• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 1,960 Views, 425 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! - WarriorofFaith18

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The Final Face-off PT 2

After Love Shine’s sacrifice that destroyed Dr. Droid as well as the Eye of Sarnoth, Dragaunus angrily had his men fire at the heroes, causing them to begin backing towards the rods that could send them towards dimensional limbo.

“Hey! Anybody feel like we’re being herded towards something?” Mallory noticed.

“Good. Then it’s not just me!” Shini agreed.

“But what?” April asked.

“All I know is I’m done with surprises for one day!” Karai stated.

“At least your defeat, Mallards, will be a good consolation prize for today’s victory.” Dragaunus chuckled to himself.

“Farewell, Duke old chum.” Falcone whispered as the heroes were almost through.

Suddenly, out from a pile of cars merged the Party Wagon as it drove towards the battle.

“What?!” Dragaunus cried.

The Party Wagon stopped and fired its lasers, knocking the blasters from Siege, Chameleon, and Falcone as well as Wraith’s staff. The heroes cheered as April got a good look at the driver. “Dad?”

Sure enough, the one driving the Party Wagon was Kirby O’Neil.

“Mr. O’Neil! What are you doing here?” Donnie cried.

“I had finished in the labs early. When I got back to the Pond, Drake-1 was picking up a huge anomaly. I couldn’t let you guys handle this alone. I may not be a fighter, but I had to help!”

He fired again this time at the drones destroying about half of them.


“Then it’s a good thing I brought back up.” As Kirby spoke, the side door of the Party Wagon opened and out merged Bugman.

“Hope you don’t mind,” He jumped over the Saurians and landed next to Shine Boy. “But I thought I’d even the odds.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way, old buddy.” Shine Boy smiled.

“Let’s get em!” Leo cried as they hurried towards Dragaunus’ forces and fought again.

“Your numbers up, you lousy lizards!” Klegghorn declared as he helped Gabby, Cadence, the CMCs, and Buzz destroy the rest of the drones.

Bugman wrestled with Siege before the Saurian slammed him to the ground.

“You picked the wrong time to play hero, bug.” He chuckled waving his tail. Suddenly, he felt a grab on his tail. Before he could look, he was lifted and spun around by Applejack. Grin jumped in and slammed Siege down before Casey and Raph double punched him while Rainbow and Mallory hit his sides. Bugman punched him sending him flying between the rods, teleporting him as he screamed in defeat before vanishing.

“What did we do?” Casey was dumbfounded.

“He just vanished.” Raph jawdropped.

Donnie looked while he wrestled with Wraith. “Those rods must be generating a dimensional portal!”

Gamer analyzed with his goggles. “And on the other side appears to be…. Dimensional limbo!”

“Get the Saurians through the portal!” ordered Wildwing.

Mallory pulled out her puck bazooka only for Wraith to knocked it out of her hands and it slid next to Scootaloo.

“I hate it when someone spoils the ending.” Wraith mumbled before Donnie and Gamer double kicked his face. Fluttershy, Tanya, Keno, and Rarity got a hit in too before April used her ESP to fire a psychic blast that sent Wraith through the portal.

“Noooo!” he hollered before he vanished.

Seeing they were losing, Chameleon tried sneaking away before he was blocked by Mikey, Nosedive, Shini, Shine Girl, and Pinkie staring down at him. He chuckled sheepishly as he shift into a couple faces. “Nothing personal, kiddies. Can’t you take a joke? Ya wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses.”

The five responded by grabbing him by his arms and legs while Pinkie stretched out his tail. “Yeah, nothing personal. CHAMELEON IN DA HOLE!”

As she let go, Chameleon was sent flying through the portal screaming.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey and Nosedive high fived cheering.

Meanwhile, Duke and Shining still fought Falcone as the thief noticed his team out of commission. “You think I’m worried since my comrades are gone? I will not go down so easily.”

Duke then used his sword to knock Falcone’s blade out of his hand. “You were saying?”

“You of all people should know I’m never out of tricks, old chum.” Falcone smirked before pulling out a blaster and started blasting as Duke and Shining dodged. Night Shine then jumped in and sliced the blaster in two with his machete. Taking advantage of Falcone’s confusion, Duke and Shining double punched him in the face knocking him out.

“You talk too much.” Night Shine grumbled. He was about to grab him before Duke stopped him.

“Leave him.” He spoke. “He ain’t worth dimensional limbo.”

“Your call.” Night Shine shrugged while Duke cuffed Falcone to a muffler.

“Let’s go help with Dragaunus.” Shining suggested and the three hurried.

“No more henchmen to hid behind, Dragaunus!” Sunset stated as the heroes surround the Saurian overlord.

Dragaunus however wasn’t concerned. “I’m not nearly as defenseless as you say I am, my dear.”

“Get’em!” Wildwing cried as they all charged.

Despite being outnumbered, Dragaunus was able to fight everyone off with ease. Everyone was easily knocked away by his brute strength.

“Even powered up and he’s still beating us!” Rainbow moaned.

“Maybe we can still beat him by working together!” Sunset suggested.

However, Night Shine got up, taking his jacket off, and rammed Dragaunus in a black fireball.

“Where’s your tough talk now?” he growled while rapidly punching Dragaunus on the chest.

“Right here.” Dragaunus responded by zapping him with his wrist laser sending him flying into the Party Wagon, causing Kirby to scream in fear.

Twilight then tried to hold Dragaunus down with her levitation but was strained from trying to hold him down and collapsed. Dragaunus aimed his laser at her.

“Twilight!” Leo gasped.

Suddenly, Cadence ran up and deflected Dragaunus’ arm, causing him to misfire.

“You will not harm her, monster!” Cadence demanded as she twirled her trident.

“How cute.” Dragaunus blocked her attack and back handed her hard to the ground.

“Cadence!” Twilight, Leo, and Shining cried as she laid unconscious.

Shining angrily charged towards Dragaunus and slashed his sword, causing him to recoil. “THAT’S! MY! WIFE!”

Suddenly, Dragaunus grabbed him by the throat and lifted him. “Very well. YOU CAN JOIN HER!”

He threw Shining over towards where Cadence laid. Suddenly, a blast graced his ear. Dragaunus turned around growling with smoke rising from his nostrils to see Scootaloo holding Mallory’s bazooka with a stern face.

“Very well. You die first!” Dragaunus fired his laser as Scootaloo fired a blast to counteract.

“SCOOTALOO!!!” Everyone gasped.

“GET OUTTA THERE!” Rainbow cried.

Scootaloo grunted as she struggled to keep fighting Dragaunus’ laser. She was beginning to get pushed back as she began to sweat.

“We gotta help her!” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were about to dash towards their friend when they were blocked by Shine Boy and Mallory.

“No. If you go in there, you might do more harm than good.” Mallory advised.

“I’m sorry.” Shine Boy sighed.

April felt a vibe as she watched the struggle.

“FOOL! YOU ARE BENEATH ME!” Dragaunus laughed as he pushed his laser further.

“I! Won’t! Give! UP!” Scootaloo tried pushing further before she felt a hand over hers on the bazooka’s handle.

“Keep a tight grip on the bazooka. You’ll stand better.”

She looked to see standing next to her was another humanoid duck wearing shoulder pads and navy blue and brown attire. His smile alone was enough for her to keep going. Everyone else were equally surprised, especially the Ducks.

“Who’s that?” Fluttershy asked.

“It can’t be!” Nosedive jawdropped.

“Is that…?” Leo was surprised.

“Canard?!” Wildwing gasped.

Dragaunus was equally shocked. “No! It can’t be! You were gone!”

“It’ll take more than your ugly mug to keep a good duck down!” Canard stated.

Shine Boy then spoke up. “Everyone, NOW!”

He, Gamer, and Shine Girl fired their Shine Power together at Dragaunus. Hearing this, The Rainbooms and Turtles powered up their geodes and fired a rainbow at Dragaunus. Suddenly, a fourth Shine Power joined the other three and fired at Dragaunus. Team Shine to see it was Love Shine, a little burnt but alive. Everyone else hurried and placed their hands on one of the Turtles or Rainbooms enhancing their rainbow.

Dragaunus struggled as he began to be overwhelmed by the immense power. He reached for his teleporter when a shruiken sliced it. He glared to see it was Karai who threw it.

“You’re not getting out that easily!” she cried.


“No matter how many forces you gather, Dragaunus…” Wildwing began.

“You will never be a match for one thing!” Leo continued.

“Our Teamwork!” Shine Boy added.

“And our Friendship!” Sunset concluded before everyone shouted.


“DUCKS ROCK!” The Ducks, including Canard, and Buzz added.

Night Shine got up and added fire to the flame with his dark flame. “Taste the Rainbow, mother-”


The Rainbow and Shine blasts were so strong it was enough to send Dragaunus flying through the portal.

“NOOOOOOooooooo!” His scream echoed as he rocketed through before the portal closed and the rods were damaged by the Rainbow.

Everyone powered down and began catching their breaths. Shine Boy, Gamer, and Shine Girl all turned to see Love Shine.

“Brandon!” Shine Girl hugged him. “You’re alive.”

“I guess the Sarnothometer packed quite a punch.” Love Shine smiled. “I was almost afraid I missed the victory party.”

Serenity hid her tears. “We thought that you were-.”

“It’s good to see you all, too.”

The four chuckled as Shine Boy patted his shoulder. “Welcome back, old friend.”

“Good to be back.” Love Shine smiled before smiling Canard. “Who’s that?”

The Ducks all were surprised to see Canard standing right in front of them. At last, Wildwing broke the ice. “Canard? Is it really you?”

Canard smiled. “Looking good, Wildwing. I think you wear the mask better than I did.”

That was enough for the Ducks to give him a group hug. “Canard!”

“We thought we never see you again!” Nosedive sniffed.

“Welcome back, my friend.” Grin smiled.

“We didn’t think you survived that worm.” Duke added.

“How did you get out?” Mallory smiled.

Canard took a deep breath. “It’s weird. The last thing I remember was passing the mask to Wildwing and then everything went dark. I woke up when I saw Siege passing by me. I saw a light and headed towards it while avoiding Wraith and Chameleon. I made it to the light to see it was a portal to this place. When I saw you guys struggling against Dragaunus and hurried out to help beat him once and for all.”

Canard then looked around. “It’s safe to say this isn’t PuckWorld, is it?” he then saw the Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Team Shine. “And who are they?”

“They’re friends, Canard.” Wildwing said. “It’s a long story.”

“Since they helped beat Dragaunus, that’s good enough for me.” Canard nodded before shaking Leo’s hand. “Thank you. You’ve done a great service to the universe.”

“The honor is ours.” Leo smiled.

“Same here.” Twilight smiled before realizing something. “Oh no. Cadence!”

She hurried to see Cadence as she was being helped up by Shining. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Twilight.” Cadence assured her. “All three of us are fine.”

“Three? But I only see you and Shining here.” Twilight looked around. “Was Spike with you?”

“He’s with Caitlyn.” Shining pointed to Caitlyn holding Spike. “Twily, there’s something we wanted to tell you during this trip.”

“What do you mean?” Cadence responded by taking Twilight’s hand and put it on her stomach. Twilight’s eyes widened when she felt a thump. “Y-You mean-?!”

“We’re going to have a baby!” Cadence declared.

Twilight’s look went from surprised to joy as everyone smiled. “I-I’m gonna be an aunt! An aunt!”

Twilight took Leo’s hands and the two laughed spinning around while listening to Shining. “We wanted to tell you after we defeated Dragaunus. Otherwise, you’d worry for Cadence’s safety a lot and might not be focused.”

Twilight stopped spinning around sighing. “I suppose you’re right.”

“Still, it makes our victory all the greater.” Leo assured her.

Cadence smiled. “And that was another reason why we asked you all to join us on our vacation. While Principal Celestia has agreed to be the baby’s godparent, we would like you all to be the baby’s honorary aunts and uncles.”

The Turtles and Rainbooms cheered as Leo nodded. “I think we would be honored.”

Shine Boy patted Leo on the shoulder. “Congrats. You guys earned it.”

“I second that.” Wildwing nodded.

Caitlyn smiled before she saw something at a rubbish pile nearby. “Oh no.” she whispered before hurrying over, unaware both Klegghorn and Phil saw her.

Vernon was ready as his livestream began. “This is Vern the Falcon Fendwick reporting live. After multiple failed attempts, I’ve finally got proof of the mysterious Turtle Men who plague the streets of Anaheim. The following, I warn you, is not a pretty sight.” When he turned to show the Turtles and heroes, however, he was face to face with Phil and Klegghorn who took his phone and shut it off.

“Young man! This is a restricted area! And you are trespassing!”

“No wait! The public has to know! Those are Turtle monsters over there!”

“Don’t be so sure.” Phil stated. “I’m Phil Palmfeather, The Mighty Ducks’ manager. This whole thing was a publicity stunt for the hockey game in a couple of days. And those kids there have permission to be on set!”

Caitlyn came walking up doing her own broadcast on her phone. “You see what happens when you don’t ask for permission to be on a set? Remember, always ask permission from officials and don’t be an incompetent idiot.”

“Incompetent?!” Vern was about to protest before Klegghorn grabbed him and cuffed him.

“Well, how's this for an incompetent idiot? You're under arrest for news fraud and harassment!” Klegghorn then dragged him away.

“Wait, no no no no! I'm telling you, there are giant turtles! They switched my evidence like they did last time! I swear it! Let go of me!” Vern argued before Klegghorn stuffed him in his police car.

“Bye, Vern...” Caitlyn waved nonchalantly. She turned off her phone and turned back to the others. “This has been the best trip ever!”

“And now that Dragaunus is gone, we got a couple more days to enjoy the rest of our vacation!” Cheered Applebloom.

“Sounds good to me.” Applejack nodded rustling her sister’s hair.

“And we can still top it off with the hockey game this Saturday.” Grinned Casey.

“That reminds me, Now that Dragaunus is gone, I STILL NEED HALF TIME ENTERTAINMENT!” Phil worried pulling his hair.

Rainbow groaned. “You know what? I’ve had enough.” She grabbed Phil by the tie. “We’re a band, Mr. Palmfeather! We’re a high school band! We can play for your precious halftime show! Okay?”

“Well, why didn’t you say something?” Phil remarked.

“You were always on your phone.” Sunset shrugged.

“And you never asked.” Pinkie smiled.

Phil chuckled sheepishly while the other’s laughed.

“And you guys are welcome to stay in the Pond for the rest of your vacation.” Wildwing offered.

“Thanks, Wildwing.” Shining smiled.

“Cmon everyone. Let’s head back.” Leo suggested. “We’ve all earned a good rest.”

“I’ll say.” Shine Boy agreed as he picked up Serenity who leaned on his shoulders. Everyone joined in and they drove back to the Pond while Wildwing told Canard all that had happened. Grin grabbed the unconscious Falcone and carried him with them to drop off at police prison.

To Be Concluded

Author's Note:

The battle is won! Now they can enjoy the rest of their vacation!


- I just had to have Kirby O'Neil do something to help. I've always felt like he could've done more after Season 1 of the 2012 series. Anyway, his entrance is based off Splinter's in Enter The Fly.

-Of Course Love Shine would survive. I might come up with a good explanation someday, but for now, He's okay.

- the way Dragaunus fights everyone is similar to how Shredder fought The Turtles and the Mutanimals in the episode Clash of the Mutanimals.

- The last part against Dragaunus was once again based on the last scene in Ghostbusters Afterlife. Along with Canard's return.

- Special thanks again to Jebens1 for the part of Vernon.

-Yep. Cadence's surprise was she's pregnant. So we'll get to see the Equestria Girls Flurry Heart in a later fiction.

And that's all I got. For now. One more chapter to go and epilogue!

Next time: With the battle won, our heroes enjoy the rest of their vacation! With Dragaunus gone and Canard's back, what's gonna happen now? Goodbyes will be said and everyone will be heading home next time on Best Vacation Ever!