• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 - TDR

A continuation into season Six with the Sparkles and their friends and acquaintances.

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The Cyndering, Part 2, Chapter 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

The Cyndering,
Part 2, Chapter 3

[ Crystal Empire, Crystal Palace]

“I know my mind is made up
So put away your make up
Told you once I won't tell you again
It's a bad way”

Jynx raised an eyebrow looking over at the blue furred Siren bounding along next to her. She had no idea what the mare was singing, though it was fairly catchy and there was a light musical accompaniment with it that seemed to emanate from the air around her.

The broken horned guardian of Twilight was trotting along behind them, with the gibbering lavender mare who, well Jynx wasn’t really sure what the deal with that mare was, but Twilight was keeping an eye on her, and she wasn’t interested in Rahs, so Jynx didn’t really care.

On the other side of Jynx was the Siren she was most concerned about however, the purple pig tailed mare was another challenger to her claim on Rahs.

Had things not gone the way they had, she simply would have destroyed the mare and been done with it. However even beyond the agreement she made with Luna and Cadence, this one had very powerful parents whom Jynx had no intention of turning against her.

The stronger she became the simpler things should have been, instead everything had just upped in complexity in the most dramatic way possible.

Jynx blinked.

She would need to talk to Rahs about that.

The Sirens had come back to the palace seeing the massive chunk of ice floating above it. Jynx had returned as well, though she was carrying a number of flat cases she had made out of stone to hold the perfect crystals she had made for Rahs’ nephew and niece's Crystaling, what ever that was.

The blue Siren had asked her if she worked for Domino's when the group of them met.

Jynx had no idea what that was either.

Still the purple mare was worth note as a challenge, she didn’t rise to the bug’s needling, and seemed quite content to not need to flaunt herself to keep Rahs’ attention. That was almost worrying, Trixie was the same way and some how that normal pony was still in the running to claim Rahs.

Unlike Trixie however, this one was a predator, quite a dangerous one as well, the others didn’t seem to notice, but with how she moved and spoke, the Siren was taking the measure of the others, she had played by the rules thus far, but it was questionable if she would continue to do so.

Granted Jynx felt that way about the bug as well, but the Siren had no fear of any of the gods that had made the rules.

Well except for Twilight, but that was just common sense really.

Jynx shook her head as the three of them approached the main chamber of the palace, it was something she would need to discuss with Applejack when able.

Her ears perked at some sort of commotion from the other side of the door. The purple one noticed it too, though the blue one kept singing.

Pushing open the door Jynx’s eyes widened.

The curtains and a few throw rugs of the room were on fire, and several of the servants were trying to put out the fire with wet table cloths, bottles of water, and the occasional spell.

Sunset was standing on the balcony, on fire herself , the crystal around her was melting with the amount of heat she was putting out as she blasted the sky with fire cackling like a mad mare.

Saturnia looked to be in the form of a dragon in order to deal with the heat and was yelling at Sunset, though the mare was ignoring her.

Twilight Sparkle was also yelling, though she was yelling at Rahs and trying to strangle him screaming something about his drama powers being evil.

Cadence, and Shining armor both had their horns glowing and were sitting at a table being served tea and cake by Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy was standing next to a tall red earth pony who was laying on the floor muttering about being killed.

A massive black and green octopus sat in the middle of the room was slowly turning in place, a pair of foals and a pair of moon dog puppies hung gripped in one arm or another cheering and giggling as she spun them around.

A moon dog whom Jynx recognized as Bri, Rahs’ real sister, was staring up with a hint of annoyance and worry , her eyes following her pups as the octopus spun them around.

“What the hell is happening here?” Aria demanded.

“Somebody rolled a one.”

The small group looked at Starlight.

“What?” Jynx demanded.

“The Sparkles have reproduced, there will be no end to the horror.” Starlight shuddered gesturing to the two foals.

“Well yes, that is my plan with Rahs Sparkle as well.”Jynx admitted getting a bit of a glare from Aria

Starlight blinked. ”Truly this is the darkest timeline.” And promptly fainted.

The Sirens and Jynx looked down at her as Tempest shrugged.

“Meh, she’ll snap out of it in a few days, a week or two at max.”

Roxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnneee!!!” Sonata cried out.


“Is there any reason that we are not going to see the foal's Crystaling Tia?” Luna huffed looking at her sister as the white alicorn filled another notebook with prank ideas. A glance to the wastebasket next to the small desk showed piles and piles of crumpled papers and a few pencils and quills that had caught fire with the rapid pace her sister was writing things.

“Several actually. First and foremost is this is going to be a party that is going to have a large number of Changelings, and none of them view me favorable, so I'm letting them enjoy themselves without worrying about me. Two, I'm letting Chrysalis be lured into a false sense of security given it's bug hunting season again now that the foal is born.” Celestia offered.” Three I am keeping an eye on Ponyville, and the Apples in particular to make sure they will adjust alright to the future, and finally we are still backlogged from the invasion and have a ton of work to do.”

“And that is why you are hiding in your room coming up with pranks?” Luna frowned.

“Exactly, besides aren't you always reluctant to go to the Empire for any reason?” Celestia glanced back at her sister.

“We see your point, we shall leave you too this.” Luna muttered and vanished with a pop.

Celestia sighed. Luna really needed to get over her aversion to the Empire, as far as she could tell aside from Rhede, none of the Empire citizens even knew Luna had been Nightmare Moon. Sombra staying away was one thing, but for Luna it was just her own guilt.

When Solomon was killed, Nightmare Moon was freed, but her goal had shifted from whatever it was Solmon wanted, to destroying Celestia.

Luna believed she was back in control then and still wanted to kill her sister. That a number of other gods believed the same thing. Celestia couldn't say for sure if that had been Luna or not, but she knew the Elements of Harmony had banished her for a thousand years. Celestia was not sure if that was because she screwed up and the Element's should not be used by one pony, or if the thousand years was needed to let the spell break so she could be cured. The only one who would know for sure would be Harmony, and the damn tree was more reclusive and hard to find than Velkorn when she owed money.

[ Crystal Empire.]

“Okay so this thing has fallen off the side of the palace, had evil magics cast all over it and probably been chewed on by a witch wolf and falling off a pedestal breaks it?” Aria questioned.

“Pretty much.” Shining Armor shrugged sipping his drink calmly as Cadence nodded next to him, the pair of them seeming quite calm despite the chaos around them.

“It's the main reason why Twilight is trying to strangle Rahs. She figures it's because the heart breaking is the most dramatic thing that could have happened, it did.” Cadence offered.

“Well it wouldn't be so bad in truth, though the Crystaling binds everyone too the heart and makes it so the heart is properly empowered. “ Moon Dancer offered.” So we're going to have the entire Crystal Empire population have another Crystaling in order to put the new heart back up to the old ones power level.”

“That's providing we can find a replacement. “ Sun Burst added.” That is a very rare gem, and finding one in that size is going to be....”

“Fixed it.” Jynx offered handing the repaired Crystal Heart to Cadence.

“What!?” the entire room yelled out, save the foals and pups who were still giggling in the octopus' arms.

“What?” Jynx asked holding the crystal up, the restored gemstone shifting between a heart shape, a diamond shape, and a mini sculpture of Rahs before forming back into a heart. “One of my portfolios is gemstones.”

“Huh.” Moon Dancer offered scanning the Crystal Heart with her magic. “Everything's there. It's just like it was before it broke.”

“Though we still have the massive ice chunk above the city.” Sunburst pointed out.

“Can't you just angle your shields and roll it into the crater like a big game of golf?” Sonata asked.” I mean there's nothing in there but a stone table at the bottom and I'm pretty sure no one cares about that."

Shining Armor and Cadence looked at each other.

“Yeah, probably.” Shining Armor shrugged.

“Great!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “Now that the problems are all sorted out, LET'S PARTY!”

Author's Note:

I was struggling with how to end this and i finally figured meh go with the logical ending.

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