• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 - TDR

A continuation into season Six with the Sparkles and their friends and acquaintances.

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Newbie Drake

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

Newbie Drake

[ Start of Fall, Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres]

“So yer gonna join fer tha running of the leaves this year?” Witch-Jack asked taking a sip of a mug of cider as she looked over at Twilight on the other side of the table.

“That's the plan, with Rainbow Dash finally making it into the Wonderbolt reserves I figure every pony helps with how you two usually go at it. Plus I'm hoping it helps with adjusting to the earth pony part of me now. “Twilight sighed.” Unicorn I've got, Pegasus I'm working on though I'll never be a good flier, but the earth pony side of the magic I've not even attempted to use as of yet, but supposedly it's more passive then unicorn or pegasus magic.”

“It is a bit. Ah new a gal who could plant her hooves and grow anything out of tha dirt from a seed.” Granny smith offered from her own seat at the table an amused expression on her face as she eyed the other two mares at the table. ”Not sure where she went but talents like that while rare, ain't too hard tah find.”

“Yeah been a bit weird fer me. Ah've had tah relearn a lot of stuff due to how wonky magic gits around me, even mai own, but pretty much most earth ponies tend tah jus be tougher an stronger. The Apples got a green hoof of sorts as just tending tah things allows us tah help um grow without us needing tah focus or anything.”

Twilight took another sip.” I'll have to look into that to see if I'm capable of anything like that or if being an alicorn just gives the basic durability package.”

“Yah could ask tha Princesses.” Witch-Jack stated.

“True, though Cadence was a pegasus, Celestia's dad was a unicorn. I'm not sure what Luna's dad was, but since Sombra is a unicorn, though an odd one, I expect that's what her father was.” Twilight shrugged. “And I really don't feel like being a student to any of them.”

“Still annoyed at her?” Granny Smith asked.

“A little, but like the deal with my birthday party and parents, I've kinda gotten over it. It's hard to stay mad at them. What my parents did worked with Shining Armor, and Celestia has been doing the sole ruler crap for so long she's sort of stuck, but she's trying to change at least.”

"Fer give me if ah ain't as fergiving." Witch-jack huffed.

"Fair enough, she didn't even try to talk to you first. But given the reactions of every god that heard about you i can understand why she reacted that way." Twilight shrugged a little.

"Still need tah have words with her about that." Granny Huffed. "She's been avoiding me."

"Does she still owe you bits?" Twilight asked.

"Nah she paid them back." Granny chuckled. "Sucker bet any way and she took it."

Rahs let out a small sigh, his eyes darting over to Big Mac who also had an exasperated expression on his face. The two met eyes then rolled them and tried to shift a little, a some what difficult thing to do given Twilight had worked her way into Big Mac's lap when he sat down, and Applejack had dropped down in Rahs' making him quite glad he wore pants, and Witch-Jack tended to wear shorts of some kind. Still it was taking a lot of focus thinking about plays and scripts.

They both glanced to the side where Pear Butter spied on them from outside the kitchen window, an annoyed expression on her face after Granny threw her out earlier.

Neither of the males thought the others in the room didn't notice her, particularly how Witch- Jack's tail was wagging.

“I did not get up this morning to be a chair.”

“What was that Rahs?” Witch-Jack questioned, her shift to look at him grinding her rump into his lap a little more.

Rahs only whimpered a bit.

[ Canterlot, Wonderbolts HQ]

“So they made you a full on reservist? That's great!” Scootaloo shouted looking at Rainbow Dash in her new uniform.

“So why not a full time bolt?” Sunset asked.

“EoH ruling.” Spike supplied. “She's too important as a protector of the realm to actually be with the Wonderbolts full time, particularly with the map table being brought into it. So she can't go on any of the longer tours or any where that isn't more than a days flight from Ponyville.”

“How do you know all that?” Sweetiebelle demanded.

“Because I actually listen when people tell me things.” Spike rolled his eyes.

The group of Crusaders had come to Canterlot with Sunset who had to drop off some paper work for her network before she could move on to actually building the first few. Spike needed to pick up his comic pulls and Sweetiebelle was going to visit Princess Luna as she had been avoiding staying over at the palace due to the prank war, not wanting to get dragged into it.

Scootaloo had dragged them to the Wonderbolts HQ just outside the palace before they went to see Luna, because word was Rainbow Dash was there.

And it seemed Scootaloo was correct on that.

Applebloom had brought up the fillies obsession and asked Firefly if Scootaloo had him change into Rainbow Dash yet on one of their dates.

This started a brawl between the crusaders that tore up thirty feet of road, broke a blocks worth of windows, and destroyed some poor stallions cabbage cart.

Sunset , Firefly, and Spike finally reigned the trio in, though none of them were even sure how Sweetiebelle got involved. But they had ducked into the Wonderbolts HQ to avoid the Guards that had shown up to investigate.

Sunset didn't want to pay another fine because of them after all.

[Canterlot Castle]

"Luna. Luna we need to have words." Celestia frowned as her sister held up a hoof slowly downing another mug of coffee before setting it aside.

"We need about three more of those before we are willing to discuss politics." Luna grumbled, the dark alicorn never having been a morning pony, despite the fact her morning was around six in the afternoon.

"This is not about politics."

"Then two more cups." Luna sighed allowing her mug to be refiled, the Mug reading "don't talk to me before I've had my coffee' with the words, 'before I've had my coffee ' scratched out. " Is this about the Sparkles? Did you figure out how they did the last prank?"

"Yes, they disconnected the throne room from the castle and flipped it 187 degrees." Celestia huffed.

"187? is not upside down only 180?"

"Yes it is and i thought that was what was done when i magically flipped everything back, but it seems Twilight added the extra 7 just so my scrolls roll off the side of the table. It's just enough to notice the room is still out of balance, but not enough to tell why without studying it."

"When did you have time to study it?"

"Pompous Twit day."

"Ah yes. We too dislike Saturday Court." Luna nodded reaching out to run a hoof along Tiberius' back as he scarfed down another powdered doughnut. "So what is your plan for revenge then?

“That's the issue. “I've got so many ideas I'm at a loss which one to go for.” Celestia grumbled.


“Yes, option paralysis is a real thing.” Celestia huffed.

“Fine then we shall do our part in this conflict, we have a prank that shall surely cause them to beg for mercy and to surrender.” Luna smirked waving her mug.

“Ummm are you sure about that Lulu?” Celestia frowned.” You've never been the best at pranking.”

“Of course we are. Our pranks are legendary, did you not see the look on the face of that one noble from Mosscow when our last prank came to fruition?” Luna stated.

“Luna no one saw his face because you simply teleported in and hit him with banana cream pies for fifteen minutes. We thought he drowned.” Celestia chided, then paused.” Actually I would like to see what the Sparkles would do if you did that.....”

“Nay, we have a much better plan this time, and they shall never recover from it. MuWAH HA HA!” Luna cackled.

“Well at least this will give me the time to figure out what I'll do next.” Celestia sighed.

[Wonderbolt HQ]

"So you're complaining cause they gave you a nickname?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Yeah, i don't want Rainbow Crash to follow me through my whole life." Rainbow Dash grumbled.

"Would you prefer it to be Daddy?" Spike grinned getting a murderous glare from Rainbow Dash.

"Don't you bring that up again." Rainbow Dash growled as Spike cackled.

"Question." Firefly raised a hoof, the changeling in his 'Scootaloo colors' disguise

"Dash made the Rainboom that startled Twilight into hatching Spike and pulled Rahs from the Oneiroi. The pair of them started calling Dash Daddy and gitting her fathers day cards and crap. He thinks tha joke's still funny." Applebloom offered in deadpan, clearly long used to explaining this sort of thing while Spike was cackling.

"No further questions." Firefly lowered his hoof.

"Rainbow Dash seriously. You're gonna have to deal with it, no flier gets to pick their call sign, they're either assigned one or earn a nickname some how. Do you think Bradshaw wanted the name Goose? No, he plowed into a flock of them during a trick and the name stuck. Heck he's got the most valuable trading card now because of a misprint that left an 'o' out of his nickname. Fleetfoot earned Flatfoot cause she stomped on the Captain's hoof, Misty Fly's is Dizzy because she nearly knocked herself out in a triple loop, Surprise is Slowpoke cause she's got the worst off the mark speed, High Winds got Hoof in Mouth because he ran into the back of another flier and nearly choked on her back leg. Dad got called Clipper cause his first day off the ground he clipped a flagpole with a wing and spent a week in medical after his first day. And I'm legally bound by two NDAs not to say mom's out loud."

"I guess Crash isn't that bad then......wait.... Dad? Mom?" Rainbow Dash blinked, her brain trying to process."Your folks are Wonderbolts? Who?"

"DANG IT!! Scootaloo flat out told her and she didn't git it, AH was So close!" Applebloom ranted.” That pot is massive ah coulda retired!”

“Retired from what?” Sweetiebelle asked.

"Ahh there you are. I heard you and your friends were in the building. I should have expected it after that mess outside."

Rainbow Dash turned, her eyes getting even wider as Spitfire trotted past her scooping Scootaloo up into a hug.

"Hi Mom!" Scootaloo chimed in .

"You guys wanna get something to eat?" Spitfire asked, “I've got about an hour of lunch break. I've heard there's a new place on the row that the Guards like, supposedly it was endorsed by Prince Sparkle too."

"Oh yeah, The Tasty Treat, we went on a date there last week." Sunset chimed in. "Foods great. Wasn't quite hot enough for me last time, but the main chef said she'd have something for me next time I came by."

"What." Rainbow Dash stammered.

"Is dad coming?" Scootaloo asked.

"Nah, Soarin's still got a ton of paperwork to do before he's to go any where. I mention food to him and he'll never get it done." Spitfire chuckled.

"Spitfire and Soarin....?" Rainbow Dash stammered.

Sweetiebelle sighed. "Well I'm out my bits. Who had Spitfire herself telling Dash?"

"I think it was Fireball again." Spike offered. "I'll have to check the notes for the pot when we get back to town. I know Rahs and Twilight are going to be mad. I was sure Pinkie Pie was gonna let it slip since no one made her promise not to."

"My sister's still winning the betting pools huh?" Spitfire snorted before the group started heading out leaving Rainbow Dash staring after them.

"WHAT!?!?" Rainbow Dash yelled.

Author's Note:

Another filler chapter from me and now we're into fall. I've got a new art commission coming and if you haven't been looking at my blog post I am getting interviewed on a podcast this Friday by THESE guys.

It promises to be weird.

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