• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 1,960 Views, 425 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

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Final Fragment/Dragaunus' Ultimatum

The following morning, the heroes were searching the sewers for the final alien fragment as Fugitoid scanned the area with his Sarnothometer. They searched high and low while Wildwing scanned with his mask.

“Any luck finding the fragment?” Leo asked the group.

“Nothing over here.” Sunset answered.

“Ditto on our end.” Shine Boy spoke for the group that they were searching.

“Any further and we’ll be hurling our breakfast.” Love Shine jested.

“We’ll just search a little further.” Fugitoid walked forward before stopping abruptly. “Hmm. That’s odd.”

“What’s wrong, Professor?” asked April.

“Now the trail’s getting cold.” He scanned around the area. “In fact, the whole signal’s getting weaker!”

“Somebody must’ve found it and took it!” Gamer concluded.

“That’s not good.” Wildwing looked around. “This place is where we fought those Killer Pizza creatures!”

“Then Dragaunus must have the fragment!” Sunset gasped.

“Then he did beat us to the punch.” Duke sighed.

“We’re too late?” Fluttershy feared.

“I knew it!” Raph punched the wall.

“So, what now?” Shining asked.

“Let’s head back to the Pond and think of our next move.” Wildwing answered.

Everyone agreed and they all headed out of the sewers.


Meanwhile, inside the Raptor, Dragaunus smirked as he held the last fragment in his claws.

“Now that we have the final piece of the Eye of Sarnoth, we have a chance at tricking those mallards and those ninjas and taking the rest of the Eye and using its power to conquer the universe!”

“And how do we trick those brats to grab the crystal, Lord Dragaunus?” Wraith asked dreary.

“Simple. I’ve read about ninjas. They tend to be, heh heh heh, honor bound. We will challenge them to a battle and trick them into wagering the remaining Eye. Then, with our tactics, we will dispose of them and the Eye of Sarnoth will be mine!”

Dragaunus turned to Siege who was there too. “Siege, see that the drones are upgraded and ready for battle!”

“Yes, Lord Dragaunus.” Siege bowed before leaving.

“Wraith, make certain Chameleon and Falcone are ready for battle as well as Dr. Droid. I need to make a phone call.”

Wraith bowed and left as well. What Dragaunus didn’t know was that Dr. Droid, in his new body which looked identical to his old body only red as Dragaunus’ drones, had heard everything in the next room and smirked.


Back in the Pond, everyone was sitting around Drake 1 wondering what they should do now. Captain Klegghorn had arrived after Wildwing warned him that Dragaunus had the final fragment. Gamer was in his seat drawing plan after plan resulting in him crumbling the paper and throwing it away. One crumbled paper hit Zach on the head.

"Whoa! Cool it with the paper, Games. Any more and they'll have cut another tree down." he joked.

“All this time, we were so close!” he mumbled. “So close, we tripped over the finish line.”

“It happens, Gamer.” Karai assured him. “There were things that we couldn’t ignore.”

“Karai’s right. Or would you rather have an arachnid for a brother?” Night Shine grunted.

“I know! You’re right!” Gamer sighed.

“Even so, the repairs on the Crystal Converger took just as long.” Fugitoid reminded. “I’m more grateful we were able to upgrade it to the Sarnothometer, especially with the spare parts from Tanya’s friend Dr. Huggerman.”

“Things happen.” Cadence said. “Nothing much we can do but improvise.”

After thinking for a bit, Shine Boy then spoke up. “Well, we can still find Dragaunus and get the fragment back so we can still destroy the Eye of Sarnoth.”

“Guess that means we’ll have to launch a full-scale assault on the Raptor.” Wildwing figured.

“But What if that’s what Dragaunus wants us to do?” Fluttershy feared.

“I’m afraid we’re gonna have to chance it, Fluttershy.” Sunset pointed out. “We’ve seen how much damage one fragment can do and Dragaunus may try something like Dr. Droid did.”

“Ya think those lizards are still under the ocean?” Klegghorn asked.

Nosedive explained to Mikey and Pinkie. “Dragaunus always moves the Raptor with a different cloak on.”

“Ah.” Mikey and Pinkie nodded.

“I think I know how to pinpoint Dragaunus’ location.” Donnie walked up to Drake 1. “Using our analysis from studying the Eye of Sarnoth fragments, we can use that to have Drake 1 locate Dragaunus’ fragment by hooking the Sarnothometer to the computer.”

“That might actually work.” Tanya agreed.

“Of course!” Gamer perked up.

“Good thinking, D!” smiled April.

“Yeah!” Buzz nodded.

Just as Donnie and Tanya walked to Drake 1, the computer began beeping.

“Is someone expecting a call?” Nosedive asked.

“I think the real question is who is calling?” Shine Boy pointed out.

Wildwing pushed a couple buttons to answer as the screen revealed, to everyone’s shock, Dragaunus.

“Greetings, Ducks. And you too, Ninjas and Team Shine.” He smirked.

“Dragaunus!” gasped Leo.

“I do hope I caught you at a bad time.”

“Skip the pleasantries and what do you want?” Raph yelled.

“I wanted to get to the point anyway.” Dragaunus deadpanned before holding his crystal fragment up. “I’m sure you’ve figured out by now that I am now in possession of the final piece of the Eye of Sarnoth and the only way this skirmish will end is when the eye is complete.”

“Then what do you want?” Sunset asked.

“Allow me to teleport to your headquarters and we will discuss my terms.”

"Que?!" Gabby jawdropped.

Everyone was shocked at Dragaunus’ request before Night Shine stomped towards the screen.

“What do you take us for? Idiots?!”

"We are not letting you in here!" Caitlyn yelled.

“YOU ARE IN NO POSITION TO MAKING DEMANDS!” Dragaunus roared back before smirking at the group. “Well? What’s it going to be?”

Everyone looked at each other in concern as Mallory spoke to Wildwing. “We’re not really going to let Dragaunus in our headquarters, are we?”

“I’m afraid we have no other alternative, Mallory.” Wildwing sighed.

“I know desperate times call for desperate measures, but this like inviting a coyote to the herd!” Applejack stated.

“I’m not letting that monster near my sister!” Rarity declared.

“I hate to admit it, but Rarity’s right.” Sweetie Belle admitted.

“I agree. We may be getting better with our training, but we are definitely no match for Dragaunus.” Applebloom added.

“And I doubt Dragaunus wants to see me anytime soon.” Buzz gulped.

Serenity walked up to them and patted them on the shoulders. “I’ll watch them.”

“So will I.” Cadence joined them.

"Wait for me." Caitlyn hurried over to join them.

“This may be our only option now.” Shine Boy figured. “you two and the kids get to the corner.”

As they got in position, Wildwing took the jar with the incomplete Eye of Sarnoth and gave it to Applebloom. “Here, Applebloom. I want you to keep this safe and away from Dragaunus.”

“I won’t let you down, Wildwing.” Applebloom promised as she accepted the jar.

“I don’t know, bro. I got a bad feeling about this.” Nosedive mumbled. “And Grin is usually the guy getting the vibes.”

“Alright, Tanya. Turn off the teleport shield.” Wildwing instructed.

Once Tanya did as she was told, everyone stood ready with weapons drawn as April felt here and noticed a green light appearing about a couple yards away from them.

“Here he comes.” She glared.

Everyone watched as the green light flashed. When it faded, who should be standing maliciously in its place but Dragaunus himself. Caitlyn peeked from behind Cadence and quietly took photos of the Saurian overlord.

“Greetings, my friends.” He jested towards the armed group. “I see you’ve remodeled after the last time I was here.”

“Get on with it, Dragaunus!” Leo demanded.

Dragaunus just snickered before doing a beckoning sign. “Oh, Phil. You can come out of hiding.”

Everyone looked to see Phil peeking from the controls clinging to Spike. “I-I wasn’t hiding! I was just- protecting Twilight’s dog here! That’s right!”

“Don’t drag me into this!” Spike griped, struggling to break free from Phil’s grip.

“Look, Leo really hates to repeat himself. So, get on with your terms, Dragaunus!” Twilight sneered.

“Very well.” Dragaunus held up a cylinder vile his fragment inside jingling inside. “As you all should’ve figured out by now, the fragments of the Eye of Sarnoth have the urge to reunite when they’re near each other.”

Everyone looked to see their piece of the Eye was reacting in the jar as well while Applebloom held it tight as Night Shine spoke. “And I don’t suppose you’re gonna give us your piece peacefully and leave?”

Dragaunus only deadpanned at him for suggesting something that stupid. “I’m afraid not. However, I am suggesting a fighting chance for both sides to completing the Eye of Sarnoth.”

“And how do you propose that?” Karai tightened her grip on her tanto blade.

“I believe you ninjas follow a code of honor, no? if you want the final fragment, then you will have to meet me and my faithful followers in battle.”

Dragaunus held out his hand to reveal holograms of Siege, Wraith, Chameleon, Falcone, and Dr. Droid. The very sight of Dr. Droid was enough for Gamer to grit his teeth and squeeze his katana. It wasn’t until Karai touched his shoulder and shook her head that he showed more control as Dragaunus continued.

“No tricks. No fancy weapons. Just all of you against us six and my drones. A battle to the finish! If you accept, meet us at the junkyard at the outskirts of Anaheim at sundown. Hope you have the honor to show up.” Dragaunus then fired a blast at Shining suddenly. Luckily, Shine Boy and Night Shine jumped in and used their powers to hold it back then disintegrate it. Dragaunus’ eyes widened but he still acted normally as he concluded. “And do use your full powers. I relish a good challenge.”

And with that, Dragaunus teleported out laughing evilly. Once he was gone, Tanya reactivated their shields. After a moment of silence, Mikey spoke to break the ice.

“Well, that was random.” He shrugged.

Cadence hurried to her husband. “Are you alright, Shining?”

“A little shook up, but I’ll be fine.” Shining shook off his fear as Twilight hugged her.

“That was too close.” Shine Boy breathed as he noticed his half-burnt glove.

“To be honest, I thought he was aiming towards the kids.” Night Shine mumbled.

"Sure you were." Caitlyn rolled her eyes.

“Still, thanks for the save.” Shining thanked the two.

“So, what now?” Duke asked.

Rainbow began punching the air with determination. “I can’t wait. We can whip those lizards in a fair fight!”

“Are you hearing yourself?” Mallory asked as Applejack stopped her from punching.

“Mal’s right, Rainbow. Dragaunus will probably throw everything from flamethrowers to nuclear warheads.”

“I agree, but this maybe our only chance to destroy the Eye of Sarnoth.” Wildwing stated.

“How so?” Nosedive wondered.

“Wildwing is saying that if we time it right, we can complete the Eye from behind Dragaunus and his forces’ backs…” Leo began before Shine Boy finished for him.

“Then, we use the Sarnothometer and destroy it before Dragaunus learned what hit him!”

“It’s a start.” Admitted Klegghorn. “All that leave us is dealing with those lizards.”

“We still got an ace up our sleeves.” Sunset patted her geode.

“We’ll have to plan on that while we prepare to fight.” April added.

As everyone went to prepare for the fight, Leo walked up to Shining and Cadence with Twilight, Karai, and Shine Boy behind him.

“Could you two follow me please?” he asked politely.

The couple nodded and followed the lead turtle to the Shellraiser with the three behind them. Duke saw this and decided to follow and watched from the corner.

As he searched the Shellraiser, Leo explained. “I had been speaking to Sunset and Karai. You both have progressed well in your training, so we agreed it is time for the next part. It is time for you both to have ninja weapons of your own.”

He came out holding a sword with a large blade in its sheath and stood before Shining. “Shining Armor, this is a ninjitsu buster sword. It was in Master Splinter’s arsenal of extra weapons he salvaged after Shredder destroyed his family dojo. Because of your training and knowledge of sword fighting, we’ve decided… that we want you to have it.”

“It’ll be a serious honor for me to accept it.” Shining smiled as he accepted the blade and drew it from its sheath. Duke smiled watching from his spot.

“I’m proud of you, Shining.” He whispered to himself.

“How does it feel?” Twilight asked her brother.

“Not as heavy as I thought it would be, but it also feels right.” Shining noticed as he observed the sword before sheathing it back in.

Karai walked up to Cadence carrying a ninja trident. “For you, Principal Cadence, we’ve seen you fighting with brooms or anything like a staff, so we had decided that you would have this. The Jumonj-Yai Trident.”

“Thank you, Karai.” Cadence accepted her new weapon. “All my years of Baton twirling in high school have really paid off.”

“Now I believe it’s time we put these to good use by fighting Dragaunus.” Shining smiled.

“And we better get ready too.” Shine Boy walked to the Shine RV and grabbed a case and opened it to take out his Chrome Digizoid Armor staff.

“Pulling out your CDA staff, eh?” Karai asked amusingly.

“I never thought I’d end up using this so soon after the last time we were in the Digital World.” Shine Boy shrugged as he checked his staff.

“At least Andromon will be happy that you use it since he made it for you.” Leo smiled.

“Yeah. And my other staff is my backup.” Shine Boy nodded. “Let’s check with the others.”

“We’ll be right with you in a minute.” Shining spoke for him and Cadence.

As the group left, Shining turned to his wife in concern. “Are you sure you’re up to this?”

Cadence held her husband’s hand and reassured him with a smile. “Don’t worry, Shining. I’ll be fine. But I can’t stand around and do nothing while everyone fights the Saurians. Besides, I want us to assure we have a future so Twilight will be happy for her surprise.”

Then the two embraced each other for a bit before grabbing their weapons and headed to join the others.

In the lounge, Gamer was talking to Buzz and Serenity.

“I made something that might help.” Gamer showed them a couple metal tonfas.

“These tonfas are built with voltage capacity capable of shocking opponents. The rubber handle helps protect the user from getting shocked themselves. The harder you hit, the more voltage you’ll dish out. These’ll come in handy for the fight and I want you two to use them.”

“Cool!” Buzz awed as he looked at the tonfa he accepted. He twirled a bit before delivering a small shockwave, causing the three to flinch.

“And be careful. These are prototypes.” Gamer warned.

“Sorry.” Buzz sweated.

“It’s okay, Buzz.” Serenity patted his head before flipping her tonfa causing a small spark to flicker. “So glad Karai taught me how to fight with one of these.”

Soon, everybody was armed up and ready to battle Dragaunus and his forces. Wildwing stood before the teams.

“Okay, guys. Out of all the battles we’ve fought together since we’ve met, this one’s gonna be the biggest fight ever. We have to stop Dragaunus from completing and using the Eye of Sarnoth. We should also use this as an opportunity to defeat Dragaunus once and for all. All I ask is if you do not feel like you’re up for it, you should back away. But I must warn you. If we fail, we may never get another chance, so it’s crucial for you to decide whether you’re in or out. But after these last few battles, I had seen that working together had seen us successful. We will win by fighting with our four greatest weapons.” He then held his hand up. “Teamwork.”

Leo then put his hand on Wildwing’s. “Honor.”

Next was Shine Boy to put his hand in. “Hope.”

And Finally, Sunset added her hand. “And Friendship.”

Everybody joined in before they all broke up after Leo concluded. “Let’s go save the world.”

Everybody got in the Migrator, Shine RV, and ShellRaiser. As they got in, Caitlyn noticed Phil got in an extra seat.

“You’re coming too, Mr. Palmfeather?” she asked.

“Hey. Somebody’s gotta make sure my team makes it back alive. And by that extent, you guys.”

“Yeah. I’m gonna go sit by Gabby.” Spike deadpanned before trotting away.

Soon, all three vehicles drove through the tunnel.

“Turbines to speed.” Wildwing spoke.

“Turbines to full power!” Duke said as he threw the switch.

As the Migrator sped up, Shine Boy, in the Shine RV, flipped a switch which caused the RV to speed up as well. “Time to shine.”

“Full powers to thrushers!” Leo, Wildwing, and Shine Boy cried in their own vehicles as they drove out of the hauler and on the road.


“That’s it! Make sure you cover up those electrodes!”

At the junkyard, Dragaunus watched with Wraith and Chameleon as Siege and Falcone covered two lightning rods with rubble as per Dr. Droid’s instructions.

“Are you certain this will work?” mumbled Wraith.

“Of course!” Dr. Droid declared. “With the teleportation devices from your ship, I’ve adjusted them on these lightning rods to open a portal for anyone who steps in between them. Sending them to a dimension of our choosing!”

“Including dimensional limbo, along with their friend Canard.” Dragaunus snickered. “Perfect! All we must do is lure the Ducks and their ninja friends into it and they’ll vanish forever! And the Eye of Sarnoth will be mine!”

As the villains went to get in position, Dr. Droid smirked to himself. “We’ll see about that.”

To be continued

Author's Note:

And there we go. The final battle has begun


-The idea of Dragaunus forcing the Ducks to let him in The Pond was inspired by the episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when Lord Zedd was in the Command Center.

-While inspired by the pics by Bozzerkazooers for Cadence and Shining's weapons, they do NOT wear the attire in those pics.

- As a friendly reminder, Shine Boy's CDA Staff (Chrome Digizoid Armor) looks like Rise Donnie's Tech Bo only maroon.

- The tonfas Gamer gives Buzz and Serenity are inspired by the electric tonfas Mikey uses in The Last Ronin.

-The last part was inspired by the 80's cartoon episode Enter the Fly.

And that's all I got. For now.

Next time: It's the Ultimate Showdown! The heroes throw down against Dragaunus and his forces for the Eye of Sarnoth! But when the eye is complete, who will obtain it's power? The heroes? Dragaunus? or.... Dr. Droid?! The endgame begins next time on The Final Face-off PT 1!