• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 - TDR

A continuation into season Six with the Sparkles and their friends and acquaintances.

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Flutter Bahamut , Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

Flutter Bahamut,
Part 1

2 Days later. Fluttershy's cottage.

Pinkie Pie lifted her head slightly over the bottom of the window sil peering into the house. Her eyes shifted left, then right before she sank back down under the sil.

Another window on the second floor slowly developed a Pinkie Peeper before that one too was vacated.

A third window suddenly had a slow rising Pinkie Pie before the mare's target was spotted sitting on the couch staring into space.

Pinkie slipped in through the window, ducking completely behind a lamp before leaning out and tip hooving over to hide behind a chair.

Angel Bunny frowned and looked down as Pinkie Pie appeared under his bed. He reached down and swatted at the mare who quickly put his bed back down and offered him a head pat before she dove behind the couch her target sat on.

Peering up over the back of the couch she reached over it and set a box on the cushion next to her target before diving back down.

Her target looked at the box, opened it and then upended the entire content of chocolates into her mouth in much the same way Pinkie did.

Pinkie Pie winced and decided not to call her out on table manners like was done to her.

“Sooo feeling better?” Pinkie Pie asked still hiding behind the couch.

“Grumble grumble grumble.”

“Did you just say 'Grumble grumble grumble? Cause that was adorable.” Pinkie Pie squeed

Pinkie Pie was cut off as she was grabbed and pulled into a murderous hug by her mare friend. Well it would be a murderous hug for most, Pinkie was used to Fluttershy's bad day hugs even if they sometimes made her head blow up a little from the squeezing.

“I take it you don't need an air tight alibi just yet?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“It wouldn't matter everyone would still suspect me.” Fluttershy sighed, fangs being bared before they sank into Pinkie's mane chewing on it.

“So how has it gone?”

“Day one, he made himself at home. I know mom did his laundry before he came here and how a pony who doesn't wear anything can have that many dirty clothes to string around in less than a day confounds me. He's already managed to anger nearly all my critters, which in a way is fairly good because some of them who should have gone back to the forest but were sticking around for a handout have left. But...Harry is going to be missing for a week because Angel Bunny had to punt him to keep him from mauling Zephyr.”

“Really? He managed to annoy HARRY? That bear is still Angel's friend after years of Angel being Angel.” Pinkie Pie gasped.

Angel Bunny bounced a half eaten carrot off Pinkie's head though he was ignored.

“He's managed to eat everything in the refrigerator and some how come up with a number of excuses about everything.”Fluttershy sighed. “ He still doesn't understand why I'm pissed off that he made PETA, because it's supposed to help animals. He won't even listen when I try to tell him WHY PETA is bad. Claiming I'm over blowing it and that's all just rumors, despite the fact he knows PETA is in bad shape financially due to all the Parasprite payouts.”

“Want me to ask Gummy's mom to explain it to him?” Pinkie Pie smirked.

“No.... He is my brother and he did... try? He just followed through with the wrong thing. Evidently in a few months there should be enough in donations for him to get his penthouse again. Though he plans to rebuild the main HQ in Wilmingtrot rather than Manehatten due to some 'local misunderstandings' as he put it.”

“Should we torch the place now or....” Pinkie Pie frowned.

“ARRRGH I don't know, if we do he'll be stuck here longer, but allowing those idiots to get another hoof hold.....” Fluttershy grumbled. “I suggested he get another job like mane styling, I bet Aloe and Lotus could use some one else to help with hair. Grubber is really good but he's over worked with how popular he's gotten with makeup and hair. And that used to be a thing Zephyr did.”

“You would subject those two to him? I thought you liked Aloe and Lotus.” Pinkie Pie chided.

“I do which is why I didn't though I'm pretty sure those two could keep him in line or break him in half. Aloe is dating that Kitsune that opened up Lei Ho Foxes and that guy has some rather dim views of any one flirting with her as well as a penchant for very mean pranks to those that anger him. “Fluttershy offered. ”Maybe Lotus could tolerate him?”

“Lotus swings for the other team.” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “She's dating one of the Kirin guards, she's adorable. Smol and vicious in one package.”

“Mmm .” Fluttershy nodded gnawing on Pinkie Pie's mane more, it always tasted of fruit and sugar. Something she really only noticed once she was changed. Something Zephyr hadn't even noticed.

“So where is he now?”

“He claimed he needed some air and he went wandering in Ponyville.” Fluttershy sighed.

Pinkie Pie was silent for a moment.

“Think posting bail will be pricey?” Pinkie Pie offered.

“If Spike would have allowed me to bet on what happens to him, I could afford it.” Fluttershy huffed.

“Families not allowed to bet on family now.” Fluttershy chided. ”That includes pets. ”

Angel Bunny grumbled about that damn raccoon Blakeney ruining everything.

[On a distant airship]

“What did we have left?” Squall questioned, the big yeti grumbling a little as he looked down at the small village they were descending towards.

“We've got a letter to drop off and a couple of packages to pick up. Evidently he's got a PO box out here.” Adagio offered. The siren, turned human, turned pony was currently in her human form, evidently thinking she was teasing the yeti by walking around nude or half nude most of the time.

The joke was on her, while he might normally be interested, being dead put a fair sized damper on any hot blooded antics.

Not that he didn't look.

He was dead, not dead.

At the moment she was wearing something she called a sundress, and only the sundress claiming wearing anything under it was a waste of a good sundress.

“You might want to get changed, given where this place is they might not welcome anyone other than ponies here.” Squall offered adjusting the airship to come in for a water landing a good ways away from the docks and slowly coast up to them like a normal ship. ”I'm going to have to stay with the ship.”

It was less threatening this way and gave any one worried time to prepare so they were not as worried. The craft wasn't yeti design, but pirates were a thing.

Granted two pirate ships were no longer a thing, but that was because they were stupid and thought the little airship wasn't armed, when the thing was 10%quarters, 5% supplies, 10% airbag, 25% engine, and 50% cannon by volume.

Not to mention Squall was a very good pilot.

“Right.” Adagio grumbled already back into pony form , with her massive hair done up in a equally massive braid. The sundress all but vanished flashing a bit of plot to any one looking “You want anything from the shops while I'm out?”

“See if they have any of those cheesy corn chips.” Squall responded.

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