• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 - TDR

A continuation into season Six with the Sparkles and their friends and acquaintances.

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On your Maid

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

On your Maid

[Sweet Apple Acres. Crusader's Club House.]

“Hmmmmm....” Scootaloo intoned.

Sweetiebelle frowned.

“Hmmmmm.....”Applebloom added.

“Could you two stop staring at my butt?

“Just for the record. I would like to point out that I was not staring at your butt, just in case Scootaloo decides to take offense.” Firefly added from the corner from behind a comic book.

“So what, you were staring at mai butt?” Applebloom demanded.

“Nope, not playing the game.” Firefly offered turning the page.

“Told you he was smart.” Scootaloo laughed.

“Right so did you two glean any insight from staring at my butt? I might not have any interest in colts staring at my butt, but I don't have any real interest in fillies doing it either either.” Sweetiebelle grumbled.

“Well.. no.” Applebloom sighed. “But we already tried psionically willing our marks to appear and that didn't work before either.”

“Did we try willing cutie marks on each other?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah. And yah didn't git a chicken cutie mark so it didn't work.” Applebloom smirked.

“Prolly for the best, then Spike would be after me, not you.” Scootaloo smirked back.” I could deal with that, he's cute enough.”

“Hey!” Applebloom and Firefly both protested as Scootaloo cackled.

“This isn't helping me get my cutie mark.” Sweetiebelle grumbled. “I'm the last pony Crusader who doesn't have one.”

“Changeling's don't get Cutie marks, neither do dragons.” Firefly offered, then considered.” Well Half changelings have gotten them in the past, but I'm not a half changeling like Princess Saturnia is, but even she doesn't have a cutie mark.”

“That doesn't make me feel any better.” Sweetiebelle huffed. ”Babs got her's first, then Scootaloo, then Sombra, and now Applebloom. This is totally unfair.”

“Don't worry Sweetiebelle. Like Scoots said before, just cause we have our marks doesn't mean we arn't still Crusaders and we're gonna keep at it until all of us have our Cutie marks.” Applebloom stated.

“Yep, and now you got two of us who managed it all set to help you out with ideas and plans tailor made to you.” Scootaloo smirked. ”Firefly, you got the list?”

“You mean the book.“ Firefly lowered the comic, the Changeling in his normal form his green eyes shifting to the table were he nodded his head to gesture with his horn at the massive bound tome sitting on the table.”Volume one of things you've tried is almost complete. Spike's prepping a second tome for Sweetiebelle's attempts.”

“Alright so we know where we've been, now we jus need to figure out where we are going.” Applebloom stated.

“We got this Sweetiebelle.” Scootaloo smirked. “You'll have your mark before you know it.”

“Thanks guys.” Sweetiebelle sniffed.


Spike lifted his head from his Dungeon Master manual and stared at a wall as if he was looking into the far distance. He had been keeping his distance from Sweet Apple Acres and Applebloom until her mom got used to him, or just gave up and accepted the unstoppable force that was Applebloom.

“Crusader Senses tingling.” Spike muttered.

“I'll alert the Guards.” Seshat sighed.

[ Canterlot Castle]

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow as she looked over the throne room door.

The guards on either side of her along with a collection of nobles and all her asides also stared at it, Day Court being held up due to the situation.

Starched Collar stared at the door highly unamused.

“Of course this happens when I go on vacation for a week.” Starched huffed. “Given I was not here this does not count against my families record.”

Princess Celestia looked at him with a raised eyebrow then sighed as she pushed open the doors with her magic. The large, impressive and most importantly, completely upside down doors.

Climbing over the top of the door's arch Celestia stepped into the room walking on the ceiling. Everything in the room was upside down, her throne was above her, the chandlers were hanging up from the floor and even the stained glass windows were upside down.

Princess Celestia blinked then frowned, noting that nothing in the room was magically flipped. Her throne was simply glued to the ceiling which was the actual castle floor.

All of the court's pews and seating were also on the ceiling, even the carpets. Celestia looked down at the ceiling she was walking on blinking a moment when she spotted a small stain by one of the pillars that had formed when the roof leaked the last big storm, in the exact spot she had pointed out, only now it was on the room's new 'floor'.

“How did those three even pull this off?” Celestia huffed realizing that she needed to step up her game.

[ Ponyville Town Hall]

“Alright Raven….. lay it on me.” Mayor Mare groaned, not for the first time considering early retirement. ”I thought this was over.”

Raven Quill sighed, wondering if her sister had to deal with this sort of thing in Canterlot. ”The Cutie Mark Crusaders evidently have redoubled their efforts to make sure Princess Sweetiebelle gets her cutie mark. To this end as of this morning they started with a number of small attempts at Sweet Apple Acres. After the turning six apple trees into Grape Fruit trees, Applejack made them leave the farm. Thankfully Applejack contacted the Guards Assigned to protect them, or us from them, before they left. As such from nine until eleven there was no reported damage.”

“Thank Luna for small favors.” The Mayor muttered. ”Pear Butter needs to get over her nonsense about Spike and let him run damage control again. Fire fly is not cutting it.”

“He tries, but Spike has far more experience. At around eleven o'clock they decided that they would try to gain Sweetiebelle a ‘Escape the Guards’ professional Thievery’, ‘Hide and Seek’, or a ‘Buck the Police ‘ Cutie mark, and some how managed to get away from the Guards following them. Not before at least two of them were sent to the ER with a mild concussion, and the other from damage from falling into a barrel of a few hundred angry crayfish.”

“I am morbidly curious, and yet..” Mayor Mare muttered.

“At twelve noon they broke for lunch. Thankfully Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Firefly convinced Sweetiebelle to go to the Hay Burger rather than try to make lunch herself.” Raven Quill offered.

Both mares in the office shuddered.

“ With a possible world ending disaster avoided, the group proceeded to do a number of mostly harmless tasks, including becoming a changeling, changeling repellent through emotions, and speed running some video games at the arcade.” Raven Quill listed.” That might be why Firefly hangs out with them, that had to be quite the meal. Once they ran out of bits, they then tried for a video game repair cutie mark. Fortunately for Coin Op, the arcade's owner, Sweetiebelle took offense at the other girls pointing out how great a cutie mark in fixing games would be to help with her colt friend Button Mash. As such they didn’t crack open a machine.”

“Is Button her colt friend?”

“No idea. However Coin Op was less than thrilled when the resulting embarrassed brawl blew out several machine’s, ‘crystal memory cores’ ,a cheap fix thankfully, but one that erased a lot of high scores that ponies have been working on. That resulted in a minor riot that saw the arcade’s snack bar burned to the ground.”

“Add it to the list.”

“Already done. Around one o'clock, the crusader’s were kicked out of the Neighlantis Embassy. No one knows how they got in there, nor how they got the Pearl, nor how they managed to set fire to a kelp forest, but it was noted that the Pearl does work on changelings, and Firefly was a large green crab.”

“I told them to invest in Crusader insurance.” The Mayor sighed.

“Things went quiet for some time after that, during which time the frog pond exploded again, though the Crusader’s were reported to be no where near it despite Scootaloo screaming out ' we didn't do it' from near the school house on the other side of town. At three thirty the Crusaders were spotted again chasing a panicked hydra along the edge of the Everfree, the beast was down to two heads and was running fast enough that the Guards who spotted it couldn’t tell if the heads were growing back.”

“Ahhh stars.... I don't know whether I should be worried about them in that forest, or anything that meets them.”

“Thirty minutes later they were all sitting in a lecture as Fluttershy scolded them for traumatizing the hydra. That only lasted five minutes before there was a stampede of Star Spiders including the god Murphy running from the Everfree. Many of them, including Murphy were on fire, or at the very least singed. They all took refuge in the old Rich Manor.”

“No one’s bought that place yet?”

“Given what happened around it, no. At five o’clock there was another stampede of Star Spiders, running back into the forest, nearly all of them soaked and or sporting some sort of strange coloration, including Murphy. The crusader’s emerged from the Manor a few moments later, not long after that , the west wing collapsed.”

“Please tell me that’s it.”

“So far it seems so as they all went to Spike’s for a Ogres and Oubliettes game.”

“School cannot come back into session fast enough.” Mayor Mare muttered.


“Once again Trixie would like to welcome everyone to the second meeting of the F.A.R.S. Group.” Trixie stated standing at the front of the table.

“What does that even mean?” Jynx asked.

“Females After Rahs Sparkle.” Sunset huffed. ”It's a stupid name.”

“It's better than yours.” Trixie snapped.

“Hey W.O.O.F.S. Was a classic name!” Sunset snapped back.

“What does 'that' mean?” Jynx asked again.

“I was still working on that part.” Sunset muttered

Aria stared at the other girls sitting around the table wondering what the hell she had gotten herself into.

“Trixie would again like to thank Seshat for allowing us to use this room, and not chasing after Fuzzy herself.”

“Some one needed to keep an eye on you lot and I told you before, I'm a tree.” Seshat's voice called from a wall.

“As if that means anything.” Saturnia huffed.

“Alright I have got to ask. Why is this a thing? If all of us are after Rahs why are we having a meeting... with tea and cakes?” Aria demanded gesturing to the rather sizable spread on the table between the girls.

“Pinkie Pie.” Apple Jack explained.

“Errr.”Aria questioned.

“She's like a hyper version of your sister.” Sunset added.


“As for why this meeting is even a thing, it's mostly an organization thing. All the gods who are involved in this nonsense want it to be fair, so none of us are allowed to interfere with any other date. So we need to plan for who has what time off and adjust accordingly.” Saturnia explained. “It's a bit more of a pain in the butt than it needs to be, but it was easier with one meet up a month to plan out the time with Rahs, rather than trying to fight each other over certain days.”

“Princess Luna said no fighting. I am quite content to follow that order, even now.” Jynx muttered.

“And it ain't like we're all not super busy.” Applejack offered.

“This makes a weird kinda sense.” Aria sighed. “Still, I'm surprised you lot aren't more aggressive with it though, trying to get any edge on any one else.”

“What makes you think we're not?” Trixie questioned.

“Plenty of things. This whole set up, the lack of discussion or threats or chatter about who's gotten further with him.” Aria huffed.” I mean shit, do any of you even know if his dick is knotted or barbed given his weird species mix?”

“Knotted.” Jynx, Sunset, and Applejack all stated at the same time.

There was a momentary pause as that word was processed. Reality itself seemed to freeze in that instance as six minds processed it and reacted accordingly.

“HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!?!” all of them screamed out at the three who knew that, who also screamed at each other.

“Ah shit.” Seshat grumbled.

In a heavily shielded lab underneath Seshat, a red gem started to glow a little bit brighter.

Author's Note:

Title is a stretch pun from a certain anime.

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