• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 - TDR

A continuation into season Six with the Sparkles and their friends and acquaintances.

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Gauntlet of Firestone, part 9

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

Gauntlet of Firestone,
part 9

"Well. That was a thing." Spike sighed. Most of the dragons were still around, some having some sort of a party, Searing Basalt was still taunting Mable and her bridge club, though most of the other dragons had wandered off not really caring one way or another.

"So. Trixie is now Dragon Lord and thus in charge of all dragons correct?" Trixie asked Bleu. "Can you use the spell you used on Trixie back at the deal with the Storm King please?"

"You're not in charge of dragon gods." Bleu frowned.

"This is why Trixie asked and said please as well." Trixie placated.

Bleu continued to stare at the mare before she shrugged. ”Not like I was gonna use that spell on anyone any way.”

“Wait, you're going to use the companion spell on Trixie?” Twilight demanded.

“Problem?” Bleu asked with a stupid looking grin.

“No but..... well, this wasn't what I designed it for.” Twilight huffed as Bleu worked on casting the spell.

“Yeah well, dragons live a long time and I can't think of anyone I've ever dated I want to be around forever with me. Besides, this has the possibility of being very amusing.”

“Seriously?” Spike asked.

“Yeah seriously, Look. Dragons were the first race on Equss, we had the first god, I was born before ponies had formed tribes and were still feral plains creatures. There's only been two dragon gods before me. I'm one of the the oldest non primordial gods around. So excuse me if I get my entertainment where I can.” Bleu rolled her eyes finishing the spell.

Rahs blinked and looked over as Trixie had the spell cast on her. He had heard she had done this before from Applejack, but he hadn't managed to see her before she was changed back.

His eyes widened as the spell ended and Trixie stood there on her back legs, bipedal now. She still had her lower hooves, though her legs were digigrade, her front hooves more like Spike's claws and her head was still mostly pony shaped with a forked horn emerging from her forehead like a kirin's. Her head had spines along her jaw and she had a long draconic tail that ended in a tuft of white hair like the long tresses falling down her head to the base of said tail.

Rahs was also greatly distracted by the scaled underbelly she had and how it worked over her rather large breasts, which were about eye level with him as she was as tall as Jynx now. She was also completely nude and still kept some mammalian features that were not talked about in polite company. He barely noticed she had wings, but he could be forgiven for that given the way she shifted and wiggled looking herself over.

“Hmm, Trixie will need to ask Rarity for a new wardrobe.” Trixie offered before noting Rahs staring at her. She blushed deeply her face turning purple as she quickly cast a spell covering herself in the illusion of clothing befitting a stage magician, though her cloak and hat seemed fine ,if ill fitting over her new horn.

“Woof.” Rahs muttered getting a glare from his siblings.

Trixie looked herself over, checking the illusion. “There we are, much better.”


The group turned and looked at the massive black dragon with huge curling horns storming up to them. Torch and Bleu sighed as the father of one of the contestants stormed up.

“I will not allow a pony to be the Dragon Lord!” the dragon roared pointing a claw at Trixie. ”Even with the Dragon god's spell, that thing is an abomination to dragon kind.”

“Rude.” Trixie huffed.

“If you don't like it then you can challenge her to the position, the same as I have allowed before.” Torch shrugged. “I care not who is Dragon Lord at this point. My time is over for it.”

“Meh.” Bleu shrugged looking at Trixie. ”If you're gonna be Dragon Lord girly, expect this sort of crap.”

“Seriously.. she just got the title. While I don't like it.....”Twilight muttered standing up along with Rahs.

“Sparkles please seat yourself. Trixie will deal with this.” Trixie stated waving off Twilight who snorted.

“Your funeral.” Twilight sighed looking up at the massive dragon looming over the mare. Rahs hesitated though he offered the dragon a glare before stepping back.

“Are you the only one who has issue with The Great and Powerful Dragon Lord Trixie?” Trixie demanded as everyone backed up making a large clear area like had been in the fighting tourney portion of the Gauntlet.

The black dragon looked behind him at a group of others who were shrugging though more than a few of them nodded. “There are.”

“Good, Trixie will only accept one challenge per year and only on this date, that is her first decry. If you win you can keep or drop the rule though it likely will only favor you to keep it.” Trixie offered.

“So then what is your name? Trixie needs to know what to put on your tombstone.” The show mare tilted her head looking up at him as she rested her claws on her hips.

“Charcoal, and there won't be enough of you left to bury!!” The dragon roared and slammed his claw down onto the spot Trixie was.

The illusion of Trixie huffed looking up at him from where it was sticking out through his claw. “Is that your best shot?”

“Coward!” Charcoal snarled.

“Please. You are four times my size easy, Trixie would have to be stupid to take you on claw to hoof or claw... well whatever, no one wants a stupid Dragon Lord.”

“Show yourself!” Charcoal snarled breathing flame across the area turning the ground to molten rock before him.

“Hmm alright.” Trixie offered appearing in the air by his nose her wings flapping lazily. ”I suppose it's Trixie's turn. Darkness beyond twilight...”

The dragons claw lashed through the flying Trixie hitting nothing but air. Another Trixie appeared her claws starting to glow all three of the illusions moving through the same motions.

“Crimson beyond blood that flows....”

“I'm not scared of that spell mare, your illusions mean nothing to me!” Charcoal snarled sweeping the next illusion along with a large portion of the ground with his tail.

“Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows. I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand.....”

The dragon roared smashing another illusion ripping apart the ground as he tried to figure out where Trixie was.

“Before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy claw...”

Every time Charcoal smashed an illusion a new one popped up and the one smashed continued on as if the dragon had done nothing.

“Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed...”.

This lead to a number of illusions getting smashed more than once, and due to the savagery dozens of Trixie's were around Charcoal going through the movements and words of the spell, all with a proper glow, both in the air and the ground.

“By the power you and I possess...” Trixie finished as the dragon roared and set everything around him on fire again.


The beam launched from all the Trixie's claws at once, though Rahs and Twilight's attention snapped to one of the Trixie's in the front that had been hit at least twice with the fire breath and had no noticeable marks due to it.

The massive blast lit up the area and there was an explosion as the top of the Flame-Cano was evaporated by the blast.

All the dragons stared at the the remains of the Flame-cano, then back to Charcoal who was staring wide eyed at the real Trixie standing before him the side of his head chard a little and one of his massive horns completely gone.

“Darn. Trixie missed.” The draconian mare grinned showing her fangs.” Ready for round two? Trixie hasn't tried that 'Burst rando' thing Princess Luna has taught her yet.”

“Nope.” Charcoal stated and took off into the air flying away as fast as he could, wobbling a little to the left due to the missing weight of his horn.

“Well now that that is over” Trixie huffed as Bleu cackled. ”You Blue one!”

Trixie shouted out an pointed at Ember.

“What?” Ember demanded.

“That's 'What The Great and Powerful Dragon Lord Trixie?”

“I'm not saying all that.” Ember grumbled.

“Whatever. Eat this.” Trixie reached into her hat pulling out a sapphire and tossed it to Ember.

“A gem?” Ember regarded it before shrugging and eating it. After a few moments she winced coughed and spit out a gout of green fire.

“Was that a messenger gem?” Twilight demanded.” When did you learn THAT spell!?”

“Wuff.” Rahs added pointing at Spike.

“Yeah I taught it to her so she could keep up with Rahs through me, but she never managed it before.” Spike shrugged

“It tastes like pine cones.” Ember coughed.

“Yes, you are now linked to Trixie. Trixie put that together last night after recovering the scepter. Of which here.” Trixie tossed the scepter to Ember as well.

“Wait you're giving up being a Dragon Lord?” Torch questioned. ”Shortest reign ever.”

“Trixie is not. Trixie just has other things to do and can't be hanging around here all the time beating down idiots, there wouldn't be anyone left. So Trixie is appointing that one her regent to run things in her stead while Trixie is busy. If you need anything you can contact Trixie with that spell, Trixie figures being led by an actual dragon might calm some of the issues here, not to mention some of your ideas are worth merit. Trixie allows you to implement them as you see fit.”

Ember blinked.

“What else do you have to do that you're letting me run things?” Ember frowned.

“Trixie has to win Fuzzy after all.” Trixie offered before rushing over and grabbing Rahs hugging him to her chest as she giggled madly.

“You could do that?” Torch questioned looking down at his mother who was cackling like a loon.

Rahs however found out several things, one, Trixie was a lot stronger than she looked, two Trixie was only wearing an illusion of clothing, and three her scales were still pretty soft.

“Congratulations.” Trixie offered to Ember, before she turned back to the other dragons with a glare still crushing Rahs to her chest.

“CHEER!” Trixie bellowed in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

The dragons cheered.

“Let my brother breath you crazy mare” Twilight huffed.

Author's Note:

Artwork is by commission though i can't find the artists information to give credit here if any one can remind my dumb ass who i paid to draw something for me here please do so.

Agnieszka Wiśniewska is who i think did it going by my payment log , but they might have done the other work i had ..... ugh. I need to keep better records

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