shine Boy smiled.

Just then, they heard a thump. They all turned to see Fluttershy lying on the couch.

“Fluttershy!” everyone gasped as they hurried to her.

“Are you okay?” Serenity asked as she helped her up.

“Huh… wha?” Fluttershy blinked, with her eyes being normal.

“Don’t tell us that taking out that box of scrap wore you out.” Nosedive joked.

“No. it’s just….” Fluttershy rubbed her head. “One minute, I dumped the box in the dumpster. Then, the next thing I knew, I-” she then gasped suddenly. “I think I found a lead to the next fragment!”

“Where?” Wildwing insisted.

“In the mountain area! I saw Siege and Wraith saying they were getting a reading from up there!”

“Then Chameleon must’ve jumped you from behind.” Guessed Sunset.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s grab it before those Sore-ians do!” Raph punched his fists.

“But we don’t have the Crystal Converger!” Twilight pointed out.

“I will see about speeding up the updates, but I can’t do much without the parts.” Fugitoid stated.

“Do what you can, Professor, but don’t do it too quickly that does more harm than good.” Leo warned.

“Should we contact Tanya and Gamer?” Spike asked.

“We’ll let them get what we need for the Crystal Converger. Right now, we need to grab that fragment before Dragaunus!” Wildwing stated. “Everyone to the Aerowing!”

As everyone hurried, April felt a small vibe which Donnie and Grin noticed.

“April? You okay?” Donnie asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. But I have a bad feeling about Fluttershy’s confirmation.”

“You felt it too, haven’t you?” Grin nodded. “I can’t put my finger on it, but I’m getting a bad vibe about this.”

“I’m not saying Fluttershy would turn on us, but we should keep an eye on her.” April suggested.

As Donnie and Grin nodded in agreement, they heard Rainbow call to them. “Hey come on! We’re burning daylight!”

The three hurried in the Ducks’ giant aircraft, The Aerowing, as the ice stadium converted into a launching pad.

“Full power to thrusters!” Wildwing ordered as Nosedive pushed a button.

“Thrusters are full capacity!” the young duck boasted.

As the Aerowing flew up, the Turtles, Rainbooms, and Team Shine were amazed at the plane they were in.

“This. Is. AWESOME!” cheered Rainbow and Scootaloo.

“I know, right?” Buzz smiled.

“So this was how you got to Earth through Dragaunus’ dimensional gateway?” Twilight asked.

Mallory nodded. “Yep. This was one of the last arial assault planes that wasn’t destroyed from Dragaunus’ attack on PuckWorld.”

“Canard managed to hide this one, so we used it to attack Dragaunus’ headquarters. When he tried to escape, we followed in pursuit, and you know the rest.” Wildwing sighed.

Caitlyn then saw Shining cringing as he held his stomach. “Are you alright, Mr. Armor?”

“Just a little airsick.” Shining groaned as Cadence patted his back.

“I forgot Shining gets airsick!” gasped Twilight.

“No wonder we didn’t fly instead.” Mikey said before Raph clonked him on the head.

“Don’t worry. We’ll be there shortly.” Wildwing assured.

As Cadence continued to ease Shining’s illness, Sweetie Belle sat near the window and pondered. “I hope Gamer is doing better.”


Meanwhile, Tanya and Gamer were speeding through the ocean on a motorboat that resembled Wildwing’s goalie mask.

“We’re coming up on Huggarman’s island.” Tanya said.

Gamer analyzed the area with his goggles and saw the placed armed to the teeth. “Dang! He didn’t spare any expense arming this place!”

“Luckily, we won’t have to worry about it this time.” Tanya pulled out her remote and pushed a button. Sure enough, none of the guns started firing as the two came to the dock. After tying up the Duck Soil, the two made their way to Huggarman’s front door.

Gamer still looked a little unsure. “You sure this is a good idea?”

“Of course! Huggarman’s not so bad once you get past his ‘given-up-on-humanity’ rants.” Tanya assured as she rang the doorbell.

Just then, an old man’s voice spoke up. “Tanya? Is that you?”

“Yes, Dr. Huggarman! I’m here! And I brought a friend with me!”

The door opened to reveal an old man with gray hair and mustache. “Glad to see the remote I gave you last Christmas is working perfectly.” He smiled before noticing Gamer. “So who’s your friend there?”

“Dr. Huggarman, this is Gamer. He and his friends were visiting Anaheim and now are helping us stop Dragaunus’ latest scheme.”

Gamer waved nervously. “Hello.”

“No need to be nervous, Gamer. Any friend of Tanya’s is a friend of mine. So what brings you to my island?” Huggarman asked.

“We were wondering if you had these kind of parts we could use.” Tanya showed him a list.

“I believe I do. You can tell me your reason in a game of Go Fish.” Huggarman chuckled.

“Huggarman don’t ever change.” Tanya smiled.

“Do you like Go Fish, Gamer?”

Gamer smiled. “My brother Shine Boy and I played that a lot when we were younger. It’s a classic. Besides, I could use a game of Go Fish to ease my tension. I’ll tell you as we play.”

Huggarman patted his back as he led the two inside.


The Aerowing landed an opening in the mountain area just outside of Anaheim. As everyone came out, Duke turned to Shining who was helped out by Cadence and Twilight. “Hey uh you sure you’re gonna be okay, Shining?”

“Yeah. I usually walk it off.” Shining sighed.

Shine Boy looked around. “So how do we wanna do this?”

“I wanna say maybe we should split into groups?” Leo suggested.

“Probably our best move.” Wildwing agreed. “Alright, we’ll split into four groups. Leo, Shine Boy, and I will check the north with Twilight, Shining, Cadence, Karai, and Shini. Mallory, you go with Raph, Grin, Love Shine, Luke, Casey, Rainbow, and Gabby to the south.”

“Roger that.” Mallory nodded.

“Donnie, you, April, Caitlyn, Serenity, Rarity, Applejack, and Keno head east.”

“On it.” Donnie thumbed up.

“Nosedive, you, Duke, Mikey, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Shine Girl, Sunset, and the kids check west.”

“No problem, Bro!” Nosedive boasted.

“We’ll rendezvous back here in an hour. If you see the fragment or any Saurian, warn the others.” Leo instructed. “Now let’s move!”

“Make sure you listen to Mikey and stay close.” Mallory told Buzz as she handed him a spare puck blaster.

“I won’t let you down, Mallory.” Buzz promised as he happily accepted the blaster.

“I know you won’t.” Mallory smiled before the groups headed out.

As Mikey’s group headed west of the mountains, a ringing began to be heard as Nosedive stopped the group. “What’s that?”

Everyone looked at Fluttershy for it was her phone ringing.

“It’s probably Zephyr or Sweetheart. This’ll take a second.” She walked a bit away from the group and answered her phone. “Um, hello?”

“Roast Duck!” Fluttershy flinched as her eyes glowed again while Wraith spoke in her phone. “You are to lead your friends near the edge of the mountains.”

As Wraith spoke with his communicator, Siege destroyed a sign saying ‘Beware of Falling Rocks!’ and placed some hidden explosions on the wall.

“Yes, master.” Fluttershy moaned before she hung up. Her eyes stopped glowing as she cried to the others. “Guys! I think I saw Wraith and Siege! That way!”

“Lead the way, Fluttershy!” Sunset cried.

As they hurried, Nosedive called on his comm watch. “Guys! We have Saurian activity near our positions!”

“We’re on our way!” Wildwing said through the communicator.

“Here they come!” Siege pointed as the group hurried towards them.

“Like lambs to the slaughter!” Wraith smirked.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey cried as they drew their weapons.

“Not this time, Shellback!” Siege chuckled as he pressed a button, causing the explosions to blow up. “Cuz we’re winning by a landslide!”

“Avalanche!” Nosedive cried as rocks began rolling down the mountain.

“Evacuate the area!” Duke ordered as Fluttershy led the kids away.

Pinkie quickly grabbed some sprinkles. “I’ll stop them!” she threw them at the boulders as they exploded, but to their shock, it made more rocks roll down. “Oops.”

Sunset saw Siege and Wraith hurrying away and ran after them.

Shine Girl noticed. “Sunset! Come back!”

“Wait!” Mikey followed her.

Sunset jumped on Siege’s back and tried to hold him from escaping. “Fork over that fragment!”

“What makes you think we have it, Girly girl?” Siege smirked before he smacked her on the head, making her lose her grip as she fell unconscious.

As Shine Girl and Mikey came to Sunset, Shine Girl heard Wraith tell Siege. “So far, they’ve been foolish to go on our wild goose chase.”

Before Shine Girl could say anything, the two Saurians disappeared as Mikey shouted. “Incoming!”

The other groups arrive just as the three were buried under the avalanche.

“MIKEY!” Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Shini gasped.

“SHINE GIRL!” Shine Boy cried.

“SUNSET SHIMMER!” The Rainbooms screamed.

As the dust settled and the rocks stopped, everyone hurried to the pile.

“Mikey! Say something!” Raph worried as he began moving rocks. Shini, equally worried, frantically moved rocks.

“Shine Girl! Please be okay!” Shine Boy prayed.

Mallory hurried to the kids, Duke, Pinkie, and Fluttershy as Nosedive hurried to help. “What happened?”

“We found Wraith and Siege, only they planted bombs causing an avalanche!” Sweetie Belle gulped.

“Sunset tried to stop them but got hurt and Shine Girl and Mikey went to help her!” Buzz added.

“This is all my fault! I’m the one who saw them.” Whimpered Fluttershy.

Duke patted her shoulder. “No, Flutters! Dragaunus and his lackies are always pulling stuff like this under our beaks! It ain’t you. It’s them!”

“It might’ve been worse!” Everyone saw Night Shine pick up the destroyed sign. “I guess they wanted to bury all of us like they were expecting us!”

“Say what?” Casey glared.

“Who cares!” Nosedive huffed trying to lift a rock. “We gotta get them out of there!”

Wildwing scanned with his mask and spotted a pile with an open. “Over here!”

Everyone hurried to the pile as April sensed them. “He’s right! Mikey! Shine Girl! Sunset! Can anybody hear me?”

“Yo April! Guys! We’re down here!” they heard Mikey call them.

“Mikey! Are you guys alright in there?” Donnie called.

“I’m alright, but Shine Girl and Sunset are out cold!”

“Hang on, Baby Bro! We’ll get you all out!” Raph promised.

“But I can’t levitate all these boulders!” Twilight feared.

“If we can widen that opening, someone can climb in and help get them out!” Leo theorized.

“I don’t think any of us can fit in that.” Shining worried.

“I can!” Karai stood forward. “My serpent form can slither in easily.”

“She’s right! It’s our best option!” Shine Boy stated.

Soon, Applejack, Love Shine, and Grin each held a side of the opening as Love Shine counted. “On three! One. Two. Three!”

They pulled the opening wider as Karai morphed into her mutant form.

“Whoa. That is cool!” wowed Buzz.

“Yeah. A little creepy, but it’s cool.” Put in Nosedive.

“Alright! Undelae!” Gabby cried.

Nodding, Karai slid into the opening quickly. Soon enough, she got out quickly came out bringing Sunset out with Mikey right behind carrying Shine Girl on his back while Shine Boy and Leo helped set them down. Shini hurried over and hugged Mikey in a big embrace before realizing she was still hugging him before breaking out and clearing her throat.

“I-uh WE were so worried about you!”

“Yeah we were!” Pinkie popped up and hugged Mikey next.

“Yeah well, it might’ve been an even bigger bummer if I didn’t use my medallion to summon wood to shield us from those rocks!” Mikey panted.

“Smart thinking, Bro!” Raph grinned.

“Shine Girl!” Shine Boy sat her up as he removed her mask while Serenity pulled out a cloth and wiped her wound. “Kyla, please be okay!”

“wild….goose….chase.” Shine Girl mumbled.

“She’s just knocked out.” Serenity assured her hero.

Zach checked Sunset for a pulse and got it. “Same with Sunset.”

“Thank goodness!” sighed Cadence.

“We better get em back to the Pond!” Leo stated.

“But what about the fragment?” Nosedive asked.

Wildwing scanned the area with his mask. “No energy readings in the area! So it’s safe to say it wasn’t here.”

“I hope the Saurians didn’t get it.” Feared Caitlyn.

“Even if they did, there would still be traces of energy within twelve hours.”

“Then we better get those two checked out.” Applejack confirmed.

“Come on. Let’s go!” Rainbow stated as they hurried back to the Aerowing.


“They bought it! And now two of them are injured!” Siege reported to Dragaunus.

“Good! But it would a lot better if they were all terminated!” Dragaunus stated. “Wraith! Proceed with the next deception!”

“Yes, my lord.” Wraith bowed.

Dragaunus pushed a button as an image of Chameleon appeared on the screen. “Chameleon! Report!”

“I’m almost near the alien fragment! The signal is getting stronger.” Chameleon said while sounding like Harrison Ford.

“Good!” Dragaunus chuckled.


Later, back at the pond, the heroes put Shine Girl and Sunset on the medical tables as they analyzed the two unconscious girls.

“Are they gonna be okay?” Scootaloo asked Wildwing as he checked the monitors.

“They’ll be fine, Scootaloo. They just have a mild concussion. They just need rest.”

“Wild….goose…chase.” Shine Girl mumbled unconsciously.

Rarity wiped her head with a washcloth. “Shh. Easy, darling. Rest now.”

April saw the two with a serious look as Caitlyn noticed. “April? Are you okay?”

“I don’t know, Caitlyn. Just something about this seems so Suspicious.”

“Suspicious how?” asked Karai.

Over by Drake 1, Fluttershy felt guilty about the condition of her friends.

“Oh! Poor Sunset and Kyla! I had to mention the fragment! Now they’re hurt and what do we find? Nothing! And it’s all my fault!” she whimpered. “Though how did I find Siege and Wraith and know they were going to the mountains?”

Just then, her phone rang again. Fluttershy answered. “Um, hello?”

“Roast Duck!” The moment she heard Wraith’s voice, Fluttershy stood up like a soldier as her eyes glowed.

“What is thy bidding, Master?” she moaned.

“You will lead your friends and the Ducks by telling them the fragment is in the park.” Wraith ordered.

“They’ll be reluctant to leave. Two of them are injured.” Fluttershy said.

Wraith pretended to sound concern. “But they must go. For the sake of the cute little animals.”

Though hypnotized, Fluttershy began to shed tears. “The animals?”

After hanging up, she turned right before she bumped into Phil again.

“Whoa! Whoa! Slow down there! You alright there, Flutters?” Phil asked.

Fluttershy woke up not hypnotized. “Huh? Wha?” She suddenly gasped. “The Animals! The fragment!” she hurried to the others before hurrying to Phil and bowing. “Sorry, Mr. Palmfeather!”

As she hurried away, Phil pondered a bit. “I swear I've seen Fluttershy's behavior before. Must've been the last girl I dated. Oh well.” He shrugged and went back to his phone.

Back with the others, April and Grin finished telling the group about their suspicions about Fluttershy. The group was surprised.

“Fluttershy would never turn on us!” Karai argued.

“It doesn’t just add up!” Casey protested.

“Now if it were Rainbow or AJ, It be more believable.” Night Shine pointed out.

“HEY!” the two snapped.

“Oh, I’m right and you know it!”

“Look, I’m not saying Fluttershy would turn on us intentionally. Like maybe she’s being controlled or something.” April clarified.

“Now that would make sense.” Duke pointed out.

“And ten to one, the one controlling her is Dragaunus!” Raph glared.

Night Shine deadpanned. “No! it’s Harry the Hypnotist. OF COURSE IT’S DRAGAUNUS!”

Raph growled at Night Shine’s outburst as Leo spoke up. “We better keep an eye on her.”

“Where is Fluttershy anyway?” Applebloom asked.

Just then, Fluttershy hurried in bawling. “Saurians! In the park! The animals!”

“Whoa! Slow down, Fluttershy! What’s wrong?” Shine Boy calmed her down.

“Drake 1 has located the Saurians in the park! We need to save all those animals!”

Wildwing checked his gauntlet. “She’s right! It’s a Drake 1 alert!”

“Let’s hurry! The fragment might be in the park!” Love Shine pounded his fist.

“I’ll stay here and keep an eye on Sunset and Kyla.” Gabby spoke up.

“Me too.” Serenity added.

“Good idea. In case Tanya or Gamer calls and should also check on Fugitoid.” Mallory agreed.

“Ya sure, Gabby?” Casey asked.

“Si, Jones. Somebody should stay behind. Now go hit those bandinos for me!”

Serenity held Shine Boy’s hand. “Please be careful.”

“We will. I’ll make sure no one else gets in their state again.” Shine Boy promised before pecking her cheek.

“Everyone to the Aerowing! Again!” Wildwing ordered.

“HOLD IT!” Everyone turned to see Phil hurrying up. “I’m coming too!”

“Phil! This is kind of an emergency, not a road trip!” Nosedive glared.

“Relax! Where you’re heading is near where I need to be!” Phil assured. “Once we’re there, I’ll be out of the way and trying to get our half time entertainment.”

Wildwing sighed. “Alright, Phil. You can come.”

“Let’s go!” Leo said and they all hurried away.


Back at Huggarman’s island, Gamer, Tanya, and Dr. Huggarman were having a nice game of Go Fish while getting to know each other. Gamer had told Huggarman about his grudge against Dr. Droid.

“And that’s the whole story.” Gamer concluded. “Got any fives?”

“Go fish.” Huggarman said. “I understand where you’re going at, Gamer. You see, Otto Matton was one of the first to abuse my inventions. I made a mechanical arm to help with construction and what does he do? Make it with plasma blasters and went on a rampage!” he then cleared his throat. “Got any queens?”

“Uh, Go fish.” Tanya shrugged.

“That’s the problem with geniuses these days. It’s always power and money that corrupts because everyone believes war is the solution to everything! I just wanted to help with the small problems, give back to the people. But they always have to weaponize them! I just couldn’t handle it anymore!”

“Yeesh! No wonder you left.” Gamer blinked.

“Anyway, ranting aside, so this Eye of Sarnoth crystal you all are hunting for, you need to fix your device to find the remaining pieces if I heard correctly?”

“Yep. We’ve managed to find two of the fragments. Just leaves two more to find and they’ve been located in Anaheim so far.” Tanya explained.

“And what do plan to do with the crystal once you have it completed?” asked Huggarman.

“To destroy it.” Gamer answered. “While it could be used for beneficial uses, like unlimited energy, a power source, etc, my brother, Leo, and Wildwing agreed that it would be too corrupting and dangerous. So it’s our best option for it to be destroyed.”

This was enough to put a smile on Huggarman’s face. “That… is the best answer I like to hear. It puts a smile on my face to see an intelligent young mind. How about one more game before I get those parts you need?”

“Cool. It’s really been easing my tension.” Gamer smiled.

“As long as the others are doing alright without us.” Tanya looked at her communicator as Huggarman shuffled the deck.


“You know, I bet Tanya and Gamer are hoping we’re doing alright without them right now.” Nosedive said as the Aerowing landed on the park grounds.

As the heroes climbed out of the vehicles, Shining again was helped out by Twilight and Applejack before taking a deep breath. “It’s okay, Twily, I can still walk it off.”

“You sure?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine, but thank you anyway.”

“Should we turn on our cloaks?” Raph asked Leo.

Leo looked around. “Doesn’t look like there are many people around here.”

“Probably they evacuated if Dragaunus’ forces are here.” Shine Boy guessed.

“Either way, stay alert and stick together.” Wildwing ordered.

“While I got to hurry to talk to some agents!” Phil hurried off.

Applebloom then spoke up. “Excuse me, Wildwing? Would it be alright if me, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Buzz wait by the Aerowing?”

“Huh?” the group asked.

“Yeah, in case Tanya and Gamer call.” Scootaloo agreed.

“They do have a point.” Leo told Wildwing who nodded in agreement.

“Alright, but don’t wander too far in case they do call.” Applejack told the four.

“We promise!” saluted Buzz.

Twilight set her dog by them. “Spike, stay with them.”

“Kay, just be careful.” Spike sighed.

“Let’s move.” Karai waved as they headed out.

The heroes crept close with their weapons drawn as Wildwing scanned with his mask. “I’m not getting any energy traces.”

“I’m getting a bad vibe.” Grin looked around.

April felt her head. “Siege is here. I can feel it.”

“You got that right, Girly girl!” Everyone turned to see Siege appeared with about a dozen droids.

“It’s a trap!” cried Donnie.

“All the more interesting!” Night Shine drew his machete.

Leo pointed his sword. “Alright, guys! Let’s rev up and rollout!”

Everyone deadpanned him as Pinkie leaned towards him. “Wrong franchise, Leo.”

“Look out!” Shine Boy grabbed Leo before he was blasted.

As the heroes battled the droids, Vernon popped out from an alley nearby.

“It’s them!” he chuckled. “Now, I’ll have my proof! And little Caitlyn will be left in the dust!” he held up his phone and started recording.

However, he was spotted by the CMCs, Buzz, and Spike as Spike groaned. “Oh no! it’s that Vernon guy again!”

“That’s Vernon?” Applebloom raised her brow.

“If he records the Turtles, they’ll be exposed in multimedia!” Sweetie Belle feared.

“It’ll be worse than that Muckman incident Mikey kept telling us about.” Scootaloo recalled.

“We gotta stop him from posting that footage!” Applebloom stated.

Buzz snapped his fingers. “I got an idea! Everyone huddle up!” they all gathered up as he whispered his plan.

Back at the battle, everyone fought off the droids and were scrapping them.

“Booyakasha!” cheered Mikey.

“What did he say?” Mallory asked as she kicked a droid.

“Booyakasha if I heard right.” Duke shrugged as he deflected lasers with his sword.

“Cool, right?” Nosedive gleamed before rolling in and blasting a droid.

Meanwhile, Shine Boy and Night Shine made their way to Siege who chuckled. “Oh, so you both wanna play, huh?”

“Better hand over the fragment if you wish to spare the embarrassment.” Night Shine gestured.

“Even if I had it, I’d never hand it to you brats!” Siege grinned.

Shine Boy clentched his fists as they began to glow with light before he sprinted and punched Siege causing him to fly back. “That was for Shine Girl!” he sneered as he punched again. “For Sunset!” he punched again. “For…everything!”

After he punched again, Siege grabbed his arm and threw him over his shoulder. He then was about to slam his tail on Shine Boy when he was blocked by Night Shine’s machete burning in a dark flame. Then the two double punched him again. Growling, Siege pushed a button on his commlink and teleported away.

Vernon giggled as he recorded the Turtles fighting the drones. “Oh this is great footage! This’ll show little miss Caitlyn who’s the top journalist!”

Suddenly, a big thud startled him, causing him to drop his phone. He turned around to see a tipped over trash can.

“Must’ve been an alley cat.” He shrugged, unaware that Sweetie Belle was hiding behind the dumpster. But before he could pick up his phone, Spike ran up and snatched the phone with his mouth and ran away.

“Hey! Come back here, you mutt!” Vernon gave chase as Spike ran into another alley. Vern looked around cautiously. “Here, doggie doggie. Come on out with my phone and I’ll give you a Milk Bone. Hey!” Suddenly, a tarp fell on top of him. After struggling a bit, Vern managed to get it off. Panting, he looked around and saw his phone lying near his foot.

“He must’ve dropped it.” He figured as he picked up and checked his phone. “If I ever see that mutt again, I’m calling the dog catcher!”

After he left the alley, Spike poked out of hiding with Buzz from behind a wall. Seeing that Vern was gone, they looked up to see it was Applebloom and Scootaloo who threw the tarp from the fire escape.

“A milk bone? Really?” Spike deadpanned. “That’s the oldest trick in the book!”

“At least we succeeded.” Buzz smiled. “I can’t wait to see that guy’s face later!”

“At least Leo won’t worry about being exposed.” Scootaloo added as she and Applebloom climbed down.

“Cmon! Let’s meet up with Sweetie Belle and hurry back to the Aerowing.” Applebloom suggested.

They arrived back to the Aerowing just as Phil returned disappointed.

“Everything okay, Mr. Palmfeather?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Not really, kid. I scored out for Stan Bush. If I don’t find someone to perform for halftime, I’ll go broke!”

The CMCs looked at each other but shrugged.

Soon, the heroes managed to defeat all the droids. Everyone sheathed their weapons as they panted.

“Anything?” Karai asked Wildwing who scanned the area with his mask.

“Nothing. No energy traces. The fragment isn’t here!”

“This is getting annoying real fast!” Frowned Mallory.

“I agree. These Saurians are really starting to tick me off!” snarled Night Shine.

Shine Boy began pondering something which April noticed. “Something wrong, Shine Boy?”

“I just remembered Kyla kept saying ‘Wild goose chase’ when she was unconscious. You don’t suppose…”

“That those no-good reptiles have been leading us on an actual wild goose chase?” Applejack caught on.

“That’s just dumb.” Zach huffed.

“I’ll say.” Pinkie popped up. “Now scavenger hunts. Those are actually fun!”

“Now that just makes me feel so guilty I could just…. Scream!” Fluttershy began to scream quietly.

The Ducks looked confused as Duke patted the shy girl’s shoulder. “Don’t blow a gasket, Shy.”

“Yeah, deception is definitely up Dragaunus’ alley.” Nosedive added.

“So how do we find and get the fragment?” Love Shine asked.

Twilight snapped her fingers. “Can the Aerowing locate traces of energy?”

“Yeah, but not if they’re faint.” Wildwing answered.

“Well, maybe if Donnie and I tweek the scans….”

“We might be able to get to the fragment in time!” Donnie caught on.

“Buzz might be able to help with that.” Mallory offered.

“Yeah! And if anything, April can sense with her ESP.” April thumbed up to Twilight’s comment.

“Then we better get a move on before they snatch the fragment!” Rainbow stated.

“Rainbow’s right. Everyone back to the Aerowing!” Wildwing called and the group hurried to the plane.


Back at the Pond, Gabby and Serenity were on constant surveillance over Sunset and Shine Girl, who were still unconscious, before Sunset began stirring and then shot up awake. She then groaned as she felt her head in pain. Gabby hurried to her side.

“Facil, Sunset. You had a mild concussion from that landslide.”

“Gabby. Serenity.” Sunset groaned as she stood up and put her leather vest back on. “Where are the others?”

“They went after the Saurians to secure the next fragment.” Serenity looked up from her book.

“They’re being set up.” The three saw Shine Girl slowly getting up herself. “Before I was knocked out, I heard Wraith saying something about a wild goose chase.”

“And when I tackled Siege, I quickly scanned his mind.” Sunset added. “We gotta warn them! And about Fluttershy too!”

“Fluttershy?” both Serenity and Gabby asked.


As the Aerowing flew, Twilight and Donnie were able to pick up a trace on the radar. As he saw Shining groaning in his chair, Night Shine held up a paper bag to him.

“Barf bag?”

“I’ll be fine. Thanks!” Shining sighed.

“It looks like the readings are stronger in the northwest.” Twilight read.

“On it.” Duke waved as he controlled the ship.

In the back, Fluttershy had a lot on her mind. “Hopefully, Twilight and Donnie will get us to the fragment and I won’t have any more false leads.” Just then, her phone rang. “Please, tell me Zephyr didn’t try to give Angel a bath again.” She answered her phone only to hear Wraith’s voice.

“Roast Duck.”

Back with the others, everyone was pondering the same thing as April spoke up. “At least we’re back on track. But it’s too much of a coincidence that Fluttershy would just happen to be near the Saurians.”

“You know, now that you mentioned it, Red, Shy’s been a bit off all day.” Casey agreed.

“And I recalled it was her who saw Wraith and Siege in the mountains.” Nosedive pondered.

“Before the avalanche.” Mikey added.

“And it was like Siege was expecting us in the park.” Leo recalled.

“Something about this seems awfully familiar.” Mallory said.

Just then, Phil snapped his fingers. “Now I remember! Fluttershy's acting like I was when that Wraith guy possessed me!”

“Yeah and you made us follow his schedule for those public appearances only to be traps!” Wildwing caught on.

Applejack began to worry. “You don't think...”

Rainbow looked around the ship. “Dumb question. Where's Fluttershy?”

Suddenly, they began to hear clanging and turned to see Fluttershy angrily swinging an axe. Her eyes were glowing dark red.


“He did.” Night Shine deadpanned.

“I'm getting that Deja vu feeling all over again.” Duke cried as he struggled to keep the ship in the air.

Nosedive crept towards Fluttershy. “Easy, Flutters. Why don’t you be a good girl and put the sharp pointy axe down and we’ll discuss this like adult.” Fluttershy responded by swinging the axe towards him causing him to fall back. “That’s it! No more cake for you, young lady!”

Just then, Pinkie wrapped her chain around her possessed friend. “Sorry, Fluttershy, but you asked for it!”

Fluttershy grabbed the chain and yanked Pinkie onto the wall. “ow.”

Shine Boy and Leo tried to double team her. “Cmon, Fluttershy! Snap out of it!”

Fluttershy responded by swinging her axe towards them as they flipped away when Karai sprinted in and knocked the axe out of her grip with her tanto blade long enough for Grin to hold her. As Fluttershy angrily struggled, Cadence looked at her. “If Wraith possessed her, is there any way to free her?”

“I’ll try. My ESP has helped with this before.” April walked up. “Hold her steady, Grin.”

“I will.” Grin nodded.

April put her hand on Fluttershy’s head and concentrated.


Inside Fluttershy’s mind, April hurried to find Fluttershy curled up in a glowing orb.

“Fluttershy!” she banged on the orb. “Fluttershy! Listen to me!”

Suddenly, she was pulled back and thrown away from Fluttershy. She looked up to see Wraith standing between her and her friend.

“Your friend is mine now!” he proclaimed.

Glaring, April shot a psychic blast at him. As he recoiled, Wraith squinted his eyes. “I sense the powers of the Aeons within you.”

“Yeah? One tried to corrupt me once.” April huffed. As they clashed attacks, she called out to her friend. “Fluttershy! If you can hear me, you’re being used! You’re not weak! You’re strong! You are a ninja! Remember Splinter! Remember your friends!”

“April?” Fluttershy mumbled.

Despite putting up a good fight, April was soon pinned down as Wraith gloated. “You are indeed a skilled one, unfortunately, you are just a rookie compared to my powers. You should’ve let the Aeon control you if you wished to stand a chance against me!”

He was ready to blast her at close range when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to get smacked away from April. He saw Fluttershy angrily stomping towards him.

“If you don't mind?” She gritted before striking Wraith with each word. “Get! Out! Of! My! Head!” And with a hard kick, she sent the Saurian wizard tumbling across ground.

Wraith slowly got up as Fluttershy hurried to help April up. “I won't be beaten so easil- Huh?” Suddenly, a hand grabbed hold of his arm and Fluttershy and April gasped. Wraith slowly turned toward their gaze and saw standing next to him, with a glare, was none other than Master Splinter.

“Splinter?!” gasped April.

“Sensei?!” Fluttershy added.

Wraith however was confused. “A giant rat?”

“Leave this girl's mind!” Splinter demanded.

Wraith pulled his arm away. “I don't take orders from vermin!”

He shot blasts of magic at Splinter, but the rat dodged each on and struck him all over before in slow motion, he jabbed two fingers at Wraith's middle, like he had done to Shredder and the Rat King. Then before Wraith knew it, he was blown away screaming as he went flying out of the doorway.

Back on Dragaunus' ship, Wraith cried out before he fell backwards, getting Siege’s attention.

“Hey, what happened to you?” Siege stood over him.

Wraith groggily sat up. “A rat...” he uttered before he dropped back down.

Back in Fluttershy’s mind, Splinter smiled as he hugged Fluttershy and April.

“Thank you, Sensei!” smiled Fluttershy.

“Forgive me for not arriving earlier, Fluttershy. Wraith had a very strong grip on your mind. It wasn’t until April entered your mind did I find the opening I needed.” Splinter explained.

“Always happy to help Sensei.” April nodded.

“But you must go now if you wish to claim the crystal fragment.”

“Hai, Sensei.” Fluttershy and April bowed as Splinter bowed back before things glowed bright.

Back in the Aerowing, April opened her eyes before almost falling over when Donnie caught her in time. Zach looked towards Fluttershy who was waking up herself.

“Fluttershy? You okay now?”

“I’m so sorry, everyone.” Fluttershy sighed.

“SHE’S OKAY!” Pinkie cheered.

“Like I told ya before, Flutters. It was Dragaunus’ doing, not yours.” Duke assured her.

“Trust me, Flutters, I’ve been there!” Phil chimed in.

“You did it, April!” cheered Buzz.

“Well, I had a little help.” April assured.

“We better check to see if Wraith planted a homing chip on ya like they did with Phil.” Wildwing scanned Fluttershy and reached into her pouch and pulled out the chip. “And here it is.” He said as he crushed it.

“That. Big. Dumb. MEANIE!” Fluttershy snapped. “They’ll pay for using me to hurt my friends!”

Just then, Leo’s T-phone rang. “Guys! It’s Sunset!” he then answered it by putting it on speaker. “Hey Sunset! How are you feeling?”

“I’ll be fine. Guys! I know where the third fragment is!” Sunset spoke in the phone.

“Not you too.” Groaned Night Shine before Raph clonked him upside the head and he clonked him back. The two kept clonking each other before Shining shouted. “Knock it off!”

Sunset continued. “I take it from Luke’s remark you found out Dragaunus had Fluttershy mind controlled?”

“Yeah, but April just freed her.” Karai assured.

“Before Siege knocked me out, I scanned his mind. Chameleon is near the third fragment in the wasteland area outside of Anaheim!”

“What a coincidence. That’s where we were heading!” Donnie admitted.

“At least before Fluttershy damaged the Aerowing.” Keno sighed.

“We’ll get there in the Migrator.” Wildwing said.

“Okay. We’re heading there in the Party Wagon. We’ll meet you there!” Sunset said before hanging up.

“Let’s go guys!” Leo said as they got in the Migrator and drove out of the Aerowing and drove towards the destination.


“These bits of scrap should help upgrade your Crystal Converger for your needs.” Dr. Huggarman said as he handed a box of metal parts to Tanya.

“Thanks, Dr. Huggarman.” Tanya smiled as she accepted the box. “Well, we better get going. The others probably need us back by now.”

“Of course. It was great to see you again.” Huggarman shook her hand then shook Gamer’s hand. “And it was great to meet you too, Gamer.”

Gamer nodded. “Likewise. And thank you for the Go Fish games. They really helped calm my tension. And I will make sure we are true to our word about destroying the Eye of Sarnoth.”

“I know you will.” Huggarman patted his shoulder. “And you know something, Gamer? I think you are the only Human being who still has my respect.”

Gamer smiled at the compliment. “Thank you.”

“I hope to see you both again. Come back anytime!” Huggarman waved goodbye as Tanya and Gamer waved while heading back.


“We’ve lost contact with the girl.” Siege reported to Dragaunus back in the Raptor.

Dragaunus growled before bringing up Chameleon on the screen. “Chameleon! The Ducks are on their way! Find that fragment NOW!”

“Don’t worry, boss.” Chameleon smirked as he looked at a hill. “I’m practically right on top of it.”

After Chammeleon hung up, Dragaunus turned to Siege. “Take the Battle Droids and stall the Ducks and their friends long enough for him to retrieve the fragment.”

“My pleasure, Lord Dragaunus!” Siege smirked as he headed out.


Soon, the Migrator drove up near the wastelands as the heroes hurried out.

“Particle initials end here!” Donnie stated.

“So the fragment is here somewhere.” Twilight concluded.

Suddenly, Rainbow pointed at something. “Look! It’s Chameleon!”

Chameleon turned at the mention of his name. “Uh oh.”

“We gotta stop him from getting the fragment!” Wildwing ordered.

But before they could hurry to him, Battle droids surrounded them along with Siege.

“Sorry! This is the no tourist section!” he chuckled.

“Let’s Shine!” Shine Boy cried as they all began to fight.

“Ducks rock!” Nosedive chimed.

After kicking a droid, Fluttershy noticed Chameleon and hurried towards him which Grin noticed. Like before, Shine Boy and Night Shine made it to Siege as the other fought the droids.

“I got a bone to pick with you two.” Siege glared as he slammed his tail to the ground.

“If I remember right, you went crying back to mommy Dragaunus after we hit you a couple times.” Night Shine teased.

“We’ll see who runs away this time!” Siege was about to charge towards them when suddenly-


Siege went tumbling a bit after the Party Wagon came bursting in the scene and rammed the Saurian. Sunset poked out of the driver’s seat as Serenity merged from the side door.

“That felt good!” Sunset smiled.

“Nice hit!” Gabby cheered from the passenger side.

Serenity and Shine Girl both merged from the van then Serenity hugged Shine Boy while Shine Girl joined the battle with Gabby and Sunset. Serenity glared at Siege. “Teach you to mess with my man!”

Siege only groaned before he pushed the button on his communicator and teleported away as Night Shine failed to tackle him.

“COWARD!” Shouted Night Shine.

“Let’em be, Luke.” Shine Boy rolled his eyes. “We better help the others.”

As the fought the droids, Gabby noticed someone was missing. “Ey! Where’s Fluttershy?”

“Grin’s not around either!” Mallory looked around.

Chameleon went to the ledge of a ridge digging in a pile of rocks. It wasn’t long until he unearthed a glowing diamond.

“Jackpot!” he grinned, turning into a white-haired guy with a red trenchcoat. But just when he was about to grab the gem, he was suddenly kicked away from it. He turned back to normal as he looked up to see Fluttershy glaring at him.

"Oh, hey there, kid, how's it-roast duck!" Chameleon shouted, trying to trigger Fluttershy's mind-control, but the girl just stood there with a frown and he soon realized she was free from Wraith's spell. "Uh, oh." Then before he knew it, the shy girl rushed forward and struck him multiple times in the chest, like Splinter had once done to Bebop, flipped him over her shoulder, and drop-kicked him into a wall.

"I'm done being your puppet, you meanie!" Fluttershy said sternly.

"Hey, can't blame a guy for trying," Chameleon said, then he whipped out his blaster. But before he could fire, a big strong hand grabbed it and crushed it. Chameleon turned around to see Grin standing behind him. "Hey, fancy seeing you here. Well goodbye!" He tried to run only for Grin to grab him by the collar and held him off the ground.

"Using my friend for your own selfish gain was a bad move," Grin stated.

"Get yer hands off me, ya big fat jerk!" Chameleon ordered, struggling.

"If you insist, so be it," Grin grabbed his tail, stretched his body back, and slingshot him screaming into the distance with a ping.

The others were able to beat the droids as Rarity spoke up. “You know, I think I got more than my usual exercise fighting these droids.”

“I know right? We never fought the Foot bots this much.” Rainbow agreed.

“I beg to differ.” Raph dusted his hands.

“Cmon! We gotta stop Chameleon!” Zach declared.

“We already did.” Everyone turned to see Fluttershy and Grin walking up as Grin held up the fragment.

“You got the third fragment!” gasped Applebloom.

“Yay!” Sweetie and Scootaloo cheered.

“Now I feel much better.” Fluttershy sighed in relief.

“Three down. One to go.” Shine Boy smiled.

“Let’s get it back to the Pond.” Wildwing advised.

Agreeing, everyone climbed into the Migrator and Party Wagon and drove back to the city.


“Now! On my signal.”

Nosedive stood ready as Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Buzz stood facing him while Scootaloo held the jar with the fragment which jiggled inside while everyone watched.

“Three… two… OPEN THE JAR RIGHT NOW!” Nosedive quickly pulled out the half-completed Eye of Sarnoth as Scootaloo opened the jar letting the fragment free. Like before, they spun around and in a brightened light merged together into one. The crystal now almost resembled an eye.

“Dramatic much?” Karai raised her brow.

“Hey don’t knock it! It worked!” Nosedive grinned.

“That was cool!” Buzz wowed.

“Check it out. It almost looks like an actual eye!” Sweetie Belle noticed as she handed the fragment to Wildwing.

Just then, Tanya and Gamer entered the room.

“We’re back! And we got the parts we need!” Tanya said as she handed the box to Fugitoid who smiled.


“So what we miss?” Gamer asked.

“We got the third fragment.” Shine Boy pointed to the eye in Wildwing’s hand.


“But we got lucky. We’ll still need the Crystal Converger.” Wildwing added.

“Of course.” Tanya nodded.

Just then, Caitlyn’s phone chimed as she looked at it.

“What’s up?” Pinkie leaned over.

“It’s Vernon. Again.” Suddenly, her eyes widened. “Oh no!”

“What?” Raph asked as everyone leaned closer as she played the live stream on her phone.

“Hello, all you Falcon lovers! Vernon "the Falcon" Fenwick here, coming to you live from Anaheim with an exclusive clip of the never-before-seen Turtle creatures.”

“WHAT?” Everyone gasped while The CMCs, Spike, and Buzz still smiled.

“How’d he learn about us?” Mikey asked.

“Must’ve saw our recent battles.” Leo facepalmed.

“What you’re about to see may be a little shocking for younger viewers.” Vernon pushed a button and played a clip he recorded.

In the clip, Vernon was entering an alley. “I am on the whereabouts of these mysterious Turtle creatures thanks to an anonymous tip.”

“Wait! This isn’t the right clip!”

The video then showed him turning the corner to find thugs wearing masks and vests who didn’t look happy to see him.

“Hey! Who are you, punk?” one thug growled.

“This is our turf! No one is allowed here!” another said, making Vernon nervous.

“Now now gentlemen. You wouldn’t happen to know where-?” he was interrupted when a thug grabbed him, causing him to drop his phone. The clip showed the sidewalk as sounds of grunting and hits were heard.

Vernon stuttered. “No no no! that’s not-! Where’s the real clip?” the livestream stopped as a sign said ‘Technical difficulties’.

“Huh, those punks again.” Nosedive blinked.

“You know those jerks?” Casey asked.

“They were the first punks we fought here on earth.” Duke smiled.

“I think they'd get along with the Purple Dragons.” Raph said.

“Whew! That was close!” Mikey wiped his brow.

“I’ll say.”

“Not really.” Everyone looked at Buzz, the CMCs, and Spike as Buzz continued. “I might’ve had Spike steal Vern’s phone so I could delete his footage and replace it while the girls stalled him.”

“Alright!” Mikey high fived.

“Nicely done.” Mallory smiled.

“Thanks, guys.” Leo added.

“Well, I did promise to keep you guys’ secret. And first rule of being a Mighty Duck is always keep a promise.”

“Well said.” Wildwing nodded.

“Nice work Bloom.” Applejack ruffled her sister’s hair.

“Awesome!” Rainbow high fived Scootaloo.

“You’ve made us all proud.” Rarity hugged Sweetie Belle.

“Can I get a copy of that video?” Caitlyn asked.

Everyone laughed as Twilight looked around. “Has anyone seen Fluttershy?”

“Grin’s gonna take her to the park later to help calm her mind.” Sunset recalled.

“Well, I say she’s earned it.” Shine Boy smiled as Serenity leaned on him and nodded.


“I’ll grab my meditation crystals and we’ll head out.”

“Okay, Grin.” Fluttershy smiled as Grin left the room. As she waited, her phone rang, and she picked it up. “Um, hello?”

“Roast Duck.” Wraith said over the phone.

“That doesn’t work anymore.” Fluttershy deadpanned.

“I know. I’m ordering takeout.” Wraith mumbled.

Fluttershy then perked up. “Oh! while you’re at it, could you get me the broccoli and rice and a couple of spring rolls?” After an awkward pause, the shy girl then asked. “Would you like to join me and Grin in the park?”

“Convincing as that sounds, Lord Dragonaus would have my hide if he saw me hanging out with you let alone talking to you.”

“All right. Maybe next time.” Fluttershy smiled before hanging up.

To be Continued

Author's Note:


-Special thanks to Jebens1 for the dialogue.

-the whole chapter is based on the episode 'Phil in the Blank'.

- Shining getting airsick is a call back to FiM episode 'Once upon a Zeppelin'.

-Post Crush is the band from 'Sunset's Backstage Pass' while Stan Bush is known for 'The Touch' in Transformers media.

- "Rev up and Roll Out" is from Robots in Disguise and thanks to Postwarmonkey50 for suggesting it.

And that's all I got. For now.

Next time: After reading about the disappearance of Mr. O'Neil's old collegue, Dr. Bolton, the heroes go to find answers from his partner, Dr. Paradigm, only to discover there's more to the so-called humanitarian. And get ready for a Jawsome beginning in Shark Attack!