• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 1,960 Views, 425 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

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Road to Glory

After driving a bit, The Migrator led the vehicles to a billboard. As soon as the Ducks’ vehicle got close, the billboard opened up, revealing a secret passage the vehicle drove into as the others followed it. After going through a large underground tunnel, they stopped at what appeared to be a garage. They all climbed out of their vehicles and followed the Ducks to a big room as Wildwing walked over to a light switch.

“Welcome to the Pond.” He said before flipping the switch.

The lights went on to reveal a big room full of techno stuff all over as everyone looked around in awe.

“Amazing!” wowed Twilight.

“This is how I picture the perfect headquarters.” Gamer widened his eyes.

“You’re drooling on your foot Games.” Zach pointed as Sweetie Belle closed his mouth.

“It’s like if Cyborg built the Batcave.” Donnie observed.

“Yeah it’s something alright.” April agreed.

“Beats your everyday Technodrome, that’s for sure!” Mikey grinned.

“Yep.” Pinkie nodded.

The Ducks lead them to a tv area as Nosedive spoke. “Yeah, we’ll give you guys a tour later. Right now, I believe this is the part where we share origins stories?”

“Yeah. If we are gonna gain each other’s trust, we should start from there.” Leo stated. “We’ll start.”

Just before they could begin, a door slid open as an overweighted man with brown hair wearing a blueish business suit with a tie-dye tie walked in while talking on the phone.

“So you’re wanting my team to pose for your new mini golf course? No problem! In fact, I’ll-” he stopped as he saw the Ducks and their guests while Leo gave an eye twitch while Mikey casually waved Hi.

“I’ll have to call you back.” The guy said before hanging up. “What the heck, you guys! You forbade me from making a tour of your secret headquarters, but oh, you guys get to bring people in anytime you want. You see, That’s what’s wrong with our agreement-”

“PHIL!” The guy quieted down as Wildwing explained. “We’re not giving tours. These people had confronted Dragaunus so they’re here for safety measures.”

“Right. Safety measures.” Phil mumbled before Duke stood next to him.

“Everyone. This is our manager, Phil Palmfeather.” He then leaned close to Mikey, Pinkie, and Shini and whispered to them. “Just ignore him. Your life will be a lot easier.”

“Are they all teenagers?” Phil asked out loud before looking at the Turtles and Team Shine. “Is there a convention in town?”

“We’re not in costume, Mr. Palmfeather.” Leo pointed out. “We’re mutants.”

“And we’re actual superheroes.” Shine Boy added.

Mikey jumped up to Phil, startling him. “In fact, you’re just in time to hear our origin story.”

Phil just shrugged “Sure. Why not? Like I don’t have enough crazy in my life.”

Then, the Ninjas explained their origin story to the Ducks from their mutation to their battles with Shredder and the Kraang to their adventures in space and Equestria, which Sunset explained as well while Shine Boy explained his end as well as how they came together. When they were finished, the Ducks were amazed.

“So you four were once ordinary turtles before getting mutated by ooze?” Nosedive asked.

“It’s actually called Mutagen.” Donnie corrected.

“While your father was a human who turned into a rat?” Wildwing pondered.

“And trained you all as ninjas.” Duke added.

“While Karai here is his daughter who was raised by your former archenemy, The Shredder?” Mallory guessed.

“And almost made me kill my father thinking he was my enemy.” Karai sighed.

“And this mutagen came from an alien race known as the Kraang?” Tanya spoke.

“Who conquered New York?” Grin added.

“Before we saved it.” Raph stated.

“And then the Triceratons really did destroy the planet with this Black Hole Generator?” Wildwing spoke.

“And you guys time traveled to stop it while traveling in space?” Nosedive brought up.

“And now the Black Hole Generator is destroyed thanks to Honeycutt here?” Duke pointed to Fugitoid.

“That is correct.” Sunset confirmed.

“So the tabloid reports were real.” Grin mumbled.

“You know, we were thinking about going up to stop them, but even if we did, we might’ve been too late.” Tanya calculated.

“But then afterwards, Shredder used that Mutagen to become this Super Shredder?” Duke spoke again.

“And murdered your father.” Wildwing sighed. “We’re really sorry.”

“Thanks. Means a lot to us.” Leo nodded. “But we did manage to defeat him and avenge our master.”

“And I now lead the Foot clan. But now it is a clan of honor now.” Karai assured.

“Okay. Okay. I just have one little question.” Everyone looked at Phil. “You guys ever thought about being in the comic book business?”

“Well, I know Sunset has-” Before Mikey could finish, Sunset quickly clammed his mouth shut before smiling innocently.

“Has one time suggested it!” she spoke before whispering to the party turtle. “I already got people looking at it. I don’t need another!”

“Anyway, Sunset, you’re really a pony from another world called Equestria?” Mallory asked.

“Yes, that’s right.” Sunset confirmed.

“And you’ve dealt with magic from that place?” Nosedive asked.

“Which makes your dog speak?” Grin held Spike and scratched behind his ear to his enjoyment.

“Oh yeah.” Spike grinned while Phil backed away slowly.

“We’ve dealt with a medieval dimension before, so magic is believable.” Wildwing admitted.

“And you’ve all been to Equestria multiple times?” Duke asked.

“Not all of us.” Applebloom spoke for her and her friends as well as Team Shine and the grownups.

“We’ve been thinking about visiting sometime soon.” Gamer admitted.

“I’ve seen your works on the boom tube, Shine Boy. You guys do sweet work.” Nosedive thumbed up.

“Thanks, Nosedive. We do our best.” Shine Boy smiled.

“Now that you guys know about us, could we learn about you guys?” Shining asked.

“Of course.” Wildwing stood up and began the Ducks’ tale.

We are from a planet called PuckWorld…

“PuckWorld? That’s your homeworld’s named?” Mikey interrupted.

“Hey. Don’t knock it. It was home for us.” Nosedive stated.

“Mikey! Don’t interrupt!” Raph clonked him on the head.

“Sorry about that please continue.” Sunset waved as Wildwing nodded.

Anyway, It was called PuckWorld because everybody played hockey on that world. According to legend, a legendary goalie named Drake DuCane invented this special mask to help defeat the Saurian Overlords. Of course, a lot of us debated if that ever happened… until we had a wake-up call. And it’s name was Dragaunus. He is the last of the Saurian Overlords and vowed to make us pay for what happened. He conquered the planet quickly and forced us to work to expand his operations. Nosedive and I would still be working in slavery if we weren’t rescued by my best friend Canard. He was in what was left of our military in the resistance. He was gathering any specialists and civilians into a team to take out Dragaunus. And apparently I made the cut being the best goalie he knew. He also found Drake DuCane’s legendary mask.

Wildwing took off his mask and allowed the group to look at it.

“Wow!” Leo blinked.

“This is amazing.” Twilight awed.

“Remarkable.” Kirby nodded.

“Nice.” April agreed.

“This makes my Ski goggles look like a science project.” Gamer analyzed.

“Ooo!” Pinkie wowed.

“Wicked style!” Casey grinned.

“Magnifico.” Gabby looked closely.

“Yeah it is!” Zach added.

“I like the style.” Shine Boy observed.

“Pretty impressive.” Applejack smiled.

“Eyup.” Applebloom added.

“The gold looks good on it.” Rarity pointed out.

“Yeah it does.” Sweetie Belle agreed.

“Awesome.” Rainbow wowed.

“Very awesome.” Scootaloo agreed.

“Sweet.” Grinned Love Shine.

“This very impressive!” Donnie wowed.

“Primitive but astounding for today’s standards” Fugitoid analyzed.

“Looks good.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Too cool.” Shine Girl looked at it.

“I admit. It is pretty cool.” Caitlyn took a picture of it.

“Really cool.” Shining looked at before handing it to Cadence.


“Agreed.” Serenity added as she observed the mask.

“Yeah it is.” Karai smiled.

“Reminds me of some wicker masks I studied.” Shini recalled.

“Whoa. Too cool!” Mikey was about to try it on before Nosedive stopped him.

“Ah! Ah! Sorry, dude. Only works on ducks.”

Mikey pouted before brighting up again. “Hey, D! Think you could make turtle hockey masks?”

“Ha!” Donnie chuckled before pulling out his voice recorder. “Note to self, style hockey masks into turtle shapes.”

“Donnie!” Raph yelled.

“How about a puppy shaped mask?” Spike smirked, causing Raph to grumble.

As she handed back the mask to Wildwing, Serenity then asked. “So how did you guys come to Earth?”

“And where’s Canard?” Caitlyn added. “I just noticed we haven’t met him. Not yet anyway.”

As he put on the mask, Wildwing took a deep breath and sighed before continuing.

After we destroyed Dragaunus’ tower, he tried to retreat through a dimensional gateway and we followed in hot pursuit. He then launched an electric worm on us. Knowing the only way to get it off was to jettison something to get it off, Canard gave himself to save us. Before the worm ensnared him, He entrusted me with the mask and said I was the leader now. And… that was the last time we saw Canard.

Everyone was shocked and saddened as Pinkie bawled.

“I’m sorry.” Caitlyn cringed.

“It’s all right.” Wildwing nodded.

We followed Dragaunus’ ship through the gateway and ended up in Anaheim. While we lost sight of Dragaunus and his cronies, we decided to set up headquarters. It was when we discovered the Honda Stadium and met Phil, who took us being alien ducks rather well. Before long, we became pretty much one of the best hockey teams ever and used our profits to build the Pond. We’ve also took on criminals as well as fought Dragaunus who’s always hunting down a power source to his ship or trying to conquer Earth.

“And we’ve been here since.” Wildwing concluded.

“So everyone’s okay with you guys being aliens?” Raph raised a brow.

“For the most part, yeah.” Mallory answered. “But we still hope to find our way back to PuckWorld someday.”

“Think we could come visit if you do?” Casey hoped.

“Might be a while, Case, but I think we could.” Nosedive promised.

“Wow. You’ve really been through a lot.” Leo blinked as everyone else agreed.

“Likewise.” Duke nodded.

“Though we haven’t the slightest clue of what Dragaunus was after in that warehouse.” Tanya shrugged.

“I think I know.” Everyone looked at Fugitoid who stood up. “When I told Dragaunus I erased the blueprints from The Black Hole Generator so it would never be used again, Dragaunus said he was after something called The Eye of Sarnoth.”

“The eye of… Slack off?” Nosedive asked.

“The eye of… Snore sloth?” Mikey guessed.

“The Eye of Sarnoth.” Caitlyn corrected them before Fugitoid continued.

Centuries ago, an emperor was presented with a powerful gem. It was named after their planet Sarnoth. It causes whoever is in possession of it to gain unimaginative power. While the emperor used it wisely and up until his death, it wasn’t long before it fell into the wrong hands. The results were catastrophic. It wasn’t until four beings from other planets used their powers to separate the Eye into four crystal fragments and cast them into a black hole. For generations it was considered a legend for nobody has ever found the fragments.

“But I suppose legends have recently been coming true. So it wouldn’t surprise me if it does exist.” Fugitoid concluded.

Sweetie Belle remembered the shard she found during the battle and pulled it out of her pocket. “Does it look something like this?”

Everyone was surprised at the shard as Rarity asked. “Sweetie Belle, where did you find that?”

“After Wraith threw me and Gamer caught me, I found it next to us and call it a hunch, but it might be important.”

She handed it to the Fugitoid, who held it up as Duke pulled out a microscope and looked at it. “Whoa! I think you hit the jackpot, sweetheart. I’ve never seen a gem like this! Wildwing?”

Wildwing nodded as he scanned it with his mask. “There’s a small energy reading coming from that shard. I haven’t seen energy like this before! It’s got to be a piece of the eye!”

“I think I might have something that’ll prove it.” Fugitoid turned to Donnie. “Do you still have that box with my still usable trinkets from my ship, Donatello?”

“It should be in the Party Wagon.” Donnie pointed.

Fugitoid hurried to the Party Wagon and pulled out a box full of gear from his now destroyed ship. “Ah! Here we are!”

As he searched the box, Donnie told the group. “Just some equipment the professor trusted me with as we returned to earth. I kept it ever since.”

“Here it is!” Everyone saw Fugitoid pulled out a triangular device. “My old Crystal Converger! It was created by someone who tried to find the Eye of Sarnoth. It was given to me by a collegue of mine years ago. If that really is a piece of the eye, it’ll beep repeatedly.” He held it up to the fragment as the converger beeped rapidly as it got closer. “That proves it. It is a piece of the Eye!”

“Way to go, Sweetie Belle!” Mikey hugged her.

“Now you’re thinking like a ninja.” Shini added.

“Impressive.” Mallory admitted.

“That’s one down, and three to go.” Shine Boy said before turning to Wildwing. “I hope this is enough to prove that we should work together to find the other fragments.”

Wildwing pondered. “I think you may have a point there, Shine Boy. You guys are skilled and that along with our tech and know how, we might be able to stop Dragaunus.”

“And maybe we can train together.” Mallory spoke up as she walked up to the CMCs. “I’d like to train these three personally if you guys are okay with that.”

Applejack looked at Applebloom. “What do you say, Applebloom? You up for that?”

“If you’re okay with it, Applejack.” Applebloom smiled.

“Then, I’m fine with it.”

“I am too if you want to train with her too, Sweetie.” Rarity told her sister.

“Count me in!” Sweetie gleamed.

“I say go for it, Squirt!” Rainbow playfully rustled her hair.

“Then I’ll do it too!” Scootaloo grinned as the three high fived as Mallory smiled.

“You’ve made a good decisions.”

“Hope you three wrote your last wills.” Nosedive joked as Mallory shot him a look.

“Let me help, too.” Everyone looked to Shining Armor. “I know I’m no ninja, but I have token fencing classes as well as taekwondo in high school so I can fight.”

“I think we can help with that.” Leo nodded while Twilight hid an unsure look.

“I think I can help with your swordplay, too.” Duke volunteered.

“Great! Thanks, Duke.”

“How about you, miss Cadence?” April offered.

“Well, I’m not sure how good of a fighter I’ll be, but I can’t let you fight that Dragaunus guy alone, so I’m in too.” Cadence held both Shining and Twilight.

“Then I suggest we get some shut eye.” Leo suggested.

“You guys can stay here as much as needed.” Wildwing suggested.

“Long as you don’t mind us sleeping in our vehicles.” Shine Boy pointed out.

“Not at all.”

“Just hope you find that eye crystal thing before Saturday’s game!” Phil called out as everyone went to get some sleep before mumbling. “I wonder if those turtle guys could be interested in seasons tickets?”


Meanwhile, in his spaceship, The Raptor, underwater, Dragaunus was looking at screenshots of the Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Team Shine as smoke rose from his nostrils.

“Just who are they?” he growled.

“A rejected Saturday morning cartoon?” Chameleon guessed.

Just then, Siege walked up. “According to the bio scans, those four turtles are mutants.”

“MUTANTS?” Dragaunus snapped.

“Uh, and judging by their fighting style they’re… ninjas?”

“And what about those girls and their powers? And whatever that boy hit me with?”

“I’m afraid I am unfamiliar with their sort of magic, Lord Dragaunus.” Wraith walked up. “And I’m sure by now they have found the fragment by now.”

Suddenly, Dragaunus smirked. “No matter. That was one of four fragments. If we can get at least one of the fragments, we can stop them from completing the eye. Then, will we destroy them is when the Eye of Sarnoth will be mine.” He laughed evilly.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:


- I was SO tempted to renaming PuckWorld! Just make it sound like Phil had it wrong all along. (I mean, seriously? PuckWorld?)

- The Crystal Converger was what the Turtles used in the 80's episodes 'The Incredible Shrinking Turtles' and 'It came from Beneath the Sewers.'

- I made up the story of the Eye of Sarnoth. Just to give it a detailed story.

And that's all I got. For now.

Next time: The good news is the heroes locate the second piece of the Eye. The bad news is it's in the possessions of the Ducks' enemy, Dr. Droid, who's using the fragment to take over all machines in Anaheim! Can the heroes put a short circuit in his plans and claim the fragment? Find out in The Omnus Project!