• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 - TDR

A continuation into season Six with the Sparkles and their friends and acquaintances.

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Pete's Point of View

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

Pete's Point of View

[Ponyville. Seshat, Spring]

Twilight Sparkle frowned as she raised her head from her book, her ears perked up and her wings fluttered lightly. The faint sound of bird song could be heard out side the window at the side of the library, and the faint odor of this mornings breakfast still filled the main room, only subdued by the scent of books which permeated her library..

It was quiet in the crystal tree.

Too quiet.

A quick shield around herself and a few more moments waiting resulted in nothing happening, though Twilight didn't relax as she ran through possible problems that could arise.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were not likely to be a issue, the pair were off for a class reunion in Cloudsdale.

Pinkie Pie had gone along with them as well.

Twilight wasn't going to ask about that as Pinkie hadn't asked for a cloud walking spell.


"HOW ARE YOU EVEN UP HERE !?" shouted a burly brown pegasus who until the moment he was walloped with a rubber chicken had been teasing 'Rainbow Crash' and 'Fluttershit' with his two buddies,the trio had flanked Pinkie and forced her back against a wall. Something the pink earth pony didn't seem to have issues with.

"Nunyah!" Pinkie Pie offered with a smirk as she leaned back against the cloud wall with a grin before slapping the pony with the rubber chicken again when he moved closer.

"That's not an answer." the second stallion growled.

"Actually most people learn not to ask when I do stuff." Pinkie shrugged and smacked him with the chicken to.

"Grah stupid dirt pony, I'm gonna throw you off the edge and see how fast you fall!." he growled as his buddies nodded." It's gonna take a lot more than a stupid toy to save you from interrupting my fun."

"Boneless isn't a toy, he's a friend, besides I don't need to do anything. I've got a G."

"A what?" the third stallion asked.

"A G." Pinkie nodded.

"What the fuck is a G?" the first stallion asked.

The stallion was suddenly grabbed and whirled around on the spot to be nose to beak with a very large and very angry griffon hen who had seen said stallion bullying her friend, her sorta friend, and Fluttershy. A griffon hen who really hadn't even wanted to come to this stupid pony gathering, but had her claw forced but had been bored the whole time thus far.

"A G. As in a Gilda." Gilda growled and proceeded to show the stallions that they should learn some proper manners when talking with old classmates who did better than they did in life.

Pinkie broke out a camera to film it for the reunion scrap book.

Twilight frowned deeper, no, there were no issues from that side. Though she was certain that she might have to post bail for one of them.


Probably Fluttershy though there was no point in betting on that because of how safe the odds were.

Who else could be an issue?

Rarity and Sombra had taken a cruise with Rarity saying Sombra needed to get out of his comfort zone.

She didn't expect that to end well.

[Seaward Shoals]

The Bunyip poked it's head out of the water, raising an eyebrow at the commotion going on on the ship it had been curious about. A number of smaller ships had zipped up to it while it was in deep water and the crew of the smaller vessels climbed aboard the larger one, harassing the crew and robbing the passengers.

The Bunyip had seen this sort of thing before, ponies called them pirates and some times he would go help the ones attacked, not today though.

Mostly because of the mass of shadow tendrils and a number of black crystals that were sprouting from the craft, flailing about thrashing the pirates and destroying the smaller ships turning them into splinters. Meanwhile someone on deck was screaming to 'look at her as she was the captain now'.

The Bunyip was going no where near that mess.

Twilight considered she might have to post bail for them as well. Or send out a search party. Still they would be some one elses problem for a time.

Rahs was not around either as he and Applejack had gone out hunting in the Everfree and likely wouldn't be back for a while. Aside from the killing of small game that should be peaceful and calm for the pair.

Rahs and Applejack stared at the glowing rift that had opened before them before they looked at each other and Applejack sighed.

"Well. Ah don't think this is from yer drama powers at least." Applejack sighed.

"Bork?" Rahs questioned.

"Nah ah ain't betting that Twi said something. Too easy."

A figure took that moment to emerge from the portal, it had a pink bird like head with spiraled dragon horns, arms from a lion like Abyssinia, legs of a chicken and a feathered tail reminiscent of a peacock with bat wings. It wore a regal looking purple robe and carried a staff with a glowing crystal on top.

"BWAHAHAHA after tend thousand years I'm free, it's time to conqur..... wait where am I?"

[Everfree Forest]

“Well least she ain't here cause she wants yah as a concubine or whatever.” Applejack snarked as Rahs rolled his eyes.

"Oh bother." Discord stated as he popped up behind the pony and moon dog. "It's you."

"Discord? So I broke through to your paltry dimension HA, this is going to be far too easy."

"Wuff?" Rahs asked.

"She's my sorta sister Eris. It's a dimensional thing with a bit of timey whimy bullshit. She's basically me from another plane." Discord sighed. "White and I encountered her when I was screwing around one eon and that's why he banned me from time travel."

"An yer following a ban?" Applejack raised an eyebrow.

"It's a fair cop." Discord shrugged.

"Shut up you buffoon. Useless prankster, you can't even use chaos properly. Pranks? Pff, chaos is meant to cause destruction." Eris snarled, her eyes snapping to the only non god in the area ." And what better way to start than by using the locals to start it."

Discord blinked then narrowed his eyes.

"No. Stop. Don't." Discord dead panned.

Rahs raised an eyebrow at Discord and held himself back a second to see where this was going, though he had a good idea.

Eris jabbed the staff at Applejack, booping her nose and unleashing a glut of chaos power into the pony.

What Eris had hoped to do was unknown, what actually happened was every drop of power she put out was eaten and she was left with a now very large and angry Witch-Jack.

The female draconequus barely had time to question what had happened before Witch-Jack had lept on her and started using Eris as a large screaming chew toy.

Nothing could happen just from a hunt for squirrels right?

The Crusaders were some one elses problem right now too as they were at that Convention up in the Crystal Empire with Fireball keeping an eye on them.

She was pretty sure Spike was having fun at least.

[Crystal Empire]

The Kirin frowned a little looking through the rule book as the Hippogryph with the issue looked over his shoulder into the rule book as they searched for the ruling on this particular play.

The purple dragon causing the issue sat across the table with a wide grin on his face.

The hippogryph had set up a strategy for his Battle Mallet team he had all his units in reserve due to a rule wording that allowed him to force the other play to deploy fully without a single unit of his on the field. Once the opponent had a deployment he could put his units down in position to exploit any weak points. It was a grief tactic but one that was legal.

The dragon he was against however, deployed a mass of scouts and spread them out to the limit of the unit cohesion , lining them up in a way that covered the entire possible deployment zone for the Hippogryph. Which meant that the Hippogryph could not deploy his units and automatically lost before the first round of the tourney.

The Kirin judge sighed not finding a single rule to prevent either tactic in the last ten minutes of digging through the rules. He waved it off marked the win for the dragon and wandered off to find a less stupid match to judge.

Spike would be gone until Tuesday with the crusaders, and Rahs would be back later that night.

The scent of his cleaning his catches would be annoying, but she was long used to the smell, and maybe he would cure some of it for bacon.

Mmmm Bacon.

[ Everfree Forest]

"AHHH! NO! HELP! AIIIEEEEEEEEEE GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!" Eris screamed out from between the growls and sounds of violence.

"This seems familiar."

Discord nodded in agreement wincing a little.

Twilight considered other interruptions of her day.

Then there were Starlight and Tempest, though they along with Trixie had gone up to Canterlot for something and probably wouldn't be back to bother her for a while, not that she really minded any of them but Trixie, and even she wasn't much of an issue unless Rahs was around.

[East of Hallow Shades]

“Why the fuck did I agree to this!?” Starlight screamed out as she flashed away in a teleportation as the massive rock troll smashed the ground where she had been. The mare reappeared on the other side of the stone creature panting hard. The purple mare was dressed in a dark purple suit that made her rather self aware of how she really needed to exercise more, a black mask a dark cape with a wide brimmed hat. She looked like a comic book hero.

The troll roared spinning towards her before a massive ax slammed into the side of it's head knocking a large chunk out of the stone creature and causing it to stagger to the side.

“HUZZAH!” Princess Luna cried out, the mare decked out in battle armor as she lept into the fray, her ax knocking chunks out of the rock monster with every strike, but doing little more than pissing it off.

The troll roared and whirled suddenly slamming it's bunched fists down on Luna the ground cratering from the impact.

“Sorry monster, but that was the wrong choice.” another voice called out and another Luna faded into view before splitting into fifteen others and darting in and hacking at the creature, though only one ax seemed to be doing damage.

“As much as the great and powerful Dragon Lord Trixie's former teacher doesn't need the help. Trixie shall not allow you to turn her into paste so easily.” Trixie bellowed from above, fanning her wings where she stood in the air far above the fight.

Starlight cried out again firing a blast of magic that rocked the troll's head back before running off before the creature knew where she was at.

She, Trixie, Grubber, and Tempest had come up to Canterlot as Trixie and Tempest wanted to try out a place that Rahs and Twilight had mentioned had good food. After ward they would do something else and Starlight had a few ideas to suggest, even if she wasn't quite used to having friends. They had met Princess Luna instead and been pulled into a quest to deal with a rock troll that had been bothering a small community near the Foal Mountains.

Add onto that that Princess Luna somehow convinced Starlight to wear this ridiculous' mare-Do-Well outfit, saying something about that she wanted an alibi. Starlight had no idea what that was about but wasn't going to argue with a Princess, particularly not one carrying an ax bigger than she was.

“We're in position.” Tempest called, her voice sounding through the crystal com unit on Starlight's ear. “Clear the area.”

One of the Lunas broke off and Starlight teleported again as the nothing Trixie was standing on faded into view as a rather large airship. One with ten guns on the side now facing the rock troll.

“FIRE!” Tempest shouted with Grubber cackling on the line behind her.

The ship roared as the rock troll was broadsided with a full salvo, the rock creature roaring out as the explosions hammered it breaking the massive creature apart shattering the creature into sand.

“I just wanted to fly kites!” Starlight screamed against the roar of explosions.

Twilight might need to look into those three's friendship later. Two were former villains and Trixie was a bad influence at best.

Rahs really needed to watch it around that one. Trixie clearly was insane.

[Everfree Forest]



“Yup almost word for word repeat of what I said. My screaming was more manly though.”

Sunset, Saturnia and Aria were working on the lines further up towards Manehatten. Sunset's Crystal network was in high demand after it was shown how useful it was to link Canterlot and the Crystal Empire. Currently Ponyville was the main hub that all the lines branched out from, though the goal was to eventually put it up in Canterlot proper before branching it out across Equestria and further. The idea of a remote teaching aid was something impressive to Twilight. Pity it was taking so long to set everything up, but the crystals needed in the tower had to be built and shaped perfectly. Basic communication and cat pictures aside, the crystal net was still in it's infancy. Though she wondered why everyone had done their best to steer her away from that 4 whatever site. Spike and Rahs had even parental locked their new computers to prevent her from looking at it.

[ Up North a bit]







Sunset and Saturnia watched as a full sized Aria bodied the dragon that had torn down two of the towers they were there to fix in order to eat the crystals at the top of them. The siren in full form out massed the dragon by three fold and was currently trying to bury the battered drake into the nearest boulder. This was the third boulder she had tried to fit him in and it wasn't holding up any better than the other two had.

“You gonna correct her?” Saturnia asked.

“Well technically she did design the structure, so I'm not gonna nitpick.” Sunset offered.

“Uh huh.” Saturnia hummed. “So do we sick her on Trixie or try to bring her into our agreement for Rahs?”

“Still thinking on that.” Sunset shrugged as the third boulder shattered.

She briefly wondered if there would be an issue today with the Diamond Dogs, but with Rahs out of the house Jynx likely wouldn't be by. Rarity had mentioned Jynx had something going on out by Las- Pegasus.

Twilight was curious about that , maybe she would ask about it next time she saw Jynx.


Gladmane swallowed hard one hoof lifted to part the blinds as he looked out the window at the massive construction project going on next door to his casino.

Some one had purchased nearly every property around his place that was for sale, and made offers on things that were not. In the last month old buildings were tone down and something was being built that seemed to be all crystal and stone.

The sign out front of it had read ' Future site of the Sparkling Crystal Casino and resort.

He stared at the site watching the diamond dogs and others swarm over the structure, his eyes locking onto one massive black furred dog that stood with her arms crossed staring at him as he peeked out the window.

Every time he looked at the place he saw her staring back at him. No matter where he went or what window he looked out of , she was there staring at him.

He had even looked through the crystal security cameras and she still managed to be in every one of them glaring at him.

Gladmane let go of the blinds with a shudder feeling the over whelming dread set in as that Diamond Dog was doing exactly what she said she was going to.

Twilight glanced back down at her book. Carefully not thinking about Discord.

[Everfree Forest]

“Screw you guys! I'm going home!”

Eris managed to pull free of the mauling throwing herself through another portal that snaps shut with a air of finality.

Witch- Jack growls glancing around looking for where her chew toy went before she looked back at Rahs and Discord, her ears flattening to her head and her tail lashing with a bit of a butt wiggle to it as she crouched down.

Rahs blinked then sighed Pulling off his coat and tossing it over a tree branch.

“Wuff.”Rahs offered clutching a rose between his teeth.

“You don't have to tell me twice.” Discord snapped vanishing with a pop as Witch Jack tackled Rahs.

Twilight blinked as she heard heavy hoof falls on the floor, looking up as Big Mac sauntered in. She grinned pushing herself out of her seat moving over to greet him draping her wing over his side as she nuzzles against him.

“Finished up on the farm today?” Twilight asked.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac chuckled leaning down a bit to kiss her.” Yah free?”

“ Far as I know, no one else is around to bother me. And Seshat said she didn't feel anything from the table.“

“What about Princess Celestia?” Big Mac asked.

Twilight blinked.” THAT'S what was bothering me today. She's due a counter attack soon after today's prank.”

Big Mac raised an eyebrow at that.

“T'days prank?” Big Mac asked as Twilight cackled.


Princess Celestia pushed open the door and poked her head inside.

Hall closet on the third floor.

She pulled her head back with a frown walking over to her closet door and opening it.

Main entrance to the east garden.

She closed the door walking over to the bathroom door of her room looking inside.

Lower chamber where she hid all the books she didn't want Twilight to read in a secret chamber with a giant snake guarding it.

She closed the door and frowned, opening it again to find it led out to the water garden on the east side of the castle now.

She opened and closed the door a few times.

Broom closet, kitchen pantry, ball room two, Luna's gaming room, the guard barracks shower room, the medical closet in the southern wing.

Celestia closed the door with a huff and grumbled. Twilight's prank had every door in the castle leading some where else. A Guard had opened the door to her room this morning certain he was headed into the armory. Several maids had popped up to, only when Celestia opened her door after they backed away it lead some where else.

Twilight was going to pay for this one..

She really had to pee....

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