• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 - TDR

A continuation into season Six with the Sparkles and their friends and acquaintances.

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Top Blue Eyes White

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

Top Blue Eyes White

[Ponyville nearing the end of winter. Seshat]

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow as she looked over at Rahs, who was spread out on the couch with a large bag of ice in his lap.

"I know I rushed back here to see what the table wanted from the Academy, but what the hay is up with your brother?" Dash questioned glancing back at Twilight then to Spike nearby who was pouring over a bunch of game books spread out on a table.

"Evidently on that last table mission Applejack and Jynx decided they were going to take him out on the town while in Las Pegasus." Twilight sighed. "They then decided they were going to take him a bit further and nearly broke him. Fluttershy said they had drug him off and she came right back to Ponyville. She also asked me to ask you if you know any one who wants a pride of white lions."

"Really AJ and Jynx?" Dash whistled ignoring the animal question. Tank was enough for her.

"Yup." Twilight sighed.

"And he's still alive?" Dash questioned.

"Barely." Rahs whimpered.

"Pinkie called it death by snu snu." Twilight added.

Rainbow Dash considered as the pair of them walked into the map room leaving Rahs to his likely broken hips, and Spike to his game prep, the dragon not even having noticed that they walked past.

"If those two have teamed up on him I need to change my bet." Rainbow Dash nodded.

"I was already betting on Applejack, but if it's a team up I only get half. Why, who did you have bits on?" Twilight asked.

"Sunset. Great as I think AJ is, i didn't think she had the same drive as Sunset does to claim him." Rainbow Dash nodded.” Guess I was wrong, and teaming up with Jynx too...”

"I thought you bet on Saturnia." Twilight hummed looking over the map table.

"I change it up occasionally. Mostly to see who's copying me thinking I have any extra insight to the betting pool being friends with you guys." Dash shrugged.

"Fair enough, lets see where we are going..... Oh..." Twilight frowned.

"What is it something bad?"

"Not bad per-say.. but we're being called to the Wonderbolt Academy." Twilight explained.

"I just came from there!" Dash protested.

[Canterlot, 7am ]

Celestia yawned as she slipped out of bed with a low grumble, her hooves clicking on the floor as she ignored the gold slippers. She stretched out with a yawn, her wings fanning out wide as she cricked her neck. Say what you will about winter, the fact she got to sleep in more, and call it a day sooner made it her favorite season, it wasn't like the cold bothered her anyway.

Still with spring coming she needed to start raising the sun earlier, she already felt Luna lower the moon, the shift of the astrological bodies a better wake up call than a dozen alarm clocks. It was also strongly agreed by both of them that they wouldn't abuse this as a way to mess with each other.

They mostly abided by that rule.

Still Celestia didn't have anything going on until nine, so she could take it a bit easier, maybe get a nice bath before having to go out and deal with other people.

Still groggy, Celestia followed her instinct more than her eyes making her way to the door out to the balcony she raised the sun from, her magic pulling open the door allowing the sharp snap of a cold wind to blow in, her hooves switched from clicking on stone to thudding into accumulated snow that had fallen in the night.

She shivered letting out a soft murr at the cold wind that woke her up a bit more. She raised her head horn glowing as she felt for the sun, reaching her magic out to take hold of it , and opened her eyes to watch the sun rise.

She opened her eyes fully to find she was nose to nose with a grinning Twilight Sparkle.

A grinning Twilight sparkle hundreds of feet across, dusted with snow, and carved out of solid granite that was staring unblinkingly into her bedroom from the balcony with eyes larger than the bedroom itself.

The sun shot up rather quickly that morning and many were woken by the shriek of the Solar Princess.

A short time later with the sun in the sky the entirety of Canterlot and much of the surrounding country side that could see the Maneterhorn from this facing were able to view the towering statures of Twilight , Rahs , and Spike all arrayed around Canterlot Castle and poised. Twilight's statue took up most of the main courtyard and was staring into Celestia's window with a large grin, her nose right at the level of the balcony. Rahs' statue was hunched over the main throne room and his wide fang filled maw was just over the top of the main entrance to the castle like a cat ready to eat some one. Spike's statue took up the eastern courtyard and was poised , fanged maw wide, like he was about to take a bit out of Luna's tower.

Princess Celestia stared at the monolithic statues and frowned.

"Our revenge shall be swift and merciless." Celestia cackled.

Author's Note:

A filler chapter as the episode itself was kinda dull

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