• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 - TDR

A continuation into season Six with the Sparkles and their friends and acquaintances.

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The Claw Before the Pony, Part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

The Claw Before the Pony,
Part 4

“HOLY CARP, WHAT A MATCH!” Taurine screamed out from the box. “Those young ones from Hoofington really know how to race. “

“That was an awesome three way finish, I can't wait to see if any of them are willing to give the grand prix a go.” Pinkie Pie cheered along with the large rust colored minotaur. At some point she had gotten her own black and yellow checkerboard colored bandanna to wear around her neck.

Twilight rubbed her temples, her ears flat against her head as the shouting from both sides was giving her a migraine. The races had been mildly interesting. Six towns including Canterlot had run through their events. The awards for Creativity, Historical significance, and Speed had all been given out, some of the participants managing to walk away with an award from more than one category. The final contests would start after all the towns had raced, then the last Red bull challenge would happen after that as the closing race.

The judges were made up of three middle managers from the sponsoring company, some self help celebrity Twilight had never heard of, and three of the members of the Equestrian school board. Thus far they had been fair, but Twilight noticed a bias for unicorns over the other racers from the school board, luckily the other three balanced the School board members out and the Celebrity was just throwing out numbers depending on what she thought 'Sparked Joy'.

Ponyville however was the last town to compete and the sponsors showed they were not idiots. A large number of unicorns had shown up and were raising shields in front of all the stands and spectators along the length of the track layering the spells to create something of a tunnel down the entire length of the course.

Twilight was rather impressed with the spell work. She was also surprised to see a number of changelings floating around holding boxes with crystal recorders documenting the entire series of races. It was even more surprising that Saturnia and Sunset seemed to be here coordinating the filming. Sunset had talked about needing a sporting event of some sort as a major draw on her crystal net thing she was working on.

Twilight had listened with some interest at it, supposedly videos and films could be put on her network in a frame work she was calling U Two or something like that. There was another system she had been bitching about that had already been set up already, despite her intent not to have it called, 4 something. Twilight was more interested in learning more about this Face a Book Sunset had talked about. It sounded like a fun reading experience.

Applejack was here cheering on Applebloom along with Big Mac and Granny Smith, though AppleJack seemed some what miffed about something.

Jynx had shown up as a number of Diamond Dog pups had participated in this race, thus far two of them had even won prizes and seemed ecstatic when she congratulated them personally.

Trixie and Ember were of course doing fire works every time Taurine yelled something particularly impressive. Twilight wondered if there was a list that she was checking to see if Taurine said the right word to prompt an explosion.

Thus far Twilight had figured out some of the words that prompted fireworks. 'Red Bull Challenge', 'Explosion or explosive', 'Cartmageddon', 'finish line' and for some reason, 'grapefruit'.

Still Twilight was rather worried. All of Rahs' girl friends were in the same place, Rahs and Spike were IN the race, the Cutie mark crusaders were all IN the race and one of Discords kids was also in the thing. That wasn't to even consider the rest of the Ponyville school crew and Sombra in the mix.

The sponsors of the event were clearly careful, but she hoped they really knew what they were getting into.

“....That was Dinky Do and Comet Tail with their cart the cheerful Capybara. For all those in the stands currently having heart issues from the cute, please note that the medic tents are behind the bleachers on both sides of the race track and that we are not responsible for any injuries here at the speed way. Next up from Ponyville is the silver Bullet by Applebloom Apple and Aria... BY PRINCESS CELESTIA”S DAINTY HOOVES WHAT IS THAT THING!!??” Taurine screamed out.

The silver painted cart looked like a cigar and practically seemed to vibrate in place as it rolled up to the starting line, it was streamlined in the way bricks were not, and the faint breeze flowing over the race track seemed to part over the thing like scissors hitting that perfect cutting glide when used on wrapping paper. The cart seemed to be causing speed lines to appear just by existing. Seated inside it was a yellow filly with a helmet on that looked like it was part of the cart until she lifted her head up enough. The back of it was open and there was enough room for another pony to fit inside, and poke their head out of the cock pit. That pony was clearly the lavender one with long pig tails that she was tucking into her silver helmet as she stopped behind the cart looking over as the judge approached staring at the cart.

“So what is this?” The school board judge asked, her magic scanning over the cart.

“A marvel of engineering.” Aria chuckled.

“78% apple wood, 15% aluminum? 7 % miscellaneous.” The Judge nodded. “Well it meets the rules. Good luck.”

The judge turned around and was left facing another thing. This one was painted a glimmering cherry red and was slightly more wedge shaped than the cigar shape of the other one. A orange pegasus filly sat behind the wheel, the thing having an open back which would allow the orange adult pegasus to climb in easier. Despite that, even standing still this one seemed on the verge of taking to the air.


“That one is called 'The Falcon's Dare' and is driven by Scootaloo and Fireball.” Pinkie Pie listed.

“Huh... modern Equestrian engineering versus portal world engineering.” Twilight considered.” This could be a interesting study, and one with at least a 27% less chance of death.”

“Wait 27% less? “ Taurine asked. ”THAT'S STILL TOO HIGH!”

“They're both being driven by Crusaders.” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“Ahh. Okay 13% less chance then. With a added 25% chance of tree sap.” Twilight corrected.


“77% apple wood, 5% steel, 12% cloud? 6% other.” the judge hummed. ”This doesn't fly does it?”

“It could with a pegasi pulling it and the proper enchantment, but on it's own, no.” Fireball offered. ”It's designed to fit the rules.”

“Fair enough.” The judge nodded and walked among some of the other carts scanning and nodding at them, before she stopped and stared at the block of apple wood with wheels on it that two unicorn colts were sitting on. Ignoring that as the announcers bantered, she was then forced to stop and stare at another vehicle.

“What even is that thing?” The judge stared at the green tank looking cart.

“That's a Mark 1b Pattern Rhino, or more formally, the Mars Pattern Rhino, is an Imperial armored personnel carrier that is widely used throughout the galaxy by many different factions, though it is a mainstay vehicle of the Adeptus Alicornuis. It has provided safe transportation since the days of the Great Crusade, transporting its cargo of Space Marines swiftly and safely to the forefront of battle.

Robust and versatile, and able to resist the most hostile of environments, the Rhino has become the basic troop transport for Space Marine squads. It has also been used by many other trusted branches of the Imperial armed forces.” Taurine ranted. “This one is currently done up in Dark Angels livery and colors. It's also got six wheels instead of treads which work well for the road surface.”

Most of the audience turned to stare at the large minotaur.


“This cart was put together by Firefly and Kevin. Everyone knows Kevin. I wonder why he's helping one of the Changeling grubs.” Twilight considered.

“HE'S JUST THAT KINDA GUY!” Taurine shouted.

The two hatches on top of the rather wide box like cart opened and Firefly popped his head out of one. A space marine helmet popped out of the other. Both of them looked at the judge who sighed and scanned it.

“60 % apple wood, 22% plastics, 10% various metals, and 8 % paint?” the judge blinked.

“Bees got a hold of it while we were doing the base coat.” Kevin offered his voice muffled by the helmet.

“Alright. Well good luck that is a interesting one.” The judge shook her head, moving on as other Ponyville foals were introduced as she came to their carts.

She stopped again.

“I know I have said this far to often today, but what the <BLEEP!!> IS THAT THING?!?!” Taurine shouted blinking and turning his head to Twilight whose horn was glowing.

“Language.” Twilight stated simply.

“Here we have Sweetiebelle and Sombra in their cart Aunty Entity.” Pinkie Pie announced considering throwing something at Sombra for biting Fluttershy, but decided to hold off for now.

The judge stared at the massive thing. It was a six wheeled cart bigger than the rhino tank and made of metal, there was a massive spiked ram on the front, a row of spikes going up to what looked like a gunner's seat off an airship, further up was the drivers seat with more spikes all over it, and a massive spoiler on the back. An actual spoiler like off some of the sulky carts she had seen, not something as banal as 'His father was the rogue dragon' or ' the predator dies horribly' like some people probably expected.

Her gaze shifted to the two leather and spike festooned ponies in the cart. The filly was wearing a leg brace and a black leather jacket with her mane and tail short and it looked like her fur was stained with soot and grease. She was sitting in the drivers seat. The stallion next to her was wearing a number of leather straps and a steel hockey mask. Both of them were staring unblinking at her.

The judge shuddered casting the scanning spell.

“39.5% apple wood, 45% steel, 5.5% chrome, 8% leather, and 2% other.” The judge listed. “I'm sorry but you are under the required amount of Apple wood, I'm going to have to disqualify you.”

“Mediocre.” Sweetiebelle huffed. Sombra's horn lit up and he pulled a bolt free. Sweetiebelle pulled off the steering wheel which was a ring of welded chrome chain and tossed it out of the cart as Sombra brought a burnt wooden steering wheel up and bolted it in.

“Scan again.” He stated in a gruff voice.

The judge swallowed and cast.“40% apple wood, 45% steel, 5% chrome, 8% leather, and 2% other.” The judge stated. “ That meets the requirements.”

She quickly hurried on as the pair continued to stare unblinking at her.

“Rarity is gonna kill those two when they see all the leather they are using.” Pinkie Pie offered.

The Judge stopped again and reached a hoof up to rub her forehead. Sitting ahead of her was a modified Mount Prospect City Guard cart. It looked to have Guard Tires, Guard suspension, Guard shocks, and was a model made before mana gem restrictions so it ran good on a regular charge.

Of course this was only a model.

What was weird was the massive crystal powered speaker that looked like it was stolen from a stadium speaker pole strapped to the top of it.

She sighed running her scan as she looked for the drivers.

“65% apple wood, 18% paper mache, 7% speaker, 5% plaster, and 5% other parts.” the judge sighed as the speaker started blasting a jaunty rhythm as soon as her magic completed.

Glancing to the back of the cart the trunk opened and a purple dragon in a black suit and fedora wearing sunglasses rolled out. He adopted a pose and a much taller blue diamond dog thing practically slid out of no where to smoothly stop beside the dragon. He was also in a suit with sunglasses and a fedora.

The judge blinked as several wolf whistles sounded in the area and both Rahs and Spike reached up adjusting their ties.

“Ah stars, of course they went with THAT play as a model.” Twilight grumbled. “Highest recorded cart destruction number of any play ever made. And all his girlfriends now have seen him in a suit.”

Twilight, Pinkie, and Taurine all looked to where Jynx, Sunset, Trixie, and Saturnia were staring at Rahs, though it seemed Applejack was the one who let out the whistle from her place on the other side of the stands.

Applebloom and Aria were also staring, but each at a different brother.

[Crystal empire]


“So was that a yes on the large hay fries?” The bored looking counter worker asked.

“Yes and go with the apple treats rather than the chocolate cookies in the Children's Chipper Chow Chompy. I want the foals to sleep sometime today.” Shining offered as Cadence continued to laugh.

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